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What should I be most afraid of in the universe anon?

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What should I be most afraid of in the universe anon?
heat death

Your doppelganger.
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Universal sleep sounds nice, a quiet closure to the vast energies involved in existence
lack of sufficient cooperation and competition to dodge, survive, or prevent the next, "big bang" of the galaxies. Leave the rest to Captain Randy Cramer of United States Marine Corps Special Section...LOLOLOLOLOL JUST JOKED DON"T LET IT ALL ROLL OFF HIS SHOULDERS INSTEAD TRUST YOURSELF TO LEARN TO BE GOD. Good luck SoulDiErr.
Maybe trust me a little bit though. I'm also trying to force all humans live eternal life. I do so now by spieling: Humans accessed technology of eternal life...thousands of years earlier than now. The humans living thousands of years mingled, cooperated, conflicted, and married humans not accessing technology of eternal life. The humans, living thousands of years, were savage by their reliance of controlled-flexing technologies of electricity caused at body so muscle flexing was planned by computer. They learned simple methods of forcing eternal life. One method was that all humans would be forced to live since if all humans live then humans living thousands of years would be among those humans living. This method is so simple...some believe all the history/herstory of humans dying was while the savages were forced to live their best try to force all humans live.
Ass rape. I've given a few out in my time and there not nice to be on the other end of

That's a good thing though
Human greed.
Eternal life in the flesh or in spirit?

Dust mites. Wash your sheets, anon.
Only body/flesh.
You are a fool if you believe material life is worth extending. Trees live thousands of years, so what?

And you are also wrong if you don't believe in an eternal soul, and that you are not your body.
I've lived enough to see that life is fleeting and chaotic. Young people die for no reason, tornadoes rip through homes and kill families while the neighbors survive, and, generally speaking, death comes at random with no meaning. It's not like the movies. You know what you should fear most in the universe? The fact that we are hurtling through the void at thousands of miles per hour. The fact that at any given moment, we could crash into an asteroid, comet, meteor, star, or other planet. That our whole existence and history would basically have never happened. Think about the reality of that and tell me it's not terrifying.
I am my body, and though I am only my brain and the rest of my body.

Material life is WAAAAAAAY worth extending. Sex feels good mang. MORE LIFE TO LIVE MORE SEX? O K
Oh...and I also like breathing, and talking, and singing...and I want to do these activities during more moments.
lol, its not when you know the truth. Don't ask me what it is, its littered all over /x/ at this very moment
Honestly? There's nothing to fear. Nothing listed here. (May Skip some)

Time doesn't exist in higher dimensions, where we most likely transcend

Can be defeated by faith

The only real one kind of, but be flag you're just alive and can enjoy what you do

This guy has brain issues

Only if you're unlucky

Yeah but death isn't the end

Blah blah blah

Point is no matter how bad something is physically the worst that can happen is you die, you still exist after so don't worry so much.
Glad not flag, phone autocorrect
What if the afterlife were only the parts you love and none of what you dislike
Humans accessed technology of eternal life...thousands of years earlier than now. The humans living thousands of years mingled, cooperated, conflicted, and married humans not accessing technology of eternal life. The humans, living thousands of years, were savage by their reliance of controlled-flexing technologies of electricity caused at body so muscle flexing was planned by computer. They learned simple methods of forcing eternal life. One method was that all humans would be forced to live since if all humans live then humans living thousands of years would be among those humans living. This method is so simple...some believe all the history/herstory of humans dying was while the savages were forced to live their best try to force all humans live.
You're damn right I have brain issues. I've been issuing a spiel, for your brain, about reality up and down this /x/.
Afterlife? I am living my only life. I am a materialist. I believe a constant and ever conscious and/or subconscious is life. Once the brain decomposes, is ashed, or changes into what is not brain...especially while there is no more brain left...death happened.
Thus life earlier than death is all that I will love and dislike.
Space niggers
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Feel free to continue to enjoy material life then. Are you sure you can bear living as fast as the modern human does for thousands of years?
How many tragedies will you face during those times?

And anyway you cannot escape death. You may prolong your stay in your body, but not much.
Tell me about the planet Mars atrocity
Death comes sweeping through the hallway, like a lady's dress
Death comes driving down the highway, in it's Sunday best
A fire of unknown origin took my baby away
A fire of unknown origin took my baby away
Swept to ruin off my wavelength, swallowed her up
Like the ocean in a fire, so thick and gray
A fire of unknown origin took my baby away
A fire of unknown origin took my baby away
Death comes driving, I can't do nothing! Death goes.
There must be something, there must be something that remains
Something something
A fire of unknown origin took my baby away
A fire of unknown origin took my baby away

To live a life that you found no purpose in
Spiders. If they ever decide to start eating humans we won't last long.
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failing yourself
There's the "Giant Void" which is an extremely large space with an abnormally low galaxy density, which has only 17 galaxies in it, and is 1.5 billion light years away. Source: wikipedia.

Otherwise there's no sauce on this particular image.
Not living a fulfilling life during your brief existance. Nothing else matters but that.
Eating some bad pusy
Spiders are total bros though.
Being burned alive.

Eating bad pussy can traumatize you
Probably this.
Or being buried alive.
Or being conscious in any way after death and remaining with your body while decomposing for eternity

Forget all the retarded shit posted here, the only thing that you should be afraid of is death. What's the point of anything if I am not around to witness it?
that every living thing dies alone.
physical and emotional pain
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Dying before the end of Rick & Morty
>only 17 galaxies
holy shit fuck off back to where you can from right now, you giant fucking faggot
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Talk shit, get hit.
Look at those 2 girls laughing as they hang out with a snake inside a bucket floating over muddy water in some third world hole.
There's nothing to be afraid of anon.
back to redit with you
>these are the people that post here nowadays

/x/ has the lowest standards out of any board. This is not new.
what the fuck is up with /x/ attracting so many redditors and normie scum all the time?is a slow as fuck board, you wouldnt think it will be the same as /pol/ with all the newfriends
>redditors and normie scum

I wish you /r9k/fags would get the fuck out too
Yourself....your greatest enemy always lies within
That's deep man.

You know, they call them fingers, but I never see them fing.

Not snakes apparently
>Leave the rest to Captain Randy Cramer

You should've said ''leave the rest to uncle Ted, uncle Ted'll show ya''
>That's a good thing though


Then it must be that ''safe space'' i've been hearing people talk about

see >>18902329
>fears guns

faggot, they're just machines
Bullet Ants:
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You should fear the things that sit between universes, anon.
the mind is a pretty scary thing, but beautiful at the same time
Not unless you're on acid faggot.

this has been played out so much it's not even edgy anymore
congrats anon, you're a sub human
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t. Tyrone
Cat Rules!
No. There will always be variation.
Time is futile. It doesn't matter how long you live, it will appear as little.

Also, craving the material world is one of the most plebian things you can do in this life. I'm not saying you should detach yourself from reality, but the spiritual realm should be everybodies main focus.
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your self , fool.
for you are a god.
Hahaha, I am sure. I've been forced to, "respect" other humans often enough that I think my personality is majorly correct for a while later than now. Thousands of years though? I think I need help. I think I need more, "bosses" who can then be peers of juries of courts. I think I need millions more representatives of congress representing the hundreds of millions of citizens of United States of America.

I recognize I will face more tragedies. May you live forever, so that I may be helped by you. I think I just might be able to help force a semblance of an opportunity of eternal life. I know the chances of succeeding...but there isn't a real reason not to try. The prolonging of my life is by much, though. Thousands of years is majorly different than a hundred. I think humans can easily force millions...and if they try they might force enough cooperation and competition so humans will dodge, survive, or prevent the next, "big bang" of the galaxies (which I believe is the hurdle which I am currently trying to succeed).

There was a bombing of country at Marse...and this was done by groups who are, from time to time, catching, "glitches" or, "failures" resulting from imperfect programming of their machines which force flexing muscles caused by machines (which is used to help dodge, prevent, and survive). They thought they should bomb a place at Marse, and they did.

I was one human who was investigated for, "ordering" this attack. Basically, I wasn't assuming that I was being recognized as someone who would be able to help a group who is accessing technologies of interplanetary travel. I have many aliases among many groups. I sometimes don't recognize a groups power. I was not focused on the prize of eternal life, and I was seen as requesting a bombing of Marse.
It does matter how long I live, since I want to live.

Craving the material world is one explanation of what I want. An other way to say it is, I want God. An other way to say I want God is: Me, a gal, we're married, eternal life, never dying (constant conscious and/or subconscious). I don't mind if this is a, "commoner" or, "plebeian" experience. Eternal life or death? I'm trying for eternal life.
Trillions of trillions of years is still nothing compared to infinity

Anyway, what I believe is not that extending your material lifespan is "evil", just that it is pointless.
You are already an eternal soul and you always will be.
And material life sucks. It's quite simply unpleasant.

There is also no such thing as "too far away from God" therefore you won't go to an infinite hell either. Just keep respawning, again and again and again until you go back to God
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Learning that your deepest held beliefs were false and that you had been tricked all along.
Not finding your true love
Trillions of trillions of years is nothing compared to infinity. Thank you.

Eternal life is not pointless. Even if I am an eternal soul (not just my body) then I want eternal, material, life anyway. Material life can suck, but it can also be bliss.

I don't think there is a heaven which humans, or a human, did not create. If we die, our brain decomposes or is ashed or changes into something which is not brain, then we died.
Prepare to be disappointed my dear. Rough life ahead for you.
Not accepting Jesus and finding out it was all real when it is too late and you are left behind.
Poverty and the impotence to act on your will.
Fuck that dude
1. a roach or spider that is just small enough to fit inside your ear tonight while you sleep

2. the eggs the Dr. forgot to remove when he removed the original ear spider or ear roach

3. This happens all the time, seen many such cases in the ER

Sleeping with earplugs from now on, thanks for the heads up.
As dark as your days may get.
Remember that all is well in the universe.
It couldn't not be.
And that ultimately all is well with you too.
We do the good job

If already taken I'll say sickness. Not something that kills you but one that just rekts you.
fuck off back to nu-/pol/ redditor
Fact: Autists is similar to psychopathy in that they don't feel empathy. They could kill you and they wouldn't even give a shit about anything but a prison sentence.
Fear has no place in us and the Bible says that God has not given us a spirit of fear, but a spirit of power, love and self control. No I would answer that you should "fear" the Lord, Jehova, but that fear isn't being afraid, it is humble respect.
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So... you would starve to death?
Actually it does. Once everything spreads out far enough there will be no energy left to move, everything will stay the same forever and time will stop.
you're getting preserved as you're being served.
>1000% life expectancy increase might be worth the thousand years of loneliness.
An unfulfilled life. Heat death doesn't concern me.
(34:7.8) Having started out on the way of life everlasting, having accepted the assignment and received your orders to advance, do not fear the dangers of human forgetfulness and mortal inconstancy, do not be troubled with doubts of failure or by perplexing confusion, do not falter and question your status and standing, for in every dark hour, at every crossroad in the forward struggle, the Spirit of Truth will always speak, saying, "This is the way."
What the fuck is that shit supposed to mean nigger
It'd be just like life right now...
Except 10x longer.
Too many bitches stink down there
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This isn't real m8, it's not "completely empty"
The area that the image is referring to is south east of the center, you see that very dark blue area, notice there's bits of green in there?
When people say to you "it is all in your head", it is actually true. Even you or whoever is reading this post, it is all in your head. I mean every single thing is your "imagination", for lack of a better suited term.
Knowledge. It might consume you.
Sounds like you're doing a great job of avoiding it though.
Awww you're just a baby. You're afraid of other human being constructs. You'll be fine. Work out that brain of yours so it can handle the reality.
you feeling better now?
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youtube videos about "scary 4chan stories" and stuff to convince people /x/ is some sort of hidden internet cabal of deep web hacking geniuses

Attracts a lot of redditors directly here, and they are used to getting upvotes on reddit so they don't lurk and immediately start posting retarded shit so the mods gave up
Jesus christ, this is the 10th time I've seen the number sequence 777 these past few days. Should I buy a lottery ticket?
This is wrong. It's full of particles, such as passing photons and neutrinos, maybe even normal matter like 1 atom per cm. There can't be nothing, it's impossible. There's billions of neutrinos passing through you as a result of solar radiation but you can't feel it because it doesn't interact with your cells on an anatomical level
Buy as many as you can afford.
Nothing but Fear itself
But y tho?
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Been a couple days and couldn't think of anything.
Political correctness and the people who use it to kill, harm or steal from innocent people because they themselves are filled with racism, hatred and hypocrisy and also the people who dont care or accept it because they are incompetent and stupid or masochistic because it makes the balls throb, anuses quiver and vaginas flow like niagra falls (most people, unfortunately).

The thing you should be most affraid of is your government and judicial system which abuses this circumstance to brainwash, steal from, imprison and kill innocent civilians. This is tyranny and it needs to change. There are people in high positions such as DA investigators and prosecutors who deliberately abuse this circumstance to take their hatred out on innocent civilians because of their race. These people are hypocrites and they should be punished for this. I would put someone bhind bars for 5 solid years minimum for these types of actions.. It is fraud, treason and domestic terrorism.
"We sometimes imagine
that we have heard voices.
Strange and harsh voices,
faintly calling from beyond
the blackness of night
or from deep in our bones.
And even if there are no actual words,
no actual language we know
in which the voices speak,
still there is a terrible understanding
delivered into our world
that only a few may comprehend,
and none would desire,
for this understanding,
this message of strange harsh voices
from beyond the blackness of night,
or from deep in our bones,
declares that this degenerate little town,
that greatest of secrets,
is only a facade
or a mirage,
a picturesque lie
or illusion
in the guise of twisted streets and tilting houses,
all the rottenness and disease which we sense
as the source of all the things we know
or can ever know
when in fact there is something else altogether,
something which none could comprehend,
or desire to comprehend,
yet which they cannot fail to hear
when it slips through the sounds
of those strange and harsh voices,
when it drifts through
during the briefest moments of silence
and from beyond the blackness of night,
or from deep in our bones
comes forth as the hollow resonance
of a most dismal laughter. "
becoming a pedophile
nigguh being left behind is a godsend. You'll then know it to be true, which then turns a believer out of you. You would literally know it was real, then give yourself to jesus and die like a martyr
Isolation from God would be terrible. I can't imagine much worse.
"Sorry, the correct answer was 'Allah'. Tough luck. But on the bright side, now you get to be with your daughter!"
>Point is no matter how bad something is physically the worst that can happen is you die, you still exist after so don't worry so much.
[citation needed]
It's true. When you compare this region of space with everything around it, 17 galaxies is a very low number. Go find the image.
it will extinguish not only you but your entire species, after enslaving you and making you work in the hell that is industrial society for its seed to flourish.
It already happened.
The Despair Code
Loneliness and boredom.
Prove me wrong
it will never happen
Kids in that pic really scare me; why are they playing with their food?

So, that's where the old one slive.
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