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Any other Pisceans here on /x/?
Do you believe that we are the most psychic of all the other signs ?
yeah also the most unlucky/lucky
piscean reporting, both is true, I'm severely jynxed, also add most haunted/spirit magnet
Virgos are pretty psychic too. Maybe premonitious is the word I'm looking for. But we're 180° away so maybe that has something to do with it.
Virgos are so annoying.
If you're looking for psychic abilities based on your birth signs/chart this seems to be a good read.
Sagittarius and Scorpio if they exercise their abilities are the most psychic.

i have a lot of these, sun in leo not pisces, but i have a pisces moon
I have the same, with Virgo North Node (Pisces South) in the 12th house as well as Pluto in Sagittarius among a number of other indicators.
The same being that I have Leo Sun, Pisces Moon.
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this is my chart, i have an envelope formation and a mystic rectangle

i've noticed sidereal with whole sign houses is more accurate than tropical, it's like the difference between a novel and its movie version
piscean here. I'm not sure we're "the most" but yeah, I'd say we're very psychic. I feel like I am a very old and experienced man trapped in a young body, guess that has something to do with this psychic ability
>muh intuition
you're to be dominated in every possible way
and you love it
t. scorpio
True af.
I'm Virgo so... heh
Funny, I'm a Pisces and everyone I've dated has been a Virgo born at the end of August. Weird.
March 8th piscean ask me anything.

Paralyzing deja vu.

I always see my gfs in dreams then meet them, really crazy shit.

Also a very good gambler. (Blackjack).
Aquarian here and I think Pisceans suck ass. They are not psychic but rather the most schizo sign

My soulmate is an aquarian and she gave up on society and is actually very schizophrenic. There's 2 pieces... you have to know which one you met.

And we're not psychic. More on the clairvoyant side.
we might have a slight affinity towards it but i think its depends on how much it shows up in your other signs rather than just your sun.

it wouldnt suprise me if some one who had pisces as their moon sign would have a stronger affinity than some one who has it as their sun sign
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General concensus online is that Cancer is.

t. a Cancer
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mfw 8th house cancer moon.

out of my way earthly beings
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Scorpio here, tfw even my natal chart looks like shit
Another March 8 right here
Tell me we aren't the best?

It's a double edged sword. What year? I know at keast 4 others born on the date and most my friends are pisces as well.
How do I figure out my natal chart?
No, we are not the MOST psychic- we are probally the flakiest of the entire crew, drug addict, dreamers, into art and the obscure, somewhat spiritual- I have never met an atheist pisces.
You can get a free overview here: https://alabe.com/freechart/
I had my chart done based on the exact moment I was born, and I have a triple water something- I forgot what the bitch told me- It was like my sun sign, moon sign and rising sign were all water oriented- she told me it was rare, and I believe Hitler had something similar- although I thought he was a Aries

oh well- don't be a triple water sign, our lives suck!!!!
But people love us.

Confirmed for drug addict. Well i drink alot, do coke weed and cigarettes. But i make decent pay and can hold my own.
Okay, I live in czech republic and i don't really believe this zodiac shit. Just came here because i'm pisces. People are saying that we are psychic. I remembered a story my parents told me when I was a kid about how i saw a ghost. Any other shit that could confirm all the shit about zodiac signs are real?
Taurus here.

Chill as fuck until I'm not.

Then I'm just stubborn. Feels good man.
pisces here too. Just like this dude >>19525619
i dont believe in this bullshit. however for some reason i can relate with these guys.
Particulary this dude >>19525541
Us Pisceans I can only describe as the most "oceanic" I.e: all encompassing and adaptive.

Also the "eldest" sign in that the change back to ares in March is sort of a "reset". My Ares mate is a funny polar opposite to me but I'm cusp so I get him.
Not tooting my own horn here btw, it isn't always a blessing to feel old for ones age.

I don't want to come off as arrogant but i'm just a very confident individual. And i've fucked up so much in my life that i'd be the last person to be so confident so people just flock towards me. I'm a loveable asshole.

Also extrmely quiet if I don't know you, but love you like blood once we hit common ground. I also enjoy helping people a whole lot and am too smart for my own good. Not genius level or anything but shit comes really easy to me. I also find myself saying things for people before they say it alot.

When people say 'oh what's the word i'm looking for' i give them the perfect word and usally just finish their sentence.

I know for a fact i have serious clout and i'm not even trying yet. 26. Live in south texas but am moving to nevada this coming january. I will be in full effect.
Also very guru-esque. And a bookworm. I'm like a khal drogo jon snow lookalike but a nerd.

I'm definitely weird in a good way. And nothing is off limits to joke about.
exactly me. But maybe that's half of 4chan so that doesn't mean its just pisces
I had a thing with an atheist Pisces

she had fairly recently dropped hardcore Catholicism and pretty sure she was still down with ~the universe~ so I think it still applies

anyway, Cancer here, let's talk about how water signs are the best
I'm Pisces, but you guys sound pathetic. Fucking grow up, you roe sons a bitches.
Aquarians are the most schizo and the most psychic, you know the sign that rules you water bitches ;)
My girlfriend is also an ex-hardcore Christian atheist-but-spiritual pisces, seems like this is pretty common.

all the positive personality traits you described have nothing to do with the sign of pisces. wait until a chart reading thread shows up on /x/ to get a clearer picture
Pisces here. All true.
Nobody cares. Part of Fortune/Spirit, Fixed Stars, Lilith and all the stuff is way more meaningful than mere sun sign shit.
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25th Feb here,

I often have super vivid dreams and nightmares

sometimes fragments of dreams occur irl within the next week or so

11:11 alignment and Deja vu often but so does 80% of the population

Believe in past lives

Parents caught me speaking with deceased family members when I was alone as a kid

Believe that heavy external psychic streams exist and humanity is being held back on purpose

Vivid lucid dreamer

Peace keeper among my tribe

Quietly a motivational driver for others

Believe will power can create real outcomes (like "the Secret") but less gay
cancerian here, every pisces i have met had a strange attachment to me. like an immediate emotional attachment.
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Could someone shed some light on the significance of this?

I can't read charts
you are a piscean with aries ascendant, a dreamer with some real jackass tendencies.
basically you want everyone around you to think that you're neo from the matrix>>19528921
Pisces is most likely to believe in the lie known as astrology.
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If there's someone here reading charts, here's mine. It's the exact time off my Birth Certificate.

Thanks anon sounds about right haha
Pisces here, that's odd, ALL my ex's are Virgo. Are we magnets for them?
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Ok /x/, how fucked up am I?

I could tell, but where's the fun in that?
Every time I tried to look it up all I got was "huehue opposites attract hurrdurr" shit. Has to be more complex than that
All my Virgo ex's were too trapped in their own heads and nitpicky with mundane details only they would worry about. I don't do well with people that can't see the bigger picture or people that can't think outside the box. In the end it was always me that ended things, I know when walk away from someone that thinks they can dominate me and my life through their fucked up version of logic.
>believing in astrology

this shit is so incredibly stupid it hurts my brain

>insert some super generic human trait and apply it to a specific sign
I am a late august virgo and the girl i've been with the most(and the only serious girl i was with pretty much) was a pisces.

Pisces love virgos in a way other signs cant.
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Taurus... I can see spirits and all the 9ther stuff associated with being psychic. Actually, earlier today I noticed my aura is has changed from bluish purple to pink with tints of purple. Have no idea what that means though.
pisces here, I keep attracting gemini's and aries'
You might be thinking of the grand water trine? I literally just saw it mentioned on a blog but of course I can't find it now.
Where is my insightful, qt Pisces gf?
t. Virgo
Not every way.

Fuck you scorpios are narcissistic.
The real trick is to get them to get out of their heads and to love you back, but you can't force it. Unfortunately all my Virgo ex's were too wrapped up in themselves in some way, and the last one just wanted to be a baby factory while I busted my ass. We've been apart for 7 years now and she has 5 kids and a new nickname: Dumptruck.
dated a pisces and she was the most psychic person I've known
saggot here

I can see shit in my dreams like who's binge drinking too much, who's got a venereal disease, who ain't been eatin right, who been talkin shit, who been depressed, and other irl info
fully lucid?
saggot here again

my homeboy cried to me w/ beuatiful music playing in the background and i traced through the thread of his tragicallly unfulfilling life where he searched in vain for real real meaning.
Then he took a dick up the ass

then my other homeboy visited me in a dream like yo man I've tried, homeboy's tried, you tellin' you ain't tried yet
>no wtf this shit's whack
>aight den
not lucid in the sense that I am controlling it, but there's lucidity in the sense that they become very realistic, and information gets exchanged that I don't think my mind could produce by itself.

Please excuse my vulgarity. Dreaming is one of my favorite things because of this.

People often tell me beautiful and heartfelt things in dreams that we could never bring ourselves to say in real life.
And of course sometimes its just trivial stuff.
Always very short exchanges.
I just wish they lasted longer.

Sometimes people who I haven't seen in years come and visit.
Sometimes it's people I've only spoken to maybe a handful of times.
Like background characters come and see me

>kid from middle school comes and informs me "sex is like the only thing to do now"
>sister doesn't like the way I drink my alcohol
>had beautiful kiss with real girl who i will never know on personal level. learned mouth orgasms are a thing but can't achieve this irl.
>cried like a 5 year old and hugged my dying father (who is still alive) and told him I loved him. Too hardened up to do that irl like that.
>visited grandmother on her deathbed and talked to her. Once she recognized who I was she intentionally ended her life.
>grandfather shows me the parkinson's shakes i will get later in life (like age 80-90 I'm guessing)

and then there's times when I legitimately think dreams can be controlled w/ government ayy technology.
>woke up in dream once
>"Wait is this real life?!"
>Men around me started mocking me as if they were waiting for me to realize that dreams are shared.
>Seen extremely theatric (i.e. intentionally choreographed) dream commercials for illuminati and other occult/alien subjects

If I can think of more I will share
thanks for sharing, I've had similar dreams, not so much about other people's personal lives as much as about esoteric/occult knowledge and weird subjects/experiences involving teaching people in dreams, learning from people/beings/entities in dreams, visiting abstract realms, visitations by beings with deep symbolism, etc.

Last night I was out camping with some friends, the dream I had that was most vivid involved occult/esoteric/illuminati symbolism - mainly the dollar bill and the All Seeing Eye/pyramid type stuff - and me attempting to teach one of my friends what this stuff was about, the friend had a passing interest, like an unconscious interest, something I couldn't discuss in person IRL, but something that I was able to convey in the "dream" realm.

Anyways, I'm not sure that friend was able to understand fully, but I at least imparted some type of awareness on the subject for her. Not sure if it was just a dream or if it was an actual shared dream environment.

I've been studying the morphic field theory lately and I wonder if that has something to do with shared information/dreams. To me, it makes sense that the consciousness connects to the personal unconsciousness, which connects to the collective unconsciousness - mainly through "dreams".

I am sharing this because I heard Sagittarius is associated with dream work.

people like to hate on me when I talk about dream visions as if they are real.
>It's just dreams hurrdurrhurr

No, derp, as I pointed out earlier, I only speak of the very exceptional dreams that take on lifelike qualities and provide me with (seemingly) real life information.
They are very noteworthy as they often contain elements of truth.
But thankfully they are still subject to be false :)

I have regular dreams too, but they are less interesting and I do not speak of them.

>A kid three years older than me that bullied me when I was freshman in highschool came back and made amends. He just remembered me and is sorry.
>got healing work done by an african medicine man. He sniffed all over my injury and then recoiled and howled in pain as if he took some of it on himself. This produced immediate relief irl.
>Visited by a Jewish child with wisdom and mystical powers. Almost like deity incarnate with mystical letters on his arms.
>godlike woman put her hand on my right hand to teach me it was the "hand of friendship." To use with women.

Lots of dreams about crushes. Light crushes, big crushes, from childhood all the way up to now.

I love dreams.
We need more dreamers
>I love dreams.
>We need more dreamers
You are absolutely right.

I was shocked when one of my friends told me he never dreams, but once he started hanging around me I talked to him about some spiritual/dream work and showed him some stuff, he started having strong, vivid dreams and mentioned it to me.

I was shocked by the revelation though, I don't understand how people don't dream?

The soul works at night.
If you've ever heard of higher self telepathy, where irl information is received by clairvoiyants from their friends, but the friends have no knowledge of the exchange, I think dreams are like that.
Like the person's soul essence is communicating with you, but the person irl does not even know.

Or maybe the irl person is just its own holographic projection in your subjective reality bubble, while YOUR soul essence is off doing something completely different in their bubble.
But I digress.

I think higher self telepathy is on par with these dream exchanges.
I heard the Iriquois had a dream cult, but I can find no accounts of them having shared dreams
Do you have any sources you would recommend for the systematic approach to dream work?
Many of the lucid dreaming exercises don't work well for me at all, and they seem like cheap buzzfeed-quality when I want serious material.
Plus I'm not even looking for lucid dreams... Just vivid ones. I frequently like when they run their own course.

I remember googling it and finding this obscure link that is only tangentially related but still interesting
>Or maybe the irl person is just its own holographic projection in your subjective reality bubble, while YOUR soul essence is off doing something completely different in their bubble.
>But I digress.
Interesting ideas, can you talk more on this?
Just saw and heard weird shit as a kid: ghosts but as I was too little to believe that dead people were sleeping never pay too much atention, until one of them scares the shit out of me and realized not all were your lovely grandma. Somehow and than God in puberty I lost that hability. Funny thing is that I can feel where is this bad energy and kinda feel heavy.

This, wife is from 26 August.
Also this!
I don't actually lucid dream often, I just have very vivid dreams. I have astral projected from the hypnogogia state a few times this year, but the sessions weren't intentional, they kind of happened upon me.

I take Melatonin and 5htp supplements before I go to bed, I find they help me ease into sleep and induce more vivid dreams, there may even be a connection between melatonin/serotonin and DMT synthesis in the pineal gland.

The biggest aid for me is just being aware of the significance of dreaming - having an intention to dream and to remember my dreams. Writing them down helps if you're not used to it.

Dreaming Wide Awake: Lucid Dreaming, Shamanic Healing, and Psychedelics is a decent book if you want a run down on lucid dreaming and the process of it, as well as aids for inducing lucid dreams and shamanic states.

For some reason, I prefer either full on astral projection, or the level before lucid dreaming, it seems the dreams have deep revelatory significance when you're not fully lucid/conscious and in control, but aware enough to experience a vivid visionary experience.

When it came to astral projection, I merely recognized that I was in the pre-dream/sleep state where my body was asleep, but my mind was active, and I willed myself through my forehead/third eye. You'll know you're close when you feel a vibration sensation that increases as you project into the astral. There's a certain amount of fear involved, you just have to push through it.
Can't tell if it's a verifiable reality and a workable, navigable paradigm that I need to adapt to, or if it's some MK-Ultra bullshit to distract me and spin me into la-la land as the world is burned to the ground by genocidal maniacs.

subjective vs. objective.

What's your take?
You ever heard of silene capensis?
I made some tea of it and it gave me nightmares. Like a psychic dredge.

Maybe i'll put the tea in the sun next time before drinking it :)
that sun is a rascal
I'm in a similar state of thought as well.

I've had a dream that seemed like it was a CIA/MKultra type ordeal where my mind/brain was being examined/operated on in someway in the dream realm - not physically, but metaphorically - I was placed into dreams within dreams with this one realm being the over-realm where I had a friend present as well as other people/scientist/CIA operative types that i didn't really recognize, and they were jesting with me.

I remember waking up with these thoughts fresh in my mind: "brain on a scalpel" and "CIA spooks on acid"

It also connected to LSD, have you taken it?

Not sure if it was just some weird psychedelic dream or if it was something to do with MKultra or mind control, I have no clue. Mind you, I haven't done any since 2013. The dream felt like I was 100% on it.

Just some weird thoughts/dreams I guess.
I'm interested. I'm actually a scorpio sun and a sag moon so could you elaborate on this topic a bit more?
>I am in a similar state as well
Subjective vs. Objective
Passive manipulation vs. Active manipulation
Sometimes I think the reality is that both have an element of truth to them.

>LSD, have you taken it?
Yes, I have taken it, and I have since heard it is a mind control drug.

I have also heard that the montauk project (advanced mind control probjec from what I hear) could manipulate people's dreams, and I have had very odd dreams that did indeed seem manipulated.

Also in the hypnagogic state (upon waking up) I have been transmitted sound bites much like what you describe.
In fact I received the "brain on a scalpel" comment almost verbatim after an odd dream one time. Hope u arnt fugging with me

You said it was making fun... I felt justifiably threatened from hearing that.

Also sometimes I have the spooky thought that my dreams are actually real life occurrences from other times that I do not remember.

Idk desu don't let the bad guys get you
If you can find a trusted spirit guardian I would say ask it for protection from d mind control because some of that occult shit goes over our heads.

A 7 hour barefoot vigil in some friendly woods actually seemed to clear me wonderfully.
It's weird how I see entirely different avenues into the future after doing that.
Good example of passive manipulation.
Scorpio sun with a lot of Sag in my chart here, would be interested in this as well.
I'm a pisces but i've never looked into what that means

not them, but hitler doesn't have a grand trine just a stellium and not in water
March 1st 1999 pisces here, after reading a few replies I can't really relate, I don't even believe in spiritual stuff because I don't experience spiritual stuff, I recently rolled my car while racing someone doing 140km/h and somehow didn't get a single scratch, my mum said I "had an angel watching over me". I've never experienced any dreams I would consider normal and they're usually reoccurring or continuating, an example would be my town turning into a rainforest mountain city and my flying around it using a towel, or me moving into an old house after finding out it's haunted and making friends with the inhabitants (I fucked a ghost), my nightmares are the worst, I rarely get them but theyre usually of a single string or a line and when it wobbles I freak out, I've had these ever since I was young and when I get them I wake up while still hallucinating
Anyone have any insight or anything?
>Or maybe the irl person is just its own holographic projection in your subjective reality bubble, while YOUR soul essence is off doing something completely different in their bubble.

I agree with this. We have to understand that most people's subconscious completely controls them, as you get more aware you realize it, but it still has a lot of power over you.

They don't know what they're saying but it's the soul that speaks, sometimes not even saying things, even just looks can be enough. It's weird really, eye contact is an amazing thing. Especially after a couple seconds without breaking it, i start feeling there's something. There has been couple people i had a psychic connection with, i fucked it up with all of them but i wonder if they ever think about me from time to time.

Problem with all this is, schizophrenia and psychic side is connected. Even in this thread i can see some of it growing. People go too fast to the other side and end up losing control, which costs them their sanity. Catatonic ones are more interesting to me, and i believe they're completely on the other side.
>In fact I received the "brain on a scalpel" comment almost verbatim after an odd dream one time. Hope u arnt fugging with me
Are you fucking serious?

I too have heard that LSD is a mind control drug, and I wonder if taking it has given the CIA, or whomever, like a backdoor access to parts of anyone's mind.

Clearly the experimented heavily with it, and a large portion of MKultra involved the use of the drug. I'm not even convinced that the discovery of the drug was accidental. It has such a clandestine and occult feel to it.

This is getting spooky though if you've really heard that "brain on a scalpel" comment as well, that would confirm some form of shared dream realm or shared information between dreams, and that there might be something extra spooky going on. Fugg
Gemini reporting in
As an aquarian i can confirm we are the most schyzo and also the biggest overthinkers virgos btfo
On everything aquarians always look good.
They're just too sexy imo.
You're just pissy because one of our kind rejected you, and you can't fucking fathom how to exist without our attention. Get shit on, kiddo.
I don't have to believe anything. I know. I'm psychic. Aren't you?
Fuck off.
I can't stop hearing hidden messages in music lyrics.
>t. Virgo
I really like our werdy touch, i have also been told im sensual so yea, cant really tell trough anon
lol yep I give bullshit readings in div threads and it's still more accurate than most tripfags on there.

I wish I could be more full of myself though, seems like an important quality in males

getting chicks is easy but getting them to leave my bed isn't.
Virgo girls are cute, I met this german girl who was 4 years older than me, so nice and sweet. I loved her company, too bad she was already taken.
Pisces and Virgo are the best signs for two girl friends to have. Nobody can touch a Pisces/Virgo combo, It's like the good cop / bad cop of the astrology world.
If you really have a gift, do more than just bullshit readings on div threads. The state of those threads are very disgusting at the moment and almost all those tripfags are worthless sad roleplayers.
You're saying there's a correlation between one's sign and her personality? How is it a lie then?
Virgos learn the hard way. Which causes them to have strokes of "bad luck" that in turn causes them to be a pisces, which forces them to pin themselves and be critical of themselves.
It's an oversimplification but it's kind of true. Pisces are often wishy-washy and carefree; Virgos are more grounded and logical. It's a good balance.
Scorp here and I agree. My belief is that someone with a gift knows it and isn't telling the whole world. Its more of a personal thing as opposed to a cash grab.
Virgos are always, and i mean always very self critical. Overly critical even.
Its the opposition between pisces and virgo man.
Its also the metaphor that is virgo. A virgin is "perfect" and "holy" and anything other than that is scum. Virgo is always critical of themselves as they are never living up to the "perfect" standard
Nah div is a shithole filled with self righteous assholes and mini celebrities jerking each other off. I don't want to be a part of that shitshow

I just like trolling them sad bastards
I'm March 16, clearly superior, good day my Pisces brother
There are a lot of lost souls on /div/. Those tripfags are lost too, all the drama that happened really made me think about people back then. They're so lonely they resort to roleplaying, taking divination as fun and games so that they can make some sort of friends. It's blasphemy.

But i mean what i said about anons in there. Lot of lost souls want to make things right. Of course the majority is like "how does this chick feel about me" or "hey am i gonna fuck a pussy this week thanks bruh" , but still.

You can only do trades as an anon, trading in that place got really popular because people didn't want to get into their coven drama.
Yeah when I first came on this site in 2014 I loved the divination threads it was an interesting concepts and most ofmy questions were love or job related. I mean those are the only types that can be read and answered by a bunch of cards.

But then I slowly realized how assholish most readers were and full of ego they were for someone who is supposed to be spiritual and shit.

A few of them are full blown nazis talking shit about niggers and Jews lol... What else is left then.

The 2014 era /X/ was pretty nice, there were nice stories and funny threads. Now it's one big shitpile nothing worth reading

Anyhoo which sign are you? You seem like a femanon based on your strange pity for strangers and morons.

Probably a Virgo or cancer
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Would anyone be so kind as to explain my chart to me? I'm very much interested to know what it says. Thank you in advance!
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Virgo here and yup, my husband is a Pisces. I have never had a connection like this before (although he's exasperating sometimes lol). And dunno if this counts as any ability but he proposed to me because he claims he had a dream with me in it from even before meeting. Bs or not, thought it was cute lol
March 13th here. Friday the 13th. Been a weird life, especially the last few years
From what I've been able to gather from reading, The Sun and Moon symbols being under Cancer means I'm Super Psychic! Still trying to learn the rest though...
March 18 here.

I feel so fucking depressed. help
Well!! Go on!!
100% true
I'm a sagg moon and this is too relatable. It's really strange how most of my dreams seem to be so lifelike. It's like I'm living in a parallel universe.
I've only ever dated virgos too??? so weird
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March 8 here, and all my best friends are virgos, pisces or aries
I honestly dont understand why pisces like aries. Do you guys enjoy being treated like a fucktoy or getting raped, or being treated like you're nothing

Whenever i hear a pisces liking aries i lose all my respect for them. You people deserve the sadness
All the aries I've met are good people. To date, I've yet to see one that reflects the qualities in your post
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What does /x/ think of this book?
What does it mean if you were born on a cusp date?
Ayyy same on the male side. My best friend is a Pisces. And we're homies for life now pretty much. No awkward phases if we dont see each other for awhile. We always just pick up where we left off.
Yeah bro i'm serious. They were maliciously mocking me from what I could tell.
Think i'm a fuckin idiot when i'm only a selective idiot.

If you really wanna get spooped read the montauk books by peter moon and preston nichols. Those made them come to my dreams :/

like i said i try to ask for spiritual protection because I think some of these projects went waaay too deep and the masters got cucked by exotic forms of intelligence with no respect for human life
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I'm a Pisces, and I could believe that, but not in a conscious capacity. I can overall get a jist of people's emotions just by having a conversation with them, as long as they aren't fucking around for the expressed purpose of tripping me up. So like if someone were to say:

>What are my current emotions, nigger?

I probably couldn't do anything, because I can't get any meaningful subtlety out of that. But if people were trying to hide if they were sad or something along those lines I could tell, regardless of how good they are at hiding their emotions. Another thing I am good at is emotional relationship, as in connecting events in a persons life to their personality or emotions that might otherwise go unnoticed. So what I am trying to say essentially is we may not be psychic, but we may have some sort of increased emotional perception.
>being treated like you're nothing

seen that
92 right? same exact date for me too.
October 13th.

Balance exists only in death,
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I like to consider myself a logical and rational person. I'm not religious, and I'm not all that spiritual, but astrology has always intrigued me.

I'm a Gemini with moon in Scorpio (although I may be mistaken, as I'm not entirely sure of the time of day I was born).

Is there any material I could read that would serve as a good introduction into astrology? Could anyone provide some arguments for astrology beyond "it's scary accurate"?

Huge bonus points if you can make assumptions about my personality purely on the basis that I'm a Gemini sun / Scorpio noon.
You're right. Death is what makes us equal, suffering is what differentiates us.
sucks, polar opposite... karma may be more effectual on us, what have you been doing lately lol
lol maybe "we're" more prone to schizophrenia and delusion
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7th march Pisces, Sag moon, Scorp Asc.
Best mate is 19th Aug, so end of leo into virgo.
I've been educated as a scientist, so coming into /x/ has been a fun adventure in trying to make crazy town sound sensible.
Tell me about me, what to expect from life.

if you look at theoretical physics a lot of aspects of it line up fairly well with a lot of principles of the occult and a lot of other spiritual beliefs

aside from that you can't always look at things of this nature through a rational lens or through things that have already been proven true because at their core they're subjective experiences

that's part of what gives them meaning


why would that be bs? it's entirely possible to have a deep connection with a person in that manner

it's why some people feel right and others don't

that doesn't mean that always manifests as dreams, but those are as likely to have meaning too

that kind of thing seems to be unavoidable, but i have a lot of long stories i guess

that's true on a biological level funny enough, death is a state of equilibrium

cell death occurs when energy reaches it, even on a larger state i'd imagine that's true to an extent

though suffering is also shared, perspective is the difference and so are individual experiences (to an extent) it's why empathy exists

the part about balance in this >>19545703

was for you, but the other half was for >>19545382

i decided i wanted to get high while i watched the sun rise this morning so i fucked that all up
Both twins on mac 19
The Pisces have had their time and now the age of Aquarius dawns.
Amen, brother. Change is coming. It's already on the corner we can see it. Truth coming out, people are saying no to all this pyramid shit nowadays. More and more people are getting tired of being at the bottom, getting fucked and then being asked to smile for it.

Age of aqua will be much much better than pisces.
Scorpios tend to be the most psychic of all the Western zodiac signs, but all water signs have a very high capability of having psychic/medium powers due to our sensitivity.
I am, and I am by far the most intuitive person I know. What takes others weeks to learn takes me moments. I hate it. It has always isolated me. If I go into a group of people who are skilled, they hate me because I don't learn how they would like and soon do better than them. If I join a group who is just learning something, they hate me because I outpace them.

I can take two notes and make you cry, while I've watched men go insane looking for the perfect melody.

People have always said that they don't like looking into my eyes because they feel I see the bad parts of them that they try to hide.

It is depressing.
ily same
This is the definition of pisces, look very closely people. Look at how fake it is. Intuition isn't intelligence, what you're saying is being smart and frankly, that's not pisces' strong suit, at all.

You guys try to act like you're much better than you are sometimes, but everyone including you know that you're not. Either get better at faking, or just go with the flow man. You guys exist to feel, not to have a fake ego.
I'm a cancer but i've never really identified with the sign. Im not emotional (rather lack empathy), rarely dream (most dreams I have are during summer) and when I dream it's some whacko shit, and I've never experienced anything paranormal but I'm still drawn to it. Every time I see such a thread I wonder whats up with the whole Zodiac thing, I mean It obviously applies to most folks here.
"I'm not emotional" - the cancerian, expert at hiding emotions and appearing strong

t. cancer
Absolute cringe
eh that's more like it

your sidereal might be more accurate, tropical charts don't read as well as they do from what i've noticed

they touch on some things, but they're not as accurate and don't flow as well since there's a lot of contradictions

sidereal doesn't have that issue and adds more depth

so you might actually just be a gemini
Yes, nobody likes that a person like me can really exist. It is very depressing.

btw a chart is a lot different than just sun sign, every detail says something about a person and adds up to paint a larger picture

so every planet, house, angle, fixed star, degree etc matters and can make two people with the same sun sign vastly different

i don't use astrology to judge my own personality, that's better left for other people i think, though it does fit them better (my gf's tropical chart isn't as fitting as her scorpio/capricorn/pisces sidereal sun, moon, and rising) from what i've noticed

i have thought about asking my gf what she thinks fits me better, since she knows me better than anyone, but i can guess based on things she's said to me about myself (for better or worse) that sidereal (leo/virgo/pisces) is what she'd find more fitting

the part i judge of my own chart is what it says about life events and the things that have happened to me

and having read enough of other people's charts i can see that those things aren't in everyone's charts and a lot plays out differently

event charts have been interesting to read too, historical events have been strange and so has guessing the news based on readings

it was my natural inclination to write all of this off, but the more i learn the more interesting it is

try reading your own chart to learn then going more in depth past that and you'll see some interesting shit

there are a lot of different questions that can be read and answered by cards

i never go to div, but i've read cards for a while now

learned after a bunch of weird shit happened involving a witch i used to date (my gf and i dated her technically) and they definitely work well for other things

i always get the same reading for long periods of time until everything plays out, even if i do the reading repeatedly every day

i also ended up with runes after my gf got mad at my old cards and destroyed them because she didn't like what they said (later when they turned out right she apologized and got me new ones) and they always match the card readings

not everything on /x/ is larping btw and some of the larpers know and regularly share actual occult principles
I am pisces sun and sag moon as well. I can travel in dreams and have very good intuition.
This year for me has been so far out i dont even know whats real any more. So far this year I have manifested a house a car and £5000. Broke up and reconnected with my cancer moon girlfriend which began an ended with kissing two different girls called maddie. Had several dreams predicting the future. The synchonicities in daily life have become absurd and feel like i am directed out of harms way and towards certain interactions. I find it more and more difficult to be around people without feeling their thoughts.
>mfw i just checked this and it kinda makes sense

I don't feel like a virgo except the smart part, my apartment is in shit and i fucking hate serving others. Also there was a girl and she didnt seem like a taurus at all, to this she is an aries now

I thought about this before, like early virgo being more like a leo and late pisces having aries qualities etc. Kinda makes sense like this to be honest

everyone travels in dreams


yeah i'm on the leo/virgo cusp and sidereal i'm a leo (virgo ascendant but tropical has me at 0 degrees virgo with a libra ascendant this is my chart: >>19524858 )

i'm messy in the sense that i leave things around everywhere, but i clean some stuff

i'd say i wasn't dirty but i'm also lazy and don't like organizing things

like right now i have hardly any clothes because i may or may not have thrown a lot of mine away by accident

i can't be sure without having to organize things but i haven't wanted to so this has been my life for months

i don't look like it though, mostly because what i have left isn't entirely casual

i don't mind doing things for other people, i can enjoy it since i generally care more about other people than myself (but i like when they like me, and people generally do, but i think it's mostly that people find me attractive)

i'm smart though , in a lot of ways but i'm also absent minded with a bad attention span and love drugs so that works against me sometimes

people can underestimate my intelligence frequently, but i'm alright with people thinking i'm stupid it's easier
Be silent Aquarius, you are not supposed to redpill other signs on our absolute and total superiority over them.
18th here too, never been this depressed before.. I just want to be at my best again. I must win this severe self-doubt that has clouded me, go back to the state of sweet cruise of intuition lane.
Used to be like this, but without getting hate from others but myself. Slippery slope to narcisscistic behavior, glad that empathy exists and lives strong in me.
It's a monkeys paw to be a Pisces.
Its because there is a full moon happening in your sign right now. Even i'm feeling emotional because of it.
Jesus being you guys must suck if you're that emotional all the time

emotions come from a different part of a person's chart
and what part it is exactly
>inb4 venus


not just the sign its in either but aspects to it, where it falls in someone's chart, and fixed stars conjunct to it, and how it fits into an overall chart
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I'm intuitive, empathetic, relatable, and forgiving. I also have no backbone, suffer needlessly at my own hand, and have a few addictions. I'm waiting on a parasitic roommate to move out by the end of this month so my waters can rest easy and I can return to helping myself.

Would anyone care to read this chart?

by where it falls i meant which house

i'm too high for this but let me try to explain

when you want to see someone's emotions in a chart you look at the moon
and then you piece together each detail to paint a larger picture

i know my chart best so i'll use it as an example of how surprisingly detailed this all gets, keep in mind all of this has meaning in a chart and has to be taken into account when reading someone's emotions

pisces moon in the 7th house conjunct my north node (which is conjunct fixed stars baten kaitos and kurdah) and descendant

it's opposite venus (which is conjunct my ascendant in the first house and fixed star merga) and opposite my ascendant (which is conjunct fixed stars merga, mufrid, and seginus,) and square mars (which is square venus, so they form a t-square, it's also conjunct neptune ) it forms a grand trine with mercury and uranus (and they both form a trine with venus making it part of a kite)

there are more fixed stars in there

i have them on all of my planets except saturn, on my north and south nodes, on all the angles of my chart, and on my part of fortune

anyway you go through all of that and then you measure it against the sun and rising and see how that plays out to see a person's emotions and how they deal with them and express them in a chart
I know nothing about astrogy, I was born Marcha 14th, and I'm really emotional, nothing leaves me unmoved, Pisces must have something to do?
I'm pisces, moon virgo >>19547979
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>nothing leaves me unmoved
this is the burden of being a Pisces. It makes us deeply empathetic with a spiritual connection to everything.

Now to say most psychic is a stretch but we are definitely the most spiritual of signs.
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