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Anonymous believes NASA is about to announce the existence of

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Anonymous believes NASA is about to announce the existence of aliens (YouTube watch?v=HGh8n1XxDrg). Does anyone believe this or is it a load of crap?
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I'm a believer, the people are becoming wiser to the situations around the world. Trust me, good or bad disclosure is coming..
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I am the monarchs of monarchs.
>NASA is about to announce the existence of aliens
yeah that's not how the us gov't works when it comes to revealing vs. concealing groundbreaking, game-changing info
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>not how the us gov't works
Under normal circumstances you are correct.
The real problem here is that you still trust what this lovely [group] that dons the Anonymous name tells you.

In that it never was a group. It was a [collective].
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>Anonymous are bunch of fat neckbeard retarded virgins.. they know nothing
They have done SOME real shit before. Weren't the global intelligence cables on Wikileaks provided by Anonymous?
I'm 100% sure that we are not alone in this universe, but Anonymous are bunch of fat neckbeard retarded virgins that will do anything to be in the news front page.. they know nothing
>Every year someone talks about the final evidence of the existence of aliens
>Every year it ends up being a fake news
I belive in the existence of other life form in the universe but alien contacts seems so unlikely to exist.
Who is gonna be the first to fuck an Alien
hayley a qt
>Lonely SWM in search of "out of this world" relationship
I have fucked many aliens during my astral travels. So I'm pretty sure plenty of other people have as well.
who the fuck is Anonymous, and how the fuck do they announce stuff, please don't link a youtube channel called Anonymous
i find it interesting you didn't capitalize the N, and capitalized the H
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n stands for north

Heh is a God within the Egyptian Ogdoad. He probably chills with Kek.
praise praise praise praise
>who the fuck is Anonymous
We are legion
We are everyone
and we are no-one
We are everywhere
and we are no-where

But now that you have shown yourself to us.
And the nature of your being is evidenced through your actions.
Yet, when you think no one is around, we are watching, waiting, silent witness to the things that should not be.
Let this be your first warning
Whatever is released, assuming anything will be released at all, will be highly sanitized and probably something along the lines of "we find microbes, but that's all".
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nah man i am not against you, i'd like to initiate
sorry for assuming your gender mr mrs Anonymous maam sir
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NASA’s Mars Rover has snapped a picture that appears to show a UFO on the surface of the Red Planet.
So that's where I parked it, fug
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glemulak you need to lay off that space crack. you'd lose your eye stalks if they werent floating above your spongy mucus sac

who cares what anyone's ABOUT to do. Focus on the Now jesus christ stop trying to predict the future
are there chicks enlisted in Anonymous?
jetski on mars?
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I will personally seek you out on this board, Bunelda, when nothing happens on that day. What will you say to me then?
I thought we went to the moon, gimmie a break
for teh love of glorp!!

WHICH MOON? thats the last time we are letting you drive, you, you, zorbglob!!!
>all these newfags thinking "Anonymous" is some coordinated hacker group when all it is a moniker that anyone and everyone can use
The whole point of "Anonymous" is that literally anyone can use it as a name. There isn't a set goal, it just is
Anybody who has a fucking brain can tell that we're not alone in the universe. It's only a matter of time before something is announced. It'll look better on the government if aliens are announced rather than aliens just being discovered by people. If people discover them by themselves, then they'll know the government was hiding something from them before. And we know the government doesn't want its population distrusting it.

It's a payload of crap.
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I find your lack of faith in our united cause disturbing
Listen, my dad totally owns a dealership
Taylor Swift did nothing wrong.
Real question, have they EVER delivered anything they have ever claimed or threatened?
fake loser
loser, even if true
Watch The Arrival, it's predictive programming. The alien invasion is used as a reason to unite all countries together. Aka the new world order.
aaaaaaaand uniting all countries together is bad why?
Some countries don't play nice with others, they pull their hair and throw mud at their faces.
are you baiting?
The USA is one of the leaders in the world when it comes to war crimes and acts of horror.
How bad could the NWO be, seriously?
Universal healthcare, nonviolent Contact, legal pot...
Cause thems foreners. We don't like there kind here, do we billy-bob?
YEE-HAW Jimboe.
I did dad-gone prickly pick one of this here ayylieeumz with a smithnwessn just a nightR 2 uggo
because the goal isn't just to unite them, it's to unite them because it will be even easier to control.
how boring will the world be then?
one language
one religion
one culture
zero freedom
and eventually hell itself on earth.
Yeah, captain dipshit can't seem to hold any information in, we'll surely know if aliens exist by the end of the month!
That's an exaggeration obviously.

But Trump does want his legacy. What better way to generate a positive legacy than by disclosing the aliens?
one govt =/= one religion, one culture, zero freedom
back to >>infowars.com
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Anonymous is controled opposition so it's probably crap.

this might actually be legit. anonymous has been a CIA psyop for years now. the movement died awhile ago while all the original kiddos got arrested or recruited.
You're Anonymous, retard.
Try veterinary healthcare, contact with fascist aliens, pot goes back to being banned. Oh, and the rulers of the NWO are all r/raisedbynarcissist pedophile superstars, so good luck getting actual policy competence out of them. They're only good at ruining people for sport.
Fake, otherwise this whole place would be "down for emergency server maintanence"
the original anonymous were true anarchists who picked no sides, most of the original crew scattered when they got BTFOd by mexican cartels what was left was appropriated by SJW regressives and just spout the typical propaganda of their side now

the original anons are just scattered now on diff communities like how it began originally
Huge load of crap. I am the man who truly knows the destiny of the world, and that is not a part of it. Aliens will be kept secret until it's time for society to end as we know it. We are not as close to that time as you would think.
Huge load of crap. They're going to be exposed early ready or not by our unexpectedly advanced computational abilities. We're building gravitic models of the clouds of materials surrounding the solar systems, and they don't behave quite like the calculations we're brute-forcing say they ought to. They behave like something big enough to have a gravitic impact on those materials is hiding out there.

If you've got contacts, tell them to get off their high horses about this readiness schtick, because humanity is about to break the cradle ready or not! Take an active hand before the window of opportunity closes!
literally who cares? honestly? what will the existence of aliens even do? i honestly dont think it will matter unless we they are coming here for war or to teach us things.
By all standard definitions, I have no contacts the sense you mean. However, I can alter how fast the information can flow. I have been essentially ordered to keep lying and keep playing dumb until it's too late for anyone to even form an opinion on the subject. And am a nobody.

You don't need to worry, though. The people that will instantly go batshit insane is the big concern.
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>grills allowed on the interwebz

pic related
Hey wait a minute you're Anonymous too!

But for real, whenever you see stuff like this it's just testing the waters to see where society is at and if they can get away with the disclosure hoax.
>enlisted in anonymous
i'm going to throw up
Do you really think we will be here that day?
Nice optimism lole.
Last time I checked, "Anonymous" was 4chan.
When did that change?
how would one fuck the aliens from the Arrival?
>what will the existence of aliens even do?
i can ask them to take me from this shithole to explore universe.
Or would you rather be a wagecuck for Trum or other faggot ruler

if i was ever abducted i would rape one of those big eyed asshats and show them a true fagget
I will be gone from here so sorry anon.
Here a anime hug for you though!
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-Blocks your path-

don't worry /x/, i'm sure there will be another ridiculous rumor about something for you to latch onto and get your panties all wet again tomorrow. maybe the Weekly World News will spot Batboy again!
It's easier to control when everyone is under one religion/culture since it leaves them with the same mindset and goals for the whole. Bring differences in the mix, and people will have different directions they will want to take.
Sloppy seconds.
The arrival is actually the first serious movie (ignoring all shit comedy alien movies) in a long time that depicted peaceful aliens. It's part of the soft disclosure plan that kicked off last year.
hey, thats my birthday
N stands for National you tard.
If anything I'd think it would be simple life, like jellyfish worms or micro organisms. Maybe even a complex ecosystem, but I highly doubt intelligent life.
Do you consider ants to be intelligent life?
>If anything I'd think it would be simple life
>but I highly doubt intelligent life
So, humans?
This was someone too lazy to learn forum culture selling b8. People played along because this kind of b8 is kind of fun.
They refer as anonymous as the hacker group, what they don't know that any hacker group just call itself anonymous, even if they don't post here.

That's how the taringa 4chan wars started.
Why would NASA post that on a third party site shill?
I like it how no one cares about the new normie challenge "#NICKIMINAJCHALLENGE"
>wage cuck
>aliens come down offering a better civilization
>become a galactic wage cuck

Damnit guys.
at east you get to be wagecuck in probably prettier, interesting and new place doing fuck knows what.
I'd take that over wagecuck here.
At least i get space voyage
>LARPing this hard
>when they got BTFOd by mexican cartels
What? Would you care to explain? Never heard about that
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