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ITT: Ask the opposite gender anything

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

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Before you post a question, check the FAQ to see if it's already been answered.
Keep questions short for more answers.
If you're not going to like honest answers, don't ask your question.
And please no derailing arguments.

>Do girls/guys like <insert specific look>?
>What do girls/guys think about <an insecurity including, but not limited to: looks, physical traits, personality traits, virginity or otherwise lack of dating experience>
There is no one answer. Preferences differ, but complexes are always a turn-off.

>I'm shy and afraid of people/rejection. What do I do?
Get over it by practising and exposing yourself to it, little by little, step by step. There is no single magical moment that will instantly change you forever.

>I like someone. What do I do?
>How can I tell if someone likes me?
Ask them out.

>Where do I meet girls/guys?
Anywhere outside. Or online.

>Someone did something insignificant. What does it mean?
Nothing significant. You're overthinking it.

>XYZ happened. Interpret this for me please
We're not in their head, we don't know.

>This person did something that hurt my feelings. Why do guys/girls do this?
Because shit people are shit people. It's not a gendered thing.

>Someone has made it super clear they're no longer interested in me. Do I still have a chance?

>Where do I go on a first (or subsequent) date?
Pick one or more of the following: coffee, lunch, dinner, drinks, ice cream, movies, zoo, aquarium, museum, art gallery, <activity in your city>.

>Brandon, that guy who keeps asking about cuddling in platonic friendships, fart guy and the guy who stuffs his pants
Fuck off
what u girls think of men crossdressing
Fake and gay
Men: do confident, "jaded" women have the same appeal to you as confident, "jaded" men often have to women?

I think a lot of the appeal of those kinds of men comes from being their "exception", as in, they're world-weary, they have high standards, and are rarely vulnerable, but for whatever reason, they like you, they let their guard down, and you reignite lost happiness. Or maybe it's the protection? Something like that.

I was listening to Nick Cave and realized "oh no he's kind of hot", analyzed why, and then wondered if that's female-specific. If you're familiar with him, that's the kind of person I'm referring to.
>do confident, "jaded" women have the same appeal to you as confident, "jaded" men often have to women?
However they're more friend material than average.
Can't say. I'm a hardcore optimist who is only attracted to girls with a similar zest for life. Though, I will say that having somebody completely dependent on you for happiness is a bit of a burden.
I assume confident jaded men would go for confident jaded women. As for me, I'm an insecure retard who can barely talk to people so I would rather date a girl who's naive and as pathetic as I am.
There's this extremely extroverted girl I want to be friends with and get to know better. I'm an extremely introverted guy who has issues with vulnerability and such so I feel like I could learn a lot from her.
However, due to her boundless energy and extroversion, she bounces around between places and people a LOT. Whenever we run each other we barely get a "Hey how's it going!?" before she runs off somewhere.

How can I get closer to her? Should I just be honest and tell her I'd like to talk with her more?
This isn't directed at girls specifically, but I don't know where else to put this. Anyway a lot of people have said the way I walk/body language has an aura of superiority like I"m better than everyone, but I couldn't feel the more opposite. A lot of the time I feel like the most worthless so I have no idea where they get this from. Can anyone lend some insight?
>Random cute girl on IG follows me with no mutuals
>They don't seem to be a bot cause they upload pics

The fuck?
I cant imagine jaded woman. How do you define one? A 40 something twice divorced milf with old enough children so she can date again?

Text her and ask her on date. And no, she isnt wife material for you. She will want to party, you will want to be at home cuddling.

You probably are always with straight posture, use hands gesticulation a lot, look into people eyes a lot and have poker face all the time?

Who told you such bullshit and why cant you ask them for more information?

Chat her up dingus and at the end of convo ask her is she is free on weekend. Dinner?
For girls: If a guy has a babyface, what's the best way to counteract the unattractive qualities of a babyface?
>Text her and ask her on date. And no, she isnt wife material for you. She will want to party, you will want to be at home cuddling.
For one, I don't have her number. Two, I don't want to date her for the exact reason you mentioned. I'd never be able to keep up with her.
I just want to be friends.
Baby face is a plus. Look at justin bieber for example. Plenty of girls want to molest cute awkward lanklets boys.

Post pic?
>You probably are always with straight posture, use hands gesticulation a lot, look into people eyes a lot and have poker face all the time?

I do all this, you read me like a book. I've been told it 3 times, when I ask what they mean I get "idk man, I just feel it" or something like that, and I'd usually ignore it, but it's becoming to common to ignore now

The IG girl thing is also me, thing is she lives across the country, I don't see a point honestly.
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>hanging out with friends for movie marathon
>introduced to new person, let's call him Kyle
>he has a gf
>others leave to pick up other friend's gf from work
>just me and Kyle left
>we start talking about deep shit, he engages
>says he isn't sure about his relationship
>rest of the night, when we're on the couch, our legs are touching in one way or another
>sometimes calves are almost pretzeled together
>gives huge bear hug to me when I'm going home

Does this mean anything
Get her number. And instead of asking her on date, tell her to invite you to some actions she will go to. That you want to tag along as puppy.
>she will probably forget about you, but it is worth the try

>i don't see a point honestly
Then why do you ask? Next step is to extract nudes from her.

Yeah, he probably wants to put his dick inside of you (like almost any boy would). Just take note how easily he ditched his gf, because he will ditch you in the same way in future.

But it is obvious you want to date him femanon, so give him your number and chat him up.
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Well I'm definitely capable of being awkward, but I don't know if I'd want to be like Bieber.

Here's your pic
I'm so sorry
I just met him. I think he's cute and all but I'm interested in someone else. I was comfortable enough having my calf near his but that's pretty much it.

I know, I'm 20 and I still look like that.
Your problem is not having a baby face...
It can be attractive when they're vulnerable with you but not the rest of the world.
Although confident women are great, too much confidence can scare off some guys (Men have weaker constitution these days I find). Being jaded is kind of a turn-off to be honest.
Personally I want some one who is optimistic and determined with their goals, not some one with a chip on their shoulder who's going to be a downer.
This is the best advice I can give you and I didn't even read what you posted, I just saw this picture.

Get a new haircut that is simple and clean.
Start working out because you are way too skinny. You don't have to become bulky, just get some muscle definition. Best of luck.
Eh, you look decent. Work on your fake smile, though. You should keep your hair shorter in the back and move more of it to the side of your head where your bangs don't grow. Is your skin clear or are those freckles? If you don't already, wash your face every day and moisturize after, with the option of step of using toner between the two. Exfoliate 1-3 times a week. Then get in shape and develop a winning personality. Good luck.
When you're walking (especially at night or with no one around) look for reflective surfaces like large building windows and observe how you walk
Don't slow down or change anything, just try to analyse as hard as you can before your reflection goes out of frame
If you do this enough times you can start to make small adjustments on your walk

desu it sounds like you have good posture and a confident stride but maybe try not to be too rigid? Let those arms swang
>When you're walking (especially at night or with no one around) look for reflective surfaces like large building windows and observe how you walk

I do this every morning to work, I just look like a dude walking lol
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Sure way femanon, you certainly dont want him. Girls come all the time to /adv and ask about boys they definitelly dont want to date/fuck/marry/have babies with.

Anyway if what you told is true, then stay cool. I mean he didnt even tried to grope you or ask you on date. So with a bit of luck, he wont try to do any move on you. And if he does, play dumb and put him into friendzone.

>is he cute or sexy?
>will he be your backup bf?
Well good, if you don't see anything you'd like to change about your walk then don't change
And don't worry about the opinions of rude people
Business in the front, party in the back
I've been working out over the last year, but it's difficult to build muscle when you can't eat meat. I'd been going to the gym every other day over the summer, but a calculus course started taking over my time around mid-July. The course ended last Thursday, but on Saturday my (now ex) girlfriend and I broke up, so it's been hard to get motivation to go back.

Yeah, fake smiles aren't my thing. I already use moisturizer every time I shower, but my phone's camera is so grainy that anything you saw was probably freckles.

Any more concrete details about how I should cut it?
Girls which guy is more attractive.
-Guy in a band.
-Guy in a rap crew.
Band. I like rock and folk over hip hop. Might be different if I was raised in a different environment and/or was black.
Euro women:

Why do you keep voting in refugees?
Would the fact that I'm a 30year old guy who was married but my wife died be a turn off? Am I broken goods?
I'd worry that you weren't over her, to be honest. 30 is far too young to have been married *and* be over your wife's death IMO.
Yeah I'm not over it honestly, don't know when or how I'll move on
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Democracy isnt as simple and black and white as you think it is. In most states you vote parties. And party has plans regardibg whole country like army, taxes, economy, jobs and so on. Rapefugees is just one topic. And more than often you can only pick lesser evil.

And immigrants are useful as fuck. They do the job nobody else want to do for more than often below minimum wage.

The whole rapefugee thing is just clash with human rights and law. If there were comunism in effect, they would simply shoot anybody at the border no matter their color, gender and religion. But since we havent had a good war in recent years, politicians are somewhat pussies and nobody wants to enter history records as that guy who ordered to genocide all people coming from africa.

And this is not gendered question at all. Importing people is good when it is controlled and regulated. And obviously hordes of niggers from africa are anything but organized.

Time will tell. Look at any population prediction and it is clear some kind of genocide tier solution is coming. I can imagine forced sterilizations for example. Or shooting people at borders so they stay at their original countries.

No you are not. Unless she left you with kid, you are ok. Besides, your dead wife cant compete with living ladies. Simply dont tell them about this until you are dating a few weeks.
Girl that lives in my building keeps shamelessly hitting on me whenever she sees me.
Shes cute and all but I really don't want to shit where I eat, sleep and live.

How do I get her to knock it off without sounding like an asshole?
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>shit where I eat
That is dating coworkers. Changing flats is super easy. Ask her on date anon.
>Shes cute
Yup, ask her on date. We all know you are single and horny. The only real question is if you will want to marry her.
No kids, which is a blessing because I don't think I could manage as a single parent and I wouldn't want a kid to have to lose their mum
I'm not renting the flat. I own it. Honestly its easier to change jobs at this point than sell and buy new real estate because I couldn't keep my dick in my pants.
Women: why do you like dimples so much?
Do you know what kills majority of relationships? Exes. When your partner talks about them 24/7, compares you to them and when they returns to them, it all hurts a lot.

Pardon me being edgy, but dead ex is ideal. So you are now that perfect husband tier material. Simply decide if you want to open your heart again and try date some girls. And dont be afraid to go for much younger girls, they will be all over you. From 23+ they are somewhat mature enough and will look much better than 30+ girls. Good luck!

Well, are you single? You dont risk much. Just go for it. Or do you have any better dating prospects?
>does she looks like she would set the whole building on fire or accuse you of rape in case of break up?
Ain't my thing, but could just be because you're smiling period.
Seems like every dude's selfie is dead emotionless face. I don't get it, nobody ever smiles for a picture.
They're soooo cute. They evoke youthfulness and look really charming and playful, and they're uncommon enough that it's unique in a good way. I like them on both men and women. Oddly, they're caused by an underdeveloped cheek muscle.
Fair enough anon. I'll take up the coffee offer next time.
She cant accuse me of shit. I got 7 cameras in my flat. 3 of witch are in my bedroom. This Mongolian Woman Hating forum made me paranoid a long ass time ago. Bonus points I got a collection of armature porn that can be used as evidence.
And before you say something about it being illegal. I have a sigh on my door that says the property is under surveillance and that footage is being recorded and stored. Most people laugh it off as a joke. It not.
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I have benis shuld i into vagina
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Why do women wear high heels? They're the dumbest type of shoe that anybody has ever come up with.
Men originally wore heels.
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Real men wear heels

>Why do women wear high heels? They're the dumbest type of shoe that anybody has ever come up with.

They wear them because they like them and, apparently, because nobody gives a shit what you think is dumb.
Heels make your butt/legs look better. It's really all for the attraction of you men.
Why are men less emotional than women?

>Why are men less emotional than women?

They aren't, they are just prone to different emotions.
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Pro tip:
If it ever becomes serious, consider removing them or making sure she will never find out. Or telling her faster before she finds out.

Jews told them they will look more sexy in it so they can sell them overpriced "designers fashion" boots which destroys their spine and feet over time.
>>>/pol/ for more details :-)


Only if you want to make a baby and you are married with that vagina anon unless you want to end up as pic related.

We arent, but every time we do get any visible sign of emotions, we got shut down by society hard like
>boys dont cry
>are you faggot?
>you sound like bitch
>aint time for a loser
>go cry to your mom
>stop whining and man up
>what, cant you stand for yourself
>that is gay
And be honest femanon, you wouldnt date cry baby either. The moment we show you our fradile soft side, you will backstab us or simply ghost.

Tldr we cant show any of it.
They're not. The male ego is just a facade that hides the little emotional boy inside.
I like confident women, but not jaded women. I don't want to spend my time with someone who's just going to kill the mood all the time.
If you are in a long term relationship and the woman is beginning to have more of a libido than the man, what would that be described as?
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>tfw you will never have qt3.14 jaded confidant gf
>tfw you will never become the only person she likes
>tfw you will never fall deeply in love, and reignite her happiness
>tfw she will never look into your eyes and smile the way she did before the began to hate the world

Why fucking live goys?
Guy here. I'm less emotional because I'm tired of all the shit and overdramatic behavior, I've seen too much of that in my life. Most men aren't drama queens, that's all. This doesn't mean I don't laugh, or even cry on sad scenes in movies/cartoons (I cried like a baby in Pokémon the movie, and WALL-E). It just means that I prefer not to overreact because it leads to nothing and is wasted energy.

>Most men aren't drama queens, that's all

Yes they are, they just view their drama as more important than womens' drama when in reality its typically just as petty. I've never seen two women fight for accidentally bumping into each other in line at Walmart. You typically don't hear about women beating and killing each other over like, $100 worth of weed.

Men are most certainly drama queens they just don't think they are.
I'm just done with girls.

Thought my coworker has been flirting with me at work, so I was looking for a good opportunity to flirt back. Well a bunch of us go out to the club tonight and I drank a bit. Turns out she is flirting with just about anyone nearby so I got pissed off and couldn't enjoy myself at the club for several hours. When we eventually make it back to the dorms I just leave without saying anything, put my PT clothes on, and go run for a half hour. That period of running was the best, most stress relieving feeling ever. I wish running normally felt as good as running drunk and angry because I'd do it as much as possible.

I don't know how to come back from this guys
Not really.
I've never seen anyone fight for accidentally bumping into each other, nor over a pack of weed. You must live in a shithole for this to happen often.

I don't live under a rock and I have an internet connection. A lot of people get their news on the internet these days.

You'd have to be a real dullard not to notice that men fight, far more violently I might add, over similarly petty things. Prisons are full of men that fought and killed each other for literally just saying something they interpreted as disrespectful. Both genders can be equally petty, is my point.
>people fighting is now equal to dramatizing
probably the woman getting fat/being a starfish
>girl flirts with me
>don't flirt back
>girl flirts with guys in a club
>get angry

do you feel silly yet?

Good call on going for a run tho. I find exercise to be a great way of clearing my mind. Do you run regularly?
Well to be fair anon, we women regularly go for the jugular over trivial shit like men. I watched an attempted murder once because the boy bitch one liked chose bitch 2 over her, and she broke a bottle and stabbed bitch 2 in the throat.
Bitch 2 lived though.
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Ladies, have you ever been with a guy with a curved dick? Did everything work out okay?
I've only been with 1 girl; she said it didn't bother her but we never actually tried sticking it in.
>dont flirt back
I try, I'm just not good. Flirting for me means picking on her around our group but having serious conversation when we're alone on a smoke break or something.

I don't run as much as I would like to but I just bought some wireless earphones that helped a lot so I'm hoping to go more. If I can release this much stress that quickly and be healthy about it simultaneously I'm going to keep doing it. I'm not sure if it being as enjoyable as it was is because I was still a bit drunk but I'll see
I don't think that counts, anon.
>Banana dick ass
>but we never actually tried sticking it in.
It definitely bothered her.

As a guy with a moderately curved dick, some women chuckled when seeing it, but they didn't deny sex, and it didn't hurt. And my current gf doesn't mind it. Some girls might think all dicks are like the ones in porn, but those are dumb, just like the virgins that think that all vaginas are perfect pink "innies".
I'm not sure she understood you were flirting. You suck at it for sure.

Keep on running. 30mins 3x a week is more than like 90% of people do, its a great way to start running. It doesn't get easier, you just get faster, leaner, and healthier.
>It definitely bothered her.
We were both relatively young and inexperienced, she wanted to wait a while before we fucked. I ended up breaking up with her before we did it, but she definitely gave off the impression that she wanted my dick in her.
Maybe I do suck at flirting, but I don't care enough anymore to get better
well then don't get angry at girls for your own ineptitude
Girls, do you think that you could ever date your best guy friend/beta orbiter? If he loves you more than anyone else will ever love you, and it's true love and not the "I'll be nice to you until I can fuck you" love? I'm hoping that she'll come around one day. I want to be the stepfather to her kids and hopefully give her one or two more that we can share together. Every man that's gotten her pregnant leaves, they don't pay money towards the kids, never see the kids, men use her and push her aside when they've gotten their fill, and I've always been there when she's needed to be built back up. I'm just getting tired of doing the building when I have to redo it 2-3 times a year because she keeps making bad choices.

So, basically ladies, when do you eventually give in and "settle" with that weird but sweet guy that loves you way more than you'll ever love him? Keep in mind that this guy already owns a house outright, has a nice job, is still overweight (but losing weight right now to try to impress her), has security oh and a credit score of 764 as of today. And I've loaned you $1000 so far this year on top of probably giving you another thousand. And I bought all of your son's school supplies and clothes for the upcoming school year. And I'm pretty much playing daddy except she doesn't recognize me as her boyfriend and she'll manage to attract some bad boy cunt here and there that will leave her in tears running to me asking "why can't I find a good man".

I've asked her out, she KNOWS how I feel about her, I bring that topic up with her like every single time one of these men throws her aside. But she never commits to me, and give it a little bit of time and she'll be with some cocksucker that gets her knocked up, beats her ass, or does something to hurt her in some way. I'm patient and I only want her, but patience is running thin.

I guess I'm asking, We're close to 30, how many more years do I have to hold out for until she finally says yes?
I am dating my best guy friend, but Jesus, he was nothing like you before we started dating. You're a Nice Guy in denial
Jesus christ, dude.
What are you even doing?
This dude went back in time to cuck himself
I'll keep it short:
> bf has been a strict vegan for 3 years
> I had poor eating habits for 5 years that culminated in weight gain and eventual nausea, depression and anxiety
> looked into veganism looking for a cure all, indirectly meet him as a result
> told him I'd want to be one eventually but the most I can do is vegetarianism with the occasional vegan meal
Here's the problem
> I lost weight and I’m back at my original weight years ago and I don’t feel like every thing makes me want to vomit
> too bad vegetarianism/veganism didn’t do jack shit for that
> Slowly over the course of a year, I got to my goal weight by severely fasting/restricting off and on for a few days on end whenever I thought I could handle it, just eating fruit to wean myself back into solids
> when I eat vegetarian, it doesn't make me feel lighter or better or anything if anything I’ve had more more mental breakdowns and more physical ailments since I’ve been restricting
> don’t really want to go back to eating meat every day either, but I think that vegetarianism only gave me mild orthorexia/eating disorder
> I check the scale and count my calories daily and when I don’t like my weight I just think about fasting
> I just want to fast for all my ailments
> I want to tell my boyfriend that I don’t want to end up being a vegan and that thinking this much about my food choices made me feel like food as a whole isn’t really worth eating
> he’s going to insist that veganism isn’t responsible for my attitudes on food

What say you guys?

I try not to be. Never even kissed a girl so I wouldn't know where to start with the whole sex thing. It's not a priority. I'm just tired of seeing her get hurt, because she runs to me for help, and gives me those sad blue puppy dog eyes, and I help her because I want her to be happy in life. If she could find a good man, I'd be happy for her, but she's gained 50 pounds since high school and she has a couple of biracial kids and that's going to limit her options. I'm a freaking racist but I'm willing to accept these kids as my own one day if that's what it takes to win her heart.


I don't know, man. But the first day I went to this new school and the first time I ever saw her, I knew there was something special about her and I've been trying to prove myself to her ever since. Everything I do is in the hope that she'll one day accept me into her life.

>Well to be fair anon, we women regularly go for the jugular over trivial shit like men.

Yeah, I said exactly what you just said. Both genders can be equally petty. I'm not sure why everyone is assuming that by saying men can be petty that I'm also saying women can't.


>Not understanding how escalation works
>I try not to be.
Well you're failing miserably. The more you post, the more apparent it is that you are the quintessential Nice Guy

So how do I fix that?
Move on with your life, she's not fucking interested.
Your claim in that post was you've never seen women fighting over stupid shit, just saying I have.
Many times actually. Weaves go flying over the dumbest shit.

(The real difference between men and women though is after men duke it out, they get over it. Women grudge for life man.)
What ailments?

She texts daily, calls mostly daily. She does 90% of the initiation on communication. We go on outings all the time and she even brings her kids to them. I've removed myself from her life in the past and she crawls back in. Calls me, texts me, even when I changed my number she still managed to track me down to get a hold of me. We've been going at this for damn near 20 years, and anytime I start "growing apart", she always pulls me right back into her life. Always.

Yet she's not interested, at least in some level? Says I'm a good guy, says she won't date me only because she's damaged goods, then tells me we'll see how things go. I mean shit man, I have Asperger's, I can't just go out and find a damn girl. She's literally my best shot at being with someone.

I even have an investment account that was originally money I was saving up for an engagement ring in the event that I could secure a relationship with her. It's six figures now. I worked three fucking jobs at one point because she needed help raising her first child. I've been there for most of the parties, doctors visits, everything. Perhaps I am resentful that after all this time invested, I'm viewed as the "shadow husband" but she always managed to find a way to pull me back in, even the few odd times over the years I've gotten lucky and found another girl to talk to. She'd always sabotage it. Calling the girls up, telling them that she was sleeping me with (when she wasn't), flirting around me when I was with one of them, then the girl would tell me to quit talking to my friend, and my friend would guilt me by saying that she wants to tear us apart, that we have something special, etc.

If she's not interested, then I don't know what her fucking gameplan is.
And prisons are full of men due to double standards, we are far more likely to let women off on the same crime a man has committed because "muh feminism" and "women are too weak for prison :("
She's not interested in DATING YOU. Why the fuck does this need to be spelled out for you?
why else does she sabotage any attempts i make at a relationship with other women, then? if she doesn't want to date, then what does she want?
To use you. You're an emotional sponge, a helping hand, a babysitter, or a loan. You're too much of a push over for her to take you seriously, so she drags you along. If you were to get attached to another woman, you'd stop doing all this for her.

just seems cruel to do that to someone. and i'd still do all of that for her, even if i got attached if she offered a definite relationship I'd run to her in a second, so it's not like she has nothing to fear. she knows how special i think she is and how I'll always have her back. I just wish she'd have mine.

but I guess when she's 40 and all used up, she'll come calling, and I'll at least get 20-30 happy years of life.
Brain fog, tiredness, sexual health, weakened immune system. I keep getting different types of infections, I got a sinus infection, yeast infection, bv, and a possible infected cavity all within the past 6 months.
You should go get help.
It's more than apparent that you aren't capable of rational thought on the matter. It's for your own good, man.

Don't do this to yourself.
Tell me more about your fasting habits.

This is sounding a lot less like, "death by veggies" and more like you've got some gastrointestinal tract issues.
If you're doing all of that and you're relatively successful, then she'll never be interested. I am dating a guy that more or less worships me, but he isn't motivated and he's pretty much ready to work his high school job up until he dies. Doesn't even want to be manager. But he's loyal and really sweet, which is what I suspect he does to keep me from outright leaving him. If he was financially secure, stopped working at the mall and not staying with his mom, and was doing alright for himself, I'd consider him to be a damn good package. I don't really know where I'm going with this, but I guess I'm saying that it's hard to find someone who's stable and loyal at the same time. If she can't see it, then you need to move on dude.

I'll be fine. Probably just destined to be single. It's okay. Perhaps that's my job as a man in this world, to make sure she's happy but not to be with her. It's okay. She might change her mind one day, but if she doesn't, I won't be upset. I just hope she finds someone who cares about her as much as I do, though.

Combined investments, assets, etc was over $400k for this past year. It's almost doubled this year. Been a good year. She knows how successful I am, too. I co-signed her house so she'd stop having to pay rent without anything to show for it 20-30 years from now. And paid off roughly $2k worth of debt so she could get approved for the loan.

You're probably right though. At the very least there has to be some young 18-20 year old with daddy issues that would love to be with me. If I had to guess, in the past 10 years, I've probably spent $50k on her? Maybe more? Co-signed her car too and made payments sometimes so she wouldn't lose it.
I do an intermittent fast over the course of 2-3 days. I'll eat a big bowl of fruit and have a black coffee. If the hunger gets unbearable, I'll eat a pickle and drink more water. Maybe get about 500 kcal max. I don't know how this leads to rapid weight loss, but I drop 2-3 lbs and it stays off, probably because I don't go into full on binging right after. During this time, I feel okay beyond just wanting to eat. But it does feel like my body can't handle very complex meals I make at home? So now I'm eating things that require minimal prep time, like cereal and smoothies. When I try to make a veggie pasta or just eat veggies by themselves in abundance, I feel like I could throw up. I'm torn, I don't really want to eat meat that much, but I also can't eat my weight in veggies either. I've lost two lbs last week, not even fasting but just because I don't really want much to eat.

That wasn't my claim. My claim was that both genders can be equally petty, like I've said several times now, they just fight over stupid shit different. For the love of god read.


Firstly, an article of one woman who killed someone has nothing to do with what I said. I never said women don't kill anybody. I'm not sure what that article is supposed to prove.

Secondly, men commit more violent crime. That is a statistical fact. Men are more prone to violent behavior. That is also a fact. Stop trying to make feminism and "double standards" the boogeyman of every problem in the world. Yes, women receive lighter sentences but that has nothing to do with the fact that men commit more violent offenses. I don't know what about that is hard to understand. I also don't know why admitting that is so hard for you seeing as how it doesn't even reflect on you at all. Its an objective fact that has nothing to do with your life. Are you so desperate to take every opportunity to take shots at feminism that you have to fabricate offenses that have nothing to do with you?
> It's okay. Perhaps that's my job as a man in this world, to make sure she's happy but not to be with her.

You're just pathetic my dude. Don't you have any hobbies or purpose in your life? How the fuck can you have such little confidence you'll be a girl's emotional bitch toy, she literally just talks to you for attention. There's nothing special about you, she could get attention from any other guy.
The article was a woman killing another woman over pot lol.

>The article was a woman killing another woman over pot lol.

Still has nothing to do with what I said. My example of women killing each other over weed was obviously hyperbole. No reasonable person would assume I was trying to say that a woman has never killed another woman over weed. Thats asinine. It isn't my fault if you aren't intelligent enough to glean that for yourself.
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I only read that post. And that post just said "you never see women fighting over stupid shit".
No need to get that assblasted man. You're being super defensive for some reason and it makes me think you're some raging feminazi or something lol. NAWT ALL WIMINZ

Take a chill pill lady, calm them titties.
Dude, what are you doing to take care of your gut?
I.e., fermented foods or probiotics.
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Leave it to a feminist to get this triggered lol.
>I was only pretending to be retarded duh
Yeah, we know feminists like to exaggerate and then also get really upset when you disprove their exaggeration. You said you'd never heard of a woman killing another woman over pot, there it is. It's not my fault you aren't intelligent enough to make a factual argument and have to make up shit to be right lol.

Sorry, you should probs head back to your female only safe space, cool your triggered mess of a brain

How do I rid myself of lewd thoughts? I don't have a boyfriend and imagine it'll be a few years before I have another one. I don't have sex with randos and masturbation isn't cutting it for me so I'm feeling pretty sexually frustrated. How do I make these feelings go away?
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>"You've never heard of a woman killing another woman over pot"
>Based anon posts a news article of a woman killing another woman over pot
My sides

Please dictionary the word "Hyperbole". I really don't have the energy to explain basic reading comprehension to you.

I also have no energy to play into the "WOW Y SO BUTTHURT??" meme attempt to dismiss what I was saying. I got my fill of that on XBOX live when I was 12, thanks.
Self discipline, or a vibrator.
ironically the only way she will EVER fall for you is if you tell her to fuck off and grow a pair but then she wont want to date you, why did you put yourself in such a fuck of a situation
Do tomboys like flowers?
Idk you seem to be feeding into it like a pig to a trough of grain lol. Every post saying "u dum i smrt" just shows how triggered you are and how absolutely asshurt you are about being shown an article proving what you claim doesn't happen indeed does.

(And what you did wasn't hyperbole, just pure exaggeration to be right lol, I suggest you look up the word yourself.)
Nothing I guess. I have issues with constipation too.
>I've never seen two women fight for accidentally bumping into each other in line at Walmart. You typically don't hear about women beating and killing each other over like, $100 worth of weed.
Only black people do this.
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i mean come on man at this point they dont even have to B8 you

Ok, you got me. 8/10.
My mom and I are both "tomboys" (or she, whatever the mature version of a tomboy is) and neither of us like bouquets that much. They look and smell nice, but that's it, and then you have to throw them out shortly after. I'm much more keen on planted flowers.

But you can still try giving your girl flowers. At the very least, she'll appreciate the sentiment. I certainly would never be upset with a guy I'm singing bringing me flowers. I just prefer other stuff.
Plz give me more (you)s
It'll prove how right you are. How just feminists are to the world. How feminism totally doesn't need to be wiped off the planet because they're just whiney dumb bitches who wanna be a victim
>I just prefer other stuff.
Like what? Chocolates?

Downgrading to 7/10. You're wandering off the rails a bit. I admit it dude, you baited me and I fell for it. Take the win and move on, sheesh.
Everyone likes and appreciates a nice gesture. Finding and picking a bouquet of wild flowers will probably go over with a tomboy better than store bought stuff though.
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Ladies, how would you want a guy to initiate something like a kiss or holding hands on a date? I've been dating a girl for almost a month now, and I can tell that we're both into each other, but she's really introverted and I haven't been in the dating game in ages. My ex was extremely outgoing, so it's a totally different world for me.
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Yet you're still giving me what I want lol. You're still eating my b8, gobbling it up like a bag of dicks
If you're walking or standing or sitting side by side just grab her hand, dude. Not actually grab it, but take it in yours and hold it, if she doesn't recoil you can go for the interlocked fingers.
As for kissing, if you ever find yourself in an intimate moment with her where you are close together and make eye contact you can safely lean in and kiss her. Just don't french it up too soon.
You just do it? You're overthinking it.

I'd say the only way she would become attracted to you in the way you want her to is if you have a sucessful relationship with someone else, and even then if you just drop everything for her once she shows a bit of interest that will also fuck it all up.

If someone took me that much for granted i'd rather be alone.
How do I get an ugly cute gf?
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I know, I'm just psyching myself out because I've been with my ex for so long, that trying it with another girl is pretty daunting.

Thanks for the advice. I'm gonna have to get over my nerves.
I feel ya, but don't let your brain get in the way lol
try being poor rich????
Oops. I thought I extrapolated on that earlier. I like practical things or memorable experiences. Like, if there's something I've been needing around the house, something I'd remember forever, or something I could re-use, that's what I'd want for a gift. So for me, that could be a small appliance, a fresh sketchbook and Copic markers, a $10-$20 ticket to a concert, or a vinyl record or book I've been looking for. I don't expect gifts outside of major holidays, but that's the kind of stuff I ask for for Christmas, Valentine's, and my birthday. But if you want to get me something any other time of the year, the same rule applies.

But this is just me (and pretty much my mom too haha), and your lady may be totally different. I'll let you be the judge of that. If you know she's had her eye on something, you should get her that instead of flowers, assuming you have the money. Or you could ask her! Again, you need to think about if you think she'd be offended that you "have to ask".

And yeah, chocolate's really good, too, contrary to everything else I said. Especially chocolate dipper strawberries while they're in season. I'd opt for chocolate over flowers if you aren't sure what to get for a tomboy.

Hope this helps. She sounds like a lucky gal.
Girls: How would you like a guy approaching you? I'm at a new school and there are a ton of cute girls that I see walking around, but I don't really know what's appropriate to say or if going up to them is already awkward. I already assume picking up girls at the library is bad since they're probably studying, and I should be too. The girls in my classes are also not that pretty.
So am I pretty much out of luck until next semester when I get new classes?
Cold approaching is hard, seeing people walking around and trying to approach might be ok, but keep in mind they may be rushing off to their next class and don't have time.
Your best bet for meeting people in school are clubs and events, or lunch. Go to the food halls and spy out a table of cute girls and ask to sit with them.

Guy here but does your school have like a lounge/social/student center? Just a general place people go to hang out between classes? That's a good place to approach girls and not worry too much if they're studying (if she doesn't have earphones on it's not rude)
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Girls, is it weird to you if I guy only wants to have sex if he's in a relationship?

I want to make a Tinder account because I don't really meet new women on a regular basis now that I'm in the work force, but I think I may stand out if I say I'm not looking for hookups and actually mean it.
Thanks femanon
You will stand out, but in a good way to some. There are ladies who won't fuck outside a relationship (myself included) and there are men that will do that same. Not everyone is into casual sex, however you are on a hookup app. Don't be surprised if your numbers are low.
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What would a guy/women (open t both gender question ig) think of someone with severe mental conditions? The kind of depression/anxiety where you can't leave bed for days, or illness akin to such?

Reply with gender pls
You mean like in a relationship? As a guy i'd be pretty overwhelmed at first, but if I really cared about the person and felt strongly attached to them I would try to take care of them/ help them out. But in order to do that I would have to get close to them, which the depression might hamper.
For either gender:
Easiest way to approach a girl at a house party?
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>Don't be surprised if your numbers are low
Better than they are now. Two girls in five years. That's dates, not things that ended up working out.
I think so
A woman here.
I'd be understanding as long as you're trying to do something about it. I get that there are rough times and you can simply get overwhelmed. I know the feeling because I'm mentally ill, too. If you just wallow in your misery and refuse to get better, though, then I'm outta here. That's a world of hurt I didn't sign up for.
>The kind of depression/anxiety where you can't leave bed for days, or illness akin to such?
Girl. Yea... nah... The shitty attitude that breeds depression is contagious. I don't mind if you have some shit, everyone has some shit. But not being able to get out of bed for days sounds too much for me.
I feel ya. Despite having far more opportunity to get out and meet people being a college student, I still can't seem to pull anything off and have resorted to shifting through the sea of "aye bb wan sum fuk?" to find the handful of dudes looking for anything serious, and then praying one of them will trip my other triggers.

>Spoiler, no luck yet.
Mostly my own fault though, if I could get around my literally paralyzing social anxiety and autism I could meet more people.
"Hi, my name's <insert name here>."
>Hey, what's up?
im sorry the answer was shit but so was the question
>i wanna find an ugly cute gf
pick one and only one
Femanon here, it's probably baggage I can't deal with. I mean I've got moderate depression/anxiety myself, so I at least understand somewhat, but I can't handle people who can't even get through what they have to do each day.

Keep thinking of my friend's ex, he just shut down, quit school, refused to find work, and mooched off his parents. Kept saying he was depressed and he can't work or go to school. I wasn't even the one dating him and I was annoyed by that. I was like, if it's that bad the kid needs to be hospitalized bc he can't even do the bare minimum to survive anymore.
Femanon here. That's too much for me to deal in a partner. I have a friend who's like that and dealing with him is a struggle sometimes, it's far too severe for an actual significant other.
How many of you are actually girls?
The blood leaking out of my vagina at the moment indicates that I am indeed a girl.
My wild mood swings for no apparent reason indicates that I am indeed a girl.
Some grills are conventionally ugly, but still cute. I wan to make one of them my gf, I am poor, but I come from a much stronger financial backing. Wat do?
My big sore knockers (because I made the mistake of going braless today) indicates I am indeed a girl
Is it a huge red flag if a guy doesn't try to kiss you by the end of the 3rd date?

I have a pretty shit recent past and she's technically still married.

Wankel unrelated.
Not really, no.
In that scenario I'd say def not.

But in any scenario if she's looking for more than something casual it's a good sign. But you don't wanna be too slow or she'll think you just wanna be friends. So long as you're making it clear your intentions are romantic otherwise though, it's fine.
I gave her flowers and she said it made her day. She apparently had a rough day at the office.

To be clear I'm not fucking around with some girl who's going home to a husband. Divorce was decided on a long time ago because he a shit.

I really want to not fuck this up.

thx fem
Yeah no I got that, divorces take some time and just because you're still legally married doesn't mean you are connected in any other way anymore.

But until that divorce is finalized, it's still understandable to not want to dive right in. Thats all I meant by that.
I'd probably prefer a girl like that, honestly. Maybe not paralyzing social anxiety, but an introvert for sure. I stay in most of the time.

Good luck dealing with those, though. It's a tough battle. I'm dealing with OCD myself, and it sucks.
Should I ask this girl to go on a date with me 4-5 months from now? I don't see myself being physically in the same state for until this much time. But I do want to show her that I'm interested in her now
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Hey guys.
I don't feel alive. Just...gross, or something.
Anytime a guy seems interested I'll think "heh, if I lost my v-card to this dude, he'd just remember me as that gross chick he used". When I was fat I didn't hate me. Didn't give any fucks for image insecurities and just loved to live--of course I got next to no attention, probably wasn't even fuckable or likable. But I was happy. And then the past hidden hurts finally piled up and broke through the dam of my mind, destroying all that I've ever built for myself. RIP.

I understand that I can't return to who I was. However, I want to be able to live and not feel like some sort of abomination. What can a girl do to feel pleasant and comfortable around people?
How do I get the courage to pull the trigger on asking my friend out?
>vagina makes me a girl

You asked for a guy.
Okay here I am.
Well, you got a tough problem.
Maybe start small.
Have like a positive mantra or quote that makes you feel happy about who you are.
Then repeat it to yourself everyday.

Then just talk to people. Start small.
Small talk. little observations and things about nearby things.
Remember that all the negative self hating aspects are really all in your head.

Because at best it sounds like "I'm seeing someone now that I haven't told you about but I don't plan to be in the near future so we can go on a date then."

why do you assume everyone is western euro here? plus you are just an asshole in general anyway. on wrong board, too.

just ignore her, like no eye contact.
nah, i don't torture myself with those, my butt looks fine without them.

you just do it.

It's fucking tough man.
>why do you assume everyone is a western euro here
He didn't, he clearly specified that he wants answer from the Western European women who are in this thread.
>you are just an asshole in a general way
Projection and your reply has nothing to do with his question.
>and on the wrong board too
/Pol/ boogeyman, assuming everyone who doesn't share similar voews with you on immigration is some /pol/ shitposter just makes you a vindicative cunt too.
0/10, why do you even reply if you think it doesn't belong in this thread? Just report the post, hide it and move on.
troll harder, both of you kids. he did assume everyone is western euro. he said euro women at the beginning of his post. eastern euro is just as euro as the rest, so fuck you.
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What the fuck dude?
Now you are just assuming intent and saying that you can read his mind.
And no, Western European is a specific term of people that live in that specific part of Europe. Often Western Europe is viewed as countries to the west of Poland, it's an actual geographical term.
Also, calling someone a kid and a troll is just a cheap way to ignore someones argument.
What in my post was trollish, I'm genuinely curious.
>Asks a retarded political question on a non political board
>Gets told to ask his question on the board that deals with politics
Kill yourself, cancer.
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I'm not the guy who asked the fucking question.
I said that he should report the post and move on, you don't respond to bait if you think it is fucking bait.
Come on dude.
Also, blaming every single thing on /pol/ is just a fuciking scapegoat at this point.
Can't you see you are just perpetuating a harmful fucking atrawman in your head? You tell people to kill themselves because they think it's stupid to respond (in a vindicative way) to obviously provocative and baity posts.
If you want to make board culture better REPORT THE IRRELEVANT POSTS AND IGNORE THEM.
Fuck me.
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Girls: after having eye contact with a woman/girl i usually loon onto her hair. Am i beyond saving?
Well YOUR hair is beyound saving.
Thanks, my hairdresser obviously hated me. Also check'd
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Damm.. look not loon. Them typos. Also tell me something about my hair
>tfw i feel awful after posting that
I'm sorry anon, rude shitposting just isn't in my nature.
Vaginas are flexible. Unless your dick has like 90º degrees bent, you are ok. At the worst you will have to aim with your hand but once it is in, you are golden no matter what.

I know that whatever i will tell you, you will ignore it as any other anons. So yes, waste another X years of your life waiting. Because everybody knows all problems are solved by passive waiting.

Your diet is killing you. Your body is in starvation mode. Aka it burns muscles instead of fat. Without fats in your diet your body cant produce hormones and your immune system is damaged.

I dont know how much more retarded can you be, but start eating MEAT, DAIRY PRODUCTS and stop destroying your body. You are malourished. And ditch your bf, being vegan is the ultimate meme.
Dont stop eating until you hit 23bmi, go to doctor and really, eat BALANCED diet!

Why dont you just hit on sone awkward boy and snatch him as your bf?

>dear femanon, i think you look super adorable today, can i kiss you?
Casanova much? Ad far as handholding go, simply grab her hand.

Pic related?

>asking deer about hunting deer
Literally go, smile at them. If they smile back, go closer and introduce yourself. Then chat about random memes like what do they study, what is their favorite subject, pokemon, game, social media, news site and finish it by asking for their number. With enough practice you will know every girl at school. Good luck!
If you pick some awkward, shy or not super sexy girl, you will be her first bf. Only downside for that is she will want to marry you.

Plenty of girls want bf, not fuck buddy. So you should be ok. If they will be on tinder is complete different case though.

Soothe and pet the bitch!
>depression, cant leave beds for days
Depression is heritable, undatable. I want happy babies, not depressed ones.
Obviously, we are on 4chan. So.. what does my habit tells about me
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It is called body dismorphia and whole /fit/ board has the same issue.
Even three years after i lost weight i still see myself as fatass. The solution? Learn how to not trust your brain in rating your own body. Or psycholog with CBT.

Pic related?

>>>/fit/ sticky
How fat are you?
About 25% body fat, so obese i guess. I can work for a better torso, cause its my only problem zone. The rest of my body is pretty muscular, as i work at the port of my city
That is called daddy body type or simply bear mode. Scratch /fit idea and tell me how many different girls have you asked on date in the past two years and why are you asking such stupid questions like >>18655971 ? Autism?

Do you like that men like ass and tittes or do you wish mens sexual attraction was more like womens?
should i be alarmed if the girl i'm dating suddenly gives shorter replies?

i wanted to stop overthinking all this nonsense but i am still frustrated about it.
I don't care at all. Why should I?
Thanks for pointing that out. I havent asked a girl out yet in past 2 years. Iam sexless a long time, but still kept in contact with several women. I know that the hair plays a big role in sexuality and behaviour (independant/shy etc.) for woman. I just want to know more about woman, iam not the kind of playboy guy. The best case scenario would be, to meet my girl of my dreams in that way. Personality > looks
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Ass or boobs preference shows if you are closer to the nigger or not.

Ask her on date dummy. Girls dont go on dates with boys they no longer want.

>0 girls hitted on in the past 2 years
Achievement "wanna be virgin" awarded. And now go and fucking hit on some girls. Online dating, social events or friends friends. GO!
Boobs shows that you have mother issues
How to get laid? I feel that inviting women to my flat straightforward is creepy as fuck. I also can't get women laugh and I feel tremendously insecure if I see woman laughing, for me it means maximum interest.
I meant, if another guy makes women laughing, I should retreat as fucking fast as I can.
we dated three times already and she stayed over 2 days (she has freshers week in my town) last time we spoke she said sure we can plan something.

see all good signs yet the slightest change in chatting behavior sets me off. I feel like im the only one putting effort in this and it is frustrating me. Also she is not so affectionate at all. She likes cuddling but never initiates kissing or sexual contact. end rant
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I will take mommy issues boobs anytime!

Tell us more about your virginity. Age, experiences, how big introvert you are, how you are putting every girl on pedastal, nice guy syndrome, how you think something is creepy, how you cant talk to strangers, how you have no idea how to make girl wet, how underage you are, how insecure you are, how you dont know what flirting means and how you meet girls only in group settings meaning more handsome/experienced boys gets the girls instead of you.

Try baby steps improvements first. Aka talking with strangers.
then throw in treating girls as boys aka indifferently. The last step is to talk with them outside of groups in 1on1 fight. Then get their number (simply ask). And text them later with invitation on date. Be bold, SMILE and sooner or later some girl will steal your virginity. Even being awkward and cute can be plus.

Sounds like average girls behavior. The love to cuddle, but they are all submissive. Meaning they love when you take their body and use it for your own pleasure. Combine that with more cuddling, foreplay, maybe eat her pussy and she will love you even more.

Also texting sucks. Use dates more and texting less.
I just hate being unsure about her feelings towards me before every date happens
Emotional guys end up getting fucked up and miserable far more often than women. All that shit about being in touch with your emotions just doesn't jive with the reality of being a guy.
Your insecurity is what will kill this relationship. You HAVE TO TRUST HER! t least a bit. And who cares if she leaves you in the end? It will be her fault, not yours. Stay cool and go play csgo in the meantime.

Good luck!
well i am insecure that's for sure
There was attempt of me losing virginity at 18, I was unable to get my dick up, three times. I am 19. Basically she wanted to fuck me bad, she had 10/10 body, and I almost took no initiative. I remember I made this particular girl wet. Eventually this girl dumped me over due my crippling insecurity and other things, and I even agreed to be friends, however now I think I will cut contact with her. This was my worst decision.

My trouble is that I fear women and maybe sex. I am tremendously insecure and I think woman would dump me immediately as soon as better prospect arrives. I think I subconsciously ruined my last relationship.
Why do so many guys mistake niceness and courtesy for me wanting to let them in my pants?
Basically it's wishful thinking. Guys can delude themselves into anything. One man I knew unironically thought that I wanted to shag him because I hated him openly. He kept saying some nonsense about me being "passionate" in his presence and that must have meant that I was ready to fug him.
Because people are rarely nice these days and mating season worsens perception and common sense.
My boyfriend unironically likes the new Taylor single. Is it worth breaking up with him?
Taylor who? Swift? If he listens to Taylor Swift, then I'm sorry to tell you he's gay.
>see some cute girl who is very likely to be single
>approach and introdu
>"No thank you!"
>go away and go back to look for other single girls
>The girl who rejected me comes by
>"Why didn't you try to ask me out again?"
>You said no. No means No and absolutely literally nothing ELSE, you idiot.
>fuck off out of there and call it a day

Is every woman really like this? Really? Stop playing around unless you want some actual real rapist to take advantage of you.
Sex is a game. When you are young, you play with lego. When you are older, you play with yourself. And when you are even more older, you play with her body and try to fit various parts to each other.

Many boys have problems with new partners. And that is ok. Remember, you still can cuddle, pet, kiss, lick, touch, tickle, suck, grope her body. And that is what girls love the most: foreplay. Combine that with making her cum via clit stimulation and she wont even notice you arent hard. I personally use oral sex on her to get hard myself. There is something super sexy seeing her body wiggle and spasm. Once she is done, i simply grab her, turn her over, spank her ass and do her. They love it when you are dominant.

It is good you know where the problem is. Treat them like boys. If it is super problem, try dating fatties or uggos. Once you will realize that girls are humans like us, your fear should go away. And in the worst case you will marry fat ugly girl. Good luck and remember that girls rarely cum from piv alone. Take all time in world to relax and cuddle the bitch. Once you realize you are with naked girl in bed who obviously craves you, your dick should get into attention.
>you will last 30 seconds anyway
Just remember to make her cum few times before you insert and you will still be probably the best lover she ever had.

Because we arent used to being treated nice. Being boy means fighting every day for someones favor and many are simply average meaning they never got any niceness, praise or geniue interest.

If you need /adv to decide this, you can break up anyway.

Sometimes you flirt like this. By insulting them a little in a playful manner.
>who would want to date such girl with tiny boobs and no ass?
(When she has big boobs)
>oh really? Then you should prove it!
>how? Well, we can go to my place where i can inspect them. Have i told you i am certified boobs inspector?

Ask her on date again. See her new reaction.
Explore his anus.
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Yo, thank you. I mean, I had no trouble with foreplay, I remember her being really waterfall wet while we were down to fuck, it felt intuitively. My dick couldn't get up, and when it did, I couldn't cum and felt insensitive to a blowjob. But that's not a problem.

I don't know how to get down to sex and what should I do to get it, because first time we didn't even date, she said she wants to come to my place and teach me everything since I revealed to her I am virgin. I took no initiative, later on I was blamed for that, then later LOTS of shit-tests went on, I failed and she broke up with me.
Both is nice.
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1. Locate prey.
Online dating, social events, friends friends.

2. Isolate prey.
Whatever you do, you need to separate her from group. When online, ask her on date, when in group get her number, when in social even get her somewhere quiet.

3. Gauge interest
Talk to her. Smile. Flirt. Ask her nonsense questions like what is she studying and how her life is going on. Smile. Ask her on date. In person, online or by text, you shows interest as boy via actions. Ask the bitch on date.

4. Date the bitch
If you make it to the date, you have almost won. Some are shy, some are assertive, some want quick fuck, some want husband and wont put sex until few months of dating. Determine what type of prey you have in front of you and decide if she is worth the run.

5. Behave like horny male.
Kissing, handholding, smiling like idiot, tellibg her nonsense, accidentally touching her and constantly asking for netflix and chill, walking her home and doing everything socially acceptable to send signals into her brain: i want to put myself inside of you. It doesnt matter if she is shy or wants to wait 5 months. You still need to give her feelings you find her sexy, unless you want to be friendzoned.

6. Be proactive and bold. Girls do absolutely nothing in dating game. Ask her on dates, text her, visit her, smile at her, grab them by the pussy if you have to. And remember, no girl will allow boy to be next to her on bed / coach if she didnt want to be cuddled. Cuddle the bitch tenderly, even if she puts "resistance", slow down and try minute later. They like to pretend they are innocent virgin princesses and you have to pretend you are huge teddy bear who wants to fuck badly but can be trusted he wont overpower / rape her.

Tldr ask the bitches on dates. They want it as much as you do, but society conditions them to never be assertive.
>referring to women as "prey"
You have to be 18 to post here
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What do girls think of feet fetishism.
Is my only fetish and I love it ;-;
Objectively I have no qualms with it as long as you don't expect feet to be a focus of sex all the time. Incorporating it in sex seems a total non-issue.

My only negative thoughts are that I do not find my own feet attractive at all (they're not monstrous but don't have a pronounced arch, are on the big side of average etc) so I would be worried about how picky you are with finding them cute.
I am not picky at all, everything decent is welcome
Depends how far you take it. If you want to occasionally kiss or lick my feet, or want a footjob now and then? That's fine, I'm up for that. But if your sexual appetite resolves solely around my feet then it becomes a problem.
Then it's not an issue for me. Most people have some kink and this is something that does not turn me off and is easy for me to play into. That's a win as far as I'm concerned.
>implying girls most common kink isnt to be raped by somebody who has their dad figure / personality or just generally to be hunted down by some sexy dominant man
Face it, girls wait and see strategy can work only when boys hit on them silly all the time.

Post your ideal feet. Is feet in sock as sexy as naked feet or is it even better? And have you learned how to give proper feet massage? To any anon here, i recommend you to go and try it at least once. It feels super good no matter your gender. The nerve endings feels amazing when the messager knows what is he doing.
Casually, just as you described it.
Just normal stuff from now and then.
It's just that people in general see this fetish as very disgusting. I wanted to know your opinion before I actually ask a girl for it.
>post your ideal feet
I honestly have no preference. Everything is fine.
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>everything is fine
Are you sure? Talk about low standards.
I think I just don't like feet anymore, thanks.
I have genital warts that i should care of. I need some /adv/ if the doctor can remove them quickly
what do you mean? do you think women aren't attracted to your body? i would sure fucking hope my bf is attracted to my ass and tits, just like I'm attracted to his body. it's only off-putting when a person who you aren't involved with aggressively informs you of their attraction to your ass and tits.

you're a fucking autist, that girl was flirting with you.

as far as i know, most girls only have a problem with foot fetishists who subject them to their fetish unwillingly such as photographing the feet of strangers, etc. i do know a few girls who wouldn't want to participate in foot fetishism because they are self conscious of their feet and maybe a few immature ones repelled by the concept of a fetish.
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>tfw sub guy
>like girls

Why couldn't I be gay
Can kind of relate as a more dominant girl.
Keep trying anon.
When you say dominant, how much dominant are you talking about?

Making him obey? Rope? Spanking? Abuse? Role playing? Or just marry him and them force him to cook and clean?

I have read about one girl who uses simple test: she spanks her partners and solely on that determines if they are into being sub or not.
>tfw it is you who has to spank the girls, not the other way around
I'm not into being dominant outside of the bedroom, I'm rather domestic and a quiet girl.
I'm just pretty aggressive sexually. I like all the things you listed, and more stuff too.
It's just about sex for me, tho. I don't want to be too dominant in the relationship.
Since you posted after one another, you're obligated to fuck now.
Still can be. It's called pegging
I'm also a sexually dominant girl with a minorly dominant personality. I'm pretty repelled by anything that would qualify as abuse or cause significant pain to my partner, but ropes, spanking, biting, and pegging are all in the cards.

I have no interest in forcing a guy to do domestic chores, but I actually really enjoy being the provider in my relationship. I love being the one getting my boyfriend gifts and bringing him out to dinner in the cute sweaters and tight jeans I buy him.
>liking taytay is gay now
fuck you roasties
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>domestic quiet lady outside of bedroom
>aggressive dom who will make you sorry for having dick in bedroom

And all i meet are vanilla starfishes :-(

I guess there isnt any visible sign or trait of
>warning, this girl will rape you
, is there?
There's only two kinds of guys why like Taylor Swift. Homosexuals and nazis. And I don't see a swastika.
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Girls, do you think?
Would u date a fat guy if he had a great personality and sense of humor ?
I can't think of much, no.

I can get pretty aggressive if I like a guy. I am not scared of seducing a guy I want. I'll go after someone if I really want to be with them.

I can be a little stubborn. I'm not overtly emotional. I am very upfront.

Other than that, no. Not much.
I'm very good with kids, cook all the time, dress is nice little dresses and do my hair. I'm pretty stereotypically feminine.

Have you ever had the experience of your friends teasing you about a guy and saying that you like him? Why do they do this?

My friends kept annoying me saying that I'm in denial but I really don't like him that way. He's just a friend. Then in the end my friend says "But it's good and normal to like someone"

Okay but now if I do like someone why should I tell them? They're just going to make me feel awkward and annoyed.
Depends on how fat. If I think he's still attractive, yeah. If he's obese, no.
You know, I originally said no, until I did meet a fatty who tripped all my other triggers.

However I should note I'm in a years long dry spell and the desperation is at it's absolute max. Can't promise I'd stick around when a better looking dude who also trips all my triggers comes along once the desperation subsides.

Good news is losing weight is easy. Just go lose weight and you won't have to worry about a thing.
Are your friends 14? If not they act like it. Find better friends.
We're in our 20s. You're right, I don't actually think it's normal for them to act like that?
i think probably the only sign i give is that i'm more likely to actually ask a guy out instead of being asked out. i know some dominant women are very open about it, but i don't really like to display my sexual interests publicly. we're out there though! the easiest way to meet people with fetishes similar to yours is to talk to them online- sexual conversations with near strangers are far more comfortable in text. communities like fetlife can get you some people who make their sexual shit their entire life, but there's also more moderate people in those places too.
Yeah losing weight is easy, just a long process and it makes me feel better about myself lol. Reading this post motivates me alot actually, thanks.
Understandable, obese is like diseased looking.
I bet they are just "subtly" trying to tell you to date that boy. And since you are single and your friends think you would be great couple, why dont you try it? What do you have to lose? Your virginity?

And dont worry, this teasing and bantering is normal amongs friends of both genders, the only difference is we boys tend to use much vulgar words.

Godspeed femanons and good luck with the hunt. I can then only hope that someday it will be me who is the prey and not the hunter.
>i would probably be even more awkward than normal, still it sounds like fun
Question to everyone.

Also mention if you are a male or a female.

Do you shave, trim or use hair remover for your pubic hair?
it sounds like they're trying to play matchmaker. if it were me i would kindly request that they fuck off.
Shave all hair under my eyes.
I'm female and I currently shave my pubic hair. Trimming is my preference, but my boyfriend has a thing for it. I actually like it when I'm newly shaved, I just hate the feeling of the little prickly hairs when they grow in. Short and maintained hair is more comfortable in general.
I'm male and I have always shaved the area down there and I hate the small prickly hairs that makes me wanna kill myself at times. What trimmer do you use?
i told my crush that i havent read the game of thrones books and she told me that she could lend me hers
she finished college last semester and i legit didnt plan on seeing her any more
is there a meaning to this? if she didnt want to see me again she shouldntve offered to give me the books right?
I trim. I would prefer to be completely bald but I just don't have the skin for it. Shaving more than once just leaves me with horrific razor burn that makes me look like I have some sort of super STD. Waxing takes the skin up with it too, which is as terrifying as it sounds. I've considered laser removal but it's just too expensive and risky given how sensitive my skin is to everything else.
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>Make fwb benefits mad
>already apolgoised if it caused offense
>still cold with me after a week, won't look me in the eyes
>had a bit of banter with her today
>she gets mad again
I'm so fucking done with this chick anons
This isn't the place to vent anon. Might I direct you to the get it off your chest thread.
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I used gillete fusion since puberty hitted me, then i found out how stupid i was and went to safety razor instead. Cheaper and more comfortable.

And since i started to shave down there, i had to never scratch my balls ever again. And you prevent ingrown hairs by scrubbing it hard with soap and sponge after shave in shower. Sure old generation thinks i am gay when at locker room but no girl complained yet since i am not into MILFs.
I spoke to a girl on a night out about two months ago (who approached me first) and I didn't get her number, we only swapped names.

Purely hypothetical, but if I ran into her again, what do you think the chances of her remembering me would be? I doubt she'd remember my face instantly, but if I went up to her and said something like "hey, I spoke to you outside..."

Presumably she'd had a bit to drink as it was later on in the night but she didn't come across as totally out of it, and I remember her generally speaking pretty clearly.
She's hoping you'll fap to the gruesome parts so she can sniff the pages when you give the books back.
Don't give the books back.
I mean, is there anything anyone can offer me except just avoid her until she reconnects or simply doesn't?
Fight the autism anon. Simply go to her, say hi, introduce yourself once again and casually mention you met once already.

If you feel adventurous (dont do this), mention you had to go to internet forum and ask strangers about how to talk to her once more because she is obviously making you nervous.

She might remember you or not, it doesnt matter. What matters is to ASK FOR HER NUMBER! Still i dont think you can meet the same person twice on this types of places unless you are there daily.
i initiated the conversation but i legi didnt expect an answer beyond hahahahaha
i still dont know if i should pursue, expect more, or do something when im there because i will have to be at her doorstep in order for her to give me the books, but she did tell me that she comes back in 2 weeks.
So i dont know if i should forget about it or ask her for the books in 2-3 weeks
women: my girlfriend said she doesn't like getting liked. Is it normal that some girls rather like kissing and touching as a foreplay or is she maybe insecure about how her pussy looks or is it maybe because we're only together since 1 month and she doesn't build enough trust?
>if she didnt want to see me again she shouldntve offered to give me the books right?

Does't mean she likes you. She might just think you two are friends.
I need to elaborate before asking the question:

I recently got invited to a coffee tasting by my former boss. He always is happy to see me whenever I come in to the restaurant, and goes out of his way to come talk to me, even in a middle of a rush. We hug a lot (friend hug I think). He tends to tease me, but I think (also I have autism, so sorry if I seem dense) he may be flirting with me. He messes with my phone, tries to scare me, "tripped" over my feet, purposely invades my personal space for laughs, asks when I'm coming back to work and if I'm available, among other things. Anyway, coffee tasting. He told me to bring the family. I am married and have a kid. And he told me he understands if I'm not able to bring them, and to not feel any pressure to commit to the friendly gathering. I might not be able to go in the first place.

The question is: Does he have some sort of crush on me or something? Is he flirting with me? He's been doing this for more than a year.
Some women are more sensitive than others when it comes to pleasure. Sure, you've been together a month, but it really becomes as simple as difference in sexual preferences. No big deal anon.
Sounds to me like he's being your goofy friend. Not very professional, but oh well.
Some women are a bit more immature and playful than others. If a guy simply walks off and doesn't look absolutely devastated or shaken by the light rejection by said woman, they will try to mess with you. It's up to you whether to tolerate it or not. Some men are into those women and try going for the kill by engaging in more witty/flirty banter to counter the rejection. That's Dante-must-die mode courting though.

He knows you are married, so he may be really autistic or just weird.

I mean, plenty of people in 4Chan ask about breaking up a couple, so we know some people think it's a possibility. But maybe he is just trying to be friendly and he is weird when doing it.

If he didn't do anything overtly sexual or tried to get you alone , don't worry too much about it.
thats what im almost sure but there was this party that she threw when she finished college and she kinda hanged onto me and asked me why i didnt come sooner, it was confusing to say the least

she told me she hasnt smoked weed in her entire life and in that party she asked me for a hit and i told her no because she was already drunk, if i do get the courage to ask her about the books is it too weird if if ask her if she wants some weed?

the funny thing is i already considered her pretty and cool but i didnt feel shit until she uploaded a picture in a bikini then i went GOD DAMN

Dude, I mean, have you shown interested in her? You are trying to use objects (weed) to bridge the gapinstead of just hanging out with her, so I'll guess you didn't show any interest or flirt with her at all.

Ask her out man. Maybe she likes you, maybe she doesn't. Only way to know.
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How often does your ex write to you? I am constantly getting messages from her.
>Not very professional
That's exactly it though! I do know that he is a goof and kind of behaves like an idiot around me, but here's the thing. He is a very professional man. He's a decade older than me. He's got a fiance. He's outstanding at his job, has a bright future, has been through university, etc, has it made.

Now, I know that friends come in all ages and sizes, and all walks of life. But the thing is, I quit my job a year ago, because it was miserable working there. I worked very hard there. He didn't want me to leave. So despite me telling him that I can't go back to work, he keeps teasing me about it, more than a year later. I'm used to friends dissipating (because autism), but he hasn't, which is unusual in my experience.

Maybe he pities me because he found out I'm autistic? It's not immediately obvious because I'm on the lower side of the spectrum, but... There's the other question.

Does he act super friendly because he pities me?

He's not autistic to my knowledge, but he's kind of awkward when talking to some people. Yeah, I'd say weird, but not like in a creepy way. You're right absolutely right though, he hasn't done anything outlandish, so I'll be fine. Thanks!
Your ex shouldn't be writing to you, period, unless you guys broke up on good terms. I'm telling you now, it's going to become a problem if you're trying to date again.
So I like this one girl, but she's already in a relationship. It seems like she just kind of lines up guys to be dating and I seem to be next if I'm correct. Is this something girls commonly do or am I just stupid?
Time to kill the bitch once and for all!

And this >>18656857
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It is called monkey branching and it is somewhat common. Decide for yourself if you want to date such girl. Personally i wouldnt. This not wife material at all.
the problem is i dont know if she is interested and i dont want to make a move because i value her as friend also and i think that if she feels that im trying to get into her pants (i am) she might just try to get herself out of any interaction with me
the book thing took me completely by surprise as i said i wasnt expecting to see her any more now that shes out of college while this is my last semester and i do want to hang out wioth her but i dont want to make it obvious that im intereted in her in that way because while i like im not THAT interested
The only thing is she's kind of new to dating so it's not clear to me if she's one of those kind of girls, I'm only saying this because she jumped from one by who she was dating for almost a year in about a month
>i dont want to make a move

>im trying to get into her pants

One of this is not true. Either you try or you don't. Which one is it?
How old are you? 17? I bet you still have at least 5 years left before marriage time so stop overthinking nonsense and simply ask her on date. She probably wont marry you, but maybe she will steal your virginity.

Since he is a boy it is always the only thing: her pants.
let me explain: i would fuck her if i had the chance but i dont want to do anything in particular. if i somehow end up going to her house and if we start making out then i wont stop her, but at the same time i wont do anything in particular because as i said, i like her as a person and i dont want her to think that im interested in her in a 100% romantic way
>if i somehow end up going to her house and if we start making out

So she has to invite AND make a move on you before you show her that you are into her? That attitude will make getting laid very, very hard.
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Can some girls shed light on this?

I confessed to a girl, she said no and ran away with some chad.
Which is fine, I got my answer and I am trying to move on and I have made some great progress.
I don't like her anymore and if she asked me out tomorrow I would say no.
I see everyday so I have been very civil and it has not been awkward.

But she keeps bringing up the chad, what they are doing and how they doing it.
She talks about kissing him and how he only wants a casual thing but she is trying to convince him otherwise.
Is she just intentionally torturing me for fun?
I am trying to move on but she keeps picking the scab, I am human so I can't help getting a bit pissed off and Jealous.
>Is she just intentionally torturing me for fun?
No. The likelihood she is an intentional psycho and derives pleasure from doing this to you, is very slim.

The highest likelihood is that she is entirely clueless and emotionally retarded. Because of that, she doesn't understand what her words and actions do, because her emotional intelligence is pitifully low. This is common and entirely expected out of women under the age of 30. Until they get some life experience under their belts, they just don't pay attention to their actions and the impact of those actions on others.

It's not because they're mean. They just aren't thinking of others.

If it's driving you nuts, either stop hanging out with her, or tell change the subject every time she tries to talk about it. I wouldn't give a fuck about her love life either, if I was her random friend. No one but her cares about that shit. So no one is obligated to listen to it. Talk about other things.
She is 19 and five years younger than me, she does seem immature for her age.
I think she just likes the attention, I can't avoid her because she works with me.

It is difficult to avoid, it is not like we talk about it for five minutes. She sprinkles it into random conversations, it is like being stabbed with a hot needle every so often.
>oh yeah i'd kiss chad too
>he's hot may i take him for a date?
>maybe we'd get a threesome, someday
So I should make her uncomfortable for her to talk about him?
im not going to argue with you because you are absolutely right. but im in the limbo, my feelings for her are not big enough for me to actually want to do something about it

You gotta decide what to do, man. We can't make that choice for you. Good luck, though.
>Update on this
Turns out she spent like 30 mins venting to her friend about it, and also overheard me muttering "i'm so done" under my breath.
I wonder if this will push her to open up at me, even if it's to vent or rage at me - i actually want it

Isn't drama fun kids?
What's the manliest beer I can bring to a party? I usually bring Stella or Rickard's Red, the latter is definitely manlier of the two, but I'm looking for something new.
>Isn't drama fun kids?
In a just world there'd be a pot of gold at the far end of a pussy for all the trouble it takes to get inside one.
Not really. I wouldn't like overly insecure women either, but I don't need the complete opposite otherwise I feel like I can't let my guard down around her.
As a man, I find it really hard to empathize with women because I just can't understand the thought processes behind some of the things they say and do. It's like the more I find out, the more I realize just how much I don't know. How do I get to a place of understanding? I was raised by an effectively single mother, 2 sisters and most of my close friends have been women. I've learned a lot of ways to "handle" them but I still don't understand the "why" most times. It's like their thoughts and actions are random and arbitrary, like how they can go from EXTREMELY INTERESTED to unattracted or vice versa in a short time.
They aren't. It's just less socially acceptable and less attractive to the opposite sex, so men hide their emotions. Which in turn leads to higher suicide rates in the male gender.
Patrice was right
They really are the enemy at times
How do tinder?

I don't get it, every time I match a guy I can never get a conversation going. 100% of them do not message first, and 90% of them have nothing in their bio's. Every single conversation has been me desperately trying to find a topic just to get "haha yeah." as a response. How do you fucking get out of the tinder small talk phase I'm lost.
meh, it's not all that great. I mean, it starts off great, but then little shit starts piling up, and before you know it the relationship is bad and you both want out.

Only woman can understand other woman and that is the reason why they hate each other so much and wont miss any opportunity to backstab each other.

1. Fake accounts.
2. Bots.
3. Most of them are there for fun.
4. Post your profile pic.
5. Try other apps like okcupid, badoo, meetme and so on.

Trust me, it isnt any easier for boys. And if they cant even be bothered to fill bio, do you honestly believe they will bother to chat? Husband material boys are as rare as wife material girls. Patience is required. You dont meet your prince in one day. Online dating should be supplement for traditional dating via friends friends and social events you hate (but boys are there).
But literally maybe 1 in every 25 guys has anything in their bio, and some of those are just listing their major/greek affiliation.

I've been doing this shit for years man. Tinder was in all honesty my last ditch effort before I gave up entirely.

I don't even care for husband material just yet, I'll cross that bridge if I get there, I just want dating material.
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Location, age and pic? And by years you mean 2 weeks?

You see, so shouldnt be struggling much to attract boy unless you are doing something horribly wrong. Pic related? Single mom?

What about social events and friends friends? What do you do for living? And what about different apps?
>How do you fucking get out of the tinder small talk phase I'm lost.
Initiate meeting up ASAP. It's often easier to understand your compatibility with an individual when talking face to face. It's also easier to let your body language, tone of voice, etc show your intentions, and them theirs.
Grey rock her and change the subject.
Whenever she talks about him, don't respond in a substantial way. Avoid eye contact, busying yourself with something else and say, "Huh." and "Oh." Whenever she asks your opinion about something about him, just shrug. Immediately change the subject to literally anything else. Once you change the subject, reconnect eye contact and shift your attention to her. If she changes the subject back to him, shift your attention away again. Repeat until she gets the idea.

If she calls you out, say, "It makes me kind of uncomfortable to talk about your love life."
Midwest US, 22, not gonna post a pic I'm not hideously ugly just take my word for it, have been trying to find a date since 17. So I mean it, literally years. In these past few years of searching I've met a handful of guys but none of them every went anywhere. We went on a couple dates/hooked up once or twice and then parted ways.

I'm a college student, so it's not like I'm in a social black hole. I chat up classmates, go to the weird events on campus (though a bulk of the shit the school puts on is mostly just educational seminars put on by prominent professionals in various fields, not much for fun stuff)

I tried OKC but ran into the issue that there were very few people that were both around my age and within a reasonable drive of me. Perks of a smallish town and the nearest cities all being 2-3 hours away in a perfect triangle around us. OKC seemed to be better for the middle aged divorcees trying to get back out there. I tried meet me as well as per a friends suggestion but similar issue. Not enough people used it.
>Depression is heritable, undatable.
lol i'll take myself out of the gene pool then
>I'm a college student, so it's not like I'm in a social black hole. I chat up classmates, go to the weird events on campus (though a bulk of the shit the school puts on is mostly just educational seminars put on by prominent professionals in various fields, not much for fun stuff)
Unless you're in a pink degree I don't really get this issue. I'm a fucking dude in engineering, the gender gap is something like 9 to 1 yet I still manage to find women to pursue around campus.

You should have met more than "a handful of guys" over numerous years unless you're either trying to date up or look for excuses to never put yourself out there. Most of your issues mirror my own (e.g. small town) but the dating situation isn't -that- desperate.
Firstly 17 vs 22 is like entirelly different person. At 17 you are dumb teen. At soon 23 you will habe full developed brain and be ready to finally behave like true adult and be in ripe age to get married :-)

Secondly, if you have found out online dating is dead end, you either need to move locations or try different approaches.

Like since you are still at uni, you have this (huge?) source of boys your age. Dont tell me nobody tried to hit on you. Or if nobody does, you can try to hit on boys yourself. Feminazi claims equality so you are free to hit on boys as well. Maybe find some shy boy on campus / class and literally glue on him? You know, say hi, introduce yourself and dont let him leave?

Also what do you mean by
>handful of guys
>none of them went anywhere
Again if you were 17 back then, it could be different from now. Maybe they just want sex? Or were scared to actually ask you on date? What about your arts of seduction?
How many guys do you ask out in a given month?




Be honest anon, is somebody else in your family "crazy"?
>still you have chance by finding healthy "normal" partner who will have dominant gene and your children will be ok
Oh man thank you so much for this. I've been using that 3 razor disposable ones for a long time.
>still you have chance by finding healthy "normal" partner who will have dominant gene and your children will be ok
I am in a heavily female dominated degree program, which is part of the issue.
I suppose the issue is those handfuls of guys are the ones I've met that genuinely interested me. and before you ask, yes, I have lowered my standards and expectations as far as I humanly can. Any lower and I just replace the problem of being single with the problem of being in an emotionless and/or sexless relationship. Thats why I went to tinder for help increasing my pool outside college students for just an extra boost of people but shit none of them can converse.

Yeah, can agree I'm a very different person from 17, but nobody wanted me at 17, nobody wants me at 22. I'm about 9 months out from 23.

Moving locations is in my future, however I'm stuck here until I get the degree. And I don't think I can just wait this out anymore, I've been waiting it out since I was a teenager.

>Dont tell me nobody tried to hit on you
Actually, I can't say nobody but very few. I can think of one time really where I was approached, every other time I had to be the one to do the approach. And maintain the contact. And maintain the conversation. And set up 100% of the meetings. It's been feeling rather 1 sided lately.

>Handful of guys, none went anywhere
I met a guy last semester and thought we hit it off, hung out for a couple months, I expressed interest in taking it further, he expressed interest in just being fuck buddies.
Last year I met 2 guys throughout the school year. Both of which I fooled around with like, twice, the one just fizzled out (and desu our politics were polar opposites and he was very political so I don't think it would have gone anywhere anyway.) the other again, expressed interest in only being fuck buddies. However that one in specific was offering to add me to his list, he was seeing around a dozen girls at once so it was more of a "let me schedule you an hour somewhere" kind of thing. Not my taste.
And that's been about it for my college experience.
Next to none, but just because I rarely meet a guy worth asking out. I meet plenty of guys, but a lot of them are taken or I already know are fucking other girls on the side and have no intentions of changing that set up.
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Were you here two days ago?

And can i ask you for what reason do you want boyfriend? Because you know, you dont need him to survive? What about bars, concerts, gatherings, parties?

Sad truth is that boys these days dont need gf at all. Games, porn, social media and tinder rather saturated the sex market to the point the average girls are left out to a certain point. The fact you are in school with almost girls only doesnt help it at all.

And honestly boys rarely want something more than sex until they hit like 30. Maybe try older men looking for wife or who are already tired of casual sex.
Just bored and lonely and craving that special form of relationship and bonding you cannot get from friendship. The stability of a relationship is especially appealing. I have friends, but 100% of them will drop my ass and cancel our plans in a heartbeat if their boyfriends/girlfriends want to see them. Family all lives pretty far so I can't see them frequently. A bf mostly appeals to me because it's a person you can put the most reliability on. They'll always be there even when everyone else isn't.

I wouldn't get it up for some old man myself, so I guess it's true I just have to wait it out. Fuck 30 is a long way though, and I'm gonna be old and ugly by then too.
I would still suggest giving yourself a chance with the guys that you aren't immediately interested in. A date isn't a promise for a relationship. You might surprise yourself.
Also I worry that your time on 4chan is skewing your expectations for yourself. I know it did for me. With all these guys talking about how a girl has no excuse to not have a boyfriend, I was getting kind of down on myself.
I'm 22. I would say that I'm decently attractive. People compliment me and I believe them. I've had 2 boyfriends (including current) and I initiated with both of them. Guys definitely don't approach me constantly. I think I've had 2-3 guys in my life approach me. Both my boyfriends I met through non-dating avenues. One through an online chat group, the other through a mutual friend's art project.

If you want a boyfriend, I would suggest making more friends. Be social and meet new people. Friends lead to mutual friends which leads to boys. Don't put pressure on the situation. Just enjoy yourself and enjoy people. Try and work on yourself a bit. Analyze why you want a boyfriend so bad. Consider if you can achieve those things in other ways (Lonely -> Making close friends. Wanting to be appreciated -> Work on self esteem. etc) Relax a bit and let it happen when it happens.
What you described sounds more like a puppy than bf to me. Anyway try to hit on older guys than you. You have the sex appeal of youth and he will have that maturity and stability you probably want.

>alway be there
That is only good bf. Not everybody is like that.

Whatever you do, DONT WAIT. You are now at your peak. Boys dont give a fuck about your job, social status or money. They are mostly into looks and the wiser ones also into your hobbies and personality. Dont end up as in that pic i posted.

As you will get older, the dating pool will only shrink for you (direct opposite for boys). Try to go for a bit older boys and definitilly >>18657347 this is also good advice.

>girl has no excuse to not have a boyfriend
Ofc you do. But you have to admit that even you or op had boys hitting on them just for existing. That is something majority of boys will never experience.
I suppose. The last guy was actually one I did that with. I wasn't immediately attracted to him, at least not in full. Personality was great, bod eehhhhhhhh notsomuch. So I said fuck it worse case I come out with a friend. Eventually I grew to like him enough I could overlook the flab, but it was all for naught since he just wanted to bang.

I thought about doing that with others, but with this guy being the exception, the rest of them were dudes I wasn't even interested in being friends with. They kinda gave me he heebie jeebies. Like one made me feel like I was being preyed upon, there was another that was just so autistic with negative self esteem he asked me if I was ok with him just being near me every 5 minutes and I just got super exhausted by that.

>4chan is toxic
Yeah, I know that lol. I won't lie it did get to me for a while, guys calling me fat no matter what I did or how I looked, telling me I'm just a roastie bitch if I was single bc women can just walk outside and get a bf with zero effort, shit like that. But I can see the trolls and lost causes more easily now.

Think my problem with making friends to make bfs is that most people can see right through me. I don't actually have any interest in making friends with you, just introduce me to every single guy you know.
But I can't really help that. If I could force myself into being interested in shit I wasn't, well I wouldn't be single in the first place. I'd just date creepy desperate weirdo.
Haha but pets don't give that feeling either. I've got a cat, and he's a fat sack of shit who passive aggressively follows me around the house to ensure I see him ignoring me. (I love him to death regardless, I know he's just tsundere deep down)

>Only a good bf
Well you won't know if a bf is a good one or a bad one until he's your bf. I can't even get to take the chance to find out.

>Older boys
Max I could handle is 25. Any older and I'm just grossed out by that.

I don't wanna sit around with my thumb up my ass but again, if I lower my standards any lower I'm just replacing single with being in a bad relationship with someone I don't actually like. It's the same thing as being single really.
That's why you get a dog instead of a cat.
Well I also unfortunately have neither the time, housing, or money for a dog/pet. Cat lives at my parents place, my rental doesn't allow pets and live paycheck to paycheck as is. Plus with me moving away in the near future, I wouldn't be able to transport the animal with me. I'm going overseas eventually.

But regardless, again a dog cannot replace the feelings and conversation a human being can.

(I also can't fuck my dog)
>one with negative self esteem
Do you know you can sort of "grow" your own bf? Instead of ditching him, you could help him overcame this insecurity. He would stay with you forever and do everything for you. All you probably needed is to encourage him for few months and be patient.

Just saying. When it is obvious you have problems, it means you arent perfect either. Sometimes it is easier to fix your house instead of buying new one.

>max is 25
I know dudes who are 26 but looks like 20 when shaved. And again it is just a number. Dont throw them to bin before you try. Also
>being cat lady at 22
You need to work on your dating game femanon.

Still you sound fun (and a bit like cold hearted). I would ask you on date provided teleports would exist. Can you cook? Optimal number of kids?
>and why do you know about bestiality?
Do you go to /d/eviant places often?
What if you found a friendship that was reliable and emotionally fulfilling? Even if you think people will look right through you, try and make friends anyway.

I don't really know how to tell you the secret to enjoying life on one's own. I've made serious strides. Though I've never been the boy-crazy friend. But I did transition from basing my happiness on the people around me to finding happiness within myself. (with the help of Melody Beattie's codependency books and CoDependents Anonymous) Even so, I do get waves of desperate loneliness over my lack of friends after moving to my boyfriend's city.

I don't know.

Maybe my experience with dating might give you a different perspective about going about things:
I turned dating into a game. I tried not to focus on the future and more of the hobby of my present. I practiced how to make a conversation out of nothing. I practiced flirting. I practiced relating with people I had nothing in common with. I figured out my fetishes. I figured out how to shut down a conversation with someone I didn't want to talk to. I practiced thin slicing guys. I practiced figuring out red flags. I practiced testing guys to reveal those red flags. I practiced when to give out my personal information and when to keep it close to my chest. I practiced how to go on a date without getting murderraped. I practiced being silly. I practiced being formal. I practiced figuring out what a guy wanted from me. It was fun, really. I did a lot of this over kik with guys from /soc/ because I'm a goddamn degenerate that can't get away from this site, and I appreciated the anonymity I could keep.
>Grow your own bf
Yeahh I don't really buy that. I'm not a licensed psychologist. A guy like that is never gonna be my dominant guy with confidence without professional intervention, he might get better, sure, but he will always second guess himself or feel like he's acting.
If the house is condemned already it's time for a new one.

>older guys
perhaps if they looked young, the age issue is mostly a physical turn off than anything, but still I doubt I'll have all that much in common with an old fart in the work force. What are we gonna talk about? My college experiences and his reminiscing of college? I also get the impression it'd be a lot like when I was little my parents would always talk more with my older sister because she was older and knew more and could relate more, so all I ever did was listen to conversations I knew nothing about or had any input on. I can't really understand what it's like to be a real working adult so his day to day stories will be over my head.

>Fun but cold hearted
Hah, yeah that kinda describes me. I'm a realist, I don't sugar coat shit and pretend life is all sunshine out your ass but I do try to make the best of it.
I can cook, not really interested in kids though. At least not growing them within my own body.

Don't you kink shame me anon lol.
It might be the latter, but never the former. That's just life, we're meant to go pair off and start families, and family will always come before friends. Thats why people will ALWAYS choose their spouse/SO's over other people. I'm not bitter about that at all really, hell I'd do the exact same. That's just the fact of life, friends come and go.

That last paragraph does interest me, those are skills I'd love to learn but have no idea where to start. I try and try and try to force conversation (which was what this ask was originally about lol) but I can't get the hang of it. Without the other party giving me SOMETHING, anything, I'm stuck.

I get the answer is just practice makes perfect, but I am practicing all that on the regular for years now and it's still not clicking into place. I still struggle to keep talking when it's all pretty one sided, I struggle to shoot guys down without feeling guilty, I struggle to pretend to be something I'm not.
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>thin slicing guys
Can i ask you what is that? I maybe want to identify such move before it will be too late for me.
>when to give out my personal information
Again, what is girls process to give it OK?

>old fart
That hurted me a bit.
>not growing them inside my own body
Dropped :-D

Femanon you arw now talking with one femanon and one anon just fine. If the convo gets stucked, ask some aggresive random question like
>why do you think ladies uses their pet dogs to give them oral instead of using their bf?
Or something less controversial like
>why are there hordes of refugees in germany?

Anyway you need two to have convo going. At some point you have to cut your loses short and move on. And that femanon is right, dating is one huge game based on luck.

I wonder if part of the issue is that you're actively trying to make things work with those guys? The guys I was talking to I did not expect to go anywhere. Since I was anonymous, I didn't really have anything to lose. It took off a lot of pressure and gave me the ability to experiment.

Also you haven't had much experience at bars! You're newly legal, so I'd suggest playing around with that.
>>thin slicing guys
>Can i ask you what is that? I maybe want to identify such move before it will be too late for me.
Thin slicing I got from Malcom Gladwell's "Blink". It's about intuitively drumming up an idea of an individual/situation.

>>when to give out my personal information
>Again, what is girls process to give it OK?
This is definitely different from person to person and situation to situation. I was talking to creeps on 4chan so I had my guard up a lot higher than a girl on Tinder or OKCupid would.
Lol sorry, obviously my opinion will probably change once I reach that age myself, I'll be defending I'm no old fart then too lol, but at my age right now idk late 20's-30s just seems so fucking old to me. Like thats when the hair starts to thin, the metabolism goes down, they all start becoming balding dad bods and that just hits far too close to home with my own father.

>>why do you think ladies uses their pet dogs to give them oral instead of using their bf?
Lmfao that would be quite the ice breaker.

Though I stay away from politics, I hate discussing shit like that because if they have the same opinion, boom the conversation ends immediately. If differing opinions, it just becomes a bunch of bitching.

I don't really know how not to behave that way though, again I know exactly what I'm after and pretending like I want otherwise is rather difficult. I've fucked around on soc before too, but the short lived "friends" were rather unsatisfying. I'm a creature in need of face to face conversation for true satisfaction. This text talk that will disappear as soon as it reaches the page limit doesn't really do much for me. Maybe in the moment it's nice, but it's fleeting and I think the worst part about it all is the absolute strenuous effort you have to go through to find conversation partners like this is so much work it's not worth it when it ends in 20 minutes.

Ah, and I'm at the bar every weekend lol. I buy one drink, watch as people come in groups of no smaller than 4, and awkwardly try to inject myself into a stranger's friend group. Usually I'm ousted from the pack as an outsider, some let me in, but never goes any further than just letting me in on their one game of pool or something. I'll keep at it though. Wish for once in my life someone would put the effort into talking to me though, instead of me always trying and failing to inject myself into other people's lives.
>drumming up
>idea of an individual / situation
Congrats on being so much describing i didnt understand at all.

I can tell you as an 26 years old ex fat boy i have never been in better condition myself and luckily in my family therevis no balding whatsoever. My dad is 64 and he still have full hair.

As i said, dont throw us all into bin just because number :-)

>ice breaker
And that is the point. You dont have to use the same topics, just be creative.
>do you like more cats or dogs?
>do you like more boobs or ass?
>do you think my boobs are good enough?
Or just use random wiki page. Work too.

>wish for once in my lifebsomeone would put the effort into talking to me
But you need to be interesting in the first place.
Alright, if I happen to meet an older guy who looks like a young 20 something I'll give him a shot, until he talks down on me like I'm a kid or something lol.
I also have no idea even where to meet such guys other than online since they'll likely spend 40 hours a week at an office or something.

If I get too sexual they're just gonna think I need a pump and dump though lol. But I get the idea.

Hah hey now, I think I'm interesting. Nobody seems to care to find out though
>Ah, and I'm at the bar every weekend lol. I buy one drink, watch as people come in groups of no smaller than 4, and awkwardly try to inject myself into a stranger's friend group. Usually I'm ousted from the pack as an outsider, some let me in, but never goes any further than just letting me in on their one game of pool or something. I'll keep at it though.
That's great! It's big to be able to keep moving forward after those times of being ousted. I assume you're trying around at different bars too. Cool, cool.

> I think the worst part about it all is the absolute strenuous effort you have to go through to find conversation partners like this is so much work it's not worth it when it ends in 20 minutes.
Well that's the part that I made into a hobby. A more direct version of that I did (and still do) on omegle. Click through a bunch of skips and creeps and occasionally I'll reach someone that I have a decent conversation with. I get there pretty much every time I sit down at it. It's a nice way to practice conversation.

I applaud you at your efforts for face-to-face. I'm admittedly better in writing. Which is kind of funny how it's served me, because now my current boyfriend and I have really dithering text conversations. And we're so fluid in person.
>I think I'm interesting
That is called special snowflake syndrome and everybody has it.

And yes, going to work 7-3 pretty much kills my whole week. Combine that with being introvert and boom
>tfw no gf
meme is born!

>talks down on me like I'm kid or something
Believe me, you dont get automatically wise or mature with age. Also i can see your insecurity from your young age where everybody took your older sis serious and not you is showing. Have a little faith in yourself.

>too sexual
Nah. You would be just flirting. Flirting is fun.

Good luck femanon!
Alright thanks guys.
I still hold zero hope my situation will change, ever, but I guess I just keep doing shit even if its futile because that's the only way even a shred of possibility can come through.
No, it is never futile. It is like playing roulete and you need to hit red color (with low standards) or exact number (with high standards). Sooner or later you will score.

Dont lose hope. Go date this guy here >>18656752 for example.
Eh he lost me at "shy, no confidence and low self esteem." Like I said, I'm not about to put in a bunch of needless work in "fixing" a guy. Because you can't just "fix" a person. They are who they are, I am who I am.
Good luck. I'm rooting for you. I hope you find peace.
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You can fix certain flaws. For example low self esteem is defeated by ignoring their self doubts and showing them you care.

It is not depression, bipolar or schizo. You on one hand claims it is hopeless for you and on another bin almost perfect bf material. Ease up on your requirements a bit.
>guys like him can have other male friends in case he will turn out undatable in the end

Also you want somebody to rely and hang out with. You dont have to marry first bf. Just gain experience with dating and feel happy?
Yeah but the difference is I don't think the hopelessness in me finding a date has actually anything to do with me.
Even though you try to shoot me down and ding my self esteem by saying I'm uninteresting and its just snowflake shit, I still genuinely believe I'm a fun interesting person. I think I'm moderately attractive. I think I'm a great catch.
I don't think all that shittily of myself. I'm not arrogant to think I'm flawless, but I have a decent constitution at least. My issues with dating are a matter of bad luck and shit circumstance when it comes down to it.

These guys though do think poorly of themselves. They hate themselves and there aint nothing you can ever do to convince a person who hates themselves that they are good. I've had plenty of friends like that to know. Thats what I'm getting at, I can't be happy with these kinds of people because they aren't even in any degree happy with themselves. They have to like themselves before they can expect anyone else to.

All said and done I do genuinely like who I am. That's why I don't fall into a pit of self loathing every time I'm shot down. I'm disappointed for my wasted time, I'm disappointed they won't give me the chance to show them what a fine damn catch I am.

These guys when rejected shut down. They wonder what's wrong with them and find reasons that THEY are the cause of the failure. I'm too ugly, too autistic, bad, shitty, garbage. Instead of just saying "It's a shame they're missing out because I know I'm an awesome dude" or "It's too bad we're just after different things. Neither of us are to blame for that"
Now you typed more wisdom in one post than my ex told in whole 3 months of dating. If nothing else you have sexy brain.

And sorry if it seemed like i am trying to shoot you down. That is just me. Sometimes i hurt people just by thinking i can talk about anything and their feelings / self esteem are hurt as innocent bystanders. At least you are immune to that.
>moderately attractive
Do you look like girly girl?

You are absolutely right about them, but you can still help them. Or just use them as crutch to get to their friends.

Anyway i am really off, the sleep needs to be done.
It's no problem, like I said it didn't really get to me at all because I disagree anyway lol. I'm a pretty rad chick.

Well I'm a girl. I dress in women's clothing. If it's formal I'm in a dress, no pansuit shit for me.

Regardless, I'd rather not waste my time with the shy and insecure. Using them to get to their friends would just make them feel even shittier and I'm simply not a monster lol. Besides, the insecure tend to hang around other insecures. They might have a handful of normal friends but if my sister has taught me anything, all the shy scared socially awkward people group up in a big hugbox to talk about how shy scared and socially awk they are and how it's totally ok to be like that uwu

Good night dear anon.
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I was just telling her to not bin like 50% shy boys before giving them some chance, but thanks for screencap!
>totally ok to be like that uwu

Thanks for calling me dear and my friends circle like that.
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