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MtFG- /toy/ edition

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 474
Thread images: 150

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▶Informed Consent Providers: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/932389/Trans/Stepping%20Forward%20-%20Informed%20Consent%20Clinics.pdf
▶Makeup Tutorial: http://imgur.com/a/JO33K/
▶MTF Info Dump: http://pastebin.com/36HC6ZmT
▶Trans Info Dump: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1d9KKqP9IHa5ZxU84a_Jf0vIoAh7e8nj_lCW27KbYBh0/edit?usp=sharing
▶Size charts: http://www.americanapparel.net/sizing/default.asp?chart=womens.pantse_conversion_chart.php
▶Transition timelines: http://imgur.com/a/qWpxv
▶Voice Training: http://pastebin.com/dgipdsge
▶HRT info: https://web.archive.org/web/00000000000000/http://taimapedia.org/index.php?title=Hormones
▶Voice Help: http://webjedi.net/projects/lgbtq/speech-therapy/
▶Discord server: https://discord.gg/0jCp5pochww8t2Oe
▶MTFG Radio https://www.dubtrack.fm/join/mtfg

Ded Threadu http://boards.4chan.org/lgbt/thread/5533480/
1st for i have no idea what i'm doing
Even though i will catch shit for this I found that some brands make one product perfectly.I use Covergirl for powder buff, Revlon for mascara, Smashbox for lip products, L'Oréal liquid eyeliner, and Maybeline liquid foundation.
This comes from playing with tons of brands.
There are some subscription based services you can try where they'll send you a monthly bag of a couple products to try. Helpful when you have no idea what works for you.
>subscription based services
Like birch box? Faye uses them and says its cool.
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Did somebody say /toy/?
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how to waste money 101
Oh gosh Oryx would love this thread.
You are in good company here.
post soles yume yours are best
I think that's one of them yes. My friend subscribes to ipsy and she just gives me anything she gets seconds of. I'm not personally big on makeup so it's kinda nice to be able to cheaply try different things.
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no me
no...toys are life and u have to use them to lure me out of house and to AX
those are so cute
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It's a fun waste of money
I talked to her about toys here before I think, she's cool
wow, only 10 bucks a month... *subscribing intensifies"
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the only thing i waste my money on is computer stuff and guns

aint got any toys sorry

im sure i could figure out a way to persuade you with one of my two hobbies

i just dont know how

I just wanna say I don't know why they're uploading sideways, they were upright on my computer, and I even tried to rotate this one right.
you posted them before as a tiny crop but i didn't save it so post them
>the only thing i waste my money on is computer stuff and guns
Those are also valid wastes of money. My computer is way more expensive than it needs to be and I'd have some guns if I didn't live with my parents. And trusted myself not to use on on myself.
Mac is way better.
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@_@ IS there more than that
i think pookie has a few figurines in boxes like that...barely seen em tho
guns ??? whoa
um if u threaten me with a gun ill prob just cry afterwards
try like not using the money
then using it on me
also udek me why want me to come xd im weird
u got played bor..
>Mac is way better.
Oh and now here comes the assholes to taint the thread.
>@_@ IS there more than that
Yes. I have 6 on my desk, a few more that are hidden in that picture, and a couple others scattered in my room.
>u got played bor..
She's nice, a little quirky but I mean isn't everyone. She posts on /toy/ a lot.

I used to have that I had to open them all in photo editor and rotate, save, then rotate, save, and it fixed.
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im not suicidal in the slightest anymore and i dont buy bullets for any of them so it doesnt really matter

my suicidal bouts only last for at most 30 minutes, but thankfully i haven't felt like that in ages

mdma is p great lads
cause ur cute af
i reformatted my pc so i dont have any of my old pics and i dont talk lewd pics anymore sry
Just saying its arguably a better brand.
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i didn't know that was a site!!
@_@ how much do they cost usually
yours are all really cute
if i was a weeb i would follow u TWICE

???? cya

o-o they can say that
but if this turns into an argument its both of yalls fault

wow I just subscribed to ipsy and the intake was super awesome and it helps identify what makeup will work best for you.
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sorry dude didnt mean to offend u bro
u wanna go? i'll shank ur nan bruv swear down
makeup is like mandatory to help me pass, literally if I wear makeup I get gendered female and if I don't I get gendered male
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>She posts on /toy/ a lot.
I don't post on /toy/ so much anymore but I used to hang around there too.
>I used to have that I had to open them all in photo editor and rotate, save, then rotate, save, and it fixed.
Hrm, that's odd. This is a new issue for me.
>im not suicidal in the slightest anymore and i dont buy bullets for any of them so it doesnt really matter
Well I'm glad to hear you're feeling better nowadays. But why not buy bullets for them? Unless you're like me and just like to hold them and play with the bolt and stuff a bunch.
>my suicidal bouts only last for at most 30 minutes, but thankfully i haven't felt like that in ages
HRT seems to be helping me not feel like killing myself so far
>i didn't know that was a site!!
All the good /toy/soldiers know about that!
>how much do they cost usually
Gonna take a guess you're asking about the Nendoroids, which are usually $30~40 on average.
Hiiiiii how is everyone
Hi! I'm okay now that I'm kinda warmed up instead of an icicle. How are you?
alright mate dont start gassing
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>like oh my god totally
why does kayla type like a teenage girl?
A drone just flew outside my house and hovered over my window. Since I've never seen one in real life before I didn't realize what it was for a while so I opened the window and stared at it. It was stationary and the whole time and then it flew off.

To be entirely honest, no memes or sarcasm, I feel violated. It's absolutely disgusting how you can completely destroy someone's privacy right that AND IN THEIR OWN HOME. If I knew the name of the person operating it I'd fucking sue him.
Did you end up reinstalling anything yesterday when you thought steam was broke? Maybe the files pulled from one OS to the other weirdly if you didn't do a clean install or w/e.
morning, /mtfg/!
who /refusestodepressionposttoday/ here?
ive never worn makeup, makeup is gay but if u like it good for you. only time it sucks is when GIRLFRIENDS FUCKING SPEND 3 HOURS IN THE BATHROOM DOING THEIR FUCKING MAKE UP WHEN WE'RE ON A TIGHT SCHEDULE. IM LOOKING AT YOU GEM REEEEE

>Unless you're like me and just like to hold them and play with the bolt and stuff a bunch.

ding ding ding ding ding ding
hey senpai... im sorry man i didnt mean to.
shut the fuck up and make me some spag bol ya dumb cunt

Just trying to fit in.
It was my firewall, which is rather humiliating considering I did a system reset which deleted all my programs (but not files). It's working again at least, but now I need to re-install a bunch of stuff. With most things intact it shouldn't be too hard, and honestly I didn't need that many games installed anyway.
>ding ding ding ding ding ding
Where's that gif of /k/ like having an orgasm just touching a gun
she sounds like that too, here is a clip from a conversation with elanna https://clyp.it/3f054f0v
That is really shitty, I'm used to having windows or curtains most of the time cause of living in suburbia though. It shouldn't feel required though really.
>spag bol
marry me

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so im eating a tv dinner... theyre kinda cute honestly and i wanna collect em and eat em
questioning my taste desu

udk that yet...be wary ok...


idk abt that shes fukkin tougher than jerky
me on the other hand...well thats why i have my mom ok

hmm well hair will grow out, youll make diff style choices, youll finish electro!
i dont think youll always need makeup
just being a meme w the hashtag oops

whoaa thats a lot of money
kind of want to spend the same on american toys though
wish i had a tamagotchi or 5 actually...
i get the appeal fosho @_@ im like lowkey OP and wanna buy tamagotchis and lalaloopsies rofl

i type like a teenage boy...
ask me why
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Wow, whoever did that is a jerk, I would have grabbed my bb gun and annihilated it lol. Are you in a 2 story house or something?
Yeah I remember what it ended up being, but I wonder if

>I did a system reset which deleted all my programs (but not files)

ended up making it all think it was sideways. I just say cause soft reinstalling is what made all mine do that until fixed.
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Makeup is life
I'm ok, watching my friend play fallout @_@ I'm going to try to rope him into watching Moulin rouge with me today. I am definitely not going outside >.>
impressive desu
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briskboys WW@?
>trying to surprise my friend
>she's not wearing makeup because she wasn't planning on going out
>"ayy lets get weeb food"
>"let me do makeup first"
>10 years later
Yea never again
If I had a real gun again I am afraid I would use it on myself.
>On HRT & dutasteride
>No large amount of hair coming out in brush
>Still paranoid that I'm going bald

Can /pol/ hurry up with the day of the rope or whatever it's called so I can finally be done with this suffering.
raspberry tastes like cough medicine..i liked strawberry melon tho

also ((???????? whats that pic ????????))
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>your postop, you beat the game
tell me kayla does not seriously think this
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i dont understand how ive dated like 3 actual cisgirls and none of them were as fucking girly as gem is

gem says "im going to take a shower" its a fucking 3-4 hours i wont see her and she just stays in the bathroom doing makeup and girl things

its spooky man...
just dont buy bullets for it... not very hard. i dont use them for protection...
brisk, snub nosed 45. pistol in the far left but u cant see it cause its black, and 2 bongs
>tfw too sore to go on
life is suffering :(
gonna .. gonna run cya
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hey frog.,..... ill miss u................................
>i dont use them for protection...
>whoaa thats a lot of money
Yeah, my collection has been a slow buildup over the years. I had a while where I had nothing to spend money on too so I just blew it on toys.

Which fallout? Don't go outside, it's cold! Really really cold why god is it so cold. I hope you can get him to cave in~.
I think I've had brisk like once in my life. Nice gun tho.
>ended up making it all think it was sideways
Nah, that was one of my attempts to resolve the issue. Steam wasn't working because my dad updated our firewall in my sleep without telling me and Steam got blocked.
Yeah I don't think I'd be able to resist using a gun on you either
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i took a fucking tons of pics with me holding my two handguns and photoshopped them to look like i was a crazy person and i think they're really funny but im too scared of posting them on the internet incase i get arrested for terrorism

tfw :(

brisk is basically the best drink in existance... u NEED to try it

arizon iced out boys aint got nothing on brisk boys... sorry yung lean it just aint yo time...
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>mfw I've sold all my guns

my 9mm
my 45
my AR15
my 22
:( guns are funs
; _ ;
not as much as ive missed hiding under my covers..
@ _ @ i see
It's almost certainly nothing. Most healthy people lose between 40-100 hairs a day, its all just coming out in your brush.

And the day of le maymay is never gonna happen so you'd best get used to it.
She kinda sounds like edie.
instead of selling ur guns for quickca$h use the guns in fun and creative ways to get more money than they're even worth!

u'll think of something
Why won't Pookie post her soles
It's better off this way, guns are for violent males and are a symbol of toxic masculinity.
I took some kinda suggestive pics with an airshit PPSH-41 I have, looks more like someone from /k/ got slutty than a terrorist
>brisk is basically the best drink in existance... u NEED to try it
Well if I see it around I'll give it a try then~
Why would you do thaaaaaaaat
>@ _ @ i see
It's real ez to get them though, just go to somewhere like AmiAmi, HLJ, or Mandarake and you'll find some pretty nice deals/prices on them.
And are also gonna be my best defense because I'm weak as fuck.
>ayyyy lmao
Is the Sikh going to revive Frieza or something?
>tfw the muslim horde are taking over europe and i have to bend over and take it up the ass
B/c I'm a poor lazy unemployed butthole
Its paid for HRT and food for a long while though!
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I'm sure Muhammed will treat you nicely. I don't have a rape fetish though, as soon as I'm old enough to CC I'm gonna keep something in my purse just in case.
>tfw probably too ugly for that anyway
>Its paid for HRT and food for a long while though!
Reasonable enough! I'm saving most of my money for HRT and such. I really wanna splurge on something stupid but I don't know when I'll have a job again and I need to cover my mones.
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yeahh!! sounds like you took your time with the collection and know what youre doing
Is yume a terrorist?
wtf is wrong with kayla lol?
stupid racist redneck, you should not own guns.
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send those to my private line... i need them thanks
or you could join a nationalist party and participate in the anti-refugee riots happening all over europe

go punch out a muhammaden today
little bit..
>marry me
I don't know. You gotta a mouth on yous.
Girls should be seen not heard.
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I've been a little autistic toy collector since I was a kid. Lots of experience buying things and putting them on shelves!! I should go work on my display later, it's kinda dusty and needs to be organized.
Yes miss NSA
>send those to my private line...
No can do, Kiwi has exclusive access to that sorta stuff now~
trip on kayla, nice try
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cucked again!
The autism is strong with this thread today
wtf no im hella shy :_:
fuck you
Nice try anon pretending to be kayla pretending to be anon.
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Get ffs they said
It'll help they said
Hi kayla
Be quiet Whingie.

How can you be hella shy, you work in retail?
Fuck off kayla
Nice gentlewomen like yourself always lose :(((
You're welcome
is kayla losing it lol?
>truth = whining
Good to know that the delusion is strong in you
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Almost every single time she plays an fps she shouts allahu ackbar into the mic

it's kind of adorable desu
Stop projecting in 3D Surround and go for a walk.
I still like your pics gem, they are always cute
>please ignore reality
brb guys.. i gotta file my taxes

luckily for me thats not actually true

im alpha as fuck >:)
no thats only when i play insurgency and when im playing on the insurgent side
im an eco-terorrist i work for green peace
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>tfw too lazy to make food so you drink coffee instead
Get out david, haven't you caused enough trouble?
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I just had some pork and veggies. After that a bag of chips washed with coke.
it will help you be thin anyway
Dakota is at work you dum dum
>brb guys.. i gotta file my taxes
I should do that.
>luckily for me thats not actually true
>im alpha as fuck >:)
Lying is not allowed!
If you can go make coffee you can go make food too!
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absolutely disgusting tbhon.
Making food means dishes and cooking
no thx
Better to talk about reality than some bullshit fantasy stuff
yeah i do, it still doesnt prevent me from spilling my spaghetti sometimes

i got overwatch banned for a month on cs for blocking team-mates and playing muslim music and allahu ackbar chants down my mic
>Making food means dishes and cooking
no thx
Get yourself a cute hon and have her make food for you
>blocking team-mates and playing muslim music and allahu ackbar chants down my mi
I hope you stayed with the bomb until you got rewarded with your virgins.
>spilling my spaghetti sometimes
That's cute when girls do it.
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Remy was rewarded with Virgins.
wanna use one of my 100 accounts with cs on it?

there's a price tho
Kill yourself
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thanks again

I'm glad someone likes them instead of just finding them cancerous

>file my taxes

>getting banned
git gud
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>tfw not pretty enough to have an ugly friend who cleans and does dishes at your place just so she can keep being your friend
>forgot your hrt again
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Oh shnap
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they are pretty fucking cancerous though..
I never forget.
If a child nurses at a trannies chest, does that make it a faggot child?
Maybe your dosage is too low?
This t-rage isn't good for you hon.
it makes them a girly girl, regardless of sex
of course, the will of Allah commanded it


i wish senpai

im unbanned now, this was like november last year and besides you probably want lewd stuff :_:
>tfw kiwi wants to take care of all that for me so I can get away with being lazy
Nah they're cute
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Self defense is toxic masculinity.
True femininity is ultimate submission to everyone. If I resist a man who wants to hurt or fuck me I am being masculine myself.
Nice idea, Ill take the gun though.

The ideal woman shuts up and does what she's told, right?
I bet you're a reifag.

>tfw too lazy to make food so you go out to breakfeast with your bf

A real woman does her own dishes and those of others., its a sacred duty. Like doing the laundry.

If you find yourself attracted to a tranny, does it make you a faggot?
Tfw you hope your ffs surgeon dies :)
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dont you fucking backtalk me
Literally who are you?
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ive been posting here since lgbt was made

i should ask u the same question lmfao

its cute though... that you're trying to LITERALLY WHO me
see? she knows her place

Can you two just kiss already
>If you find yourself attracted to a tranny, does it make you a faggot?
well duh.
Shut up Soap.
You sound pretty triggered there sir
It's not gay if the balls aren't touching.
I just don't recognize you.

I want a paridot :(
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Stop bully posting fgt
orchis cure gayness?
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ok but which one of yall playin and did this?
>tfw will never rub empty scrotums together with kayla
>tfw another day another dilate

Don't let them take your tinklers girls, it's not worth dilating every day forever.
It's not bullying

Let's change the subject puh-lease.
something something envious crying
seriously, don't complain about srs to someone who will never afford it
>paying for srs

What a fucking pleb
You know there are other people in this thread right not just you
>getting a third rate välfärd vagina instead of a suporn one
reminder that if your gt is 4" or bigger you're a fetishist and should kill yourself.
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Why do you stay here when nobody likes you?
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>mfw this thread is currently full of anime posting tripfags
It's smaller than 4" if I'm not erect, is that good enough? ;_;
suporn is a meme, bowers and her new team is actually looking better and better, especially since its only a 4 hour drive and maybe I can get state insurance to cover it. The only gripe with bowers is over looks but the function I heard is much better, and labiaplasty is always a thing and its only 3 grand.
Maybe dr z with have a heart attack :)
maybe you could afford srs if you got a job instead of deciding to shitpost on imageboards for at least the last 5 years.
>facebook tier cute animal gif
Kill yourself normie
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>i type like a teenage boy...


; __ ;
Because where else can I talk to trannies who won't ban me for using curse words?
3.5" gt reporting in
dont you dare
How many of you "girls" still have a male voice or voices inside your head?
7 inches of femininity reporting in
Well, fuck. How do I stop being a fetishist then?
> Tfw 5' gt master race
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absolutely feminine.jpg
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cause im a teenage boy...
male voice in reality
well I have lots of >voices in my head
schizophrenia senpai
Why do most of you have short hair?
Aren't you trans enough to were you'd at least have grown out your hair before hrt
Should have went to spiegel

I am working on it, I have an interview tomorrow and I have been applying all day, this after my parents told me to "suck it up and grow up" last night.

Dogs are shit tier, trust me I have one.
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Small cocks are cute and a privilege for passing purproses.
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My head voice is in english and no gender I think.

>tfw actually swedish
>tfw barely 2 inches
Its gonna keep shrinking to nothing rite
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repression senpai

m-me too .......
I'm 13 btw ....
i still can't believe you put off transitioning and didn't get surgery money saved up while you had that male privilege
my inner voice has always been higher in my mind for some reason. while i was suppressed i just assumed my inner voice was childish? immature?
now that you point it out, it's something that i was quite ashamed of. whenever i noticed it, it just reinforced this idea in my head that i was failing in my duty to be a man.
but at the same time i hate hearing my deep, dopey man voice in recordings.
what shoe size are you pookie? will you post your soles?
I want to beat you to death
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I always buzz cut my hair before I knew I was trans but then when I started growing it out I liked in. Been growing this hair for about 3 and a half years now without any major cuts.

Schizophrenia only happens in males. Not surprised

If I had $55k i would've of
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Then everywhere I go, the vast majority of men are faggots.

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my hairs not short tho
thats younger than me
come here squirt <3
I didn't like long hair and cut it all off. Much prefer being a girl with short hair.
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I've had long hair since 14. Still want them to grow longer than they are now. They are just past my boobs but I am aiming for butt length.
>tfw 2 inches flaccid so easy tuck
Im going to be completely honest with you here.
The whining about not having money can stop. We see you buy shit all the time. Be it wood and shit for an entertainment center or parts for an N64 controller. Crying that you have no money to afford laser when you can afford this other shit is retarded.
Acting like you're the only person in the world that matters and everyone should cater to you is also bullshit. People are allowed to have srs and bitch. There's things that arent so pleasant about that either.
Last, you pass just fine. Quit complaining because there are people in this thread RIGHT NOW that are worse off than you are. So stop being such a brat.
You should get a buzcut again
ik...dont gotta tell me
I never had male privilege besides the fact I didn't have to worry about guys trying to grope me.

My head voice sounds like my old guy voice and my speaking voice is a hybrid of my old guy voice and a gay voice.
> Tfw 1 inch flaccid so don't even need to tuck.
I need to start working on my voice, and well everything because transition just started. My voice in my head is kind of genderless, usually leaning feminine.
>Then everywhere I go, the vast majority of men are faggots.
turbofaggots desu
I remember hearing my voice for the first time. I got so embarrassed. I hated it. Not that I wanted it to be girly but I just hated it.
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Just try it bro.
I hate this when people think passing is all that matters
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Nice, I'm jelly. Can't wait for my tumor to atrophy after I get my orchi.
i am.....

i dont like my birth right being joked about
my last haircut was no more than 2 months before i started hrt.
what, you don't think i was going to sit around putting hrt off when i recognised my long term depression and shit tier sexual interest were because of repressed dysphoria, did you?
It really isnt. There's so much more. It's actually starting to make me mad that people think it is.
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>tfw so small it keeps coming out when try to tuck
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>Schizophrenia only happens in males.
nah the onset just happens later in females

<3 ~ <3 no bully thnx ..

>I never had male privilege
oh no pls

I repressed for a long time but still felt off if my hair was short, like I wasn't me, just different people I guess
How long
A gee pee, if you can pull it off though go for it
Long hair master race, mines a bit longer than yours, but I want mine butt length in the end too
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This is some pretty creative bait. My hair is short though because I caved in to family and got it cut. I thought i'd be in the USAF right now anyway so it wouldn't matter. And then I decided it was time to stop running and I'm growing it out. I would love to pull off a short hairstyle though, I think they're adorable, but I'll do what looks best and passes best.
How would you kill kayla if you got the chance, /mtfg/?
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hey pooks... what it do

just got back from a long day at the office.... filing my taxes

lil bit of bully..
Parents made me shave my head a year ago. My hair grows super slow.

All you needed was a brow bossing done you dumb ass.

.... well to be honest its mom that buys me that stuff yet she won't give me money for more expensive things like ffs or srs. Also nice subtle hugbox telling me I pass.
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>nah the onset just happens later in females

Someone's delusional.

It's both of us probably
Let's just cuddle then
umm goes all the way down my neck
I would fuck her to death
>I never had male privilege
I'm no feminist. Fuck I hate feminism desu, but at least I acknowledge that there are some privileges of being/presenting as male.
I just wished cis females would check their privileges too... and I wish trans women would cut that transfeminist bullshit sucking up to a group that tolerates the inclusion of self-entitled. bigoted cis TERFs
Look Kayla, I dont hate you. But it drives me insane that you complain about things. You REALLY do pass just fine. And if that's really you that I heard in the clip up there. Bravo. Your voice passes fine too.But for real. You need to be positive and try to help yourself. Because nobody else is going to do it for you.
crack her in the jaw with a truck
Don't pretend to be me you fucking donkey
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>but I want mine butt length in the end too
My gf's sister has a friend who looks almost identical to the girl pictured but with jet black hair that reaches down her bum.

She's pretty damn gorgeous with it. It's where I got the idea to get it that along tb-h.
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HONestly I think bully anon needs a hug.
Not giving her attention
>square jaw/chin and long philtrum are fine

You really are fucking dumb
>You need to be positive and try to help yourself. Because nobody else is going to do it for you.
If I learned anything from the past few days its that. I am all alone in this and I have to fight for money, I just don't like how hard it is to get cash.

>but at least I acknowledge that there are some privileges of being/presenting as male.
I only thought of one, not having to worry about being raped. Now I get guys following me sometimes when I am out, usually they are black. It sucks my clinic is in fucking south central LA, I am the only white person out there and holy shit i am a target for being mugged.
That's why you laugh at ugly trans women who think they pass
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I had it long, but I went for a trim and I sorta didn't speak up. I ended up with a Hitler youth desu.
I wish I had a peridot irl

or olivine actually, olivine looks nice

I would kill her in goldeneye desu
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My parents wouldn't let me grow out my hair, it was super gay.

She feeds off your hatred. Negative attention is still attention.

You did experience male privilege, the only I can imagine that you would say something to the contrary is to bait replies. Which you got, so congratulations.

Pretty much every man I interact with then. Except the gay ones.
Bait? I can understand if you got forced into it because of family/army but if you walked around with a buzz cut or whatever and liked it without a second thought that's a pretty iffy thing in terms of actual dysphoria and not just being agp
holy shit anna get destroyed
what would happen to him if he didn't get attention?
Not hating. Just being honest.
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I had shoulder length hair and bangs when I was in elementary school idk @____@

I wouldn't kill her I'd just try to be her friend and make her happy

uhmm I'm ok with this desu .....

I saw ur post earlier and asked my mom how to file taxes
and she doesn't even know
teach me ok ??

I read the first paragraph of an unverified medical journal so I think I know exactly what I'm talking about okay?
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Kyler Comedy Hour is entertaining and all but this has dragged on for more than an hour.

The piercings kind of ruin it.
>I only thought of one, not having to worry about being raped.
I... admit I can't really refute you from experience while I'm still in boymode. As soon as I'm able to present fulltime I guess I will find out how short-changed I have been all of my life.
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Yes, you phrased both those questions in a way to challenge us being trans. You were baiting for replies so you could post >>5536959 . It's obvious and don't bother pretending you were being genuine.
>I can understand if you got forced into it because of family/army but if you walked around with a buzz cut or whatever and liked it without a second thought that's a pretty iffy thing in terms of actual dysphoria and not just being agp
Re-read this sentence and tell me this isn't you baiting me into getting mad. You want to suggest I'm not trans but put on the illusion you're just asking innocent questions. You're better than the usual trolls, but it's still fucking obvious.
>You did experience male privilege
the fuck I did, unless you mean...
>the privilege to have cactus hair come out of my chin non stop
>the privilege of being a living piece of lifting equipment
>the privilege of being treated like a threat by everyone smaller than me
>the privilege of having to be told to man up every time things got hard
>the privilege of being made fun of if I ever showed emotions
oh yeah I had such privilege
Idk probs sperg out for a bit then die
>not being into qt pierced girls
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I don't see the appeal of unusual piercings and they make me kinda wince when I see them because I imagine they hurt
Who is that hon you keep spamming?
Uu I'm jealous, mines not jet black but hopefully it'll look really nice once it's that long
I had something similar happen to me, I went for a trim like 2 years ago and she look off like 3 or 4 inches, set me back so much and scared me from going to get haircuts
Probably drown her that way I don't have to hear her complaining about how she's not dying like a girl.
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look i hate to break it to you... but i wasnt really filing my taxes
Is that even supposed to be a tranny? I thought that was just a homo.

These cis girls should transition to male.
Those jawlines are awfully masculine
Not from you though that's for sure
oh god I want my nipples pierced so bad

>red nails with that outfit
I didn't make both of those posts nor did I ask the post I did in an attempt to bait, not everyone on here is autotrollong
u lied to me

what gaym are we playing
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im sorry caboose how can i make it up 2 u
buy me a doll
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>TFW you will never torture ad's feet like this and force her to resist laughing or else
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>tfw horribly manly jaw
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I don't get why you're still pretending here. You made multiple assumptions so you could jump to the conclusion I'm agp to get some (You)s out of me.
but I'm right here .....

gr8 image
Iktf the only time I was able to grow it out was highschool since my ass of a dad was overseas for awhile
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>not having a voice that sounds like Philip Best
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>le gook cartoon girl
Point taken.

It's a male model. Get used to seeing him, he'll get posted a whole lot more.

Nipple piercings are not my thing.

Fashion tastes from Kayla:

boots are fedoras for legs, all stars are for teenage boys and pretty much anything other than my own 50s dressup pseudo-female projections.
Fucking footfags.
first reply was meant for >>5537077

have u tickled pookie's feet b4
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Don't lie.
I just said boots are masculine and so are sneakers. No one has ever misgenderd me in high heels.
will u tickle my feet
>be me
>put on sexy lingerie
>underwear pulled up without needing to tuck
>vulva sits snugly inside creating a mild camel toe
>clitoris and labia start to feel engorged
>tfw agp
is there something I am missing? I thought the jaw being rounded like that in the back was feminine?
Uh I mean I was actually just genuinely curious if people were okay with their short manly haircuts growing up and didn't feel dysphoric from them but sure keep posting that bait fish I guess
No one misgenders me in hiking boots because I don't need to hide between 1950s housewife fashion to pass.
It is
My jawline isn't and I got ffs
Kayla just wants attention thats why
But those terms apply to real vaginas.
trip on elanna
tickling people is actually really fun l-lol
used to tickle this one kid in elementary school
then almost all my friends in high school

probably lol
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>I don't need to hide between 1950s housewife fashion to pass
>implying heels are old fashioned
>wearing hiking boots when your not hiking
what a fag


no only me thnx
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>boots are masculine and so are sneakers

You are of course aware that most women have boots and all stars in their wardrobe?
So pretty much what this anon has said

>tfw you will never get into anon's pants or turned on by her sexy lingerie
This is the worst post I've ever seen on this website.
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How about not make a bunch of assumptions and challenge how "trans" someone is if you have a genuine curiosity next time?
I didn't go for a buzzcut. I didn't like it. I never like getting my hair cut. It always causes me dysphoria having it short. Even when I was repressing and trying to make me being trans go away, I could never escape how much I hated having short hair. While I was hoping the military would fix me, I was dreading having it all shaved off and keeping a short haircut for years.
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>them lips
>that prognathism
ad is mine so you can frick off
I'm honored
when will kayla realize hes not trans?
Womens boots on me look horrible because of my giant shoe size, duh. If anyone wants to wear boots good for them but one I look bad in them and two, I don't live in the arctic.
Hell detransition again and buy a motorcycle in a year or so
when he gets srs and immediately regrets it
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When I realise I'm not trans
why would he get srs when he loves showing off his huge cock?
Hell ask for a big clit
You are not far off sweet cheeks.
I never detransitioned before.

Why would I regret srs? I hate my peen and am envious of taco havers.
Boots are better at obfuscating giant feet than flats and other types of women's shoes.
So what'll you call yourself after srs since you can't be miss cock anymore?
wearing boots in southern california is unheard of unless you are a construction worker
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Miss Taco Haver
>So what'll you call yourself after srs since you can't be miss cock anymore?
Shit name desu
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are you a stripper?
what the fuck is that
go fuck yourself, at least its now a special snowflake name and I don't have to change my middle name or initials
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How long would you be able to hold out? Would you giggle right away? You said you were sensitive last thread, so I'm just curious how longish you could resist it
In Arabic, "Kayla" means "wise child"
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I don't understand how this is possible, that is being pulled way too much. Could this work with a neo-vulva, would it be a way to clock a neo-vulva if it doesn't?
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I wouldn't

Kaylas just a person having a rough time
She may have burned some bridges but shes still a person
I know I haven't been here as long as you all but she isn't the worst thing on earth, I'm sad that everyone is so mean to her.

>please don't give me flack, I know I don't know her as well as you all but I haven't seen her be mean or anything since I've been lurking the past week and she is constantly told to kill herself and how much everyone hates her.
why do all trips try to make themselves look nice?
just take your trip off and be honest
You'll learn, they all learn eventually.
levelling on wow is so aids, i just wanna healslut

i dont mind her, she dumb as fuck though
I am being honest by putting up my trip
I know that lots of you disagree with what I say but I shouldn't have to hide as an anon to say what i think :/
Aren't you amazed by the elasticity of a real vagina?

I doubt that. Everything would probably come undone.
it would probably rip a neo-vag apart. You'd see flying red bits everywhere, you'd end up with a bottle full of puss and blood.
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> Tfw the overwhelming despair, fear, sadness, and regret you feel when thinking about past, present, and future.

This is unbearable. No matter what I do I'll be like this. If I stop transitioning I'll live the rest of my life miserable, rife with those emotions which will invariably cumulate in suicide. If I keep transitioning I might be able to vaguely pass, but I'll be bottom of the barrel, never even approaching 'average' and be miserable anyway.

Now I know why the suicide rates are so high. This is pure emotional torture, no if ands or buts about it. I have no mouth and I must scream.
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>mfw people say my jawline is fine
its what happens when a woman uses a cock pump
Just give it time Tilly. Soon you'll want to strangle her just like the rest of the general.
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So it's an actual girltinkler?
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Was looking for the srs video that ended up with a giant clit to call you miss clit, but ended up finding this.

Once healed I mean, obviously you wouldn't do that to a fresh out, sutures everywhere neo-vag.
lol thanks for being nice
I'm pretty sure this vag is already quite stretched out and not normal looking even when not pumped
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>tfw you gain weight and your bobs start hurting again
W-well, here we go again
I'm currently losing weight and I'm super worried that what little bewbers I have are going to abandon me :(
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tfw ur gf says she wouldnt date you if you were black

I was talking about the fully healed one. That kind of treatment creates micro injuries in healthy tissue let alone in something stitched up. It would probably fall apart along the healed stitch lines.
>those nipples
why do hons have the best tits?
>tfw you gain weight and it all goes to your ass leaving you with forever pancake AA's.
big tits would suit you desu
who would
shes just fat
trip on me
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>tfw you gain weight and it all goes to your belly making you look pregnant
But the "stitch lines" would just strong, healthy, scar tissue, not a weakness.
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i have the best gf desu
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He sounds like Scooby. What the fuck?

Don't be jealous.
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m...maybe you are pregnant :O
>you beat the system!
you need a corset , then enjoy big tits/big butt ezpz
id rather be skinny with small boobs than fat with big ones
Scar tissue is actually about 80% as strong as normal one. No idea about elasticity but it's probably far less.
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its pretty cool

neat you got the Shamrock
Well, just gotta wait and see. You'll probably keep at least some, and they may be more prominent if you're skinnier.

Ain't nothin wrong with rocking a badonkadonk

B-but I don't want back problems ;-;
>tfw crossing fingers for megamilks anyways

Scar tissue isn't the most flexible thing in the world.
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>He sounds like Scooby
haha your right
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Why not both?
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>Tfw hopelessly unpassable body
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damn, after a quick google this seems to be correct

my entire life i've been told scar tissue is stronger
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How fat are we talking here? I might be able to deal with it
Yeah he's pretty neato, do you have him? His eyes are scary as hell
I wanna be able to complain about having huge boobs and back problems ;_;
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I'll rek ur sht bud

desu .....
you pass just fine
if that isn't passing then I need to kill myself
A common misconception. What doesn't kill you, etc.
Under magnification the scar tissue is a jumbled mess of cross-connections, not something structurally sound.
Maybe no one will care, but, I've finally gotten an appointment with one of my hospitals therapists and that is the first step to getting hormones covered by insurance. I'm excited even though it isn't for 2 weeks. But after several days of being confused and calling wrong places i finally got the right place and set up an appointment!
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>tfw your face and head is literally a square
Oh, I'm not bothered about how they look, I just have a crush on you personally, and I want to know about how ticklish your feet are... it's just that question.. please..?
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are you fucking trolling right now?

this is kayla levels of delusion
Doens't Kayla constantly brag about how she's the next Dollface though?
>I wanna be able to complain about having huge boobs and back problems ;_;
As someone with a number of very well endowed women in the family, I can say that you probably don't. ;~;
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Congrats friend!
pretty fat desu, besides im really tall so i'd look a bit funny if i was fat
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Even shannon says I'm delusiobal and pass fine.
>she's the next Dollface though
This is a good thing?
>next Dollface
Why would anyone want that kind of life for them?
wouldn't that make you 2d?
I never said that in my life.
Makes me a man-headed man beast
No that would make her a doughnut.
I would probably instantly die.
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what is this round bread?
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>tfw only computers say you pass
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Bundt Cake?
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>eat cold little Cesar's
instant regret, there goes my weight loss
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I think the last time I got my haircut was July last year (very short) and been growing it since.

However I think this is the most it can grow since it's never really gone past this point in the past ;_; feels bad man, i'l probably need extensions just to have a chance of passing
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I had my nose and belly button done in addition to my ears, still, those are both relatively tame.

Ive heard nipple piercings hurt more the smaller your breasts are, if you have big tits then its painless, if you have skittles then its extremely painful.

There is no such thing as AGP

I have my hair down my back now and it is pretty much amazing. I may never stop growing it out.

Im currently trying really hard to eat a lot more, in addition to doing lots of crunches and planks. The idea is to get fat tits and butt but not stomach.

/pol/ <3

>tfw when you can't remember the last time you were misgendered
Going to go rub one out to this thought of you being unable to resist it now, thanks
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>tfw so manly I can't do grilmode and only stupid computers think I pass the way I look when I go outside

Probably detects my long hair and is like wow this must be a tranny or female so lets gender it female so they'll be happy
trip on kayla
tfw /pol/ gf
For fucks sake Kayla stop dragging shit from /b here. You would be a loser even if you were born as a girl.
Well I am only 11 and 3/4 months on hrt so I have tiny boblets that aren't ready to pierce. I talked with someone that had them done at the same time and size I am now and said that when her boobs grew they the piercings ripped out. Just like I talked with someone who had implants at my same time on hrt and then they had to take the implants out because her boobs grew again.
No. I kinda wanna stray away from action figures and box stuff. I have the Polyania garage kit but its in Turkey with some of my others..
>in addition to doing lots of crunches and planks
I've actually tried working out my core before and I found that it actually killed my body shape, if you can pull it off then godspeed. Spot training is really hit and miss so far as I've heard.
>There is no such thing as AGP
I disagree, there totally is, some people identify as having it, and some transition.
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pizza pizza

you do have nice thick hair though at least

>tfw watching sam hyde videos with your gf
You have a boy torso
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>not wanting a hard cock punching your uterus
>mom laughs at me says I'm pathetic
>says all I'm doing is laying there and coughing
>says my place is a trash can because she came over right after I ate and there was a bowl and a mug out

I really do hate her completely
I feel more disgust towards kayla than I do towards fat and mentally challenged people
Which is why I made a post about hating my body...
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ayyy yyo asshole
Sounds Terrible, can I just get a nice tounge bath instead?
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i know...
She sounds like my mom.

>haven't combed hair or dressed yet
>"you look homeless"

She's just a jealous bitch sometimes
Fuck Kyler you even sound like a dock worker.
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>punching your uterus
Spoken like a true lesbian
Its been a year since i've cut my hair but im sort of reluctant to get a trim I just want it long enough so I can straighten it without it looking goofy
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you ever see a hair cut so good, you just wanna off yourself?
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>tfw my mom only hugboxes me
Fucking kill me
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has edgar/ rape face really left forever following his stalking/scat incident?
i think they want to talk
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>you ever see a hair cut so good, you just wanna off yourself?
all the time
can we Skype
u gonna cut urself you little freak? huh? yeah... just a little cut just to see how it feels... oooy eah. feels good doesnt it? physical pain feels GOOD..... yeah you like ti when daddy hits you? mmmmm yeah you're my littel freak.....
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I'm still here baby girl.
Hey Skype me.

whew that was scary
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>tfw edgar could pass better than you
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But seriously Can we skype
I hate my thick hair, its too curly. You people with straight hair are gifted I tell yous!
he does
At least you are not into scat doughnut.
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post yfw Disney will never make a transgender princess
Maybe one day
Whee awake from random nap~ driving around all night was shitty

Hehe idk you just always talk about /toy so much made me think of ya when I saw the thread.
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Why do I even bother when I look like the guy from wolfenstein except brown hair.
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just let it go

see above

but seriously just tell them you dont want to talk to them, and eventually they'll give up

you could always block them for a couple days until they calm down. Do you know why they are trying so hard to call you?

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good, a tranny could never be an actual princess
-blocks u-
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That would be a depressing movie.
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>a tranny could never be an actual princess
Say it ain't so yume
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last for just fuck my shit up
I cried for the last 4 days consecutive. It's just wake up, make breakfast, cry myself to sleep, maybe eat something else, cry some more, maybe watch a tiny bit of anime before I start crying from jealousy, maybe play a bit of videogames before my stupid brain reminds me of all my problems, cry myself to sleep, repeat.

Being trans is hell.
>accidentally gender myself female on the phone
>moment of silent awkwardness
Mulan pls
You need to create a really good comfort zone, anon.

I don't even go outside anymore and never use my voice and avoid mirrors and looking at my body.
i mean we can dream but hey... it wont happen im just being realistic to the era

you're a prince and u tell ur papa the king that u wanna be a girl and a princess.. well lets just say ur going to have an UNFORTUNATE hunting accident
of course you of all people would bring up the ftm

im talking about an mtf that starts off as a depressed prince
That sounds terrible. Why even live at that point?
Probably something like that, I would never trust a robot about that kind of shit.

Who needs a gf when you can make out with a rifle?

I would never get breast implants, personally. 10k surgery and then they must be replaced every ten years for another 10k. In top of that they're bad for your health.

Well, Im trying. Its worked so far with making my butt bigger and stomach flatter.

Well, you do need to trim it to gt rid of dead ends and what not. Regular trims actually encourage faster hair growth, when you go in to see your stylist tell you want to grow it out.

Its not the hair cut, but the texture and way some girls can do up their hair. The most complex shit I can do is a braid.

Holy shit, can anyone here watch that movie without crying? I cant even sit through the reflections song without breaking

There was a tranny Roman Emperor once.
The young prince tells his father and he sends him to the front to battle with the adults. He eventually becomes a battle hardened man full of regret. The wondering though the woods he comes across a witch that tricks him into doing tasks with the promise of turning the prince into a princess.
you cant block me irl dummy
Live for the video games, anime, shitposting and hoping one day maybe you'll stop looking like a hyper masculine man beast.
>what's a restraining order
yeah that works

it would still be SJW cancer and u know it tho
dont talk back to me or ill throw more change at you
If all you do is play video games, watch anime, and shitpost where does the hope come in?
Like the first half of the movie shows the young prince getting into trouble and hiding his feelings around the castle, then he gets sent to war and becomes a warrior, then the witch tricks him into doing tasks, then he gets transformed into a princess, and then the witch changes him back and then right at the end the change is made permanent and she lives as a princess forever.
The few times I get delusional, it usually gives me a lot of hope, even getting hugboxed by a computer made me happy.

Life sucks.
I was this witch. I proceeded to keep Kayla's soul in a bottle until I required her payment at any given moment she would be summoned to repay the debts of the old witch of the forest
It sounds like the rest of your life is a kayla-tier delusion. Thinking that something might get better without putting in effort or facing uncomfortable situations.
Does it make you sad that you get bullied here?
Eh, you should see my horrible face.

It's pretty much the only reason i'm not getting anywhere and I need heavy surgery to fix it.
Makes the threads more enjoyable tbhon.
What kind of work do you do? What's your timeline for surgery?
Don't be a doughnut and post your face.
>getting a restraining order on the girl supporting your neet life
what could go wrong

I-I'll be good
I'm neet and never because i've given up lel.

>posting my caveman/orc tier face here and getting bullied
One day!
Well, that seems like it would work out better than expected desu

Who was this tranny roman emperor? o.o
Or you could read non fascist conglomerate produced trans fairy tales

>You will never kidnap ad, tie and gag her, tear off her work shoes, exposing her soft ticklish soles, before dragging your fingernails across them slowly and making her scream and giggle

So basically me,
Went to war
My mom is a witch
I detransition all the time

Still waiting on that ending tho
*adds to cart*
my school called me and im not really out yet
>arsenal fans
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