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This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 300
Thread images: 94

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Our girl
oi cunt giz a fackin' tim tam
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Being aussie is a mental illness.
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our girl
you can just tell she would be an amazing shag
Thank you and god bless
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>tfw no gunz
are there any vids of people playing russian roulette and losing
>smol ones ?

not sure what this means
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Alri lads
post rare tims
redpill me on this roastie

who is she
missed you x
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some antifa slag who is absolutely dying for big fashy cock

fuck off with this shit already
>le epic post slags!!!!!! slags dude!!!! let's shit up the thread with pictures of ugly girls!!!
It is the first mild day of March:
Each minute sweeter than before,
The red-breast sings from the tall larch
That stands beside our door.

One moment now may give us more
Than fifty years of reason;
Some silent laws our hearts may make,
Which they shall long obey.
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good lad

you'll get rare tim once my tim mix is finished
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ummmmmmmmm......... no
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wtf i love her now!
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>fuck off with this shit already
>>le epic post slags!!!!!! slags dude!!!! let's shit up the thread with pictures of ugly girls!!!
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That will never happen here in washington, makes me sad tbqh
Every night until you like it bby
virgin cuck
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post your waifus haha
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>tfw have unironically referred to my girlfriend as my pet, a fat thing and implied that I should cheat on her because she slept with guys before me

I am honestly a despicable human being. If I wasn't handsome she definitely would have left me.
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i just want to bathe in her sweat, tbqhwyfl
probably on liveleak
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is this your waifu? here's one of mine
Bet that this>>72904095
is the same guy as
ah kek that's what i thought

well, assuming you've done any travelling, what are your favourite places in France to go? I actually really want to visit Tours to see the gardens of Chateau D'Villandry. Is that a decent city?
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>>March 29

Charles Wesley ( 18 December 1707 – 29 March 1788) was an English leader of the Methodist movement, most widely known for writing more than 6,000 hymns.

Wesley was educated at Oxford. At Oxford, Charles formed a prayer group among his fellow students in 1727.

Other students mocked them, saying they were "the Methodists", being methodical and exceptionally detailed in their Bible study.
Wesley wrote two of the so-called Great Four Anglican Hymns: "Hark! The Herald Angels Sing" and "Lo! He Comes With Clouds Descending".
yeah it is. what's wrong with me posting my waifu like you guys?
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irish famine.png
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Thoroughly enjoy triggering that insecure irish lad
Why is grinding away at repetitive tasks for pocket change in runescape so fulfilling but grinding in real life is so terrible?
they're a bit gay
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anybody who posts gay porn for any reason is a fucking faggot and should see a therapist
cucky =/= gay
Dare I say this is the worst /brit/ thread I've ever been in
>"Lo! He Comes With Clouds Descending"
underrated, that one
runescape is unplayable without botting
worse than gay
hm, agreed
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Worst roastie
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me on the left
Always yanks posting cuckshit
bought a pair of jeans
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australian ear cleaning.webm
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Never been there personaly but i had friends who said it was a nice city

>How many potatoes does it take to kill an Irish
Americans and Canadians truly are some of the worst posters. Sorry to say it
don't forget australians
delete this
Australians are actually funny

Belgians and hispanics are some of the worst anime posters though, so that makes them shitty as well. But American and Canadian posts are typically downright stupid
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>>March 29

Captain Robert Falcon Scott (6 June 1868 – 29 March 1912) was a British explorer who led two expeditions to the Antarctic regions.

The expedition had caught the public imagination, and Scott became a popular hero.

Scott outlined his plans for his second southern journey.

On his second journey, his group reached the Pole on 17 January 1912.

"I'm afraid the return journey is going to be dreadfully tiring and monotonous", wrote Scott on that day.

By 10 March the temperature had dropped unexpectedly to below −40 °C. With 400 miles (670 km) still to travel across the Ross Ice Shelf, Scott's party's prospects steadily worsened.

The next day a fierce blizzard prevented their making any progress.[91] During the next nine days, as their supplies ran out, and with storms still raging outside the tent, Scott and his companions wrote their farewell letters.
how could you say you truly love someone if you won't sniff their own farts
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want to nibble on her rash desu
new gimmick
refer to yank wankers as yankers

what the fuck is wrong with her face
terrible gimmick desu
You again cunt



what the fuck is wrong with your face

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yankers need not respond thanks
Business idea: use "methodist" as a synonym for "autist"
>be brit

freddy krueger impregnated a normal person
Disgusting tbf
>when you open the exam paper and the question is repeated is from last year but you didn't bother to learn the solution
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What would you know
You guys ARE reporting the porn spammer right?
Enough to know how rank she is
This is so fucked up that can be tagged as gay porn
you see this guy in a lot of cuck scenes

wonder if playing the cuck pays better than the guy who actually fucks her
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evidently not

back to your runt shed
semi-enjoying it i am ashamed to say
She ugly af lad
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Hubby just put this on flash drive for me. xo xo
>you see this guy in a lot of cuck scenes
i'll bet you do
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disturbed pepe.png
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janny isn't up this late anyway and he knows it
I am not a nice man, then again I hate myself so I would say that wouldn't I? I have a hybrid of classical and utilitarian morality, designed to be the most moral in all situations and I'm a feminist and an environmentalist and a left wing republican regulated capitalist. I should be on paper super nice. Except being smart. compassionate and bound by a self imposed code of right and wrong does not preclude the possibility of being a massive douche.

Lets jump in near the deep end shall we? I like power. I like to have power over people. For someone who has always been so powerless and has suffered to the point of having a breakdown because others had power over him, to feel in control feels really nice and I'm savvy enough to know that if I don't watch that then hooo boy!

Except there's more than that. Do you know why I am so anti-revenge? Why the idea fills me with disgust? Because when I was at school the headteacher thought I would pull a Columbine, literally called me aside one day and had police officers waiting to check my bag because I used a turn of phrase that someone trying to beat the crap out of me took literally. This was years before I had my breakdown by the way.

Revenge is disgusting to me. not just because it is violence creating more violence, but because it seems such a satisfying goal. They hurt me so I'll hurt them back. That almost seems fair until you realise that I was bullied by most of the school on a fairly regular basis so according to utilitarian morality I really should just suck it up and it is honestly so time consuming on the internet. I mean I'm a busy guy, I have a lot of angsting to do, I don't have time to respond to all the people asking me to kill myself.
fat cunts asleep, it's pointless
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I'm trying to build a slag folder, can you guys help? Please.
Cheeky wank to be honest my friends
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>I am not a nice man, then again I hate myself so I would say that wouldn't I? I have a hybrid of classical and utilitarian morality, designed to be the most moral in all situations and I'm a feminist and an environmentalist and a left wing republican regulated capitalist. I should be on paper super nice. Except being smart. compassionate and bound by a self imposed code of right and wrong does not preclude the possibility of being a massive douche.
>Lets jump in near the deep end shall we? I like power. I like to have power over people. For someone who has always been so powerless and has suffered to the point of having a breakdown because others had power over him, to feel in control feels really nice and I'm savvy enough to know that if I don't watch that then hooo boy!
>Except there's more than that. Do you know why I am so anti-revenge? Why the idea fills me with disgust? Because when I was at school the headteacher thought I would pull a Columbine, literally called me aside one day and had police officers waiting to check my bag because I used a turn of phrase that someone trying to beat the crap out of me took literally. This was years before I had my breakdown by the way.
>Revenge is disgusting to me. not just because it is violence creating more violence, but because it seems such a satisfying goal. They hurt me so I'll hurt them back. That almost seems fair until you realise that I was bullied by most of the school on a fairly regular basis so according to utilitarian morality I really should just suck it up and it is honestly so time consuming on the internet. I mean I'm a busy guy, I have a lot of angsting to do, I don't have time to respond to all the people asking me to kill myself.
>>>March 29
>Captain Robert Falcon Scott (6 June 1868 – 29 March 1912) was a British explorer who led two expeditions to the Antarctic regions.
> The expedition had caught the public imagination, and Scott became a popular hero.
>Scott outlined h
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I posted all my slags in the thread you created yesterday
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soft bricked my phone twice in 24 hours
not an argument
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Nah, just know a fugly roastie when i see one
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no worries mate
>not an argument

I forgot to save that one so that's already a win.
>jim sterling: the teenage years
Bricked while in rage or you're just messy?
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I must say I am disgusted with the state of /brit/ this evening.
wonder how the performers interact with each other after the scene

imagine the niggers just awkwardly ignore the white guy
What fuck is wrong with her face?
>his virgin taste of porn
simply epic gimmick dude! you're going to go down in /brit/ history as that lad who spammed the ugly fuck with the scars on her face! you'll be like an internet celebrity!!! epic!!!
revenge for slavery 150 years in the making

I'm trying to flash alpha version software apparently not compatible with my firmware.
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>I must say I am disgusted with the state of /brit/ this evening.

I like how I'm the bad guy instead of the cuckspammer
watching this atm
My comment still stands
Sorry, i have dyslexia, i`ve read that you broke your phone
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is it gay to like pineapple?

conversely, is it straight to not like pineapple?
I hope not, I fucking love pineapple
brazilians remind me of the big dumb black girl that went to my primary school that would smile a lot and speak funnily
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welsh ra.jpg
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I approve of this post
No, pineapple is shitty but isn`t gay to like it, relax
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my posts really make you think
you just spam an ugly whore hoping people will remember you
el mono ajaja
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why did you do that.jpg
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*looks at you with what can only be disdain*
Ah so you are the cuckposter
i question the motives of pineapples desu

if it wants to be eaten, why is it covered in spikes?
Jesus Christ this is gay porn STOP IT NOW
also if it's fresh enough it burns your tongue
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Wouldn't mind seeing Australians wiped out tbqh
i question the motives of poo

if it wants to be eaten, why does it taste like shit?
>liking pineapple is gay
Jesus Christ breeders, what has society done to you that you're still in a mental state of a 14 year old.
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Reading beowulf lads, good stuff
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Wouldn't mind seeing a second potato famine tbqhwyl
Let's dispel with this fiction that Barack Obama doesn't know what he's doing--he knows exactly what he's doing.
would rather see a burger famine
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Pineapples are gay
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But think of the children.
Would rather see a world famine
i just remembered that james and the giant peach exists

that roald dahl bloke just didn't quit did he?
fail whale
james and the giant nigger
did it lads
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bebe vio-2.jpg
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Peeled potato
thailad and the giant ladycock
paste what you last copied

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good band name
Honestly the worst /brit/ I've ever seen

Fucking yanks
conservatism is the new counter culture
at work
nice thread
nice. one of the best displays of prophecyposting i've ever seen
maybe next time
not any more
the bf
radical centrism will always be the counter culture
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As shitty as the old counter culture.
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19cm Master Race.png
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didn't say anything
mgtow is the new counter culture

funny minecraft video

my man
yeh, that's right
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oi, como vais amigo thai?
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long tie.jpg
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Taxation is theft.
>i report people on 4chan

literally don't ever do this unless its porn or avatar fagging

DO NOT report people especially on boards with faggy mods that global ban people arbitrarily
Alri lads, which of these comments should stay/go from """The Virgin Talk""""

>flat affect, monotonous voice
>his voice is so low energy that people often ask him if he's "okay"
>can't genuinely smile in conversations
>he starts out really quiet when talking, as if he's uncertain of how loud he'll be, before raising the volume
>he feels uncomfortable listening to recordings of his voice
>he chose a pre-made voicemail greeting
>he uses please and thank you way too much, especially when ordering food
>he probably doesn't use normie filler words, though, (true, like, etc..)
>bad at eye contact: changes between periods of no contact, microsecond bursts of contact, and then overly long stares when he tells himself to make more eye contact
>he struggles to use humour around other people, apart from self-depreciation
>he struggles to jump into group conversations when there aren't many lulls, and might back down if someone keeps talking over him
>he can't talk 'loud' (ex. over background noise), he either talks quiet, normal, or yells
>probably has a quiet laugh, and feels awkward if he laughs too loudly
>goes quiet, even around friends, when a group conversation turns to an emotional/romantic topic
>doesn't like telling people what he does in his free time
>after someone replies to him in agreement, he might exaggerate his body language, such as by nodding a lot
>in extreme cases, might "reward himself" after making a comment, such as drinking from a water bottle or bouncing a bit in his chair
>never initiates any physical contact, even when fitting for the situation (ex. hugging someone you haven't seen in a while)
>'shan't's long posts <- this one in a particular is a dead giveaway that someone is not only a virgin but probably a latent homosexual
Me on the right enjoying a good book
what the fuck is the guy in the link talking about

there are still people of 100% aztec/nahua ancestry in mexico who speak the language
snitches get stitches

don't even report cp(filter and ignore) because then the janitor will come and ban for every other little misdemeanor in the thread as well
I only report anime posters
>gags when talk for a public
>can not show his opinion toward anything and has other people to choose for him
Cat was very shy in the beginning, he only used to watch us from the top of the stairs, go outside, and eat. But now he's very affectionate. x
You had a good meme with the virgin walk now stop trying to milk it
>they all apply to me
>>never initiates any physical contact, even when fitting for the situation (ex. hugging someone you haven't seen in a while)
>>in extreme cases, might "reward himself" after making a comment, such as drinking from a water bottle or bouncing a bit in his chair
-VERY good one
>>goes quiet, even around friends, when a group conversation turns to an emotional/romantic topic
>>probably has a quiet laugh, and feels awkward if he laughs too loudly
change quiet to awkward/self-conscious
>>he can't talk 'loud' (ex. over background noise), he either talks quiet, normal, or yells
good one
>>he struggles to jump into group conversations when there aren't many lulls, and might back down if someone keeps talking over him
>>bad at eye contact: changes between periods of no contact, microsecond bursts of contact, and then overly long stares when he tells himself to make more eye contact
>he struggles to use humour around other people, apart from self-depreciation
>he probably doesn't use normie filler words, though, (true, like, etc..)
this is true but also good though
>>he uses please and thank you way too much, especially when ordering food
>he feels uncomfortable listening to recordings of his voice
>>he starts out really quiet when talking, as if he's uncertain of how loud he'll be, before raising the volume
>>his voice is so low energy that people often ask him if he's "okay"
>>flat affect, monotonous voice

ones I didn't include should go
fuck off
>he starts out really quiet when talking, as if he's uncertain of how loud he'll be, before raising the volume
>he feels uncomfortable listening to recordings of his voice
>bad at eye contact: changes between periods of no contact, microsecond bursts of contact, and then overly long stares when he tells himself to make more eye contact
>goes quiet, even around friends, when a group conversation turns to an emotional/romantic topic
>doesn't like telling people what he does in his free time
>never initiates any physical contact, even when fitting for the situation (ex. hugging someone you haven't seen in a while)
these are me
t. literal virgin
This is good advice, I think I'll follow it
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getting drunk and shitposting lads, some of my shitposts arent even coherent
its ok though because i leave the thread instantly after posting, so no harm can come to me
how the hell did you photoshop behind him?
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>tfw me
>tfw not virgin
Hypothesis debunked, Checkmate athiests
Might leave 4chan behind all together lads
*puts my arm on the top of the couch and next to you*
copying and pasting over cabinets, content aware, etc
see you tomorrow lad
the virgin can not see futility in pursuit a vagina and is not able to see the sex is just 5sec of Epiphany
There's virginity and then there's virginity. Frankly, having sex with a girl and losing your de jure virginity is nowhere near as important as losing your de facto virginity. Those people still act like an awkward person and struggle with basic social graces such as making eye contact with girls, even though they've literally stuck their dick in one.
How long have you had him
just had a worrying thought

who will protect us from black holes when stephen hawking dies

he is not getting any younger
sounds like my stepdad
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goodbye lads it was a good run
I don't know how many kg I am
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perfumed ponce
not true thats a spook

the instant your willy makes contact with a vagina you become a socially adept normie for the rest of your days
Might do a 'cide in the next few months
don't do it mate, you have to wait until 2061 when we can find out what that 21 gun salute was all about
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great great man, but somehow I think his theory of "black holes" will die with him and quickly be revealed to be biased and unscientific
About a year and a half. The first time he sat on me was scary haha. x
You can't prove to me that the earth is round
>The first time he sat on me was scary haha
bit gay
did he actually say this
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what, do you want.jpg
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>tfw there's a couple of drunks in the dining room and you want them removed
was doing well but I feel depressed tonight
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i demand an episode of quotes posting
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Oh haha.
le nigger scientist has said plenty of stupid shit, no need to make it up
need to heem
Nice mind gymnastics lief
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i mean black holes aren't actually black innit
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>celebrity "scientists"
This is by far the ugliest woman I have ever seen. And that's being kind.

Please do not ever post this image again.
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leave richard alone
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no gf

no gf

no gf
you are now manually breathing and thinking very hard about when to blink
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hopefully I don't hit the snooze button 8 times in the morning and oversleep through class again
If everyone on earth jumped at the same time, the force of us all hitting the ground would be enough to knock the earth out of its orbit
morning lads. been up since 5, don't have to leave for work til 7.30. bit irritated.
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brian cox.png
2MB, 1404x936px
not a fan of cox

like my tv space nerds to be at least 65
wouldn't donate the steam off my piss for the jo cox funeral fund
need a brian cox bf
need social contact
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"I fuck arses? Who fucks arses? Maybe he fucks arses! Maybe he's written this in some moment of drunken sincerity!"
Reading about the Kingsmill massacre atm,

>"There were no immediate revenge attacks by loyalist paramilitaries. However, in 2007 it emerged that local UVF members from the "Glenanne gang" had planned to kill at least 30 Catholic school children as retaliation. This group had carried out the Reavey–O'Dowd killings and it included members of the RUC and UDR. Following the Kingsmill massacre, the group made plans to attack St Lawrence O'Toole Primary School in the South Armagh village of Belleeks. The attack was called off at the last minute by the UVF leadership, who ruled that it would be "morally unacceptable", would undermine support for the UVF, and could lead to civil war."

holy shit. NI used to be a major shitshow desu
got the ol' noggin tingling
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*fucks your arse*
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Try to converse with your coworker
and if every american on earth jumped at the same time, the planet would shatter into a million pieces
why do you think they're so anti-union
I didn't know thailad was married



need a secret bf to fool around with
>there he goes withnail! he's trying to escape by river!
>perfectly alright, even to me *takes aim*
just got kenya for the first time
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unironically would suck the shit out of a cute ladyboy cock
i put a gypsy curse on him for not doing a stream last weekend
Yasmin Lee is so hot!
Look the cuckhold was him and not the fag that posted cuck porn
Countless have died over me
Quick to come, slow to go
No matter how much you spend, I can't be bought
The more you want me, the harder I am to get

What am I
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>Quick to come

me too
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we need to talk
Alri' average Brit guy.
*licks 10% of the arses*
could well be married. how young can you marry in thailand?

What's up?
293 posts
and its the shitty deformed girl at that
Say it Ahmed
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73KB, 727x773px
there's already an old new, plus you're early, plus you used stumpy joe in the OP. kys.
old new>>>>>
Thread posts: 300
Thread images: 94

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