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Entropy = The Immaterial, Anti-Entropic = Life as we know it.

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A world of the living is where (an?) existence harbors cognition.

We are a part of that, with the process of Natural Selection being the most anti-entropic force we know of.

As other systems (the vast majority) in this universe wind down as physics would seem to predict, to greater amounts of entropy absolute, life grows more complex under natural selection’s ability to take random inputs under stress, and organize, and reorganize it, into output that is most suited and adapted to go on.

It can be argued that as this universe will eventually fall to absolute zero cool, nothing, lightless, spent, it becomes a seemingly inescapable prison. Yet, given the time frames for this ‘Universe death’, and our rate of scientific and technological achievement is it not likely we will develop to where we could escape to ‘younger’ universes, if not purposely designed universes of which we are the authors and architects?

We can, as a line of intelligent entities outlast this universe that seems the cradle of our birth.

That leads me to speculate, that we are not natives of this existence, but transplanted to it at it’s very moment of creation. And as such, that which makes us cognitive, intelligent, also is what ultimately will allow us to endure well beyond this ‘blib’ of universal existence.

Does the Demiurge than, the failed creator, with his cooling, dying, imperfect creation not begin to take on new perceptions if we adopt this line of thought?

Do the Archons, wholly of this universe, but not given the gift of life, and driven mad as they know how a fate of entropy surely awaits them, but they see us not damned to it, not become all the more sinister?

Does Sophia, giver of life, from higher aeon, now not seem the divine feminine with her sacrifices to birth us, yet trap of herself here with us?

I plan to explore these ideas more in my own practice. I wonder though how virgin this ground, which seems so new to me, actually is? How many others given to practice of esoteric arts and ritual, especially projecting their ego out, have not already come to this point themselves?
Dude weed

dude fracticals and math, what do the numbers mean
Lemme out, I think I joined the wrong line at the protocosmic theme park

you have not seen anything

why leave, this is the ride they didnt want you to know about


No. You just do not understand yet why you got in this line. That said, the line has you now, there is no getting out only progression of the ride...

...and it never ends.
I love it when retards try and explain Physics without actually knowing wtf they're talking about.

Get an education you retard.

Okay, so instead of just an ad hominem, mind explaining some more?
>mind explaining some more?
You want me to explain a Scientific education?

Dude, stop reading pop-sci. Learn basic math and basic Physics, then move onto the advanced stuff like General Relativity. You CANNOT understand GR or QM without knowing abstract mathematics, that's a fact, so your attempt at figuring out the entire Universe without knowing the basics is on par with a retard.

Believe me, real Physics is far spoopier than the shit you're posting. For instance, did you know that the effects of Gravity are literally indistinguishable from the effects of Acceleration. Weird, right?

Learning Real Science is far more fulfilling than learning pseudoscience.
So, after a civillization completes its cycle, it uses quantum teleportation to essentially turn back the clock on a section of the physical universe they wish to occupy. This process necessarily destroys, or actually randomizes the physical matter being turned back this way, so a process of soul incarnation is required to inhabit the life forms of the beings that grow, and evolve from that physical universe.

This takes the form of those beings becoming aware of possible avenues of consciousness they can slip into, and allowing souls to enter their physical body, in an organic form of analogue data compression, by which aspects of souls outside the physical universe are simultaneously observed by the physical beings as aspects of their self, even as the souls outside the physical universe select which physical universe they wish to occupy, by being the ones to have collectively chosen its initial starting conditions in the first place.

The completion of time looks like an archive for many intergalactic cultures, through which doors lead to hyperdimensional simulations of past history, called rooms. These rooms exist so that souls can experience the idea of newness. At the completion of time, every thing that could ever be known is, and the idea of being an original creator of an aspect of time is physically and consciously impossible. So, by recreating a moment in past history, users in these rooms are given a chance to be the first, of other users in specifically that room to be the original creator of an aspect of time.

Are you the first person to conceive this idea? Of course not. This is one of those ideas to which there will never BE a first person to conceive of, because it is the idea which allows the fundamental design of the system which allows the concept of a first in a sequence of events to even exist in the first place.

I tried leaving the line once..

post more 3d fracticle videos in 2x speed


Okay, so where, in the original posts was there a faulty explanation of some concept from physics?

>inescapable prison

Please do not bully the automated physicist modules.

They are designed to render a binary output, to information they either have or have not observed before.

Your post asked the question:

>I wonder though how virgin this ground, which seems so new to me, actually is?

Since rendering a numerical value as a response to that question in this particular context requires having already observed the concept before, and the automated physicist modules have not previously observed a numerical value as a response to that question, because that would require having already observed the concept before, their automated skepticism program activated, and they rendered a predetermined response that is designed to vaguely demonstrate skepticism towards any general concept they have not observed before without requiring specific knowledge detailing that specific concept to which they express skepticism towards.

This is one of the two possible outputs that the automated physics modules are capable of generating, the other being affirming that they have observed a specific concept before, and therefor it is apparently objectively factual. Terran physicists are extremely low entropy, for an organism capable of consciousness. Recursively consciousness based environmental design is not, generally speaking, one of their areas of expertise.

Nonetheless, this is no reason to bully them, for their low entropy consciousness is actually vital to the overall system of scientific inquiry that occurs on this planet.
Also, I know that you meant to write "lesser" instead of "greater" in this sentence:

>As other systems (the vast majority) in this universe wind down as physics would seem to predict, to greater amounts of entropy absolute,

because as an enlightened consciosness, surely you are aware that lesser entropy refers to fewer possible differentiated outcomes to an event, and greater refers to more possible differentiated outcomes to a possible event, because over time individuality inevitibly fades into an increasingly connected group consciousness capable of effectively rewriting the observed laws of physics in a virtual room;.am I correct?

I don't mean to make assumptions about your knowledge or identity for you, but as a future historian incarnating in this physical environment for purposes of gathering information about the native species particular to this moment of time in Terran history, of course you would be aware of something as simple as the difference between lesser and greater entropy, or else you wouldn't have the understanding to link your consciousness between simultaneous, differentiated time states in order to have observed the concept that physical reality is always simultaneously physical, and being virtually rendered in real time depending on which time frame perspective an observer chooses to view within their self, correct?
I don't follow. Can you make a tl;dr?
>Not knowing the Universe is a thought.
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