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Incestuous Relationships Thread

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 505
Thread images: 99

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Previous thread: >>30255715

"Reformed Villains" edition

Pastebin link: http://pastebin.com/pTAqfjD6
The pic is nice, but the theme name doesn't work.
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>You will never skinny dip with Rarimom and Auntie Sweetie.
Do any of our current writefriends have pastebins they'd like to share?
>Oh don't be embarrassed, sweetie. He's your nephew! Go on now, dear, I'm not letting you get those fabulous clothes wet, I spent so long making them for you.

i dunno somehow this works better to me if they're both your cousins
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>"Cousin, you know ve must keep bloodline strong, yes? You must do your duty unt ravage me like ancestors ravaged Poland"
I dunno, but Rarity is definitely milf material for me.
I've started and finished these two since you last updated the paste. Damn does time fly when you're writing incest.
This one is still ongoing.
what if it's aunt rarity and cousin sweetie
How would that work? Would Sweetie be Anon's mom?
ApA here, computer's fixed but I forgot what my trip is. Here's my Sirin' Siren dealie. https://pastebin.com/M8j69iSD
Welcome back senpai
Thanks, Anon. It's good to be back.
oh it's not hard to imagine any of the "big sisters" were actually teen pragnent
What shit the bed in your computer anyways?
Welcome to back. Glad to see your computer working.
The hard drive fucked up. I got a new one and even tried to hook the old one up to an external thing to see if I could salvage anything, but my computer won't even recognize it. Lucky for me, I write my greentext on unlisted pastebin entries, so none of my writing was lost.

It's a bittersweet fate, Anon. I'm down a couple of gigs of porn and pony pictures, but I'll live.
>You will never suck on Rarimom's tits while grope her Sweetie's ass at the same time.
Why live?
What pics are you missing I can help a bit. Like the Japanese Dazzle pic?
Damn, that sucks. I save the on private pastebin entries as well, and on an external hard drive so if I need to work while using a laptop I can still get to them.
Wait, what about Rarimom and Sweetie Sis?
It would be just like in my japanese mangos.
>They will never fight about which tits are bigger or ass is better.
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>"Like oh my gosh, my little brother is so annoying! If he weren't so hawt I would literally give him a piece of my mind"
>No valley girl older sister to use a cock sock.
>Rarity has a brother
>Brother gets her teenage pragnent and Sweetie Belle pops out
>Shit goes down and everybody pretends Sweetie is their sister
>All of this happens again, this time Anon pops out
>Rarity is Anon's aunt as his father's sister, and his father is also his uncle
>Sweetie Belle is therefore Anon's cousin, as she is his uncle's daughter
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>"There is like literally nothing wrong with it. Our great great grandparents did it and look how perfect I turned out to be"
yeah if we're reworking the family to insert anon, might as well toggle relationships a little
>It doesn't help that she wears transparent clothing that shows her breasts and panties.
>She also brings her goth friend that has long legs.
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>"Like, Inkeh Rose is LITERALLY my best friend and there's nooooo weh that I'd share my baby bro with anyone but her"
That's more a thing you do to your daughter or much, much younger sisters.
It's more like she uses you as a jizz fountain
Nah, it's nothing a couple of hours of browsing Derpibooru won't fix. You've given me an idea, though; I might start a "Dazzle" folder for when I post updates to SS.

Eh, it's my fault for never backing anything up on a flash drive or anything like that. You would not believe the amount of home-written smut I have to re-write. But enough about me, let's go back to the incest.

>Sweetie got pregnant with Anon when she was young and was wholly unprepared for parenthood
>Rarity is a responsible young adult with a successful business, and she's making money hand over food
>She volunteers to take care of Anon instead of Sweetie, and the two agree that Anon should be raised to think that Rarity is his mother (instead of his aunt) and Sweetie Belle is his aunt (instead of his mother)
>Sweetie is still young enough when Anon was growing up that he always thought of her as his big sister more than an aunt
>Anon eventually figures things out, but not before he gets a bit of a crush on his Sweetie
>Not having her as your hot goth cousin.
>"Shucks, y'all haven't learned how a make-up screw works yet?"

we need more AJ x that one cousin of hers .. what was his name?
that works okay but in that situation I kinda wanna be sweetie's dad. get a hot rarisister and a sweet little sweetie that I get to raise and be the best big brother dad
>"I don't feel like gettin' up, I'm just gonna stay on your lap, okay Anon? You can just.. sit there and WEAR me."
ahhh the ol aunt-mom switcheroo. i've only seen that with dadsnuncles before.
goths are by far the best for incest
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>mfw I kept trying to figure out what kind of tool a make-up screw was because farm pony and then finally figuring out she was talking about a apology fuck.
that was it!
I also want more little strongheart but I think nobody cares about her the way I do
"I'm sorry, what?"
>"Oh.... MY gawd! Did I, like, stutter or something?"
I don't remember this pony, what ep is she from?
>Valley girl sister + goth girl friend combo sharing Anon's cock
I knew I liked this thread for a reason
>And this how Anon finds out that his older sister likes him.
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>"OH MY GOSH, you are LITERALLY the worst little brother ever! I told you I wanted a skinny latte and you got me REGULAR! Do you want me to get fat so you can go screw some other bitch!?"
"Aw jeez Lily, I'm sorry I-"
>"Shut up! Just shut up and come rub my feet"
First episode.
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New episode also it brought this.
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I believe the intent of this picture is to arouse, but the only thing it does for me is make me laugh. It just reminds me of pic related.
>Your older sister is a the definition of a valley bitch but, that ass though.
>Her goth friend will never be the one who is nice to you and don't use you for your body.
Hey it was the only humanization I can find and can use that didn't have wing ears.
I'm not knocking you anon, it's not like you drew it right? Funny thing is it's a lot better than anything I could ever draw.
I don't mind being used for my body
>nice to you and don't use you for your body
You just activated my loneliness card.
Same here. But I don't get how wing ears are a fucking thing. How do they work?
I've not seen any of the pictures on this character so fuck if I know. By wing ears do you mean like how Morrigan has or is it just literally the ears are replaced by wings? Give me a link of this, you got me curious.
Don't say I didn't warn you.
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I'm obviously not drunk enough for this shit.
why is this such a big deal?
I told you. Hopefully we can get better art of Valley horse and Goth legs soon.
It's not really a big deal. I just don't get it.
Are they deaf? Can they fly? So many unanswered questions.
I reckon it's just a dumb thing someone drew and some people copied because things spread like mad nowadays. like it used to take a long time for things to spread, but nowadays if you were like.. the first mangaka to make O_O eyes, it wouldnt take years, it'd happen within a week, everyone'd be doin it
yeah dude i need more super extra leggy girls.. so leggy. just dem long legs and also feets at the end of them.
and a twat at the other end
>Lilly Lace will pin you down and make her fuck her.
>"I'm like totally your older sister so that literally entitles me to your dick."
which is hotter,
>"Look, nerd, I'm busy tonight, but if you need a fuck you can do it with Inky. She's wanted a crack at you for years"
>"I'm your big sister, I OWN your dick, and if I'm giving it to my friend for her birthday, you're going to do a good job with it!"
>"Look, nerd, I'm busy tonight, but if you need a fuck you can do it with Inky. She's wanted a crack at you for years"
Disinterested big sister seems less rapey.
it's not rapey if she treats you like her property, that's.. gigolo-y?
>Inky will never treat you like a person.
>"Anon, you know I feelings for you because your sister is blunt about it, against my wishes but I don't want to use you like your sister does. Besides my hobby you're the only thing that makes me smile and hate to see you treated like this."
>"Ugh, Inky can you like hurry up and fuck him that's literally all he is for."
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>"Maybe I've been too hard on you, little bro. Tell you what, you lick my ass and I'll literally let you stick it up my butt tonight"
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>>"Anon, you know I feelings for you because your sister is blunt about it, against my wishes but I don't want to use you like your sister does. Besides my hobby you're the only thing that makes me smile and hate to see you treated like this."
An incest story in which the protagonist is torn between his cute sister and her goth friend?

This certainly doesn't remind me of anything.
But gosh it sounds like a good idea.

You know, have we ever had an incest story where the incest wasn't the preferred pairing?
>Russian cousin Trixie will never tell you of the bitter winters of her homeland where she lost her younger brother to the unforgiving frost
>She will never tell you all this to guilt you into cuddling her under the blankets while naked "to share of the body warmth"
I know words are hard sometimes but
>"Anon, you know I feelings for you because
I have*
>Anon and Inkey have a happy lovey night without his sister
>She will never sneak in on them cuddling and saying sappy shit too each other
>She will never realize she fucked up
>Cue bad big sister redemption ark, with sexy Goth girl taking the piss for her.
Not really.
Snuggle Russia Trixie, give her big strong warmth to hold on to.
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>You will never have to deal with your German cousin who also has the feelings for you
>I know words are hard sometimes but
>>"Anon, you know I feelings for you because
Sorry I should've double checked before posting my mistake.
Its cool, good idea either way.
There was this one story with Sunset Shimmer and her brother who traveled over with her from Equestria. The author fucked off before finishing it which sucked
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>"You can't leave me, I like, love you and junk!"
>Inky leaves.
>'I literally can't believe you. She was totally right there and you didn't fuck her!"
"She didn't want to it and it was her decision."
>"You're more stupider than I thought."
"That was a redundant sentience."
>"And now you're making fun of me?! Like how dare you I'm the reason your sorry ass is not on the street and this is how you repay me?"
"Hold o-"
>"Mom totally should of swallowed you before she died."
"I am sorr-"
>"Now if you want dinner and my forgiveness you have to lick me."
>"Are you like literally retarded? Lick me or you'll have to spend the night in the streets hungry again."
>>"Mom totally should of swallowed you before she died."
Damn that's cold.
fuck off Lahey that's probably your 49th fuckin drink today! ya fuckin drunk
Are the mistakes on purpose or accident? I cant tell. Also, fuck this bitch.
>threesome learn-how-to-share end
good end
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Leave Lilly alone, she's a nice girl
i like how her grammar is so bad it extends into spelling
I try to make her sound like a valley girl.
god damn it, today is not my day.
Are you secretly Russian, Anon?

>"I try to make sound like girl from valley. Is success?"
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>"Soooooooo, I was like thinking and junk, maybe tonight instead of just screwing, you and me could like, go somewhere nice? Literally just the two of us. I swear, I could literally get us reservations at Dorsia"
i get the reference
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>Your Auntie will never lovingly spit in your mouth
No, I'm just retarded.
>"And, like, I swear to god, Anon, if that slut at the front desk says anything 'cuz we're like, brother and sister? I'm gonna, like, literally spread the meanest rumors about her."
>"My cousin, he is pure of blood. Vhy does he not vant to procreate vith me? I am of pure German heritage, and Anohn is sweet boy. Vhat must I do to convince him to create beautiful babies with blond hair and blue eyes?"
>"I say I love him but he does not say he loves me back..."
>Cousin thinks that blood purity is what's stopping Anon from mating with her
>Thinks that he's concerned about swamp monsters resulting from one generation of incest
>Rationalizes it to mean that she needs to be the picture of purity, and adopts a shitty fake German accent and reads through Mein Kamf
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Twins belong together.
from birth
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>"I do say, your brother and my sister should meet sometime, they might hit it off"
So how would an incest thing between Lily and little bro Anon even begin?
Parents dying and they only have each other.
she takes pity on him for still being a virgin
then at some point it gets more emotional and she manages to get across that it's genuine care she feels, not condescending pity.. and she literally wants him to have some feelgoods because, putting herself in his place, she'd want to get fucked.
I like how this thread has 'relationships' in its expressed purpose. not just incest thread. that is why it's so lovely and fun
>Be Anon.
>See family person.
>"Hey Anon, gib fug."
>You do.
>Today was a romantic day.
Looks more like Rarimom and sister Sweetie.
Or perhaps even big sister Rarity and little sister Sweetie.
>Anon eventually figures things out, but not before he gets a bit of a crush on his Sweetie
Sounds mighty unf-worthy.
Hmm, that reminds me of a certain manga.
That's an enormous forehead.
Which mango would that be, famingo?
>Anon and his valley-girl sister move into Ponyville
>Two days later, everyone knows about them
I thought you were going to say "Panty and Stocking"
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>"Like oh my gawd, this apple bitch is soooo getting on my nerves. I might actually literally take all my frustration out on my brother's dick"
Anon feels a tingle down his back while Cuddling Inky on the couch.
I don't recall there being any incest in that, but then again I only watched a few episodes I think.
I just saw a visual connection; a blonde girl and a glothic-looking gal.
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Your stoic, goth cousin doesn't want you to know she's ticklish and likes Beetlejuice.
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>cuddling Inky
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>Your eyelids flutter as sleep slowly fades away and you regain consciousness.
>You stifle and brush some strands of mother's hair from your face.
>Her breathing remains steady, ever the heavy sleeper.
>You bring your face to her head and take a deep breath, enjoying her scent.
>The tip of your erection pokes against her ample thighs, threatening to pop through.
>Never before had you experienced morning wood this unyielding that it'd freed itself through the slit in your boxers.
>Deciding to capitalize on the situation, you pull her closer and casually thrust yours hips forward, enveloping yourself between the gap in her thighs.
>The soft silk that separated your mother's folds from your manhood caressed you, the velvety texture making for an interesting sensation.
>You moan, content with the way her flesh snuggled your rod as if in a loving embrace.
>Her lips slightly parted as you flexed your groin muscles, your hard-on slightly pushing upwards into them.
>Chrysalis gently moaned in her sleep, her body sluggishly reacting to your prodding.
>You gently cup her right breast and softly knead it, rolling your finger around her aroused bud as you tenderly thrust back and forth.
>Her spongy pillows felt like a slice of heaven.
>You squeeze and marvel at how her soft rack seems to spill through your fingers.
>"Mmmhh, good morning to you too Anon." Chrysalis purred as she snaked a hand down to her groin.
>A jolt shot through your dick as her fingertips come into contact with your glans.
>Her fingers randomly circled your glans, occasionally slipping into your foreskin and teasing your corona.
>You moan into her neck as you nibble it.
>She giggles and gasps as you squeeze her hardened nipple.
>"Oh Anon, do it harder." She sighs and runs her finger along your frenulum up to the tip.
>You abruptly thrust forward, hissing from the sudden sensation.
>"You're such a bad boy darling." She teased and gave your tip a soft tap while pinching your hand.
>Jerking backwards from the sudden dick check, you cup your groin and take a deep breath.
>"Aw, did my little boy get a booboo?" She teased while bringing her face close to your crotch.
>"Let mommy give it a kiss to make it all better."
>A slight feeling of dread made you hesitant to drop your guard, but you relented and let her approach.
>Gingerly taking your dick in hand, she gives it a few short pumps before bringing her lips closer. "MWAH!"
>"There, all better, right baby?" She cooed as she slowly stroked you.
>You put on your best puppy dog eyes and try your luck.
"Well actually mom, I'm pretty close so, um."
>"Oh, I'm sorry Anon. You're going to have to let that simmer." She replied releasing her grip on your shaft. "You have chores to do, and I need to start my workout."
"Please mom? I'll get on right away!"
>"Oh I know you will dear." She pounces on you, pinning you to the bed and draws nearer. "But you're going to need all your energy for your chores and mowing the lawn."
>'Ah crap, I hate mowing the lawn.' You think to yourself.
>"Besides." She brings her lips to yours and gives you a quick kiss. "I didn't tell you to have fun this early in the morning, so think of it as punishment."
>"Well, I'm going to start my workout then, so hop to it soldier." She orders you before making her way to her room.
>You watched her leave the room, memorized by the way her ass swayed, as if to taunt you.
>Before rounding the corner Chrysalis stopped and glanced back, giving you a quick wink with the tip of her tongue sticking out.
>You realized she had been teasing you during that moment, but fell back in bed, sighing as you looked forward to getting the day started.
>Quickly throwing on some shorts and an old wife beater that you specifically used when mowing the lawn, you make your way to the bathroom to wash your face and brush your teeth.
>Your footsteps thunder throughout the house as you rush into the kitchen.
>"Quit running in the house Anon, you're going to end up hurting yourself!" Chrysalis called out from her workout den.
>You serve yourself a bowl of cereal and dig in.
>'A date with mom, why wouldn't I be in a hurry?' You think to yourself as you rush outside to grab the lawn mower.
>Letting go of the mower's lever, you look over your work as its engine putters out.
>In your rush to finish quickly, you did a shitty job.
"Well shit, I can't be leaving it like this."
>You sigh and start the mower up again.
"Do it right the first time so you don't have to do it again."
>You hate it when mom's words of wisdom come back and bite you in the ass.
>You grin at the thought of paying her back by giving her rear a little nibble.
>Twenty minutes later and you properly finish mowing the lawn.
>You grab the old broom by the shed and use it to brush off any left over grass clippings before storing the machine.
>Wiping the sweat off your brow, you make your way back to your room, thankful that you'd taken care of all your other chores a few days earlier.
>Assuming that mom was still in the den, you disrobe and make a mad dash into the bathroom.
>You turn on the warm water at full blast and wait for the temperature to rise before getting in.
>Unaware of her presence, a shrill shriek erupts from your mouth when a pair of unknown hands grab you by your shoulders.
>"Oh my, didn't mean to scare you Anon." Your mother giggles at your expense.
>Panting, you turn to face her.
"You scared the crap out of me."
>She giggles and hugs your sweaty naked body.
>"I'm sorry Anon, but I must say I've never heard a man scream like that before."
"Yeah, yeah, very funny."
>She lets go and closes the door behind her. "Well, since we both need a shower, how about we share one?"
>'Now that's more like it.' You think to yourself as she flicks off her sweatbands and sends them flying.
>Chrysalis turns around and raises her arms. "Be a dear and help me out these sweaty clothes Anon."
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>She takes out the scrunchy that had kept her long hair in a bun, letting it fall down before tossing it to the side.
>You wrap your arms around her waist, startling her and making her slightly flinch.
>"Mmhhm, come on Anon, we're wasting water here." She grumbles as your fingers slid into her black sports bra from the bottom.
>You give her breasts a gentle squeeze before pulling the clothing upwards and removing it.
>She hums and leans backwards onto you. "Now my shorts."
>You kiss her neck and slowly drag your fingers downwards.
"I always wondered if you wore underwear in this getup."
>She gasped as your hands slipped under her waistband and wandered around.
"No panties?"
>Chrysalis craned her neck to face you with a mischievous grin. "Maybe you should hurry up and find out."
>Your fingers slide further down until brushing up against a soft material.
>Maneuvering your hands to her hips, you pull her black shorts down bit-by-bit.
>Looking up from your lower position, you get a nice view of her ass.
"You always wear T-strings in your workout uniform?"
>She daintily tip toes out of her shorts and bends over in front of you.
>"I usually only wear them when I workout. I felt kind of conscious when I used to go to the gym after all."
>She slides off her tiny panties so tantalizingly slowly, a smile on her face as she teased you.
>You reach up to grab hold of Chrysalis's rear only for her to smack your hands away.
>"Hurry up and get in Anon, times a wasting!"
>You roll your eyes and climb into the shower and offer a hand to her.
>"Why thank you kind sir." She giggled as she took your hand and climbed in with you.
>She closed the door behind her and flicked the diverter on, sending a steady cascade of water pouring from the shower head.
>The water splattered onto your mother's back with an odd tinkle hitting your body here and there.
>Chrysalis took the shower head and motioned you closer.
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>You approached her and closed your eyes as the water trailed down your body.
>The stream of water splashed onto you from ever changing angles as your mother moved the shower head around you.
>The sensation of water drenching your crotch made you jump, but Chrysalis's hand on your shoulder kept you calm.
>Opening your eyes, you watch as she returns the shower head to its place and grabs your shampoo bottle.
>"Okay my one and only, close your eyes again." She whispers before squeezing a decent helping of shampoo in your hair.
>She tenderly strokes her fingers through your hair, working a fine lather before grabbing the shower head and rinsing you off.
>Next she took your body sponge and poured some body wash on it.
>"Okay Anon, turn around and I'll clean your body next."
>You nod and follow her instructions, wiping the water from your eyes as you turn.
>Chrysalis scrubs your back with the sponge in a circular motion.
>"Such a broad back Anon." She whispers in your ear. "If this whole thing takes off, we'll need to get you started on a work out regimen so you can lift up and hold more weight."
>She scrubbed the rest of your body next leaving your groin for last.
>You felt her soft nipples and then the entirety of her breast press up against your back as she carefully scrubbed your groin.
>She worked up a good lather before handing you the sponge and taking your hardened member in her hand.
>"Let's make sure this part is extra nice and clean." She giggled as she stroked your shaft.
>Her other arm reached around, taking hold of your penis.
>With her free hand she worked your foreskin back, fully exposing your glans.
>She took the sponge from you and gently polished your head.
>You quietly grunted while she lathered your tip and then worked on your balls.
>"Hold still Anon." She instructed as she poured another dollop of body wash onto her hand.
>You cried out as you almost jumped onto the ceiling as you felt your sponge enter your butt crack, lathering it up.
>"There, there, darling, we have to get it clean after all." She chuckled before taking the shower head and rinsing you off.
"You could have warned me."
>You whine as you grab your wash rag and lather up your face.
>"I couldn't help myself." She replied while letting the water pour on her body. "Besides, I've always your cute little butt as a child."
>Blindly reaching out for the shower head, you grab hold of something soft and squishy.
>Chrysalis yelped and giggled. "Hold still and let me rinse you off."
>The water slowly washed the body wash away and restored your sight.
>"Here you go." She hands you a bottle of shampoo and gets down on her knees so you could properly lather up her hair.
>You pour a generous amount of shampoo on her head and run you fingers through her hair.
>She sighed, content with your gentle caresses. "That feels nice honey."
>You smile and scoop up her long hair so you can work some shampoo into it.
>It was an awkward pose as it effectively presented your rigid dick to your mother as if for inspection.
>"Look at this naughty thing." She taunted, gently flicking the length. "It should be taught some manners."
>You finished lathering her hair and went to reach for the shower head, but a gentle tug on your member kept you hunched over.
>Her grip on you loosened up and she slowly fondled your shaft.
>"It's a shame we can't stay in here long enough to properly punish it, right, Anon?" She glared at you from below.
>A few more excruciatingly slow strokes and she let go of your pride with a gentle flick to the tip.
>You let out a deep breath, the tip of your dick slightly tingling.
"Close your eyes mom, I'm going to rinse you off."
>She nods and closes her eyes as you bring the shower head over and rinse her hair.
>Chrysalis stood up, taking the shower head in hand and putting it back in place.
>She reaches for her body wash and body sponge and applies a generous amount of gel to her sponge before handing it over.
>"Make sure you do a thorough job Anon." She instructs.
>You start with her shoulders and work your way down, thoroughly scrubbing every inch of her upper body.
>The sponge leaves a trail of suds as it continues its tour of your mother's body, quickly arriving at her bosom.
>You alternate between scrubbing her breast and circling the perky nipple.
>Not wanting to leave lefty feeling left out, you give it a delicate squeeze and take it into your mouth.
>Chrysalis drapes her arms around you and moans.
>"Clean that dirty little nipple darling."
>You suckle at the little bud in your mouth, rolling it around with your tongue.
>"Hey, don't forget about the other one." She nudges your arm.
>You give her a little nibble and resume scrubbing her other breast, making sure to get underneath them.
>Releasing the little bud with a final flick of your tongue, you start scrubbing her breast.
>Chrysalis lets go and gives you a peck on your forehead.
>"Okay, that's more than enough Anon; we're going to be in a hurry if we keep playing around."
>Feeling a bit discouraged, you simply nod and carry on with scrubbing her body.
>You begin shifting down only to be halted by your mom's hand.
>"Just a little around the edges Anon, no need to do more than that." She commands using her regal-like no nonsense voice.
>Taking a knee, you have a closer look at what you're working with.
>Not even a few seconds into getting the lay of the land and you were already having perverted thoughts.
>Various thoughts came to mind, ranging from how tight she might be to whether the fluids dripping from her petals was water or something else.
>Your mother places her hands on top of your head, bracing herself as you reach upwards with the sponge in hand.
>You vaguely wonder if this is how a doctor feels when they perform an open heart surgery, brushing the sponge around her lower lips.
>She wriggled around while you scrubbed, putting a bit more of her weight on you as she stood on her tippy toes.
>Several squeaks and moans later, you start making long strokes with the sponge up and down her legs, finishing with her toes.
>Chrysalis turns around, presenting her backside.
>You rise and carefully scrub away until you reach her bouncy rump.
>Crouching so that her cheeks where in your face, you roughly knead her flesh only to get scolded.
>You silently gripe and carry on, scrubbing her legs and finally finishing.
>Looking up you realize that there was still one place to clean.
>You smack the thickest part of her bottom and grab hold.
>Gently spreading her left cheek to the side, you decide it was best to warn her.
"I hope you're ready for a deep cleaning."
>She looks over her shoulder at you and nods, her cheeks bright red.
>The sponge slips in and her reaction was instant.
>Her buns closed tighter than a duck's ass, a force that one could only obtain through serious physical training.
>Or being a duck.
>It wasn't painful, but certainly not what you were expecting either.
>Sure it was healthy reaction to someone else inserting anything near your ass, but this grip was outrageous.
"You're going to have to loosen up a bit mom, I won't be able to scrub you like this."
>She takes a deep breath and exhales, her muscles slowly relax and grant you freedom.
>Slow and steady was the pace at which you sanitized her butt, the occasional spasm bringing the process to a screeching halt.
>"Well, that happened." Chrysalis mused as she washed her face with a clean wash cloth.
>You giggle and stood back as she rinsed herself off with the shower head.
>She turned to you and smiled.
>It made you glad to see her smile, she deserved to be happy.
>You wrap your arms around her in a sincere hug, resting your head on her breasts.
>While you were distracted, Chrysalis turns off the warm water and turns on the cold water.
>Your moment of serenity is shattered by a torrent of freezing ice cold water.
"Mom! What the hell?!"
>You shriek as the cool liquid continues to chill your body.
>Several moments latter and she turns off the water completely.
>Your mother laughs as your expense and holds you close, shivering along with you.
>"I always end my showers like this Anon." She explains.
>"It's supposed to be good for you, helps you get to sleep faster and helps with depression."
>You hold her tightly, both for bodily warmth and because of what she had just said.
>She'd never let on, but you could always tell she was usually a bit crestfallen during the downtime between jobs.
>Her shivering body reminded you of your failure to help her, but it also gave you hope.
>A hope that you could help her warm up so to speak, to raise her spirits and see her genuinely happy.
>You couldn't fail her, not again.
>She nibbled on your earlobe. "It's also supposed to help with fertility too, but I've never been able to confirm it."
>You try to reply, but end up with chattering teeth.
>"I've always wanted to have a big family sweetheart." She whispered.
>You grab two towels and drape one around her shoulders and the other on yours.
>"Thanks Anon." She beams.
>You nod and start to dry yourself off.
>Chrysalis wraps her towel around her body and grabs another.
>"Okay, let's go get dressed and head out." She calls to your as she wraps her hair in a towel.
>You reply to the affirmative and head to your room to finish drying off.
>Throwing on some boxers, you open the door to your walk-in closet and check your wardrobe.
>You decide on a pair of black slacks and a nice long sleeved white button up shirt.
>A pair of black socks and a black belt completes your ensemble.
>"Are you almost done dear?" Chrysalis pokes her head in your room.
"Almost mom, do you think I should wear a jacket as well?"
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>"The weather is supposed to be nice and cool all day." She checks her phone. "It says there's a slight chance of rain, so it couldn't hurt to bring a dinner jacket just in case."
>You nod and grab the jacket, setting it on the bed as you put on your nice black dress shoes.
>"So, how do I look?" Mother asks as she opens the door and steps into view.
"And I thought I was overdoing it with the dinner jacket."
>She frowns. "You really think it's too much?"
>You bring your fingers up to your face in the form of a rectangle and place her in the middle of the imaginary frame.
>Not missing a beat, Chrysalis strikes a pose for you.
>She leaned forward, resting her hands on her knee.
>The top of the dress tightly snuggles her bosom while exposing her shoulders.
>At the bottom of your frame you notice her black high heel boots.
>They looked a bit uncomfortable, but pleasant to the touch all the same, some sort of suede you assumed.
>The material ran all the way up her legs before coming to a stop a bit over her knees.
>Had it not been for her pose you might have not even noticed they went all the way up like that.
>A large green sash wrapped around her waist, as if to keep the dress together.
>You make little camera noises as you take a knee and rotate your imaginary camera.
"A bit too risqué, but I love it! Show me more darling!"
>She walks over to your door frame and leans back, raising her left leg so it resembles a figure four when her heel touches the frame.
>At first you thought there was a wardrobe malfunction as the dress seemingly fell apart.
>Your confusion cleared away when you quickly realized the slit was a part of the dress.
>The dress still had its share of secrets to show you.
>Small black lines crisscrossed up her exposed legs, running all the way up before disappearing under her dress.
"That's good, that's good! The camera loves you, give me something else!"
>Sporting a large smile, She turned away from your and raised her arms skyward.
>Her back was exposed save for a few strings of material that kept the dress connected.
>It was a bit overkill, but damn if you didn't like what you saw.
"I'll have to remember to bring more film the next time we do this darling."
>Chrysalis fans herself. "That was pretty fun. I wouldn't mind doing it again sometime."
"I think it looks great mom, you might a few odd looks, but you won't hear me complain."
>She gives you a hug and grabs your hand. "Okay, let's get going!"
>You wait for her to unlock the SUV and climb in.
>"Put your seat belt on." She reminds you.
>She presses the button to open the garage and starts the engine.
>While you wait for the door, you pose the question.
"So did you already have something planned for our date?"
>The vehicle moves in reverse before coming to a stop.
>"I have it all planned out Anon." She replies as the garage door closes.
>Glancing both ways she pulls out into the road and puts the car in drive.
>"You want this to be a perfect date right?" She asks as she stays alert on the road.
>You nod.
"Of course.
>"Well, I've had my definition of a perfect date for so long." She approaches the intersection and activates the turn signal. "I'll let you plan the next date entirely if you'll let me have this."
"Alright, I'm on board for your perfect date."
>She glances your way and smiles. "Thank you anon, it means a lot to me."
>Ten minutes latter the vehicle pulled up to the park parking lot.
>"Let's take a short walk in the park."
>'Yeah, we're definitely overdressed for this.' You think as you step out of the vehicle.
>You walk hand in hand down the little path through the park, just enjoying the breeze and scenery.
>Chrysalis coughs, breaking the silence. "So what do you plan on doing now that school is over?"
>The question caught you off guard, if only because you hadn't given it much thought yourself.
"I haven't got a clue to be honest."
>"Well, you know I'll support you regardless of what you do."
>You nod.
"I think I'll take a week or two and just kick back, think about what I'll do."
>"That's fine, so long as you keep doing your chores and keep the house tidy."
"If I do go to college, I could major in Film Production."
>There's a moment of silence before she asks. "Why Film Production dear?"
"I kind of figured that if I majored in it, I'd be a bit closer to you."
>"You're my son Anon, I'm not sure how much closer we could get." She replies, a confused look on her face.
"It's just something I've noticed whenever we watch movies together."
"You radiate a certain happiness, a sense of fulfillment and accomplishment."
>"Well, it is true that I do enjoy working in the movie business."
"It's more than that mom, I can tell that you love your job."
>You spot a cotton candy vendor in the distance.
"You want to go half and half on some cotton candy?"
>"I don't know, I'm kind of on a diet."
"I'll join your workout sessions to help you work it off."
>She bites her lips and nods. "Deal, but you better not complain when I run your ass ragged."
>You chuckle, accepting her terms and making your way to the vendor.
"There's another reason for that particular major."
"I thought if I got into the business, then maybe I could experience and understand that feeling of joy."
>You arrive at the little stand and she orders a smaller size cone of fluffy delight.
>The vendor sets to working his magic and tells you it'll be three dollars and fifty cents.
>Chrysalis was already giving the man a five dollar bill before you could even reach for your wallet.
"I'll pay, I suggested it after all."
>"No, tonight's my treat Anon." She replies.
"It's okay, I can afford it."
>She takes the cone and thanks the man.
>You resume walking and eating small bites of cotton candy.
"I could have paid for that you know."
>"I know you could dear, but you won't be able to afford anything else that I have planned tonight."
>You decide against questioning her and go with the flow.
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>"Open wide Anon!" She holds a chunk of the sugary treat close to your mouth.
>You open up and she places the piece in your mouth.
>A woman with a notepad approaches you and introduces herself.
>"Hi, I'm Amanda, with Channel Three News?"
>"Oh, yes, hello. What can we help you with?" Your mom asks, taking charge of the situation.
>The reporter opened up her note pad and started writing. "Well, the city finally finished putting in the new path you're walking on and we wanted to do a small story on it, just a small fluff job if you will."
>"Oh, we didn't even know that happened." Chrysalis replied.
>"I see. Would you consent to a quick little interview? It'll be filmed and broadcasted on the channel of course."
>Chrysalis stayed silent for a few moments, probably feeling a little uneasy about it.
>Sensing her anxiety, Amanda assured you that it would be a few simple questions.
>"We're going to have to decline. We uh, got a schedule to keep actually."
>"Wait a minute." Amanda cuts her off. "Don't I know you from somewhere?"
>"I can assure you we've never met personally, but you might recognize me from some movies I worked on."
>"You do look like that one actress, from Space Breed."
>Chrysalis nodded. "Yup, that was me, I was her stunt double."
>"Had I known I'd bump into you, I would have brought my modest autograph book." She replies. "Well it's nice to meet you regardless and don't worry about the interview, I'm sure I can find someone else."
>Amanda looks your mom over and then you.
>"Who's this little cutie?" She asks and leans forward to get a better look.
>Your mom puts her arm around your shoulder and pulls you close to her.
>"He's my son, Anonymous."
>"Ah, that explains it, he has your eyes." She responds and looks the both of you over again.
>"So what's the occasion? You two seem a little overdressed to be at the park?"
>"I'm on a date with my son." Chrysalis replies with an almost venomous tone.
>"Oh. OH! I see. A little mother and son date?" Amanda chuckles. "I thought you meant something else, sorry about that."
"You're weird."
>Amanda glances at you. "I'm sorry Anonymous, I am a bit batty. It's the only reason I'm always out on fluff jobs instead of behind the news anchor desk."
>You don't believe that for a second and just stare at her with a skeptical look.
>"It's the truth, I swear! Anyways, I've wasted enough of your time so I'll let you two go. Enjoy the rest of your date."
>Chrysalis waves goodbye and the two of make a beeline to the SUV.
>Once inside and on the road, you finish the small remainder of cotton candy.
"I'm on a date with my son?"
>"What? It worked didn't it?" She defended her actions.
"That's debatable."
>"Sorry honey, I kind of just froze and said the first thing that came to mind."
>You sigh.
"Well, no harm done either way, but maybe we leave that out if anyone asks again?"
>"Relax Anon, no one's going to even think that. All they'll think is that we're having innocent mother and son date and that's it."
"Again, not complaining about how you're dressed, but I don't think most mothers would dress like that on a mother and son date."
>"You have a point." She pouts. "How about I tell anyone who asks that this is a costume from my next movie role and I'm wearing it to get used to it?"
"That doesn't sound totally unreasonable."
>You throw the little cone into the small empty trash bag.
"So where to now?"
>She makes a left hand turn and glances at the clock. "We have some time to kill, how about a movie?"
"Not a chick flick I hope?"
>She pouts with a whiny voice. "Oh come on Anon, don't be that way!"
"Alright, but don't blame me if I fall asleep mom."
>There was no use arguing, it was her perfect date after all.
>It was an uneventful drive to the theater.
>Once inside you bought a medium Root Beer to share and headed into the auditorium.
>The movie she chose was already in its second week of showing and it wasn't exactly prime time either.
>That left the entire room for just the two of you.
>You were about to ask where you would sit when she grabbed your arm and dragged you up to the top row.
>"Right there in the middle sweetie." She whispered in your ear.
>The lights dimmed and the room went dark, signaling the start of the previews.
>Another couple came in just as the previews ended and the movie started.
>They looked around and pointed to the small row seemingly hidden in small corner towards the middle of the vast auditorium.
>Nothing caught your eye and you tried to mentally prepare yourself for the grueling two hour slug fest that would be the movie.
>You did your best to hide a yawn, the characters on screen discussing if Todd Mclongdong was the heroine's true love.
>A quick glimpse at mom showed that she was really into it.
>You reason that it might just be the love of working on movies she's feeding off of instead of the movie itself.
>She reaches up and wipes a tear away.
>Nope, just the chick flick.
>You sigh and take her free hand in yours.
>She glances at her hand in yours and then at you, a soft smile appearing on her face.
>Chrysalis leans back in her chair and enjoys her movie.
>You stay alert, but otherwise blank out from boredom.
>After what felt like an eternity her fingers tighten their grip on your hand.
>Shaking off your drowsiness, you take a gander at your date.
>She was biting her lip and slightly rubbing her thighs together.
>You look up at the screen and see some other guy about to nail the star.
>Guess Todd Mclongschlong screwed up somewhere down the line and struck out.
>Tommy Youngcock was kissing the woman's neck before pushing her down on the bed.
>He smiled at her and you could swear they added in a small glint on his teeth before he took off his shirt.
>The actress bit her lip and watched him drop his pants and spandex briefs.
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>The camera had shifted view to hide his dangly bits, but judging from the woman's face, the guy was definitely packing.
>That or she was a good actress. Either way the guy crawled into bed and helped the heroine out of her clothes.
>Chrysalis' breathing gradually quickened until she finally let go of your hand.
>You were about to ask if she was alright when her hand plopped down on your crotch.
>Her fingers alternated between frantically grabbing at your semi and trying to work your zipper.
"Whoa mom, what are you doing?!" You gasp while wriggling in your seat.
>She doesn't reply before wrenching the arm rest between you out of the way and pulling you into a deep kiss.
>Her arms wrap around you as you try to get the situation under control.
>You debate just saying fuck it and going along with her, but even just the other couple in the room finding out could ruin everything.
>You struggled to speak as her tongue snaked its way into your mouth.
>She let out little moans in between small gasps of breath.
>It was almost like you were having an episode with the little demon and angel on your shoulders.
>The little devil called you a faggot for even trying to stop her.
>Your eyes wander over to the imaginary angel on your opposite shoulder and ask for his wisdom with pleading eyes.
>"Don't look at me faggot, you've got bigger problems."
>The distinct sound of a zipper opening echoed in your ears as her hand had finally figured out how to operate the pesky thing.
>You grab hold of her waist and stand up, breaking her passionate kiss and keeping your zipper in a closed position.
"Come on mom, we have to go. Now."
>She pants and stares at you like you were a well cooked piece of prime meat, a hungry glint in her eyes.
>You left the theater with a bright blush on your cheeks and a short-winded companion.
>Luckily for the both of you the concession stand was empty save one employee.
>You open the SUV and help Chrysalis into the passenger seat.
>You sit in the driver's seat and roll down the windows, allowing the fresh air to make its way in on the cool breeze.
>"Anon? Where are we?" Your mother asks as she rubs her head.
"We're outside mom. You started freaking out really bad in there."
>She shakes her head and glance at you. "What?"
"I know we're experimenting here mom, but a majority of society wouldn't approve of what we're doing."
>"Could you please explain exactly what you're trying to say?"
"Mom, you started making out with me in the theater! Not only that but you tried getting into my pants with other people around!"
>"I'm sorry baby. I don't remember doing that." She cries.
"Mom, I know you're lonely and starved for affection, emotional as well as physical, but that was too risky with other people around."
>She shakes slightly, silently sobbing.
"I'm not mad mom, I promise. It's just that if we'd been caught doing that, your career would be over."
>You reach over the arm rest and wrap your arms around her, stroking her hair and reassuring her that everything would be alright.
"Trust me, everything will be okay, but we need to be extremely careful with how we handle ourselves in public."
>Her head was buried in your chest, but you could feel her slightly nod.
>You gently push her back to raise her chin up.
"It'll be okay mom."
>You reach up and wipe her tears away.
>What little makeup she wore had been ruined by her tears.
>"Anon, I'm hungry." She sniffled.
"I know mom, I know."
>"No Anon, I mean I'm hungry, let's get some lunch." She replied, a hint of sadness in her voice.
"Oh, yeah, let's do that. You should know your makeup isn't doing so well right now."
>She retrieves a small black box from the glove box.
>She opens the box, revealing it to be a makeup kit of sorts.
>Taking a small toilette from the kit, she expertly cleans her face.
>She tosses the used item into the trash bag and applies a bit of makeup with a brush and makeup pencil.
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>Bitch, the fuck you think I'm doing? I'M ON A DATE WITH MY SON
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>You were impressed that she didn't even look at a mirror while she applied the makeup.
>She finished with the kit and put it away. "There, all better." She beamed.
>Had you not seen how her tears had affected the previous application of cosmetics you would have never guessed she'd just finished reapplying her makeup.
"Wow, I knew you were amazing with stuff, but that's unbelievable!"
>She blushes and thanks you.
"So you want me to drive to our next destination or are you well enough to get behind the wheel?"
>"Give me a minute and I'll drive." She exhales, her breathing finally evening out.
>It was a short silent ride to a little mom and pop restaurant hidden away from the noisier city center.
>Quickly getting a table, she orders two grilled chicken salads with no dressing and a splash of lemon.
"So where are we going next mom?"
>You reach over and poke her shoulder, trying to get her attention.
"Mom, you alright?"
>She snapped out of whatever that was quickly. "Oh, I'm sorry Anon, what was that?"
"I asked what was the next part of your perfect date was, but you were spaced out. You are okay, right?"
>A small groan emanated from her stomach.
>She sheepishly wrapped her arms and her body, clearly embarrassed by her complaining stomach.
>"Sorry, I'm just really hungry and the cotton candy didn't do much for me."
"Didn't you have breakfast this morning?"
>She shakes her head. "No, I kind of rushed to get into the shower when I heard you were done with the lawn, so I didn't get a chance."
>The waitress appears out of nowhere and clears her throat. "Ahem, I have your order, two grilled chicken salads with a splash of lemon."
"Thank you very much."
>She smiles and sets the two bowls down in place. "Oh, and we weren't sure how much lemon you wanted sprinkled on the salads, so we included some lemon wedges with your order so you could season it to your liking."
>You thank her again and she says to call her if you needed anything else.
>Wasting no time, you both dig in.
>Chrysalis finishes her salad before you and lets out a petite burp.
>"Oh dear, pardon me." She whispered.
>You chuckle loudly.
"Sounds like you're better already."
>"Don't tease me like that, I was really hungry!" She whines and gives you a light kick under the table.
"So now that you're feeling better, you want to share where we're going next?"
>"I thought it'd be fun to go to a small club and have a drink and maybe dance a bit."
>You were hesitant about the whole drinking bit, but if she limits it to one drink, she should be fine.
"Sounds like fun, but promise me you won't have more than one drink and it isn't one of those super tall ones either."
>"I promise, one small drink." She assured you and crossed her heart. "After I finish my drink and we listen to some music, there was another restaurant I've always wanted to go to."
>"I'd read about it in the paper, it's supposed to be a really nice place with a huge ballroom with live bands that play all types of music from rock to classical and even slow songs."
>You pause in the middle of chewing.
"Sounds pretty ritzy must cost an arm and a leg to get in."
>"Don't speak your mouth full Anon, it's bad manners." She scolds you. "That's why I didn't want you to pay for anything tonight, you'd have to take out a mortgage to afford the place."
>"I didn't tell you best part about it though. The walls of the ballroom are lined with doors that lead to little private balconies that overlook the rest of the city. That's where you go to dine and rest your feet."
>You try to imagine what this place even looks like, sounds pretty neat from an architectural viewpoint.
>Chrysalis mentions how they have several speakers connected to each balcony so that you can continue listening to the band while in your own private little room, even a little control so you can turn the speakers up or down.
>You finish your salad and stand up with a spring in your step.
"You make it sound perfect, let's get going!"
>The other diners turn and stare at the sudden disturbance.
"Whoops, sorry everyone."
>You try to hide behind Chrysalis, slightly embarrassed by your outburst.
>"Thank you and come again!" The waitress calls after you.
>"I think she likes you Anon." Mother calls out from the driver's side of the SUV.
>You climb in and put your seat belt on.
"Well that's too bad for her, because I have you."
>You place your hand on hers.
>She laughs and starts the engine. "That was so corny Anon, but points for going there."
>You frown and cross your arms as the car leaves the parking lot.
>Glancing around as you pull up to the little night club, you wonder how she knew of the place.
"Looks lively, you been here before?"
>She parks on the side of the road and turns the ignition off.
>"Yeah, just once though, with one of the guys that asked me out before." She responds nonchalantly.
>As if she read your mind, Chrysalis assured you that she only wanted to come here because she liked the techno/trance music they played.
"Won't that dress make it kind of hard to dance?"
>"Who said we were going to dance here?" She replied as the door man asked for ID.
>You fish your wallet out and hand the ID over.
>"I just wanted to have a nice drink and listen to the music a bit before moving on."
>"Alright, I shouldn't have to tell you, but no alcohol for the boy or there will be trouble." The big guy hands your card back and opens the door.
>"Of course!" She replied with a smile.
>You followed her in and immediately covered your ears, the deafening noise taking you by surprise.
>She made her way to a little table with a small old timey lamp in one of the darker corners of the joint and sat down.
>You looked around, curiosity taking over.
>"You've never been to a place like this have you?" Mother shouts so you could hear her over the music.
>You cup your hands around your mouth and shout back.
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"The closest I've been to something like this was senior prom!"
>A waiter wearing tight fitting black pants, shirt cuffs, and a black bow tie came up to your table.
>Had you been drinking anything you probably would have spit it out.
>This guy wasn't as built as your average male stripper, but he had the advantage over you.
>He took out his pen and gave Chrysalis a sly wink. "What can I get for you two tonight?"
>"I'll have a broken heart, double the blood and easy on the sauce."
>"Sounds delicious, and for you young man?"
>You could feel your face heat up from humiliation.
>It felt condescending the way he said young man, not to mention having to order a soda after the drink mom had ordered.
"I'll have a Sprite."
>"Alright that'll one Broken Heart, double the blood and cut back on the sauce, and one Sprite." He repeats the order and checks off his little notepad.
>"Will you be wanting anything to eat or snack on?" He asks and taps his pen on the pad.
>"No, we'll be fine with just the drinks." Chrysalis replies.
>"Alright, and we'll have those out to you right away." He gives a slight bow before leaving to place your order.
>You cross your arms and pout.
"I can see why you like it here."
>"Oh, come on Anon." She giggles. I can call over the waitresses in the Playboy bunny suits if it'd make you feel better?"
>"It's cute to see you jealous, but at the very least have a little more faith in me than none." She scolded you and reached out across the table.
>You place your hand in hers and watch the dancing crowd as the music kicks off.
"So just what did you order anyways?"
>"A Bloody Mary!" She shouts back.
"Oh, well why didn't you just call it a Bloody Mary in the first place?"
>She shrugs. "That's what they call them here!"
>The volume lowers as the DJ announces he's taking a short break.
>The dance floor thins out save for a handful of dancers.
>It wasn't that different from watching hip hop you thought.
>Then the beat really took off and the strobe lights kicked on.
>You were so memorized with how they kept up with the unbelievable tempo that you didn't even notice the drinks had arrived.
>It was like watching something in stop animation.
"It looks like a less violent and chaotic form of moshing."
>Chrysalis had scooted closer to you and drank from her mug.
>"Kind of, but I'm sure if someone who goes to mosh pits heard you say that they would strongly disagree."
>The music lowers in speed and volume as the lights in the club dim to near darkness.
>You're about to say something when you feel your mom's hands pull you into a kiss.
>It felt strange, almost as if she was trying to pry your mouth open with her lips.
>Deciding to do so, you almost choked as her tongue and a spicy, tangy fluid seeped into your mouth.
>She maneuvered her tongue around you mouth, deftly using the appendage to scoop as much of the liquid down your throat.
>She pulled away with you with an almost inaudible moan just as the lights and music kicked into overdrive.
>You wiped the small amount of alcohol that had inadvertently leaked out from the corner of your lips.
>Chrysalis met your surprised gaze with her own sultry gaze.
>She ran her tongue around her lips, lapping up the little dribbles of alcohol remaining.
>The strobe light made it seem like it was happening in slow motion.
>"So, what did you think?" She asks as she gulps down the rest of her drink.
"It was tangy, with a hint of spice to it."
>You take a large gulp of your soda to help wash down the drink.
"It's not bad."
>She nods approvingly and tilts her head to the bar. "Let's go ahead and get going."
>You take another quick sip of your drink and follow after her.
>The sun began its slow descent into the horizon as the car zipped along to its next destination.
"So is there any particular reason why you couldn't have ordered a Bloody Mary at the super fancy restaurant?"
>"The one they make in that little club is the best one I've ever had." She replies as she makes a right turn onto the main road. "And I told you, I like the music they play."
>You roll your eyes and shake your head, the alcohol seemed to be kicking in.
"Is there a lot of alcohol in those Bloody Marys?"
>She looks at the GPS device on the dashboard and then back to the road. "No, not really. It's just a bit of Vodka, some tomato juice, lemon juice, Worcestershire sauce, Tabasco, a bit of salt and pepper, and some celery salt."
"Oh, is that all?"
>"Pretty much, they go great with olives too." She adds.
>You didn't care much for olives.
>Before long you'd finally arrived at your destination.
"Well, you weren't lying. Place is huge."
>You let out a low whistle and grab your dinner jacket.
"What have they got in there, King Kong?"
>Your mother chuckles and takes your hand in hers. "Come on you Chaotician."
>"Good evening Madame, Monsieur." The fancy pants doorman greets you as you approach. "I trust you have a reservation?"
>Chrysalis shook her head and asked if you could get in without one.
>He pulled out a phone from behind his little desk and pressed a few buttons. "Wait one moment please."
>You couldn't understand what the guy was babbling about on the phone, but he kept giving you both odd glances.
>The audible whirring of an electric motor caught your attention and soon enough you found the camera staring down at you and your mother.
>"Of course Madame." The older gentlemen put his phone away and buzzed you in. "Today is your lucky day, the owner of this fine establishment has extended a personal invitation, if you're willing to accept it."
>"How thoughtful of her, but I'm afraid I'm already being accompanied by the love of my life you see."
>"Of course, nonetheless the invitation has been extended." He bowed forward slightly, his right arm as his waist and his left towards the now open door. "I can also call ahead to inform the staff not to disturb you unless you call for service."
>Chrysalis leaned slightly to the side to get a look inside. "What do you think honey?"
"If it's part of the perfect date then I say we go for it."
>"Well, sounds like we're in like sin." She announces to the doorman.
>"Excellent, please right this way, the busboy will be along shortly to escort you to your room."
>The two of you walk in and look around while you wait.
>"This place is amazing, almost like a palace! She gushes like a schoolgirl. "Look, look! The waitresses and waiters are cute maids and butlers!"
>She wasn't wrong in the slightest, the place was enormous, easily fitting at least a thousand people in this room alone.
>The marble flooring was slightly blue, with what appeared to be a red carpet running the length of the room.
>Upon closer examination you realize the carpet isn't real, but a nifty optical illusion of red marble tiles.
>It ran from the main entrance all way to the other side of the room and up the large staircase.
>You followed the staircase up and noticed the large balcony on the inside of the building.
>There were fancy banners decorating the empty spaces between the doors, adorned with various celestial markings.
>An assortment of chandeliers hung around the room under the balcony, secured by some crazy looking contraption.
>They paled in comparison to the large sphere hanging in the center of the room.
>It was like a disco ball, but instead of reflecting light, it seemed to be emanating it instead.
>It washes the room with tranquil colors as it changes between a bright setting to a more subdued setting as if to emulate a day and night cycle.
"I thought you said the dining rooms were outside of the ballroom?"
>"But they are sir." A voice behind you corrects you. "The second floor balcony is merely a walkway to the 2nd floor dining rooms."
>You turn around and come face to face with a butler.
>"If you would be so gracious to follow me, I'll lead you to your room."
>He does an about face and begins walking towards the staircase.
>Chrysalis gives you a slight tug and you follow after your guide.
>"As you can see, there are doors at even intervals all along the wall, minus the eastern wall where the stage is located."
>You scan the area and find the aforementioned stage, several figures were rushing around as they set up for the next band.
>"How often does the music change?" Your mom asks the employee.
"That usually depends on how many groups we can book for the week, but on average a single band will play for thirty to forty-five minutes."
>The escort came to a stop at the foot of the staircase and turned to face you.
>"Now if you'll give me your undivided attention for a moment."
>He gestured to a set of double doors on both sides of the staircase. "Both of these entrances are to the kitchen and as such are off limits to guests."
>You raise a hand to ask where the bathrooms where located.
>"I was just getting to that sir." His quick reply hinting that he'd heard this question often enough. "Each room has their own private restroom that is personally inspected by an employee before guests enter the room."
>"This place must have cost a fortune." Chrysalis exclaimed as she brushed a strand of hair from her face.
>"As the owner is so fond of saying, we spared no expense." He replies with a smile. "This way, your room is located on the second floor."
>You follow after the butler up the stairs, stopping at the top.
>"This is the owner's office and is also is off limits." He gestures to the left. "This way."
>Coming to a stop, your guide motions you to wait and enters the room.
>Chrysalis wanders over to the railing and watches the setup on stage.
>A couple of minutes later he reappears. "Everything is satisfactory and ready, please come in."
>You wrap an arm around your mom's waist to get her attention.
"The rooms ready dear, let's have a look."
>She giggles and places her arm around your shoulder.
>"I thought we weren't supposed to carry on like this in public?" She leaned over slightly and whispered in your ear.
>You walk in side by side and appraise the room.
>It certainly wasn't as spacious as the ballroom outside, but it was big enough to house a large dinner table and even a little dancing area beside it.
>The ceiling above you was all glass, to allow guests to stargaze during their stay.
>At the other end of the room was a glass door that let to a completely open air portion of the room, although it only had enough space for small table and bench.
"It looks great, we'll take it."
>"Excellent choice sir, I've left your menus on the dinning table along with the volume control for the room speakers."
"I haven't even see the speakers."
>The waiter pointed to a speaker in the corner. "Yes, each room has speakers installed in them so that guests can hear the music from the band without leaving their rooms."
"You'd think they'd rather encourage patrons to mingle with one another in the ballroom."
>"That was the original intent, but the request for something more private was consistent enough that the speakers were added in to every room."
>Chrysalis looks the room over, paying special attention to the glass door. "It doesn't make much sense for someone who would come to an establishment as snazzy as this, but different strokes for different folks I guess."
>"In any case, whenever you're ready to order, there is a little red button the controller that will call for a waiter or waitress. Enjoy your evening."
>The waiter bowed once more and closed the door behind him, leaving Chrysalis and you alone.
"So, should we order something or wait a while?"
>both sister scenarios in one
>"Let's go ahead and order something Anon, who knows how long it'll take for it to be ready." Chrysalis snuggled up against you.
>You nod and make your way to the table.
>After browsing the menu you decide on the Beef Tenderloin Stuffed with Lobster and you could have sworn you saw a bit of drool from her mouth when she read the description for the Roast Leg of Lamb with Rosemary.
>The drink selection was a bunch of different alcoholic drinks, juices, and sodas as well.
>They probably just bring the drinks in a pitcher so they don't have to bother the clients as much with refills.
"I'm going to order some cranberry juice to drink, what about you mom?"
>She gave you a coy smile. "I think you should try the pineapple juice instead."
>You exhale deeply, guess it was time to get used to the taste of pineapple.
>Chrysalis picks the remote and presses the service button before turning the speakers up.
>It didn't even take two minutes for a waitress to come and take your order.
>"Let's have a dance while we wait Anon." Chrysalis held her hand out to you.
>Dancing wasn't your forte, but thankfully it was a slow song and even a rere like you could manage that.
>You place your hands in hers and she guides them to her hips.
>She wraps her arms around your shoulders and pulls you close.
>"This place is amazing, but let's not make it a habit of coming here." She whispers as you dance.
>She rests her head on your shoulder and takes a deep breath of your scent.
>She held you tighter. "Do you really think this could work between us Anon?"
"You know better than anyone that I've never been in a relationship before mom."
>You lift her chin up and give her a quick kiss.
"The way I see it, a relationship can work so long as one person is willing to fight for it."
>"I'm not worried about being let go from my work or what society would think of us." She replies with a sigh. "I'm worried about you getting hurt if things don't go well."
>Anons auntie is the same age, if not younger, than anon
That would be... Interesting
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"I understand mom, but there isn't anyone in this world that knows us better than we know each other."
>The music picked up in tempo, but you kept to your slow and steady pace.
"I'm not telling you there won't be days where we don't see eye to eye or have disagreements, but that's part of being a couple."
>She listened without interruption.
"I've already promised you, but I'll do it again. I'll do whatever it takes to make it work."
>You give her another kiss and smile.
"Even if it means moving around for your career, behaving like mother and son in public, whatever it takes."
>Chrysalis looks delighted at your answer and closes her eyes, leaning forward for a kiss.
>Just before your lips touched, a loud knocking at the door startled you.
>"Must be the food." Chrysalis guesses. "That was surprisingly quick."
>The knocking comes again and you invite the unknown party in.
>"Hello honored guests!" A loud powerful female voice bellowed from the doorway.
>A rather buxom woman wearing a white short skirt and a white low-cut top entered the room, a bucket full of ice holding a bottle of champagne in hand.
>Her clothes had a golden trim that resembled little waves.
>"Allow me to introduce myself, my name is Celestia, the owner of this establishment."
>You stood side by side, hand in hand with Chrysalis as Celestia sashayed her way towards the dinning table.
>"I'm glad that you accepted my invitation and rest assured that everything tonight is on the house, including this bottle of champagne." She beamed.
>She set the bucket on the table and turned around to face you both.
>Celestia presented her hand for you to kiss, akin to the olden days of princesses and knights.
>A bit strange, but you humored her and kissed the back of her hand.
>Chrysalis growled quietly enough that you barely heard her.
>You have to tug your hand out of Celestia's grip and gesture to Chrysalis.
"I'm Anonymous, and this is my girlfriend Chrysalis."
>"The pleasure is mine Anonymous, Chrysalis." She briefly acknowledges your mother before returning her attention to you.
>Celestia waved her hand over to the table, inviting everyone to sit down.
>Chrysalis dragged her chair closer to yours and sat down, quickly taking your hand in hers.
>The owner placed her chair to the side of the table, as if it were an obstacle.
>"You two make a cute couple, but I'm guessing you haven't been together for very long." She states as a matter of fact.
>"We've been together for sometime now actually." Chrysalis replies, her grip on your hand tightening.
>"Ah, my mistake." Celestia chuckles.
>A knock on the door announced the arrival of your meal.
>Celestia oohed in approval. "This looks delicious, I hope you enjoy your meal."
>She stood and pushed the chair back in.
>"Please don't hesitate to contact the staff if you need anything else."
>You nod and turn to the table.
>"Oh, and before I go, I insist that you allow me to pour you both a drink."
>"No thank you Celestia, we'll be fine with just the Pineapple Juice." Chrysalis sternly replies.
>"Don't be silly Chrysalis, it's not like serving you this champagne will set me back any." Celestia retorts and locks eyes with you. "When you're as well off as I am, anything you ever could want is effortlessly obtainable. Anything."
>You stand up and square off with the businesswoman.
"We appreciate the gesture, but my girlfriend said we'll be fine without champagne, so you can take it back."
>Your lips form into a confident smirk as you speak.
"I insist."
>Celestia's smile falters for a moment before reappearing. "Very well, I'll have a waiter come along and retrieve it shortly."
>She leaves in a huff and shuts the door behind her.
>Dinner goes along smoothly, you both evenly split your dishes and she even feeds you a few bites from your plate.
>You wash your meal down with plenty of pineapple juice.
>You wander out to the balcony and enjoy the cool night air in one another's arms.
"It's beautiful isn't it?"
>"Yeah." She snuggles against you. "Thank you Anon."
"I told you I wouldn't leave you mom."
>You guide her over to the bench and sit down to watch the stars while a new song faintly plays in the room.
>"Why didn't you take her up on her offer Anon?" She breaks the silence.
"Because I know nothing about her, and I know everything about you."
>She rests her head on your shoulder and sighs.
"Almost as if you have me under some sort of a spell."
>She giggles and pokes you in the side. "Stop being corny Anon."
>You laugh and try to get even and poke her back.
>Your laughs and shouts of feigned protest echoed in the night sky.
>After a truce is called, Chrysalis leads you back inside.
>"Let's go have one last dance in the ballroom." She suggests.
>You leave a tip on the table and leave, the bright lights from the ballroom forcing you to squint.
>After adjusting to the brightness, you make your way down the stairs and into the middle of the dance floor as the next song starts.
>The music quickly picks up in volume, the lead vocalist begins as the crescendo peaks.
>You place your hands on her hips and she places her hands on your shoulders.
>She takes the lead and you slowly turn counterclockwise.
>Gazing deeply into her bright green eyes, you take hold of her right hand, your digits interlocking together.
>Her cheeks slowly gave way to a rosy tint as your other hand moved from her waist to the small of her back.
>Your slow dance slightly picked up the tempo as your hips gently swayed side to side.
>The singer sang the chorus, her voice echoing your exact thoughts.
>You lean forward and kiss Chrysalis.
>The two of you continued dancing without missing a beat, your emotions on full display to the crowded room.
>The song came to an end as you parted lips, a single tear threatened to trail down her cheek.
>She sniffled as you wiped the tear away.
>The crowded room erupted with cheers and applause.
>Having been so focused on one another during the dance, you failed to notice the other dancers had stepped away and watched you dance.
>You both humbly bowed to the crowd and made your way to the exit as the applause rained down around you.
>The doorman thanked you for coming on the way out.
>Chrysalis shivered in the chilly night air until you placed your dinner jacket on her shoulders.
>She fumbles with the keys a bit before dropping them.
"How about I drive home and you get some rest?"
>She exhales and hands you the keys before taking her seat.
>The drive back was uneventful and you found yourself pulling into the garage before you knew it.
>You gave Chrysalis a soft shake.
"We're home."
>She sat down on the living room couch as you placed the keys in the crystal bowl on the kitchen counter and joined her.
>The silence was deafening and felt like it lasted for hours when in reality it was only minutes before you finally spoke.
"I had fun tonight, we should definitely do it again soon."
>Chrysalis didn't even glance up. "I don't know Anon, I think we should stop this."
"Look me in the eyes and say that mom."
>She gradually looks up, her tears flowing freely. "I said we should stop this."
>Chrysalis held a hand up before you could object.
>"You promised, if I had bad feelings about the whole thing we wouldn't go forward with it."
>You do remember agreeing to it, but didn't expect it to come back and bite you in the ass like this.
>She stays strong and keeps herself from weeping. "As far as anyone else is concerned, this night never happened Anon."
>"It's getting pretty late, you should go to bed and get some sleep."
>You lean forward to protest her decision, but caught yourself mid sentence.
>Chrysalis hid her face in her hands, her body shuddering as she silently sobbed.
>Standing up, you feel a searing pang of grief in your chest as you touch her shoulder.
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"Goodnight mom."
>You paused to sniffle.
"I still love you."
>You make your way to your room and close the door behind you, fighting back the tears as you turn on the lights.
>The sound of a beer can opening made you notice your door hadn't fully shut.
>Pushing the door closed, you kick off your dress shoes to the side and throw your clothes in a disorganized pile by the closet door.
>You turn off the lights and exhale deeply before climbing into bed, lying on your back as you close your eyes to sleep.
>Perhaps you could find happiness in the dream world if only for a while.
Hope you enjoy the story, I'll update the pastebin and drop by with an updated link after I grab something to eat.
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>All this green
In all seriousness, this was great. But you're still omitting a lot of important commas, and it's spoiling your otherwise more-or-less impeccable dialog.
man there is nothing like a legit cool creepy 80s pre-goth girl into tim burton.. it's every bit as great as a shitty laet 90s (or worse early 00s) goth is shitty
given that they lay eggs, wouldn't a duck's ass be rather loose?
>"I usually only wear them when I workout. I felt kind of conscious
self* conscious.
>"Besides, I've always your cute little butt as a child."
I've always what?
>"I think it looks great mom, you might a few odd looks,
might what? Get*?
fuuuuck you.
>NEET Moondancer speaks exclusively in hentai dialogue
>"I can feel you seed in my womb, bro~"
>"Alright that'll one Broken Heart, double
that'll be*
>"This place is amazing, almost like a palace!
missed a ".
>"The legendary penis that killed a water buffalo in his home country!"
>"That usually depends on how many groups we can book for the week, but on average a single band will play for thirty to forty-five minutes."
why is this line not green?
>"I haven't even see the speakers."
...so, nothing? That sucked, but an update is an update I guess.
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>Your eyes snapped wide open as you felt the foot of the bed sink down as someone climbed on.
>Before you could even shout, a hand came over your mouth, effectively silencing you.
>It seemed like a small sun had come into existence in your room as a bright light chased away the darkness.
>You squint and look away from the light.
>It slowly fades away, becoming like an ember in the dark.
>There is just enough light to make out who your attacker was.
>"Surprise!" She giggles and places her phone on the night stand close by, but not before turning the brightness up enough so that you could clearly see.
>She had changed into a skimpy see-through green nightie and a black v-string before sneaking into your room.
"I thought you said you wanted to call the whole thing off?"
>She shakes her head and joins you under the covers.
>"I just wanted to go change without you knowing, I've had this nightie for so long, but never had a reason to use it."
"But you sounded so serious, you crying your eyes out even!"
>"Oh Anon, I'm an actress remember?" She snuggled up next to you and draped her arm on your bare chest.
>The thought of correcting her and telling her she was a stunt double briefly entered your head, but you decide against it.
"So does that mean?"
>"Yes honey, I want you to with you, not only as my son, but as my man." She finished your sentence for you.
>You take her hand in yours and kiss her before attempting to lie on your side to spoon.
>She frees her hand and pushes you onto you back.
"Oh, did you want to be the big spoon this time?"
>She licks her lips and draws closer, until her lips lock with yours.
>Her tongue traced your lips as if seeking entry to your mouth.
>You comply, opening your mouth and darting your tongue as if to repel an invader.
>Chrysalis gasps as your tongues entwine, your saliva mixing with one another's.
>Her finger traces along your chest in small wayward motions.
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>You snake your left arm under her and grab hold of her bottom with a loud smack.
>Her tongue falters from the surprise attack, allowing you to push back into her mouth and continue the contest there.
>She moans and ends the kiss.
>"You're not going to sleep until I've had my fill of loving Anon."
>You swallow the dry lump in your throat, her words sounding more like a threat than a sexy promise.
>Taking the initiative, you grab hold of her shoulder and push her onto her back.
"You make it sound like I've got a large void to fill."
>She lets out a bubbly giggle and wraps her arms around your head. "You have no idea."
>You start with a deep kiss, no tongue, just a simple kiss shared between lovers.
>Chrysalis lets out a dreamy sigh, her fingers running through your hair.
>The kiss ends as you leave a trail of kisses from her gasping lips down to her neck.
>She coos as your right hand slides along the soft nightie, the fabric rubbing deliciously against her skin.
>Your hand travels from her hips to her stomach before prowling towards her breast.
>Her free hand gropes at your growing erection, gently massaging her handful before giving it a few strokes.
>Pinching the material between your fingers, you draw circles around her areola.
>The soft little nipple slowly offered resistance and you moan in unison with her.
>You squeeze her breast and take the nipple in your mouth.
>Chrysalis' fingers outline your member's features, stopping only to stroke your shaft.
>You roll your tongue over her damp nipple, a few gentle love bites elicit a soft gasp and praise from her lips.
>She softly pushes you away, forcing you to relinquish your chew toy with an audible pop.
>"Let's get this out of the way." She murmurs with a sparking hunger in her eyes.
>She gradually pulls on the green bow that held the nightie together.
>You drink in the view as her nightie slowly slide off her shoulders, she leisurely shakes her shoulders when the fabric catches on her perky tips.
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>Her breasts vigorously swayed as the garment slide off.
>She took the nightie and tossed it to the side.
>Chrysalis held her arm out to you, her index finger seductively curling and uncurling, the most blatant come hither stare in her eyes.
>You eagerly answered and pulled her close, your hands tenaciously kneading her rear as she pressed her lips to yours with a throaty moan.
>Her little nipples made themselves known as her breasts pressed against your chest.
>Your kiss slowly became sloppy with little dribbles of saliva adorning the corner of your lips as her hunger took over.
>She broke the kiss, gasping for air.
>"I want it." She growled.
>Her hands were already fiercely tugging on your boxers, her movements were quick and energetic.
>You lift your hips to ease the process.
>She succeeds in finally removing them and takes a deep breath of your scent.
>Deeply exhaling she tosses them to the side.
>"I don't need those, I've got the source right here." She mumbles as she pushes you down and swings her leg over your head.
>She gingerly pulls your foreskin back, exposing your sensitive glans.
>Her dainty wet tongue quickly flickered like a snake's tongue, getting a small taste of your head.
>You hissed as her tongue swirled around the tip, leaving behind a thick coat of saliva.
>"Come on Anon, don't let me do all the work." She whined as she shook her rump.
>Reaching to the heavens, you take hold of the panty strings and slide them downward.
>A trail of arousal connected the drenched garment to her honey pot.
>You grab her hips and gently guide her down to your waiting tongue.
>You crane your neck up, breaking the secretions connection and following it to the source.
>Chrysalis whimpered as you pressed your tongue against her lips and slowly tasted her.
>She gobbled up your member with ease, her nose lightly pressing against your groin.
>Her tongue slithered around your shaft, caressing you and leaving a trail of lubrication in its wake.
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>A husky moan rippled through your cock as she leisurely moved her head back, her tongue wriggling around on the way up.
>She lets go of the head with a mighty slurp. "Delicious!" Chrysalis slurs as she laps at your shaft.
>Her ministrations sends waves of pleasure crashing throughout your body.
>Deciding to return the favor, you press your lips against hers and being to recite the alphabet using your tongue as the brush and her lightly dripping flower as the canvas.
>You trace your tongue across her lips, her hips bucking against your face as she takes your length back in her mouth.
>A small dribble of her juices squirt into your mouth as you dot your "I".
>The crisp tangy taste pervaded your taste buds and left you wanting more.
>Reinvigorated by her taste, you greedily lap up the juices on her lips before plunging your tongue as deep inside as manageable.
>You're rewarded with more of the godly nectar and a gentle vibration on your member as Chrysalis continues to noisily slurp away.
>You resumed writing with your tongue, tracing a capital "J" in her folds.
>Her body trembled with pleasure as your tongue traced around her insides, intent on writing her a love letter that would make all other declarations of love seem like mere child's play by comparison.
>You withdrew your tongue with a soft squelch and protests from Chrysalis.
>Taking a moment to apply more ink to your brush, you gently pull back on the small folds covering her little button.
>She squeaks and instinctively tries to press her thighs together as you gently dab your tongue on her most sensitive spot.
>You slide your tongue away from her bud and back inside her lips, the tangy taste surging forth as you resume your embrace.
>Her head bobbed lightly as she continued indulging herself on your phallus, her dreamy sighs accompanied by the occasional sloppy sounds of her suckling.
>As her tongue ran up the length of your tool, you felt that familiar tingle begin to build up in your groin.
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>You tried to warn her, but only managed a muffled murmur in her insides.
>Chrysalis felt your erection trembling in her mouth, purring as she lovingly fondles your testicles.
>You pull out from her insides and frantically lick at her clit, determined to make her cum as well.
>Gently suckling on her clit, you feel your loins tighten up.
>That tingling in your groin shot through your body like lighting before blazing its way to the head of your dick.
>Your shaft wriggled about in Chrysalis' mouth, splashing your seed about like a runaway hose.
>Her body shook as your tongue gave her bud a final flick, bringing about her own orgasm.
>She moaned long and hard, never stopping for a moment as she continued to suck your dry.
>Little streams of her fine wine sprinkled into your mouth as you both soared through the heavens.
>You lick the edge of your lips, savoring the fluids before returning to clean the source.
>Chrysalis loudly gulped down your seed, her tongue greedily combing around your shaft for more before letting go.
>"What a mouthful Anon." She panted. "Don't you ever take care of yourself?"
>You pant as well, catching your breath as she climbs off of you and lies next to you.
"Yeah, but this is pretty normal for me."
>She looks at you in disbelief "You're kidding, right?"
>You shake you head.
"No, it's just that I always think of you when I, uh, handle myself."
>"Aw, that's so sweet Anon." She squealed. "From now on, you let me take care of your needs."
>You chuckle and pull her close, kissing her for a moment before she pulled away.
>"I can see you're ready to go again." She smiles and strokes your recovering genitals.
"I'm always ready for you."
>"That's the spirit!" She cheers. "Now, stand at attention soldier, it's not everyday you get to lose your virginity!"
>You take a sitting position and take a deep breath, exhaling slowly.
>"Okay, sit still now." She instructs as she swings her leg over yours.
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>She cautiously uses you for support as she lowers herself.
>Placing your hands on her hips, you guide her on the way down, a drip of her sex landing on your tender glans.
>You suck in a lungful of air as you slowly penetrate her.
>She settles down, feet planted on the bed and her knees by your sides.
>Chrysalis grins and gyrates her hips as she lets out a deep satisfied moan.
>You place a hand on her back, pulling her in for a kiss.
>Using her powerful legs, Chrysalis begins rocking her hips back and forth.
>Her movements gradually change as she gets used to the position and she bounces away on your pogo stick.
>You moan into her mouth as her insides tighten around you, letting you feel every little detail.
>She murmurs indistinguishably into your mouth, her tongue having given up the fight for dominance.
>The sensation of feeling damp for a moment and a searing heat in the next was entirely new to you.
>You relished the uniqueness of your predicament, knowing full well it wouldn't be the last time you'd would enjoy each other like this.
>Not wanting to let your mother do all the work, you do your best to buck your hips in time with her movements.
>Picking up the pace, her breasts constantly slap against your chest.
>Her slick walls tug and pull on you as she picks up speed again.
>Chrysalis wraps her arms around your neck and you pull her close.
>Your combined sweat allowed your bodies to rub against one another with little to no friction.
>You imagine that this is what making love is like in comparison to having sex.
>Her movements gradually lose their precision as her mewls of pleasure rose.
>Leaning backwards she bites her lip as her quick bounces became long and deliberate.
>"OH, right there Anon!" She huffed. "Just like that."
>You gasp as that little tingle in your groin makes a comeback.
>She speeds up again, the sounds of skin slapping on skin echoing in the lightly lit room.
"I'm close mom, I gotta pull out."
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>"Not yet, I'm almost there too." She softly hisses.
>You bite your lip and slap her rear, causing her to shout.
>Try as you might you feel that little tingle getting ready to shoot off.
"I can't hold it anymore, I'm pulling out."
>"No baby. She mumbles and nibbles on your neck. "Inside, all of it."
"I'm not wearing a condom though."
>"I'll get pills tomorrow, I promise." Her tongue laps at your neck. "Just do it, fill me up with your seed."
>You grunt and slap your hands on her hips, simultaneously pulling down and thrusting up as the lighting crackled through your body.
>Chrysalis whimpered as she bit your neck, not hard enough to draw blood, but it was definitely going to leave a mark.
>She locks you in place with her well developed leg muscles as you shoot off ropey strands of cream deep inside.
>You groaned from both the pleasure and the pain, your instincts demanding that you bury yourself deeper inside her walls.
>The aftershocks of her climax washed over her like ocean waves, leaving her a shuddering mess.
>The force of your ejaculation slowed down to a trickle before finally coming to a stop.
>You sigh, exhausted but content.
>Feeling your strength leave your body, you fall over on your side taking her with you.
>Your spent manhood withdraws from battle with a quiet pop, exhausted and victorious.
>Chrysalis' chest stops heaving as she regains control of her breath.
"I love you mom."
>You place a hand on her cheek and give her a small kiss.
>"I love you too Anon."
>You pull her close and use the last of your strength to draw the covers over your sweaty sticky bodies.
>Chrysalis snuggles up to you, tucking her head in the crook of your neck.
>You sigh and close your eyes as sleep takes you again.
>"I can feel it slowly leaking out Anon. Chrysalis giggled. "You're going to have to improve your stamina so you can keep filling me full of your love."
I knew going into this that I would make mistakes, but hope it didn't ruin the story too much. It's something I will admit that I desperately need to work on. As I read it back to myself out loud, I don't see the punctuation marks, but the way the sentence flows. It' something I'll definitely have to get used to now that I'm starting college and English 101 will be one of my courses.
I fucked up when typing and forgot the >
Thank you for spotting those mistakes, I'll have them fixed in the pastebin. That's what I get for reading over everything at two in the morning.
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>>"Don't be silly Chrysalis, it's not like serving you this champagne will set me back any." Celestia retorts and locks eyes with you. "When you're as well off as I am, anything you ever could want is effortlessly obtainable. Anything."
>>You stand up and square off with the businesswoman.
>"We appreciate the gesture, but my girlfriend said we'll be fine without champagne, so you can take it back."
>>Your lips form into a confident smirk as you speak.
>"I insist."
oh shit nigga what are you doing?
Okay, this post has two purposes:

1) to test my new tripcode because I'm an retarded who never bothers to remember his passwords and instead puts them on hard drives that can die unexpectedly
2) to say that the next update to the siren thing will be either today or tomorrow. The meat and potatoes of the update is done, and it's all a matter of seeing if I can figure out how to tie the scenes together before the day is up.

Also: Loving all this new green. Chrysa-mom is best mom. It reads very well (typing errors notwithstanding) and the sheer volume of it is very impressive.
>Celestia finds out about Anon and Chrysalis
>She'd report them to the police, but that would mean that she'd need to stop masturbating for 5 minutes to each the phone
is this a continuation of >>30286193
please say it is
Its cool mang, its what posting in thread is for, so people reading your story later in the bin get a better experience.
With the way it ended I doubt it, the guy seems like the kind of faggot that would blue ball(relatively speaking).
Unnnf, she sneaks in on them when they come back and at least demands a threesome.
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Updated pastebin with corrections. Thanks to the anons that helped my dumbass out with those by the way.
I tried to show that Celestia wanted to steal Anon for herself and like a shallow broad tried to entice Anon with her riches. Too bad for her all Anon wanted was to be with his bugmom.
Of course! I thought it'd be funny to make everyone wait and really put them in Anon's shoes. As Kojima would say, "Did you Rike it?"
>"But you sounded so serious, you crying your eyes out even!"
you were*
It was pretty good.
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thank you
Fuck yeah, I've been waiting for Grandma Nata and her sharp toothed sisters!
I love how it's still chrysalis.. she's still kind of bossy but in a fun way, and .. other things
I've never had a hard drive just die. How does that even happen?
Hard drives are the only mechanical part of computers. That means they have moving parts, and moving parts deteriorate much faster than static parts because of the friction involved.
If you're replacing your computers every ~3 years, HDD failure is something you probably never have to worry about.
True fact. I replace my laptop every 2-3 years and I've only ever seen HDD failure in my old desktop PC way back in 2007.
pshh you can get away with that shit in a dark theater.
you crazy sumbitch
that'd better not happen to me.. this 11 year old computer needs to last til i get rich
>11 years old
I'll bet that powerhouse can run the likes of Commander Keen and Oregon Trail.
sensible chuckle
i upgraded it back in 2011 with a new graphics card and power supply so I could play portal 2
Getting caught with a girlfriend blowing you during a movie is one thing, getting caught with your mom/sister is another I'd wager.
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Why have normal incest when you can have Pinecest?
Except again, its a dark theater and no on knows your her son unless she does the retarded thing like admitting to it, again.
>Twincest in a remote town where the inhabitants regularly get their memory wiped
It's perfect. Even if somebody figures out you're related, they'll see an alien or some shit and the secret forgetting-cult will erase the last 2 weeks of their lives.
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>tfw the only good pinecest writer/drawfag won't write/draw Dipper knocking up Mabel
What a bunch of fucking normies.
because this thread's for ponecest
but pinepones would be fucking welcome in my book, dunno about anyone else.
I would certainly enjoy the adventures of, say, Pinkie Pie and her uptight, easily-scared brother
have you tried commissioning her? or me instead?

I would if I had money to spare, or any actual taste in content. You'd get commissions like "they kiss" and "penis in vagoo on a bed".
she's drawn tons of that already! well more the former than the latter
>Those fucking ears
I love it.
"Mom? Mom, you ticked the wrong box again. The artist you commissioned made you a man instead of a woman."
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>"Nonsense, Anon, I think he looks hot."
>"He looks a lot like you, actually..."
>"Have you ever thought about exercising, honey?
I still have that gym membership, you know."
"Mom, I know what you're trying to do, and I don't like it."
>"What, trying to get my beloved little man into shape? I'm just picturing you with rippling abs and the tightest pair of buttocks I've ever had my hands on."
"I'm sorry, what?"
>"T-Tightest buttocks that I've ever seen."
Onichansfables, when is that next update gonna be here?
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>You will never cum inside Apple daughter and create Applebloom
ooh there's a new apple bloom origin
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>"Gee pa, I don't feel so good, an I think I'm gainin weight"
Best linebreed that to hell and back.
Impregnate your daughter asap after she gives birth, do the same with your granddaughters, and their daughters, and theirs, for as long as you may live.
Apples pride themselves on big families, after all.
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So what do you do when the daughters get so fucking deformed to the point of being basically unfuckable?
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I fail to see how this is unfuckable
Depends on the deformities.
Either only used the ones with worrying stuff anally, or try to create beneficial mutations.
That's the only real sexual mutant girl picture I have on my computer unfortunately, let's assume we mean a parasitic twin harlequin baby hermaphrodite or some shit
They wear a paper bag.
You wear a blindfold.
That's only inevitable if there's already something wrong with you
just follow your nose. If they smell good, your genes work nicely together.
parasitic twin is a splitting disorder, not heritable, youd know if you had any harlequin ichthyosis in your gene pool, and hermaphrodite isn't really a thing unless there's a nondisjunction issue. which again, isn't heritable.
The shit you should be worried about is hemophilia if you're european, tay-sachs if you're jewish, sickle-cell anemia if you're black.. just any ol bad thing in your family. if the worst thing you've got is congenital cataracts.. yknow, save up for the surgery. they're developing eyedrops to cure it right now actually.
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Yes, get a biiiig wiff of those apples
I've lost several hard drives over the years. It usually only happens with older drives, But I have had them die with less than 3 years of use

I don't buy Seagate drives anymore. They used to be really good, but 6 years ago (or something like that) they took a nosedive in quality. They're cheap, so a lot of people but them, but they're shit. It's worth it to spend a tiny bit more and get a decent brand like WD.
I have a Seagate hard drive going over 25,000 hours of operation now. Still functions fine.
Be happy you can even use it. I'm so fucking cheep I can't even run Minecraft or roblox on my shitty computer. Seriously, I was curious how shit my computer was so I tested two of the most easy 3d games to run and they about killed my CPU. I'd get it fixed but I'm too fucking stupid to build a gaming or at least fast PC on a 500 budget.
>You will never have a sibling-child with mama Chrysalis.
It hurts all over.
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>Stealing prompts from other threads
>Anon is hurled back through time
>Ends up shacking up with teen/young adult Celestia and her parents in their castle
>For some reason, Luna is nowhere to be seen
>Celestia is consumed by bottomless cocklust, and is trying to get into Anon's pants
>Eventually he succumbs
>Oops, she's pregnant
>Her parents are pissed at her instead of him, because RGRE
>Now she's less valuable for diplomatic marriages
>Her mom laughs nervously
>"It's okay, everything will be fine! We'll just...raise the child ourselves, and tell everyone it's your sister!"
>Oh, shit

>Anon was dating Luna before he was hurled back in time.
>Celestia was always awkward around them for some reason

Bam. Accidental incest with your alicorn daughter. Nobody said Anon had to stop after he discovered his relation to Luna.
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>Not liking rgre
But Anon, a lot of it is right up their alley, what with the girls often initiating.
Weird, last I checked rg-reee had it's OWN general to go to
So if someone wanted to write RGRE incest, where would you say that goes?
I've caught up to this post and I must say the content was moving. A light poke in the feels and I thanks you for sharing. Mind your punctuation as another Anon mentioned but other than that I found little wrong with it. I see there's more and sadly I'll have to save it for later.
>"WAAAAH! No crossing over allowed! REEEE!"
Same guy who throws an absolute fit over satyrs, I take it?

But while we're at it, these Sunset Shimmerfags, Lunafags, Cellyfags, and Chrysalis fags gotta go, they have their OWN generals to go to.
Doesn't matter if something is thread relevant, if it doesn't fit Anonfaggot#30293831's arbitrary definitions of belonging here, it's not welcome!
Are you lost senpai? Let me help you >>30287592
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>being this triggered because people doesn't accept your shit thread.
For people like you /rg**/ is laughed at.

Trips of truth.
This seems like where most stories would end.
But I don't see a "The End." So there's more?
Will we find out more about Chrysamom's apparent split personality and/or psychotic breaks and/or secret twin sister?
Holy shit guys, sorry I guess. I had the prompt pastebin open and I saw something that had zero rgre elements to it and was all about daughter-fucking and I guess I made the mistake of thinking it belonged in the incest thread
Don't listen to that guy. He's just autistic and spergs out anytime anyone mentions something from another thread.
If it's mlp and involves incest, it's welcome.
Good job on ousting yourselves on being so intimately familiar with /rg**/ that you right away recognize a prompt that was buried in a prompt bin.
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I don't really get why someone would steal prompts from other niche generals but not change it around to fit the current thread they post it to.
How can you be so lazy?
Not only that but the prompt itself is retarded

>>Her parents are pissed at her instead of him, because RGRE
>>Now she's less valuable for diplomatic marriages
This right here is inconsistent.
If RGR is in place then she wouldn't be less valuable for diplomatic marriages since she has the role of a prince not a princess, you idiot, she's next in line for the throne and wouldn't be married off to nobles or another country's royalty.
This is the earth equivalent of a prince fucking a peasant girl and siring a bastard, his diplomatic worth doesn't diminish.
This is why I don't like RGRE, they have no consistency with their stuff and "gender dimorphic misunderstandings!" can only go so far until it gets grating.
>Generals revolving around niche crap = Generals made to give attention to a single pony
Nice strawman, retard.
What? is your own general lacking in content that you have to come here to peddle your shit?
There's a reason we don't want Satyr crap or RGRE shit here, it invites the cancer of those threads with it.
It's the same reason why we don't want any homos either.
We don't discriminate any pony from getting the incest treatment but we do discriminate against unnecessary tacked on fetishes or niches that have their own generals to circlejerk over.
>I had the prompt pastebin open and I saw something that had zero rgre elements to it
Where is it then? Because it says right there on the prompt
>Her parents are pissed at her instead of him, because RGRE
>Now she's less valuable for diplomatic marriages
>Her mom laughs nervously
>"It's okay, everything will be fine! We'll just...raise the child ourselves, and tell everyone it's your sister!"
>You are Anon, and you are currently balls-deep in your horse-daughter.
>Said horse-daughter has no idea that you're her father, and Celestia has kept your months-long disappearance through time under wraps.
>As far as Luna is concerned, you were kidnapped by changelings and only just now were rescued.
>Luna is snuggling up with you, hooves wrapped around your neck and nipping gently at your exposed skin.
>She sighs contentedly as you pull your slowly softening member out of her sloppy horse cunt.
>"I love thee, Anonymous."
>She can never know.
>There's a reason we don't want Satyr crap or RGRE shit here, it invites the cancer of those threads with it.
>It's the same reason why we don't want any homos either.
>We don't discriminate any pony from getting the incest treatment but we do discriminate against unnecessary tacked on fetishes or niches that have their own generals to circlejerk over.
You are not the voice of the thread.
He's not wrong, though.
Settle down friendo. Don't forget that this is just a Scandinavian pocket-watch manufacturing image board about cartoon horses. Go for a walk and settle down.
>but we do discriminate against unnecessary tacked on fetishes
Speak for yourself, faggotron. If it's in a good incest story, I'm down for pretty much anything. But that's beside the point.

Everyone should quit getting all pissy over literally nothing. One prompt won't destroy the thread. Starting a bitch-fit over one prompt very well could.
This. Half the time content rocks the boat in a thread is because some tard can't let go how outraged he is about it and drags the thread down.
Are you seriously saying that the majority of people here in this thread would want an incest story from the Fat Thread? Or be okay with an incest story that had some character from The Strange Waifu Thread that they've never heard about, but it was put here because it so happened to involve incest?
>This is why I don't like RGRE
>I don't like RGRE
>I don't like

>we don't want Satyr
>we don't want any homos
>We don't discriminate

You are at best 1 of 33 posters. That's about 3% of everyone who posts here. Fuck off with your "I know best" shit and stop speaking for everyone.
Majority? No. But that's the amazing thing! We don't have to please everyone. We have infinite threads, and there's a little hide button beside posts you don't like.

>strange waifu
Funny you should mention that.
If someone went and gave them a push to write, it could habbeding.
>someone steals a prompt from another thread
oh fuck man the harpoons, my cartoon horses is in dangerrrrr
time travel has good potential for accidental incest
Yeah, maybe, but accidental incest seems less interesting. If it's accidental, then it doesn't have any of the key aspects of incest (intimacy, familiarity, and "forbidden love" for example).
It could be improved if Anon knows that he's fucking his mom (back to the future style) and does it anyway
uhhh very yes please. this seems like it would work best with Twilight, what with timetravel and with her being a hot mom who would be hotter as a young lady
>turns out you're your own dad
>"Anonymous, you look just like your father. And that makes me so wet."

But I imagine that Twimom, or whoever, would probably not be very happy about being singlemom'd by Anon and left alone to raise Anon all by herself while he's off whoring around in the timestream.
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but she'd realize he made the decision AFTER he was born so it wasnt his fault he disappeared
and when he got BACK she'd realize what happened, forgive him, and start givin him some more lovin
>Damnit Da!
And who the fuck are you? Why should I care what you think?
Always keep your daughters pregnant.
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woah now
she turns scottish when she refers to her da?
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"You've gotta admit, it's kinda hot"
>Those nipples

>MLP AU where everything is the same except that the Apples are actually Scottish
>"Hey pa, y'wanna snuggle a'fore bedtime?"
>Big MacIntosh doesn't have to change his name
Fuck of Satyr fag, you are still not wanted here. RGRE is better than you fuckers. You aren't a majority of the thread.
rooooo exit premises
C-can I rub your belly?
Damn right your gonna rub that belly, you breed her so good you protect your kid. In fact, get belly to belly with her, while rubbing her back.
So, in the future, we just accept that anytime another thread is so much as mentioned, there's an Anon here that's going to kick and scream and try to shit the thread up because they don't like thing, and insist the thing they don't like is the problem?
And that we should henceforth completely ignore that person?
I don't think we have any other choice. I mean jesus, not even rgre threw a fit if you namedropped bigpone or ponies aroused by anon's physique. Cap'n, you have my word that I will personally post more incest prompts if that happens to try and get the thread back on track from his whining.
No, your going to stop talking about the thing the actual fetish poster wants, and wait for the mods. Slight difference. The guy throwing the Bitchfit over RGRE should be ignored though, that was retarded.
No, Applejack, you're supposed to be lying down this late in your pregnancy. I'll rub yours instead.
We also need to stop bringing up other threads. There is definitely at least one autist here, but the focus of these threads should be the incest, and introducing even more niche fetishes detracts from that.
I don't get the deal with reverse gender roles, though, because that sounds really mundane. If someone wants to write a green with RGR elements, they can just do that and I doubt anyone would even notice.
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Would you comfort your dust her through all the teasing she'll get at school?
I think the point of the >>30295053 guy's post was that arguing with an individual that's super upset is detrimental to the thread's health and we should not do it, and not that shitposting relentlessly is a-okay as long as we ignore the people who get upset by it.
Probably someone trying to blow up the single autist idea so they can sneak something dumber in...or they are just that dumb.
Why are you talking about dust? But yes, I would comfort my Big Sister Applejack. After kick the bully in the dick a few times though.
>We also need to stop bringing up other threads.
I vehemently disagree. As long as it's MLP and incest is a central theme, that should be enough. Even if some of it is niche, some people might still like those niches, and it's more content all around.

Now, I could agree with you if someone tried to post a 5 chapter story and there was only like, one post of incest or something, but other than that, I don't see the big deal.
It's not like we're going to run out of threads.
That wasn't how it came across but your idea is definitely better.
Meant to say daughter
This is dumb. Let's just post incest.
You have your own niche fetish general, so keep whatever shit your into there.
When fetish generals are kept out and Applejacks bully is dealt with.
Fuck off. "fetish general". That's some pretty tough talk from the man in a fetish thread all about fucking babies into your sister. What other content do you want to ban, mister leader of the thread?
do you think other threads insist incest be kept out?
Just hide his posts famalams.
Ah, you're the 2 year troll from satyr, aren't you? You're blatantly obvious, my friend.
He's the only faggot retardedly autistic to go into niche fetish threads and bitch about how fetishes are ruining the thread.

Here monitor in case they're posted so you can throw a tantrum about it?
indeed. gender roles are already reversed, that would just be fixing them.
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You want to keep this up? Really?
Because the way I see it, either we all just stop bitching about everything and let everyone write what they want (incest related),
or we have to start complaining until everything that even smacks of fetish is eliminated.
Looking in your directions, pregfags.
Is that what you want, or do we all just live and let incest?
Okay this is fun and everything, but how 'bout that incest? Sure is fun putting your penis inside of your mother's mouth. Does she use her authority as your mother to enforce a more strict diet for you that includes sweet-tasting fruit to ensure that your cum tastes good?
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Still working on it. I have today and tomorrow off, but I want to spend some time repairing my good computer. The hard drive gave out awhile back and I've had this $2500 box sit here collecting dust.
If they do then fine, the RGRE prompt was an example of what they didn't feel like doing in that thread, but that can barely be considered a fetish. As is, RGRE is probably the most vanilla thread on the board. With our thread for incest in second. Then the rest of the shit. Satyr shit, by design, is so extremely niche that its dieing.
Nice implying m8, I have never been there ever.
>Rainbow Sister is sore after a long game of sportsball
>Insists that you help her out of her sweaty clothes and give her a massage
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Now that your daughter is pregnant with your other daughter, you can only do butt stuff with her for the next 9 months
And mouth stuff.
Unf, do we get to strip on the fields bathroom or at home?
That's some bullshit, there is at least 3 or 5 months to fuck that pussy up before its time to switch to buttstuff.
Good point mister trips.
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Unf. Lil Rainbro trying to not pop a boner after massaging her sister's bare back.
gotta be right there on the field.. she'd dare you.
That's bullshit senpai.
>satyr is dying
>I've never been there ever
What an odd and inaccurate claim for someone who's never been there ever.

Butt to mouth stuff.
...get caught or fuck her where someone could catch us...fuck it, breed her till the grass smells of our cum.
Okay, the update is done. I know I said I'd post it today, but I'm going to do it tomorrow. I got about four hours of sleep last night and I'm not at all able to catch spelling errors or repeating sections of script right now. You'll find parts that will literaly say >"Sonata asjdfkls;ldr tits" and shit like that.
Well get some sleep then m8, come back later.
>Butt to mouth stuff
Applejack's got some kinky tastes.
Well...she does taste like apples, and your cum would also taste like Apples, so...its good?
well i wasnt thinking that far, but you'd strip on the field and if anyone caught you, youd be heroes for streaking
>Your daughter wants to taste her sister/daughter's ass on your cock.
Oh yeah....got caught up with a sexy sports girl in spats being stripped in front of me. it would be difficult to run with a boner.
Unf. Your Applejack's brother, and your daughter (maybe Applebloom) or some other name, wants to get a taste of concentrated Apples semen and applejuice.
Applejack's your daughter, Normie
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>Only mouth and butt stuff
>Not soaking your unborn daughter's amniotic sac with your seed so she can get used to your flavor sooner
Yeah, I know that's not how biology works, just sayin.

>Your DFC Rainbow Sis has the bad habit of immediately stripping off her sweaty cloths as soon as she gets through the front door
>She showers with the door open and doesn't bother with toweling off or getting dressed, she prefers to air-dry while walking around the house
>Your over-supportive parents give her grief for it
>Not for the naked part, but for dripping water all over the house
As far as I know being pregnant doesn't mean she can't fuck. You may be the one doing all the work though.

>you will never fuck your pregnant daughter while she lies on her back with her legs spread, eating ice cream straight out of a huge bucket.
That's hot, but just dripping water all over the place is annoying, when I stare at her ass, tit, or pussy I am going to slip and break my neck at some point. And that is too dangerous.
And quick question
>Your DFC Rainbow Sis
what does DFC mean?
Butt stuff=fuck her up the butt
Anyone got an Applejack sister paste? I'm really in the mood for comfy romance
>dat rainbow dash
wew lad
He died as he lived: butt stuff
Yes, but I meant vaginally.
It's not like the baby gestates in the vagina itself and prevents it from being used.
Delicious flat chest.
Ah, nice too know.
>she starts asking you to help rub cocoa butter on her nips, sore from brushing up against her shirt while running
the jury is out on sex during pregnancy. it's important to keep in mind that orgasm is so closely tied in with the birthing process that it might be its secondary function.. so it might mess things up and lead to premature birth?
either way youve gotta diddle her clit hard during birth unless youre a jerk that wants labor to be longer and more painful
>so it might mess things up and lead to premature birth?
First I've heard of it.
kek no
that sounds entirely like pseudoscience
i'm baffled you've never heard it before
most of the sources are about how it's ACTUALLY probably okay, at least through the second trimester
the implication being that it might not be in the third
Better make sure she doesn't cum in the third trimester then.
Just another in the growing list of reasons you should train your daughter in orgasm denial.
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That's why her parents give her grief for it.
But she don't give a shit.
She just loves feeling that cool breeze waft through her roast beef flaps.
>she teases you by stretching them out and touching your face with them
>roast beef flaps
ew gross
Fuckin' selfish baby. "This is MY vagina now!"
>Not teasing you by grabbing the back of your head and shoving your face into her crotch, not letting you go until she cums
psh that's like the third best kind after 'mini butt' and 'inside of a clam'
Both ApA and Oniichan not posting today? I've got you guys covered.
Prepping dump, will post in maybe an hour or two.
Do girls get "blueballed"?
Or is that a guy-only thing?
>You can tell that Rainbow's home by the pile of clothes leading from the front door to literally any other room of the house
>Catch her in the living room, freshly showered, nude and sitting on the couch spread-eagle to air her crotch out.
>Rainbow spots you, smiles, and waves

If you walked over and fucked her, she'd probably only be mad because you didn't give her any warning.
They get blue beaned. Also swollen ovaries, of course.
that comes afterward
or she sits on your shoulders, then does a 180
i have never heard of blueballs in real life, but a clit can almost definitely get priapism
>i have never heard of blueballs in real life
It's just a term for the pain in your balls if you get very aroused but don't cum. They don't actually turn blue.
Unf, do the parents notice if you cum inside, or does Dash finger herself clean so she can have a protein snack?
Rape her until she perfects it
As >>30295736 said, blue beaned.
There's nothing wrong with keeping your daughter edged, needy and orgasm free, though.
I know this is the incest thread, but am I the only one who gets the feeling that some from the Satyr general are trying to sneak their way into this place?
Just find it a bit off how things seems to have suddenly gone from sister or mother incest to impregnating your daughter.
Is that a bad thing?
I'd fuck a satyr
t. Satyrfag
God damn it, we JUST managed to stop talking about you-know-what.
Stop, before the thread gets derailed beyond rescue.
I don't go to the satyr thread, but I'm all about impregnating any member of my fictional family. I think pluggo's story started because his siren family wants him to make siren babies with them if the impregnating thing is what you're fixating on.

>incest in the incest thread
>Thinking impregnating your daughteru is weird
I'll bet you don't even want to know what your sister's pussy tastes like.
>Dash isn't naked because she's a perv
>She's just gotten used to it, it's cool and comfortable, and she secretly likes to show off her sportz gainz
>It doesn't go both ways, though
>When she accidentally walks in on Anon stepping out of the shower, she's immediately red faced and flustered and can't look at him for the rest of the day
Protein snack. The parents would get mad, but only because they want one or both of you to go through collage first before you have any kids.
Yeah, you aren't imagining things, they are trying that. For some reason people are falling for it though in an attempt to not shitpost the thread.
Just get the mods when they show up.
>get the mods for this completely innocuous thing that hasnt even been discussed for days
lmao you retard
you sound like an actual rebbitor
Unf, is it because she can tell when he's turned on easily?
That's fair.
I consider the story finished, but if some anon wants to continue it on their own, they're more than welcome to do so.
>Anon lives with Celestia and his aunt Luna
>Both of them are nudists, which isn't something that Anon can properly appreciate until he's older
>Anon gets taken away by child services because being nude around your kid doesn't really fly with the the government
>Anon still remembers how much is mother loves him (and how much his aunt "loves" him), and chooses to go back to live with them when he turns 18
>Tearful reunion, hugs are passed around like cigars, etc etc
>Anon discovers that his mom and aunt are still nudists
>something something sex happens
I've been here since these threads started. I just don't discuss satyrs here. I dunno about the others.
I mean, they are a good way to have your incest if you're not a big fan of Equestria Girls.
You make the incest thread sound like a secret clubhouse.
It's like, how can Rainbow Dash take advantage of that sports scholarship she has if she's heavy and around with her brother's child? Surely they can put up with condoms and birth control pills for a few more years.
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Your daughter has caught you jacking off to a picture of her
What do?
Finish while maintaining direct eye contact. Blow the load her way.
>Unf, is it because she can tell when he's turned on easily?
or is it because she gets turned on easily by it and she doesn't want him knowing?
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>You family supports Dash's efforts for a athletic scholarship
>She needs constant protein intake to keep up her gains
>Morning run, then eggs and bacon for breakfast, washed down by fresh, warm milk provided by your still lactating mother (no machine, she gets it straight from the source)
>After lunch, she pulls you into a janitor's closet for a quick "protein blast"
>After (track / soccer / softball / basketball) practice, your father picks her up, and on the way home, gives him road head, or as she puts it, "Nice meaty blow on the go"
>After dinner, another quiet breastfeeding before bathing and bed
You catch your daughter schlicking to a picture of you. The first thing out of her mouth is a surprised (and lustful) "Dah-dee!"

What do?
>Slut Dash
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This 3bh.
Her father or brother, not both.
I like it, and it's not bad, but I'd personally prefer it with just her and Anon. Especially if Anon is the big brother who visits school every day to deliver her bagged lunch (as an excuse to find the janitor's closet with her) and to enjoy what happens when he picks her up from school.
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>You wake up to the Sun peaking through the curtains, gently illuminating the room.
>Noticing the covers are gone, you look to your left.
>They're all on her side. She must have tugged them over at some point.
>She's facing away from you, her long, pink, wavy hair all over the place.
>You can't imagine how much effort it must take to maintain all this hair.
>Looking lower, can you see her bare shoulder blades jutting out noticeably, just above her bra strap.
>She doesn't even move. Usually she's up at sunrise, but the schoolwork and the modelling must be tiring her out.
>It's really hot in this closed room, so you stand up and open the window.
>She's sitting up on the bed. Her hair is a complete mess, but she doesn't seem to notice.
>"Did you sleep well?"
>Better than you have in a long time, actually. You feel completely refreshed.
>"That's good."
>She stands up, reaching for her shirt.
>Something's not right. Her movements are too slow.
"Are you-"
>She loses her grip on the shirt and falters, seemingly losing the energy to stay upright.
>Panicking, you quickly move over and catch her be the shoulders.
"F-flutters? Hey!"
>"Sorry, Anon... I'm fine."
>Throwing her arm around your shoulder, you walk her out of the room without bothering to get dressed.
>"Anon... I can walk by myself..."
>You're not convinced, considering how much she's slagging.
>And damn, she's really light.
>"I just get dizzy sometimes... when I stand up too quickly..."
>That sounds like a load of bollocks.
>You walk her into the kitchen and pour her a glass of water.
>You take out the lasagna and pop it into the microwave oven, figuring it'll do for breakfast.
"Are you sure you're fine?"
>"O-of course I'm sure..."
>A long, awkward silence passes, until you hear the ding of the microwave bell.
>You're surprised by how hungry you are, after everything you ate yesterday.
>Looking at the lasagna and then at your sister, you freeze up.
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>How in the fuck did it take you this long to put two and two together?
>She looks up, immediately averting her eyes.
>Grabbing a fork, you slam it and the lasagna dish on the table in front of her.
"Here. You eat it."
>Probing her reaction, her eyes shoot open, she gulps, and she shies away from the table.
>You fucking knew it.
"I'll just go buy a sandwich or something."
>"B-but, Anon... I was... I said..."
"What? That you're 'watching yourself'? When was the last time you ate?"
>"W-well, umm... a day..? Or, umm... t-two, maybe..?"
>Firmly planting a hand on your face, you sigh and sit down next to her.
"Why? Just... why? Is this about your job?"
>She looks down at her feet.
>"Yeah, I mean... I just thought, you know... if I'm not careful, what if I get... f-fired?"
"So the solution is to eat... nothing?"
>You're trying your hardest to keep your tone from being hostile.
"Fuck your job, then. Quit. No amount of money is worth this."
>She's still avoiding eye contact.
"Hell, I'll even get a job and help pay the rent, since I'm here all the time anyways."
>"A-anon, you really don't have to-"
"Or is there something else?"
>Her eyes widen in surprise, and it takes you a second to get why.
>Fuck, you didn't think this through.
>There's only one other possibility, if her job isn't the only thing she's concerned about.
>You didn't want to go there, but it's too late to back down.
"I-is this about a, uhh... a potential..."
>Damn it, how the fuck are you supposed to word this?
>Again probing her reaction, you see her fidget and look away, blushing rather heavily.
>Of course that's what it was.
>Ignoring the stinging in your heart, you feel like you have to say something, for her sake.
"Y-you know... I think anyone who wouldn't d-date you is an idiot..."
>You take a big gulp.
"...I definitely would..."
>In the resulting silence, you realize you forgot to include the 'if you weren't my sister' caveat.
>"Y-you would..?"
Small dump, I know. Things will progress from here, so hopefully I'll be able to write this more quickly from now on.
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Take your time.
Quality over quantity.
Pretty much this>>30296857
though I do want more.
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Thanks for padding out my humanized Flutter pics, senpai. You're posting some I've never seen before.
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She's a fucking anorexic? Damn, suddenly slapped in the face with a little bit of reality there.
I don't think she's anorexic modeling just requires her to skip out on to many meals.
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>Your daughter is at that age now where she starts taking an interest in boys
>You aren't sure, but you think she's trying to seduce you
>You know it's wrong, you try to fight it, but when she stands in front of you dressed like this and asks "Say daddy, does this skirt make mah rear look big?" It's hard to resist
What do
Test the waters. Compliment her in less platonic ways and see how she reacts. Become more overt the more she responds.
Shove your cock down her throat. If she starts licking at your balls, then you're golden. Plot twist: she honestly wanted to know if her skirt made her ass look big and she trusted you for an honest opinion.

Actually I'd read about that; Anon's sister/mother/aunt thinks that Anon wants to have incestuous sex with her because of a bunch of things he says or does that SEEM flirty but are in actuality innocent.

>Accidentally walking in on sister/mom/aunt while she's changing; it was a legitimate accident and his flustered response was not him trying to come up with a convenient excuse
>Not locking the door when he beats his meat was not an invitation or a way of showing he's interested while still having plausible deniability
>Those panties ending up in Anon's laundry really was an accident and not an attempt by Anon at hiding them
>Sister/mom/aunt finally confronts Anon in the nude and is surprised when he covers his eyes
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>"Y'like that, Dashie? S'right, Apple Bloom's got the famous Apple family hips."
You're welcome, Anon. My Fluttershy folder isn't even that big, just around 200 megabytes.
>just 200 megs
I have to start new pony folders when it starts taking my computer 10-ish seconds to load the entire thing. Get on my level you scrub.
>Looking lower, can you see her bare shoulder blades jutting
you can*, you need to flip them around. Also god damn, that got dark fast.
I swear there's always one thing that gets through my proofreads. Thanks, fixed this in the bin.
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>You are Anon, and boy was that ever a long train ride.
>You shoulder your baggage and walk along the dirt path, doing your best to read the faded road signs.
>It's the summer, and this is the first time you've ever met your Pie cousins.
>Mom said that they lived on a "rock farm", but you thought she was lying.
>Maybe there was some bad blood and she was trying to say that they lived a simple life?
>But as the smaller rocks that threaten to turn your ankle slowly give way to larger boulders of limestone and granite that jut out of the ground, you slowly begin to believe what your mother told you.
>You think back to all the stories she told you about the Pies and their "farm", and wonder how many of tales had a grain of truth to them.
>About an hour in the hot sun (and yet somehow overcast sky; everything seems to be a shade of brown or gray here), you come across a shack with a windmill stuck to it.
"I swear to God," you mutter darkly, kicking your feet to get the blood flowing once more, "If those signs were bullshit and Auntie Cloudy and her kids don't live here..."
>...you don't know what you'll do.
>Cry, probably.
>You raise your fist and knock firmly on the door.
>The old dry wood rattles, and the noise it produces is so muted that you're thinking twice about knocking again, just in case they didn't hear you.
>It rattles in its frame so severely that you're worried that you'll knock something loose or break a hinge.
>Before you can raise your fist for another pounding (ladies), the door swings open and nearly hits you in the face.
>Before you stands a young woman who is nearly a carbon copy of your mother.
>She's got gray skin, a dark purple hair-do, and a frock that's nearly identical to the one your mother owns.
>"Can I help you?"
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>The look she gives you is devoid of curiosity or surprise at a stranger showing up on her doorstep.
>It isn't unhappy, though; she just looks like she's, uh...
>...here now.
>She's here now and that's the extent of her feelings on the matter.
>Back in the present, you nod and wipe the sweat from your brow.
"Yeah, hi," you greet tiredly, "I'm Anonymous Pie, and it's been arranged for me to stay here for a few months."
>She looks at you blandly and blinks slowly, one eye at a time.
>You furrow your brow; you're not sure you got through to her.
"I... presume that you're my cousin," you elaborate weakly, "Is, uh... Is aunt Cloudy inside?"
>The girl nods slowly.
>"Yes. My name is Maud Pie."
>You smile politely and hold out your hand; Maud just looks at it, like she's not sure what to do.
>The long train ride coupled with the trek across an arid wasteland has left you kind of snappy, and you're about to quite rudely inform her that she's supposed to shake it, but Maud beats you to it.
>Her gaze wanders from your hand up your arm...
>...across your chest...
>...to your face...
>...across your chest again...
>...down to your groin...
>...and ultimately back up to your face once more.
>D-Did your cousin just check you out?
"L-Listen, could we talk inside, please?"
>You jiggle the bag on your shoulder to emphasize how heavy it's gotten.
"I'd like to put this down-"
>Before you can react, Maud moves.
>She's fast; faster that you had ever expected her to move.
>One moment, you're staring at her blank eyes.
>The next, her eyes are all you can see, and Maud's tongue is trying its damnedest to find out what your tonsils taste like.
Its cool, your story is pretty good.
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>Vertigo takes you for a brief moment, and you suddenly become aware that she's got you in a dip.
>After a long, LONG moment, Maud - YOUR COUSIN! - breaks the kiss.
>A strand of saliva connects your mouths.
>"You should stay here with me, Anonymous," she says without any excitement in her voice, "I think you should live with me."
>You swallow several times, trying to come up with enough brain power to muster up a proper "what the actual fuck".
>When you finally open your mouth, you only get out a strangled "Why?!" before Maud takes this as a sign to dip back in for another deep kiss.
>You paw weakly at her back and shoulders, but are too overwhelmed by the entire situation to really accomplish anything.
>With a wet and audible "mwah", Maud breaks the kiss once more.
>"Because Ma says we should expand the family," she says, answering the question you've long since forgotten asking, "And you're here, now. On the farm."
>She leans forward and licks your nose.
>"And a male."
>The scenery shifts as you're dragged into the house, still held face-up like that nurse from that one photo with that one sailor.
>"I can make you hard, Anonymous," she intones.
>Out of the corner of your eye, you can see other figures enter the room.
>"Like a rock."
Fuck you, now I am reminded of Frosty.
There is no Frosty here today, Anon. Only me.
Then do more, do what Frosty never did, breed the farm.
>2 years later, Anon has Stockholm Syndrome or something like that
>His cousins are continuously pregnant and Aunt Cloudy has retired to the city
>Anon has 6 kids and counting
>Despite the horrible rape, the girls are nice and his stay is surprisingly pleasant
>Pinkie Pie always has a supply of sweets and cupcakes not only for pregnancy cravings but so that they all have the energy for hours and hours of fucking
>Linestone is ironically the most maternal of them all and is a natural mother
>Marble is an anal-slut and has to be motivated with her sister's tongues to let you paint her womb white
>Maud is all business during sex but is as big a cuddle-slut as Marble is a butt-slut, and she won't let you go for at least an hour once you're done fucking.
>Things could be worse
The perspective slipped but close enough
The way this turned out is correct in the end goal, but the way it got there was wrong.
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>There was this one story with Sunset Shimmer and her brother who traveled over with her from Equestria. The author fucked off before finishing it which sucked
Well my cock is still flaccid.
Finish reading the Chrisalis-Mom short. You still need to watch your punctuation usage. Particularly when it comes to dialog. (Not that I'm any better but I digress.) I tend to pay more attention to the lore of a green and here you did very well. Character introductions and development were well done. World building and scene setting were excellent without getting too far into purple prose territory. It was a good poke in the feels and I enjoyed the story very much. I hope you continue. If not consider an epilogue follow up. You've created a rich world fitting of one.
So nothing's changed.
Exactly anon.
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>"Say pa, what was my mom like?"
You're not sure if she's ready to hear the truth, what do?
Give her subtle hints that describe Applejack in roundabout ways. Make it so that when you tell her the truth, she'll think hard for a moment and go "...Ohhhh!"
Tell me how the correct way is.
>being nude around your kid doesn't really fly with the the government
even fucking saudis are okay with that if it's your own family
It's your sister, you're an inbred hick stereotype

There, I just saved us several years of pussyfooting around the issue.
>>"Say pa, what was my mom like?"

What are you talking about you see Granny Smith everyday.
They try to bluntly seduce him, slowly breaking his will power by being stuck out there alone with them, until he gives in to whoever is first/nearby, and fucks them ragged. Make it so Anon is so nervous about them spying on him that he doesn't have peace to jack off, and to make the creampies even larger. There, no rape, and we get the same satisfaction.
don't be apologetic, making it seem like you've done something bad.. be flattering, like she's so hot and it's normal to masturbate to pictures of your daughter. if she looks scared, reassure her she's in charge of whether you touch her or not, and where.
that much estrogen from mom's tits and she's still flat? damn
fully thumbs up on the extended nursing though
>on weekends you go hunting and eat what you catch

>"She was a demon in the sack."
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Does she feel in charge?
S-she gave you a family
She does seem the type
it's sad because it's one of those things where the person's goals and your assertion of what they should do aren't actually in conflict, since starving yourself is a shitty way to lose weight. all you do is get gross and saggy, and when you do eat, it goes right to fat
And this gives her...power over me?
>tfw you realize this meme has been going strong on 4chan and still basically unknown to normalfags for five year
>Ah wanna be a stripper, Daddy! Judge mah routine!"
mfw i know a girl who did that as a kid and has a totally healthy family life and upbringing. though things went downhill after she went to college and this super mature teen became a tumblr-ass shitcow just because those people gave her the unconditional praise she had always wanted
>Any of the older sisters bringing one of her friends in to teach her little sister useful things and join in with lovingly molestering her
>or even two of them at once, with both their sisters. or all three.
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Which is why you must do your fatherly duty and fuck those bad thoughts out of her
"She was exactly like you, down to the tiniest detail. Every time I look at you, I remember her and all the feelings I ever had for her come rushing back. So in a way it's like she's.. still with us."
>"exactly.. like me?"
"Well I assume. Haven't seen ALL of ya in a while."
i have never had even the slightest motivation to watch that movie. It looks agonizingly bad.
honestly knowing at least one man found her attractive might have helped the poor thing. she had serious self-esteem issues. Nevermind how not one but two guys 9 years older than her thought she was hot and tried to initiate internet sassytimes, and one actually did (weirdly that one accused me of grooming her when he was a damn year older than me and he touched her and i never did, i mean shit. he had to travel 10 times as far as I would have too. but this is gettin off topic
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It's actually pretty decent, not as good as The Dark Knight but nowhere near as bad as the memes would have you believe
I saw bits of it here and there. something with catwoman and something in a football stadium. they were both absolutely dire.
Well of course, Cat Woman was the worst part of the movie
i can't just be okay with that. not when the casting was sort of good
thoug the casting was fantastic in that halle berry movie and that didnt help. which was also frustrating!
I'd like to say I saw that coming but nope. Good job. Thanks Issues. I look forward to the next update.

Is there more?

Looking forward to your updates ApA and Onii-chan.
Not a bad movie. If we were giving movies a lazy /10 score then Dark Knight is an 8 and Dark Knight Rises is a 6
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You guys thought I wouldn't get my update into this thread. Well you all thought wrong!


> The next day you and Dash go to school you see Derpy waiting for you outside the main entrance. Wearing some ear muffs, a heavy coat, and a scarf to protect herself from the cold.
> The easy thing would be to ignore her and go through one of the side doors, but that wouldn’t be the right thing to do. You’ve known her for over a decade. You can’t just stop talking to her now that you weren’t dating each other.
> “Dash go on without me. I need to talk to Derpy.”
“Sure I understand. I’ll be waiting for you inside.”
> Both Derpy and Dash exchange glances. Giving each other a meek smile. Leaving just the two of you.
“Hi Anon.”
> “Hey Derpy. Listen about the other day-”
“You don’t have to apologize to me Anon. I’m the one who was out of line. You’re free to date anyone you want. I just wish it could have been me that you ended up with.”
> This was unexpected. You were planning on giving a long winded speech about love and how some things aren’t meant to be; however, that no longer seemed necessary.
> “I…well. Regardless I should have told you, and I’m sorry.”
“Don’t be. Let’s just try to move on okay?”
> “Okay.”
> That went surprisingly smoother than you thought it would. Now you won’t have this giant cloud of guilt hanging over your head.
“By the way you never told me your new girlfriend’s name. Care to share?”
> Just as you thought you were out of the lion’s den you stumble into a bear cave.
> “D-didn’t I? I could have sworn I mentioned it yesterday?”
“Not that I remember. However, I was really distraught. Can you tell me again?”
> “Ah maybe later. I’m think I’m late for my first class. See ya.” You day dashing off without giving her a chance to object.
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> That was close, but sooner or later she’s going to find out. You’ll have to tell her.
“So how’d it go?”
> “AH!”
> “Jesus Dash don’t sneak up on me like that.”
“I saw you running away just now. Does that mean you two are cool now?”
> “More or less. I didn’t tell her about us though.”
“Why not?”
> “I don’t know how’d she react, and with us being at school I don’t want someone overhearing me.”
“Bro you worry too much.”
> “So does that mean you’re going to tell your friends.”
“I well…”
> “See not as easy as you think is it?”
“I’ll do it. I just have to make them promise not to tell anyone.”
> “And you think that’ll be enough.”
“I just have to make it a Pinkie promise. Then, it’ll be good.”
> “I hope you’re right.”

> Be Rainbow Dash

> Lunch time finally arrives and you sit in your usual seat with your friends. No one has mentioned anything about your secret crush yet, and you only had another ten minutes before classes started again.
“By the way Rainbow Dash. Did you and your secret admirer ever touch base?” Twilight asks.
> “Uh yeah about that. I decided to give him a chance.”
“That’s simply marvelous darling! Does this special somebody have a name?” Rarity adds.
> “He does.” You take a quick peek around you to make sure no one else was listening in.
> “And I’ll tell you who he is if you all Pinkie promise not to tell anyone about it.”
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Mane 6 (NFSW) 1.png
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“What’s with all this secrets? You’re usually screaming at every one about how great you are and your relationships.” Applejack says.
“Everybody’s got secrets Applejack. Did you know that I never brush my teeth on Wednesdays?” Pinkie exclaims.
“No Pinkie we didn’t.” Twilight says very flatly.
> “Well my secrets are secret for a reason. I’ve never told you guys what I used to do when I was in that gang, but you never ask about it.”
“That’s because you’re our friend Rainbow. For better or worse we accept who you are.” Twilight explains.
> “I hope you still think that after I tell you this.”
“Come now dearie we aren’t the ones to judge who you fall in love with. You are.” Rarity adds.
“Shoot he can’t be as bad as you make him out to be. Can he?” Applejack asks.
> “No but…”
> You hesitate. Looking amongst your friends you wonder what they’ll think of you once you tell them. Your eyes pass over Fluttershy. As she’s is the only one not looking. You had completely forgotten that she already knew.
> “Alright, but just so we’re clear if I hear anyone gossiping about me and my new boyfriend I swear to god I will hang each and everyone of you from the flagpole.”
> Everyone is slightly taken aback by you saying that, but they all collectively bring their hands to the middle of the table just the same.
“Cross my heart, hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye.”

> “It’s Anon. Anon is the one I’m dating.”
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> Rarity lets go of her fork and drops it into her salad bowl, Pinkie does her best spit take with her juice box, and everyone else just stares at you with their bewildered eyes. All expect Fluttershy.
> Everyone begins to look at one another in an attempt to confirm what they just heard.
“Anon. Anon as in-”
> You cut off Applejack by putting your hand over her mouth.
> “Yes ‘that’ Anon.”
“Wowwie Zowwie Dash! I didn’t know-”
> “Shhh. Not so loud.”
“Anon? I don’t get it, but I mean what do you plan to do if things get serious?” Twilight asks.
> “I don’t know. Probably just the normal stuff that happens in relationships I guess.”
“Well suffice to say I wouldn’t classify this relationship as ‘normal.’” Rarity says.
“I think it’s fine.”
> All eyes were now on Fluttershy. Saying something none of them were thinking.
“It may be true that Dash’s love interests may be different from ours, but shouldn’t two people who love each other have the right to be together? Even if other people think it’s wrong?”
> “Thanks Fluttershy I knew you’d back me up.”
“It’s not that I disagree with you Fluttershy. It’s just that if people knew about Dash and Anon their lives would be over. I mean, aren’t there laws against incest?” Twilight questions.
> “Don’t you guys get it I don’t care, and neither does Anon. For a long time now he’s been struggling with these feelings he’s had for me. He’s kept them hidden because he knew what would happen.”
> “Even so he confessed to me, and I at least owe him a chance to make this work.”

“Well I hope you two can be happy together.” Rarity says.
“Me too.” Adds Fluttershy.
> You’re so glad you have such understanding friends. Had you told anybody else they would said that you were crazy and should break it off immediately, but not them.

> Be Anon

> School was ending and you asked Derpy to meet you afterwards. You meet up at her locker and walk together outside.
“So Anon are finally going to tell me who your new girlfriend is?”
> “Actually I’m going to have you meet her.”
“Oh a-are you sure that’s okay? I mean wouldn’t it be a little awkward?”
> Normally yes. You think it will pan out alright though.
> “It’s fine I think you’ll like her.”
> Not a minute after reaching your sister’s car Dash shows up.
“Sup bro! What’s Derpy doing here?”
> “I wanted to introduce her to my new girlfriend.”
> Everyone pauses for a moment, but Derpy doesn’t quite put two and two together. Therefore, you speak up.
> “Derpy. This is my new girlfriend.”
> After saying that Derpy only looks more confused.
“Wait? Your sister? Rainbow Dash?”
> “Yeah. That’s why I didn’t mention it earlier. It’s not exactly something you go announcing to everybody.”
“I…wh…huh?” Derpy mutters.
“Since when?”
> “Well just a couple days ago. As to when I knew I ‘love’ loved her that I don’t have an answer for you.”
> She doesn’t say anything. Racking her brain trying to wrap her head around the concept.
“Okay. Okay. I guess this makes sense, but how serious are you both about this.”
> “Well I know I’m going to be trying my hardest to make it work. As for Dash, she’s at least going to give me a shot.
“Alright then. I suppose I’ll see you both tomorrow then.”
> “See ya.”
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“You think she’ll be alright?”
> “I have faith in her. She’s not as fragile in mind as she appears. Besides, now that she knows that it’s you and not some stranger she’ll understand.”
“You know her a lot better than I do, so if you say it’s okay I’ll believe you.”
> “Thanks.”
> You both get in the car and Dash starts to drive you home. Halfway there though you get an idea.
> “Say Dash I know it’s not our usual schedule, but I was thinking. Since we missed a few days at the gym this week due to obvious reasons. Do you think we can go now?”
“I guess, but we don’t have a change of clothes.”
> “Yes we do. We have the ones from gym class.”
“Oh yeah. Then, sure we can go.”
> “Great.”
> The first date should always be casual you think to yourself. What more casual place for the two of you to go then to workout at the gym.
> Dash rolls up and you both change into your already used gym clothes.
“So what should we work on today?”
> “I say abs and back.”
“I also say abs and back.”
> Of the three routines you do a week abs and back was easily the shortest. Still wanted to get home before mom did, and have dinner together.
> Before you do anything serious you both take some time to stretch. That’s when you realized you would both often help each other stretch.
> Maybe this won’t be as leisurely of a first date then you thought.
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There you go. Little something something. Not done yet however. More to come tomorrow, so be prepared.
Post it in both threads

What would be your call on other threads, though?
Like if strange waifus makes that sister/daughter cest story happen, or heaven forbid satyr would like to share a story of daughter loving?
Sex can trigger labor supposedly, but that doesn't really happen until she's ready to have the baby anyway.

So hey, if she's overdue, maybe you just need to fuck her brains out a few times to kickstart the delivery.
now that makes sense to me.
labor's a confusing as fuck thing really. It stands to reason there's no ... fuckin.. timer on it. no exact precise perfect moment.
I can't fucking wait
About the only thing I can think of the gets near universal assmad autistic fits thrown over it, is /hhh/. So as long as there's no homo in it, post it.

Most everything else, from bats, to RGRE, to satyr, should be fair game. (Frankly I'm surprised we don't see more crossover with Momlestia (we get some, but not much, because of her being a pone))

The only real catch is that it should be written well, or at least have a good idea to build on if it's just a prompt. Good writing excuses a lot of things.

Some sperg will freak out of course, because he can't help himself, but one or two faggots shouldn't ruin everyone else's fun.

Everything else that's verbotten is just extreme fetishes like scat, and of course cuckshit.
Somebody get this hot head outta here!
You're still arbitrarily picking and choosing, when this is relatively simple. If you want to combine fetishes in this thread, the secondary fetish should be more vanilla/mundane than incest (whether IRL or in MLPverse), or else it shouldn't be posted here. No matter how much one attempts to downplay it, the fetish that's more exotic will be the focus with all but the readers with both fetishes. That's why it should be posted in the more exotic fetishes' thread, because for them, incest is the more mundane fetish.
So you can easily get away with RGRE and bats, but yeah... no Satyrs. Also, you can barely even approach the topic of threesomes in this thread without retards yelling "KEKSHIT", so I'd be careful about that one.
That is the only sensible argument anyone has made so far with this standpoint
it's odd to me that you think satyrs are that strange though, especially when they originally came up with regards to the ill logic of anon and his relative being a human and a pony. there's really nothing odd at all about being a hybrid species in a fantasy setting. if you ask me, that whole siren thing is a much better example of something that totally outshines the incest aspect by swallowing up the whole story and focusing on their weird fetishy monsterness
>there's really nothing odd at all about being a hybrid species in a fantasy setting.
Pretty much this.
>they will never all be your daughters
>they will never share one huge need with you
>they will never tell you every night how much they love you after you pump them full of cum
>No homo or threesomes allowed
Are you fucking serious?
Is there going to be more?
I need more pie family in my life to fill the hole left by Frosty.
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>That’s when you realized you would both often help each other stretch.
> Maybe this won’t be as leisurely of a first date then you thought.
oh my
Pretty much, the larger fetish generals tend to have the worst reactions. And since we do more stuff with humanized anyways different races like bats don't really play a part here anyways. Though you are right, it is kind of odd the Momlestia threads don't drop by, guess they actually make more content, or are just more satisfied in general staying where they are.
No homo is a given, but no where did he say no threesomes. Unless it was with another guy, then it can(and probably will) be considered cuckshit. Generally if it gets down to more than one male in a story being the focus, the more it tends to stir shit up.
If it didn't cater to an extremely niche group of people you may have a point, but since it requires its own thread to really do anything, it would still count as too niche for incest.
Stap, my heart cant take it.
The sirens don't count because the only real way to tell they aren't normal humans is, they start singing and hypnotizing you, or you see their teeth(or the things those they can do with those teeth). Satyr's are pretty blatant for a fetish, and has its own general too boot, one the doesn't mind incest at all, when it would be immensely easier to just have the kid turn out just like the mother's species.
>No homo is a given,
>Speak for yourself, faggotron. If it's in a good incest story, I'm down for pretty much anything.
Pretty much what that guy said.
As long as it's written well and not pure shit, homo should be fine.
Except no one that writes well is interested in writing it, unless you plan to start writing and not sucking at it? We fuck sisters, mothers, daughters, and occasionally aunts. We don't do the fucking father's thing unless its from his pov. Keeping any story where the main squeeze is only one male is what keeps the thread going.
I don't know how to write someone going from terrified (almost) rape victim to loving family man.
>Though you are right, it is kind of odd the Momlestia threads don't drop by, guess they actually make more content, or are just more satisfied in general staying where they are.
That's the beautify of the Momlestia threads: they're simple. It's all about boinking Celestia who is also a motherly figure. No ambiguity and no room to fuck it up.
>incest going gay
was wondering when that'd happen

faggots ruin everything
Hasn't happened yet and probably won't happen. Notice none of the people making suggestions end up writing anything?
Its just one of them trying to fake a shitpost so they can derail the thread, just ignore them.
Got to love those guys in a way, they are too simple and easy to please to go and bother other people.
>Except no one that writes well is interested in writing it
Can't possibly have anything to do with how a few Anons keep sperging out beyond imagination and chases away those who so much as thinks about a universe where more than one male exists, can it?
>We don't do the fucking father's thing unless its from his pov.
There is also brothers and cousins and everything else.
Can you even name one gay story from the past five threads we've had? Can you remember anyone suggesting this at all before this conversation? No? Then that means nobody's intetested.
That's a damn cute pic.
Hey guys, remember when this thread actually posted content instead of endlessly arguing? Me neither.
There have been a few people going thread to thread trying to ask for gay content, pretty sure its just some shitposters that are screwing around on their spring break. Just ignore them until they get too persistent then report them.
Then lets make some up till the shitposters go away. I got an idea.
>Aunt Celestia steps out of the bathroom after you come in from mowing the lawn
>pic related happens.
What do?
>What do?
Say ... yes?
>Can you even name one gay story from the past five threads we've had?
No, nor was that what I was talking about.
the idea that because something caters to a niche that makes it niche, is like saying just because people have a fetish for something that makes depicting it a sexual thing now and we have to start banning it here and there lest someone get aroused!
that is how you end up with children swimming in suits, anon. that's how you give them a complex. "someone might enjoy seeing you too much instead of feeling nothing like normal people! better cover it"
Okay then, you made the right choice.
>Celestia has actually been taking lessons when she goes to the spa
>From certain famous twin masseuses of the biggest spa resort ever
>She may have taken a side class for happy endings, with the twins giving her a personal lesson.
Do you think you can walk away, let alone carry her to her bedroom?
I wouldn't mind reading something where instead of there being sexual tension, Anon is completely blindsided by Celestia's interest in him, and he sort of deals with it as it comes. I imagine it would be like watching a first year university student, fresh out of high school. deal with the increased work load.

>Oh god, I have 8 billion classes.
>I have to study THIS MUCH?!
>Shit, uh, fuck, I didn't know there was online crap too!
>Okay, settle down, I just gotta get at least 80% on every test and I'll be fine.
>How do I write a lab report?!
>Can I sleep yet?
>You know what? I don't even want an A anymore; I just want to get a passing grade. C's get degrees.

That level of surprise, panic, and doing elaborate on-the-spot dances to bullshit his way through his new relationship with his mother.
>"WHOOPS OKAY I guess I'm just touching mom's breasts now!"
>"Oh shit, does this mean I sleep in her bed too?"
>"Where do I hold her?"
>"Christ, this feels so awkward."
>"I've got the most powerful and shameful erection of my life."
>"D-Do I still call her mom? Or...?"
Oh, that would be a good idea, how long does he have to be surprised though, does he give in eventually? Because sometimes when its done it usually flops in one direction or another.
Kek, wait, I got it. Anon is like a Twilight, constantly thinks out loud, has no idea how attractive he actually is, nerds out at the drop of a hat, and Celestia cant get enough of her little "big" man.
Sounds like Luna needs in on some of this amusing Anon teasing.
>Celestia is aware that she's her child's first "girlfriend"
>Isn't malicious with him, but can't help but enjoy how he falls ass-backwards through his first relationship
>Eventually takes pity on him and guides him through things
Tell her I want to go and play with Blueblood.
>Celestia and Luna tag team to be the best girlfriends ever, Anon starts getting Eureka esk moments constantly and starts making money on patents. They have to force him not to spend everything he can on just them...and stop making incredibly embarrassing projects to tell them how much he loves them.
And the fact it is never mentioned or brought up except by people dropping in to ask for it doesn't get the point across? Your mixing up letting an idea die with propping it up on lifesupport where it cant survive.
C'mon girls, you're BOTH pretty. Let's stop fighting and be a family again. We can pass around cheap hooch and talk about all the relatives we want to stick our wieners into.
Ahhh, the tale of the /v/ tile fucker. Never fails to get a kek.
Luna and Celestia fight over Anon sometimes, he breaks his boyfriend persona with asking why are you fighting(may or may not include tears in his eyes)
They're usually run off by autistic screeching almost immediately. And all that screeching boils down to is "REEEE! I DON'T LIKE THING! GO BACK YOU YOUR OWN THREAD!"

And it is actually true. These things, rgre, satyr, strange waifus, gay, have their own threads. And they'll probably be alright either way.
But this Japanese style isolationism can only hurt the thread.
At this point, it's more or less just fingerbang, but incest. And it's a hard sell for anyone who doesn't like that setting.
....Except we get more content then Fingerbang on our worse day, we do perfectly fine without trying to mix, and there is no reason to merg irrelevant thread ideas when they are completely niche when the threads that have them are more successful apart from each other. When thread combine ideas, its because the idea being combined isn't that much of a detraction to the main draw of the story. People come here for incest, which we mainly do humanized of. So when someone from Satyr comes in asking for some, they are the odd one out that shouldn't be there, because their fetish is more overbearing in the idea. But when that same Satyr guy asks for it in the Satyr thread and also asks for some incest overtones, it is perfectly fine. By the simple fact that Incest in that situation is the more vanilla of the fetish there, and used to enhance the story. Autistic screeching may be unhelpful but is still correct if by technicality. Which you even acknowledge at the end of your comment thereby contradicting yourself. No one is actually isolated completely, your just straw manning too make a extra thread that caters just too you, instead of not being lazy and going to ask the right people to make you the thing. In any case that is the last (you) you're getting from me.
Guys, there are always going to be screechers who ruin whatever point they're trying to make by REEEEing. I have a question for you: what can they honestly do? They cannot physically grab content they don't like and remove it from the thread. The worst they can do is provoke other people into arguing with them, which makes the entire thread unpleasant to be in. Letting the REEEEers think that they're right or that they won an argument isn't going to prevent people from posting things in this thread, and you clearly cannot argue with them. Look at what happened in this thread: Someone mentioned the name of another thread, some tards got angry, other people argued with the tards, and then the quality of the thread took a nosedive. Ignore them and post incest. Who cares what they think?
Stop fucking bringing it up then you dumbass, your just tempting some retard to do it anyways.
>Tells everyone to stop arguing
>"Fuck you"
this is why we can't have nice things
Ambiguously tribal chocolate cousin Zecora was pretty nice.
Yeah, we should use that for the next OP, got a good Zecoria pic to use? I got a few, but they are mostly NSFW.
I see you still haven't learned how to use the Enter key.
This is some autist from the Royal Guard Mare thread. He thinks of himself as the cop of /mlp/ and believes that he alone can decide what is and isn't allowed in threads he normally don't even visit. And you can bet your asses that he will REEE like you have never seen before if he spots something he personally does not approve of.
why do people keep saying things like 'zecoria' and 'candance'?
It's been a while since we did any Pie stuff. I've got a good pic of all 4 Pie sisters I could use.
Delicious bread:

That's true. Maybe soon.
You should save this post in case people start responding again.
Agreeing with this Anon, I wouldn't be against more chrysamom and it'll give you more chances to work on your grammar too.
Hard drives are the most common components to go bad. It's rare for them to die completely though. Usually they just develop bad sectors and start corrupting the file system until the OS won't boot anymore.

IIRC, the general rule is that after a harddrive is 5 years or older, it's a ticking timebomb of data loss and should be replaced.
Daughters are never unfuckable. Not unless they're somehow born without a vagina, anyway. Even then, there are hopefully alternate holes that can be used. Like the urethra.
Not gonna be any new daughters coming out of that, of course, but at least you get to cum inside her.
>If they smell good, your genes work nicely together
Is that guaranteed to be true?
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