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Thread replies: 305
Thread images: 67

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Sock edition
good edition
posting in this edition
stabbing pain in the left of my chest
check yourself into a hospital la
nah, it'll pass
they've got better things to do
I'll read your obit tomorrow
stop smoking. If you are doing lots of pushups in the morning drink more water and don't drink all night before.
don't smoke
don't drink

used to do lots of benzos and ket but not for years now
Why are you awake?
because I fell asleep early yesterday
*yawns and smiles contently in your arms*
Dare I say this is the best /brit/ thread I've ever been in
Hello friends I hope you are having a nice day
Hello friends I hope you've had a nice day
new gimmick
refer to yank wankers as yankers

it's a psychobilly freakout
I did a lot of meth when I was a kid and have a bad habit of drinking at night/coffee in morning w/ before work workout routine. Stupid habits gave me muscle spasms. Dehydration and muscle constriction exacerbated by smoking added up and scared the shit out of me. I thought I was having mini heart attacks. It turned out I was just stupid. Drink more water, my friend!! Please
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>I did a lot of meth when I was a kid
I'm sorry. I should be more specific, for your entertainment. I'm in my thirties. This was before the good shit. Indian bathtub crank. You are welcome. And yeah, it's bad for you. MAKES YOU FEEL LIKE A COWBOY THOUGH
>you promised you wouldnt smoke meth anymore

i just wanna blow clouds, brehs
>getting too old to do games with button mashing
bad feel lads
need a turbo controller just to get through some parts
Xcom is pretty good. Turned based strategy is fun times
The other thread is unbearable
>he was in social circles that did meth//heroin

posting from the trailer park eh

I don't think the yankers will very much enjoy this new tradition we have created, mate
what do chickens get paid?
a poulty sum
you stupid fucking mong
is this the thread then?
enjoy a good pair of thin socks myself
i'm very fascinated by Northern Ireland. i'd like to check it out some day desu.
>3 /brit/ threads on the go
ah yes
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Love Cat. x
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the brekkie
absolute state
Promise me we'll keep talking after Uni.

I can't imagine my life without you.

t. person you never speak to again
Why don't more people have pet chickens

Imagine all the eggs you could have
i have 4 and those stingy little fucks only lay about 2 a day between them on average
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the dindins

the 'fast
Girl I made friends with at uni in the first couple of days, went to brekkie with her and things, just ignored me when she found her cool friends. Yeah ok cunt i'm gay anyway don't want you.
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off to work lads
give a man an egg and he will go hungry the next day
give a man a chicken and he shall feed forever

free bit of philosophy for you lads
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Dieu et mon droit.jpg
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this is a real dinner
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yank hours suck
I've not had fish and chips in so long
I want you, but I'm in love with him as well, I always have been.

I'm a disgusting person, you don't want me in your life.

I'm so sorry.
wtf I woke up and we've gone back 44 years
>eating meat

enjoy your bowel cancer
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in a bit
That's 8 eggs a day. That's pretty good. Don't fowl your blessings.
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last night you were in my room

and now my bed sheets smell like poo
fish isn't meat you stupid bogan
can't fathom the shits you'd take after that
bbm pin? x
I love you, but I hate your friends
no i said between them

fucking wankstain
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>he has friends
>stand up
>nearly pass out
but holy shit what a rush
enjoy your brain cancer then

also, lung cancer from those cigarettes

and cirrhosis from that beer
Why do we always argue like this? Seriously?

I'm sick of this. I'm sick of everything. I need some time.
when she says this you begin hanging out with your friends even more to test the boundaries if your relationship
same. last few times i felt all greasy and disgusting after so i stopped bothering. need to find a good chippy really but cba
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no biscuits for me tea
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bullet points bernie or not happening
dumb fucking leaf
business idea: eat more fish
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holy shit you're right
I did not see that at all
2 eggs per day is not very much
But look on the sunny side up, its better than no eggs
An egg in the hand is worth two in the basket
bernie is the most obvious example of a patsy i've seen in recent times
i love the justapostion between the post and the poicture
why does this mong suddenly like the stumpy sword girl so much? bit weird.
I've liked her since 2014
>critising me of beer when you're probably sipping on a goon bag as we speak

enjoy your dementia from all that petrol huffing you filthy bogan scum
own fault

if he knew trump was going to win he should have made a statement and denounced shillary
>In late 2008 she contracted what was first thought to be a common flu, but turned out to be severe meningitis. Necrosis led to the amputation of both her legs from the knee, and both her arms from the forearms.

god damn, that fucking sucks
obsessive creepy behaviour lad. get help.
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nah boi
did bernie really say this?
once threw a rock at a calf and nailed it right between the eyes

then i ate one of its fellow cows for dinner
Can't wait to see Boss Bsby at cinema

Looks like a right laugh x
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drumpf winning was inevitable

i live in a super liberal city and see nothing but trump and anti-hillary bumper stickers. saw one car with so many anti-hillary stickers on it that it was like a fresh coat of paint

this country wants trump despite what the media is saying
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Why are boyish looking girls so cute?
gonna swing by the doctor's office in the morning and see if they've yet got back my bloodtest results for Hepatitis C

really scared tbqhwyf
ah yes
but "this country" also voted for hillary in the popular vote
jog on yank
need to go outside but i can hear my neighbours arguing and our fence planks have a lot of space between them
there's a disproportionately large number of immigrants and minorities living in our cities. luckily their votes effectively mean nothing
my neighbours are really passive aggressive cunts
can't believe i haven't killed myself yet
Article 50?
think i'll start posting earlier tomorrow

maybe 3:30 am
You need to go back.
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Commit sepukko now, still have time
wait you mean she's a double amputee as well as a freddy krueger look-alike?
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they were savages

have you ever seen the revenant? or bone tomahawk?
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Lads I want to get my leg amputated

How can I get some kind of infection or accident to make it happen
Was drifting away from your childhood friends part of your plan?
it won't impress her lad
And still more successful than you hmmm
will you come here and be my kaishakunin?
nah wanted to fuck a few lads
do you think she ever uses one of the stumps as a dildo?
reckon if i was as fucked up as her i'd be able to become just as successful with my sob story and all
She is NOT for lewd thoughts

please refrain
Yes, will be a honor to be your kaishakusin
pardon me
why do japs love suicide so much
>((("this country")))
California and New York
just watched taxi driver lads

pure unadulterated kino
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Hear so many people say that the American 50s were the pinnacle of modern human civilization, and I'm not sure if I agree or not. The only argument I hear against it is but what about

>the trannies

when all of these people were either better off or irrelevant at the time.
Gives "pass us a fag" a new meaning
babbys first kino
This film is fucking awesome
you ever notice how in films from the 70s where people get shot the blood looks kind of orange?
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lets try that again lads

Gives "pass us a fag" a new meaning
>>>/tv/ (reddit)
Off to Jedi training at the temple inabit lads
It's because we're cool ;)
I don't know, it's in blood I think. The mere thought of "I should die" has haunted me like years
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Listen, you fuckers, you screwheads. Here is a man who would not take it anymore. A man who stood up against the scum, the cunts, the dogs, the filth, the shit. Here is a man who stood up.
cool with taking it up the ass, yeah
erm, excuse me, drumpflet, but you're arbitrary definitions of 'goodness' and 'value' and 'worth' are subjective and don't exist
now fucking agree with my definittions of goodness and value and worth or you're a fucking racist nazi evil bigot
t. Northern Ireland
yes and the gunshots sound really unrealistic
movie effects have really come a long way
Oh look now you are the thread inspector?
Hello, lads! Have you seen my foreskin?
I seem to have misplaced it.
Bit of a pinch, I must say.
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>cool with taking it up the ass, yeah
Absolutely nothing wrong with homosex.
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had a panic attack at the dentists yesterday lads

i was shaking uncontrollably like a fish out of water once they brought out the drills and the novocaine shots to fill a few cavities

they gave me so many shots of novocaine that my entire face and tongue were numb for seven hours, and it STILL hurt so bad that i was shaking and sweating and basically crying

it was terrible lads
>afterglow from winning important war
>all the young men breathe a sigh of relief and can focus on their careers
>super high economic growth and great labour conditions
>kids were being parented properly because no dual-household model or single mothers
>lots of national energy and pride
>people aren't quite as intolerant of other ethnic groups as in years past, they just mostly want to ignore each other
>people can afford automobiles and colour televisions and things of that sort
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bit rude
Remember when Klaxons were a thing

Miss that
>be american
>gets a panic attack
>call an ambulance in total panic
>get charged like gorillion dollars
You could try giving youself an infection

Cut your ankle and put some dirt inside
infections cause by jacuzzi water
develop diabetes
you could inject your leg with 120ccs of feces
need a lad to sit on my willy
Do this, channel America.
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STRONG desire to shag this lass she looks so neurotic and like a true cock addict
I have a motorbike but I don't know how to crash without straight up killing myself
I've ate 4 smoked salmon and cream cheese bagels (with pepper and lemon juice and sesame seed bagel) in the past 12 hours
Fantastic sanwich
eating some bacon and thinking of all the muslims i'm offending while doing so
It was, I'm sorry x
Post your favourite classical tune lads

20:00-22:30 is just so satisfying
*sits on your willy*
just time travelled here from 2007

is my name is earl still on tv?
a guy near me playing overwatch while listening to thefatrat
Linked wrong video, Kissin's version is leagues better

Times apply to this video
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lmao nerd
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im hungry i think x
Moving to the gyal dem

She likes what she sees
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it's okay, i accept your apology. let's be friends
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Much better taste in music than women, desu, though the piece is a bit too 'boisterous' for my tastes, and the percussion is a bit distracting, nonetheless I appreciate the rich instrumentation and string portion.
i believe picture of cats are very cute and very suitable for this thread
i beg your pardon
my tits are hurting something fierce
does acne medicine usually cause sore tits?
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fite me cunt.gif
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fuck off yank
still looking for that foreskin
i believe picture of cats are very cute and very suitable for this thread
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Old capital of Canada
my cat could beat up your cat
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listening to this a lot atm

oh my bad, thought you called me a tosser for a sec
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Kingston, On
is it alive
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He could absolutely HEEM your cat.
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moggies are wimps lad

mine is pathetic
more classical tunes I appreciate. I have a strong bias for piano.
Feel like I'm always falling behind in life
isn't whatsapp what the 'rists use
>tfw a yank insulted a housepet near me

Christ they were terrible, absolute meme music.
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severely depressed
two bits rude
least you still got your 'skin la
Because a regular girl is a bit more unfamiliar and therefore less comfortable and threatening

A boyish girl reminds us of the weeny kids at school. The kind of kid we're happy to push around and laugh at/with. Usually associated less with the traditional female mindset due to the 'alternate' appearance. Also perhaps more appealing to those who consider themselves outcasts.

Put simply: boyish girls seem both more familiar and likely to have a relatable mindset.
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your cat looks like my cat
Doing a listen to golden skans now
Obviously not a remotely interesting song but somehow manages to be catchy anyway

There there :)
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i'm tempted to say the UK is the nicest country in europe but i don't want to offend brits
why do yanks use the word "beat" while they can use "heem"
Why do you use a "proxy" when you could use your "real flag"
because heem isn't a word but instead a spell the limeys make use of
also I'm not a yankee fuck off
Nipples BTFO!
because no one actually wants to post under strayan flag
he can't answer that cos of ol' quickdraw
heem is to push
reem is to pull
people here are mean Tbh
who the fuck put you in charge of words
Imagine being odd enough that you're easily recognisable as the 'creepy' poster on /brit/

*eyes the offending poster*
look reem
smell reem
be reem
That schoolgirl better be wearing tights today
Off to school in my new pair of tights
the gf
Tights are to be appreciated, sure, but don't be going around causing noncery
Brexit lads.
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haha truuuu!!
finally. can we stop talking about it after today.
feli city
But I'm a creep, I'm a weirdo,
What the hell am I doing here?
I don't belong here.
any Perth man in?
No we have 2 years of negotiations to follow.
brisbane bf
missed gym this morning oops

>arguably their worst album
shoo shoo you do not belong here
bout to reem out of a cunt in this thread, which one of yous wants it?
oh shit ds3 dlc is out

time to batter some plebs
i would LITERALLY suck a fart out of her arsehole
what a shite job
too poor
I miss /broat/. At the JFs there would discuss shit instead of juvenile shitposting.
going to post this ironically and then unironically defend it. it's so easy to fool normies haha
Just saw a really awful post by a Yank
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Bad boys bad boys
Watcha gonna do, whatcha gonna do
When they come for you
>Thank you for taxing your motorcycle. Would you like to become an organ donor?
Probably suck them off.

Maybe let them DP me with no rubber
there's a camera and "high court enforcer" outside lads
thankfully not for me shitposting of the chons
Speak for yourself
I only find them attractive if they have big tits or otherwise hyper feminine bodies yet desperately try to hide them as a sort of rebellion against their sexual reality

Or alternatively if their body develops in that way as a sort of rebellion against their tomboy lifestyle

Even better if they try to act like a bit of a dyke but have a repressed craving for being pounded by they dick and guzzling down every last drop of cum like it was the first water they've seen in days
senior is the hottest tho desu
4-12 is real /brit/ hours

12-5 is yank hours

5-9 is aussie hours

0-24 is neet hours
Got my first court appearance (as barrister) next week. Defending an oil company against a claim by an aboriginal group. Going to verbally heem the opposing counsel with a nice summary dismissal.
all the aussies that post here are NEETs

nice summery tune
fuck off racist
going out to return some videotapes and drop off some film to be developed, anyone want owt?
i don't understand but take a good care of yourself :3
should I keep hold of my old pound coins lads?
Vanilla Coke thanks mate
How much did you receive of oil money?
is vanilla pepsi ok?
There they are lads. They were knocking loudly. Breeder normies who couldn't afford their cars BTFO.
what's your number? you should add me on wap
head hurts whenever i look up or two the right
Oil v. First Nations files make me feel like I'm playing Cowboys and Indians. Pretty fun.

I'm still at a wageslave level so I only make around 18 Gbp/hour and my firm rakes in all the oil money, which is distributed to the partners. You've gotta stay in the business for about 7 years before you're accepted into the partnership ranks and have rights to profit sharing.
alri bizarre jfk
i'll have an e please bob
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We are all Tim on this day.

Doxxable info.
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yeah.. i guess.....
i just want Tim to be happy
can't stop drinking almond milk
just ordered dozens of american bottled water
Need a job

Wish the civil service would get back to me
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Off to America lads, want owt?
but it's just bottled city water which is just recycled sewage
bring back some 'za
a landwhale gf, ta
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no need
will just wish your safe flight

can i keep the bullets they extract from your corpse?
Go to Lou malnatis
any update on the Article 50 situation lads?
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not sure why you would want to go there

must be for business purposes

if you're white stay off the streets at night
just a small slice of freedom ta
A sample of food from every fast food chain besides KFC and Maccas thanks
wut da fuck they told me it's from very very clean american mountain called shasta

i am bloody mad shall sue them right now
they're going to delay triggering it pending further analysis
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>'I COULD HEAR THE TRAIN COMING' Shocking moment Polish man is pushed in front of a Tube train at Bond Street station by a mindless England fan in ‘revenge for Russian footie hooligan attacks at Euro 2016’

What the fuck is your problem Rorkes?
i can't speak for that brand but most of the bottled water people buy here is just city water
should have stayed home
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This general is so fucking boring compared to how it was two years ago.
He had a choice, go back or go to hell.
Im sure downtown chicago is fine at night
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so how much is it worth?
alri three inch lads
alri lads back after a 2 year trip, miss me?
about 88p in a couple hours
Why is british currency named after a weight measurement
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it's named after what i did to your mum
Is /tv/ a good board la's?
good post
why is aussie currency named after a german word
how the fuck can you guys walk around with these things in your pockets. a handful of change and it was 20lbs, what the fuck
they should start calling them Yanks so they'd be worth more haha
jan won't like this
they don't weigh a pound anymore you dipshit
old new>>>>>>>>

Migrate after bump.
Thread posts: 305
Thread images: 67

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