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Question Time Part 3

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Thread replies: 272
Thread images: 23

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Part 1:

Part 2:

Question Time Part 3
Is satan real?

Is there a foreign power influencing/financing the racial unrest in murica?
Who killed JFK
why are you so gay
How old were you when you were approached by this secret society?

How old are you now?

Is the life you live dangerous?

Do you risk being tortured or having your loved ones killed?

How physically fit are you? -
Not literally, but symbolically.

Obama was the planned outcome many years in advance.
Shouldn't have posted graven images
Yes he is real, and he has infiltrated our schools, churches, government and so on.
No, satan literally exists
Why haven't you recruited weev?

I'm already disambigualatory nonbinary-

> I find your image quite offensive
What faction does FBI Director Comey belong to? What faction does former DIA Director Michael Flynn belong to and will he be Trump's VP? Is Trump a member of one of these factions or is he an independent actor like /pol/?
Young child

Significantly into adulthood

Sort of, but measured risk

Sort of, compensating mechanisms are in place

Very healthy

Which power? You'd be a lot more believable if you gave simple specifics like that.
Moving back to the original topic: can you give us some specific directions in what we should investigate in order to bring down Hillary Clinton and the rest of her network?
Give anything you can about who you work for? What kind of organization is it? Does it have a normal front? Whats your title/job description?
What is day to day operations of it? Gathering data, logistics, finance, politics? Like what do you do exactly? High level in what industry?
What is oil?
Where does it come from?
what is the future of the white race, to your knowledge/opinion?
England, Russia, China, and Saudi Arabia have significant and different agendas.
any books you recommend?

What are English and saudi agendas?

Are you guys hiring or what? I don't use money so I will accept payment in the form of fruits and vegetables (and cannabis)
The most damning thing you will find is that the Clintons were involved in 9/11. Follow the money trail on clearing irregularities in the days following.
Is a Civil War in America happening, that's what it seems from there being a major shooting reported everyday, or is this a false flag for something else?
There can not be another financial crisis because Europe is still in a financial crisis. First we would have to get out of the current crisis to get into another one.

Also why would there be another one in any case?
What do we do about the Clintons???
>Clintons were involved in 9/11

Is her campaign logo alluding to their involvement?
What roll will bitcoin play in the coming years?
Who created bitcoin?
The Origin of Consciousness in the Breakdown of the Bicameral Mind

TL;DR all traces of consciousness disappeared for a period of time *after* civilization emerged (although you won't find that in this book, because it follows the traditional historical myth of a singular rise of civilization rather than rise, collapse, and rise again)
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I think Hillary's role in waco is more damning to her than anything else- bills karma aids are nothing compared to what she got comin-
Was the FBIAnon correct in that exposing Clinton's whole network of conspirators would risk toppling the entire federal government and cause a constitutional crisis?

>Young child

Should the talents/understanding you have manifest by an early age, or can someone reach this potential whenever?

Were you instructed, or self-taught in your methods?
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Will there still be a world in 2017 or will it be gone by then?
The English elite believe they are the rightful rulers of the world as descendants of the line of David.

The Saudis are in awkward position of recognizing they have been used as pawns and trying to emerge from that to player status, mixed with a variety of individual agendas that get varying level of state sanction.
Is 12 an important figure, like 3?
If answer is no, would the 3/12 be considered a rival? Or not anymore?

Do we not already have a constitutional crisis?
Oh dear is the empire of the black sun
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Of course. They pretend to be very proud of it behind closed doors.
You can argue that we've been in a financial crisis for decades. Call it a period of exaggerated crisis if you wish. Semantics.

His wife fired the final kill shot
Do you know anything interesting about the caucasus region?
answer pls I'm worried about illegals and rapefugees
There is a very clear intensification of the strategy of tension and it will continue to intensify as apparent public support for the regime collapses.
The british elite descended from David?
Isn't that the Zionists whole shtick?

Where do the jews fall into this? /pol/ after all..
How much power do the rothschilds have?
They made $$$ on 9/11? Short selling?
>The English elite believe they are the rightful rulers of the world as descendants of the line of David.
Is this why Brexit was allowed to happen?
Are us regular folk considered cattle by the elites?
I'm uncovering latent astral powers, any chance I will be approached by this group?
Why do you think the Clintons are "evil" or "wrong"? Why do you not support them?

It often emerges early in those who end up being the most adept


We'll still be here.

It's on their coat of arms so its not like they're trying to hide it or anything.
Are people in your circles allowed to have commodities beyond basic living standards?
More like hid the theft of money from 10 years earlier.
>Also why would there be another one in any case?

Why would there be another GLOBAL economic crisis?
Do you know the purpose of all the geoengineering? Lots of misinfo surrounding the topic.
By some factions, yes.

Will you answer the bitcoin Qs
They seek power as sociopaths, not as a means to an end.

If you want this site to work for you then why are you talking to shit posters instead of moderators or the guy who owns the domain
Is there a cure for aspergers/autism? If someone is high functioning enough, is there a way for them to be "fixed"? Serious question. Its for a friend I swear.
Would you consider it a good thing if that happens? How would your faction react and how would the other factions react?
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Three threads and not one answer to one of my questions- (good thing I can into research and answer my own).

Please answer so I can go for a bike ride-

1. How are you?

2. Are you a Big Guy?

To create further interdependency - mutually assured destruction among the the nations neuters their economic individual agency.
Will Hillary or Trump be elected since they now steal elections with electronic voting machines?
Bitcoins are not important.
Are there any elite groups looking out for the majority of people and their freedoms?

Answer this >>80668568 please. Also any dirt on Stalin?


Did the clintons originally buy some of the fraudulent bonds?
I noticed in one of the JFK pictures that got posted an specific geometric shape which im surprised no one else has ever mention despite it being so self evident as they actually had the lines drawn

Am i seeing things?
Is it safe to do research online? It would seem to me that literally everything we do online is being stored somewhere and analyzed, assuming these secret powerful societies actually exist.
I'm trying to help individuals realize their potential, not marshal them.
m8 that was a real question. I wanted my suspicions confirmed.
I've got a good question. Why do the idiots here believe you are anyone of importance? Anyone can name themselves "high level insider" and spout nonsense as if they actually know something relevant. What reason do people have to believe you?
Was FBIanon correct saying that George Soros is the one instigating this One World Government?

Does he want to be the head of this OWG?

What is a good way for individuals to push through perceived limits?
Pls OP.
PRISM crashed, so in that sense it is safe, however going to individual websites controlled by the enemy can be dangerous, as they can just use the data from those servers.
What ever happened to D.B. Cooper?
Not in an uncontrolled manner. Society needs a baseline of order.
Is blood important in the school one should pursue?

Someone of Germanic/Nordic descent should read Serrano and dive into Esoteric Hitlerism?
>all traces of consciousness disappeared for a period of time *after* civilization emerged (although you won't find that in this book, because it follows the traditional historical myth of a singular rise of civilization rather than rise, collapse, and rise again)

Do you recommend any books that outline this theory and the supporting evidence?
In all seriousness, do you believe in magic?
Hillary is the preferred candidate, but there is a problem in that everyone knows she has virtually no support. It's a hard sale to make. The viability will be evaluated shortly before the election.

They issued them and used the proceeds
Are you avoiding answering some questions here because it would be too revealing or it's an innocent oversight?
And the suffering of poor people who became poor because of the crisis?
Well advised to confine some of your inquiry to libraries without a digital trace, and to take modest efforts to conceal the intent of others.
Which ones?
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>Is satan real?

Soros is a puppeteer, but not quite a puppet master.
Are polls manipulated? If so, to what extent?
Varies from person to person, but one of the most important things is to clear your thought processes of unsound assumptions / limitations.
>The most damning thing you will find is that the Clintons were involved in 9/11. Follow the money trail on clearing irregularities in the days following.
Is this related to the $2.3 trillion that was reported missing on 9/10/2001?
We don't condone this type of thinking about the world.
do we live in a computer simulation?
How do I seek truth?
What are some of the most common assumptions/limitations to be aware of?
>unsound assumptions / limitations.
Which are those?
So you're all thumbs for multiculti?
No. That is mostly explained by siphoning of funds to "legitimate" black projects and normal accounting errors.
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Will there ever be free flow of ideas after this? Does it matter?
How to avoid being a threat but still manage to avoid getting carried away by the stream?
At this point I'm pretty much aware that this is how the world works best, but I still want to have a relatively good life.
Remember >>80669539 always do the opposite of what jews say.
FBIanon mentioned that if Hillary were to become president, within the first two years, she would declare war with Russia and essentially instigate a WWIII.

Are these claims true and if they are, could these plans be delayed or even halted by the Vice President?

People generally regard the state as all powerful, but it is shockingly vulnerable.

There are plenty of ways that you could collapse society on your own.

Alternatively, you can exert power and protection of yourself through the threat of exercising such.

>They issued them and used the proceeds

I thought the bonds were sold to fund the shorting of the ruble and to buy off high level russians. Please explain how they used the proceeds. Did soros purchase any of the bonds?
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Are we all doomed to be pawns in this larger game? If so, then should I say fuck it and listen to my id? I also think that magic exist through linguistics. Am I crazy?
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She fired the last shot, he had already been shot in the throat and was chilling- she was the samson option- she leaned in like she was trying to help him kind of pulling him forward with her left hand- and in her right hand used a small pistol and shot him from the back pretty much at a 45°angle going from the end of his spine towards his temple- then she pushed the pistol down the back of his suit jacket as she clambered over the seat and onto the truck-

She did it because she was a filthy Jesuit cunt-
>Please excuse my language

Kennedy was a great president and a great American-

Who is/are the puppet master/s?
Would you say there is enough control of the outcome to decide of the fate of the election regardless of voters' turnout?
Hillary can be expected to push NATO to the borders of Russia and intensify proxy conflicts, but not start an actual direct hot war or thermonuclear exchange.

Depending on the resistance to other subversive measures, she might, but is not likely, to provoke severe retaliatory measures from them.
Well this answers the 3/12 question I had. I have a good idea of it now. Still would like to know if they're still considered viable rivals, or if it's too small.

Will you continue to come here?

Chilling<Choking wtf
Could someone obtain valuable information at a public library?
>No. That is mostly explained by siphoning of funds to "legitimate" black projects and normal accounting errors.
Can you give us more specifics on
>Follow the money trail on clearing irregularities in the days following.

It's been nearly 15 years and a lot of us don't remember a whole lot about it anymore (or were too young to even understand).
When are the rest of the drugs going to go legal?
Yes, that general type of activity is what I meant by she used them.

Personal enrichment comes from siphoning darker pools of money, i.e., CF laundering, cocaine cash, etc.
Is Scott Adams part of one of these societies?
What was the big deal with medicating young children? Is it just unmitigated pharmaceutical greed leaking out into society, or is there something even more nefarious at play? ... Was it calculated to have some affect on this generation of adults?
Are you putting yourself at risk for spilling this information out to us?
If someone displays the skills that your organization looks for at say, 10 years old, what are the odds that you:
1.) Find out about it
2.) Reach out to that person
3.) Ensure that they join your organization
Additionally, how does your group find them? Are there agents in schools? Finally, what if the potential candidate chooses not to join you? What will happen to them & their future?
The next step up the food chain from Soros is the Bush family, which the Clintons are an accessory to. They might legitimately qualify as puppet masters, although maybe not depending on the extent to which you would require they devise their own plots to warrant such a title.
Interesting. I've been pursuing a similar line of thought to this myself, vis-a-vis the structural integrity of different social matrices. Would it be correct so say that 'power' is more often than not a confidence trick? Is that what you're alluding to when you invoke 'the emperor has no clothes'?
I asked this in a previous thread--but I really want to be involved in media. Where is the best, and most ethical place for the benevolence of society to assert myself as a resource?
Besides that

it makes a shape like this

> /
/ <

He was also killed close to a obelisk wasnt he?

I can't stop seeing weird patterns in everything since this whole thing started although in the pictures the lines were drawn
what part exactly?
Yes, subject to the following constraint:

they can force an outcome that no one believes, but not an outcome that no one believes that no one believes.
I like how you think USGov will continue to be a functioning thing from the moment they try to put her on the throne.
You should really go back to your analysis methods and fix them, because you don't even know what's going on with the populace.
I want to be better, and I want to have faith. What can I put my faith in to be better?
Is there any way at all to take down the Clintons, except waiting for their natural death?
What happens to you if during a regular medical checkup they detect you have cancer?

Do they shoot you in the head for basically becoming worthless?
Bullshit, Soros is just a front man for someone even more powerful who doesn't want to be implicated in all this.
Also, bumping this question.

Security clearing rules were lifted for a few days after 9/11. There was only one major bank that had problems, and it is well known to have been the primary arm of laundering CIA cash.

You can look up all their employees and initiate surveillance grids on them to get to the heart of the organization.

Are the clintons involved in the heroin trade? Afghanistan? Is the CF used to launder money from afghan heroin?
How do I get better at attracting women?
And it's always on their birthdays, just like Joe cox.
dont feel bad faggot ignores any question beyond those of the mentally feeble idiots who'd like to think they'll end up being special. Faggot roleplayer or a patsy troll looking to hook someone 'special'
So the results have to reflect what the perceived result is?

Like, if Donald Trump completely compellingly destroy hillary in debates and the whole country and media call it for Donald, hillary can't just surprisingly win in a landslide.
The more false ideas you inject in a young mind the harder it is for it to emerge as a conscious entity.

The lion is a symbol of Judah, which David ruled over.
So as far as I get it your true goal is to try and preserve (or maybe even advance) civilization, sanity and enlightment so we can avoid or at least soften the cyclical periods of collapse and literal madness orgies that have repeatedly happen trough the true history because we are slowly approaching the point of no return for the next one?
This. I would view a Hillary "victory" as an immediate and direct death threat, as would plenty of people I talk to. It's not that I prefer someone else, I and many others would literally take that to be comparable to an act of arson.

So you're saying they traded on the foreknowledge?
I can tell you what will happen right now: Donald wins the popular vote, but $hilldawg will bribe and threaten the electoral college.
In general special people are easy to find.

We do a wide variety of things to publish their names: honor lists, spelling bee winners, etc. They ask meaningful questions and are heard, and so on.

We'll try to set up guidance for them and if they take it, continue the process.
is zerohedge legit?
How to avoid being seen as a "problem" to be erased? You did give some basic implied tips, but I think it was rather vague.

Is it possible that a child could be recruited without knowing it?
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what does dick taste like?
Lmao, you called it.
You could make an empty gambit, but it isn't particularly difficult to put something meaningful in your back pocket either.

Ah ok. You mean the records that were destroyed. in the collapse. Gotcha.
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What kind of clearance do you have over there at the UN? I'm still iffy on your whole modus operandi- after reading all the PDFs about first contact and conduct I was quite unimpressed and bummed out to be honest- how can an agency that wants to control the world speak for the entirety of it?

If we were actually in contact the others would surely see right through the nice happy family photo in a second-

It should be up to the world and all the people to agree and decide on how we are represented- the reality of the propagations right now is the work of delusional insanity- Horrible writing and partial abortion type application- you should be ashamed to cash your paychecks-
I gave you a book title in that very post, although it might have seemed like a statement of the theory
That won't work. If you go back to the forgotten political landscape before Israeli art students changed everything, the big story on Bush and Gore was record voter apathy and how they were not much different from each other (thus Nader feeling justified in running). It is that similarity that makes shenanigans possible. Absolutely no one outside a few Bernouts thinks that Trump is interchangeable with Hillary, and Trump (and anger over the past fifteen years) guarantees higher than normal turnout.
If Trump managed to become president, do you guys have a plan on how to deal with him?
I'm uncovering some force powers myself. Any clue if this will be noticed by any higher ups?
That's more of a Brzezinski / Obama thing.
woa that sounded evil

So you are a church after all

of course you are god himself

Shouldn't they reach you by themselves or are you afraid they get poached by other faction

im getting conflicting messages
Where's dimbleby?
Correct, within reason

Amongst the factions struggling for power in the world, how much of the pie have the jews taken?
If western leaders oppose themselves to the international kike, are the jews shit out of luck?
They've stolen what they have.

Is /pol/ correct in assuming the jews are the REAL enemy? Even Clinton pays homage to Israel. As does everyone. No politician publicly speaks out against them.

With what have the jews tied their hands? Central banks and dollar values?
Very good description
It's possible to be influenced without recognizing it until much later, if ever.
No, I understood that it was a book title. What confused me was:
>although you won't find that in this book, because it follows the traditional historical myth of a singular rise of civilization rather than rise, collapse, and rise again

If this book follows the historical 'myth', what sources can you provide that outline the 'truth'?
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You have great eyes anon-

I have always trusted my own over any outside words trying to tell me what I was seeing-

>It's never the message- it's always the medium
Can Whole Tones or Binural Beats be used to purify or for a better term heal us?
What is the significance of DMT and other psychedelic experiences?

> There was only one major bank that had problems
>You can look up all their employees and initiate surveillance grids

Can you give us the name of the bank?
would there be any documentary evidence remaining to examine or are we left with just human intelligence only?
Although you said ends justify the means

makes sense

Threes one thing that caught my interest

whats the meaning of the world flags

why do some have suns, stars or moons? The ones who have neither are contested?
We don't view Trump or Hillary as materially different, but others will initiate a financial crisis after he takes office to destroy the credibility of populism and nationalism, which runs counter to their agendas.

We view Trump as woefully unprepared for this eventuality.
Bank of New York
What do I need to be doing to survive the coming Holocaust?
Does anything paranormal exist or are all those ideas of ghosts, spirits, demons and magic complete nonsense?

What causes the cyclical pattern of civilization -> collapse -> civilization? Do you believe it is possible to stop this pattern?

Are you afraid of AGI at all? Is this the technology that could potentially not allow for a return to civilization after the collapse?
Who controls Canada?
So in other words, that books explains the concept with historical illustrations (like rational Roman soldiers officially reporting in apparently total seriousness that they saw a God bathing in a river they marched past), but it takes a necessary presupposition so to not sound too crazy. He wants you to get bith the thesis and illustrations but also this other background point about multiple civilizational collapses.
Kids today think "argument from authority" is a method and not a fallacy and are constantly asking for the complete uncontested spelling-out.
>We view Trump as woefully unprepared for this eventuality.
Are you going to help him or tip him off to this eventuality?

If not, why not?

What do you mean by saying they are 'materially' equivalent?
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>get a load of Marshall McLuhan over here /pol/
Hillary is incompetent and extremely dishonest, sick and will drag Bill back into the Whitehouse, that can't possibly be better than Trump.
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So can crystals and other minerals and such-

Modern pharmacology is absolutely parasitic and poisonous
If you truly want to preserve and improve civilization why don't you create an enlightened culture and spread it among the population through education, the media and any other means?

If you use the "emperor without clothes" principle then you'll know it is certainly achievable in many countries, especially in the western world. If you snowball an idea enough...
Are the Clintons into human trafficking and is Bill a pedo?
Any recommended beats for healing?
I want to test them on myself.

Did Hillary intentionally expose national security documents to hacking in order to pass secret information to foreign powers?
Is Bank of America an organization of Good Priests?
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was soul reaver made by masons?

The plot and the symbolism sound very very close to certain thing

>is zerohedge legit?

I keked.
It's a bank..
He has indirectly said that they're pretty much doing that, but also trying to avoid corruption.
How far back does the true history go? How come most easily accesible resources like coal or iron weren't even touched by those people over many ages? Even if they were more advanced than us when they died they had to start somewhere and would have used those or we'd see some evidence of their passing, evidence of quarries for example can last for millions and millions of years and still be recognized as evidently artificial.

How many cycles do you know of? Any idea what finished each civilization off?

What do you think of Last and First Men and Star Maker?
We find some merit to some unexplained phenomena, but 99.9% bullshit.
How close to the office of the president are you?
Do you work with the WH directly?
Natural causes for the first collapse (asteroid impact) combined with a hedonistic society that wasn't able to hold to retain much knowledge through hard times.

What kind of healing are you looking to do? Tonal therapy sets the tone(frequency) for the beats of your heart-
he's looking to cure cancer..
What about AGI?

The old (((others))) routine.

He has spoken to this possibility in public.

As to them being materially the same, it's true that some foster increased immigration as a means to undercutting your country and Trump opposes this. These are very trivial concerns in the big picture though. If you had a strong culture, you wouldn't be in jeopardy from such an attack. In other words, you are chasing symptoms and not problems. Distracted.
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How do you feel about Yuri Bezmenov?
What does the water crisis in Flint, Michigan have to do with your goals?
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OP just discredited himself
Both physical and mental. Will try both types.
I'm not that anon and I seriously hope I don't need to cure cancer.
Do you have any real allies among scientists and educators or are they just blind followers?
>some unexplained phenomena

Care to give an example of this 00,1% of unexplained rarities?
I sincerely hope you're prepared to flee the country when either Trump wins and we rout you chink fucks out, or when hillary wins and all out race war worldwide actually begins in earnest.
He has yet to directly speak about anything..
He never answers me either.

Sound the alarms, we've got a NECKBEARD FAGGOT on our hands.
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>Take a look at the pic in that post and see what I was saying
We're actively intervening right now.

Yes, but she can sanction that herself. SoS has significant authority to set policy.

You can see why Comey was powerless to open that can of worms.
Was FBI anon real?
That's technically true but unfair. Our culture was artificially weakened, and a massive influx of patron-worshipping statists would abort the growing revival.
Only one before this has left any trace. No one has any recorded history. It's largely speculative.
I might as well ask-- is there a comprehensive guide on frequencies and their use? What's a good healing frequency for institutional betrayal?
He already said yes, but I've asked multiple times if he's the same person to no avail.

So twice in the last week or so (((((high level insiders))))) have graced /pol/ of all places..
Aren't we lucky

Welcome to 4chan..
We've issued demands directly in the past.

>We're actively intervening right now.

What? Like where? Educational standards have dropped considerably in just this past decade.

Will reading this help understand the operation?


> but others will initiate a financial crisis

Soros is poised to collapse Deutchebank to initiate the world crash? Soros was part of the team who helped crash the ruble that instigated the collapse of the ussr, who else will be involved in instigating this upcoming world crash?
What are your three favorite firearms?

Diet is absolutely everything and each and every choice you make effects everything+

> If you stick your finger with a tack it effects every single system in your body (for reference)

Also your blood type is very important and has in it your bodies user manual-
If you are gonna answer questions about fucking ghosts at least answer my question or I'll consider you and your operation entirely irrelevant.

The boom-bust cycle implicit to capitalist economies suffices to explain a 'future economic crisis' of unspecified date. You've given us some means of verifying your claims, but no means to do so quickly. Are you willing to provide such a means?


1. Of the factions you outlined, which is generally considered the most influential? Are you reaching out because your faction is at a disadvantage?

2. To what degree is your organization aware of Bostrom's concerns about AI? This is highly important if you do actually possess computing technology beyond the norm as you claim, as the risks are commensurately vaster.

3. On the other hand, if you are aware, why concern yourselves with the sideshow of politics when AGI will, in likely less than a century, either annihilate civilization entirely - or render it trivially immune to such black swan-esque disasters as, e.g. a solar storm or yellowstone eruption? It seems immensely more productive to direct any unusual intellectual capabilities (if your organization does possess them) towards a safe formalization of human values, instead of what you appear to be doing now.
Most of us have roles like this, and we influence others who do as well.
I believe that Artificial General Intelligence is the most dangerous threat humanity is likely to face in the near future. I would like to spend my life trying to find a way to develop it safely (since it's going to be developed anyway). If I try to do this, will I get assassinated by some of you crazy Illuminati people? (not your group necessarily)
Lemme guess, the fucking pyramids you idiot?

Why don't you ballpark the age?
around 5000 years?

or the 10 to 15 thousand godlikeproductions will tell you because of the rain wear?
August 26th-30th sound like a good time to short the market?
>some unexplained phenomena

Care to give an example of this 00,1% of unexplained rarities?
Do you have a special diet, Insider? If so, what does it consist of?

listen to some gojira, there are also some pretty good apps that you can get for free that will give you the tools play with them until you understand how to use them
This. It seems more like an outdated indoctrination that no used to be good. I'm doubting OP here.

Any guides on this, then? I'll gladly read the hell out of them.
This Op is retarded, if as he claimed his group is for nothing more than preserving the technological progress of man and continuing mankind along to avoid civilizations collapse...he wouldn't refer to himself as some sort of priest what he would be based off that explanation is a watcher, yet his other statements imply these fucks are heretics and even at the highest levels don't remember what the actual purpose of their order is supposed to be..
also he never answers a single question of merit... he's likely fishing for a 'special' patsy like I stated earlier and then he all but stated. Remember /pol they initiate you through all sorts of secrets messages and tasks
>(please remember that you're going to end up a fucking patsy viewed as a lunatic like lanza because you're not dealing with any real sort of benevolent secret society)
Well he's full of shit for starters..
What is your group's agenda / solution / goal ?
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you creatures lie and manipulate too much
it is maddening

how likely is it that someone will provoke us to pic related?
Nuggets of truth there, yes.

The gun is being loaded, yes. You can expect it to start before Hillary takes office if they decide to go with her, or after if they go with Trump.
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was it an autobiography?
Encourage psychedelic use to the extent that it helps free your mind.

Many of these drugs can inflict lasting damage as well, so be reasonable and wise and don't climb mountains without bringing home the goods.
Anon is correct. Your masters are largely impotent without your tacit consent.
Free your mind how?
Any information on how Australia will be affected m8?
Probably close to time for a new thread?
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Why is everyone falling for this bs.

It's another "im a reddard yet I'll claim to be illuminated to fool /pol/acks to embrace the false song of globalism

You and yours shall burn at the stake
set an intention, have a trip guide/shaman/midwife/whatever and find out for youself.

Fear is the mind killer
This is a distraction away from the foundation IMO
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You sound like a sharp guy, but what proof do you have to believe you beyond that? "FBI" anon made predictions. What do you have?
how do i become a mememan at your secret cult of memes
But it's nice to have some context.
Where can I see some of their traces? I'm guessing I wouldn't have the background to properly identify them but I'd like to at least see some visible stuff.
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Look into Arcadian time, also cut out read meat and pork altogether- vegetarian is a good way to go and vegan has some ridiculous benefits when you get your proteins right- stretching and simply walking more is never a bad thing either.

My entire approach on health these days is defensive I guess- plan for results down the line and set easy goals in the beginning- once you start to better yourself your momentum will only progress-

I suggest eating a lot of natural produce that is seasonal and regional- our environments tell us things all the time but very few people listen-

Pic related is what works for me these days and all I do is work-

Dude, you got multiple intelligence agencies and journalists watching this thread right now. Please, instead of 'they' or 'others' can you give us the names. If what you say is true there is a whole lot of misery coming for many many people because of these fucking psychopaths.
Part 4:

What is your impression of yogic and meditation practices, monks, and philosophers like Diogenes?

What is your impression of Evola?
Is the Kabbalah and its engrained wisdom meme real? How much does your organisation have to do with that?
I think he fucked off..

What will be the economic catalyst? Default?
>fear is the mind killer
>Pussy out and use escapism
Unless you meant that fear to experience new things but thats a falacy

I think having absolute control over your brain beats anything. When dreaming, you can do whatever you want for example as long as you keep the left side of your brain shut down but i can't really argue much since i have never taken anything
He comes of smarter than the usual /poltard. That enough makes him worth listening too even if he's just some well-read nobody. Doesn't mean everything he says is true though.

Whoever he is, I have a hunch he's onto something.

Can you describe the magnitude of this financial event more specifically?


They've made an empirical prediction (financial crisis before election if Hilary wins, immediately after if Trump does). If they also make an accurate prediction of the crisis magnitude (say, relative to '08), that would lend them significant credence.

Of course, they could have such information and still be untrustworthy / attempting to manipulate.
what are the most important skills to have in the near future?
Yes do this and make sure you're near the on TV or online when your tripping heavily and your innate physcological guard is completely down...it's harmless I swear
Drug addiction is escapism.
Prudent and disciplined use of psychedelics can have benefits, although the new-age movement tends to exaggerate them.
What do you think about aussies?

You're talking about the indo-europeans, the founders?
I've got a higher than average IQ, though it seems to have gotten lower as I've gotten older. Although my working memory has always scored 160+. Is there a way to grow it/maximize it? I've borderline abused weed/alcohol. Not cripplingly so but something I definitely regret
Thought is very powerful m8. Language is the medium of thought. For example if you want insight into another culture's mindset, learn their language. Language is to culture what math is to science/the universe
how might one person collapse society?
>Believing that picture
Not even dubs
am i in a 100% shill thread or are the namefags just shills and were all eating this garbage up?
Is joining the US military now pointless? Would I and many others be fighting for a lost cause and used only as pawns in the distant and near future?
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