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The Law of Attraction

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Define it. Let's try and come to an agreement on what it is and consists of.
Whatever the Law of Attraction is perceived to be, it is still subordinate to the Law of cause and effect in itself, which is none other than Karma.

Desire (Kama) is the cause of activity (Karma). Further, the cause of desire is ignorance (Avidya). Ignorance means ignorance of the self (Atman). The truth of the self is that the self is one and yet all-encompassing (Brahman).

Therefore, attempting to make the Law of Attraction "work" is not feasible so long as one lacks knowledge of the self. Nothing can be truly controlled in a state of ignorance.
What did he mean by this?

>Therefore, attempting to make the Law of Attraction "work" is not feasible so long as one lacks knowledge of the self. Nothing can be truly controlled in a state of ignorance.

But what if the LoA isn't about "controlling" anything, but letting the universe not just flow through you and your actions but AS you. Sort of you helping keep the balance. To want anything out of the Law of Attraction would be desire, right? So how do you properly utilize the LoA to help the universe and others? Go with the flow? Try and stay positive and accepting of others?
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>Ayy related
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Tell me more about this. I just finished reading Siddhartha again recently and have been highly interested in exploring topics such as these further.

I like the idea that understanding the self, the universe, the strange forces behind it all, result in allowing the full weight of God-like ability to flow through one's own simple life.
Whatever you put your attention to you'll get more of. So if you focus on things you dont want(for example when you think "i want x..." your right brain adds "...because i dont have x"), or on a lack of the thing that you want you get more reasons to believe that its out of your reach. Also the more you know(believe) that you are affecting your surroundings, not the way around the more power you will have
If you are saying ayys are related to the Law of Attraction, there are some reported "UFO summoners" on youtube, such as Robert Bingham and Jonathan Castro, here is a video of a "group summoning event" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VesL8ReaQSI
I keep coming back to /x/ hoping someone will be telling some spooky, if obviously fake, stories about Australia or inbred Welsh towns or whatever, and keep getting this. shit instead.

Fuck life.
Idk but every time I read about ufos I have spooky dreams about them and then I always end up yelling at something to go away in the name of Jesus Christ

Those ayys always get btfo by Jesus
>But what if the LoA isn't about "controlling" anything, but letting the universe not just flow through you and your actions but AS you. Sort of you helping keep the balance. To want anything out of the Law of Attraction would be desire, right? So how do you properly utilize the LoA to help the universe and others? Go with the flow? Try and stay positive and accepting of others?

Right, desire is born of ignorance because when you realize the self as all things, you possess all things and therefore have no desire to attain anything. When you realize this state while living (Jivanmukta) you are freed from karma and its ill effects (ignorance, suffering, death, rebirth). You become completely inactive and resting at the height of satisfaction and completion, eternally.

However when you are freed from karma while living, all worldly activities that you partake in are not real. The idea is this: when you rest in absolute truth of the self, your perception of reality is unmoving and inactive. Everything to the contrary (i.e. this material world which moves) is known to be illusory in comparison. That is why it is said one can be inactive while appearing to be active (i.e. engaged in karma).

Getting back to your question, To properly utilize LoA is to realize the self and uplift others to do the same by existing as a living example of mastery over karma and thus the world. This means the LoA bends to your will and yet you have no need for it, as you already have everything due to BEING everything. It is said this is the best way to help the universe and others.
>Tell me more about this

The terms I've been using are from Vedanta, but I find there are parallels in many other traditions, eastern and western.

If you want to know anything in particular, I may be able to answer because I try to study and practice as best I can.

What I can say in general is that constant practice reveals the absolute self more and more. Book knowledge is important too, but always supplementary to practice, and absolutely worthless without sincere practice. Turn your attention inwards again and again and you'll begin to form a close bond with the prime cause of all worldly effects. You then begin to grow disinterested in material pleasures, not because you're forcefully making miserable sacrifices, but because you are beginning to derive incomparable power and satisfaction from the eternal source of all things. Always look for that (Brahman) which exists in all situations at all times, completely unchanging and untouched by cause and effect. Make a habit of holding to that in all situations at all times and your knowledge of the self will skyrocket, increasingly leaving ignorance, misery, worry and impotence far behind.
Wow. you certainly gave me a lot to think about.

>However when you are freed from karma while living, all worldly activities that you partake in are not real. The idea is this: when you rest in absolute truth of the self, your perception of reality is unmoving and inactive. Everything to the contrary (i.e. this material world which moves) is known to be illusory in comparison. That is why it is said one can be inactive while appearing to be active (i.e. engaged in karma).

Ok, would it be similar to think of life as a play you act in at this point in "enlightenment", taking on a role you give yourself to act and do things with the other people in your life? I have a hard time synthesizing a spiritual lifestylke with some of my childhood friends (we are all in our late 20s now) and I love them to death, I want to engage with them but sometimes I feel I can't fully be my authentic self, spiritual side included. Is this ok/normal? I kind of can reconcile acting like a goofus with them like we did as kids if OI know this is acting in the play/illusion of samsara, if I'm getting the terminology right.

>Getting back to your question, To properly utilize LoA is to realize the self and uplift others to do the same by existing as a living example of mastery over karma and thus the world. This means the LoA bends to your will and yet you have no need for it, as you already have everything due to BEING everything. It is said this is the best way to help the universe and others.

This is what I suspected. Do you sometimes still feel like you "do too much" regarding manifestation and the LoA, like, "wow I should pull back for a bit" every so often? Is that normal?
Are you guys so up your own asses you can't put together that going after something and praying for it helps you get it? Is basic motivation some kind of mystical concept to you all. This has to be the most retarded board I've been on.
>Ok, would it be similar to think of life as a play you act in at this point in "enlightenment"

It is said that for the realized sage, all is Brahman, including the individual mind and body that we normally identify as being our self. To the sage, the body is like a loose garment forgotten as their "self." This is why theres theres a stereotype of some awakened sages as being naked and filthy looking. Many frauds try to imitate their appearance, but inwardly they are still attached and identified with the body. Theres a common comparison which describes the sage as being like a complete drunkard whose clothes are falling off due to a lack of overall awareness of things. A sage is like that, except he is aware of everything, which makes the body he resides in appear like an insignificant speck of dust.

As for engaging with your friends, you don't have to worry about the state of the sage. A practitioner advancing towards realization of the self becomes increasingly at ease, without fears or worry. When you attain increased knowledge of the self, you naturally become more comfortable with yourself. When you are more comfortable with yourself, you become more comfortable around others. And when you become more comfortable around others, others become more comfortable around you. As a matter of fact, you don't have to do anything or attempt to act in a certain way. As to whether you are silent or more engaging, it doesn't matter: others will still be naturally at ease around you regardless.

A lot of people trying to practice get mixed up and think they have to act certain ways outwardly. They get hung up on that and naturally the inner state experiences turmoil, which in turn projects an aura of unease and awkwardness. The important thing is to simply continue to focus inwardly upon the eternal unchanging principle that pervades all things. Positive results follow automatically and so theres no need to worry or be concerned about anything.

>Do you sometimes still feel like you "do too much" regarding manifestation and the LoA, like, "wow I should pull back for a bit" every so often? Is that normal?

I struggled with this quite a bit, often second-guessing myself as to what is and isn't appropriate. The real source of the problem lies again with the ultimate culprit: false identification with the body. In this case, the identification is much more subtle and difficult to grasp at first. What helped me was the Upanishadic exposition of the Kosas (bodies). In a nutshell, the jiva (individual) is comprised of multiple bodies which inhabit each other: the physical (annamaya), energy (pranamaya), mental (manomaya), intellect (vijnanamaya) and the bliss body (anandamaya).

In this situation, the problem lies with identification with the intellect, also known as ego. Its function is to take an object that the mind constructs via sense impressions, and make determinations as to what such objects mean. For example, if the mind projects the image of an ice cream cone, the intellect will automatically make a determination such as "good" or "bad." If you are unaware of this process, you will become identified with it, and it will rule over you causing distress because you think it is real.

Therefore, the solution is to become aware of this process which the intellect does, and realize that it is not the self, as the self is eternal and unchanging, unlike the impermanent intellect. When this realization becomes habitual, your experience of reality becomes much softer, because you realize the true substance of reality is eternal and unchanging, and that all other appearances are only just that: empty appearances. The worries and concerns then disappear or at least become much more subdued and nonthreatening.
Gravity but for thoughts
The law of attraction is some The Secret bullshit.
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