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Question Time Part 4

This is a red board which means that it's strictly for adults (Not Safe For Work content only). If you see any illegal content, please report it.

Thread replies: 336
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Part 1:

Part 2:

Part 3:

Question Time Part 4
I'll try one last time, any thoughts on AGI?
where is the new research thread?
>fear is the mind killer
>Pussy out and use escapism
Unless you meant that fear to experience new things but thats a falacy

I think having absolute control over your brain beats anything. When dreaming, you can do whatever you want for example as long as you keep the left side of your brain shut down although i can't really argue much since i have never taken anything

Also why do some times the captcha auto complete?
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How should I realize my despotic potential?
Out of curiosity, since I enjoy the lifestyle, is it a good or a bad time to join the military, specifically British if you know anything about that.
We're not there yet. Very sophisticated problem.
I can see you're bright. But can you give us undoubtedly solid proof to who you claim to be?
No offense, but somethings seem like conjecture...
It is time to explain why would there be a second global economic crisis so soon.>>80676556
Are you just a good roleplayer who wants to make /pol/acks less retarded?
Give us a comment on ancient Egyptian/Babylonian mystery schools

Thoughts on the Fermi Paradox?
Why has freedom of speech eroded so much in America and what can we do to stop it?
And if you don't mind me asking, are you at work right now? prob shouldn't be on pol lol
Where can I see some of traces of the civilization that collapsed? I'm guessing I wouldn't have the background to properly identify them but I'd like to at least see some visible stuff.

Also what are some common history misconceptions/outright lies? Are there really hints of a nuclear war and flying fortresses in the Vedas?

Dude, you got multiple intelligence agencies and journalists watching this thread right now. Please, instead of 'they' or 'others' can you give us the names. If what you say is true there is a whole lot of misery coming for many many people because of these fucking psychopaths.
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Nice pic++
There is a need for some sense of forward momentum to maintain confidence.

As I have already pointed out, the system is very vulnerable to insurgents.

Think about the power of the idea of an inevitable march to world order. See what I mean, right?
in your last thread you mentioned that most things paranormal are bs, I was wondering if there's any truth to extraterrestrials communicating with world governments? If so, any chance of disclosure within the next 10 or 15 years?
Yes do this and make sure you're near the on TV or online when your tripping heavily and your innate physcological guard is completely down...it's completely harmless I swear you'll be fine...
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I've been finding dozens of documents detailing massive holdings of precious metals. Usually they are under the same couple of names. I have reason to believe these names are falsified, intentionally used to manipulate the precious metals market.

Know anything about that?

Pic related.
How many higher ups are psycopaths? Does compassion have a chance?
The originated from recognition that consciousness was lost and a goal to prevent that from happening again. Much broader scope of derivative activity today though.
Bad input assumptions.
No. I've personally expended great effort on this question. It's an appealing explanation, but untrue.
Yes, that market and many others are rigged.
what are the most important skills to have in the near future?

Didn't you say earlier that the predicted crisis would be the doing of the dark priests / kings in response to Trump's victory? And that it would occur in order for them to discredit his views on nationalism / populism?

Why would you need to justify the crisis if your faction's not instigating it?
come on whose 'special' enough to warrant contact through our unique no body else will ever know means? who wants to go through initiation and join our special secret organization of extreme influence and power. you'll amount to everything in a scheme where you fall as the patsy...i mean hero
What is the role of propaganda in the world, how much of what we believe is testable and true and how much is just assumption or some arbitrary made up idea?
Is this 'loss of consciousness' theory explicitly outlined in any published works? From what I understand of your previous answers, it is only alluded to peripherally in 'The Origin of Consciousness in the Breakdown of the Bicameral Mind', correct me if I'm wrong.
I bring you some heat OP.

Thoughts on parallel universes and other humanoid lifeforms?

Thoughts on mind=brain?
We don't justify it or encourage it, just explain why.
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is the name anon an AI

Theres something about how he writes that doesn't add up although im not going to write what because whats the point

If there were more things certain on top of the iD

also is this correct?
What was Bernie's purpose in this election?
Was Ford Prefect right about the Lizards?
What opinion does your group have on Evola and his work?
That's the most explicit public and straightforward treatment of the topic, but you can see it is clearly present in the mystery schools and major religions among other places.
But this time is not going to work, nearly no one believes things are going to get better economically speaking, hence there is no momentum and those tricks will not work.

The people have had it with this economical instability.
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Prepare yourself to help them. This all I can say. This means anybody everybody all the time everytime- especially if it's an enemy as well. If you fear pain it already controls you, if you want to cause pain it will come to you- if you set out to heal pain the results are memetic-

The saddest reality of our current world mess is it is no longer "Women and children first"
Do you think Chinese-style media censorship works? Do you think it will work in the long run?
If you don't find the explanation in layman's terms coming straight from God writing on His personal stationery with the divine letterhead and four witnesses, could it be possible that you could just read the fucking book and make up your mind for yourself? Do you honestly think he's holding back a better source to mock you?
Do you have an opinion on aussies?
So how would you describe your ideal society? does it include the concept of democracy?, free market trade? or alternatives?
What is the true meaning of life, Anon?

>The blood is

He is somebody somewhere but as it goes we are all nobody here so put some salt on the lemon I guess
We have more faith in your potential than he does.

Is human sacrifice among elites a thing?
I want to be part of your weird cult of ideas. I'm out of practice, but I know the feeling you're looking for. It's the ability to feel unimaginable and imperceptible sadness and operate in a mode of understanding and truth. It hurts. I haven't touched that place in awhile--years it seems--but it's coming a little easier.
We don't generally support censorship of others, although we find some degree of self-censorship prudent.
Is there an age in which you can no longer find your "niche" assuming everyone has some sort of predetermined "skill"

is IQ malleable or does it remain constant with only knowledge changing?

He just means that the dark priests feel the need to imply forward momentum of their agenda - thus, market collapse in the wake of Trump's election correlates globalist victories with rising markets and nationalist victories with falling ones, implying that the march of progress is inextricably bound to globalism.

Strange that markets recovered so easily after Brexit, though, if the other faction intended to pursue that strategy with any regularity.


How much influence does your faction specifically have to prevent censorship? Could you prevent the NSA from enabling a totalitarian state? What's the relative strength / ability of the four factions?
My own explanation of why the Chinese did not do more given their intellect is that people are ruined by success (they want what worked yesterday) and a powerful, centralized state misinterprets innovation as a threat. Therefore, censorship is actually a major self-limitation. I think China would be much better off without censorship, but that would be too scary for the Politburo. Am I on the right track?
is it the propose of pop culture to make the masses unaware or indifferent to all the things that are happening in the world today?
We generally try to promote both order and individual agency, although these two are conflicting to some degree. It's a difficult balancing act and prudent action can change over time.
How do I get a girl friend?
Very overblown, but not unheard of.
Thanks mate, I look forward to reading it.

I was confused by the phrasing of his previous answer, but intrigued by the topic, and wanted to make sure that I got all the sources I was after. Why so mad?
Smile when death comes for you...

Can you give a little more detail on the "heard of" aspects of it?
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>Another "insider" posting on pol
>/pol/ proles continue to ask the same boring Shillary questions


1. Symbols are obviously a visual language. A lot of symbols and sacred shapes are found all over ancient buildings. A lot of these shapes can be reproduced through frequencies; cymatics. Did they know something about frequencies we don't?

2. You said most of history is speculative since we only started recording recently. How much of the history we've recorded has been accurate? I'd imagine the most recent recorded history is probably the most tainted.

3. I have theories of the elites actively being able to predict and mold the future as they please in the sense that they know how to manipulate masses and are the ones effectively now recording our history. Is this happening?

4. Is there some global consciousness which we're all connected to?

Thank you.
The mind is very malleable and you can improve markedly.

We expect that augmentation is not terribly far away, and this will be more increasingly true.
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I honestly thought you were bullshit, but I've been doing some digging, and an engineered collapse seems almost guaranteed at this point.

Know anything about "banking viruses?"
What would you characterize as a reasonable reaction to human sacrifice?
You were talking about an old civilisation, were you speaking of the indo-europeans? They only have a linguistic basis we know of, but nothing else.

You mentioned before that you have very powerful narrow AIs and advanced computers. Are you aware of the value alignment problem in AI? If so, what is being done to address it?
Is Silent Weapons for Quiet wars legit?
We can issue diktats to some extent and have.

I think he meant it happens on a much smaller scale than imagined.
I think I made myself clear. Over-dependence on sources is a kind of blue pill. Sapir-Whorf requires that the best and most authoritative source is ever still limited.
well its just that

theres so much shilling 24/7 in this board its really hard not to notice certain things once you browse it long enough

Theres also the fact this is the 4th thread and he hasn't changed his flag or id once

He is pretty sure about himself

and also you sound like a normal person he makes me doubt

But you cannot do that if you don't define the beginning. up down in the void can be any direction, the same goes for everything
Yes, organized power often engenders its own psychosis this way.
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Once you have enough money to pay enough people to do what you want to have happen you don't really need magic do you?
I know, but as long as he ignores my pet thesis on China, I will pull his secret leg.
You mentioned a foreign power causing civil unrest. Do you think they will succeed?
I doubt that very much.
kek the Chinese are completely jewified and have been since Mao. Foreign citizens cannot gain Chinese nationality but 3/4 jews have...why is that?
They already have, anon. Turn on the news, and tell me what you see.
I don't know why you would conjecture as to my 'dependence' on sources, from a simple inquiry. Not sure what you're getting at with the Sapir-Whorf thing. Are you suggesting I sit around and meditate until I can telepathically divine historical facts or something?
Case in point. Look at the way Mao treated Deng, who single-handedly saved the CCP's legacy from ruin. And now, when Deng's reforms are beginning to fail, who is going to step up? More importantly, who would WANT to step up?
What's this basically all the known money in the world on deposit?
There have been instances of software siphoning off small amounts many times, but the system is very rigged and centralized with plenty of backups. It's not subject to take down this way.

Have you seen the movie Eyes Wide Shut and if so, can you briefly explain wtf it was about?
What role does Google play in the grand scheme of things and in general?
To add to that, I concluded that China is approaching a point where Deng-ism has done all it can, and now the center needs to back off and trust the ordinary Chinese person more. They are at the point where they need something like American or Enlightenment values to get to the next stage. But everything in their culture militates against this, and Brother Eleven appears to have been moving strongly in the wrong direction, ensuring future problems and stalled growth. This stengthens the chances of a military adventure or scapegoating foreigners.
Am I wrong? Is there a way for Xi to both crack down and facilitate growth?
Because you clearly refused to do as instructed and instead badgered about a mysterious better source. How is this conplicated?
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What's the boogeyman in this econ collapse? DB derivative exposure? Failing petrodollar? Equity, student loan bubble?

Also, answer for this >>80678720
Hey bro, this bicameral mind stuff is pretty interesting. Never heard of it before.
Share some thoughts on it. I can see a bit of this in myself. I can sort of see this in others as well.

Also, if you can, gimme some more topics to research like this. I don't know what I'm asking for in particular but feel free to throw out anything you may be interested in.
Good stuff, op.
What is the role of an artist in modern society?

Are Snowden / Greenwald more than they seem? If so, how?
Is the most important single event of this decade yet to happen?

Please answer

so i know you're not bsing.

I can answer this one, Snowden's a Russian spy.
I meant using the concept of a "banking virus" to liquidate accounts before a run on the banks during a crisis.
You can enumerate the possibilities for growth:

innovation, foreign plunder, domestic plunder

Obviously on the first is viable in the long term. Is Xi up to the task? Possibly, and shows more inclination than his American counterparts these days.
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Are you the same poster as 'The Prince', do you know who I am talking about?

If you aren't, or if you are, can you tell me what this is? or something about it?
So, assuming this is all real, I'm trying to make sure I don't wind up doing something that's going to get me assassinated.

One thing I'm interested in is educating the general public on politics. Assuming I was successful at this, would it be something that elites would consider dangerous enough to kill me for?
I watched this BBC documentary The Century of the Self about how the ideas of Freud and Edward Bernays were used by corporations and governments to manipulate public opinion and behavior. Were you guys behind this documentary?
fake thread
Boogeyman depends on the timing. They cycle through propaganda of newer ones all the time. Keeping the gun loaded. It's a very rigged market, these are not legitimate explanations, just covers.
What does it say about their plans when some nobody can uncover them with a little digging and some guesswork? Does it matter?
What does a member recruited from childhood of a secret organization does in its free time (hobbies)?
answer pls
I didn't badger, I asked for clarification, because, as I said earlier, the prior response was vague to me (I think you thought I was talking to you though?)

Its not complicated, your objection is just bizarre, obtuse and miscalibrated.
Is climate change a real concern or is it just a meme?
What is the single best thing any capable individual can do to benefit society?

Should I help my self before I help others, or should I help others so they can help me?
Snowden is a CIA asset that was meant to put the NSA in check for taking down a variety of people, most prominently Petraeus.

shitpost on /pol/ for 6 hours straight lol
I sincerely believe in Constitutional values as a solution to the world's problems and want to push this in cultures that never had English common law tradition. Thus my idea that China needs free speech in order to have growth, which is clearly a tortured concept. Am I fetishizing?
Generally, the cat is out of the bag. Talking about it isn't that big of a deal.

Talking about doing something about it is.
>illuminati tier insider
>can only answer basic geopolitcal related questions

hidden and saged stratfor tier bullshit
you forgot ask mommy to bring him his tendies and 2 liter of mountain dew for all night sesh
It's mostly just a limited set of particularly unhinged people.

Sometimes you get powerful people that become that way through senility, genetic defect, etc. Other times you get it on a large scale, i.e., the syphilis outbreak before it was treatable and mass associated psychosis.
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plan for WW3? will be ready soon? what is the plan for starting it?

I've noticed that the major banking institutions have stopped their normal line of, "everything is ok, don't worry" and have been sowing distrust and a lack of confidence on purpose.

Specifically in smaller euro banks. Ex. Italy, france, Spain.

Seems legit. If there was an actual crisis they would say everything is fine. If it's an engineered crisis, they'd promote it like they are now.

You might be legit.

On an unrelated note, how accurate are Albert pike's predictions regarding the means for a third world war?
Are legal systems an effective way to balance power and give more to the public? Could they be? will they be?
>Generally, the cat is out of the bag. Talking about it isn't that big of a deal.
can we take your non crossed fingers word on that ?

You've said to have Machiavellian views on stuff
what is your favorite species of plant?
Greenhouse gases have some forcing effect, but the uncertainty in measuring it is on the order of the effect itself. We can engineer processes to reverse it for something on the order of $1/person/year. It's not an intractable or world threatening problem by any means.
I don't think this life is for me. Tell your buddies not to kill me pls.


Exert yourself in designing a better way, and the means to protect yourself when articulating it.

Is masturbation harmful?
I second this question.
That depends.
Free speech has never existed in any general sense. You can only test the existence or nonexistence at the extreme of dangerous speech, and that's never been widely available.

So if I remember what you said in the last thread, Soros is merely a puppet?

Also, what would happen if some known people like Soros, The Saudis or Rotschild would fall? What would be the next logical target?
Alright, I'll bite.

What's your organizations view on Christianity?
I got you britbong. Work out, practice socializing, don't be a beta, look and smell good, don't be a piece of shit.
Albert Pike's work is an exercise in attempted self-fulfilling prophecy.
Can shitposting on /pol make you a target?
But surely the disruptive innovator is safer in an environment that separates reality and what the state says?

>Work out
well I already do some stuff

>Practice socializing

>Don't be a beta
I'm not a beta I'm an omega.

>Look and smell good
That's impossible

>Don't be apiece of shit
That's hard to because girls will think I'm a piece of shit for politics or something, they always find a way to dislike me.

I just want a friend that is a girl, not a girlfriend.
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Do the Rothschilds hold as much influence as /pol/ make them out to?

Are these families still relevant?

Rothschild (Bauer or Bower) family
Rockefeller family
Oppenheimer family
Goldsmid/Goldsmith family
Mocatta family
Montefiore family
Sassoon family
Warburg (del Banco) family
Samuel family
Kadoorie family
Franklin family
Worms family
Stern family
Cohen family
Schiff family
Morgan family
Lazard family
Schröder family
Harriman family
Royal Family of England
Windsor (Saxe-Coburg-Gotha) family
Hanover family
Cavendish (Kennedy) family
Medici family
Plantagenet family
Habsburg family
Krupp family
Bruce (Bruis, Brix, or Broase) family
Carnegie family
Vanderbilt family
Du Pont family
Sinclair family
Astor family
Romanov family
Li family
Onassis family
Van Duyn (Dien, or Duyne) family
Bush family
Reynolds Family
i just graduated with a degree in electrical engineering. Is there a known physical law/phenomenon that will change humanity like electricity did?
Symbolically, highly important.

Literally? We lament the silliness.
I've got a higher than average IQ, though it seems to have gotten lower as I've gotten older. Although my working memory has always scored 160+. Is there a way to grow it/maximize it? I've borderline abused weed/alcohol. Not cripplingly so but something I definitely regret.
That's what they want you to think!
The protection that you imagine is conferred in the west is marginal at best.

Congrats bruh, you just outed yourself as a shitposter.
Study game, read Chateau Heartiste.
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>no answer to this

you forgot the Hitler family and the Jong-Il family
Why are you and your ilk destroying the world? In the past 16 years you have made the world so ugly and dark. What is in it for you?
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So you appreciate the cultural benefits of it but don't actually believe in Christ and the lord?

>People are assassinated if they are considered extreme threats to the system. You don't have to be overtly threatening. A particularly damning piece of journalism or a simple invention that upends an industry could do it. Or even being highly charismatic but not amenable to the current way of doing things.

How was Nigel Farage able to come through on Brexit then... seemed none of the high powered people in the world wanted it.
This world is really not so different than your experience in high school. Popularity waxes and wanes, as does wealth, belief in various agendas, etc.

The difference is that the popularity contests decide the fate of billions rather than who gets laid.
It's not where it needs to be, but we can strengthen it, and anyway there is a cultural memory of it.
China on the other hand never had the concept.
What is the symbolism regarding the virgin birth of christ?

They tried
Do you use a Mac or PC? iPhone or Android? Or is there something more secure/technically advanced available to you?

If you find someone who has designed a better way, but who is clueless about self-defense in any sense (as the vast majority of intellectual people are), does your organization step in to defend them?

If not, why not? The stakes seem too high to discard any marginal advantage, especially if, as you said earlier, you have no shortage of assets.


Are specific agencies aligned with specific factions? For example, you mentioned that Obama and Snowden are CIA, and that Obama and Soros are dark priests. If the dark priests primarily influence the CIA, who controls the FBI and NSA? Or do all factions share some degree of influence?

Was FBIanon real?
>Congrats bruh, you just outed yourself as a shitposter.
This. Most likely a Satanist.
We've developed the ability to put payloads into space at about $20/kg.
Didn't realize you made a new one.

Is joining the US military now pointless? Would I and many others be fighting for a lost cause and used only as pawns in the distant and near future?
Any merits to Laissez-faire capitalism?
No, it's more than that. In some sense you might even call us 'christian' but it doesn't have anything to do with popular interpretations.

Is emDrive real? Why has paradigm-shifting technological change slowed so much in recent decades?
I've secretly always hoped I'd be in a position of influence.

Im 30 year old middle class suitcase jockey. Can you go ahead and put this fantasy to rest? Or is there a way for me to make a difference still?

Alrighty, fair enough.

What about my question about Nigel though?
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Holy fucking shit this is cringe. This is cringe I regret wasting my time on this thread. I tried to overlook how fucking boring your replies were and gave you the benefit of the doubt but my god, you really disappointed.

Hope you enjoyed your (you)s
We probably would, but as you can imagine it is exceedingly unlikely to simultaneously be that sophisticated and vulnerable.
I'm really not fond of the current tendencies of black pop culture, but I have noticed that, when a black is unquestionably human and downright admirable, they tend to be highly Christian or at least have that in their background (witness Ben Carson). It would appear that some people need it.
We believe in letting the market reward innovation, but don't consider it a sufficiently sophisticated system by itself.
What is the symbolism regarding the virgin birth of christ
Can you estimate for me the maximum payload in 1 trip, one way? How long to get it up there?
what is the symbolism regarding the virgin birth of christ

for how long has your organization existed
If the methods outlined in the bell curve failed to improve cognitive ability, how then do you "markedly" improve your mind?

I find the need to amass wealth an annoying stepping stone to effecting hard changes in the world. It is inconvenient and wastes time that could be more effectively used.

What recommendations can you make to amass enough "liquid power" (as I think of it) as efficiently and quickly as possible?

Obviously jobs are slavery, so I'm curious to see what you say.
Obama is more aligned with the NSA than the CIA. Snowden, Clintons are representative of the CIA.
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He wouldn't answer any of my questions so I have been piggybacking his threads giving out dietary and lifestyle advice and stock advice that I got from doing natal charts lol-
I may have dropped a few gems here and there to try and rustle some jimmies but over all I have simply been medium caliber shitposting- and enjoying every minute of it-

I have been on this board a long time and the current reality globally and geopolitically is absolutely chaotic- we have always been ahead of the game here which is why over the last months more and more of these op types and msm types flock here- /pol/ has more or less always been chaos on an international level- we are the back alley brawl of political debate that exists no where else- we are all equals here which is the truth, and out of all the things I have been here for, the real anons always come back and come together to seek out the truth no matter how long it takes- the truth always comes to the surface eventually- and when it does we win, everybody wins.

Also /pol/ is always right so fuck'em

> They used to laugh, now they come here to listen.
What makes Soros a dark priest?
As a patriotic duty, yes.

It could help you in acquiring skills and a leg up in life though.

Depends on individual circumstances.
You worship the devil, m8. Even if you think you don't, you do.

And you lose in the end. Even if you think you won't, you will.
Nigel doesn't really possess an agenda, more of an anti-agenda. This is needed in all strategies of tension.
>Obama and Soros are dark priests.
ha! Satanists, I knew it. You are working with Satan as his demons to destroy what God has created. So obvious from everything Soetoro-Obama has done. If it is opposite God, then the elites/marxists/commies/illuminati/satanists do it. Hence, we see women in control and Western Civilization being destroyed as well as Christianity. You suck. But, you lose in the end so that is my comfort.
Best way (if possible) to raise IQ?

Best fields of study?
I second this. Anon has been very persistent in asking.
>And you lose in the end. Even if you think you won't, you will.
That is pretty much what I just posted. Glad to see another like-minded intelligent person who gets it.
Defeats the reasoning, then universal and unquestioned, that heredity defines all.
Independent birth of consciousness (no blood oath, third party inducing)
he is satanic, he won't answer a question on the Virgin Mary because she is satan's arch-enemy.
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If this anon is LARPing, it's a decent LARP.

If this anon is genuine, then he's smart enough not to give away anything really telling that he doesn't want to give away.

if this anon is a trap, kys
i see i was right or so i think

also pls


i dont want to die for shitposting

Minutes to hours depending on the sensitivity of the payload to high gee forces.
We live in a very primitive society ruled by the law of the jungle. The most significant capital is weapon-based leverage.

In this post you said Obama was primarily a creature of the CIA. Did they create him, and then his allegiance changed? If so, why?

You need extreme breadth and depth if you want agency. You guys want to reimagine the world. Being an expert in quantum mechanics or evolutionary biology by itself isn't going to cut it.
Tell me about The Lord Savior Jesus Christ
Is there elite involvement behind Pokemon Go, because it's being shilled everywhere (all over social and news media)? For what purpose, surveillance?
Is there any point in trying to advance humanities understanding of the world, as a normal person? Or even just to try and make the world a better place? It seems like you guys already have the answers, and if any normal people get too close, they get killed.

You are about enlightening but you are not anti capitalist

It makes no sense


the core of capitalism its what you hate/ are against and im talking about the socio politics

The conflict of interest is not economic its socio politic it comes from a conflict of beliefs over how society should be run, what are the limits of personal liberties and social responsibility but beliefs are not knowledge nor understanding about this

It makes no sense

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It's a little more complicated than that- what do Saturn,t he kabaa, the square hole at the bottom of the 9/11 memorial, and those black cubes certain nodding joos strap to their heads have in common?

> Enjoy
Obama was created by the CIA and made to believe he was a sort of messiah figure, although he is as much at fault for believing it as those who convinced him. He has a very deep sense of betrayal stemming from this.
What's up with 33 in media? Messaging? To what end?
Sounds like you just use the current technology for cheaper desu. What's the propellant?
I just wanted to say thank you for doing this. Whoever you are, you have some good insights.
Earlier you mentioned that the English elite are one of the entities meddling with US domestic affairs.

By "English elite" do you mean the royal family?

Can you provide more insight into how deeply they're involved in American affairs and, perhaps, other mischief outside the UK?
You guys are being misled, this is an op.

He isn't a high level insider and hasn't provided any new information whatsoever.

He might claim we are just asking the wrong questions, but you guys are being beyond naive.
We have the ability to build a space elevator. Rockets cannot get you within an order of magnitude of $20/kg.
How are the Clintons representative of the CIA?
What, in your opinion, is inherently wrong with free capitalist society?
Is Neal Stephanson one of you?
oops caught the RP in a contradiction. this faggot is pure RP
>but believe in the black sun empire faggots, the black sun illuminates all of mankind
Should I continue pursuing my theories of group estimation?
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>I hope they're watching lol- I don't give a fuck-
Free speech and anonymity are beautiful things.

We're a 21st Century Society of Letters.
What's the deal with Islam? Is it a medieval PsyOp or did it emerge organically?
that guy looks like a complete faggot.lol
Yes, as well as their banking houses, think tanks, and propaganda programs.
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Does /pol/ support pedophilia? Why are you against it/for it?
>legitimate pedophilia (10> years old)
Have the ability to =/= currently have, so no elevator, and you say not rockets. some say follow the money, I say follow the energy. What form of energy?
to get people to turn on their phones GPS system all the time voluntarily
>surveillance is already done as the letters can always turn on a phones GPS but for a private entity to access and then sell the data regarding where people go, when, with who, etc when they voluntarily turn on their GPS and allow data without restriction..this can make some private industries some serious cake...why did Nintendos stock skyrocket after the popularity of GO was realized?
They believe in exercising hard-power control, versus a more soft-power type you see out of Obama/NSA.
Are you bored by these questions?
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What fine shadowing
It doesnt look at all like you shaved your arm and drew it on with a sharpie, then put vaseline on it.

>new levels
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I shitpost in real life
Feelings and/or notion of the world enables to think from micro to both macro and micro (which also heightens micro). This happens from, say, watching a certain film. Is this sort of the path you are describing? Haven't a certain preset of the world that in a maximum-sense of seeing the world which in then turn increases awareness and intelligence? If so what environmental asset do you use to keep within this set of mind?
There are many problems, including but not limited to a lack of rational agents.
What i fucking described

I wrote the beginning of it when i was in a book thread and someone mentioned soros but i didn't want to spoil the other anon the answer because

to understand what actually is going on you had to study how Valve's business model actually work cause they are capitalism incarnated but since i didnt want to spoilt it I didnt describe it and i won't do so here

Ill try to see if a free speech analogy works
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satanist roleplayer can you go away now. it's been like 8 hours of this shit.

No, we don't. You have been lied to, my friend. Your people created these laws of the jungle, set them down, and force the rest of us to live by them.

Thousands of years of bloodshed by men who dream of godhood. You are no different than they. Chosen for your intellect, your greatest vanity, to make excellent "enlightened" soldiers indeed. Conditioned to believe the truth is in the hands of Men. You are wrong. You have been deceived.

You've no right to play God.
popular public figure. would be an absolute shitstorm if anything were to have happened
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Go back to sleep-
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>an actual basement dweller

instead of Haven't
Some are good, some not so much. It's a worthwhile process.
Does philosophy matter to you? In general?
no blood either OP is literally autism level over 5,000
Was von neumann the greatest scientist of all time?
what is putin's endgame?
Why didn't you answer these questions?
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I'm honored to have witnessed faggotry of this scale
ur dumb
None of us are perfect, but we have a good culture that we keep isolated to continually reinforce these principles.

I left that for a client of mine after rebuilding his shop/garage that got hurricaned- it was a joke about homeowners insurance(and also a constant warning and reminder)
What would happen if the actual contents of this culture were leaked? Or is there anything novel to leak in the first place?
Is it accurate to say Micheal Flynn defected? Any idea what his motivations are?
High level mathematics will get you more 'philosophical' value than the works of self-described philosophers.

But you could call us that if you define it sufficiently vaguely or broadly enough.
Seems multiple people have pointed this out with different reasoning.

The fact that none of it has been adressed means both the OP and the rest are part of the operation.
>have in common?
I have no idea whatsoever. I would appreciate it if you would explain. Thank you.
OP confirmed for some kind of nigger/wigger who has his hs diploma hanging in his "office"
There is a lot of tension and infighting going on at high levels of the US government, including the Pentagon refusing direct orders from civilian leadership.
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Wipe your arm dry and take another pic.

If our contents were leaked and remained in the form of words the world might be able to start sorting out its shit- if it gets leaked out in the form of physical violence however- it won't change a thing- look outside
In what direction does the black sun rise and what direction does it set OP?
You mentioned the four schools of thought regarding, these higher order societies. Is there a way or a reason for these groups to work together for a common end? I read that they all have different motivating beliefs, but the end goal seems to be the same, some continuation of our "society."

Would they, could they unite? Is the end result far too unknown? Is the destination not worth the path required to get there?

I often wonder how much longer our nation has. Is there a way we can exchange the reigns of power with the current cohort in a peaceful manner? Words written into the Declaration and the Constitution lead us towards solutions to these problems, but I wonder if the holders of these rights/liberties are now who we are meant to think they are. And if not, perhaps it is time that we inherited these?
From what I described Donald Trump seems to have a grip on. Though his cranium isn't the largest I've seen he has an incredibly high intelligence. Seeing as he has this propensity and you giving labels to many, known powerful figures I'm going to assume you either are or related to Trump?
What's the deal with the Middle-East and North Africa ? what's the deal with the Islamic salafism ? Does my country have any power in the North African crisis ?

Give a specific example. You being vague about everything is severely hurting your credibility.
Yeah, I think a lot of philosophy today is going in circles. Although my gut says philosophies of governance and ethics have a big impact on the world.
Can you provide more insight into how deeply they're involved in American affairs and, perhaps, other mischief outside the UK?
Is it possible for India to kick out all the muslims, nuke Pakistan, become a superpower someday and also remove democracy and use monarchy according to you?
Does your organization pay you, as in salary? Or do you volunteer and have a day gig?
Has Trump drank the cool-aide? Or is he more of the corrupt type?
That's a fucking amazing logo. Goddamn.
What is Bernie Sanders' role/agenda?
Have to check out for now. Will try to return for another session in the near future.
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> Am I doin it rite?

3π€ is in the works- literally waiting for my workers to get here- ordered them from Greece for fucks sake
Thanks for stopping by.
What should we ask you that we haven't asked yet?
What question do you most want to be asked?
Do you have any questions for us? (Possibly along the lines of Socratic mind-fuckery.)
What question do you least want to answer?

What do you know of the preceding civilization? (Were they human? What was their origin? What was their downfall? Is the Great Flood a scrap of their history? Did their mind/soul/consciousness arise independently and separately from ours?)

What do you make of the ancient meme of advanced beings (often of pale complexion, weirdly) coming from someplace far away or in the sky to create us, and then a faction of these "gods" shares knowledge/enlightenment with humans against the will of the other "gods" and then they all leave humanity with the promise of return?

Describe your belief systems please.

Ah, nevermind then. Goodbye, Anon. It's been interesting.
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There will be at least two ways to verify the credibility of this poster -

1) Whether the financial crises (I'm assuming at least 2008-level) he predicts will occur at the designated times (before election for Hillary, immediately after for Trump),


2) Whether his fairly specific claims on the Clintons' 9/11 involvement and the Bank of New York turn out to hold any water.

We can assume it's a LARP unless at least one of these specific claims turns out to be true, at which point everything he said should be examined more critically. Might be useful to make an FBI-style compilation image.
It sounds accurate to me. My guess is there was a disagreement on soft power vs hard power. But why did he become a correspondent for Russia Today?
What goal should I set myself in order to ascend to the same awakening as you?

Something I can always go back to and make it my number one priority?
Thanks again, it's been fun.
Dont bother with my question btw was a joke. Any case, cya
you're not really gone are you?
m8 what do you keep going on about?
Kek approves of your analysis. Good idea to archive the threads (links in OP) and produce images as well. I don't know how so another anon should.
I'm guessing he was talking about the Pyramids but what do I know
thank you man,be safe
Everything OP posted and responded about was with publicly available knowledge.

If you actually want to know how the world works at the core of things I could make a thread. Doubt anyone is genuinely interested.
I am.
Go ahead, make the thread i'll bump it.
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Still looks dubious, but good for you if it's authentic
here's some wpp
kek soon as the heat on his contradictions rise up he bounces. never gave anything more than vague conjecture as his answers anyway
kek please an hero and put the sharpie in your pooper for degrading an abstract representation of the black sun empire thinking you're some kind of meme lord
/pol/ is a satirical board of peace.
What is happening this winter, I know something is coming but I'm not sure what. What do you know?

Lets take free speech the right of every man to speak freely by virtue of being human

Whats the principle it emanates from? Egalitarianism

Lets say you have 2 persons from opposite sides of the spectrum

One believes in himself who believes in the right because it enables himself to speak to impose himself and not be imposed

The other believes in himself who believes in the right of the others being the entity ALL

If both engage in a dialog the one who believes in all talks and allows to speak and listens because he believes in that but he doesn't actually want to listen he but he does but thats what he believes in

the other directly ignores which is also his right and seeks to be heard more as thats what he belives him

Eventually the one likes to speak figures out how to make himself have more reaching power and builds a platform to do so

So his voice is heard far more than the other and yet the other is allowed to speak

Gonna have a cig first, I'll make a thread and post the link here in a few minutes.
As far as their "remnants" that he referred to, yes, I'm sure he meant the pyramids and the
Sphinx and those crazy melty stone walls from South America and so on.

But physical remnants aren't necessarily the only thing they could have left behind.

do it fgt
Well there's an election in november. You might have heard.

It's real- went back to 1680 genealogy- wise- then I had to do it-

Lets say this annoys certain bystanders who go to complain to the government shit is too loud. The one who likes to be heard is going to say that the government is limiting free speech and the others are going to say that its making it hard for the others to be heard and that all should be the exact same irregardless of everything else

Then scholars pop saying free speech is in an inherently flawed and archaic system because of what those 2 did and say

This leads to a confrontation that has no end because they aren't arguing about reality

They are arguing about their perception of reality their beliefs not the inherent principle of egalitarianism. Neither acknowldege nor understands the other other as in everything external to them which they cannot know only their vision of the other they both want to impose their wills over everything they consider their property.

One thinks individuals are above all the other thinks the collective is above all, collective being an entity that is more and completely different from the individuals

Economy is just a system to transfer wealth its numbers how they are used is socio politics

All the rules of the markets aren't the rules of the economy but the underlying principle of the nature the active actos have chosen

Capitalism is cancer

Plus theres tons of stuff i could write about
Maybe but it's nice to see one person's perspective and have it all in one place.
I was hacked for telling the truth on 2322 or the truth on Fukushima. I search for the truth and am versed on many things including Pedo rings. Why was I hacked here on 4Chan
>collective being an entity that is more and completely different from the individuals
That of course he defines himself
You forget that he didn't explicitly offer anything that wasn't asked for. Of course every question he answered pertained to public knowledge; how would anons know to ask about it if it weren't public?
There cannot be agreements

in a world where everything can be and not be
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I'll bantz with ya- I'd rather talk about recent reads and recipes and such though
Of course you gotta remember you can plant questions...
This is a research thread where you get to talk to them

are you a newfag?

I still hope i dont get killed tho
Dude, they scarred the shit out of that.

Also, fuck that antifa scum commenting
Someone archive these threads desu senpai

I got it just in case I end up going to camp towards the end of the summer or near election time- how else will my friends recognize me if they take our cards away? Get hype!
No, there will be more than that
So how are we going to organize and topple the world Jewry?

Was Hitler right all along?
What does this symbol mean?
Here's my thread on the occult knowledge of the world and how it influences various aspects of life. For those who are interested.
Try again.
please an hero, you've trip fagged in another role players thread over multiple threads in an attempt to get (you's) or to somehow make yourself feel relevant or important literally an even viler level of shame than the role player himself
Yes. But every question? Over four threads? He answered my question and he didn't plant or otherwise elicit them as far as I can tell, except for one case where he asked me to be more specific about "average" people.
Looks Satanic to be honest

Sorry I forgot the link.


It's the black sun.
It's the Black Sun.
Not quite.

Is genetic engineering a good field to get into?
He left a lot unanswered. What he does and doesn't answer gives us some information too.
Here I'll help:


Lol thanks bud.
Wtf is the black sun desu senpai?

You know, for an enlightened insider type you're not very good at the internet.

Yes. He answered almost all of my questions though. He seemed less interested in lower level political type stuff.
>no comments
last time i put so much effort into something
The Black Sun even sounds Satanic. I'm a Christian and that dark stuff rubs the wrong way.
>Looks Satanic to be honest
It is in the sense that it has nothing to do with Christianity and everything to do with cults and paganism.
They blew up Fukushima to control Japan to devalue their currency. The sobs are evil.
you have to dig on your own. the black sun rises and illuminates all of mankind who prove ready. although remember there is no way to go back and forget what the black sun has illuminated so be forewarned not even 'death' grants release
Funny I got the opposite vibe. He was less into very high level/quasi-philosophical stuff at least.
Kek just answering the fucking question you cuck
Any guesses on where he comes from?
kek you literally asked wtf is the black sun. if you had any potential you'd probably already have known
Well he did say he's old and most people in his faction work in science or teaching, so he's probably Noam Chomsky.
Fucking shills. Chomsky never told the truth on 911. Fucking Psyops. I hope there's fire and brimstone one day.
lol maybe a little too specific. AFAIK the only factions that care about /pol are Putin's homeboys and recently NATO. Since he stopped short on the "which foreign power is behind the civil unrest" question my first guess is Russia/Putin. He seemed to be ok with people talking about it but not "doing something" about it. Sound right?
Although, NATO might not want to say that either... If /pol is getting more popular I guess other groups could be taking interest like he said. He might be honest about his group and their intentions, just intentionally vague.
You're an Econ professor at Syracuse
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