[Boards: 3 / a / aco / adv / an / asp / b / bant / biz / c / can / cgl / ck / cm / co / cock / d / diy / e / fa / fap / fit / fitlit / g / gd / gif / h / hc / his / hm / hr / i / ic / int / jp / k / lgbt / lit / m / mlp / mlpol / mo / mtv / mu / n / news / o / out / outsoc / p / po / pol / qa / qst / r / r9k / s / s4s / sci / soc / sp / spa / t / tg / toy / trash / trv / tv / u / v / vg / vint / vip / vp / vr / w / wg / wsg / wsr / x / y ] [Search | Free Show | Home]


This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 323
Thread images: 55

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twink edition
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janny won't be happy, oh no, not whatsoever
got called a nonce enabler in TK Maxx earlier
reported for being early
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excellent edish'
we have them and plenty of people still call them 'poundshops' despite pound not being in use here anymore
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Don't have any gay pics on the main pc, but here's the sunset on mars.
Amazing, don't you think.
lanky cunt
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saved this from a /brit/ thread 4 years ago
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Ah yes, /v/.
not really. every planet has a sunset.
sure you wouldn't if they gave you even the slightest bit of attention
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there's no rule that says you have to wait until the last thread is on a certain page before posting a new. There IS a rule against announcing a report however...
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this triggers the gimp
Huh, didn't even know.
Better call my Romanian parents to tell them the good news (King Carol is related to her).
Isn't it mad that email has survived the various evolutions of the internet
Jannie doesn't play by the rules.
wow what a runt i bet our sun could beat up their sun
the state of that neck
thats the moon
reported for announcing a report
yeah but this a blue board and I wouldnt have reported this nsfw material if you'd just waited instead of being an impatient cunt
im phoneposting on mobile internet anyway ao janny cant ban me
if that happened and I was there I would shout "go on sun!" haha
it hasn't really though, most messaging services have rendered it nothing more than a file transfer system
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What's amazing is that there's images of it. Goddammit. This is why we'll never go to space.
well obviously i dont know them but they seem like the kind of women who depend entirely on their looks but inside is fucking empty of any substance be it intellectual or personality. that isn't my speed mate. cant abide vanity like that 2bh.
working on my weebl and bob backlog
Gf just constantly wastes any disposable income on absolute shite that "will look good in instagram photos" that will be put in a box full of other shite in a month or two

Just makes me realise how superficial women really are
business idea: raise taxes on the poor and cut them on the rich
reported for announcing a report
get on gumtree and make some profit lad
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Report away, I guarantee the doorkeep won't do a thing.
far more interesting things out there aside from sunsets mate.
t. has never worked a day in his life

I hope you're not the same aussie who thought zip bras didn't exist from the last thread
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Business idea: Legalize all drugs but only with proper harm reduction, education and safety measures in place. It should be your own choice but it should be an informed one.

Not sure how realistic it is to provide scientific education & advocate harm reduction with all the disinformation spread by the government, alcohol & tobacco industries, etc. but I think it would be better than decriminalization of all drugs because customers would still have to rely on drug dealers many of whom don't know or care about the quality of their products, and some of whom sell to minors.
Gosh darnit! What in tarnations!?
you're big talk now but i reckon you'd convince yourself they did have a great personality anyway
business idea: steal from the poor to give to the rich
the problem is once girls become teenagers they become literal drones that care way to much about what others think. Half dont seem to grow out of that
invest in uber
yes it does thats part of the definition of a planet
die bitch
Eh, do you really think conversation is what people use email for?
Of course there are, but can you put a price on the romanticism of going beyond Earth? I can't even fathom a multiverse, whatever that is, because it seems to diminish everything worth living for.
every planet has a sun
not every sun has a planet
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OI!!! JANNY!!!
and im not
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die bitch
its what they did and why i said it hasn't completely survived
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>that pic
very thin willy
excellent post

big fan of australians
if they were willing to do all the work and give me a free shag then yeh of course i'd go for it but i would not spend any effort into trying to seduce them. that would obviously never happen as they're used to idiot blokes falling over themselves in droves for what is essentially a mannequin. nah mate. just not for me.
business idea : sell /brit/
decriminalisation means fuck all if prices stay similar to black market rates. the only allure the government has is tax associated with selling that shit, meaning it's probable that the pharmacy price of heroin will be as much as street heroin, or street heroin may be cheaper for less quality.

the decriminalisation of drugs is far more complicated than the dude weed lmaos make it out to be.
delete this
why does all continental pop music literally sound the same
business idea: deliver timeless australian /brit/ posts
business idea:
Conquer south east asia for the emperor
oops, I meant to hat the other guy, what with the pic of a fedora wearing brony and all.

rogue planets dont count.
don't even know why you're telling me all this when my original post was about pathetic guys like me
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>that groom
>with THAT BRIDE?!?!
maybe it will wake you up and then the power dynamic i described will end forever.
ugly men marry above themselves way more often than women lad
Im gay ama.
Going outside for a ciggie, brb.
benis in bagina

decriminalisation of drugs doesn't mean it's legal to sell it, when people talk about decriminalisation of drugs it usually means that drug addiction isn't recognized as a crime, and nor is the possession of small amounts of drugs for personal use.
I'm bi, AMA.
I don't smoke because I'm not a disgusting subhuman.
Good morning, lads.
id rather be a slave to a pretty girl then have a mutually caring one with an ugly girl not that either are an option for me
no it wasn't, the hint is in the name

message boards were around at the time of email ffs
i have no gf, AMA
I remember when we were younger we used to call everyone faggots and gay and it was always undoubtedly a bad thing.
what the fuck has happened that now you can't even insult trans peope without having people lose the plot
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alri spiclad
>not a disgusting subhuman

you don't have conversations with people you know over message boards
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>guitar selfie selfie
fuck off grandad
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bi pepe.jpg
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New guitar looks expensive
How'd he get the money for it?
he has a trust fund which he uses to pay for everything
what is tim up to now? haven't watched him since he moved house and stop wandering around

is he back to wandering around?
People used to talk on the phone.

Mental to think about it now desu.
LOVE wanking

HATE sex
then literally what is the point?

there's absolutely no point decriminalising drugs like fucking meth, heroin and crack if the government has absolutely nothing to gain. if anything, the government has more to lose given the fact that crime rates following addiction rates not rates of recognition of addiction by arrest. it basically means the government has no way to track addicts based upon their crimes until their methed up fuckwit arse is bashing some poor bastard for $15.

decriminalisation has minimal advantages aside from dudeeeee dont hate me cuz i do drugs lmao. i want the police to be able to track fucked up methheads based upon where theyre arrested.
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>have two beers
>get hangover
i have a trust fund but its only worth like 200k at best thats not enough to do nothing with
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Never happened.
We gay are a mutation. It is up to socities to accept it or not. All my class mates were lovely towards it.
Left-handedness is also a mutation.
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gonna let you in on a secret, big lad
neck one of these bad boys before beddie-bys and you'll be sorted
me on the table
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me and the gf
me on the left
bit gay
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still having the gin and tonic
gotta tell you the irish lad is spot on
good lad

rehydration salts + berocca + soluble aspirin in a litre of water is the go to remedy. has to be taken before bed though.
>its no 2017
when the fuck did that happen
>got back into tabletop roleplaying games

Embracing my virginity lads. At least I look and act normie enough.
hate it when girls cut their hair short like that
*makes you wear a dunce cap and sit in the corner for the rest of the thread*
its nearly MAY 2017
was going to go to bed anyway
*fucks off*
glad when the Australians go to bed, they ruin the thread.
Yeah, just take all this shit and drink a ton of water before going to bed.

You're sure to remember to do that when you roll in barely able to stand and collapse into bed with your shoes on.
fuck off
thread is ruined by the normies who come on in the evening
>when the Australians go to bed, they ruin the thread.
VERY true
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>tabletop roleplaying games
them Australians are normie, you are correct however, the evening normies are far more cancerous.
would would you do if you were a literal billionaire?

i'd spend every waking moment on 4chan and drink a whole bottle of wild turkey every day
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*tries to leave /brit/*
*gets stuck in the door*
how do you not piss up a storm in bed after drinking a litre while pissed?
I feel absolutely rotten if I go straight to sleep after getting in, room starts spinning and it always makes me vom
might as well use the "cool down" time to sort myself out for the morning
you must be a literal mongoloid on the piss. i've staggered home in absolute dire states and still remembered to do it.
As a Romanian 10 year visa holder to the US, it's silly.
Mexican border agent was literally asking me why I'm here.
sosig sarnie for lunch
Never saw the appeal there desu. It's like action posting in /brit/ but more autism and in real life so you can smell the other people.
looks like thatd be pretty uncomfortable and dangerous desu
spruce up every single arcade in grimsby
>buy essential things for my siblings and mother so they don't have to work jobs they don't want to anymore
>hire instagram models and porn stars to fly out to me
>build a top class home theatre
How do I top up the coolant in my car? Do I need to replace it or can I just add more?
post qi kinos

dunno, just end up passing out and waking up like 6 or 7 hours later with a bladder the size of my head haha.

if you've had water throughout the night then you can gun less of it but a litre is when you've had none and know you're fucked without it
>Never saw the appeal there desu
some people do so no one cares what you think
Don't reply then.
"Alright lets lock up and head out"
*turns off lights*
"Are we forgetting someone?"
Erm... nope, cant think of anyone
There's no limits and it never gets boring, better than any game, boardgame, film etc. It's great fun.

It sounds autistic but that depends on the players on how they play.
add more. make sure its the right type though
just travel non stop and have a nice house on the beach so i could have a surf and hang out when at home

wouldn't work a fucking day in my life
we voted leave get out
just had an epileptic seizure
imagine being NOT GAY
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How does that apply to 'permanent residents'?
If I've drunk enough to need to do any of that there's very little chance I will remember getting home. Whatever I do will be on the ol' autopilot.
not gay is the new gay

gf just sent me this
hope she gets beheaded
hate it when girls cut their hair short like that
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me and the lads
I prefer something where you're competing against the other people, like a board game.
josy is a lesben
STOP posting gay porn please
still very much attracted to lads, like arms, legs, body, hnnnnnnnnnnng
don't worry, the trannie poster will be here any minute
homosexuality is a fetish
really don't like people who use reddit flags.
just leave it on your desk and you'll do it
going to play a video game
or video art as i like to call them
yes, but is that wrong?
do you like me
those trannies are absolutely rotten looking
i never even open them but it still makes me grimace
using a trip is worse
Fair enough, I find board games have fuck all depth and don't really interest me.

You can still get tabletop rpgs that involve fucking over the other players mind you.
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fetishes can be cured
no it isn't, you can filter me easy.

reddit flaggers on respond to each other and alienate new people from /brit/ they're fucking aids
burn in hell homo
*does a dance*
>fuck all depth

Not sure what you mean by that.
tony blair was a zionist shill planted to destroy the UK through mass immigration
what about me
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>you can filter me easy.

correct. heres how to do it lads. i suggest everyone does it.
NEED a link to thailads website NOW
>make mine & gfs families rich and comfortable
>buy 4chan, sack janny, remove wordfilters, ban the name "moni" from /int/ and /r9k/, regularly fuck with /pol/, put "YOU ARE A PAEDOPHILE" at the top of every anime board
>buy an island and have a castle built on it and live there in the winter
>buy a vintage mansion in the english countryside and have all property developers who consider building anything modern nearby assassinated
>hire some nerds to invest my money
>rig the us elections
>cancel the simpsons
>buy the rights to adapt tolkiens works and never do anything with them
>buy a lottery ticket every day
>dox lisicki
>hopefully afford chemotherapy for my liver
Why don't you filter him then?
he's an autistic wanker, there was a point about a year ago where he'd spam that png in every thread, even if I wasn't posting.

He doesn't actually want to filter me, he wants me to respond to him
hell isn't real potato
just doing my part. not everyone is selfish.
>drink loads of water before going to bed
>hope that needing a piss will work like an alarm clock and wake me up early
>just piss the bed instead
Ah yes
>fantasising about what you would do if you were rich

Is there anything more runtish?
embroil >>73876441 in frivolous lawsuits so he cant afford to do anything in his list
>buy 4chan, sack janny, remove wordfilters, ban the name "moni" from /int/ and /r9k/, regularly fuck with /pol/, put "YOU ARE A PAEDOPHILE" at the top of every anime board
make this man the warlord
done a few piss beds myself
prove it
NEED a legitimate link to thailads website NOW
fantasising about what you would do on a middle class income
whimpering in your sleep
*holds up finger and thumb very close to one another* literally this close to stomping the gfs perfect face in
do you like me
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I talk in my sleep.

Used by VERY self-conscious about it but I just don't give a toss.
>tfw have a memory foam matress so whenever i piss the bed the piss seeps into the material and is hard as fuck to clean and stinks

i just dont bother cleaning it anymore
How do farmers party?

They turnip the beet

If being gay is wrong then why did God make willies so juicy and tempting?
have a quiet word with yourself mate
shall give her a toss right out the window if she carries on

>pissing the bed
didnt realise everyone here was literally 90 years old
I really hope you're all joking about pissing the bed.
Find it hard to understand why other people aren't as attractive as me
i literally saw that on reddit earlier
once woke up after heavy drinking to find i had puked while i was asleep, but luckily i didnt choke on it
I don't piss my bed per se, but I do like to empty my piss bottles into the mattress from time to time
absolute state of your piss soaked life hahahahahaha
virus do not click
spilt water on my laptop and now the keyboard has gone mental

what an I supposed to do now? buy a new keyboard?
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me in the vomit pit
because something went wrong with your development as a foetus so your brain is more feminine which in turn made you bent. also i imagine your parents had a part to play. sucks to be them.
Now, I have done that.

Had to buy a new mattress.

snib snib :D
>whenever I piss the bed
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cow shit.webm
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>take a coin or a card on your turn!
>repeat until there's a winner

I dunno some of them I've played are too 'simple', there's tactics but the core gameplay isn't interesting enough for me to care.
>pissing the bed frequently
think you freaks need to stop wanking so much. damaging your dick pipes.
cannot fathom being in a fulfilling and wholesome relationship

all mine have pretty dreadful
one got really really hammered and woke up the next morning to find a damp patch of carpet next to the wall

my theory is that I got up in the night, still comatose from alcohol, and pissed up against the wall thinking I was outside
too autistic for normies
too normie for autists
well i like me
have accidentally burst my colostomy bag a number of times by lying on it when im asleep lol
youre alright
Think there's a whole world of board games out there that you're unaware of desu.
good for you
yeah I've done that, thought I was pissing in the toilet then realised I was like 90 degrees away from it facing the wall

funniest was when I wasn't feeling flash so I downed 2 litres of water at the bar then made myself projectile vomit all over one of the club toilets hahahahahahaha
>those batshit crazy eyes
so play more complex board games you weapon
once i drank so much I got a bit of a headache and everything started spinning so I stopped and took some deep breaths, then I was ok
I see this post everyday
what's the best term for a stupid person lads?

quite like "melt" myself
This always happens.

Trying to drink a load of water when you're pissed is an absolute meme.
once i had two beers got a slight buzz from it but apart from that i was fine
I was alright till they took me off my medication
for me, it's pillock or spanner
black person
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on the train

once woke up in the morning, went to turn on my small plug-in radiator and it came on for about 20 second bfore the room was full of the stench of warm piss. pissed in the radiator
business idea: my uni puts my fucking grades up already
it's superb when you're looking to tac vom because there's so much fluid in your stomach you never dry retch or have those painful contractions where nothing comes out

highly recommend it
this is good too

only sounds good to you mate

have a word with yourself

too childish
*has a word with myself*
I post it every day
answer me>>73876709
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>mixing third and first person in the same sentence
was it your stats ones lad
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>tac vom
wish i didn't just quit any time i encountered something difficult
how do you not know what a tac vom is
drop kicked my dog down the stairs

he cant walk now
enjoying your first day on 4chan so far dickhead?
Doing a tactical shite
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>quite like "melt" myself

"You're a melt."
"He's such a melt."

... This sounds kinda homo to me.
*encounters something difficult*
*doesn't answer you*
having a tactical wank lads
No. It's shit.

What the fuck are you lads playing at here?
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*mixes third and first person in the same sentence*
I know what it is it's just such a teenager thing to say
literally fap to this
having a tactical wank while taking a guerrilla shite
mixing third and first person in the same sentence
Has /brit/ ever invented a good gimmick?

things like to be honest posting aren't gimmicks
ahhh yes sorry I'll try to be more mature on an anime forum for ya mate
*invents a good gimmick*
your mum is a gimmick
in what way
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I'm the one who introduced the term 'gimmick'.

Wish I hadn't really.
thank you
>not saying chunder
I enjoy future posting

gimmick idea: replace the term 'gimmick' with 'schtick'
Seeeeeeeeeeeeeeeexy boy
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>fucking up future posting
Almost runted yourself there lad.
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>future posting
>quotes post in the past
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fuck off cunt
holy shit..
mugged yourself right off didn't you

stupid australian cunt
>inb4 brrraaaap
terrible shtick
reeeeeeee I'm posting off my phone you melts

i enjoy bollock posts
this'll be a CORKER of a post lads absolute corker
/brit/ has been awful this past week

levels of reddit and newshittery that I've never seen before
future posting is only funny now and again and especially when it's not every other post in a thread

just kidding, it's never funny.
it's unironically real, how else can I prove it?
feet absolutely reek

keep an eye out for this post btw lads >>73877489

it's an absolute screamer, make sure you let him know with cheeky haha
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(emotionally) feel like shit but im not tired enough to go to sleep
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*walks backwards, away from you*
did you not see this? >>73877384
this, probably the worst gimmick yet

see I was right
you're the newfag young bucko
top post
Quite fond of the pre-emptive fedora gimmick.
fuck off
what, the post he picked happened to be someone in this thread? who cares?
hahahahahahaa great post!
the post he picked happened to be me when he was already replying to me you mong

better call the ufo hunters mate
There was a comfy thread yesterday, but other than that you're right
so that's what happened to sophie ellis-bextor
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posting for being banned
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Thread posts: 323
Thread images: 55

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