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tell me your/people you know scariest experiences, paranormal or just creppy idm
Why are you such a fucking faggot op?
got an interesting story
Lol. Poor thread. I'll tell you one this guy told me once when we were talking about places with lots of supposed UFO sightings, but it's not a UFO story really. I lurk, and never greentext, so bear with me. Anyway, his story. Not mine.

>be in elementary school in a bumfuck town
>no friends to play with outside of school since houses are so far apart and no one wants to walk all that way
>be playing in your room by yourself when your mom tells you some kids are at the door
>hm, that's unusual, but whatever
>run to the front door and two kids are standing there, a boy and girl
>they're dressed kind of odd, in like old 19th century boarding school uniforms
>pale as shit too, and not familiar
>"Do you go to Whatever School?"
>no response, just staring into your eyes
>"My names Anon. What's your name?"
>blank expressions
>this is weird, but fuck it, you're a lonely kid
>"Wait here. I'll get my toys and we can play."
>literally a minute passes and you run back
>kids are gone
>run around the entire house but not kids in sight.
>later ask your mom if the kids told her their names
>"No, they just asked if Anon was here."
>They asked for him by name

I should mention that this town was a flat, west Texas town, from what I remember him telling me, and you could see all the way down the highway in both directions. The only real tree nearby was around back. And he checked around the house. The kids were just straight up gone.
The only good thread on /x/ and it's getting no attention. Shame. Anyways, I got a story that my family would tell my sister and I about the time they lived in a house in a cornfield. It's been a while since I've last heard it, so I'm gonna try to remember it the best I can.

>family lived in house out in middle of nowhere
>Dad was still a kid with his brother and two sisters
>Shortly after moving in strange things would happen
>Typical story: spooks start off small gradually getting worse
>They knew it was getting serious when they started seeing a shadow in their rooms and screams during the day and night

When things really got hectic:

>Dad went to school
>His mom left chicken out for defrost for dinner
>He came home and saw blood all over his porch
>Chicken was gone, but no doors or windows were open
>They called the cops
>Cops came out with police dog
>Dog would not come out of the car and would cower in the floorboard of the car
>Cop had no idea why the dog was acting this way, didn't find anything and left


>Spooks getting worse
>Screams and shadows becoming more frequent
>One night they had the entire family over
>Screams heard throughout the night
>They look outside and see the shadow against the porch
>Hunchback with long claws
>Stayed throughout the night
>Family finally had enough and sold the house
>Shortly afterwards new family moves in
>Nothing happened to the new family

We don't know why this ghost would just appear to my family or why it disappeared after they moved out, but nothing else happened afterwards. I've seen the house myself, but don't know if any of it is true or not. Just a spooky story that my family would often tell us.

One of the biggest spooks I would have as a kid was when I would go over to my great grandfather's house. Nothing really happened in particular, but the house itself was very spooky. I refused to be in any room by myself because I would always feel like I wasn't alone and was being watched. My sister and I would actually dare each other to see who could stay upstairs the longest, which neither of us could last 5 minutes because we would get too scared.

Later in life we asked if the house was haunted, and everyone in the family said that they've all had some sort of experience in that house. One person said they opened up the upstairs closet and saw the ghost of a Native American chief, and apparently once my great grandad passed the creepy feeling left the house and that chief has never been seen again. Even my mom and my oldest sister, who live in Illinois (this house being in NC) told us that the house always scared them even though they've only visited it a few times.

I do have some other stories from family. On my dad's side I don't know how truthful it is, but the stories my mom tells I tend to believe in since she's more straight-laced and doesn't bullshit around. If anyone is interested I'll tell that story as well.
God spoke to me once. It wasn't really creepy, I suppose; I'm actually grateful it happened.
I died 5 times I can tell you some screwed stuff.
What do you mean you died five times?
GiBe that ShIt my Guy
I mean I died 5 times 4 times in 2011 once in 2013 . In 2011 I died 4 times ended up on life support in coma for 67 days then in 2013 was hit by semi almost lost arm and leg and was resuscitated after 4 and a half min
Did you experience anything when you died?
Not sure if you're extremely lucky or extremely unlucky, but I'll bite.

Tell me some shit.
Keep spittin' those spooky stories op

The only paranormal experiences I have had was a series of related dream i've had when I was a child.

The only thing that connected these dreams were not similar events or familiar places either; every dream would be its own unique dream but there was always a man that "invaded" my dreams. I know it sounds weird but talking about it still gives me goosebumps. I would know when he would show uo because the hairs on my spine would stand and i would have a sense of dread. Everytime he showed up in my dreams his sole objective was to literally eject me out of my dreams and wake me up. And this went on for YEARS. He looked like a normal man, nothing abnormal about him, but I wouldnt even realize I would be dreaming until he made his presence known. It was very creepy. I remember specific dreams thay were different from the usual "ejection" from my dreams. The way he would eject me was by picking me up (me being a smoll child) and literally throwing me "out of bounds" and then id just wake up. One time i guess he didnt toss me hard enough and I actually had this really bizarre out of body experience where i phased through the floor of my bedroom and I could see my room and see myself sleeping, but then I drifted back down into the dream realm.

I have other specific dreams that stood out to me where he was there. The man never spoke until toward the end of the string of nightmares. If you guys are interested in hearing about some more maybe someone can interpret these dreams because I swear im not making this shit up and im not roleplaying. Its the only "paranormal experience" ive had in my life.
Of course I experienced things when I died but I didn't experience the sunshine and rainbows that I have heard others speak of but then again I wasn't exactly a good person. I can honestly say I got a glimpse into what some call hell. The question of is there more has been answered and it is an absolute yes . I am not a Religious person I didn't have some heavenly experience but I was me . I was whole and home at one point but to explain it I would have to say it's like a different dimension. Think of travel at the speed of thought the ability to relive and experience or visit family . It's like what we really are is only limited by our bodies. A manifestation of consciousness. I have come to the conclusion there is no God or devil it's more like one power that you can use in a bad way or you can use it in a good way . Think about it why would god create something to rival himself. There's only one almighty thing it's how people use it. And hell is reliving the bad you did as the person you did it to . Hell is seeing all the evil and seeing it and feeling it over and over cause your mind won't let it go . You control you experience after this world . It's up to you if you chose god or the power or whatever to better everything or to destroy everything.
Any strangeness you picked up on since then? Mandela effects, friends and family personality changes, unfamiliar environments? I find the concept of quantum immortality fascinating
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> Stuck on graveyard shift machining and working 3d printers at small scale manufacturing start up.
> Bored to tears as I wait for a batch job to finish, so watching pic related at desk.
> Alone at work, work is in old and refurbished church the local archdiocese sold.
> Chuckle at coincidence.
> Lights go dead, everything dead...
> ... all power management in basement.
> Go down there, with trusty cell phone flash light... Here dripping water... And see eerie green light.
> Turn corner and see... group of squatting hobo fuckers trying to make off with equipment. Still, assume they are Alice Cooper looking to stick a broken bike frame through me, and get out of there.
> Fuckers chase me up stairs, get it closed behind me, call PD, see them fleeing without much from windows upstairs...
> Still expecting the Prince of Darkness to emerge until PD arrive... https://youtu.be/OGsv0pJemTY
All sorts of effects after my deaths empathic some visual effects like what I call physical manifestations of emotions I see emotion as color and I can feel as others feel and sometimes even know. My intuition is turned up 100 times . I'm basically picking up more stations and can easily project myself now.
To list would be to much but definitely different now and it's something that can be measured with equipment. I have had some friends into the paranormal testing my abilitys . They drain me a lot and now that I am disabled from all the health problems I have to take it slow but I'm hoping I will be able to do it all at some point.
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The shadow that follows my xwife..
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Another time..
tell me more about this
>If anyone is interested I'll tell that story as well.
Tell us more.
I dont know why looking at these makes me so uncomfortable even tho im standing still on much spoopier things
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Dad and friend was driving around back roads and saw light in sky like pic related. It hovered above some trees ahead of them then shot away into the sky. When they got to the town which was around the area where the trees were they saw people walking around. They tried asking the people if they saw that light. Nobody would say a word wvwn when they honked the car horn. They would just get confused stares at the most.

His friend would pretend to not know what he was talking about when my dad later brought it up quite some time in the future.
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>driving one day a few years ago
>out on the more country roads of Indiana
>while I'm at a stop sign I glance over at another car
>something is clearly wrong with the driver
>where I expected to see the person's head there was just a thing
>it really looked like the guy had oversized bug eyes
>what the actual fuck
>try not to stare at whatever it is
>it's not a helmet, but it's for sure not a regular head
>just a large almost bug-looking object
>I remember it moved around a little and I was spooked
>car continues driving on
>take a moment to process what the fuck that guy could have been wearing, if he was wearing something
>still remember how strange it seemed and how I was almost afraid to look at this car
Go on, i'm interested
Well, im waiting!!
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