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>Norway has election this fall >The last four years with

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>Norway has election this fall
>The last four years with a far right gubmint has been epic beyond my wildest dreams.
>Massive leftist butthurt
>Daily reports of SJW's crying in MSM
>shitskins and their familys deported left and right
>Based prime minister Erna and beyond based integration minister Sylvi have regularly flipped off Sweden and the EU

i don't want this to end. It looks like a tie at the moment
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Sylvi Listhaug called SJW's a "screaming choir" so retards as they are they staged a screaming choir protest outside of her office:

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>far right
you must be a basement dweller if you think your government is far right
>Far-right goverment
This is the unironic state of european politics where what norway got is counted as "far-right".
>Erna regularly flipped off EU

what the hell are Norweigians smoking to want to vote for Arbeiderpartiet?

do they wish to become Sweden 2.0?
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will H + Frp rejoin for this election again?

what are their major differences if they are both centre Right?

Arbeiderpartiet(labour) is more or less Hoyre(right) light now. Even they are advocating strict border controls but still. They are campaigning for rasing taxes even more.
one of them want to shoot the 5 wolves inhabiting norway the other doesnt
very important cases for norwegian politics

Sweden, who would believe this?! Sweden!

They took in large numbers.

They're having problems like they never thought possible! Sad!
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So does the guy in the video says that France should want him more than culturally French blacks, but then he says that pan-european ideas are bad. What's the deal?

Frp is far right populist according to MSM.
H is more traditional centre right.

They are campaigning to continue their colaboration yes.
Stay strong Norway. Love from your Fjord bros in New Zealand.

is there a chance Labour might join with someone else on the left?

could the Christian Democrats be persuaded to join the H + Frp coalition as they are centrist/centre right?
This >>73870360. Arbeiderpartiet were directly inspired by New Labour in the Uk to change themselves in the same way during the 2000s under Stoltenberg. Thus they have the worker-left voters as well as the neoliberals.
>Vote blank

Just don't vote at all
>do they wish to become Sweden 2.0?

Almost every party even on the left agree that we must have very strict border controls and asylum regulations to prevent (as every politican says in the media) "Swedish conditions"

The only parties who are for more open border policy is the christian party FRP (with 6.2%) and Socialist left party SV (with latest polling putting them under 4% and thus no seats in the parliament)
This is why your democracy is shit. A blank vote is always better than not voting.
OMG stop being such a nazi norway!

The Christian democrats have supported the current coalition but they have been very outspoken against Sylvi Listhaug deporting immigrants and their children.

Arbeiderpartiet has been very openly fishing for the Christian democrats to support them instead to form a centre left coalition.
Can't say for Sweden or Norway, but here in Spain a blank vote goes to the most voted party. The only 4 parties that can realistically get elected are: institutionalised corruption/kikes (PP), same shit but with a """"socialist""""" mask (PSOE), neo-communism (Podemos) and neo-PP (Ciudadanos).
Considering that and that there is no party worth voting, I haven't voted in years. You'd be surprised as to how many Spaniards have this mentality. If I recall correctly, last election had a participation rate of 40% or some shit like that, so literally less than half of the voting-age population voted. How legitimate is our political system then?
>2.7 to the communist party
>2.5 to the batshit green party
>4.2 to the leftist socialist party

Fucking hell
vote for Franco

That should be *the christian party KRF
Franco's legacy is pretty much alive the most within the PP, which at this point is literally kikes kiking everybody and pocketing shit themselves.
I unironically think our last decent government was the Habsburg monarchy
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Do i need to BEAT democracy in to you fucking nazis?
If it's going so well then why is it a tie and not a landslide victory?
women have voting rights
Well surely they did 4 years ago as well, what I'm saying is why would you fear losing the election if the government has been so successful?
There are lots of people who don't consider that successful. Same as here.
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>one of them want to shoot the 5 wolves inhabiting norway the other doesnt
very important cases for norwegian politics

For some reason nothing gets people more riled up and emotional than wolves-hunting politics.
People argue about immigration all the time, but the second wolves get mentioned, death threats start on both sides. Its fucking insane how emotional people get over the fucking wolves.

>Islamic immigration is ruining our economy and culture, but lets murder each other over if we should have 30 or 10 wolves instead.
>here in Spain a blank vote goes to the most voted party.
This is absolutely false.
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I dunno.. When Listhaug ran out of refugees to deport she said all the extra burocrats could keep their job if they started to scrutinize those who had gotten their application approved going back 20 years. So now there have been all these cases with people who lied on their application 20 years ago have gotten their citizenship taken away and they and all their family including kids born here have been deported. Some people think she overdid it.
Because people are smart and prefer to focus on relevant issues. Something immigration isn't, outside of like Turkey or Germany.

>So now there have been all these cases with people who lied on their application 20 years ago have gotten their citizenship taken away and they and all their family including kids born here have been deported.

dont shoot them please
compensate the peasants or smt, you are loaded with money
Youre not living in reality
>Because people are smart and prefer to focus on relevant issues. Something immigration isn't, outside of like Turkey or Germany.

Not discussing immigration sure went swell for you söta bror!
Corrígeme si me equivoco, pero la última vez que miré o bien iba al más votado, o todos los votos en blanco se repartían entre todos los partidos o los más grandes.

Aunque independientemente de eso, para votar en blanco, para qué votar?
Yeah? I mean it didn't go badly I guess.
>I dunno.. When Listhaug ran out of refugees to deport she said all the extra burocrats could keep their job if they started to scrutinize those who had gotten their application approved going back 20 years. So now there have been all these cases with people who lied on their application 20 years ago have gotten their citizenship taken away and they and all their family including kids born here have been deported. Some people think she overdid it.
Best politician, we can have an overstaffed state as long as they keep the muzzies out
They are already getting compensated.
I don't give a fuck about wolves either way, so I haven't really looked into the argument of either sides. But as far as I understand it, most pro wolf are city dwellers who thinks wolves are "exotic". And most anti-wolf are people living in rural areas who are the ones getting affected by the wolves.

You can't reason with any of them. There is NOTHING which get people more fired up than this wolf stuff.
So is it that people are actually being attacked by wolves? Like the wolves of When wolves come up in Sweden it's just to hunt them so they don't overpopulate.
This is why the voting age should be raised to 25.
The argument for wolves is always:
>None has been killed by wolves for 200 years
And the counter argument:
>But there hasn't been any wolves for 200 years

None has been attacked as far as I know. But people don't wanna send their kids to school alone, with wolves skulking by their houses.

I'm more afraid of black people than wolves any way.
>I'm more afraid of black people than wolves any way.
How many have been killed by them in the last 200 years?
You're asking me how many people has been killed by blacks (including black on black) for the last 200 years in the world? How the fuck could I know that number?
I guarantee you it's more than wolves, even in Norway.
>The left wants to remove the K from KRLE again
>Unironically wants to spend tax money on this virtue signalling shitfest only to have it changed to some other retarded acronym next election

Why is this allowed
Absolutely fucking based. If only she was in charge of the rest of europe as well.
>Why is this allowed
The text book writers need a job too!
Why hasn't Norwegian far right pardoned Breivik?
>Based prime minister Erna and beyond based integration minister Sylvi have regularly flipped off Sweden
Really? We haven't noticed.
Obviously in Norway!
>None has been killed by wolves for 200 years
>But there hasn't been any wolves for 200 years
were obviously about Norway! And thus my response would also be about Norway.
Fria tider gillar att skriva artiklar om att "Norge och Danmark skrattar åt våran regering". Rätt så löjligt.
den var till >>73872305
Man får sålla bort den värst vinklade idiotin när man läser tidningar. Det gäller såväl DN som Fria Tider.
We used to have about 80+ racially motivated killings by asylum seekers a year, so between 1998-2015 it would be more racially motivated killings by blacks on whites than wolves killing whites for a couple of centuries.

The racial motive here is revenge for being deported or rejected asylum claim
>We used to have about 80+ racially motivated killings by asylum seekers a year
>the last four years have been epic

It's only been a slight bump in the right direction, but at least we dodged a bullet when the leftists were saying we should take in 100k arab men.
>We used to have about 80+ racially motivated killings by asylum seekers a year
Considering how Norway only has about 30 homicides per year, that seems like quite an extraordinary claim.
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Fake news. The only year Norway surpassed 65 homicides between 1969 and 2017 was in 2011 after Breivik's massacre, and not even half of the murders are committed by immigrants.
Friendly reminder that SJWs and leftists cry ceaselessly even when they are the ones who make all the decisions.
Pissing them off isn't an accomplishment.
Vad hände 86 och 87?
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It's almost like they are a strawman opponent that doesn't actually exist, except for people to complain about.
more or less just people that want others to think they know shit about politics, so they just vote for the party that gets the most votes
thats good though, theyre under 5% which means they cant do shit
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if you fall off your bike, you can either go head first into the pavement or put your arms out to cushion the fall

there's no "I choose not to participate" in this fall, it's either crack your skull open or bruise your hands, the fall is happening whether you like it or not.

LARPing in the woods and waiting for the apocalypse is being just being a retard
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>more or less just people that want others to think they know shit about politics, so they just vote for the party that gets the most votes
I hope the parties don't think like you. That is a horribly dismissive way to view peoples' political beliefs. You'll never convince people that you can adress their core issues or that you have more useful ideas and solutions by thinking of them as mindless sheep.
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Snälla söta, kan ni inte hyra ut Listhaug till sverige i ett par år så hon kan styra upp här med?
Stem på Hans Lysglimt Johansen og Alliansen.
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some norwegian adopt me as a house slave RIGHT NOW
Så att hon kan bränna tiotals miljoner kronor för oss också? Nej tack.

får håpe de kommer over sperregrensen da
Stop spreading lies and/or being retarded
>So does the guy in the video says that France should want him more than culturally French blacks, but then he says that pan-european ideas are bad. What's the deal?
>So now there have been all these cases with people who lied on their application 20 years ago have gotten their citizenship taken away and they and all their family including kids born here have been deported. Some people think she overdid it.
What do you mean by lie?
Varg said that the pan-european influenced EU (I think he meant the eu anyway) was bad. But before that he said that civic nationalism was terrible, and his example was that in France they would rather accept a christian, french-speaking, in other words culturally french asian or african, rather than him, a white norwegian. I don't get what Varg is proposing.
>i don't want this to end
Easy, just get rid of Democracy.
>hello sir i am very poor from country X give me asylum pl0x and iz 17 year old
>is actually from country Y, 23 years old and not that poor

Pic related, this nignog lied about being from Somalia when he actually was from Dijibouti and all other kinds of stuff, and then cried to the media who of course supported him but then got kicked out anyway.
Maybe they said that they had been residents of Norway for 12 years when they'd actually only been there for 3 years? Stuff like that, I assume.
Varg is actually fucking retarded, there isn't much to get. I think he is just contrarian for the sake of it/to make money at this point.
So it was still about asylum applicants over the last 20 years? You gotta specify.
You aren't sufficiently right before you ban welfare and start sterilizing criminals
He applied for asylum 20 years ago and became a citizen, until people figured out he had lied then he got kicked out.
Do you idiots not know what the left/right spectrum means? 99% of the people in these threads think that right means anti-immigration and left means refugees welcome, even though the left-right division is an economic one. You can be right wing and be all for open borders, and you can be left wing and want to deport all none whites.
It usually aligns with the economic one.

Money from trees thinking = money from trees and victims of migrant crimes from trees will take care of migrants.
Left-right is bullshit anyway. Unless you're talking about international and foreign politics it's just a vague term that make people dumber.
Even if it does usually align in some countries, it's still not an equivalency, and to call any of the nordic countries a right wing country is such a huge fucking joke that anybody saying something like that should be completely disregarded.
> to call any of the nordic countries a right wing country
who's done that

our left-wing are pretty much communists
Well, OP for one. Didn't you manage to read even the first post?
where does he state Norway is a right-wing country? he states the gubmint is far right and far right never refers to an economic policy
If you think it's bad over there you wouldn't believe the shit we have to put up with over here.
Because basically all nordic parties are very similarly left in economics, it's not really mentioned, and their social positions are what define which "wing" they are on. Such bullshit.
Ours are aping yours quite well.
desu I'm a bit sick of woman politicians heading "right-wing" movements. Any truly conservative lady would not get in to politics.
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In the context of our political system the current government is right-wing.
Stop over-complicating things.
herregud det där är ju ren nazism
Have the chance to a fuck a tranny who actually looks pretty convincing

Just not sure about what his/her vag will be like haha, I know she definitely had dick surgery which is a bit of a shame desu
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>Any truly conservative lady would not get in to politics.
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No its not. These people broke the law and lied and now they have to go back
>Norway is economically liberal but conservative on immigration

Sounds like you guys are living the dream 2bh
Lite överdrivet är det väl ändå. Om de har bott där i tjugo år och så. Och att deportera barn som de har haft som föddes i Norge t.o.m... Barn bör inte straffas för föräldrarnas synder, för guds skull!
Who would do this and think they would look good?
I really can't stand FrP _AT ALL_, however I'm honestly still happy we had Listhaug during the refugee crisis. Other than that they're a party for total buffoons. I wish we could have a government with only Hoyre and a Listhaug ish immigration minister
The wellbeing of native Norwegians must come before the comfort of foreign criminals and their offspring.
I agree, but this isn't about choosing one over the other. What does Norway and the native Norwegians gain by deporting him and his family? This isn't like a choice between killing a foreigner or killing a countryman, this is like killing a foreigner or lightly pinching a countryman.
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That's actually pretty gud
Norway is leading the way to glory.
>What does Norway and the native Norwegians gain by deporting him and his family?

They preserve the solvency of the Norwegian welfare state by removing a net consumer of wealth.
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He betrayed the law. It's that simple.
What makes you think he was less productive than any other norwegian citizen? Do you think he was unemployed, living off neetbucks from the government? That he wasn't working to be a contributor the the community where he lived and to provide for his family?
But his kids, even? They might never have even seen Dijibouti.
>What makes you think he was less productive than any other norwegian citizen? Do you think he was unemployed, living off neetbucks from the government? That he wasn't working to be a contributor the the community where he lived and to provide for his family?

Actually yes, that's my hunch
Well, it's not the case. Worked as a bio engineer at a hospital.
He was actually a laboratory scientist lmao

he did have a breddy good job but it gives a messge that the liers will be thrown out, no matter how productive they are

could also mention to people that somalis have lost their refugee status here in norway
Ah well that's stupid then. They should only deport the unproductive ones.
That's the pragmatic position I suppose. But as >>73880840 said, they seem to want to send a message.
She overdid it. Throwing out grandkids of former asylum applicants with norwegian passport is kida harsh and makes it more likely that the parliment is gonna change the law to stop her, making it more difficult to thrown out cheaters.
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>Sylvi "refugee no sir'ee" Listhaug
>Sylvi "Meditiranian shieldmaiden" Listhaug
>Sylvi "the stone in mecca won't save your neck'a" Listhaug
>Sylvi "What country did you say you were from? oh Getthefuckbackistan" Listhaug
>Sylvi "Arab Assasinator" Listhaug
>Sylvi "Somalian Stopper" Listhaug
>Sylvi "African Annihilator" Listhaug

..did nothing wrong
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>What does Norway and the native Norwegians gain by deporting him and his family?
Is she /ourgirl/?
>What does Norway and the native Norwegians gain by deporting him and his family
What the fuck do we gain by having them here?

I fucking hate Sweden.
Having a skilled, productive worker, tax revenue, a larger population.

He sendt most of his money to Dijibouti.
>this post
>this flag
source? And besides, you still gain the products of his labour. Your hospital benefited from his work.
i don't get it?
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>implying we don't have skilled workers ourselves
>implying a larger foreign population is good for anything

Im just going to go ahead and say it. We don't want people from the middle east or africa here. Their culture does not fit in with ours.
I totally get that, but the culture does not automatically come and stay with the individuals. Cultural assimilation is always possible, and usually encouraged subconsciously or consciously by the society of the majority.

And it's not like just african and arab culture is uniquely incompatible with your culture.
>We used to have about 80+ racially motivated killings by asylum seekers a year

Are you high on some that crocodile drug which there has been so much talk about lately?
mfw we own half of your industry
>but the culture does not automatically come and stay with the individuals.
It does, actually.
>Cultural assimilation is always possible
There are too many of them here now for that too happen. Why assimilate when you can just dissapear into the ghettos? You don't even have to learn norwegian to function.
>And it's not like just african and arab culture is uniquely incompatible with your culture.
It is.
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that 'assimilation' doesn't really happen too much here, so it'd be much better if they just don't come here in the first palce
>Europe doesn't have jus soli citizenship rights

Absolutely old world
>Justin Trudeau
Literally everything wrong with new world
I met iron Erna in real life. She is massive and in recent pictures it looks like she got fatter
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Based Hadia will make Norway great again.
>>And it's not like just african and arab culture is uniquely incompatible with your culture.
>It is.
What I meant is that it isn't just those hundreds of cultures that don't fit in Norway, by that line of thought. Surely the same would be true for south east asian cultures, and west indian cultures.
>There are too many of them here now for that too happen. Why assimilate when you can just dissapear into the ghettos? You don't even have to learn norwegian to function.
You seem to think they aspire for nothing more than to keep living, that they have no ambition and don't want to raise their standard of living above what is possible in the ghetto. I don't believe this is the case.
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>everything wrong with new world
Nah, that's who he's staring down in pic related.
You'll never be as based as Denmark
Trump is the other half of what's wrong with the new world and imo it's not the worse side
>Surely the same would be true for south east asian cultures, and west indian cultures.
And it is, east asians are actually worse at integrating than the muslims. There is a vietnamese family that live one street above me that has been living here for 20 years than still doesn't speak norwegian, their daughter was nice though. She told me this is the norm for east asians in norway and they don't even make an effort.
>I don't believe this is the case.
What I am saying is that we are shooting ourselves in the foot with our immigration policies. By importing so many people we don't incentivize integration and make it harder for them to integrate, even if they wish to do so.
What you see here >>73889632 is a rarity, not the norm. Limiting immigration to levels that encourage integration is the best for both parties involved. Parallel societies is what happens when you allow mass immigration.
According to Wikipedia you have twice as many Muslims and your country is tiny.
Hmm. I see your point.

She just might be

Just read that the labour party had their anual meeting and it seems they are not going to reverse any of the immigration bills passed by Sylvi if they win in fear of loosing voters so i guess we are in the clear either way.
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Thats fucking retarded, imagine getting deported because of something your grandpa did, i support it because if they were immigrants they were most likely A*abs and other subhumans, but i cant support it from logical stance
Can't believe there's so many children who actually support this crap.
I hate Sweden so fucking much
Ironic you're hating a Swede for being reals > feels
Refugees and Migrants don't deserve a place in Europe, it's not their home. They're barbaric subhumans that need to be deported and killed immediately. I don't understand the mindset of people that support these subhumans when all they do is leech off of other people's money and commit countless crime. How can Northern Europe still bend over backwards for them?
That's just how the story goes.
but feels are reals
Being replaced by an ((other)) or having your established intruded by hostile folk is mentally damaging and can be observed as depression and anger, especially if the person is supposed to accept his subjugation. This has before, and will again, lead to either a revolution or a collapse
why do you even bother with politics if you have oil

Wat do with refugees
why worry about the refugees when you have a kindhearted sweden next to you :D
marry them
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