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Banner contest

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Thread replies: 300
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Reminder to use
and whatever other sources of contacting mods we have.
Otherwise we are getting stuck with a barneyfag's banner.

Mods do edit banner contest entries - one of the /sp/ entries was removed due to people reporting it.
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>Last feedback response date:
>An year ago
I wouldn't get my hopes up.
It was spammed. It isn't fair.
kek no one is going to do shit
the /vp/ sonichu banner was pulled down by the guy that submitted it, not the mods.
Mods ain't going to do shit and you fucks lost fair and square
Settle down barneyfag. I posted a thread on /v/, better go freak out in it.
>Mods do edit banner contest entries - one of the /sp/ entries was removed due to people reporting it.
the mods don't care

they removed a pony banner from /sp/ but won't remove barneyfag shit from /mlp/, if that doesn't tell you what they think about us I don't know what will

just block ads/banners (like you should have always been doing) and forget about it
It would have been great i it had a seducing looking pony but it's just plain words and looks boring
Im convinced now you're not from around here and only pushing this shit to make us look butthurt.
>the mods don't care
That's why you should feedback to them. Of course they wouldn't care, if we are doing nothing.
If we are to constantly peck them with that problem, they might fix it just to make us shut up.
It doesn't take much time, anon - just do it.
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>you fucks lost fair and square
I could go into detail about how you're fucking stupid when there was a literal QA thread about the poison entries and open discussion of purposefully voting for them...

...but I'm just gonna call you a colossal faggot who's still butt hurt six years later about a cartoon.

I doubt they care much about the feedback page either at this point. Some site bugs I reported on it literal years ago are still around.

Face it, the whole banner contest thing was really half-assed and it's probably only one mod doing it anyway. The fact that some boards had the same banner duplicated 3+ times should have helped you figure it out sooner.
what board did this to us?
/qa/ and barneyfag
seems like /qa/ and possibly a rogue barneyfag
>I doubt they care much about the feedback page
So do I. But I want to at least try reaching out to them, so if in the end we'll stuck with that piece of art barneyfag proudly produced - we'll be stuck not because we did nothing about it.
>implying I care about some shitty virtual football match
kek stay salty boi
I'm disturbed that you managed to find this thread only 6 minutes after it was made, like you were specifically waiting for it
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>yet you still come back here and respond while ignoring the rest of the post to focus on the divegrass

Give me your (you)'s boi, I will eat them up. Just like all the attention daddy never gave you.

>Hurling bland insults with absolutely no backbone or poise

Stop, boi

Succ me boi
Too scared to say the naughty F word? Bedtime for you, /q/tard
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I know you're just a salty salt anon. We're both bored, why don't we go shitpost on /v/ together?

I can post the pony, you can call it out and then we can both stand back and watch the freak out.
I am butthurt you fucking faggot
Many people here get enjoyment out of this kind of hate, it's been fueling anons for 6 years now.

If you're trying to get them to stop doing what they do, you're going about it the wrong way.
life isn't fair
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Why are you anons responding to barneyfag. The only way to deal with autist is like >pic related or derailing them by posting porn
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>acts like the threat of being banned is some big thing
It's an inconvenience at worst.
and a three day vacation at best
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>no balls
Careful you'll burn the screen with that much projection.
Ya fell for it nigga, if anything spam /qa/ with this
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The only good one. Please more Yellowquiet, not my favorite but the hottest imo
From >28404417
>Last response date:

Is https://www.4chan.org/feedback the only way to contact the moderators?
Do they no longer post replies on the feedback page?
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What's going on in this thr-
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well this thread took a turn for the better
Okay, on 9143 it says:
>Even if you don't receive a public response, rest assured that submissions are checked regularly by the developer(s) and managing moderator.

So I guess it's still worth a shot.
I have to think that I'm sitting here jerking to horses, while /qa/ is rampantly complaining about it. What a world.
i created a copypasta for all lazyfags 2lazy2write so there is no excuse for not sending mods a complaint

/mlp/ contest banner griefing

To whoever it may concern:

The banners that finished in 1st, 2nd and 4th place in the /mlp/ banner contest where designed specifically to be insulting to users of the board that the banner was supposed to promote. The banner contest was crated to help users find interesting new boards by sharing a gif or image that would portray the board in a positive light. These banners work against the administration's intended purpose.

The most interesting part is, however, that the culprit on /qa/ admitted themselves that is was a quote "shit tier anti-/mlp/ banner". The post is archived at this link: >>>/qa/655907 In the case that the thread is deleted, the post is saved here: http://imgur.com/a/w5AaQ

If boards such as /sp/ and /vp/ can have banners that they felt where offensive be disqualified, i think it is only fair that we have these immature, provoking banners disqualified as well. There is a thread on /qa/ where anons are complaining about the same issue: >>>/qa/665740

Thank you for your consideration
>The banner contest was crated

Thank you, anon. You look strangely straight today.
This website hates us so I doubt they will do anything. It would be very gracious if they did though
wasn't going to copy and submit this originally, but you just gave me the inspiration to.
thanks barney
The whole internet hates bronies
Is an horse a athlete?
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And so do we.
Pic related.
I see the biggest circle is still "Brony"
Don't take this the wrong way, but I tried to go through and fix some grammatical errors so it looks a little better:

To whoever it may concern:

The banners that finished in 1st, 2nd and 4th place in the /mlp/ banner contest were designed specifically to be insulting to users of the board that the banner was supposed to promote. The banner contest was created to help users find interesting new boards by sharing a gif or image that would portray the board in a positive light. These banners work against the administration's intended purpose.

The most interesting part is, however, that the culprits on /qa/ admitted themselves that it was a quote "shit tier anti-/mlp/ banner". The post is archived at this link: >>>/qa/655907 in the case that the thread is deleted, the post is saved here: http://imgur.com/a/w5AaQ

If boards such as /sp/ and /vp/ can have banners that they felt were offensive be disqualified, I think it is only fair that we have these immature, provoking banners disqualified as well. There is a thread on /qa/ where anons are complaining about the same issue: >>>/qa/665740

Thank you for your consideration,
No, Patrick. You can't rape the fillies.
>Is an horse a athlete
Actually, that is one of banners in voting list for /sp/.
You're worse than us. While we may deeply discuss a little girls show and masturbate to the characters, you have spent copious amounts of time and effort to tey and annoy those that deeply debate and masturbate to a little girls show. You have less of a life than us.
Best /sp/ meme but I voted for >18-1 >7-1
He is one of us retard, he's been pretending to be stupid to get free effortless (you)'s
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>all this salt
>over a simple banner

submitted a complaint. Thanks for posting this I used it to structure mine.

Seriously anons if they get a flood of complaints they are more likely to do something. It doesn't have to be as long as this guys but if you show that they were creating these banners to shit on us the mods may just once rule in our favor.

Doing my part.
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> the mods may just once rule in our favor.
You know GR15 is a thing, right?
I remember someone saying that mods or site staff listen on /qa/ so I see either two options, post a thread there using all the evidence and quotes to show how our one opportunity was ruined or two post it on the feedback page to get a mods, a admins response still using all links to the people deliberately ruining this contest for another board.
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This is as much our fault as it is the mods'. We're the most hated board on the site, dedicated to probably the most hated fandom on the internet—if anyone was actually expecting the authorities to be even remotely objective about this, then they obviously haven't been here very long.

What we should have done from the start was have a thread dedicated to selecting OUR favorite banner using a Straw Poll or something. Then we could have just submitted that one and out-vote spammed the cheeky ones.

Just call it a lesson and move on. We were hated six years ago, we're hated now, and we'll probably be hated in another six years. Always assuming as much may save our ass in another site wide engagement like this.
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You obviously don't know Hasbro. We're gonna be here for a VERY long time.
As long as it still makes them shekels they'll keep shitting out more content. And last time I checked it wasn't just horsefuckers buying their toys, chilluns still like the brand too.
This is the only type of instance where I could see Anons really caring that the rest of the site seems against them. Otherwise, the perception the rest of the site has on /mlp/ doesn't affect how episode threads, the generals around here, or anything else really goes. Site wide events aren't common enough to me to see the antipony being a problem for morale.
oh hey MGS like that MGS pony reference
haahaaa I get it!
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>implying it wasn't him who made it
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>And last time I checked it wasn't just horsefuckers buying their toys
>that fucking moron in this thread

holy shit, this is actual autism. and not the funny kind, but the kind where you awkwardly shuffle around and try to think of a way to leave the room without anyone realizing
Let this sink in.

4chan is a place where everything offensive has already been said. Gore dump? Whatever. 9/11 mistakes into miracles? Meh. ISIS post-beheading pics? Don't bat an eyelid.

If you get offended by any of this, you're a piss weak child and shouldn't be here.

Yet on 4chan, there were people who got offended over a fucking cartoon and its fans.

And they are still here, six years later, still angry and triggered enough to rig a banner contest which won't be seen by 80% of the website because they use AdBlock.
hahahaha are you twelve years old
you are not the punisher. you're a legitimately retarded person screeching at ponies on the internet for years on end because the notion of the show actually being good presumably upsets and scares your fragile masculinity.
It was actually pretty obvious back then that the reason they were so mad about it was because of the stark contrast between the edgy shit that was being posted and the ponies.
Most of the complaints read like they were from some 12 yo who was assblasted that he can't show his friends anymore what a tough guy he is for looking at all that gore and so on pretty much like those people who boasted about going to rotten.com because they might scroll over a pony picture while doing so.

What's left nowadays is just a combination of memeing and a handful of legit medical autists who never understood why others were upset and think they are doing the right thing by still flipping their shit every time they see a pony.
I have no idea why that spoilertag was split into two. I only made one.
>28405641 (edgy)
you sound like an edgy teen who is upset that somebody else watches something that confuses and angers you while pretending to be something greater to offload the stupidity of it to no avail.

oh wait. oh.
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This is why whatever banner got chosen I wanted it to have a clearly visible pony in it.
No board would be safe from the pony autismo kryptonite that can rankle any shankle into a quivering mess. At any moment a pony could appear at the top of any 4chan user's screen and completely ruin their whole month.
It would be glorious.
I wanted a pony on a banner because I like ponies.
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Everytime I play fagwatch and hear reaper mutter

>this.... is my curse
I'm going to think of this dude and stifle a laughter. I'd hate to see the floor clean routine when he orders a cheeseburger but gets a hamburger.
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plus it would brighten my day seeing a cute pony banner on another board
>that laughed at everybody that told them to fuck off.
I'm still laughing at you.

And I know that just mentioning it will send you into another fit of rage because you are a legit autist.
Sorry what are you talking about? A banner? Oh, nobody cares about those. We all use AdBlock.

>Not so sweet when everybody laughs at you now
Aha, so you're literally admitting that we've been winning for a long time. Thanks for admitting how weak you really are (not that it wasn't well known before)
I didn't know 4chan banners were a thing until recently. There really isn't much here to be won.
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did the notion that becoming a human vacuum cleaner and the slightest hint of a pony would immediately become troll bait and attract attention not cross your prepubescent mind?

or maybe the initial retardation that all people who like something are the same person which I cannot stress how absolutely fucking retarded is?

you're not going to find anyone to revenge but lash out like the literal child you are at random people because the people who trolled you for keks is either A) long gone and no longer care
B) moved on to the next neobaits
C) going to stay silent because anonymous image board lol

if you want to be a fucking retard you can always go back to devianatart but don't complain when you become a laughing stock by being an internet tuff guy
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>these posts
If the mods remove his banners he might actually end up fucking killing himself.
>But we both know who is the one that will result victorious from this campaign
What antibrony deviantArt stickers do you have on your profile, loser?
guys stop giving him the (you)'s.
He's just doing this so he can go brag to his COD friends about how he "totally trolled" some horse fuckers on 4chan.
technically the mods could be fair from multiple perspectives it really depends on what they choose. if they go with raw votes it's A but if they go with the intent of the contest it's B. all of this war implications tells me you need to go back to your equal autisms on deviantart or grow the fuck up and stop being retarded for the sake of being retarded.
Thank you too, anon.
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>mfw horsefucker haters are literal war victims and will unironically tell their grandchildren how he fought for his manliness in the 6 Years Brony War
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>6 Years Brony War
>implying it'll be over in less than a decade.
>/mlp/ fighting with only one autistic faggot
>they are losing

Fucking pathetic
So you're literally calling your own people "fucking pathetic". Now that's really fucking pathetic.
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A reminder.

Might want to add pic related to >>28405085
Barneyfag, no one approves of you. Everyone wants you to dive headfirst into traffic.

t. /co/
>stymied by special ed
Daily reminder that /qa/ associates with this form of cancer

People are complaining about it on /qa/

Holy shit lmao
Could be worse the second place banner could have won.

At least with this one we can claim it as self deprecating humor (but we will always know thats not true barneyfag made this banner and he is going to be incredibly smug about it for the rest of his life)
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Wut? Is this real?
It isn't. Pony banner isn't in rotation yet.
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>mfw no one can even approve or disprove this because we're all on AdBlock

I'm on to you Hiro, no we won't disable AdBlock for the nonexistant chance of seeing our Banner
>try to check it.
>get two board ads.
>then Jlist in repetition?
Was that his master plan? How do I get more board ads?
It looks awesome though.
Go incognito and swap boards. As soon as you get non-board ads - restart the process.
If you knew anything about Barneyfag's life. Theres nothing to be smug about.
Sad thing is now that barneyfag has tasted victory he is never going to give up.
Who knows maybe after almost 5 years he was starting to consider retirement but thats not gonna happen now.
4chan will have to deal with his autism for the rest of his hopefully short life.
let me tell you what we should do

/v/ hasn't had a banner contest yet, right? we should create a pony banner that blatantly insults /v/ and all unite to give it the most votes. I guarantee you they will not accept that banner. and then we can use that as argument for them to do the same for us

we can't let a barneyfag banner represent our board

Project Banner

We already had a /sp/ banner that was accepted but then deleted.
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Holy shit you guys are being ironic now, right?
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there is a second one

let's vote for that one and see what happens
Just made it.
Can't seem to get any board banners at all.
Also holy shit, is there really NO ONE but J-List advertising on 4chan?
>Implying you're not him trying to validate yourself.

He's a sperg and always a sperg, let him sperg more, you know damn well he's wasting his lafe hating us. Revel on his autism.
See >>28406719
Its 3 per swap.
Even then I never get to see a board banner, all I get are J-List adds
Dunno , worked for me.
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>Thanks everyone for the votes and showing that /mlp/ was never welcome in 4chan. Maybe with this Hiro will finally delete that board
>showing that /mlp/ was never welcome in 4chan
It pisses me off so hard that I will spend 20$
who the fuck is hiro
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>who the fuck is hiro
He is the father of 2channel. Now The boss of 4chan.
I would feel guilty sure we got shafted but its not fair to make /sp/ suffer because of it.
I smell someone watching us.
Theres some falseflagger in this thread, barneyfag is definitively patting himself in the back around here.
Just relax people, its not like people really care abou those banners, we all have Adblock anyway.
I didn't but I am turning it back on
Just vote for the "is a horse an athlete?" banner
>Is an horse a athelete!
Done. It's a sport so, Horse race is normal.
Holy shit I thought that newfag season was over.
It's more of the principal of the matter
7 vote. that not bad. thank for everything.
What category did y'all post this under
I'd used "Moderation Feedback" myself. Seemed as the most fitting.
And the vote splitting starts anew.
listen, I cannot tell you what to do, I am not a god or something, that is just not me, but SOMEHOW we have to canalize all votes on one single banner. I dont have the power to pick obviously but just pick ONE.
The giddy up one will be deleted anyway, just like the other pony banner. And then your vote is gone because you don't get to revote if your original pick gets deleted.

The horse one is a legit /sp/ meme so if it wins it wins.

Why even care? the hate banner still exist

>/v/ hasn't had a banner contest yet, right?

Because /v/ will not have a turn this time.
>allahu akbar
this sperg can't be over 16, right?
I know a mod hangs around in MLP general. Post complaints there.


Said the guy that has been whining for +4 years.

At this point this guys is pretty much just a clown, kinda sad... I wonder what he does in real life.
Bump for justice
Says who?
Why do you guys care? It's 4chan, they are treating you the same way you fags treat EQG and shimmerfags.

It's karma in its most basic form, regardless on whether you believe in shit like that. Stop fucking complaining about it. Sometimes I feel it's only a few of us on this board that are normal and don't get into this autistic shit.
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>Sometimes I feel it's only a few of us on this board that are normal and don't get into this autistic shit.
>Gets into this autistic shit by posting that in this thread
I literally spat my soda out on my keyboard from laughing so hard.
>Gets into this autistic shit by posting that in this thread
That's not how it works. But with someone of your intelligence, it's fine you think that. I've noticed retarded children laugh at mostly anything.
How about some /k/ banners for the next contest?

>make a fake hate banner in the next banner contest
>bait all the hate posters
>your bait banner won
>delete bait banner
>pony banner win

Just make that in the next contest like /vp/ with the sonichu banner
That seems an acceptable compromise.
That would mean he was a child when he started.
Im pretty sure next time around you will be able to revote if your choice is deleted.
When I "congratulated" Barneyfag on spamming the contest he denied doing it. I thought that was odd, I figured Barneyfag would brag about it.
Why do you guys believe that they would make an mlp themed banner when its illegal to post ponies on boards other than /mlp/ and trash? I thought they automatically refuse pony banners?
This is seriously the final banner? How boring and lame. All the other banners for boards at least refer to some inside joke or are otherwise amusing. This is just dumb, the Barneyfag banner would've at least been funny, but this... this is why it sucks to have hundreds of people make banners and then have 20 people decide which one should win.
To add, most of the other banners, for example the first one following the Barney banner, are even more lame and autistic.

The best banner was the salt one.
barneyfag's banner winning would mean that he will be noticed by everyone, which is is dream since he goes around making threads about ponies and then reminds everyone that his autism exists. He's too hated to be thought of as "funny"
If you can't see the irony in having Barneyfag in /mlp/'s banner I don't know what you're even doing on 4chan in the first place.

Go back to Derpibooru or something, where they think the internet is serious business.
go back to your cave
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It's time to let it go barney. Just let it go.
Why worry?

The mods literally admit that Barneyfag is worse than us (through his ban messages). I highly doubt that they would approve a banner that literally panders to his existence.

Will you be ready for the /qa/ salt? I certainly am.
I hate a lot of you, I don't go around insulting and giving literal death threats.
>using trololo
Back to /q/eddit, mod cocksucker
>hate people who you don't even know
It is indeed.
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I'm actually in a very loving, monogamous relationship with my boyfriend, who also enjoys My Little Pony, and have been in a relationship for 5 years now. At the end of next year, we plan on moving in together and getting married.

How does it make you feel that a mere ponyfag, who has masturbated to porn of the show, will live a long and happy life, something that you will never get to experience?
lmao butthurt eqgfag nobody likes you kys
>m-muh persecution complex
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>Barneyfag submitted multiple bait banners
>Rest of the site (mostly /qa/) ruins our contest
>They come to /mlp/ to circlejerk over it
>we're the ones with the problem
I don't know if this will end up succeeding, but I've done my part.
I won't let one autistic closet brony ruin it for all of us.
Or perhaps, you're a homosexual?
>implying we don't hate ourselves
Speak English, boy.
ew gay

enjoy your aids
Enjoy your hollow and unhappy marriage with a woman you'll hate in a year after meeting. :^)
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Whatever, I'll just put 4chan back on my adblock list.
No point in seeing ads or banners if they are all shit anyway.

I wonder if any other boards are having problems like this, if they piss off a board like /b/ or /pol/ there would never be a break from the shit. /pol/ would be calling all of the admins CTR agents lol.
i just waste a nice pony / EQG banner I could see while browsing the rest of 4chan, you know that little spark of fun outside of GR 15... Scruffy please.
>"What do you do for a living, anon?"
>"I spend my whole life crying about My Little Pony on the Internet. You have no idea how much of a manly gentleman I am!"
[exit grill]
>Whatever, I'll just put 4chan back on my adblock list.
Same, they're not getting a cent off me if they treat their userbase like this.
This is just rich. I didn't know the userbase of /mlp were such whiny babies. I frequent this board and I would most definitely vote for that banner just to see the manbabies cry. Shows how truly shit this board has really gone.

fucking beautiful, go back to Ponychan you pathetic fuckers. So then this board can finally be deleted for good.
>hey guys, look at me, I hate your board and shit, LOOK AT ME, YOU SUCK GUYS, PAY ATTENTION TO ME, oh by the way I frequent /mlp/ so I'm totally one of you
not even worth a (You)
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>oh by the way I frequent /mlp/ so I'm totally one of you
MLP has worldwide praise from people including the nostalga critic and previously 4channers /co/ actually.
>Stop liking what I don't like
Anime isn't that bad honestly. As someone who likes to marathon shows, the long overarching stories provide decent entertainment to me.
I'm not a my little pony so that is irrelevant thankfully.

awful lot of hateboners for this ;_;
there's a lot of anime hate here lmao
It's all fun and games, but I really hope you faggots did actually sent some feedback.
The banner still isn't in rotation.
Are you retarded? This thread is about a shitty troll banner than makes the site looks worse as a whole, not the show.
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Lol /hm/'s tho
I voted for that one
literally who is that
It's not that the banner says something mean you turboautist, it's that it looks like shit.

They could have at least voted for the one with a bunch of manchildren playing with pony dolls, but instead we get the one that had literally no effort put into it.
I know the mods were dicks, but it feels kind of unfair to take it out on other board's contests.
I think the mods are fine doing things for this board until it has an effect on any other board.
So... Samson option?
Are we done here?

Hiro is opening up the janitor cock-block for discussing what we want as board rules/guidelines, and complaints about moderation incompetence. Take your chance to discuss whatever you feel is necessary. Note to the jannies, this discussion is allowed as >>>/qa/668450. And note all of Hiro's post in the thread (Ctrl+F "##") if that isn't enough.

This is our last chance, maybe our mod(the weekly episode sticky mod) is fine, but the other mod actually fuck the /mlp/ banner contest
>6 years later, he's still mad
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That's literally one of the worst banners we could've gotten. It's deliberately repulsive looking, doesn't have a single pony picture, and reduces the entire board down to a stereotype. The whole thing was probably thrown together in about 5 minutes in MS Paint, so it's also a huge slap in the face for all the artists who put real effort into their banner entrees.

Gonna go ahead and bump for this.
>reduces the entire board down to a stereotype.
That's not an issue. I would've been fine with the "autism safe space" banner winning. You need to be able to have some self-deprecation, especially as a ponyfag. What I'm angry about is that it is unfunny and badly looking, those are the core issues.
Should we bother making a separate thread for this?
>He's mad that he gets treated the same way he treats others
Keep crying over the banners kiddo, I'm actually glad we got them now.
>Not using Adblock
>not supporting... oh who the hell am I kidding, this shit site doesn't deserve any support
Tfw right now we're not really Doing anything when all we got to do as a board is literally all copy and paste the post one Anon made earlier about the /mlp/ being deliberately rigged with evidence, if we all yell out against the other boards our concerns will be seen, and if anyone moans just ignore them. People upset about ponies are retarded.
Holy shit, I'm not saying anything bad about Hiro, obviously not, but damn, are you guys reading what I'm reading? He's just dancing around the question and basically saying "you guys should work with the mods, even though they're working against you, just keep working with them."

love the mods, don't ban me, I didn't do anything wrong.
Link to the post pls
I believe he is referring to the post here >>28405085
and the corrected version here >>28405164

>>28406480 has a picture showing the fakes.

You and anyone else that want to stand for what you believe in and get the banner this board and we deserve use this post above and it's copy paste to give /qa/, the rest of 4chan and anyone a reminder of who we are and why we are pissed, but I'm happy with moderation here, just wish they got rid of the barneyfag stuff like /sp/ did with us
That's literally what he does every time. He posts in a thread every couple months, pretends to care without really doing anything, then fucking off again without a word. He's done nothing but make shit boards since he took over. Like it or not, the mods are in full control.
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Might as well try I guess.
Confirmed: Redditors voted Barneyfag banners
4chan isn't your safe space, dickhead. If you want a precious little safe space, turn off your computer and curl up in the corner of your bedroom. It's your own fault that you're too autistic to ignore things like a normal person anyway.
Did anything come of Hiro?
Good post
Very well explained anon.
It is an objectively incorrect stereotype.
Another anon already disproved the notion:


>can't even reply to a post properly
>thinks he will be taken seriously
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>hiro replied once and then ignored us
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This is so pathetic it's laughable.
What the fuck are you even doing nigga.
He does that every single time. He has yet to do a single thing of value.

He's insane
Doesn't matter.

You're presenting anecdotal evidence while your original assertion:
>accurate stereotype
is straight up incorrect. End of story.

Sound quite falseflag to be honest
what confuses me is what exactly is our mod doing about this? I mean he goes through the trouble of making a new episode thread every saturday, so he is active here. Why won't he talk to s about why he is or is not doing something about this?
Could just be he sticks around to make the sticky and not much else?
It's probably bait.
But if this turns out to be legit and the banners get removed, I will laugh until I die
Stop talking to yourself - you're being irrelevant.
Still butthurt after six years, /q/ boy?
It bumps the thread, thus awareness.
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No fucking way! That's just perfect
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T. Sonic fans of >>qa
That's probably it.
I can't believe I didn't think to do this, if only to split the hate votes as much as the legit votes were split.
Hiro is just a puppet. The real admis are the mods moot left in charge.

Prove me wrong.
No duh
Hiro does fuck all. Either he acts like he doesn't understand the place or he's just fucking incompetent.
> If they remove the banner, they've got a nasty surprise coming in the mail.

>he's gonna send them his diapers
Boop (hiro is like Trixie talk big about doing things and when it actually happens runs away or just lies) Hiroxie just need his face photoshopped over trixie
He tries to understand, but only to boards that interest him.

They're going to ignore us for the whole thing. We're the ponies. Don't forget, we're the containment board.
Hiro only gives a shit about /a/ and maybe all the other japanese culture boards like moot did.
And people here have said anime is a shit, so we are fucked.
Maybe it's because I don't go on /hm/ but I really don't understand what's so great about this
They're taking each other out now
hoping this is ironic.
Jokes on you
I was just pretending
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>A containment board for GROWN MEN
>I can't believe these are GROWN MEN
/qa/'s so butthurt. I'd ask them to take it on the chin but they don't have one
It's pretty retarded that they didn't think they'd get any backlash for this.
>rig a banner contest with an ugly banner design
>"Hurhuehe that'll teach those ponyfuckers, spending money so that I don't have to look at a cartoon horse was a smart decision."
>/mlp/ comes to /qa/ to complain that the banner is shit
>leafy cancer
Kill yourself.
Someone hasn't seen the latest Content Cop
someone can only have an opinion he's told to have

kys faggot
what did he mean by kissu~ faggot?
Hey look, a niggerfaggot
>implying that's not the joke
You're a fucking retard.
shiba inu's are qt
That's what you get for keep pissing off /qa/ with your "remove GR15" spam threads
>Implying that's us

We only have like 1 thread every two months about meta that hits 50+ posts.
sounds like an issue people care.

if it was one dude spamming mods would've banned him when they see it if they see it at all so therefore no problemo. win win!
>our spam threads
No, your spam threads. Don't pretend it isn't your own people. The only ones obsessed are you. If you had the physical ability to spend five minutes on /mlp/ without having Vietnam flashbacks, you would know that we're content in our 75% greentext porn-25% shitposting board
I dunno bill it could be actual people who aren't content.

there is some spam but I think a good chunk is legit personally.
Doubt it. A couple years ago I would have said maybe, but the fandom has shrunk and mellowed with time.
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I'm glad someone else noted my autistic escapade.
I wasn't trying to disprove a stereotype (stereotypes don't have to be true; they're just common ideas of something, held by others), I was just arguing that the majority of the content on this board isn't sexualised.
I even took the broadest definition for "sexualised" I could think of, to cover as many bases as possible.
Changing the definition to exclude shitposting or single mentions of a word would likely bring the percentage down to... a fifth or so threads containing at least one lewd greentext.

Talk of stereotypes and the morality of lewd with ponies can not be answered quantitatively which is why I avoided such questions.
I leave those questions for liberal arts graduates.
Page 9 save
'Nother one
Does this mean we're stuck with barneyfag's shit?
Not if anything poster to /qa/ / Hiro I'm hoping at least since if we're seen he'll know


Or go to /pol/

Hiro is an incompetent faggot, even worse than Moot ever was. All he did was push it back onto the ones bringing it up, then promptly ignore it.

The banners aren't going to get removed.
I was just pointing out that the banner has already been brought to Hiro's attention.
he looked at it =/= he cares
Agreed. Got anything else to say?
>not using the copy paste evidence from earlier...

Fug we may not actually get our chance now please someone use it so we actually have a leg to stand on and can legit get it changed
Work bump
We need a hiro
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bubble bump
Send it in to them via feedback page. Mention hiro was looking for proof and you found it. Hopefully theyll relay it to him.
Criminally Underated Post
I saw some other banners on my phone. Are we too late to change anything?
This isn't our site, it's Hiro's. If the site look like shit, then it makes Hiro look like shit.
I thought those banners were just joking about barneyfag
Like you know, poking fun at it or something
Did /sp/ and /vp/ really have banners disqualified?
This banner was approved, it was on the voting list for a few hours and it was removed after Barney started shitting on /qa/.
That was a really cute banner too.
Thank you. It was meant as a serious submission and I did my best, actually. I'm a huge fan of NCMares, I had this set on my computer and when I saw /sp/ submission phase was open I made a banner with two of them, just to check how many votes could get a "serious" submission with ponies on it.

It's funny that some of the comments asking to disqualify the banner were like "this is obviously a revenge submission because /mlp/ banner is awful", which is bullshit because I submitted mine like 5 or 6 days before the results of our banner were published.

Whatever. Here are the original pics, btw.

There is litterally nothing wrong with the third one.
Really liked the banner, too.
And yeah, the revenge claim was bullshit, submission phase for /sp/ ended the moment we got the /mlp/ results
There was no way to make a revenge submission
Only the first one will be used. The point of the thread is to ask the mods to disqualify the first two banners and let us use the third one.
You don't know the definition of "poking fun" at all.
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Yeah, sorry things went shit for your banner.
I wish things hadn't developed as they did.

>There was no way to make a revenge submission
I could understand it if they were talking about a "revenge vote", though.
It's pretty shitty they did that, I voted for it but they didn't give me my vote back after they deleted it so I can't even vote for any of the other ones.
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