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For All Who Seek the Truth

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It is not found in the external world, it is found in yourself. But you only come to find it when you have an absence of self. And when you find it you discover you are the whole universe and the whole universe is so vast and grandiose and complicated that it cannot be conceptualized, and that therefor the truth cannot be thought about. But you come to know it as knowledge, for the truth happens. You can call it truth, or reality, or God but it exists in the cracks between time we call the timeless.
Cool story bro
That's called a NDE (near death experience).
the truth is a memory
you may enjoy this book series.
They also have the same message of the truth being within I think, and if definifley has the massage of unity or that "you are the whole universe"
>Thus in the microcosm exists all the experience that is prepared. It is as though the infant contains the universe

I wasn't in harms way, I was just sitting in my room. I was trying to stop my thoughts which would be synonymous with stopping time and I realized how futile that was when I came to the realization I don't actually control my thoughts, time does and time never stops. So then I realized that if my mind is of time and time goes on ceaselessly then the truth has nothing to do with time and therefor nothing to do with my mind. I was so shocked by this I didn't allow a single moment more of this stupidity to go on and had an 'ego death'. In that state of mind in which there is no observer it's like staring into 4D space and the brain with thought and time was never meant to witness the timeless, until it realizes it is the timeless.

It is a memory that cannot be remembered, but can be known.

I've found my idea of truth is close to what Buddhists call nirvana and some Hindu religions believe in it as well called 'the great void'.
>I've found my idea of truth is close to what Buddhists call nirvana and some Hindu religions believe in it as well called 'the great void'.
Nice! I have a friend who is into vaishnavism who is also very into the law of One, actually!
It's an undeniable fact we are all one. If you imagine human nature is synonymous with a mechanical system of the brain we'll call the operating system. Every single human being is running the same OS and it's called happiness, pain, pleasure, jealousy, anger, desire, disgust, opinions about this, a name, a form, you get it? So even though the content of our minds are unique, such as you have different files saved on your OS then I do on mine, they still result in the same sort of feelings and these feelings are universally understood because we all ail from them. Therefor every human being does the same sort of things as the people who came before, unable to solve their fundamental issue. The fact they are human and obey human nature. But when you see the truth you realize you are actually so much more than that, you realize you are reality before it is conceptualized and this reality is timeless, standing in an eternal moment. And that this being that exists as nonexistence does nothing else but love and exist as everything. You in the grand scheme of things with your ego is just God's ability to only look at one thing at a time. By doing this he looks at everything all the time, because time is a part of him though he is timeless. But you are also God. It blows my mind that it seems human naturally suffer before coming to peace and I've asked myself why. I think the reason is to love is a responsibility that one must always be true to love, and to earn that you must first understand what love is. It's you. You go around looking everywhere for something sacred when the only thing that's sacred is yourself and there's no way to find a place you're already in.
Thank you! : )
tips for peace?
Let's just not call it god. Then it's all good!
Stop thinking there's a separate entity in this world called you and stop creating an image about it. Then you won't suffer anymore.

Sometimes I switch between calling it God and not God, I like the eternal or the timeless or the void.
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