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Christians: Supernatural Experiences?

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Are there any devote christians here that do no fap, Fast, eat healthy, and singlemindely pray and focus on yeshua all day long?

If so what changes have you noticed in your life? What visions have you had? What experiences have come to you?
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muh bump
The holy spirit once spoke through me in Feburary of 2016.

I don't like talking about my personal spiritual relationship with God online.

However, as long as you don't ask questions that are really personal, I'll talk about it for a bit.
When I submitted to Christ had a vision just like your picture. He was on the cross absorbing sin. Sucked all of mine up and made me feel like a new man. Then heard, "end christs suffering. End christs suffering. End christs suffering" really cool really eye opening
Not op, but id like to hear what you have to say. I wont ask questions.

Cool, did anything else happen?

I've just been doing a bit digging and seems like everything leads to either universal consciousness/Hive mimd/ baal or yeshua/ True spirit/Ruach

I'm read alot about saints and yogis that don't give masturbation, fast, and pray all day and as a result they experience things like levitation, miracles, etc due gods or baals energy pervading through them. And id like to reach out to god experience a higher and holier experience with him.
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I can't answer if you don't ask.

It's not just about reading your bible, becoming a Christian means that you're changing your lifestyle to reflect that which God wants of us, as we've been told through the bible.

Remember that no one is perfect and that you too will fall short and sin. However, if your heart is in the right place, always striving earnestly to live a life free of sin - not only will God forgive your sins but look upon you with favor.

I've never levitated or had any direct physical ability.

However, Jesus Christ told us that if we had faith even the size of a mustard grain, you could move mountains.

I talk to God daily through prayer - he doesn't talk to me, even when the holy spirit spoke through me, I never heard any voices - just an overwhelming feeling of euphoria and knowledge I had never known before but gave to someone else in the form of a judgement.

Your love for God is not only important for you, it's important to God.
I believe Esoteric Christians are right, Jesus is the proper path to mystical experiences of God.
However, you must be without sin to see God, and there are a lot of sins weighing people down.
Greed, lust, idle speech... Difficult to overcome.
You are right about the meditation though, constant focus on the love of God is mostly all that's required. "Seek and ye shall find. Keep seeking."
Not only does one need to focus on God's love, they must also grow in God's love and grace.

Always seeking a closer relationship with God.

>"Faith without works is dead."
Yes, I agree. Love God with all your mind, heart, soul, etc, with your love growing greater as you progress.
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Not particularly a devout Christian, but I go to a Christian church and have read quite a bit of the Bible.

I notice a heavy increase in blessings as I've rearranged my way of heart. People love me more, I'm growing in my number of talents rapidly, everything happens how I want it. I'm working on more miraculous level talents at the moment, such as telekinesis. I believe I'll be able to accomplish it very soon as long as I don't let doubt overtake me, which would be very difficult seeing as how beautiful the path I'm headed with the help of God is.
I don't believe you have to limit yourself strictly on the basis of the Bible; you can reach Christ Consciousness without doing so. I have, I am. It's simple. God is synonymous with Love and the power of Love is magnificent.

The peace of God surpasses all understanding.
Yep, that sounds like new age hive mind consciousness bullshit.

inb4 god have us these powers
inb4 god just wants us to be happy
inb4 with these secrets man can bring paradise on earth
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Remember, Jesus was the greatest sorcerer of all time. Nobody will ever surpass him in healing.
I got off my anti-psychotics of 4 years and I didn't eat beef, cheese, or any meat at all. Just fruits and vegetables. I was exhausted all the time and I drank plenty of fluids.

I went out to the desert and prayed to God for a vision quest and I began hiking in sheep skin winter shoes and shorts& t-shirt. I asked God, why am I doing this? As I just felt drawn to the idea. He told me to trust in him and walk. I did and when I got to the boundary line of the desert and the neighborhood, on the desert side was a neighborhood that seemed to be "mocking" my own. Their houses were so stylish and well made. I was envious of their houses. They had no fences and were RIGHT UP on the mountain in the desert area. Keep in mind, these houses don't exist in my reality nor do they now.

I kept hearing this "Locust" sound that cut a knife through my very brain when hearing it. It hurt like physical in my brain. But then it felt like my brain would heal again and then degrade and then heal again.

I didn't go into any of the houses but I sat on a pic-nic bench armada area that seemed so HIGH class, but like I said, this doesn't exist but the sensations I received were completely physical.

I got to the neighborhood and instantaneously, I was back in my own dimension.
This alternate dimension neighborhood, HIGH class vision, was also sending me the message that they people had a curfew even though they were structured in a completely natural setting and lived so "free", I thought.

I felt that these people could not go out of their houses... ever.. they were just human batteries for the beauty of the house itself. Like, just coming over and looking at the structure was more fulfilling than these incredible group of mystery humans that have somehow built a neighborhood in such a divinely beautiful way.

Yet, it was still corrupted by the fact that they could never leave, ever.

The "locust" sound also seemed to be some type of Alien, Feminist, Nazi technology to scare the people even further even though, I meant them absolutely no harm and just wanted a cup of water for my intense thirst I was feeling at the time.
Haven't gone to church regularly since 2014. In 2013 I was really involved in Church and ministry. I fasted regularly during that time. I had about 3-4 dreams about ghosts/demons.

After I had those dreams I had this feeling that if I was to continue following my "spiritual path" then I would eventually face situations where I would confront demons as well as excorcise them from people. I stopped going to church at the end of 2014 and I haven't had those dreams since.

That is awesome,
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I was an athiest until I smoked DMT and was confronted with the truth that there is much much more than our material realm. Christianity is a metaphysically sound religion but I know that God does not need abstinence or fasting. In fact the reason most of us are here (except for those who came back to earth to help) is because we desire the material pleasures e.g. sex, drugs, ego's, ect. It's not wrong to enjoy our playground while we are here.

Also look into Hinduism/Buddhism as these teachings and mythologies include many Eternal Truths about God and are compatible with the a view of a monotheistic Creator.
Forgot to say nofap is really bad for you but noporn is a great idea. Unless you have a gf you should fap every now and again to prevent irrational rage.

> In fact the reason most of us are here (except for those who came back to earth to help) is because we desire the material pleasures e.g. sex, drugs, ego's, ect. It's not wrong to enjoy our playground while we are here.

I'm sorry but that is retarded, Indulging in sex,drugs, and ego are what slowly destroys us. This is why all good habits when practiced to an extreme lead to spiritual cultivation
I stopped almost every sin for a short period of time, most importantly I loved everyone from my heart and mind. I felt sick for a while and thought I was dying. Now I can feel the shining light flowing through me.
No fap, organic, ten commandment... I do ,you best but still fail. Pray about an hour or two a day.

Psychological problems are subdued. Gained phenomenal intellectual skills, got promoted 3 times.
Working in a position I'm not university qualified for.

Looking to start a business so I can further God's will.
Don't falter, don't question your path, just keep going. You'll get there.
The biggest thing I notice is that God answers all my prayers that are prayed in accordance with His will in His word, and anyone who tries to harm me or lie to me in any way immediately suffers harm.

I really wish the second thing didn't happen.

Also sometimes electronic devices fail around me.
Incarnation on earth is the effect of being unable to resist temptation. You wanted to do all the naughty things that are only permitted on earth otherwise you would not have incarnated here.
>Find interesting concept thread where Christians openly express what their faith has given them
>Full of telekinesis delusions and "I have unsubstantiated superpowers" bullshit
>I feel things and therefore they're real!

This is a completely different flavour of bullshit from what I was expecting. Did you guys add cinnamon?

Never mind, it's just /x/.
Christians don't follow the bible and there's nothing supernatural about them other than worshipping a desert demon and his son.
> look at me I'm a shit bag redditor and Asap science hasn't made a video about then it's not real!!
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