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Banner Contest Discussion Thread

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 363
Thread images: 59

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(Ends 21st)

/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL
/lit/ - Literature
/ck/ - Cooking
/hr/ - High Resolution

(Ends 21st)
/wg/ - Wallpaper/General
/his/ - History & Humanities
/adv/ - Advice
/wsg/ - Work Safe Gifs
(Voting starts 22nd, Ends 28th)
First observation: No new boards have been revealed. We might be at the end of the contest, neatly coinciding with the end of August.

The following boards have not appeared yet:
/a/, /aco/, /b/, /co/, /d/, /fa/, /fit/, /g/, /gif/, /h/, /hc/, /hm/, /int/, /j/, /k/, /mlp/, /mu/, /pol/, /qa/, /qst/, /r/, /r9k/, /s/, /soc/, /sp/, /tg/, /trash/, /tv/, /v/, /vg/, /vp/, /x/

Since the intention is to promote smaller boards, all the big boards will likely not appear. The porn boards are also unlikely to get banners since the banners are supposed to be worksafe. Containment boards are also unlikely to appear.

That actually doesn't leave many boards left...
Are /co/, /fa/, /fit/, /g/, /h/, /k/, /mu/, /sp/, /tg/, /x/ big boards? They're certainly old and known boards, so maybe they won't get banners? I don't frequent them, so I wouldn't know.
Which would leave /aco/, /d/, /qa/, /qst/. /qst/ is pretty new, no clue how they are doing. /qa/ is hidden. /d/ probably qualifies as a porn board even though it has a real community and could produce some funny banners. /aco/ is new but also mostly for dumping porn-ish stuff.

This might be it. One aditional week tops.
It's popularity. /e/, /u/, /y/, /t/, and /wr/ all feature nudity and some of it is explicit.
I can't think of boards like /fa/ or /x/ being that popular, however, so who knows? Maybe they just forgot.
who the hell are voting on these?
Look at /s4s/.
The banner that least represents the board has most votes.
I hope it ends soon because I have a feeling /pol/ would get gang bulled and forced to have somthing which /pol/ would hate
There's no way /pol/ will get a banner contest. It's like the top 3 of the biggest boards.

The tards that make up the demographic of passes. Meaning, 19-25 year old reddit memesters.
Does /qa/ need a banner?

I would submit one saying "fuck off"
How about "Fuck off we're full!"
Unlisted, so no.

But if we did, I would put /qa/ in 2px in cream coloring on a white background and submit that.
I thought for sure [s4s] was a containment board.
Btw, can someone explain the second banner on /cgl/ to me? I get the woman magically dressing up, but what's the red-haired dude referencing?

Agreed on all counts. I'll never understand why they gave /t/ a banner. Some mod must be a major pirate or something.

/e/, /u/ and /y/ probably qualify as weeb culture more than nudity. Just my observations from the banner contest. Never visited the boards before. It was just a wild guess why boards like /s/ haven't shown up so far.

And yeah, been waiting on /fa/ and /x/ - they'd be easy banners to make at least.

>would get gang bulled
Like half the boards ended up with shit banners? Also, a /pol/ack calling for a safe space against bullying - that's fucking rich!
Every single week I'm hoping to whatever gods may be to let us make banners for /pol/. The butthurt would be glorious! Especially if a troll banner wins. The only problem would be that it's unlikely everyone agreed on exactly *how* to troll /pol/, while /pol/ would simply organise a unanimous vote for their favourite banner. They're good with shit like that.

Good point. All I can contribute is: They were the only board to have a banner contest sticky, so obviously some mod deeply cares about /s4s/.
Kek why give 2px? why not just one
let's open up discussion about current votes, that was fun last week

completely predicted that. after /w/ was won convincingly with "promoting a board for wallpapers with a 468x60 image" i knew everyone would go for a size joke. and indeed, every banner references the small size apart from that weird eyeball one and.. is that Chloe Moretz (sp?)? last one would definitely be representative - they have a shitload of celeb threads.

only static images and one troll gif. very surprising. neither of the resident gifers could apparently think of anything...
Swaglord is the mod in [s4s] and post in there as well. He gives special attention to his home board.
I submitted the Chloe Moretz one. The creepy guy who took the photo of her left his flash on, so by the time he took the third or fourth photo, everybody in the restaurant was looking at him.

/hr/ is 99% celebrities/celebrity nudes desu so coming up with something both board-related and recognizable is hard. The Moretz picture was the best I could do other than recycling the /w/ banner joke.

Original picture: >>>/hr/2709121
I totally found this board by accident and never knew it existed. I see in labeled as 3DCG as well as trash, but how do I navigate to this board outside of Google? I don't see it on the front page or the drop down bar.
Please leave.
>how do I navigate to this board outside of Google?
Websites have URLs. You must figure out the rest of the mystery on your own.
This board is restricted for outsiders like you. You came here through luck. Turn back for your safety.
I spent the last hour listening to old songs looking for small snippets to gif
wow, that's hilarious (and ultra creepy). i have my doubts you're going to win, because that's a pretty obscure joke and not many voters will even frequent /hr/. even i was wondering why the photo was such a bad quality, so i though you were trying to troll /hr/ by chosing an intentionally shitty picture. but your banner is definitely thoughtful and fitting.

a clear sign of the race to the bottom we've been talking about in the last thread. every single banner is shitty meme trash.
>Marie's Tomato Sauce
>forever alone
>btw, greentext is hilarious!!!11
there's exactly 1 serious banner (bread & berries). and i don't think it has much of a shot.

the girl's going to win. don't know what the others supposed to be.
also, here's my prediction for next week: lots of (even more shitty) banners. /cgl/ is a wake-up call. "oh fuck, it's a board nobody cares about. that could be me, having a 50% chance to win a pass with a lazy banner"
>the girl's going to win. don't know what the others supposed to be.
The problem with that one is that it doesn't loop and it's very obvious, even from the corner of your eye. It's a bit of an eyesore for something that sits at the top of every possible page. If I had a pass I'd probably vote for the other just for that fact.
>apart from that weird eyeball one
I made that one, do you like it senpai?
>The problem with that one is that it doesn't loop and it's very obvious, even from the corner of your eye. It's a bit of an eyesore for something that sits at the top of every possible page.
funny you should mention that. this is me last week: >>618595
i disliked the /m/ banner with lightning for the same reason. some other anon told me it would surely win. and it did. but i actually had the same though as you - the other /cgl/ banner is inferior, but it would be easier to ignore. since nobody has come up with any sort of explanation for it i'm probably going to vote for the animated banner, but i did consider the same things as you.

it... sure is a banner. i don't know what it's trying to tell me, but the image is clean, noticable and somewhat memorable. i'd like to call it "competently made" but the "g" is clipping the lower edge and the font looks a bit squished in height. good luck anyway, it's always great when people participate. maybe you'll even win, i honestly don't know which way /hr/ is going to go.
There was a similar discussion in the /jp/ thread about an idol banner as well. (thank god it had no chance of winning). Or was it on /qa/?
Either way, I guess others don't pay attention to it as much if the lightning one... won.
they added fa, hm, o, x
I decided to brave the snake's den and someone made a thread on /cgl/ about this.
For some reason it inspired them to create a bunch of banners even though they can't submit them: >>>/cgl/9146226
Shame, too, some of them are pretty good.
Well shit, this is unexpected. But if they do /hm/ then /hc/ and /s/ are wide open as well... /s/ is the female equivalent to /hm/ and /hc/ is also a lesser known porn imagery board.

/x/ will be interesting for sure. Lots of jumpscares...

Wow, interesting thread, it's really a damn shame. Having only two lazy banners submitted really sucks...

>Btw, can someone explain the second banner on /cgl/ to me?
Finally was explained here: >>>/cgl/9147703
It's surprisingly funny... just really fucking obscure and you see nothing of it in the actual banner. I might actually vote for that now that I know what it's referencing...
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it is an absolutely tragedy these new /cgl/ ones were not submitted for the contest.
I've already sent a plee for a recontest. Maybe if we spam their inbox, they'll take notice?
Maybe try the IRC, too. It's worth a shot, but it probably won't lead anywhere since the submission dates were pretty clear.
my predictions:
the animated one
Marie's Homemade Italian Tomato Sauce or Grade A Ramen - both are pretty much the same joke
Doom: Repercussions of Evil
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Whats /qa/ submitted? I just put my third submission in for /wg/
oh i just realized i did a spelling error
>Whats /qa/ submitted?
I usually only submit on Saturdays, in case i figure out how to improve it or I find errors (like you just did - but I actually thought it was part of the design :-P). It wouldn't be much of a hassle and I have deleted and updated a banner before, but it feels better to me to only upload once. Beside, I do a lot of last minute ideas and banners on Saturdays as well, since I have more time.
Also, I have this (half-rational) fear someone's gonna submit my banners as well, causing votes to split between two identical banners, dooming my submission. So I'd rather not upload anything before voting starts...

I just finished my /adv/ banner and I quite like it. Took me a very long time to come up with a good idea. I used to be on /adv/ a lot some years ago and I always felt it was an incredibly serious board - people really pour their hearts out. I didn't want it to be some lame joke or screen cap, but there are next to no visuals for "advice".

I think I have a really good idea for /his/ going, but it'll be a lot of work...

/wsg/ is really tough. I have loads of ideas, but since it's my homeboard I want it to be really special. I fear I'm way in over my head and the ideas are too complicated. In the past very often quite simple banners have won...

No clue about /wg/, I won't be submitting anything.

But I'm already starting to think about ideas for next week as well...

>I just put my third submission in for /wg/
Wow, are you not afraid of competing against yourself? I've occasionally uploaded two banners for the same board if they were very different ideas, but three? Ballsy. And productive.
Time for today's mid-day bumps 7
/qa/ getting flooded by easterboy.
Yeah, it does seem pretty crazy right now. Two days ago threads fell off about a day and a half after the last post was made. Right now we're down to 4 hours o.O
What's going on?
Oh, I made a nice banner for /vp/ bit if it won't get a contest I'm a bit letdown. I would appreciate not dealing with captcha.
guys I'll be making a few banners for /hm/

Am I allowed to sumbit more than one banner and if so, what is the maximum I can sumbit for voting?
You can submit unlimited
Thank you very much. I'm sure people will enjoy my Disturbia banners

>tfw /hm/ hasn't been more than 5 memes in 4 years so we have nothing to work with
hasnt made*
While you can indeed submit an unlimited amount - keep in mind you might be competing against yourself. We've had quite a few cases of good banners missing the top spot only because they were submitted in multiple variants and the votes were split up. I strongly advise to only submit one banner per topic or meme if you want to have a shot at winning.
You're right. I'll try to vary the memes we have. But we genuinely don't have much beyond Disturbia, Ellen and Pizzaface.

Thanks for advice anon
Last day, everyone get your submission in! Don't be like /cgl/ and regret not participating...
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>tfw gonna spend the rest of the day making banners
Fuck yeah! Going well so far, but I'm not sure I can finish on time... Hope yours are easier than my overly ambitious concepts. I have only /wsg/ left, but it's a bitch, like I mentioned here >>633794
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>tfw I haven't been able to make banners because of being on vacation since the 5th
;_; I'm posting this from 3G
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Probably flew too close to the sun. Too grand of a concept, too bad of an implementation, plus not funny enough. I fear I disappointed my home board. :-/
Also the first time I actually ran into the file size limit and had to cut content from a banner...

Here's the last frame, I'm off to bed. All the best to everyone still working!

>on vacation
>complaining about lack of computer work
Enjoy yourself, Anon :-)
>my banner is tied for first in the /ck/ contest
God fucking DAMN IT.
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What now?
How the fuck did the only two entries for /cgl/ both tie at 56?
Same deal with /cgl/, lmao. Can the creators of the banners confirm they both got a pass or what?
I'm the second /ck/ dude(and funnily enough the person you responded to too) and I haven't gotten mine yet. Judging by this >>637676 I'd take a guess and say he haven't gotten his one yet either.

I think someone mentioned in a previous thread that you get it the day after though, but I'll tell you if I get it.
The only appropriate banner for that board is a bloody tampon.
I opted out of a pass. I don't need one desu
congratulation to all the winners!

why opt out of free stuff you can gift away?
i hope you're ready for the new banners
holy shit, each board has multiple promising submissions. i can't on first glance decide what to vote for - on any board! and i have my own banners in the run on three of them. very nice!
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Anyone knows how to unfilter the ads and banners in 4chanX?
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Look what arrived in the mail today!
[code]YOU'RE WINNER![/code]

New thread:
My favourites currently on the ballot:
Shia and Shall I call them for you?
I like both of the "slides of history" banners, although they are quite different. I'd actually like a merged banner. The photographs are really nice, but the other banner does text and fonts better...
The classic XP background is really iconic, but the font is just so pixelated and ugly... Maybe vapor wall? Although I do use a solid colour...
Both pixel art loops are amazing (although neither is original, i.e. made for the contest).

Why? This thread is way below the bump limit...
kek, the two banners with the "shit fonts" are both mine. I agree I should've thought about them more
A bunch of us over at /cgl/ are upset at the lack of banners submitted.

Maybe re-do it since it's a tie? There were a bunch of good new ones in the thread ( >>>/cgl/9146226 )
A bunch of us have already submitted forms to 4chan.org/feedback. No response so far.
(Fuck, why did I just repeat the first 2 words of your post?)
fuck, why did you?
They've added /g/, /mlp/ and /vp/.

Yep, /mlp/'s up next week.

Get ready for major triggering
N-Nice quads
Now the real question is... does >>>/global/rules/15 apply?
That would make the contest interesting (but also awful for the board, since most of their banners would be disqualified immediately).

This will also reveal some numbers about the pony community. Let's see how many votes they can come up with, otherwise they'll surely get a most unfortunate troll banner.

Are ponies still en vogue even? From the perspective of an outside perspective the whole thing seemed like an incredibly short-lived fad. I mostly see the still ongoing backlash these days.

Also still trying to figure out the logic behind which boards get a banner... apparently containment boards do, much to my surprise.
>does >>>/global/rules/15 apply?

Now way they'll enforce that, but I kind of want it to happen just to see the butthurt from the board.
Either way, we're getting butthurt. So that's nice.
GR15 didn't matter when pony ads went up on /pol/ and /a/. You could argue they were paid for but technically you have to pay to vote in this contest as well.
Next weeks is going to be so easy to submit for, I could easily bind three of them into one
I don't know. I think my prime has passed.
7 boards I've never been to are up. This week: I hate fashion, I hate cars, maybe I'll submit some low-hanging fruit joke banners for /hm/ and /x/? Next week, I don't care about cartoon ponies, I don't care about cartoon monsters, maybe I could cobble together a generic joke banner for /g/? But there'll probably a million "hacking" and "Matrix numbers" themed banners anyway.

I can't immediately think of any good ideas for any of the 7 boards. Which is fine too, more of the week to do other shit. The last few banner rounds took up way too much time to be frank. So I'm kinda glad that only boards I don't care about are up.
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/o/ is easy, just watch some top gear clips
Why would I watch that show? I've seen a few clips here and there. It seems like an overblown bore-fest hosted by insufferable assholes. I just don't see the appeal of driving in circles in a tin can, even if it's particularly fast. Cars are loud, stinky, dangerous... They're useful tools, but I wouldn't glorify them or watch them in my spare time if I can help it.
Fair enough, /fa/ is easy as well just do somthing ironic.
Hmm, yeah, maybe. Given that I've been wearing roughly the same stuff for at least the last 30 years, I probably wouldn't even know what's ironic. I might be getting old, but I can't help but think that there's not much difference between honest and ironic fashion anymore... Anyway, it's probably not that easy to fit fashion into a horizontal banner anyhow.
No biggie. I don't have to submit for every board :-) But thanks for throwing some ideas back and forth.
just sumbitted a /hm/ one with the help of a great anon

good luck to all other boards compeiting next week and also to those in the run this week
>just sumbitted a /hm/ one with the help of a great anon
Now you're making me curious. Did you have a handsome anon take photographs? That would be some cool OC if he has the looks...

Good luck to you too!
Hahaha unfortunately OC is agaisnt the rules on /hm/, and I think it'd be quiet ironic if a banner for the board broke its oldest rule

Which board have you submitted for?
Oh wow, I had no idea about that rule. Probably makes sense, if you don't want the board to turn into a /soc/-style sausage fest...

>Which board have you submitted for?
So far for none. Possibly the first week I don't submit anything. I'm kinda burned out after two weeks of submitting very elaborate banners. I've had an idea for an /hm/ banner in the back of my head, maybe I'll just cobble it together tomorrow. Just for a quick chuckle I'd be enlisting the help of a great not-so-anonymous poster though ;-)
What happened with the ties? Did both get a pass?
god damn it, i'm just putting my votes in and i simply can't decide for /wsg/. there are many decent ones, but none that stick out...

any thoughts on helping me decide? which do you think are good? which have a shot at winning?
>first week I don't submit

Do you genuinely go on the boards you submit for, and you've somehow managed to get a board each week or are you just doing it for the pass.

If the former then please continue and have fun. However, while not trying to be rude in any way, if your intentions are the latter and you submit banners for boards you don't even visit, that's extremely greedy and wrong of you anon. This competiton is for people who go on those boards and love them not for randoms to go onto Google and search memes of that board and throw together a heartless submition.

I've gone on /hm/ day in day out for the last 4 years and it has helped me come to terms with my homosexuality. It is a board I love and cherish and the board I submitted is how I can give back to my community.

So while you'll probably call me a faggot and ignore me. Anon I ask that you don't submit for boards you don't go on for the fact that you'll never truly understand what it's like to be a denizen of that board
So which /ck/ and /cgl/ banners have you seen? Are the tied winners both shown? Or the one that just happened to be on top for some reason
Are you trolling? Because that wall of text is almost copypasta level...

What you're describing is how it *should* have been. But it isn't. Because the people *voting* have mostly never visited the board in question. *They* will "never truly understand what it's like to be a denizen of that board", but they'll decide what your banner will be anyway and you have to pander to *them*! Look at the results of past rounds: It's mostly generic shit and troll banners. I try to submit high-qality banners that come from a place of love. I've submitted the runner-up on /f/ and lost to utter crap. I've submitted the runner-up on /sci/ and lost to utter crap. And the same happend on a bunch of other boards with me placing in the top 5. If I didn't submit, the contest would be worse off, even though I don't regularly visit most of the boards.

You can of course submit the perfect insider banner for your board. But you won't win with it. You have to submit good stuff that's just the right amount of generic so people who have no clue about the board will click on it. I don't need to submit banners for a pass. I've already won a board weeks ago and if I won another I'd be giving the pass away, probably even on /qa/. I submit so boards don't get shitty or hateful banners like /f/ and /sci/. I submit so shit like the two banner snorefest on /cgl/ doesn't happen (/cgl/ was the only board I didn't submit for that week).

Having said that: I've submitted 22 banners so far, 10 were on boards I really cared for. 12 were on boards I at least cared for the topics. I don't submit if I hate the board or its topic or I have absoutely no clue about the topic, because what's the fucking point? I'd just be dragging down the quality.

By the way, being homosexual and being a faggot are two completely unrelated categories.

Seen the animated /cgl/ banner yesterday.
No one was just upset that you were perhaps doing it for the pass: in which case it'd be most unethical

But I see the reasoning behind your thinking and it must be disheartening to come second those few times especially to bad quality posts. But I still stand that banners should ideally be sumbitted by hardcore and longtime users who will be able to advertise their board to the masses

I do hope that you can understand where one is coming from. And no it wasn't a copypasta, I just like to ramble on hehe

I'm going to submit 10 for everything now just because of this
Mans still gonna beat you (hopefully)
Well, I enjoy your naive idealism. Do let me know in a week how many votes your banner got. I'm genuinely curious.

I actually hope it works out for you. I can't imagine it will, but wouldn't it be nice if a board got an appropriate banner for once?
I will do anon. I just hope the mars/hm/allows and the masses can appreciate the subtle memes in my banner
around 4 and half hours left before it closes
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I submitted this
>submitting something so unrelated to the board

The last time moot went on /hm/ was in 2012 and I have the screenshot somewhere on my computer. But because it's moot I'm sure the straight people will vote for him. Why do I even bother? :(
Giving them an option anon, if they dont like it then they wont vote for it, it'll make the better ones look better
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hm moot v3-2.png
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great minds, such and such, etc
"r, sp, soc" got added
the first board the banner dimensions make sense for...
I should've compressed the moon
Isn't /sp/ a pretty big board?
I'm giving some blatant bumps as /qa/ is being especially shitty with spam threads...

When do passes get emailed out?
/qa/ is getting flooded again. Bump
New banners are up guys. Get voting
moot's in 3 /hm/ banners. Nice.
Jesus fucking Christ. Post from 2012. Shows ID while /adv/ doesn't have any. Shows post number >400 millions while /adv/ in 2016 is only on ~17 million.

THIS ISN'T EVEN AN /adv/ POST! How does this shit even win? It's a lazy stupid hateful banner completely removed from the actual board. FUCK THIS CONTEST :-/

btw, this is me two weeks ago >>633794
>I used to be on /adv/ a lot some years ago and I always felt it was an incredibly serious board - people really pour their hearts out. I didn't want it to be some lame joke or screen cap

Guess what? The winning banner is even worse than my fears. It's not even a lame joke. And the screen cap isn't even from the right fucking board! Fuck this shit. Seriously: Fuck. This. Shit.

And a clear 3rd place for another screen cap with post number ~650 millions on a nsfw board. Holy fucking shit...

Whelp. I tried. Fuck you, 117 voters who have no fucking clue and no standards. Fuck you.
Somebody sounds mad
Here's something you might hear on your home board, try heeding it.

Kill yourself
Wouldn't you get mad if your home boards banner was shit tho?
He has every right to be mad. Many of the winning banners for boards are not banners that the board itself would vote for or want.
It's a very flawed system to give the vote to the .5% (or less) of the population that has passes, but on the other hand I can't think of another way for them to do it.
Sure am, what gave it away?
It's not my home board anymore (which you could have easily figured out with basic reading comprehension). The thing is... when I used to frequent /adv/ you *didn't* hear that. That's the point. /adv/ is mostly a kind and helpful board. It doesn't deserve this shit.
I'm less mad about the quality being shit. I'm used to that by now. I'm mad about the banners being completely and utterly *unrelated to the board*. That's what I don't get. How could anyone vote for that? Much less 117 people...
Not really. The /hm/ submissions are terrible: 3 moot ones (nothing against him, he's just not what represents /hm/), two ones with, who I think is h3h4, and one which is actually board culture

The submission system is flawed and I think you should need to explain how your banner relates to your board before submitting
Guys post your favourites vs which one you think will win for each board
Oh lord.
Lots of submissions this time
I didn't know /hm/ loved moot so much.
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Yeah I think we just all tried to be ironic

this banner should win because it represents the actual board
I thought it was funny, but you're right in that it doesn't represent it at all.
I'm very surprised to see how many banners /x/ had, and there's a good showing for the other boards as well. (although not so much /hm/ at just six).
It seems people haven't learned from previous mistakes and /o/ had a guy submitting two similar versions of the same one:
/o/ has a thread up>>>/o/15716841
We havnt had a moot thread in months so it's not like we idolise him. I also did find the screenshot of the last time he posted on /hm/ back in 2012 but I can't post it because it's nsfw

bum bum bi dum bum bum bi dum dum

Yes one must agree that /x/ has produced some nice banners. I'm also angry at the mars/hm/allows for having just one (1) board related submission. I know we're a small board but I didn't expect this.
test post pls ignore
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Pig one
Who are you quoting?
Fucking memes.
I'm more surprised that we have 8 images of moot across 3 banners and all of them are different. I wasn't aware there was this much material of moot available...

I can see those two banners being unrelated. Maybe it's a famous drift scene or just one that places high on google results.

The size is different. The fonts are completely different. The amount of work is staggeringly different. Cleaning up the japanese stuff and putting the board name in correct perspective on every frame is no joke. If someone had done that, they'd have used it on the second full frame banner as well for sure.
Yep, those are made by different people. Even I was planning to submit similar. Then you'd be saying one guy submitted three
Guys is the order the banners are placed on the voting page the order they are currently ranked?

I ask this because they seem to move position once every hour.
no, they've been randomized since a few weeks ago. they randomly trade places every so often.
does /qa/ need a banner
I voted that one. It's amusing and stands out among the shitty moot jokes.

I think it has a decent shot. The three moot banners will just eat each others votes
is that a thing on /x/ too?
This question has probably been asked multiple times but here we go again...

Are you allowed to submit multiple banners for the same board? I know you could bypass that rule easily but asking anyway.
This isn't a real board so no.
I think the Chloe photo is pretty popular in /tv/, so it might be not that obscure.
Damn those are pretty good ones. I'm happy for /ck/.
so far i've only seen the animated /cgl/ banner and the gordon ramsey /ck/ banner, both multiple times. has anyone seen the other tied winners in the rotation?

I don't know man, they're all pretty terrible and non-descript. Maybe the "forever alone guy" banner will win? I hate smoking but I'll probably vote for this because it's the only banner that has a bare minimum of style.

I think the one with the many moot faces will win. I don't think it's a good banner or particularly well made, but I'll probably give this a pitty vote because the maker seems to care a lot (going by this thread).

I get that's it's often the point, but I really hate those twitchy jumpy non-loops. It's been discussed before (even above in this thread) - I don't want to see that shit at the top of every page. I fear that [eurobeat intensifies] will win, because it's the only banner openly cashing in on a well known meme (two in fact). I could see myself voting for the tumbling car. But I'm almost ashamed to say - I'll probably vote for free candy since it immediately made me laugh. It's probably a horrible banner for the board, but it's just super funny to me.

I'm torn between the UFO flying in (bad loop) and "I want to believe" (bad text and a duplicate submission with some off-topic shit on the second banner - how are jews and lgbt paranormal?). "This is phone" and Candlejack are trying to cash in on memes, but I don't find them particuarly compelli
im torn between voting for lain or boyccubus in the /x/ poll
If you support the ironic or unironic succubus cancer, you don't belong on /x/.
I have an idea for vp but im pretty sure someone has already done it
do it better, submit it and crush the other person
well there is a lot of debate on whether that is a succubus or not.
so is that a thing in /x/?
It was a thing when /b/ spammed the shit out of /x/ with "how do I summon succubus" back in the early years and now it's an ironic joke taken too far that only furthers the place's current reputation as a mental asylum. Of course, nowadays there are people who actually hold unironic summoning generals too.
hmmm I guess I'll go with lain then if its causing problems.
The Lain one looks alright, but I'd personally go with the grainy UFO one in pic related. Very appropriate for the board and reminds me of the good old days.
a few hours left guys, dont forget to vote for your winner
around 4 hours left
Whelp. Looks like you got 19 votes and I got 110. That should put that discussion to rest... And if I hadn't submitted it would have just meant that a slightly more shitty moot banner would have won. Again, I feel sorry for you. The way you imagine it, *should* be the way it works - boards decide on banners that best represent them. But that's not how it actually works.

If you want, I'll give you my old pass as consolation. Once I have the new one (usually in two days) I can give you the one I previously won with still ~11 months left. Just post some proof you actually did the banner (dunno, maybe a screen of the original file with unmerged layers openend in your image editor) and leave a disposable e-mail address and I'll get back to you in a few days.
Fuck. I wanted to submit a banner for /vp/ today, as it was the "last day", but I ran out of time it seems.
A shame.
By the way, what was the file size limit?
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giving the public the vote was a mistake
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Congratulations anon. I guess you did get quiet a landslide victory.

As for the pass, I would like to pass on it as I think my days on /hm/ are slowly coming to an end. It's becoming filled with too many newfags and the family feel is getting lost.

However, I would like to ask if you could give the 11 month to the person who made it for me on /wsr/ (I just gave him the ideas). I'll try to find his email address and to this one will attach an image of us working together through the design process. If it's ok with you that is. I promised I would give him the pass if we won, but hey, things happen
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what you fags submitted for tomorrow?
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Now that's money.
Hmm, I don't know. I actually like /wsr/ a lot, but I was more going to honour the idea than the execution. The twinks are badly masked (they have a dark outline) and it bothers me a bit. Oh well, since the pass is just two numbers you could have pretended it was you and just forwarded it to the other anon, so to reward your honesty how about we pretend we didn't have that conversation?

Post that image and leave an e-mail address and I'll send it to you in like two days (or to "you", although I don't know how I feel about you publishing that poor anons address).
Lmao, all wrong.
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I didn't meet the deadline it seems.
Anyways I had to shrink this file a lot.
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These two.
I posted the image in the message you quoted. It's the only screenshot I have left from that thread. It shows us experimenting with colour, size and borders. Our original idea of a bright green background was quickly scraped

What conversation are you talking about? :^)

My throwaway email for this competition is in the name field. I await your generous email.

Thank you very much anon. Good luck in your future submissions xx
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Once again /x/ is shat on and will continue to be seen as a joke by the rest of the site and everyone who comes here and sees that banner.
Damn, theres a lot of good shit for this banner
How long will it take for me to get sent my pass for winning?
Within a day, usually.
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I know the contest is over etc etc
but I saw this and couldn't resist. especially since the blossom looked like the leaf
actually I think its been done before, so apologies if thats the case
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Well, I've done a hypothetically uploadable version.
New banners are up.
Very impressed at the number of banners, and quality banners at that, for these latest three.
fug theres loads
>half the /vp/ ones are board-specific memes
The Professor Oak one is really clever, but I'm not so sure people that haven't been to the board will get it.
I know this isn't the right thread to ask this, but fuck it.

Where can you watch each board's activity? Like, with a graph, or something.
/g/ has an /an/ banner up for vote
Competitive mods do it again
Yes because that's what is advertised on our board. You can tell what banners were made by non-/vp/oreons since they focus on gen 1 and the OS anime.

Victor should have been the are you a girl yes gif but dipshits wanted the glory for themselves and submitted multiples so the votes will be split.

I like the drifloon and the tentaquil one the best.
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Hal WTF.png
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>mfw technology and Pokemon can come up with more ideas that wsg or wallpapers.

What the fuck do they do on those boards?

vp have a thread up, quick shill your banners
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What's your favorite banner so far?
/g/ and /veep/ honestly have more board culture and more identifiable memes. /wsg/ and /w/+/wg/ are just bland imagedump boards by comparison, based around image formats of all things. There's less to tie it all together.
Some of these are really good, they should put up more than just the top winner. The second place winner of /3dcg/ is just as good as the top place, and they're both ahead of the others by a massive margin.
Agreed. They don't even need to give out prizes for the runners-up.

I also agree with this just because it would un-fuck /f/'s contest.

Still feel bad for them.
Who's crying the most here? The show is 6 years old and there are people out there that are still mad at the fanbase.
Fuck you, autist.
You must be the most saltiest man alive.
Probably this

>/mlp/ makes subtle banners with little or no pony in them
>you made blatant GR15 breaking content and expect us to vote for it
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> some of my
> some of
> 4 banners
Obsessive and rabid implications.
Do the banners get shuffled around? I swear they are in a different order than earlier.
They do, yeah.
Alright. Also, there are a fuckload of good entries for /g/. My entry probably won't get many votes.
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cry me a river
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when ya get mass BTFO'd and have ta use a smug image.jpg

The confirmation that there are people so buttblasted after six years of throwing their lives at a show they don't like is strangely reinvigorating but honestsly I'd prefer for people to not be mentally retarded over something people like if given the choice. nice thread.
>Horsefucker drama derails the thread
Anon, your projection is showing.
> anti-Horsefucker Autism pretends people don't know or aren't laughing at him for wasting six years of his life starting drama around a show he doesn't like
rest in pieces
Nobody gives a shit, talk about fucking banners.

>Hurr that one poster 10 minutes ago is mad not me totally let me just reply to posts I don't like and derail a thread. Nope, totally not mad.

Fuck off
Rumor has it that he'll start cutting when the pony banner goes up
>claims he isn't mad
>swears three times in ten unquoted words
>actually uses hurr
Somebody needs his bottle of milk and upvotes
Not subtle.
remember fat kids, sideways for attention longways for results!
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I'm not the same poster you mongoloid. But whatever, keep talking about irrelevant shit and yelling at a poster from 2 hours ago while claiming at the same time that you don't care. Who's the real autist? The person who wasted time making 4 banners or the "not mad" people derailing a whole thread about it?
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My banner made it to the voting phase and quite a few people have been saying they like mine the most.
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> derailing a whole thread about it?
that is the thread m8
> when you try to claim you're not the same person but echo the exact shit the other retard said
was that the derpy one?
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No, it's one for /vp/. I don't want to say which one it is, though.
It's the Brock one, isn't it.
No one's going to vote for your shit banners Barneyfag

Get eternally BTFO
What's your entry?
The person who wasted time making 4 banners. Is this a trick question or are you really asking something like "What color is a red firetruck?"
Dear pro- and anit-pony shitposters. Kindly fuck off to one of the dozen threads on this very board dedicated to your pointless flame war. I'd really enjoy if this thread would tide us over to the end of the contest.

Just sent you the mail. Let me know whether it arrived properly.
> trying to restart shit after the retard got called out hours ago and the thread died
fuck off there was clearly no need for that idiotic decision. this is literally about banners too if you actually read the thread.
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what boards a left to be annouced
I kind of like that 4th one.
>Everyone know what to do.
Vote for butts
The one who made the banners
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Find the error.
Three of the same banners, one is a .gif, and lots of bullshit there.

>Brock banner
Why would you think that a banner of Brock, a character that hasn't been on the show in 6 years and is not a fundamental part of who /vp/ is, would be a good idea for the board?

I see what the other boards have been complaining about now about people submitting and voting for things that have no application to what the board is.
nobody knows. currently /soc/ and /mlp/ (containment boards with global rules against their content), /r/ (one of the oldest boards and nowadays strictly a porn dump / adult board), and /sp/ (one of the biggest boards) are up on the contest. all rules we've previously speculated about are pretty much out the window and everything is possible at this point.

these boards are left:
/a/, /aco/, /b/, /co/, /d/, /fit/, /gif/, /h/, /hc/, /int/, /j/, /k/, /mu/, /pol/, /qa/, /qst/, /r9k/, /s/, /tg/, /trash/, /tv/, /v/, /vg/

/aco/ and /qst/ are pretty new and small.
/trash/ in many regards is similar to /mlp/.
/s/ is the female equivalent of /hm/ which was recently on the contest.
/hc/ is small enough.
/tg/ and /fit/ have strong board culture.

i can easily see one or two more weeks of contest happening. or maybe the mods go all out and in time *every* board will get a banner. who knows.
This is really the last two weeks of banners? I'm disappointed, I wanted every board to get a banner.
Where do you /qa/tards even get all this inane misinfo from?
Can someone post the current entries for the /sp/ banner contest? Or do you have to wait until the voting phase to see them?
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Just sent these 3 off. What do you think?

I'm currently thinking ideas for /sp/ as well.
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You have to wait.
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>What do you think?
I think you should drop the trip or never post again.
I made the thread, bitch. I do what I want.
I don't think you understand how things work around here
Fuck off.
I know very well how things work, and this is how I choose to work.
It has arrived and I would like to thank you again for your generosity.

yet again, good luck for any future submissions xx
Such a shame. I was rooting for the UFO one.

Those are the bestl. Really simple and legit funny.
I'll say which after the contest ends.
I like that banner a lot and the /u/ banner is well made even though I never even visited that board. /an/ is good too.

I wish /out/ went with the bear grylls one and /n/'s second choice but these are good too.
Yup. Just like /dyi/, /f/, /sci/ and /adv/, they got shafted hard. It's really sad, especially since most of them did have good banners.
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>make a banner thread on /sp/ to raise awareness
>gets deleted

Should I try again or just drop it. I half get the feeling janitor had no idea what the thread was about
I noticed that too. I was one of the posters. How odd they would delete actual content.
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Made it again. this time clearly stating in the OP what it was about, the rules and the purpose.

Got around 70 posts, some ideas being thrown around too and then it was deleted. I'm now serving a 3 day ban on /sp/.

Sports I care about are going to be airing and I won't even be able to shitpost because this cunt janitor wants nothing more than to kill /sp/. Literally no fun allowed, what an absolute cunt.

Pretty vexed about it desu, this is supposed to be a competition for boards to get into, it's 4chan culture, what harm is one thread when there's plenty of shit in the catalog he leaves untouched? The prick
Welcome to the birthplace of 4chan's erroneous moderation
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It's not the first time I've dealt with this shit but this has to be the most retarded on multiple fronts. Here I thought /co/ had it bad.
>no fun allowed
Ah yes, the hallmark of someone whose only purpose on this site is to shitpost and nothing more than that. You even flat out admitted to it.
Not even hotpockets, but you deserve it for being typical /sp/ trash that feels as if they have a reputation to keep up by shitposting.
Same thing as 4CC, doesn't matter how much people like it or how it contributes to giving the board a sense of community, the mod says "hurr durr off topic" so it gets deleted.
Because gaming has much to do with sports.
"Sense of community," you mean a bunch of people spamming greentext and memes in response to something?
plz revoke ban
I hvant submitted any for the next batch, i cant think of any
Wow /vp/ has lots of nice ones. Good job, everybody!
Me too. But I actually have some ideas (not very good ones but still), but I just can't be arsed anymore. I spend time on /r/ here and there and /soc/ should be relatively easy to put into a banner (dicks, dicks, dicks).

I'm probably burned out. Kinda glad the contest is ending. I feel like I really should submit each week, but... urgh, I'm just so fed up with 468x60 -.-
Do you need a 4chan pass to see which banners make it to the voting stage? I have submitted two (Richard Sherman, which I'm quite proud of, and Arjen Robben, which is just obligatory) and while they might not win compared to some of the ones posted in this thread (they're not gifs, for one thing), I'd like to know if anybody votes for them, and what they're up against.

I don't have a 4chan pass, so if I can't see all the entries, can someone please post them here?
No, everyone can see the banners once the voting stage begins.
That's amazing. Thank you.

I think the scrolling "Install Gentoo" banner should win for /g/, "Amicitia Magia Est" for /mlp/, and I can't decide for /vp/ between "Nope, there's only trash here" and the Slowpokes (?) turning their heads round. If the creators of any of those are here, be very proud. In fact, you should all be proud; I don't think I disliked any banners.
>"Amicitia Magia Est" for /mlp/
Anon from /mlp/ here. Overall sentiment from /mlp/'s banner threads seems opposed to 4CC-related banners ("amicitia..." is the team slogan or something), since they're more likely to piss people off than anything else, and that isn't really good advertising.
I saw it along the side of the /mlp/ stadium, but I thought it was an actual board meme. I also like the idea of adopting the classy ancient Roman aesthetic, since your imagery is banned on the rest of 4chan. It also gives your board an extra Western tone, which is appropriate since ponies are basically animu for Westerners.

Translating your slogans into Latin seems like a great idea, and to be fair, if you tushy-trigger as many people as you apparently do, any mention of your board will probably lead to widespread ravaged rectums, whether you include pretend sport or not.
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The second banner out of the five I sent got rejected. I think it was this one, but why would they reject it? They've accepted banners with single letters for the board name before. Oh well, it wasn't my best.
I wish they would tell you which one they rejected :\ Otherwise, I have no way of knowing.
Chrome orders bookmarks according to date, right? Then I'd know for sure this one was the one that was rejected. It could also be pic related, because it's implied fucking.
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Forgot to trip this, this is me.

Also, new boards!
>I saw it along the side of the /mlp/ stadium, but I thought it was an actual board meme.
Well, it sort of is - "friendship is magic" is the name of the show, and "the ride never ends" is definitely a board meme. But the Latin version is mainly associated with 4CC.

>your imagery is banned on the rest of 4chan
It seems like GR15 does not apply to the banner contest. Otherwise about half the /mlp/ banners up for voting right now would have been rejected by the mods.

Plus I think even the cutie marks on their own (the 3 apples, etc, on the sides of the Amicita banner) are subject to deletion under GR15, if only because Barneyfag will recognize them and flip his shit.

>It also gives your board an extra Western tone, which is appropriate since ponies are basically animu for Westerners
Good point, hadn't thought of it like that.

>to be fair, if you tushy-trigger as many people as you apparently do, any mention of your board will probably lead to widespread ravaged rectums, whether you include pretend sport or not
Can't really argue with that.
I wish it was d, i, k
>/h/, /d/, /k/
>/h/ARD /d/IC/k/
They still haven't had a contest for /fit/, have they?
Nope. It might not come up, because it's one of the most popular boards.
>one of the most popular boards.
so what?
So there's no point advertising it?
why do you think hiro thinks the same?
everyone, get your submissions in, time's almost up :-)

oh snap! we're gonna need a new thread.
now i'm actually thinking *every* board will get a banner.
/sp/ has 71M posts, /k/ has 31M - i see no reason why /fit/ with 38M posts would not get a banner contest. i'm >>656629 - every rule we previously thought applied is pretty much out of the window by now. we're down to
/a/, /aco/, /b/, /co/, /fit/, /gif/, /hc/, /int/, /mu/, /pol/, /qa/, /qst/, /r9k/, /s/, /tg/, /trash/, /tv/, /v/, /vg/

just looked at /h/ for the first time ever - i'm surprised they have a way lower post count than /d/. i figured /h/ was the mother board and /d/ was a tiny offshoot. very strange.
Is there a blank day between the contest ending on the 11th and voting starting on the 12th, or does voting begin as soon as they stop accepting entries?
I fucking hate you assholes so god damned much.
Because /h/ is replicated much better on other sites while /d/ isn't. It's harder to find large amounts of quality /d/ content without having to sift through massive piles of garbage. Though having said that /d/ is about half as fast as it used to be since the /aco/ split.
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>complains about ponies
>posts SU cancer
How fucking autistic do you have to be to make anti-pony banners for a pony board? And the fucking mods allow this shit to pass by unnoticed?

The banners that were chosen for /mlp/ were explicitly designed to be anti-pony by someone who admitted this. How mods let this happen, I have no clue.
Horsefucking degenerate faggot here.

We were trying to get everybody to vote for the butts one but EVERY GOD DAMN IDIOT ON OUR BOARD JUST VOTED FOR WHATEVER THE FUCK THEY WANTED

We can't blame anybody else.

Hello darkness my old friend
I honestly feel sorry for /mlp/.
>People still hold a grudge on a cartoon show for little girls.
>6 years.
Honestly, given the nature of the ones that got more votes, I think the butts one is the one that should be chosen.
Time to enjoy those tears guys



Thanks everyone for the votes and showing that /mlp/ was never welcome in 4chan. Maybe with this Hiro will finally delete that board
Yeah, you're the cancer here considering how obsessive you are. And you're an ESLfag on top of it, what a combination.
Reminder to report the fuck out of >>655907

>Lol so troleed ecks dee.
>G-guys please laugh with m-me.
We're not laughing with you, were laughing at you.
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Is this because we were paired with /mlp/ in the voting process? who voted for sonichu when it has nothing to do with /vp/?
I know,
Some faggots have fucked over the votes and chosen banners that don't represent the boards.
Deal with /mlp/
>No one agreed to one banner.
>/mlp/ voters just voted for whatever they wanted.
>Mods let 4 of barneyfags banners slip through and they recieved a shit ton of votes from autists.
>Le trolles ensured

Deal with /vp/:

I don't think its because you were paired with them.
It's more than that, one person made FIVE anti-MLP banners. Any of the ones he made should be thrown out.
I wondered this when looking at the result but figured it was just some in-joke on /vp/

I'm surprised it has that many votes then if it's not really got anything to do with you
Like >>662801 said, report >>655907.
Do your part, even if it results in a ban.
This guy also bragged about buying multiple 4chan passes, and voting his own contest entries up.

You can look it up in the /mlp/ contest threads.

Please consider to verify the validity of the voting...
there sure is. always has been. the first week i wanted to submit on the last day only to find out it was already closed. voting always starts 24h after submissions close. probably to give them time to review the last entries.
>figured it was just some in-joke on /vp/
It's not, but I honestly think it's just voters going "I don't give a shit about Pokemon but I know who Chris Chan is" rather than anything malicious
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>someone was autistic enough to spend at least $80 in 4chan passes just so he could vote for his own banners because he's still triggered by a cartoon that started six (6) years ago
How can one person be so pathetic?
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awaken my masters.png
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/mlp/ here, thanks for giving a shit but I'm 99% sure he's not gonna make it regardless of what anyone does.

So no hard feelings over 4cc?
Imagine how he'll bring it up to his parents

>Anon, what are these transactions you made to this "four chan" and why are you buying "vee pee ens"? Why are you wasting hundreds on this?
>I had to, mom! 4chan was having a banner contest and I needed to make sure my banners won! So I bought 4chan passes and used VPNs to vote for my own banners?
>What the FUCK? You're spending money on bullshit like this?!
>Again!? Again with this pony hating shit?! Pack your things and get the fuck out of my house, NOW!
I did the math, and it turns out /mlp/ lost because no one was voting.
257 is how many people voted on /3/, the first board in the banner contest. Then adding all the anons that won passes for each board, that makes it 302.
Only 195 votes are distributed on /mlp/.
normal browsers likely didn't give a shit. /3/ is a neutral far more accessible topic unlike multicolored honkyponkies in generality so people probably went in there just to see the banners.

$80 is nothing to someone who has a full time job. Quit projecting.
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nobody mentioned 80$....
holy shit kek
$80 is only 4 passes...
WTF happened? suddenly 4 Chan hates furries?
Bullshit, it's just one mad nerd
literally nobody mentioned furries. this is about people who watch cartoons.

wrong thread?
If you don't own at least three horse dildos, you don't belong on 4chan
*dragon dildos
my bad
good night, sweet thread, it was fun. see ya'll in the next one!

>Some faggots have fucked over the votes and chosen banners that don't represent the boards.
No fucking shit. Welcome to the banner contest. You seem to be new to this.

Suck it up. /mlp/ wasn't the first board to get completely shafted (/adv/ - the banner featuring a post from a *different* fucking board literally telling you to kill yourself for a board designed to help suicidal people -.-, /sci/, /dyi/, /f/) and it won't be last. The contest's voting system is flawed beyond repair. If we assume a constant pool of trolls and assholes who'll always vote for hateful banners, then the more quality banners people submit, the more awful the result will be (if honest voters are split between alternatives while troll voters are not, then a minority decides on a banner most voters hate). It's a shitty voting system with predictable results.

Why would that lead to "invalid" voting? One pass, one vote. That's literally how it works.
That's not how any of this works. You authenticate your device with a pass, not your IP. And you can even swap devices every 30 minutes on the same pass. You don't need a VPN and you don't even need multiple devices. Just swap through them and put in your votes. Everything according to how passes and the contest were designed.
/mlp/ is the only reason for 4 Chan to exist so fuck off troll!
valid in terms of a banner being for promoting a board and not troll bait probs.
> That's not how any of this works. You authenticate your device with a pass, not your IP. And you can even swap devices every 30 minutes on the same pass. You don't need a VPN and you don't even need multiple devices. Just swap through them and put in your votes. Everything according to how passes and the contest were designed.
what. are you implying someone can just samefag votes with one pass or what.
He's right, you know.
I am autistic and I want everybody to know it
are you implying you can just alternate between two devices voting every 30 minutes?
Did you know I have autism? Please respond to my earlier reply.
No, one pass one vote. but you can have as many passes as you want. Anons above were claiming this is somehow bannable or ilicit in terms of voting. It is not. Passes are designed to be independent of your IP.
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are you okay mate
Why have you not yet responded to my earlier posts? I have autism
>spending money because a collection of pixels organized in a way that looks like a stylized equine has triggered you for one third of your pathetic life
>I learned how make my words green, please talk to me about my autism
>Why would that lead to "invalid" voting? One pass, one vote. That's literally how it works.

>that's literally how it works.
>Why would that lead to "invalid" voting?
Your basic knowledge is pathetic. No surprise.

Yeah, but this is not a popular vote in a state democracy where we all agreed that every person should have exactly one vote. This is 4chan. And the rules of the contest state:
>One vote per pass per board

Not every vote has to be a personal vote or have equal weight. Votes at shareholder meetings work the same way - it's transferrable and those who invested more money have more votes. Such a system is far from outlandish...
easily abusable though as a folly. probably laughing to the bank off of the 'tard bux they inhaled off of it too.
Well that was bullshit. Fuck you Barneyfag, and fuck the mods that let his banners in.
>easily abusable
If the premise is that every pass has a vote, buying multiple passes for multiple votes is a legitimate use, not an abuse. It's a feature, probably (as you mentioned) to make money (though if spending bucks on 4chan to force a meaningless banner on a board you dislike is really the best way to spend your money - more power to you and good on 4chan for finding an idiot who gives them a bunch of wasted money).

The problem I have with your line of thinking: What would be the alternative to such a system you call "easily abusable"? I literally cannot think of a better system (or a system at all) that limits every user to exactly 1 vote. What we have right now might actually be the *least* abusable system. The only bad thing is that it benefits rich people, but compared to every other ineffective technique of tracking unique votes (IPs, cookies, etc), it is surprisingly effective at deterring ballot stuffing and providing a barrier of entry for cheaters.
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mm that is true it's basically impossible with anonymity plus the endless reach that is the tubes.
>other boards get fucked with the banner contest
>child horse fuckers dont care
>comes to their autistic board
>suddenly its a major issues

Antibronies, everyone.

Hiding behind a veil of all-caps, they fake their emotions as best they can, but their true feelings are revealed in their pathetic spelling and grammar. Their only "win" in life is a banner that 90% of 4chan won't see because they have Adblock on.





when ya don't get a reply so ya gotta fabricate ya own.jpg
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Fuck me just kill yourself
Antibronies, everyone.
They think "veil" is a "big word". Which is weird, for a supposed IQ of 164.
Antibronies, everyone.
They actually expect us to think that just because they type out laughter, they're actually laughing in real life. We all know that antibronies are crying when they do this.

Shoutout to the antibrony who admitted he spent $140 on passes just to vote on the winning banner. I saw your post before it got deleted. You're truly a pathetic species
The cringe is strong with you. You can't even troll others.
Did you read the rules, boy?

Underaged people get b&.
are u ok
This is just the perfect time for desuarchive to go down... Does anyone have a screenshot of the post?
I seriously can't understand a word you're trying to say. Did you go to school?
this board is +18,my little low quality baiter
you can hate /mlp/ it all you want
but I think you have a mental illness replying this way
Why care about stupid banners at this point?
4chan is basically reddit now and i wouldnt be surprised if it gets taken down in the near future.
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Nobody on /mlp/ paid attention to the banner contest until it was /mlp/'s turn. Is that somehow surprising to you?
Being inactove doesn't mean we were unaware about the contest... in fact, there were threads about the topic from the very beginning.
>/adv/ - the banner featuring a post from a *different* fucking board literally telling you to kill yourself for a board designed to help suicidal people

do you even go on /adv/
Not anymore, but i was very active up to about two years ago. I'm speaking about the board being "designed" for something for a reason. I have little clue what they're doing with it right now, but I was there when the board was created. /adv/ had the suicide help line phone number stickied for ages.
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>/adv/ had the suicide help line phone number stickied for age
It's still there
>Giving Barneyfag credit

Mods deserve all the work they get deleting Barneyfag's shit.
What would have to happen for it to be taken down, that hasn't happened already?

Also, I have literally never seen buttflustering on this level before, and I was on /sp/ when England lost to Iceland a couple of months ago. I don't even know what's going on any more.
>how not to post on an IMAGEboard: the post
I have a question. Will banners that didn't win have a chance to show up, or is it winners only?
I think it goes like this:
>Entries (these can be anything you like; you could take a 1200x1200 picture of your dick if you wanted)
>Viable entries (these are anything that people can vote for, so all the entries that are left after bad ones have been weeded out by moderators)
>Winners (these will be seen by everyone on other boards)

So I'm pretty sure that if a banner doesn't win, it won't appear on the rest of 4chan, although people who vote in the contest will still get to see your work as an entry.

Yes, I am butthurt too that the amazing Vibrating Girls Can't Love Girls girl gif that came second in the /u/ contest will soon be consigned to the scrapheap. That is the single greatest banner we've had so far, and I don't think we will ever see it again.
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It's been removed. Anyone got any word on that or ideas why?

Not that I'm complaining, I'm just surprised
See >>>/vp/28422285

tldr the guy that made it just submitted it as a joke and never wanted it to win, and managed to get it removed since he didn't actually want that shit as a banner.
Ah I see, that's pretty interesting. Thanks love
good on them
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