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Question Time Part 2

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Thread replies: 307
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Question Time Part 2
Have you ever seen or heard on Ad-Dajjal? I know for a fact that many people of high status are working for the "one eyed pyramid" and the "illuminati".

Reply to this, please:

Explain images from past thread, been ready carefully everything.

I exercise every day, and I have a lot of health issues. Am I simply stalling the inevitable, or should I keep up my fitness regimen? I mean I feel better when I exercise but it's always a constant thing.

What really took place celestially on Purim? I know what I saw, but I don't know what I saw-
Questions from previous thread.
>what potential do we have

We estimate the ability to deliver a sustained 25%+ GDP growth rate for a period of no less than 30 years.

That's roughly equivalent to giving every person on the planet a lifestyle similar to a low end billionaire today.
Quick questions for clarity;
Are you the same FBIanon?
How did you find /pol/?

"Our name is three" elaborate?
Have you personally killed anyone?
Are you doing the right thing in your opinion? By what standard? What's best for yourself, your family, your organization, your nation or your God? etc.

Speaking of family, do you have children? Ballpark your age?
Funny childhood memories?

Also where did you get the two op pic relateds from? They're interesting. This one looks like a painting behind glass.
You said you were recruited,

Any specific field or is it just high intelligence and being highly successful to grab attention?
Mind to elaborate?
>who and why executed

People are assassinated if they are considered extreme threats to the system. You don't have to be overtly threatening. A particularly damning piece of journalism or a simple invention that upends an industry could do it. Or even being highly charismatic but not amenable to the current way of doing things.
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Do you think you could beat a nigger in a fist fight?
>Us - we're more interested in the emperor without clothes effect. The exercise of power has always come with a stifling of dissent and dangerous dips into psychosis. We try to undermine this tendency more than anything else.
Did you create the chans?

you are all the same but your methods are different

but then again whats the starting point common to all?

and also to get to this point everyone had to be left alone for the longest time

why did you all agree on the change of rules?

If it was "predestined" then it means we are in for a never ending cycle right?

what happens when you run out of history books and you have to write them yourselves if thats the case?
why are you doing this ?
Executed by who exactly? Who gives that order? And how does one procure a big enough stick to insure said execution can't happen?
>only a matter of time

I think I cited a major solar storm before? There are major catastrophic event drivers that happen on a regular basis. New diseases, etc.

We as a species don't really deal with outlier event possibilities, even if they are practically guaranteed over ~100 year horizons.
>cure my friend

Why him and not everyone else? And there are real problems with the everyone else part.
Do you reach out to these people and attempt to reason with them and find a mutually beneficial compromise regarding their journalism, new invention, or charisma, or is the immediate knee jerk reaction to assassinate them?
Do you guys believe in bible prophecies? Thoughts on the coming day of the Lord?
Telekinesis is possible with enough energy, true or false?
Are we at risk for any civilization threatening catastrophes in the near future? Are there contingency plans for these sorts of evens, or can things spring up that leave us all (including secret societies) fucked?

He's been groomed since a young age, yes.


More of a choice of his than anything. Jobs had a strange relationship with fatalism.
In relation to the issue regarding the cure for cancer, is part of the cause for not distributing it in relation to those of old age developing neuro-degenerative diseases making the point of curing them almost pointless?
and also how are the cures for these conditions coming along?
By the looks of it

"God" saturn descended and enlightened humanity who was led to walk a path of opposites and, is as a being, contemplated by people across time

He is trying to see what we think about the whole thing and he thinks of himself as god

well that or illuminati shit
You encourage us to learn, to become "magicians". Are there particular roadblocks we must be aware of? Is it necessary to forget/unlearn things taken as established? What do you think are the most overlooked domains of knowledge that deserve more interrogation if we are to develop?
You said: "We experienced at least one near complete dark age from ~10,000 years ago to ~5,000 years ago."

8000 BC is when humans finally started agriculture, and literacy invented 4000 BC. Between 8000 BC and 3000 BC humans accomplished the foundation of civilization.

Are you suggesting humanity regressed somehow?
Jew lies.
Who raised Obama then? Who are his handlers? Saudi?
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What is going on at CERN?

Are they actually trying to open a portal so Satan can incarnate physically?

Also what religion do you follow?
We reach out to some people yes.

Others take pleasure in their own self-destruction, or knowingly doing things that will lead to it.
Satan is a literal sea monster m80
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Read everything, books are always better but the interweb is very useful
In some sense, yes, in that you can reasonably anticipate where society will go far into the future.

Furthermore, they are self-fulfilling to some extent.
how does the future look ? does humanity have any hope ?
There are a lot of potential catastrophes and very little is mitigated. We're very concerned about the wanton disregard for rational planning.
o and this OP idk

but its related to druidic and celtic traditions. Owl is the daughter of saturn

Yes he is

I remember one thread where one guy said" everyone migrated to africa when they found our scriptures"

it would mean humanity is way older than anything we think and possibly from mars
Is attaining high levels of intelligence and understanding within reach of anyone (Who asks the right questions), or are many of us just biologically and/or mentally incapable?

Humanity does- a lot of humans don't most likely
From the factions you listed Dark Priests, Kings, Meritocracies, and Good Priests (it wasn't completely clear if this is the faction to which you belong) (>>80652748), which faction(s) do Obama, the Clintons, and Soros belong to?
Answer this question asshole
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Jean Claude Junker said leaders of other planets are concerned about the fate of the E.U.

Lying to scare people to support the E.U or are they really?

Humanoid aliens are questionable but the space walk footage showing interaction between astronauts and simple space life forms is easily available on the internet.

How intelligent are those strange creatures?

Can you describe the other life forms that we know about/are in contact with?

Correct, "such high levels". Implying the IQ and understanding level you claimed earlier
Sort of. At some point of degeneration, you might need a full job worth of effort to care for one person. At some point you simply lack the manpower to do anything else.

"Correction", I mean. Holy shit. Clearly not me
Your biggest roadblock will always be your assumptions about limitations.
is there any hope for all humans ?
What could be considered an "extreme threat to the system"?

Define "the system".

Who would kill the people considered to be a threat and what examples of people killed in history for being considered a threat can you give?
is there going to be any war soon between big powers?
I'm sorry if this question was previously asked.
It's well known that there was a catastrophic event 10-15k years ago and that many of our megastructures that persist to this day are from a civilization that existed then but leaves no other trace than lore.
He's a creature of the CIA primarily. Family has always been part of back to WW2
Examples of "megastructures" please. It's not clear what you mean.

Not aware of any good name for my beliefs in the public domain.
The question would be why not him at least? Why would you not allow the cure to be used in him and live? He is only 22 years old and he contributes to society.
Can I get a response?
what sort of lore? religion?
No, some people don't have the potential.

You are not going to find a kid with Down's Syndrome inventing the next blockbuster drug.

There are of course both more and less severe biological limitations.
Are there any signs a person should look for if they believe they may have been 'chosen' by one of these factions? Many incidents in my life have happened that give me a 'Truman Show' like effect. I don't know if it's just low-level narcissism or potentially insight into some hand guiding my way through life. I tend to see things far before most other people do and have been pretty successful in most areas of my life.

If this is fake, you're a baitmaster.

I honestly believe there is- there is a lot of evil in our world for sure but I believe that those that cause pain are simply just in pain themselves and have simply lost their way- over time it takes them over and they begin to enjoy the pain they cause and the pain inside them-

Nobody is beyond help, but if they don't want it they can't get it.
Hi again.

How is this "reaching out" process initiated?

Someone who attends Bohemian Grove told me that I am known to the attendees, yet refused to elaborate further. Am I in danger?
It isn't reasonable to expect world-ending nuclear war. It is reasonable to expect increasingly testy territorial conflict and influence peddling.
In part, yes
What do you all know about the original G?
Can you give us some sort of description or summary of your beliefs?
I find it overwhelmingly hard to wrap my head around the fact that no one knows a single thing about your organisation "three". Why is that exactly? Supposing you're a real thing to exist, how have you managed to keep it a secret? It is inevitable that somebody in your organisation bursts at some point.

> We don't need you. We want you.
You want us to see the big picture, yet you won't give much insight to what the big picture really looks like.

Honestly, I think you are a role player. You want us to think clearly and realistically; to be sceptical. You made up a fictional secret organisation to prove your dumb point, that we are not really sceptical at all.
I think so.

>Are you doing the right thing in your opinion?

Honestly not certain. But doubt is probably a good thing.
The question would be why not him at least? Why would you not allow the cure to be used in him and live? He is only 22 years old and he contributes to society.
how to free all man ? is it possible ?


>some people don't have the potential

Meant to imply that a significant part of the population without birth/genetic defects do have this potential? Significant being above 5-10%?
It isn't true that you know nothing. False premise.

Countless people speculate about our goals and methods on an hourly basis because you see the fingerprints we leave behind.
They're sitting on this information for whatever reasons they believe are valid. No amount of begging will get him to change his mind for the sake of your friend. (This should help to illustrate to you that this is not a benevolent organization in any way.)
Is telekinesis possible? Don't hold out on me!
>You didn't even answer all the questions from the last thread faggot

Do black lives matter?

It's absolutely possible- all you have to do is actually show them their chains for the first time and they will wake up
>It isn't true that you know nothing. False premise.
How is it false?

If you know the answer please tell me

its been killing me for the longest time
+ telepathy
>We estimate the ability to deliver a sustained 25%+ GDP growth rate for a period of no less than 30 years.
>That's roughly equivalent to giving every person on the planet a lifestyle similar to a low end billionaire today.

What technological advancements have we achieved that are not publicly known or have not made available to the public?
Can't justify picking and choosing like that and don't know how to manage a world where everyone has access.
all lives matter lol
It's likely a very stable and sustainable form of energy production that can power homes and modes of transportation.
Substantially higher than 10% have potential from a genetic standpoint, yes.

Often other factors destroy that. Malnutrition as a child, early severe disease, car accidents, unhinged drug addiction, etc.
>don't know how to manage a world where everyone has access.
top kek claims to be a member of world shaping secret organization yet don't know how to manage a world where everyone has access to a medical cure.
>shit RP m8 rate 1/8
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Scuse me bruv but you skipped this one.


The second question in particular is 100% entry level for someone such as you. A level of E.T contact is fact.

1:17:11 is where the critters are most in force.
Think about the consequences of saving every ailing person. We would have a population problem in a relatively short amount of time, don't you think?
No, that's a legit point. Imagine a world where no one dies. It would get crowded fast.
>(This should help to illustrate to you that this is not a benevolent organization in any way.)
But that sounds like the script of a bad film.

It sounds like the trope of the uncaring or unkind organisation or group in the shadows with access to infromation or ways of preventing or solving horrible atrocities such as cancer.

Have you not suffered cancer in any way, shape or form? Someone you know, someone in your family...?
We have access to essentially arbitrary levels of energy generation at higher rates of return than that. The economy is primarily a function of energy input, thus the conclusion - to be simple about it.
Was Michael Jackson really a pedophile or was it just a character assassination orchestrated by Paul McCartney because MJ bought the Beatles catalogue?

Was Stanley Kubrick assassinated because of his cut of Eyes Wide Shut and has the original cut been preserved somewhere?

Is Omegle a honeypot?
I have and I get why you're asking. I'm just telling you: he will not, under any circumstances, give.
Then why do we have the cure for so much other stuff? Maybe not cancer, no, but we do have public accesss to antibiotics to prevend from dying from stepping on a nail or something extremelly stupid like a cold.

Why would that be public and a cure for cancer not?

Are any efforts being undertaken to lower this potential in the general population?

How can one avoid such efforts?
I'm reading over the first thread and I can tell this guys wording is the same as some other "illuminati" "1%" person that larped and he didn't say anything then and still isn't saying anything.

But better than we burn the current excitement out for ppl like this than us get duped in the future over some stupid shit.


What specifically is being done with regards to these people?
Lol ok.. are you going to say anything that isn't vague and meme-tier?
You haven't given up anything someone couldn't find a theory about on the internet.

Bout to be neckbeard detected up in hurr.
At least elaborate on "our name is three".

You gotta give us somethin bud.
You don't bite the hand that feeds you, but you're giving us crumbs at most.. gettin hungry m8.
>its another anon roleplay episode
Dear High Level Insider,
I am the one you have all been looking for; and as proof of my claim I will give you this name: Raes Eklistus
No we wouldn't
faggot said in the other thread they can't extend life that far so everyone would still die
You're a stupid faggot
>wanton disregard for rational planning.
Define this. What does it mean?
it's like the OP faggot who made this thread and makes up shit on the fly...think about it he himself has disregarded rational planning
How do I join you
> It isn't true that you know nothing.

No. My premise is true. I know nothing, me personally. Your narrative is so vague it is impossible to even take you seriously, which I believe, supposing your organisation do exist, is not your intent. You do want to be taken seriously (supposing you are real (again)), why would you otherwise do an AMA on 4chan?

Who are the people who speculate about your gaols and methods, and how did they get some insight in your organisation?
You talk about fingerprints you leave behind. I assume you guys have achieved something. What exactly?
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investment tips pls
More living people = more people reproducing. It's not like the population would boom in just one generation.
Yes, on a wide variety of fronts.

Your best defense is the ability to take care of your physical needs rather than outsourcing to the market, whether for food or education.
believing in the overpopulation meme. Think rationally for a fraction of a second if these fucks had energy technology faggot claims the world could easily support a fuck ton more people. Birth rates are falling in every advanced nation overpopulation is a meme
If this is real, they're likely sitting on the following: advanced medicine, advanced weaponry, advanced computers, advanced communication, and non-fossil fuel energy that is more dependable than wind and solar power.
Tendency to ignore events with a small probability in a short time frame, but high probability over the long run.
who is the enemy ?
You're a stupid bitch
Could you give an example of such an event?
Shut up queer
Even IF it is real, I dont believe that is very likely. Why do you think so?
What's the significance of the virgin birth symbolism? Curious.

Why do you view us as allies if you seem to have egalitarian and anti-authoritarian impulses?
Everything from intense solar storms to legitimate terrorist attacks to disease outbreak.
Anyone who puts their precious tavistock goyim control system in jeopardy.
Then why do we have the cure for so much other stuff? Maybe not cancer, no, but we do have public accesss to antibiotics to prevend from dying from stepping on a nail or something extremelly stupid like a cold.

Why would that be public and a cure for cancer not?
Shut your pussy mouth, homo.
Are you familiar with Taleb's writing on antifragility? Have you factored this into your plans? He would laugh at you for thinking humans can plan for every possible catastrophe.
Was 9/11 an (((inside job)))?
Yes, okay. But you honestly don't think that preventing all sick people from dying wouldn't cause an unprecedented population leap? How can you know? I'm not claiming any certainty here. This is all hypothetical.
O nvm

i misread
Well, most of the things we consider the forefront of commercially available technology regarding computers was dreamed up 20 to 30 years ago and was in use by the military long before it was released to the public. Whatever they have today is better than what we can buy in every conceivable way. Now apply that to everything.
There's much profit to be made in the treatment, not cure, of cancer.
Not to my knowledge.

All of the above, yes.

Cancer cure in particular is controlled because most life extension technology has this as a side-effect.

It is much harder to extend functional life than to maintain a geriatric state.

Magna gas (Mgna), physical silver, bit coins, free scale>>80658138
look buster i have been on /POL/ all summer and not once in my nightly shitposting sprees have i seen such an arrogant, thoughtless, disgustingly insulting post. you should be ashamed of yourself. that kind of bigotry will NOT be accepted. not on my Fourchan.

Would taking such steps have one flagged as a threat? Would having posted or viewed in this thread at all have made someone a threat?

Is being a threat a worldwide death sentence, or are there areas of the world and spheres of influence in which someone can maintain safety?
Fuck off role playing bitch.
Compensating for known risks is different than compensating for all risks. The first is a benchmark for a reasonable society, the second probably unprovable and impossible.
Will a cure for cancer ever become publicly revealed?

Do we have any kind of technology to travel in time?
How many miles deep is the location where you work?
Was the EM drive a significant discovery?
Let's talk about the elephant in the room.

Artificial Genersl Intelligence doesnt exist now. Howver, we know it will in approximately 20 years. How does this economy or way of living survive the advent of such a technology?

Further, how do we survive the interim where strong Artificial Narrow Intelligence begins to obliterate white collar jobs?

The goal is 0 unemployment and to lay in green pastures, but how are you all planning to get everyone through the darkness to the new sunrise?
So the way to control access to life extension technology is to control the cure for the cancers it causes. Interesting; sounds like cybernetics. Am I on to something with that?

Also: is your group affiliated with the members of Bohemian Grove?

Independence isn't threatening, generally speaking. Interference is.
I personally think that is a great conspiracy. No way the military is way more effective in developing technology for themselves than scientists and smart guys are for the free market. It just doesn't make sense.
How do you communicate with each other in the age of mass surveillance?

Who controls the surveillance networks, in terms of your "factions" model?
Flat earth? Agartha? Hollow earth?
I prefer high elevation environments.
Elaborate on "our name is three". Just a little bit.
Knights of Malta?
Order of the Eastern Star?
Ordo Templi Orientis?

If you fear death you will never live life-
You are soooo fucking stupid!
>Not to my knowledge.
Do people with precognition and clairvoyance exist?

>Independence isn't threatening, generally speaking. Interference is.
what's the smallest thing that could be considered as an interference?
If this is real, it's very "revelation of the method" which these elite types seem to enjoy. Listening to the revelation does not make you a threat. If they killed everyone who listened, they couldn't draw a crowd for the revelation they enjoy talking about so much.
Am I the future leader who will United the world like Tshingis united China?
What could be considered an "extreme threat to the system"?

Define "the system".

Who would kill the people considered to be a threat and what examples of people killed in history for being considered a threat can you give?
What can I do to help you?
What's with the incessant push for gun control in the us? Is it that much of a hurdle towards future ambitions?
They're not planning on getting everyone through the darkness; that's the rub.
Please answer this.
Will a cure for cancer ever become publicly revealed?

Do we have any kind of technology to travel in time?

Why did 9/11 happened? To create a war and sell weapons?
We are inclined towards socialization of novel input resources while leaving most of the existing way things work untouched, including existing ownership claims.

If we can generate say 1,000 times as much energy as the world currently uses, we can give you an equal allotment of it to trade. You retain individual or corporate ownership of means of utilizing this energy, the derived products, the value of your labor, etc.
Please answer.
This Spanish guy has some really good questions. Please answer all of them.
This is part of why the world is incompatible with hegemony.

Inventors have exclusive access for a period of time if for no other reason than they are the only one that knows how to do something.
Ok. 1. Slap yourself. Our military hires scientists and smart guys to do their research for them under contract. It's called DARPA. You can Google that. We use those free market incentives (money) to acquire talent.
They have their own, more advanced communications networks.
Answer these.
Be careful; you don't know who you're helping.
No surveillance technology is particularly sophisticated. Have you ever spoken something that meant one thing to a broader group, but another to a particular peer because of an inside communication history?

Highly intelligent individuals are highly adept at this, so we can speak volumes without you even knowing the conversation exists.
Populace is far easier to control if they are unarmed.
This changes over time.

With distrust of your regime at such astronomical levels, even small catalysts can get out of hand.
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>Have you ever spoken something that meant one thing to a broader group, but another to a particular peer because of an inside communication history?
Like this?
Was Nikola Tesla one of you? Was he the inventor of your energy generating technology? Is the underlying principle of this technology the photoelectric effect or the piezoelectric effect or something else? Is it the fusion reactor Lockheed Martin claimed they built?


There isn't a singular answer to 9/11. It covered up financial crimes, gave an excuse for a more totalitarian state, justified foreign intervention, stabilized the unipolar economic arrangement, etc.
He's not going to give you the secret to his hot sauce.
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Folks this guys weakness is the ayys, he can't even handle talking about the publicly available NASA footage of 'the critters'. Completely and utterly busted.

1:17:11 is where swarms of space widlife are caught on NASA cameras. This footage was siphoned from the satellite directly by a TV station manager.

There are 2 seperate kinds of critter in this TV guys footage alone and OP doesn't know anything about E.Ts.

Do you have any evidence or belief in a life after or before the current one?

And if so, that one retains the same self from "life" to "life" ?
What would you hope to accomplish by posting here?
So, essentially a form of Universal Basic Income where property ownership and the ability to create, innovate, and sell our goods remains intact?

It sounds as if you goobers realize the way to a protopian society that doesn't stagnate and continues into an unlimited future. I'm glad you all have the right idea about the future, if I'm not mistaken.
Good priest.

Soros, Obama are dark priests

Clintons are kings
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False Prophet.
It's possible that he doesn't work in that particular field or know all the secrets of the club. Tell me you considered that.
When will women be allowed in your ranks as equals?
Revelation of the method.
Were explosives placed in the WTC towers to demolish them or did the burning jet fuel really melt the steel beams blah blah blah?
We want you to become us.
DARPA-this DERPA-that. I can only imagine that inventors generally are too sceptical to be hired by the military due to the moral-conflict; they won't allow science that is supposed to help human race be used to destroy it. It is like Heisenberg. High level insider just said that the world is partly incapable of hegemony, which I completely agree. There are no secret world controlling organisations out there. You guys are thinking too conspiracy-ish.
>We want you to become us.

4chan or the individuals using it?
As a high level outsider that has not had one question answered by the "insider"

What would happen if the glenns' were hijacked and used for tonal therapeutic purposes, I like the whole rfid chips in the dogs for people purposes- the fucking cats and their neurological parasites need to go though- it's comically sadistic but animal hoarding is abuse and a cycle that needs no place in any society- how octopi hoarding isn't a thing yet is also funny to me
Sort of, but we don't base this concept on a "right" to a certain set of goods or view it as a redistribution scheme.

If that's the case, why shouldn't everyone live as hedonistically as possible?
You're sure helping us become you.
What are your most important values?
He is not the only one

there are other threads that are doing the same

he is just part of another group

they've been doing this every day since the last week

or at least i noticed it last week but they have been posting for months even year and something

I think i offended him since he doesn't reply to me anymore

It seems to be some ritual for before the happening

BUt i guess he is the one that holds the more rational position of enlightening people albeit we'll see what he thinks when the time comes
You think the military as an organization does not have the brainpower to understand that some people might not want to work for them? They hire it out under a front company and hide the end goals for the research and development from the researchers and developers.
They already are. They tend to deviate from the norm less than men, and we're hardly an ordinary bunch - so they are markedly underrepresented.
wat a bunch of fucking lemmings.. none of whats been asserted here is revelatory. pls /pol yer smarder dan dis

If this was true you'd be more specific as to how. Not why, when or where, but how.

Suggest readings or activity.
>Then why do we have the cure for so much other stuff? Maybe not cancer, no, but we do have public accesss to antibiotics to prevend from dying from stepping on a nail or something extremelly stupid like a cold.
>Why would that be public and a cure for cancer not?
Do the elites recognize 4chan as a memetic superpower? Are the other factions besides Good Priests interested in recruiting us?
Jet fuel cannot melt steel beams (or weaken them sufficiently to cause collapse)
what role does bitcoin play in the world?
>BUt i guess he is the one that holds the more rational position of enlightening people albeit we'll see what he thinks when the time comes
Because in the end and the beginning theres only infinity
Revelation of the method. If this is real, that's what this is.
Although i would really like to know if clairvoyance and precognition exist because something
So far all you've done is make us distrust and debunk you.
You sound like the mossad faggot from the THuMP party.
Yet more tavistock shilling.
choose based on his quads if nothing else, that's an unwritten rule on this site
How old are you?
I understand to what it refers not what it means, is it related to karma?

more like he can't say anything that gives anything away

Very smart people from across the globe are watching
All right. A company, which is secretly being controlled by the military, just hired a bunch of scientists to work on a project which is going to helt the human race in some way (the scientists believe). That is the narrative, right? What sort of technology are the scientists working on, that the military are ripping off, without the scientists knowing. Give me some examples.
I agree. Purely on the basis of quads you have to cure his fucking friend. Kek demands it. Make it seem like a miracle if you're not ready to reveal cure to the world. Please respect our esoteric religion if you want to engage with us.
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If I apply 3Ï€E to practice on a public platform will I be kill? I do it for free if it makes any difference so who if anybody am I hurting? Myself?lol I dgaf-
He says aliens don't exist IHO.
>We want you to become us.
Then give up some tid bit of information only a high level insider would know.
Give us something to work with. A stepping stone, a bread crumb.
Efforts required on your part.

is this guy >>80662681

batshit insane or does he know what he's talking about?
It isn't in your self-interest.

Caution, Imagination, Achievement
>He's not going to give you the secret to his hot sauce.
Why not? I need it for my ass burgers.
You guys are the Ravenclaw/Team Mystic of the Illuminati.
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Anyone whos had serious insider access regarding nukes, aircraft, satellites, atmosphere, or anything military/national defence related would be aware of the critters.

If TV managers can find it it's playschool shit for an insider.

The Russians and the U.S would know 100%, and know that the other knows. If they know then other nations know.

Conversations and bargaining would be had regarding the level of study and knowledge and it would be a source of tension above the understanding of plebs.
The ravens will flee.
This is high level psychosis inducing propoganda you are injecting into the mouths of the hungry.

Tell us how to stop clinton, soros and the rest of the elite that seem to want to fuck up the world
How long until our obese autistic roleplaying neckbearded faggot 'has to go'?
Dinner time yet?

As if shitlord trolling put a bit of spotlight on the Clinton foundation though.. Something positive came of all this.
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All I can say is research for yourself- guides are great in life but you are your best teacher- learn by doing is what I'm dating-

Plus: if I want you to remember anything I would have to repeat it at least three times and I don't have time to do it that much for free-

Always try and remember this though- it is never about the message it is always about the medium- understand that and you will become an information power house
>It isn't in your self-interest.
Actually I get this, I see it far too often in millennials that belief of ''life should be lived to it's highest pleasures'' often end up with a plethora of stresses such as sexual diseases, drug addiction, identity issues and must work their asses off to support these hedonistic lifestyles this correlates with high suicide rates.
Am I on the right track with this line of thinking?
Are you happy?
Become an alternative.
Do you feel in charge?
Been over 5 minutes.. Maybe he's offloading the doritos..

Lol this is too funny.
Whether or not you're the same as FBIanon, you had me going OP, good on you m8.
At least you didn't break character..
What's your mother think about all of this?
Sure, but that's just in the short-term.

Much of the stress they seek to escape (but only bring on more stress) is induced by a hedonistic outlook of their predecessors.
Oh, spoke before the shitstained spectre reappeared.

Look you cockgobbler.. LARPing is fun and all but god damn, admit youre a neckbeard.
>That picture
I knew

it was one of you

Research where

between pol and other site my brain is too occupied

Too many happenings too fast

and too many interesting threads
When do you plan on reaching out to Donald Trump and inviting him to your secret club?
You must be terrorized of Donald Trump.
Answer this question.

If I'm to become you, what would be the most important step to take? Whats the one most impactful move to make?
On a scale of 1-10, how is your sex life?
She thinks you're a colossal faggot who should be burned while being dangled from a rope around your neck.
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Do you like my tattoo?

The other one on the left side goes backwards and has 13 arms-
Acquire a means of ensuring your own survival against opposition.

Wikipedia's ai doesn't tell lies
Oh, I thought we were playing funny questions to ask OP.
If, for example, I were to apply myself and begin along a path that would change the world in a positive way (from your perspective), but by doing so, I would be a threat to one of your rival factions and they would try to assassinate me, would you save me?
>power peddling
>territorial pee pee fights
just.. stfu fagit /pol has real shit to figure
He already told you, you fucking NEET neckbeard Trudeau-voting kissless-virgin autist, apply yourself (>>80644665). In other words, go to /fit/ and get swole.
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Keep sucking this guys dick. He is loving it. He will feel super empowered tomorrow when he rides the bus carrying his katana and wearing a fedora
God dammit, I thought you were playing thinly veiled ad hominem to defend OP.
This fucking thread is so shit I don't even know who's jewing who anymore.
Probably not. You exhibit a severe lack of judgment in inducing threats you are not capable of dealing with.
I am still amazed of how what canadians hate the most besides US citizens are other canadians.
Please answer questions.
Wait but you said that once you get big enough they ll blackmail threaten or kill you
Then we have no reason to support, listen, rely, or ally with you. Good bye.
tell me more about MGNA? I just bought 175 shares
Can you please elaborate on "our name is three"?
Can it be figured it out by way of google?
Gimme something m8, come on.

Why is pic related the archetype for setup being put in place currently- does anybody oc anymore? Soylent green is clearly the next chapter but there is an easier way-
Who are you voting for this year? If no one, who WOULD you vote for?
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Are the Georgia Guide Stone population control numbers real? If so, what is the coming event which will kill/eliminate the majority of the world's population while still leaving the remaining number? Who gets to set that number?
But if doing research and asking questions is the only way to reach your level, and, presumably, doing research and asking questions will draw a lot of unwanted threats, how are we supposed to survive long enough to achieve anything?
What important events are probably going to happen in the coming months/years from now?
Is the number twelve significant in the same way that three is?
Does the FBI have any involvement in /k/ or /mlp/?
Is there really correlation between hand size and penis size?
You don't live in the 19th or even 20th century. Power is usually not derived from numbers or size.

Am I overthinking it?
I assume FBI, CIA, NSA, DHS, DOJ are too obvious. Unless you're fbianon?
Three IS a crowd.

Triad relates opposites as the comixture, solution, or mediator. It is the synthesis or return to unity after the division of two and is also traditionally the first odd number.
Seek your power and your most important answers quietly. You don't need me if you've made it that far though.
Are you talking about blackmailing people?
A triad is one of many branches of Chinese transnational organized crime organizations based in Hong Kong, Macau, Taiwan and also in countries with significant Chinese populations, such as the United States, Canada, Vietnam, Korea, Japan, Singapore, Philippines, Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, the United Kingdom, Belgium, Netherlands, France, Spain, South Africa, Australia and New Zealand.
Probably connections, influence, knowing people who can get things done.
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It is a mad scientist type company that uses plasma physics to destroy medical waste in H20, it uses a very similar arc effect like that of a plasma welding torch- only in their application the arc current effect on the waste in the H20 environment not only is exceptionally effective, it also creates more energy through the reaction than it does to power the process-

Fucking beautiful if you ask me- just watch it closely because things that work this well have a tendency to disappear like they never existed-
>You don't live in the 19th or even 20th century. Power is usually not derived from numbers or size.
That doesn't really answer what i posted unless you meant united you are big but then we didn't get big ourselves
Was Trump being the Republican nominee despite the money being in Jeb Bush's favor part of your plans?

Have plans for humanity shifted because of an outlier in general?
Confirmed, this is a triad criminal shilling for his crime organization.
Fuck this "high level insider" gas the chinese.
You have another financial crisis coming in the near future. There will be an intense war of ideas with respect to how to reshape society with lasting consequences that plays out as a result.
Well if I don't need you once I've gotten power, and you won't help me when I don't, then what good are you to me? Do you just want more powerful people in the world?
In your opinion, what is the ideal role of the artist in society?

Do you think artists play an important role in society right now?
That's an option, but that is how your current regime works. Do you want something better, or new boss meet old boss?
I've prepared my anus bruh, gimme a hint..
A secret society like OTO? An agency like NSA?

Our name is three..

Unless that's what you call yourselves, three.
Hello, Barry from three here, how can I help you?
Are you military? Seal team 3? 3rd Battalion? 3rd regiment?

Something man, gimme a clue.
There can not be another financial crisis because Europe is still in a financial crisis. First we would have to get out of the current crisis to get into another one.
Jeb only entered the race to give the false impression of the establishment being rejected.

>Have plans for humanity shifted because of an outlier in general?

Who killed JFK
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This is everyone of you who thinks this guy is real
What is the outlier?
We are pointing you in the right direction.
Is satan real?

Hate to shill for this guy but he is literally a wizard-

Read this book and never trade bareback again-
A cry in the night.
OP please create new thread and link here.
Is there an external (foreign) power financing/influencing the racial unrest in America?
Going back to the 2008 election, was it really poised to be Obama winning over Hillary or was genuine grassroots movements the cause?
We are in a phase of history where individuals and/or small groups can exert themselves as geopolitical powers, given appropriate technological sophistication. The balance is shifting and opportunity exists where it hasn't always.
We need someone in India to take up the name High Level Pooinlooer
Gimme something mate
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Should I stop making natal charts from scratch? I only run the software afterwards to check my score- all I like using is a compass and a compass-
>That doesn't really answer what i posted unless you meant united you are big but then we didn't get big ourselves
scrap that

Big enough in the scense of threatening enough
There can not be another financial crisis because Europe is still in a financial crisis. First we would have to get out of the current crisis to get into another one.

Also why would there be another one in any case?
How old were you when you were approached by this secret society?

How old are you now?

Is the life you live dangerous?

Do you risk being tortured or having your loved ones killed?

How physically fit are you?

Part 3
why are you such a faggot

Are you a big guy?

If so how big?
for you
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ehhhh who's this guy?
>Not to my knowledge.
Thread not legit. The right answer was "real but noy useful in any practical way."
Thread posts: 307
Thread images: 25

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