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Reminder that the votes for the board was spammed and the one

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Reminder that the votes for the board was spammed and the one with 13 votes should be used. One guy made four of the banners to spite the board.

If it were anything but /mlp/ it would be withdrawn.
Thank you for adding to the 30 semi-permanent pony threads on /qa/.
You'll get over it

Looks like they're having a cry about it on /mlp/

Must avoid tormenting
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That's what you get for spamming /qa/ with your crap.
dogs eat dog food
This is a legitimate issue and no other board would be made to put up with it. If the board has issues, /qa/ has to be a place to discuss it.
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Let it go anon. It's six years later and they still can't ease that butt blasted pain. We got a shitty banner. Happens.
I'm talking about the other 30 billion threads about poyshit that keep being spammed and necro-bumped by you autists. Maybe you shouldn't have done that if you're looking for compassion here now. All I'm gonna say is that you deserve it.
>Being bothered by the existence of threads that you don't like
It's like the hide button was made for no reason
I remember when they were gloating over the possibility of shoving MLP in everyone's faces via a banner
>Tell others that they're mad
>You're all literally upset about a few banners
Maybe MLP is a relevant issue that a lot of people have questions about. Ever think of that, or do you prefer conspiracy theories?
Stop letting it upset you and they'll stop having that attitude. The winning banner of /mlp/'s actual choice was simple and inconspicuous anyway, just a pony reading a book.
>Deliberately posting pony images, knowing that it's against the rules
>Wonder why nobody wants to take your case on or discuss it with rationality
It was this one barneyfag votespamming >>655907
>Stop letting it upset you
So wait, your solution is not to post bait in general or gloat about posting bait, but to ignore it completely and they'll stop? Because that's not what's happening here anyway.
Your opinion means nothing, since you are a /q/edditor. Head back to your safe space, baby. The grown ups who don't get triggered by cartoons are talking.
>He finds the idea of not biting bait eventually stopping people from baiting unbelievable

Seriously? I miss when "don't feed the troll" was a thing. Now it's all Tumblr "feed until they explode" shit.
>Lol ur a redditor xD
>I'm a grown-up though
Nice self-defeating argument.
You'd want the rules followed on your own board, wouldn't you? I'd follow the rules on your board if I went there, you should probably have the same respect for other people if you want to be respected.
Barneyfag, I don't know if you'll ever read this, but I just want you to know that I hope whatever personal issues you have get resolved. Genuinely, without sarcasm. I hope things get better for you.

Maybe you even find a girl that you fall in love with, and she falls in love you with. Wish you the best.
That's a good point nigga.
You do know he's a legit turbo autist, right? Actually mentally fucked?
He's actually a lawyer. No I'm serious. He is a fucking lawyer.
Well now I do, still hope he feels better about himself one day.
The retard posting ponies in this thread should stop. We are in agreement here, family.

Yeah, no. He has a Film Studies degree and has sworn off ever getting a job because MLP had an episode about how being a NEET is bad.
No, he's definitely a lawyer.
The only way for barneyfag to resolve his issues is to commit suicide. People born as vegetables are more suspectible to rehabilitation.
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Do you have expectations of people that are being violated right now?
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/mlp/ submitted a shitton of banners for its size and wound up splitting the vote too much.

I do wonder though if this means obvious hater/anti-board banners should even be allowed through, because there will probably only be 1-2 for a board, and that gives trolls a very easy target to rally around while the other hundreds of votes go off to whatever other 50+ banners were sent.

As we will go up the list of boards, the bigger the board, the more likely they are to have a significant anti/hate base, and like I said if the anti-board pass users have an easy target to rally on while the rest of the board splits up on the legit entries then that's just bullshit waiting to happen. /mlp/ is an outlier though as there are probably few boards more unanimously disliked than it; maybe it won't be so bad besides them, but if this starts a shitty trend, I say just nix it and give them 3rd.
It's democracy. You don't turn out and shell out for the vote, you don't get a say. Sorry, but that's how it's always worked. A few people with a 4chan pass on /mlp/ could have outranked and outvoted Barneyfag but didn't.
/mlp/ was like the only board who were into it

All the other boards were decidedly "meh" about this whole thing

/mlp/ was carrying on like it was this big important thing to culturally represent them
What is the point of this post? You're not saying anything. Everybody already knows what happened.
>/qa/ has to be a place to discuss it.
Are you green or do you seriously not get it by now?
No one wants horsefuckers here, no one outside of the related containment board.
Most anons would rather the board didn't exist and most moderators would rather the posters on that board were dead.
The only place to "discuss" horsefucker shit is on the containment board for horsefuckers. This is not a complex concept to grasp, for fuck sake.
brb, making a banner for /v/ made of up Jack Thompson quotes about how video games are destroying the moral fabric of our society

or maybe I'll make one for /lgbt/ that's literally just a Westboro Baptist Church sign and the web address of the KKK
i created a copypasta for all lazyfags 2lazy2write so there is no excuse for not sending mods a complaint

/mlp/ contest banner griefing

To whoever it may concern:

The banners that finished in 1st, 2nd and 4th place in the /mlp/ banner contest where designed specifically to be insulting to users of the board that the banner was supposed to promote. The banner contest was crated to help users find interesting new boards by sharing a gif or image that would portray the board in a positive light. These banners work against the administration's intended purpose.

The most interesting part is, however, that the culprit on /qa/ admitted themselves that is was a quote "shit tier anti-/mlp/ banner". The post is archived at this link: >>655907 In the case that the thread is deleted, the post is saved here: http://imgur.com/a/w5AaQ

If boards such as /sp/ and /vp/ can have banners that they felt where offensive be disqualified, i think it is only fair that we have these immature, provoking banners disqualified as well. There is a thread on /qa/ where anons are complaining about the same issue: >>665740

Thank you for your consideration
Boy you sure changed my mind with those hot opinions!
>You're not saying anything abloo bloo bloo!
Shut the fuck up. I said all that needed to be said, unlike your nitpicky autistic faggot whining you cockgobbling retard. Why don't you just keep your Goddamn mouth shut instead of opening it to prove you're a fucking moron and prove you're going to accept my cock when I'm through serving you with those post you fucking faggot? I made a fucking point and you're just mad for some fucking reason that I said it. It's how it fucking works, it's the point and fact of the matter, and nobody gives a shit what rubber-necking crying-ass faggots like you have to say about it because it's clear this is the peak of what you can offer in a fucking discussion. Abso-fucking-lutely nothing of value, just bitching, moaning and crying about what others say. Yeah you may know what happened, whoopty fucking do for you, I'm sure you feel special. I'm outlining it because the situation needed a Goddamn underlining with that fucking fact you stupid fucking cunt. My fucking God, if I were a moderator I'd ban you for making such a fuck-all useless post that adds the very nothing you're telling me I'm adding, because you're adding fuck-all to the conversation and furthermore you're a useless Goddamn cunt-dropping of a faggot.

Keep your Goddamn mouth shut and either fucking respond on topic or don't say anything at all.
>Being bothered by the existence of banners you don't like
Tell me how you really feel.
>brb, making a banner for /v/ made of up Jack Thompson quotes about how video games are destroying the moral fabric of our society
That would be pretty funny and the majority of /v/irgins would find it amusing.

Nigger, you don't it: you have no voice on this site. You are literally forced into containment away from everyone else, enshrined into the fucking rules of how the site is governed.
What you think is entirely irrelevant. Every single poster on /mlp/ could be rounded up and thrown into the Pacific and the most that would happen as a result would be maybe a few threads on /b/ or some other boards having a bit of a chuckle. I'm sure gingermod would make some sticky on either [r9k] or /tv/, mocking such an event.

Mods don't want you here.
Anons don't want you here.
Take a fucking hint already, mate: 4chan is not and never will be remotely welcoming of horsefuckers.
Oh fuck off to Reddit or someplace else, it's like you faggots want the rest of us to come and rape your fucking board in all its filthy holes. Cunt.
Calm down, madfag. You're dropping entire words.
Are you trying to frighten me or something? I don't understand what's happening.
To be fair it kinda was a big thing since absolutely none of their content is allowed anywhere but on their board.
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>Being bothered at all
>Not transcending the need for mortal emotions
>Simply caring for the needs of the chaff
I look down upon you all.
It's not for lack of trying though

There once was a time where rule 15 didn't exist
That sure was a long post about how upset you think I am, Anon! Great job!
You mad.
A banner about Anita Sareesian would probably offend them more.
Atta boy! See, that's all you needed!

GR15 was enacted the same day /mlp/ was created.
You mad.
>GR15 was enacted the same day /mlp/ was created.

Yes.....I'm talking about before /mlp/ was created
Why? That was such a long time ago.
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Before /mlp/ it was a tough time in /co/.
/mlp/ truly was a force to be reckoned with. It was like a weapons grade Steven Universe.
Thanks, sending.
It reflects how 4chan feels about bronies. You're lucky you have a board at all and didn't wind up mass-banned like /fur/ all those years ago.

You're outcasts. Stop pretending to be anything else than that.
>You're outcasts
>outcasts among outcasts

I fail to see your point to be quite honest with you.
You're outcasts relative to 4chan, which is saying something.
>which is saying something
What does it say?
Looks like ironic voting to me
autistic people from deviantart are literally wasting their lives on us out of spite? also technically we are 4chan just as it literally came and started from 4chan.
MLPG had a hard life.
Reminder that no one cares about your containment board.

Reminder that you are easy to spot as a single autistic person who is apparently just learning /mlp/ is a joke.

Reminder that if your users were anything tlike the rest of 4chan they'd shrug this shit off as bantz and move on.

Reminder that the majority of /mlp/ users literally argue "we aren't Bronies, we're Horsefuckers" so they literally identify with these banners.
>Reminder that the only reason that board fucking exists in the first place is because of autistic fucks like you that need safe spaces
Go back to tumblr faggot.
Yeah, the fact /mlp/ exists as a containment board for people triggered by horses is silly.

But regardless, it exists. And 4chan culture treats it as a joke. This is hardly new.
banners have always been self deprecating, get over yourself
the fact that the first reminder literally cannibalized the entire post is pretty funny. also btw /mlp/ is a mix of new people and people from 4chan. also the point of we aren't Bronies, we're Horsefuckers is to seperate for the mentally retarded people who can't seem to figure out facebook bronies =/ 4channers who like ponies but you're clearly taking the internet far too seriously as well as awkwardly trying to grasp for ghostly winds of multiple people on an anonymous imageboard anyway and for the wrong reasons anyway.

if you're going to take something serious use it to create good enjoyable things not an awkward moping shitfest nobody wants and you'll find the time better spent. there is one person here: anonymous.
the banner isn't self depreciating but accusations of a retarded manchild in place of a potential pony banner. for depreciating with a comedic spin that is basically the horsefucker slang thrown around to the point it's also a joke.
>Self Deprecating
No, it was made by a faggot from another who then spammed it on other threads to get it upvoted.

Self deprecating would be if it came from the same board.
Too autistic, couldn't read.
>Le one guy did it conspiracy
Even of he did, so what?
Learn to deal with it and laugh at how much trouble he went to. Fucking deal with it.
And now it exists.
Get over it.
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So that's why you're on tumblr and deviant art all the time.
that seems unlikely considering deviantart has larger walls of text on more autistic topics. Hope your brain cools down soon so you can try again in the future, we've seen the 'tardstorms.
Still prefer an actual board representative banner as intended.
Sure anon, sure.
Is English not ypour first language then?
Because this >>665977 made almost no sense.
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So does /mlp/ but you can't get over that can you?

Too autistic, couldn't read.
It does represent youtr board.
Why are you samefagging?
> And now it exists.
> Get over it.
the irony
> """playing""" fucktarded
> Is English not ypour first language?
> Ypour
enough said
Everyone is fine with your containmemt board existing. No one has said to the contrary.
Try again faggot.
Seriously, why are you samefagging?
barneyfag coincidentally does this as well when he overheats. the occasional wrong letter at an abnormally high rate.
it doesn't represent the board or the good things about it. it's just the autistic ravings of an assblasted retard who's been obsessed with a cartoon for six years.
it exists because people were not fine with the content existing before to the point of spamming it to get it banned. but lemme guess """pretending""" to be retarded.
Then why do you both type the same arguments reworded within seconds of each other and use a similar style of typing?
because people can share the same conclusions about things that share common traits.
Yeah, we get it, you, all one of you, is upset and everyone is Barneyfag.

Get over yourself.
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>only quotes one post
When are you starting school again?

Maybe because more then one person may have a like opinion on the internet you fucktard, and has actually passed anhighschool level English course?
Which doesn't explain the short gap or the similar style of phrasing.
I'm more tempted to assume you just have two or more devices with separate IPs to make the thread seem artificially populated.
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>more then one person disagrees with me
>"They must be samefagging"
People this retarded exist.
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not everyone just people who vomit random letters on the keyboard when upset over my little pony after six years.
> Get over yourself.
oh man if only you had taken this advice years ago. hell even know would be a good time.
> Two people of the same conclusion? they must be... THE SAME PERSON!
two people agree you're retarded simultaneously and kick flip off the deviantart is autistic and sperg over ponies riff at the same time.
You "two" never interact with each other either.
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You're complaining of grammatically correct phrasing for multiple posts. You do realize that with such short posts it's impossible to build a thumbprint to identify a samefag with right?

But hell if it makes you sleep easier at night then you can pretend all you want that everyone is samefagging in this thread and you are truly one of two people here.

Why would we, we have the same argument and it's directed against you.
>Damage Control.
Because interacting with eachother would disprove a samefag.
that's retarded. a person could easily fake a conversation if not easier that way.
it also doesn't matter if it's two people because if they're saying the same things you could hit both with one post in this instance.
That's nice.
How's that banner?
when ya getting toasted and have the topic.txt
>I'm not going to talk to the "other guy" because reasons.
OK =)
4chan must be a hellish place for you if everyone posts as anon.

hre ill just start typin lik tis 2 mke u feel gud inside k? Dat must men thres 2 people here.

Pretty sweet. Sailor moon with a floppy? 10/10
That's nice.
How's that banner?
I like it. It suits your board.
but that literally doesn't disprove anything. a conversation could be far more easily faked in fact.
hey famalam
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Wouldn't someone samefagging try to force the interaction with his other thread persona to disregard that argument >>666010 ?

Oh right, he's just trying to derail the thread
it's not wrong but it doesn't have anything to do with ponies. the sad part is if it had a pony on it and was prettier I would actually like it but it's MSpaint.
You realise that the "two" of you deciding to do the same thing at the exact same time is suspect right?
I mean, I guess you have a passion to go to this kind of length. To shitposting in /qa/ to protest a banner that triggers you.

I just find it kinda sad.
One of the three literally does.
The other two are about board culture.
>If it were anything but /mlp/ it would be withdrawn.
Fuck off with your persecution complex.
Pretty much this. Shit design.

If you're going to troll a board of horsefuckers at least be a bit fucking classy about it. I remember when 4chan actually put effort into shitting on other boards.

Now it's just low tier caused by tumblrtards that are enraged that their safespaces are constantly infringed upon on 4chan.

Fucking depresses me desu. To think if we didn't have /mlp/ the brony menace wouldn't become as big as it fucking did and it would've died off years before. Literally creating your own evil.

Hey whatever floats your boat dude.
It's not like there's a 30 second post limit timer

He's not wrong you know
> deciding to do the same thing at the exact same time
holy shit people reaching the same conclusions. fuck me I knew I should've just typed duck duck duck over again instead of considering the outlines.
also the verdict on the banner is literally above your post but you had too much of a brainfart to read it anyway.

this projection is answering some questions though. also starting to sound a lot like barneyfag.
Two devices with two IPS don't have that delay.
>The verdict
You mean a post you agree with?
tumblr wouldn't have the drive, this is deviantart autism fueled rage. burns 6 miles to the gallon.
that would require turning the router off for a minute though. also it's not phones because two posts above with images didn't use image.jpg. none of this matters anyway because of dissected in.
no I just meant myself referring to my above post.
missing a link to
So its a desktop and a laptop.
One is using a different network.
It's not hard to do, its just sad to go to the trouble just to pretend you have people agreeing with you.
those would be on the same IP though would they not.
> two people disagree with me... they MUST BE THE SAME PERSON
there used to be a comic highlighting how stupid this is. it's also completely pointless because once again of
here. this post.
surely not going to miss it this time.
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Nor would two users but being that it's entirely impossible to prove or disprove of samefagging on an anonymous image board to an autistic fuck as yourself... you might as well just shut the fuck up.

No you don't understand. I am literally every Anonymous user on 4chan. Even you.
impossible. I'm Anonymouss.
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The irony is it's equally sad if you flip the argument which is the case. But being this is an anonymous image board and you're fucking retarded this will be the unanswered question that will forever plague your life.

Anyway yea, /mlp/ banner is complete shit that was clearly a raid and should be removed or at least replaced with something that isn't complete half assed troll attempt.
No, they wouldn't.
If ypou had your desktop via one ISP and the laptop via another either through a wireless network, a mobile network that connected to another different ISP they would appear to be different devices. If you ran one through a proxy, etc. There are plenty of methods that even the most techno illiterate could pull off by just having two devices.
Did the mods take down the /sp/ pony banner?
>Half assed
If this thread is anything to go by, at least one person was trolled by it.
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Why the fuck would you bother on an anonymous board to get a 30 second timer to reset? Are you seriously this fucking retarded?

In my day trolls actually put some effort into it. I mean it's a shitty fucking design for a banner and low tier bait to boot that only the most autistic of horsefuckers. I'd agree to get it removed because it is a pile of shit, and is firmly against the whole point of the banner contest.

The Dexter Lab subbanner of the pony getting punched is an excellent example of a good troll.
>One person supposedly made these banners
>A raid
this is actually a pretty good attempt compared to the usual just pretending to be retarded on basically every board but like I said the banner is ugly
and no ponies although that is less of a necessity but nice. trolling is a careful ruse not being retarded.

also the MSpaint looking banner is going to be in 4chan's rotation forever. where's the AESTHETICS?
You would bother because threads track IPs as unique users in the bottom right.
You would do it to be able to samefag.
Try to keep up.
>I'd agree to have it removed
With yourself.
One person made them.
Shoved them in a thread outside of /mlp/ and asked others to vote them up. Raid. Or ballot stuffing.
>No ponies
Are you retarded?
Look at the third banner.
What's that thing if not a pony?
Yeah, that's not a raid.
And conflating this with electoral fraud now...?
You realise you can ignore the banners right?
talking about the #1 winner only. only one banner is picked.
unintended external influence on a board themed banner basically.
That's not a troll banner retard. The 3rd one was a legit. But the mods weren't clear if GR15 applied to banners or not so whatever.

I don't show banners anyway so I don't really give a fuck.
One guy creating banners isn't a raid. It becomes a raid when that one guy asks others to vote for a specific set of banners in an attempt to inflict butthurt.
>External influence
People use multiple boards anon.
How new are you?
>I don't give a fuck
Sure doesn't look that way.
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Rustled your jimmies haven't I?
if GR15 applied to banners they wouldn't've offered a banner presumably also advertisements have had ponies on them in the past. some asshat bought a troll pony banner.
the external influence was a raid request also the banner should probably be voted by people actually interested in the media.
/vp/ got a sonichu banner erected by some ungodly notion presumably from the same former problem and had threads on it.
Is not something you would say if you weren't invested, but OK, whatever you want to believe.
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>Dammit I can't go with the samefagging bait, I need to change my methods.
You know you aren't getting rid of it right?
You know /mlp/ is ajoke, and mods will keep it precisely because it upsets you, right?
Nah, you "both" kinda bore me now.
ya never know. also as mentioned it's more that the presentation of it is bad then the content.

mods are shooting themselves in the foot if they accept it though because barneyfag was running out of steam and this is basically going to give him a whole new blessing of steam so they're basically shooting themselves in the foot there.
[spoiler] the barneyfag /v/ threads he makes to try to keep ponies an issue are always hilarious but frowned upon for obvious reasons. [/spoiler]

if mods actually cared about him they could actually get a pony banner as a middle finger. also according to moot's word on several occasions he didn't care about ponies or bronies at all.
Hasn't been part of the site for years lad.
Also, moot/hiro aren't the mods and Jannies.
>Shooting themselves in the foot
How exactly?
A small vocal minority of Horsefuckers get salty.
A single troll who is mostly on mlp gets emboldened.
Who cares?
>A single troll who is mostly on mlp gets emboldened.
He's on /mlp/ only on days like these. Most of the time he's everywhere but /mlp/
the shooting in the foot was explained right afterwards. pls read posts before replying to them. also barneyfag basically spends most of his time making those fucking threads on /v/.

he does scour /mlp/ to insult people though and made the mistake of telling people which one he hated the least when asked.
honestly I cared a bit. a pony related banner would've been nice as with all the things I like.
good luck figuring out his thought process I think he's poni-curious methinks
>He's everywhere
You sound kinda para.
But the explanation is meaningless.
One guy trolls a bit.
Oh no.
he didn't literally mean he's everywhere but meant he could be on any other board. I've seen him on pretty much all the popular boards even once because he makes the threads and thus chooses where he wants to be when he feels like it.
a bit?
You didn't saw him shitstorming on like four boards simultaneously.
the sad thing is him filling out captchas pre-emptively is a very real possibility if he doesn't have a pass but I'm pretty sure he does.
also most I've seen is two maybe three simultaneously.
Yes, a bit.
You do realise trolls have literally no power unless cunts respond to them, right?
that's the problem though he literally spams the thread himself. also the banner contest votes are a problem.

the power comes not from responding but from sheer dedication which has been pointed out. also he isn't trolling he's genuinely retarded and from deviantart. that's something important to remember.
>He spams the thread himself
So? Leave him to respond to himself.
>The banner are an issue
I disagree. Flip that on its head and laugh at him for wasting time and money. Acting like he's made a drama feeds him, you are doing what he wants. Don't act like he matters. Because he doesn't.
>He isn't trolling
Sure sounds like a troll.
>He's retarded
So ignore him and stop acting like anything he does matters.
I just saw the butts banner. Not kidding.

Barneyfag's about to flip.
>I do wonder though if this means obvious hater/anti-board banners should even be allowed through,

There is an /n/ banner of a cyclist getting run over by a car.

The voting process represents the feelings of the voting base as a whole. There's no real way to measure "board citizenship". Doesn't apply to who made the banners, and doesn't to who voted on the banners. And the portion of uses with passes has only a vauge relationship to the posting and lurking userbases anyways.

And in this case, the first two collected more votes than the next 4 or so combined, and I'm not sure if all of those are serious anyways.

That said, a banner obviously dedicated to whatever sort of insanity the Barneymeister is on is not a good idea along the same logic of why a banner dedicated to some tripfag would be a bad idea.

It honestly wouldn't surprise me if he picked up a dozen different 4chan passes to vote on this.

In any case, the mods can, and have historically done whatever the hell they want. Ignore the vote. Pick one at random. Have a banner variant with no horses show everywhere on 4chan but /mlp/ and /trash/. Turn it an obnoxious animated .swf file with a techno soundtrack.

It's not like some civil rights issue. Just roll with it.
Provide proof since I have adblock on. That's hilarious if true. WE CAN CHANGE THE WORLD IF WE POST ON /QA/.
Stop following his drama.
He is literally nothing without you responding to him.
Anon I will find you by IP and personally kiss you, if you ain't lying.

If you're lying, thank you for making me feel better even for a split second.
everything you said is basically already in action. he's ignored and deleted in his thread spam. I didn't say that was a problem but people actually wanted a pony banner although it was known this would happen.

trolling requires skill. barneyfag has had mental breakdowns and sperg implosions bringing laughter and joy to people for a while. he kind of actually matters now and it's being brought to attention in the thread because aforementioned people wanted an actual banner.
this. mods have the final say and it would not be unexpected if they just went with the top scorers.
It's not showing, he's just bullshitting

Bronies are fundamentally hypocrites, they'll never leave it alone.
Did you ignore the vast majority of his post?
He's saying its not a big deal.
You're still acting like its a big deal.

And your line of reasoning seems to be...odd...

>Don't allow the banner, coz this troll will troll more
So ignore him.
>Yeah, I already ignore him coz he's funny but the banner still matters.
I wasn't aware literally everyone watching a TV show caused hypocrisy.
barneyfag however is a hypocrite for watching powerpuff girls and has been caught projecting in several instances, go figure.
it's an issue. not a big deal but people would like a banner on something they like not wasted. you're basically making mountains out of molehills, once again nobody has said he is a problem until he actually affected something people actually cared slightly about perhaps blowing a large sum of money to do so.
But like the poster you supposedly agreed with said, Transport has a banner depicting someone on a bike being hit by a bus. They are cool with it, because they have a sense of humour. Since when was the internet, much less 4chan, much less a banner for a board for cartoon horses, serious business? Just chill out. It literally doesn't matter.
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Pic related
I can just never get over how meaningless it actually is to be a brony. Can you imagine the shame of their parents? It's like your grown-ass adult son coming out of his room with Teletubbies merch glued all over his skin. "This is who I am now, mom, get used to it!" Just completely inexplicable.

I notice they never much talk about their family or friends.
4chan user + ponies = 4chan user that likes ponies.
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This pretty much captures it. They know their son will never truly be a grown man.
Pic related indeed. /mlp/ is laughing at /qa/ and /qa/ is crying like the little bitch he is.
I can just never get over how meaningless it actually is to be a /q/tard. Can you imagine the shame of their parents? It's like your grown-ass adult son coming out of his room with anti-brony propaganda and global rules pictures glued all over his skin. "This is who I am now, mom, get used to it!" Just completely inexplicable.

I notice they never much talk about their family or friends.
Wow....that was clever
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It literally doesn't matter either way lad.
The other one was funnier, but this still gets the point across that your board sexualized a kids show.
>already damage controlling
Heh... you wanna know something funny, kid? I made the butts banner. Yeah, it was me. I made all three of the top banners. Your efforts were for nothing. Get fucking DESTROYED.
You act like this is important to anyone but you.
That it matters.
At all.
I stand by this >>666128
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>bronies are that much of gaint pissy babies they need to call for mods because they cant accept truth
It's not even real, he just photoshopped it.
That's kinda sad.
i wouldnt know because ive got 4chan x on so i dont see the banners because im not a cuck
Everything they do is fucking sad.
>/qa/ already THIS HARD in denial
You're literally like people who cover their ears and scream LALALALALALALALA
transport isn't constantly harrassed though nor do they get near as amount bullshit.
if someone posts a bike and acts retarded, people go "what a fool" mods go 3 day ban.

if someone posts a pony is retarded people go "what a foolish brony" and rule 15 people lose it because of it. even now the bias and hate autism can be seen in the thread.
>Constantly harassed
God damn, grow a sense of humour.
If someone who watches a cartoon can't laugh at themselves they really need to rethink existing.
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Hello future serial killer
So fursecuted
Really? You're going to pretend that it doesn't exist? Fucking kek.
It doesn't matter if it exists or not.
Here's the URL for a real board ad:


Supply a URL for the MLP ad hosted on 4chan-ads.org and I'll believe you
The most autistic thread I've ever seen.
Don't have to. You'll see it yourself if you just reload over and over.
Hm, there really is no argument against this. If the ad exists, providing the link should be easy. So if they can't, we instantly know they're full of shit. And if they can... well, the results are hilarious either way. Two fucking autists going at it.
We don't care that much.
But if ypou can't provide the link, we'll assume you just shopped shit.
> ypou
Yes, because of an tyypoo yoou geet too ignoree everytnig esle, rite?

Where's the link?
I think it's clear at this point that there is no link.
So, the question is why bother to shop it?
Madoka-threads on /a/ were more autistic.

One infamous one is >>>/a/138104175
The desustorage (defunct) / desuarchive (currently needs to be backed up) has a /ghost/-conversation that goes on for over 700 posts over the span of an entire week where the tripcode users and the so-called anticrackkun are accusing each another of samefagging and ruining Madoka-threads.

>banner telling the truth

Just deal with it
Anon, let's put "He was a tremendous faggot who loved to take big throbbing cocks down his ass" on your tombstone?
See - despite being true, it isn't a good thing to write on your tombstone - it isn't presentable enough for that purpose.

Same with the banner. The problem isn't the content - it's the shitty "20 seconds in MS Paint" design.
But people know i dont like cock so i dont need to dismiss it

People know pony fuckers are autistic
Are you a pony fucker too? Because you are also autistic.
>i dont like cock
Anon, I don't need to know you're into hate fucking, it's redundant information.
Barneyfag most likely voted multiple times thats not democracy thats fraud.
Dont forget to make a /tg/ banner with Lorain willams and a /co / banner of wertham.
Most of the website does not even care anymore especialy not /co/

They were auctualy largly sympathetic for /mlp/ about there banner.
>so they literally identify with these banners.
Thats the thing nobody on /mlp/ would argue that the text on the banner is incorrect but it was not made for /mlp/s benefit if it was it would have auctualy had a pony on it.
They have always been members of a board insulting themselves.

Its not the same thing here.
I remember i started a mamis head jokes thread on /a/ once the waifufags auctualy got legitimately upset.

Its not like i could not see it from there position shes my waifu to but that does not mean i cannot appreciate a joke.
Its bad because it does not even have a fucking pony on it.

Take the same thing but accompy it with a sexy pony and it could be an acceptable banner.

Besides if barneyfag wins thats just going to encourage his crusade he tasted victory and now he will never give up.
The pony banner needs to be something created by the users of /mlp/. Not something made out of spite.
Laughing at myself isn't fun if there isn't anyone who joins in.
Because thats made by /n/ for /n/ and has not blown there only chance to have some sort of representation outside there board.
there is no way of confirming that
Except there is blatant fucking evidence of that.
One guy admitted he made four banners to spam.
Barneyfag claimed responsibility and nobody has disputed it.
this is an annomous website

it can be anyone
The guy who made the banners himself claimed responsibility.

This issue is going to be kept alive until the banners change.
We're not having a banner madewith hatred behind it. They can't let this autistic retard have his way.
Still a dumb Conan-episode.
wow stop posting any time. 90% of 4chan does not follow it's own rules dipshit. especially not the global ones. your arguemenbt is invalid because you don't want to follow your own board rules. just saying the word niggers outside of /b/ should be bannable if you actually read the rules. get fucked.
But that would deter the upcoming pass-buying war between some frog meme banner and "Come join me on Reddit." And that wouldn't be good for Hiro's shekels.
>People know pony fuckers are autistic
>Austic vs being a literal faggot
wew lad, at least you're happy with yourself. Do you also have preferred pronouns?

>It's mostly just /qa/. Anywhere else either puts up with us or likes us.
Because of how huge the gap is it would be pretty obvious to the mods if just one or two dudes was just buying passes to vote. And even if that's the case, theres no rules against it. Also, the only way you could consider it fraud is if it was using credit card fraud. You want to throw away votes from legitimate users because you don't like them.

>Besides if barneyfag wins thats just going to encourage his crusade he tasted victory and now he will never give up.

Funny. You could say EXACTLY the same about /mlp/'s existence.

>This issue is going to be kept alive until the banners change.
So.../q/ will look, pretty much the same as it currently does? I would bet free use of my toothbrush to /d/ that the anon or two that keeps half the catalog on /q/ about /mlp/ are as fucking insane as the b'mesiter himself.

All that said, I still think there's a reasonable case for not using the number two and maybe the number one. With the caveat that the wishes of the voters who picked one and two should be considered. But the reasoning there has NOTHING to do with fraud or "outsider voting", or fairness or civil rights.

This has turned out to be more entertaining than I expected. I guess it's a good year for entertaining elections.
Change the banner. It was a fraud of a vote. One guy made four banners.
>One guy made four banners
Considering I made two banners, I don't think that talking point has a leg to stand on.
Granted, he did make an ass-load of banners, of which four were approved.
I think it's fair to say that the banners that were chosen aren't really a joke for /mlp/. They're also not really very funny because it's something an autistic sperg on /v/ has spent years tryting to convince everyone of whether they cared or not. In fact, Barneyfag is really more iconic of /v/ than he is of /mlp/ since /v/ is where he hangs out.

Every other banner has to do with the boards, but these just a spergy couple of insults. Meanwhile, apparently if people make pony banners and vote those to the top they get deleted.

It's really not that important, but this is all very misantrhopic in a tired way. Like when the poor kid whose parents haven't had his hair cut in a long while beats up on the skinny kid with braces only because nobody likes either of them enough to intervene.
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There is no proof he vote spammed anything and there's nothing saying you can't submit multiple banners. Cry more, bronies.
You know i was against the /sp/ banner but i would be ok with this /v/ hates barneyfag almost as much as /mlp/
This. Its just zero effort crap. Imagine if someone slapped: ''/fit/ a board for men in shape who still cant get laid''
It's fucking dumb
>The rules only work when they are in my fa-fa-favor anon!!!111
Go fuck yourself
>/q/tards are stupid enough to think that the mods will allow ANY Barneyfag promotion in the banners
Get ready to lose.
>It's democracy.
One person spamming his opinion and making it weigh more than others is not democracy.
The ideas driven by democracy are fueled by what the populace wants, not what one person whose opinion has the weight of multiple people wants.

And that's not even dealing with the fact the the banner doesn't even fit with what it was supposed to achieve, or that it looks like dogpiss.
>Every other banner has to do with the boards, but these just a spergy couple of insults. Meanwhile, apparently if people make pony banners and vote those to the top they get deleted.
You have omitting the overwhelming context of /mlp/ as a board. It isn't like a regular board, it was created entirely for the purposes of containment as keeping horsefuckers from ruining the rest of the site simply required far too much manpower to remove them, and so /mlp/ acts as a pit for nuclear waste containment.
>It's really not that important, but this is all very misantrhopic in a tired way.
That's because the rest of the site don't want horsefuckers here, at all. Moderation would rather they left the site and went off and died somwhere; anons rather they didn't exist. It isn't misanthropic, though, because that would imply horsefuckers are human. They're not, though. They have proven themselves to be subhuman trash and are thus treated accordingly.

These are really simple issues. Why do you keep trying to obfuscate them?
>Barneyfag promotion in the banners
It's not about promoting that one sperglord; it's about mocking the cesspit that is /mlp/.
Well, they removed the pony related banner for /sp/ pretty quick yet still haven't addressed /mlp/s concerns.

So I'd say it's likely.
/mlp/shits BTFO
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This is the most autistic post I have ever seen on this website.

Every board is a fucking containment board you dipshit.

You do realize if moderation really wanted the horse fuckers gone, they'd just ban horsefuckery? It's been done before. As has been done to furries.
>containment containment containment
Can't be much for containing anything if shit from their board spews into /qa/ because some dipfucks decide to "troll" them with lowtier shit.

Seriously grow up.
>Every board is a fucking containment board you dipshit.
Yeah, /out/ really is a containment board, retard. Damn, you just got pwned.
>they'd just ban horsefuckery?
They tried that bro.

It really came around and fucked them in the ass.
>Maybe if I jam curse words into my post no matter how awkwardly they sound I'll be seen as an adult
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>I'll just pick one board because that will totally completely invalidate his argument

The only reason why /qa/ is filled with so much horseshit is because they aren't left alone to die. The antibronies are even a bigger autistic magnet then that board on 4chan at this point.

>Doesn't attack the argument.

May I propose we just wipe out /qa/ because honestly this board is full of more autism then the rest of 4chan combined, including /mlp/
You got pwned dude, other boards AREN'T containment boards. It's over for you.
>May I propose we just wipe out /qa/ because honestly I can't argue worth shit and a board full of people with more intelligence than I have threatens me
How is it over for me?

And what the hell is /vp/ /b/ /soc/ /d/ then?

Every board is designed to contain their sub-subjects.

Also stop samefagging and going "lolpwned"

All 3 of the people here who rely on logical fallacies and the same tired troll argument that has been disproven time and time again? Okay.
You listing a few boards and neglecting the majority of boards that aren't containment boards.

Fucking BOOSHED.
>All 3 of the people here
Reliance on the majority is in and of itself a logical fallacy you know, but people who scream fallacy don't actually adhere to the notion of being logically sound or honest.
>logical fallacy logical fallacy logical fallacy logical fallacy

Yea okay whatever. You can keep ignoring the argument I"m trying to make if that makes you feel better.

Welcome to 4chan.
>I have no idea what fallacy means but continue to rely on it after having been blown the fuck out
>Welcome to 4chan.
No. This is a garbage copout.
You are using logical fallacies as you're screaming about them and are calling them out.

What is this shit, people get called out on being outright fucking S T U P I D and then they go "lol welcome 2 le 4chan xD?" Fuck off brownie.
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>maybe if I keep saying people are blown the fuck out that makes me right
It has nothing to do with me being right and everything with you being blown the fuck out.
What the fuck are you talking about, that's not me you dipshit. I got another anon falseflagging as me. Probably you in a conceited attempt to "lol argue on the internet"

Oh well I'm going back to /g/

I only hate the /mlp/ banner because honestly it's a pile of shittier trollbait. But I have adblocks so it doesn't really matter except that we'll never hear the fucking end of it neither from the brony autists nor from the antibrony autists and hence this board exists.

Honestly that board should get gutted.
>Probably you in a conceited attempt to "lol argue on the internet"
Hahahahaha oh fucking God, that's desperate.

Is this guy 14? I'm pretty sure this guy is 14 with this amount of samefagging
>I have no argument, better scream samefag
Whether it's the case or not it doesn't stop being true.
>Every board is a fucking containment board
The difference between /mlp/ and other "containment boards" is that people from those boards can post their anime, video games, cartoons, etc. reaction images wherever they want. Post a pony anywhere but /mlp/ and you'll be banned on the spot.
Except on /trash/, /v/, /co/, and of course /qa/.
It depends.
>it depends
>/v/, /co/,

That's not remotely true.
/out/'s not a containment board? So it's cool to make camping threads on /qa/?
>ITT: horsefuckers absolutely taint troubled that they get made fun of like they fucking deserve
You fuckers are so far beyond delusion and degeneracy that you have zero right to complain about anything.
They want a vote overturned because it didn't turn out how they wanted.
Just laugh at them and move on.
Wait till GR15 gets modified to allow pony images to be posted outside of /mlp/

Barneyfag your days are over
By the time that happens Hell will have frozen over, the insects will have evolved to be the next dominant species and flying pigs will be the scourge of the skies.
No, he's a special ed autist.
>legitimate issue
>banner that makes fun of its own board
People like you are the reason why the world seems so depressive sometimes.
You can make whatever the hell thread you want on /qa/ as long as it's sfw. /qa/ is sfw /b/.
About half the board-centric banners make fun of the board they're about. What's the matter, can't handle the bantz?
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We don't give a shit about your board quality though. moot only made it to contain the ponyfucker posts that were plaguing most boards here and it's done the job well enough for the rest of us.
I'm a random questfag, and I agree with this message.
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projecting harder than >pic related
Me too.
I doubt it.
Won't happen
I would absolutely love to see his ensuing meltdown.
It won't be pretty.
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Sorry bronies. My time here is ogre.
Thread posts: 311
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