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Anyone have a unsettling stories about strangers or strange people

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Anyone have a unsettling stories about strangers or strange people at work?

>8 years old
>walking home from school
>some car pulls next to me
>man rolls down his window
>motions his hand for me to come over
>"hey kid your mom told me to pick you up from school"
>im a really stupid kid but I knew this didn't feel right
>immediately I bolt through the forest to my house
>can't tell if he's following me
>too scared to tell my parents
>never see him again
>years later I ask my mom if she she would ever send someone to pick me up
>she says never
>be me
>in a play with favorite theatre company
>little girl in play as well
>she is a little weird but cool
>Hands me picture she drew
>its a poem about how she plans to kill me
>Be me
>Working at a gas station
>Weird dude works there, we will call him Dave
>Something obviously off about Dave
>The owner says Dave is just mentally slow
>Working shift one evening with a female coworker
>It's about 30 minutes before my shift ends and another hour and a half for her
>Decide to take the trash out while my coworker helps the customers (Wasn't in the mood to deal with them)
>Get to dumpsters and hear heavy breathing
>Fucking Dave comes from around the corner like he was trying to sprint, but stopped when he saw me
>"Isn't (insert coworkers name here) suppose to take out the trash tonight Anon?"
>Tell him I took it out for her
>He looks visibly disappointed and walks past me then goes behind the wall of the dumpster (dumpsters were surrounded by a threesided wall and a gate to get in and out)
>Notice right as he walks past me that he has gloves on
>Middle of summer
>His car was parked behind the wall, out of view unless you went behind it
>He drives off and I call my boss
>Boss finds blue rope where Dave was hiding
>Dave didn't come back to work after that and I quit a month later
>>18735302 holy crap that's way worse than mine about the little girl planning to kill me
Looking forward for the obligatory story about that time someone met an autistic person and thought they were a vampire.
You should have told her to suck your pee peelp
Fuck. Do you still have it or remember how it went?
>be hotel bellman in big metroplitain area
>working night shift on a Friday
>best people watching ever shift
>typical night full of drunks, hookers, parties, breakups, a bit of everything.
>3:30 am the beginning to the slow stretch
>standing outside talking to one of my valets
>7/10 at blonde walks up and starts talking to me
>valet takes a car down
>blonde is in a party dress, she has no shoes on and has been crying
> make typical small talk to guests
>she then starts asking me do I think she's pretty
>do you want me
>what would you do with me
>what time are you off.
>I'm a king of bullshitting as a bellman so I can roll with it and deflect.
>she says I'm nice gives me 5$
>pauses for a bit
>jumps in front of a passing car

Was weird as shit. She didn't die, but I never saw her again and she wasn't registered at my hotel. Cops said she was on a few different drugs when I talked to them down the line.
>>18735542 I don't remember how it went, but there where little drawings of her stabbing me in the corners. She just laughed about it.
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These are all pretty interesting, how the fuck is this thread on page 10 with only 8 posters?

Bumping with a high school colleague story, technically not a co-worker but still related to strange strangers.
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I dont understand...???
The first part of this is hilarious

Oh god, that was great. Hey, remember the guy who said his coworkers put down salt-lines in front of the freezer or something, and he basically rode - the word escapes me - one of those skates used for moving boxes over it, while holding eye contact?
>delivering pizzas
>pull up to house because I'm lost and I see a man smoking in the dark
>Get out to ask for directions, can't see his face
>When I ask, he doesn't say anything, just takes a drag of his cigarette
>Get chills, leave without saying anything
90s I was a young kid
>big sister babysitting me
>would always sneak out to hang with her friends
>took me one day
>the sun set and we were catching buses all around town with a group of friends
>bored because I was so young
>man drops off a suit case across the street
>10 mins later the suitcase starts to rumble
>the bag open and a guy pops out and runs toward the shadows

To this day I can never explain to people what happened on that day because It was so visually confusing to me for a while, no one else saw it that day because everyone was distracted. any questions
>be halloween
>walk with friends to house
>main door is like on the side of the house
>having to walk around house to main door
>can't see us from street
>ring* ring*
>old lady opens up
>has no candy
>says we look nice
>says there's someone who wants to see us
>probably mentaly i'll pedo
>woman really wants us to come inside
>i say we can't because we are running low on time and have to meet up with some of the rest of our friends
>walk like hell out of there
>meet up with other friends
>look back woman is looking at us through the blinds of her window

i believe they moved out now, thank gog. had i gone in some sick shit might've gone down.

>be me, 14
>hiking through the mountainside with my cousin and uncle
>walking down a basic pathway, no trees or anything to get in the way
>getting dark so my cousin turns on the flashlight
>get a heart attack as some fucker is standing less than a foot from us
>he didn't react to the million candle light shined in his face
>calmly says good evening fellas
>cousin and uncle have some idle chat with him, having a laugh
>ask him where's he going
>his smile fades he says he's "going to fall down as always"
>get weirded out and laugh awkwardly
>begin to make our way down
>only a second passed when I turned back to see if he was there
>guy is nowhere to be seen
>he didn't jump or fall because we would have seen it happen.
>cousin is convinced that he was a ghost, uncle thinks he was playing a joke.
>jokes contortionists play to fuck with peoples heads
Shoulda married her
>I use to wear lolita fashion
>use to be a fucking retard and thought it was socially acceptable
>one day some dude kept following me around on my way home from a club meeting
>he gets close to me and tells me likes dolls and that I look one.
>asks me if I could be his dolly and he'll give me money
>walk towards the nearest police man
>creepy guy is gone by the time the cop sees me
>the cop doesn't find the man
>never dress like that again
>Bout 25 years ago
>Family cookout at grandparents
>Everyone eating, socializing, having a good time
>I'm about 7 years old at the time
>Some drunk redneck comes out of nowhere, shambles up the driveway, just stands and stares at family
>Dad is a cop, always armed
>Uncle is a former boxer, tough dude
>Grandpa is a WWII vet and auto mechanic, tough as nails
>None of them do shit
>They all appear to become worried and quiet
>Drunk just stands there leering, adults move us kids away
>Drunk proceeds to pass out right on the picnic table
>No one says, anything, parents move everything inside
>I remember asking dad why he doesn't arrest the bad man, says not to worry about it, stay inside
>Parents all come inside, and appear to get very quiet
>I remember them talking in the kitchen, mom keeps asking "Why did he come back?"
>I remember dad saying don't worry about it, he'll leave soon
>Watch out the window as drunk wakes up all at once, flips the solid wood picnic table with one hand like it was fucking nothing, sends food flying everywhere
>Makes direct eye contact with me through window, has INSANE grin on his face
>I still remember how crazed his face looked
>Eventually he just walks away into the woods out back, never to be seen again
>For years I never understood why the adults were so scared of this guy, especially my dad, who was armed and could have had dozens of his cop buddies there in a heartbeat. Instead he hid inside like a coward and let this random dude trash our yard.
>Grandpa and uncle have both passed on, couple years ago ask my dad wtf that even all those years ago was about
>His eyes lit up when I asked like he had just remembered it, then immediately claims he doesn't remember anything like that ever happening
>I clearly remember it happening and so does my brother who was 12 at the time
>Mother also claims it never happened
Possibly something or someone paranormal where your dad and other relatives would have no affect
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These two are mine, need to write up more.
Wtf kind of spoopy story is that
That they all somehow knew was paranormal?

general gist seems to be that Calvin was jerking off using fleshlights made out of dead animals (?) while fantasizing about some strange combination of his dead sister and Rainbow Dash.

sounds like they recognized him. like it was long-lost brother John who everybody knows is a total psycho and when he does PCP it takes ten men to hold him down. or something.

or yeah, maybe he's a supervillain. you never know i guess.
Its your long lost uncle that got skinwalkered
adults don't want to own up to be scared weakling who failed in front of a child more news at 11
>be me, 9 years old
>parents take us to an old persons home
>old lady gives me one of those fun sized snickers bars
>acts really weird about it, gives me a napkin for a mother fucking fun sized snicker bar cuz she says they get messy
>my parents are aware but act like its nbd
>im fully aware of 'DONT TAKE CANDY FROM STRANGERS' so i dont eat it in front of her
>i later give it to my little brother cuz im pretty sure its poisoned
>everyone in family talks about what a great brother I am giving candy to my little brother instead of keeping it for myself
>mother fucker didn't even die
>i could have had a fun sized snickers bar

probably the greatest regret of my life desu
>be me, 7-8 years old
>group of friends, about 5 of us, investigate abandoned plot, since that's what kids enjoy doing at that age apparently
>older kid, the "leader" of the group, tells everyone how there is a werewolf at this place
>i'm immediately scared, but sort of intrigued too
>we spot paw prints in the mud leading into the building
>all of us are even more scared/excited
>pretty dark inside, although i stand right at the entrance in case shit goes down
>there's a voice of a man coming from the inside
>speaking mostly gibberish but can make out that he's calling us in
>older kid tells us to go to him but stays out back
>none of us move
>older kid keeps telling us to go to the man
>man's voice goes silent
>older kid begins shoving us forward
>we're all pretty scared and confused
>we see his figure come toward us
>I rush the FUCK out, never looked back
>go straight to my house

Later I found out that all the other kids followed my lead when I freaked out.
The older kid made fun of us for being scared, so we went again the next day but found a pool of sticky liquid at the entrance, so didn't go in.
Could be a super powerful skinchanger who they all ran into years ago or something.

Just pester your mom and dad until they snap
Casually talk about skinwalker stories with your parents, see if they react to it.
Hive mind
rip dude, you should have banged her
before the car did
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Reddit's waiting for you.

no you are.
Point proven, thanks leddit.

no u
Dumb ass
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My buddy works as a manager in a gas station down by the beach in bumfuck nowhere, Alabama. This happened a few months ago

>Be my buddy
>Chilling at work cuz it's like midnight and nobody's coming in lately
>Suddenly blonde woman is by the drinks, eyeing what she wants
>Whatever, just didn't hear her come in, goes about his business
>Woman comes up with nothing to buy, making smalltalk
>Clearly drunk by the smell of her breath, but seems coherent enough
>Is also clearly Russian according to her accent
>After a few minutes of learning his name and getting chatty, she starts trying to get him to come outside with her, acting like it's the most important thing in the world that he leave the store
>Buddy says no gotta be responsible and watch the store
>Girl pouts, leaves
>Whatever, end of that weirdness
>Girl comes back AGAIN less than an hour later with a bag of McDonald's for him and begs him to come out of the store, not specifying where
>Buddy says nah again, girl leaves after getting to know him a bit more
>She comes back for the next three days at random times, always when the store is empty
>Buddy never sees her again after the third day
Not exactly supernatural, but it reminds me of those spooky stories where the gas station attendants meet women that try to get them to leave the store.
I told him he was smart to not leave the store, but also an idiot because she was smoking hot apparently and it sounded like his life could have been a chapter in a good Haruki Murakami book.
Or he could have gotten murdered/kidnapped.
At my old job...

>be in my office. A small room with a big window. Window is only a one way view.
>helping the secretary do a bunch of filing because slow day.
>guy walks with a little girl
>dude is mid 50's and white
>girl looks like she's Hispanic
>the guy asks for my co-worker Mary.
>Mary tells me to "watch him" and thst she was too busy to put up with him.
>angry customers all got tossed my way anyway. Told her I'd handle it.
>walk back up front and our secretary is visibly shaken, and telling him to gtfo
>he and the girl leave.
>"Hey what happened?"
>"Dude's a fuckin' (incoherant redneck cussing)...he told me I ought to come home with him."
>creepy older male clients coming into an office full of younger women was common. Them making remarks like that, also common.
>think nothing of it.
>Next day!
>be in the whole office alone.
>secretary and all other co-workers leave.
>dude pulls up outside of my window. Know he can't see me
>expect him to come in
>sits in his car for nearly an hour on his phone.
>finally the secretary phone rings
>it's him
>"yeah well i'm trying to see what I need to do to get my insurance claim filled."
>Tell him what to do.
>he then goes off.
>"I don't have time for this shit. Fuck this. I ought to blahblah..."
>tell him to just come into the office
>"No i'm to far away to come in there today"
>Red flag one. I decide not to say that I was looking right at him.
>"ok sir. Try Mary later."
>hour later I get a call from my BIG boss' office
>like...you get a call from this office, bad things are happening
>"H-hello, this is Orion speaking."
>lady on the other end tells me that my office is getting complaints about discriminating against a customer.
>Realize she's meaning this same guy who was outside earlier.
>I tell her what was going on as far as I knew.
>keep hearing an odd noise. Like clicking.
>She asks who he was supposed to be seeing. Tell her Mary. Give her Mary's cell.
>her last question to me is "did you withold any info from him?"
>Say no.
>the clicking breaks into the dude's voice. He called my big boss and did a threeway call.
>starts cussing at me (with my big boss' agent on the line...retard)
>She tells him to watch his language. Tells her to fuck off "I'm dun with yer ass lady"
>She cuts him out of the call.
>"Sorry to waste your time sir. We will no longer accept calls frim him. You should do the same."
>he starts calling from different numbers.
>faking voices
>he keeps driving up into our parking lot for several days.
>calls Mary's cell to try and ask her out.
>eventually we call our big boss back and file a complaint
>big boss calls their investigation division (company fraud investigators)
>gets BTFO by company.
Not really related but i use to have a collegue that has too much electricity in his body.
The kind of guy that can't wear a watch because it stops working.
But he could give electric shot at will when touching you.

I used to call him Vegeta.
Did...did you ever try powering a clock or something with his fingers?
>be me growing up in rural Idaho
>every kid scared of one old man
>call him "old geiser"
>one day he leaves for vacation
>me and 6 other kids do some trespassing
>we are in his backyard now
>find a tarp with some sort of pool under it
>lift up tarp and find a few trash bags
>keep searching eventually find Polaroids
>all in a neat stack under his deck
>pictures of children

Not until I was older did I understand why he had these pictures, he died when I turned 16 police around the house for weeks afterwards. Never did find out what he did nor do I really want to know
>people fucking

spoopy af
Got skinwalkered

Skinwalker or drunk Fred Krueger.
>Le ebin "Every last slightly strange or even remotely curious even is a skinwalker" may may

wew lad
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>be 7 years old
>go to Boston on a family Easter trip, brother starting to look at colleges
>stay in a swell hotel
>theres a game room complete with sega, n64, playstation and every game you can imagine
>not allowed to have any of those in our house so I take every opportunity to go to the room
>so much that the manager gave me a keycard to access it when I wanted
>Easter Day
>having breakfast, the entire dining hall is decorated, several people dressed as rabbits and lots of kids, some sort of inner city feed the youth program
>after I'm done eating I zoom down to the game room
>turn ps then hear a sound coming from the adjacent room
>muffled talking but something like "its okay its fine"
>door into other room swings open
>its one of the rabbits from upstairs, half dressed and looking really tired
>behind him a young kid (younger than me) steps out and gives me a helpless glance
>I could see he looked scared or hurt
>the rabbit guy looks at me "don't look in there" and puts his rabbit mask back on and walks out
>too spooked to play
>be me
>16 at the time
>Walking into the mall in a group of people to go to yugioh local tourney
>2 people walk up to me and start talking to me about drugs and Jesus and shit and why drugs are wrong
>Sit there for an hour till they finish talking
>Barley make it to the event in time
>Gave me a loot bag full of church stuff like a bible
>Top keked the whole day as I say there not knowing what to do with a bible
Sounds like an estranged family member no one wanted to confront or I've heard stories where people especially children see skin walkers as differently. You may have seen through the disguise and seen a man but you family could have seen a rabid animal.
>be 6 yo
>used to go to grandma's house most of the days
>old man lives with her
>short haired, blue eyed man that used to stay at the backyard most of the time
>sometimes he would make me sit on his lap and talk about frogs
>would also take me to the store and buy me some ice cream
>although he was very kind, never developed affection for this guy
>time passes and he just vanishes from earth
>years later I notice his absense
>ask grandma and mom about him
>no one recalls knowing that old man living with grandma
>what the fuck man
I still remember his face and the grey shirt he used to wear. My guess is that he was arrested for sexual abuse and my grandma hid it from me. Not so sp00kee, but wanted to share it anyways.
And if they still don't give try threatening them. Tell them you'll drink yourself to death if they don't tell you the answer and the ansswer is you're the skinwalker!
Dude just shut the fuck up. This skinwalker stuff is getting out of hand, it's almost as bad as tulpas now.
It was your moms ex husband/your real dad who missed you
gypsies trying to keep the storekeeper out of the store while they bag stuff
>moves into flat above a shop
>landlord is mid 40s, owns shop underneath
>goes in shop one day to pay rent or some shit
>hes sitting in a chair, motionless, hands on his knees, staring at nothing
>shop is silent
>looks like hes kinda asleep with his eyes open
>he sees me, jumps up, and all is normal

>over past few weeks ive been in shop to see him 10+ times
>he's always sitting in the same position with his hands on his knees staring at nothing
>i joke one day.. "you look like you havent moved since last time i came in"
>he laughs
>now, everytime i go in he says "i'm still sitting here. i havent moved"

I swear, he freaks me the fuck out. It's like he's a robot or some shit. He just sits there looking forward ALL DAY. There's no TV or radio or nothing. I can't understand how he justs sits there doing nothing.
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>work at a science+art museum, job is to walk around and teach visitors about exhibits and help them out
>on the floor one day, sitting down at an exhibit, and suddenly see a very old and fat woman, really filthy with dirt and leaves in her hair, rolling around in an electric wheelchair and crying
>she wheels away to a part of the museum I'm not covering, and it's security's job to deal with stuff like that, not mine, so I forget it
>hours later manning the outside area (museum is constructed on a pier over a bay) with another co-worker
>it's the end of the day and the museum is fairly empty
>she wheels out of the doors from the inside and rolls over to the fence overlooking the bay
>think she's just admiring the view so ignore it
>suddenly notice she is gripping the fence and desperately pulling herself out of her wheelchair, which is hard given that her legs seemed completely limp
>she's hoisting herself onto the fence
>she's trying to jump into the bay
>hear her crying
>my coworker runs over to her and helps her back into her wheel chair
>she tells him that someone cut her open and filled her with leaves and a bomb
>she's crying so hard she can barely talk
>she says she has a bomb inside of her and it's going to blow up
>we both run away and radio security to tell them what's happening and give them her location
>we're looking through the glass door and watch a security guard come out and talk to her
>we fill in a lost visitor report and alert the other people on the floor because clearly she had to have come with someone
>security says that it looks safe and that we should go help with the lost visitor process
>a very well dressed old man is eventually found who says he is her husband
>they are reunited and they immediately leave the museum

Still confuses me to this day
>on holiday in Spain
>maybe 7 years old
>waiting for parents near car
>old guy goes to pull pit the parking lot
>sees me
>gets out of his car (was a sports car)
>opens passenger door and invites me in

>parents come out
>I wave to them
>he bolts

Close ey lads. Wouldn't be surprised if he was a pedosympathiser on here.
>free fuck on the line with attractive woman
>instead make the woman jump infront of a car out of shame for failing to get in bed with you

Nice one anon.
a whole man was actually inside the suitcase?
Anyone have that story of that anon who had a childhood story about a weird man trying to get inside his house while he was home alone at night?
Shut the fuck up, bitch.
Probably would have kept her from jumping in front of that car. It's pretty much like he hit her with the car himself.
Also I wonder if he was just thinking of his sister and the dead fleshlight skins were incidental, or if he truly was so fucked up to look at connection between the dead flesh and his dead sibling. Goddamn it Calvin.
The penis and everythang
Did you still hang out with the older kid after that? He sounds like a psycho trying to get you all killed.
My dad does this sometimes.

I wonder if sometimes old guys just sit there and think or something
Fuck you faggot you believe in fucking skinwalkers Topkek

That's insult enough
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>sit on his lap
>talk about frogs
oh shit davey boy was about to do some fucked up shit
was he getting rid of a body or did he kill himself? Or both?
*Grabs him by the throat*
BACK THE FUCK OFF!??!?!?!??!??!
*Ironic comedic nightclub drumming that would follow the ever so original so quiet you can hear a cough with a record scratch and maybe a montage with this song*

Oh I miss when the internet was like this. You make this old fart feel like a slice cheese in a lactose intolerant minority.
>attempt at humor
Anyone has this? Sounds hilarious as fuck, I really want to read it.
Sounds like a fucking character Stephen King would create to make the boring parts of his monster stories less boring. Bet this guy has an alcoholic father no doubt.
Not wierd at all, just perv. Happens a lot to lolitas.
And some lolitas get money being someone's dolly too.
Someone wanted to booty fuck you
She's a keeper anon
He definitely killed someone, did you ever check the news or papers to see if anyone was missing or killed?
Missed you're chance for some poontang my dude
I work in a prison, there's a lot of really weird people, specifically inmates.

One night, while working night shift, we had a call on the radio to take an inmate to Holding because he was acting agressive towards the Officer on duty. When we got there to roll him up, he was chanting in tounges. While restraining him he said "These chains will not hold to the strength of Sathanus" (who I later found out is the Christian Demon of wrath). While escorting him up to the holding cell his chanting grew more intense, almost as if casting some sort of incantation. When he was done chanting he fell silent and moments afterward it started to rain and thunder. He was being very agressive towards our Lieutenant and almost assaulted an officer while we were undoing his restraints. We ended up putting him in theraputic restraints and eventually he calmed down. While searching his bunk and locker I found a bunch of books on Satanism and Witchcraft, among several Satanic drawings and writings.

It was interesting, the guy is back in General Population and I've seen him attend several Christian religious services since the incident.
>Be me
>dragged to some dumb party after senior prom
>I really don't feel comfortable here
>gf at time leaves me and I'm by myself with a bunch of strangers
>Get some drinks to pass the time
>First time drinking too
>Go outside
>Someone offers me what I thought at the time was weed
>Smoke it
>Immediately get hit by the high
>I was going blind in one eye and had an out of body experience
>Oh fuck this shit isn't weed
>Freak out because I need to drive home
>Beg my date to drive home
>She says no
>Fucking tripping balls at some strangers house
>10 minutes past and date decides to drive me home
>She's visibly drunk but I'm so high and out of it I can't do anything
>As she's driving I blackout
>wake up
>Date is veering all over the place
>Scream at her to pull over
>She does and I take the keys away from her and run off
>Off in the distance I see a thing coming toward me
>It was a fucking demon, like legit demon from hell
>Thought I was in hell
>Well I'm already dead might as well do whatever the fuck I want
>Run towards the demon and say "WHAT'S UP MY DEMON BRO!"
>The guy I was talking to probably ran off
>See more demons across the parking lot
>Wake up to see paramedics pick me up and put me in the ambulance

It was pretty unsettling especially since I thought I was dead. Don't try drugs from random kids
Oh hey
that was me
I hate to say it.. but your dad might be a skinwalker.

The only way to find out is to walk upto him and put your hand on his groin. If he doesn't react.. he's a skinwalker.
one time I was walking down the street n this old guy pulled over in his pick up truck, makes money motions with his hand and points to his lap, I walk faster, he follows me in the truck giving me looks, as I start to walk past police station he drives off.
You should've raped her in self defence
the spirits told me that was your real dad.
Oh I have cracked the code
>your dad is a pussy pig bitch
>your uncle was a boxer, as well as a gay prostitute
>your grandpa was a WWII vet in being a giant pussy
>prolly has a badge to show how big of a pussy he was in war

It's simple the guy was on crack, and your pussy family had to move everything inside to Ur pussy home so u guys can hide like the little pussies you are. Happy?
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>working as a runner for a law firm
>get handed a package to take to a client's house
>told that I have to make sure it lands in his hands, do not drop it off, etc.
>drive out 45 minutes to weird suburbs in the middle of the country
>pull up to address
>small house with front yard littered with children's bikes, atvs, motorbikes, rundown cars and even a newish looking boat on a trailer with all the tires flat
>puddles all over the place so I had to walk in mud to get to the front door
>when I get to the front door, I smell something weird and look around at the ground
>there's wet dog food all over the front steps that I somehow didn't notice as I walked up
>plant pot full of water with mosquito larvae filling it up
>start getting bitten by mosquitos so I ring the front door bell
>wait a minute because I don't want to look like a creep, then ring door bell again
>look inside through the window next to the door
>see a 3-4 year old boy staring back at me from a bare living room
>inside the house, there are empty boxes all over the place and trash littering the floor
>living room has a huge flat screen television but otherwise looks bare
>suddenly, the kid sprints back into a hallway without coming to the door
>wait a couple more minutes expecting his parents, but no one comes
>begin to die from mosquito bites so I leave

It was bizarre. I assume that the client must've won some big lawsuit and blown all the money on the equipment in the yard and the house. Probably the most disgusting living situation I've seen in real life. The kid made it really creepy as well.
Screen capped. Great story, snon
More prison stories. Those are among my favorite to read.
It can't hold satans anus Is wat he was saying. The Thunder Nd rain is a metaphor for shitting Nd farting
Bumping for Murakami.
nice author choice m8
t. Martin Luther
Tbis happened to my neighbors.
>be like 11 or 12, white trash masquerading as lower middle class since my dad started getting fat VA checks
>across the street is a family of Italian druggies, they were nice to me though and always had me over so I could get away from the abuse at home
>Older sister was smoking hot, had a daughter who was around 2 at the time
>one night her uncle is over and goes into the backyard, motion light activates and there's a guy in a white hoodie standing at the gate of the backyard
>doesn't move until the uncle says something at which point he jets it over the fence
>knocking on windows the next few days
>last incident, the hot sister hears a thumping coming from the baby's room
>goes in, nothing out of the ordinary, it was a stormy night to she figures a trash can fell over since they kept them on the side of the house to the baby's room. Blinds are open, nothing outside.
>hear thumping again, ignore it
>the next morning she feels cold, in the house, goes outside for a smoke
>check around the side
>there are handprints at the top of the window, and the lock is broken and the window slightly cracked (accounting for the sudden draft downstairs), she thinks he was using the trash can to stand on
>plenty of other places to break into if he was robbing the place or casing thr joint, choosing a baby's room doesn't seem right for a robbery

It really unsettled me when I heard it, especially because I've had a terrible fear of home invasions. This event happened to me right before the neighbor's incident

I don't have any more creepy stories about inmates, but I have plenty creepy stories about the Penitentiary in general. Here's a quick one.

>be working night shift in a tower
>0300 hours, clear sky, moon is bright
>chilling, talking on the phone with another tower Officer
>his tower overlooks the old graveyard on the hill, known as Grasshopper Hill, where we used to bury dead inmates who didn't have family to do so (stopped doing it around 1950s)
>all of the sudden he stops mid sentence and says that there's people walking around Grasshopper Hill
>turns on his spotlight and points it towards the graveyard
>nobody there
>he calls the LT's office about it and they send two Officers up there to check it out
>nobody there

A lot of the senior staff members say they've experienced the same thing several times while working in that tower.
>be me, scrawny 12 year old, parents aren't home and I was in the shower
>leave the bathroom door open because we're too poor for a ceiling fan and the bathroom steams real bad otherwise
>bathroom is right across from the front door
>pull back the curtain
>stranger standing in the short hall that the bathroom is in
>heart stops, he's bald, with tiny but bulging eyes, fat cheeks and has a long and wide face, really uncomfortable to look at even if he wasn't a strange staring at me stark naked
>try to scream, have flashbacks to being whored out to old pedos so my dad could get drugs when he was broke, but nothing comes out
>he smiles a thin smile
>pretty sure I'm gonna end up with my hand sticking out of a trash bag
>after a few moments of mutual silence he says "Such a beautiful boy."
>after a pause, like he was thinking something over, he turns and calmly opens the front door and softly shuts it behind him
>burst out sobbing
>tell my dad when he gets home like 20 minutes later, he's livid and looks all over for the guy
>comes home after spending all day and night looking, nothing
>spend the next nine months pretty certain I'm gonna get abducted and sold to some old pedo for good this time
>aside from a frw ratty - ass Caddys with pitch black window tint flAND the same license plate number on each diffrrent car pulling up beside me a few times and speeding off nothing happens, probably just a coincidence

I don't think my guy was the same as my neighbors but their story made me even more paranoid
I'm bored so I'll write some more.

>Again, working third shift in a Housing Unit
>Chilling, playing chess with another Officer
>It's about 0130, time to do my hourly checks
>Walk the galleries, look into cells, make sure all my inmates are still alive
>Walk past C-17, the room where an inmate was brutally murdered a few years prior
>Suddenly get a horrible sense of dread, doesn't fade until I walk off the gallery
>Shake it off, figure it's just a bit of paranoia
>As I'm walking off the gallery a stack of chairs randomly falls over in the day room
>Later call the video surveillance Officer and ask him to take a look at the C Gallery Day room at around 0130
>He sends me a copy of the video footage at around that time
>Looks like the stack of chairs were thrown onto the floor by an unseen force

I hate working that Unit alone on third shift.
Stories like this are always the spoopiest. Not paranormal but where anon almost got raped and probably murdered.
Here's one more. This one's pretty interesting so I'm not going to green-text it.

Again, I was working third-shift as a yard officer. It was around 2300 at the start of shift when I decided to do my area checks, basically that entails going to every unoccupied building in the facility and making sure the doors are secured, basic security things. I was walking near the back of the Chapel (an old church-like building, built around 1945 or so, to my knowledge). I had heard stories about how they used to carry out death sentences by hanging behind the chapel. Underneath the stage there's these crazy dungeon-like holding cells, and according to the legend, that's where the inmates would spend their final hours in preparation for their executions. As I walked towards the rear door of the chapel I heard "BOOM.... BOOM..... BOOM...." on the rear door; as if somebody was running towards the door and putting their shoulder to it in an attempt to open it. I radioed another yard Officer and told her to bring the Chapel keys to me. We searched the building and didn't see or find anything.
old ladys off her rocker and her husband just wants the woman he fell in love with back, but shes gone
i appreciate all your creepy prison stories anon, good stuff
tell us a story old man!
I work a shitty call center tech support job and we get calls like this all the time

>Woman having trouble with her security cameras
>claims someone is hacking into electronics in her home remotely
>her microwave blew up last week because of it
>she caught someone releasing a gas that killed several of her farm animals

that's one of the tamer ones, but I've had people call in and tell me that someone is causing them to receive electric shocks in their body, or that their husband was murdered by androids from Dubai. Schizophrenia is a hell of a drug
>be small child in a empty house in the middle of nowhere
>someone starts ringing the doorbell while im in the living room, no ones home and i dont know what to do so i freeze like a deer in headlights
>someone starts looking in through the fucking window and just stares at me
>after a minute my legs start working and i dash back to my room to hide under the bed cus im terrified
nice going anon
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>be about 13
>live in a fairly white community our minority mostly being asian
>3rd safest community in california
>one day walking my doberman(warlock) yes there's a difference they're larger than normal dobes
>he's a glorified lap dog but he's scary as fuck
>walking through the park with dobe as some random dude also walking on the park trail comes by
>stops me to see if he can pet the dog
>not unusual since everyone always wants to put my dog
>let him and it's cool
>starts talking to me about how he works in the movie industry etc
>says he knows my dad through the movie industry says I look familiar
>dad works as a camera man so I completely buy it at first
>start asking him questions because I'm genuiley interested in what he might do and how he knows my dad
>replies with being a voice actor
>instantly I smell bullshit my father has never worked on anything which has used a voice actor
>alert as fuck now
>keep listening to the guy
>he starts doing cartoon impressions is fairly good
>it clicks
>he's good at cartoon impressions because to children this is entertaining
>am technically a kid
>he went to see if he could pet my dog to see if he was dangerous
>instantly tell him I have to leave
>tries to convince me that he needs help with something before I go and if I'd be willing to help him
>tell him I'm busy and really have to get going
>tell my parents about what happened
>same guy came into our neighborhood earlier and was doing the same cartoon impressions in front of brother and his group of friends trying to lure them too
>brother friends older swole af cousin comes outside while this is happening
>loses his shit on the dude
>guy fucking books it
>went through what was a trail towards the park to get away
>where he saw me
>report this shit to the police
>turns out he's a sex offender
I felt really fucking stupid about it was pure fucking luck and coincidence that he was able to guess my dad was in the motion picture industry.
>don't try drugs from random kids
Don't tell me what to do...that's clearly the coolest story you have to tell. You should find and thank that little nigger for sharing his PCP with you, ingrate
Time out

So at one point your dad who red you out to pedos for drug money, but when you tell him about this old creeper he becomes super concerned and starts a manhunt. He probably just wanted to collect his money -it's $12.50 to see the goods, after all. And I can't believe you don't remember Old Sal....Yall had a couple fun romps when you were 4 and he just missed your little innie
Sounds like you're just fucked up mentally from being abused as a child and growing up poor.

Get some help.
This. My grandad had a great saying for it:
I'm not afraid of death, I'm afraid of the living that can send you there.
Thanks for the stories anon
Friend of gas station buddy here. He's hit or miss for me, but nobody around right now writes like he does.
Totally agree, he's just one of those authors that absolutely nails their craft
Nah sounded more like he was gonna rape the femal coworker
>get a pet Dutch rabbit
>take super good care of it
>decide one day to take him to the park
>bunny starts doing a majestic sprint
>never acts this way at home
>I get careless and didn't notice he was out of my sight
>start to freak out
>"hey kid"
>weird 40ish looking man calling me over
>he's holding my rabbit by the scruff of its neck
>should mention that this part of the park is kinda secluded my own secret place
>"would you like your rabbit??"
>"I'm a veterinarian and I could check the rabbit up free of charge if you come with me to office"
>get a little nervous but I don't want to leave my rabbit
>"can I hold my rabbit please?"
>the man thinks about it for a long time as if he were debating it to himself
>"I'll let you hold the rabbit if I can hold your arm"
>as he lowers his arm to grab mine I snatch my rabbit quickly and run off
>hear him shout "shit"
>I'm running very fast and I can hear fast foot steps behind me
>as I get to civilization he no longer tags along.
>tell a park ranger
>unfortunately he wasn't anywhere to be seen
Here's a tale of when I was a child in the 80s in 9th ward N.O. It was an abusive home so I tried to stay away andd out on the streets as much as possible. It was late and across from an old gas ststion called Snappy Dans.
>There were two cop cars and 3 officers that had cornered a black man and were trying to arrest him. He had a gun on him and they were on the oppisite sides of the car all pointing theirbguns at him and yelling to stand down. Dude puts the gun to his head and starts saying in a deep voice "Imma kill this here nigger" then immediately says in a high pitched voice "help me officah this man gonna kill me". This self argument goes on for a small while then the cops mace and subdue him. Not spoopy but I can still vividly remember it. Not sure if he was a crack head or nuts. Probably both.
>be me like 3 years ago
>getting drunk at friends' house (they're three brothers, all really chill guys) in a smalltown near where i live with only like three hundred people living there
>go out on the balcony to have a smoke at around 2-3 am, i had to drive home myself the next day so i didn't drink too much
>hear crying somewhere nearby (their house is pretty close to a forest), sounds like from a girl
>crying gets louder and hear whimpers as well
>since this smalltown has a really friendly community my friends say that we gotta go take a look
>obviously i'm hesitant but i go along, we're 4 guys and all of above-average build, we should be fine
>and i'm a paramedic so they insist i come along in case someone's hurt
>we go out towards the forest, terrible idea obviously, following the sound of the crying
>right as we enter there's a small shed next to a house, seems like sounds come from there
>we're all pretty fucking scared so one of my friends calls out saying smth like "everything okay, do you need help"
>crying stops and sharp girly voice tells us to leave her alone
>friend answers "we're 4 guys and one's a medic, are you sure you don't need help"
>scared shitless and it's cold af to, probably couldn't have rememberd training anyway
>voice repeats "go away" much louder and almost aggressive sounding
>had a pocket knife clenched in my hand the entire time to feel less scared, didn't realize i cut myself with it from fear and probably from the cold too
>gtfo and enjoy the ruined mood from the spook

not too scary but i still think of this sometimes
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Go to 2:40

That guy wasn't nuts or on crack.
He was a damn comedy genius.
>>he's always sitting in the same position with his hands on his knees staring at nothing
to be honest hes probably just spacing out
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That reminds me of when I used to volunteer at the library.
>work as a shelf stocker/clean-up guy at public library.
>a middle aged Japanese woman comes in one day.
>she asks if she can have someone proofread a letter she's writing, since her English is off.
>manager has me do it.
>take a look at the letter she wrote.
>it's a letter to her apartment manager about how a group of young people are using an advanced sonar device to weaken her body and leave her deaf.
>goes into detail about how these people moved in and tricked all the senior citizens into believing that they were good people, before using their device to weaken and eventually kill them.
>mfw I'm rewriting all this while the woman sits calmly right next to me.
She was completely serious too, she had a giant folder filled with research about sonar devices that cause headaches and shit. She didn't even look or act crazy in the slightest.
Pic related is page 1 of the letter.
If you guys want, I'll post the rest.
Why doesn't she call the police about it?
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Oh yeah. I got a creepy one
>be 5/6 years old or so
>be the midnight before christmas
>share room with parents and slightly older sister
>parents are asleep, me and sister are awake
>we hear the living room door open
>we see a shadow of a man walking into the apartment
>we were kids at the time, so me and my sister thought it was santa claus dropping gifts
>we were excited so we went to sleep to wait for morning
>the man left the apartment
What's strange was that nothing was missing so it wasn't a robbery. We were lucky a mass murderer didn't walk through our door.
I asked my sister about this a few days ago to see if it that was all a dream since it was so long ago and she said she remembers that night too.
>On my break from work
>went to a local park to eat my lunch
>suddenly a car parks in front of me
>black Mercedes-Benz
>old man dressed nicely approaches me
>asks for my name and immediately hands me a pocket bible and tells me to take care
>he leaves
>the bible had a previous owner, it had a name already written on the 1st page along with lots of addresses and numbers
>last page was filled with the spanish word for sorry

any more information?
sounds interesting
??? everyones replying like SKINWALKERS but like couldn't it just be a none talked about family member kinda makes sense

like if you come from a bunch of tough dudes and you mix hard drugs into it then yeah

my uncle did meth for years and when he would freakout at family gatherings everyone awkwardly ignored him when he fell into a glass table high as fuck and broke it

My guess is that guy tought i was homeless and tried to be nice , from time to time christian groups in my city give free bibles to the people, but they do it in large groups and in crowded areas.
yeah that might be it

where i live we usually just have mostly older people standing around with some pamphlets about jesus christ and their specific sect, cult or whatever
>*Grabs him by the throat*
what the fuck
mmm look at this one
still has that new user smell
Not as intense as other stories here but maybe somewhat interesting

>be me 15 live alone with mom and here asshole friend
>we live in a rather small home right next to the graveyard
>both of em are gone for the weekend
>whole day goes on normally
>watch tv, play some vidya and wank a lot
>decide to sleep at about 0100
>almost asleep when i hear the front door open and close again followed by sounds from the within the house
>decide to man up and grab the huge ass knife i got 2 years ago and leave my room
>try to make heave footsteps and with my deepest voice call out to the fucker
>hear a loud noise in the livingroom
>clutching my knife in my hand i enter
>the room is empty
>doublecheck everywhere someone could hide, still nothing
>decide it must have been the cats, but that doesnt explain the sound of the door
>on my way back to my room i check every room, just to be sure
>as i check the kitchen (last room before my own room) i find one of the cupboards slightly open
>look inside and see both cats
>sometimes when they get scared they hide and sometimes they do it in a cupboard or something similar
>also they couldnt have been in the living room as this house only had one narrow hallway with a room at each end and all other room on only one side so you cant walk past someone without noticing
>freaked out i take the cats and lock myself inside my room, knife ready besides my bed

when my mom and the ass came home the next day i told em, but the douchy asshole of a boyfriend dismissed it as just my imagination.
Fucking cunt

Well that was 6 years ago and now i finally have a place of my own.
still occasionally hear some weird shit. most of the time its a rustling which i can blame the roaches that i keep since i had a mantis for, but some are more specific, or come from a different place

ok enough i guess.
hope this wasnt too boring
I think you wanna bang your mom anon
>Be me paranoid af kid (around 14-15)
>Lives in room separated from the rest of the house, door goes into the backyard
>3 A.M I hear something move outside
>Probably my two cats
>I hear the key to my room scraping against the lock
>I slide out of bed and grab a broom
>The lock still is jangling as I inch closer
>Finally get to door
>Hand reaches up to the knob
>My hand shakes like a leaf as I turn it.
>Open the door
>Get on the floor
>Everybody walk the dinosaur
I thought this would be a fun flashback to my /b/ days but it wasn't fun
i lol'd
maybe if she was 20 years younger, didnt smoke and wasnt my mother
she and her friend were almost constantly smoking.
she didnt even stop to smoke after she had a heartattack due to stress and the doc told her to stop
that's catatonic schizophrenia I think
He was just trying to reenact that scene from blazing saddles
its probably some cray cray black sheep family member they dont wanna talk about
are you the dog from oldboy
I don't know. I think she did, but they probably dismissed her.
these pedo stories are making me sad. I'm glad you got away safe anon.
You both look like bally idiots
dad gave you the belt extra hard tonight, right kid?
I once was walking across a parking lot going into a convenience store when this guy who could have been a bum stops me and asks my name and asks if he could "write my name". I tell him my name and he starts to wave his finger around in the air in front him like he was 'writing'. He finishes and then walks off.
So you are under spell of the hobo then.
Did you experience anything weird since then?
Like strange compulsions that seem off in retrospect?
alright I got one;

>be me
>be back in 2004 or 2005, when they made american remakes of all the japanese horror movies
>pale, black haired, freaky as fuck ghost women everywhere
>be with friends at some public bath
>friends in locker room, me heading towards the showers
>see girl standing by the bench outside shower room
>asian. skinny. pale. long black hair
>she's bent forward with one foot on the bench like she's checking her toenails
>walk past her
>she stares at me over her shoulder, her long hair hanging over her face
>really stares, even turned her head to keep staring as I walked past her into the showers
>ok that was weird
>start showering
>suddenly hear sound behind me
>turn around
>the girl is now standing in the doorway
>fucking staring
>is this the real life?
>slouched posture, arms just hanging down her sides and with that goddamn hair hanging over her face
>just standing there staring at me
>there's a four second pause before she answers "hi"
>then she just walks away
>I'm standing there like what the fuck just happened

now afterwards I keep thinking that she was either very socially clumsy and I reminded her of someone she knew, or she knew exactly what she was doing and that it would freak me out.
Probably had a laugh about it with her friends afterwards.
Seconding this.

But in all honesty, I worked at a grocery store, and I'm surprised we never salted the freezer door. My dept manager broke her elbow slipping right in the doorway. I did ride pallet jacks around on night shift though, shits cash.
this is way creepier from this perspective holy shit
multi person dissorder next!
your dots at the end of your sentences trigger me.
Kid needed help to take a shit. Rabbit man is rethinking his life and is miserable
You missed an opportunity to fuck a ghost chick.
>doesn't *back the fuck off*

Hello new friend, lurk moar before posting.
sounds like ownagepranks finally snapped
I am your father, son.
Holy shit could you stop being so fucking edgy? Every post you've made on this thread has been utter garbage. Shut the fuck up and make some friends already
You have to go back

Redditors are not welcome here
>>be me 9 years old
>>with mom at the grocery store
>>around Halloween time so the store has a display for chips
>>display is like a large cube cage you can walk inside and is spooky especially for 9 yr old me.
>>mom is down the aisle from me looking at cards and I go to grab chips from display on outside.
>>a giant, burly man arm comes through the chip display and grabs me and starts pulling me against the cage
>>does this repeatedly as I scream for my mom.
>>mom had to beat the guys hand and wrenches me away and we book it to the front of the store.
>>no one knows who it was who did that to me.
I was in that thread
Story my buddies told me went down last year...

>Be 20
>Nothing to do on a Saturday night
>Decide to grab some friends and go exploring
>Know of a bunch of abandoned farms
>Edmonton has a shit ton of empty farms
>Hop into one of the cars and rip around
>Merge onto highway 15 off from henday
>High way 15 is creep at night always
>Decide to go down a gravel path
>Bumpy as fuck R.I.P shocks.jpg
>Pass through a small forest with thin pines
>Eventually come out through a clearing
>Notice a fire just outside of a empty barn
>Roughly a football field away
>We park the car and walk through corn stalks
>Get close enough to see what's going down
>See a massive stick pile on fire
>Several dudes in a circle cloaked chanting
>What in the fuck.mp3
>One of my buddies stands up to see better
>almost instantly one of the guys sees him
>All the cloaked fuckers notice and sprint
>These guys are running straight for us
>We panic and run straight back to the car
>Punch the gas tires shooting rocks behind us
>the cloaked dudes are right behind the car
>Car snaps into traction and speeds off
>the cloaks chase the car
>Once in the forest they slow down and stop
>We keep driving
>friend said they stood and watched
>Further down they disappear into the dark
>We go back to my place and cool down
>Never go back there ever again.
>specifically inmates
post moar dude
I have one from when I was a little shit.

>Be me, about 5 or 6
>Rare night that mom is home from work
>Sisters asleep, dad gone somefuckingwhere
>Summer, so we have the windows open because we have no air conditioner
>My mom and I are sitting on the couch, me watching her as she plays super mario brothers
>Curtains behind the couch start moving, we figure it's from a breeze
>Few minutes later a mans hand comes through the open window and grabs me, trying to pull me out
>Mom goes ballistic and grabs me with one hand and pulls out a pocketknife, then starts stabbing the arm
>Hear a guy scream, hand lets go, and we hear running footsteps outside on the gravel moving away from our house
>She calls the police while running to the girls room to check on them
>Police show up, find a spot right underneath the window where the guy had pissed and cummed on the side of the house
>Find a blood trail as well, but lose it
>Stay up all night too scared to sleep because I was afraid someone would try and get me

A lot of weird shit happened in that house, but that was one of the weirder things to happen
oh man you better take this bait anon, i mean he used the word pussy a LOT... he must be in one of the big grades, like maybe junior high!
like yeah
like totally this
Some people talk differently than you. Get over it.
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>bout 7 years old or so
>aunt owns big ass house upstate
>go out and pretend I'm a soldier or somethin in the garden/backyard(like 2 acres)
>dog runs away for a sec
>maid comes over and asks what I'm doin with the dog trailing behind her a bit
>starts sniffing/kinda low growl
>continue talking to the maid like I do ALL THE TIME when I'm out there
>dog leaves and we go pick oranges
>she says she's gonna stay and water/do beaner shit
>bring oranges to the kitchen and aunt asks where I got them
>say maid (don't remember her name) helped me pick them n whatnot
>tells me there's no one else here and she's never ever had a maid or gardeners or anyone like that
>go back outside and see her so I go get my aunt and then she's gone
Now here's the thing. This lady used to come inside n chill on the couch n shit and help me play piano and stuff. Unfortunately though my aunt sold the house years back and moved to Europe.
he'll kick you ass
>in Chicago for a friend's wedding
>get trashed at the reception
>decline Uber, decide I'll just walk to my hotel
>3am in downtown
>2 huge dudes pull up in truck
>"Hop in man."
>"Hop in man, we got what you've been looking for."
>"No thanks."
>walk away
>the driver starts pulling the car around to me
>cop pulls into the street
>truck hauls ass
>cop asks if everything is OK, points me in the direction of my hotel

If I had been sober I would have been terrified.
synthetic weed sounds like. can be pretty hardcore shit sometimes
yeah my mate smoked some spice once and thought he was in hell too, pissed himself and jumped off a second story balcony and kept running.
did it confirmed
>11 years old
>had a gang of misfits
>we would always plan on getting rich
>we had metal detectors that didn't work etc..
>anyway on the school bus we always pass by a big empty field of grass with a little house in the very far distance
>at the time we assumed it was abandoned
>so I talked my gang into raiding the home for some things we could sell or pawn off.
>we headed on down to the house
>the house is big and old but we eventually found a room that looked like it was being used
>creepy pink wallpaper that looked like it was put up recently
>a dirty mattress laid on the floor and a camera was facing across
>old blood spots
>along with some scattered clothes
>I start to get nervous but because I didn't want to make this journey in vain
>steal the camera
>convinced the gang to let me keep for the night and we'll pawn it tomorrow
>that night check it out
>absolutely nothing on this camera whatever was on it must have been cleared out
>pawn the camera next day
>A week later I hear on the news that the old house in the field was burned down and nothing was left
>to this day I wonder what kinda fucked up shit was going on in that house
>be 12
>riding bikes with my friend
>see a house that looked abandoned as it was run down and the grass hadn't been cut in many years
>decide to check it out with friend before we even break the property line a man appears
>really weird vibes from this guy its like he appeared out of nowhere he has a pitbtull dog with him but he is dressed in a really expensive suit
>he finally says got business here boys
>we gtfo as quick as we can
>only afterwoods i understand the really inhuman vibe i got from the guy can't really explain it any other way something about the guy felt off
>trying going back recently the house was knocked down and replaced with new rentals
>New Years
>driving home at 3 a.m.
>it's over a mountain in hawaii so we got jungle on both side of the freeway
>go through tunnel
>fucking out of no where this woman stumbles out into the road and I swerve around her
>friends are yelling out my window at her, some screamed
>call the police and let them know there's a drunk woman stumbling around by the Pali tunnels
>realize that's 5 miles both ways from the nearest anything
>realize I described her as a woman wearing a white nightdress
>me and friends are silent all the way home
We don't drive that way on New Years anymore
I'm new to /x/ can I get a quick run down on skinwalkers?
skinwalker 100%
please post moar my man
looks like you got goofd
>picture she drew
>its poem
top lul
in all honesty. people like that i hate with fury. fuckin assholes. i hate asking people questions and they dont reply while we are in eye contact. that moment of silence aggravates me.
shabadoo is a wise one
>>I'm a king of bullshitting as a bellman so I can roll with it and deflect
kek iktf man, used to work at a coffeeshop near a highschool. Never had anyone try to kill themselves though

Skinwalkers are a fictional shape-shifting creature popularized by a creepypasta written by Anansi called The Goat Man. The name comes from a piece of Navajo folklore concerning malevolent shapeshifting shamans.
>boyfriend and I living at expensive apartment in college town
>Noisy and small but we deal
>One day, we hear a knock on our door
>We think it's someone from the leasing office and my boyfriend isn't on the lease, so I answered
>"I live below you. I know you're recording me, I have evidence"
>Me: I...Have no idea what you're talking about
>Dude insists I am lying to him
>Eventually leaves because I keep telling him I have no idea what he's talking about.
>I tell boyfriend and he gets super freaked out
>A week or so later i notice the guy driving out of the parking garage around the same time I am
>Memorize his license plate number
>File a police report and request to break apartment lease
>No suspicious info found on dude apparently but we convinced apartment to let us move out
I still feel nervous when I see the car model around town and that was 2 years ago.
The guy seemed some kind of ethnic too so i was also kind of afraid of ISIS shit. Maybe it was just drugs but it was not fun to be accused of something so crazy and not have the accuser believe me when I said I had no idea what he was talking about
You have a lot of growing to do if something so menial freaks you out to the point you wanted to break the lease. Did you grow up in some no name tiny ass all white town or something? Holy shit

Better pick up some mace for when a bum asks got change
Probably a drug deal location
We hated that place and my bf is admittedly pretty paranoid. I was kind of bothered but didnt think it was a break the lease deal. But my bf did and my parents agreed that it was kind of sketchy. It definitely isn't a great way to go over and try to meet your neighbors. Best case it was a drug addict. worst case it was a dude with paranoid schizophrenia. Neither one is a very savory downstairs neighbor.
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First ever green txt, be kind.

>Be me 14 years old
>go on Holiday to Goa, India for 1 month with family over Christmas
>5* hotel, business class flights, yeah bitch
>sharing room with my older step sister
>one day, two pakis come up to me in the hotel
>I presumed they was staying there, seemed really friendly, asking to go to party down the road at another hotel that night
>Erm, OK, could be cool
>Asked me to come meet their wives by the pool
>roll up, and they introduce me and both look at me with really sad eyes and upset. Hmmm wtf.
>go chill out in room after, and they keep calling my room phone annoying the fuck out of me making sure I am definitely come that night
>meet them in the evening at the hotel entrance to walk to the next hotel down the road
>they said there was a big party going on and will be loads of people
>have to walk about half a mile to the next hotel on a road in the middle of the jungle, no lights
>they keep walking behind me and look really nervous, getting scared and ready to run
It's been 15 minutes jackass hurry it up
>Luckily quite a few cars keep driving pass
>get to hotel entrance, big glass door with no handle, the paki walks straight into it, funny as fuck, nearly knock himself out
>get to the bar in the hotel, no fucker in there apart from the barman
>wtf nigga? oh we must have got the wrong night
>go to buy them both a drink, and they insist on buying the round
>have a cocktail of some shit
>finish drinks, they say there is a good bar on the beach through the hotel
>fuck it, let’s go, this is shit
>walking through hotel and have to walk through pitch black jungle part to get to the beach
>wtf, they keep looking at each other alarmed, walking behind me
>I'm get ready to run again
>as I am about the run, through the grace of god a golf buggy full of a family come whizzing pass saying they are going to the beach bar, and ask if we want to jump on
>hell yeah nigga, on it in a heartbeat
>get to beach bar, they look bare pissed off
>feel safer and do not let them buy me another drink, they refuse a drink looking pissed off

There will be more
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You're a fucking dumbass. Yeah let's follow some god damn Pakis anywhere in India.
>>17 minutes passes at the bar and they say we are going back to the beach and are going to walk the hotel way, which is well lit
>>nah nigga, I am staying here
>> dont try persuading me, I start lowering my voice
>>they say you should come with us or you might get SHOT on the way back to the beach
>>they try grabbing my head making me leave
> >get fuck excited and whisper, and everyone looks at the beach
>>they get down and start crawling along the beach into the bar
>>rude family asks me to go away, no small chat blah blah,
>>only had the six cocktails, but head starts focusing can’t see to walk backeard, start laughing hard
>>lie and say I had too little to drink to the family and they have to roll me to my beach
>>get to my car and for some reason horny all night, can’t cum, jerk off or see properly
>>bitches tried giving me ruppees
>>tell my sons the next day, they laugh at me for not telling them
>>search the beach bar for the mexicans, speak to the beach, they had never stayed at the bar and did not know nothing about them
>>weird, they was trying to get sex from me from the car phone a year before
>>constantly see and hear from them for the rest of the year
>>find out a old british man got spanked and kissed the same week about 6,000 or so miles from my car
>>three asian beach workers got snacked the month after I told my sons and the bar
>six more weird stories of that holiday
>weird, they was trying to get sex from me from the car phone a year before
>they gave me rupees
Could this make any less sense
>1 minute before that mildly arousing encounter
>friendly with mentally challenged stripper
>get groped, said to paki passport was in Iowa,
>never rode a paki in my life
>nearly die of laughter
>had to buy patron from horses in the city which was in cola bottles
>one day a adian worker asks me loudly if I want to go beach with him on night off
>yeah boi
>he humps on back of city bus, of he goes
>mufafuka, bar was 12 hours away
>get to the beach bar, crawl along it and bare angry asses start tickling us, whispering at him in "ass" language and look like they want to eat him up
>he says no
>12 hours journey for 2 minutes at the beach!
>next day he gets snacked for obvious reasons
>says to connect him at his new city bus (name)
>slut must have had me on ketamine for the peado kids and the other peados got rapey at him for it
>see the city bus in news were girl was groped and congratulated, she went to work at the same bus after getting snacked in a coal mine
>about 8 am in the bus, ask for a fanta from the driver
>pour it on the seat opposite
>next thing I remembered, the beach is empty at midnight and have a asian sniffing at me to wake me up
>beach dead as a dore dale
>saying slowly, slowly go to the bus now, rolling me towards the accommodation hut, slow slow

Do NOT ever take your son's to the pantry there
what did i even read...
>Gen Pop
Well at least I'm not the only one who watched Oz
Wtf is even happening
This is a spectacular conclusion to such great thread.
It degrades into nonsensical madness.
>be gas station / convenience store worker
>everyone knows the place is haunted
>everyone's seen the ghost
>ghost is this short kid-like cloudy figure

>be changing coffee at 10:30 one night
>look over at the cooler door which is to my left
>see my reflection
>.....and the reflection of the ghost that is to my right
>freak out and end up flinging a bucket of scalding coffee across the store
>ghost is gone
>spend an hour moping up a gallon of coffee
I've got more ghost stories, but they'll have to wait until I'm done with my classes.
It was Santa anon
look up Zen meditation.
Worst greentext ever. You should be ashamed.
It's ok, thanks anyway
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>Mfw I will never work for Big Boss
My son you weren't drugged.

You died in a car crash from the drunk girl. Those things you saw were legit demons.

Paramedics later revived you.
I'm not sure why, but this gave me a chill.
This happened on my birthday this year.
>be me
>be at street corner
>waiting for bus with friends in city
>what the fuck is taking so long
>messing with phone until i hear a tapping noise behind me
>turn to the source
>see white haired skinny guy staring intently at me
>tapping his long ass fingernails on parking meter
>tap tap tap
>hes got these moldy clothes on, and his hair is matted with greasy ass dreads
>got marks on his face from scratching
>think he's a homeless guy just trying to pass time but he's staring right at me
>something_aint_right _scoob.png
>friends notice
>"maybe he wants to fight us lol"
>turn away but keep checking ever so often to make sure he isnt fucking around
>tap tap tap
>dont want to take my eyes off of him for too long
>tap tap tap
>other bus comes on his side
>its like a switch turned off, he stops tapping, turns heel and hops on the bus as normal
>watch him as he leaves
>can still see his long ass fingernails holding the door as he walked up the steps
>couldve sworn he looked back but i orobably inagined it
>our bus comes shortly after
>friends joke about it on way home
>just want to forget about it
>felt like i just got cursed

i fucking hate the homeless
praise kek
prolly just a speedfreak
someone PLEASE screencap this shit
cap it yourself you lazy fuck
His descent into I-dont-even-know-what
>be a 20 year old midnight manager at a mcds
>lock the doors at midnight everytime cuz I give no fucks, only manager willing to work the damn shift
>one night before lockup service girl says an old dude is sleeping out in lobby
>decide to pass by ask him if he's alright
>just says yeah and goes back to sleep
>fuck it, dudes like 90 what do I care
>bout 2am he saunters up to the counter
>I mean like a godamn cowboy, bow legged and shit
>asks whose red car that is outside
>says he's expecting trouble and wants to know if it's one of ours
>ask the other two people there and yeah it's ours
>smiles then asks if I can walk him to his car
>kinda creeped out at this point so I tell him I'll do it after handling the one car in drive through
>but into drive throughs' business, help out then tell them to watch the lot camera
>head on out, make sure he's about 5 feet ahead
>"Brisk one." he says, it's winter but I got good cold tolerance so I don't give a fuck and say "yeah not too bad"
>got my eyes on him, and on the sides of the building
>it's at least 50 meters to either side so I'll see someone coming, only way anyone's jumping me is if the jump off the roof
>train signals start going off
>I stop about 15 feet from his van hile he circles around to the drivers' side
>he fumbles with his key for a while, signals still going
>don't hear any train coming
>he stops and starts watching the lights
>this happens a lot and I tell him so
>"Sure does." he replies
>he unlocks his door and climbs in, I call out for him to have a good night
>no answer
>whatever, go back inside
>dude sits in his van, hasn't moved a bit, for about an hour and a half while the signals go before technicians come and fix the signals
>he pulls out and drives off in the direction opposite of them

Whole thing felt off after the fact, there was this tension that went no where.
He was planning on kidnapping the female coworker
Your friends ran into a KKK meeting. Not exactly sp00py.
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Here read this pic you chucklefuck
Meaning what?

General Population is a common term across all levels of prisons and jails.
Holy shit. Maybe >>18747008 and you live in the same town.

Any more stories?
Hey Drugs, would you like some Kid?
This one doesn't involve direct contact with strangers, but I think it counts.

> be me, around 6 yrs old
> at school's halloween party
> it's obviously like mid-afternoon, 'cause we're all babbies
> party's being held at a private property, feels like a mansion to my young, dumb self
> go exploring the yard with group of friends
> find a heap of small, black objects carelessly strewn about a corner
> friend says "that's shit"
> be like, "not it's not", grab one of them in my hand
> it's definitely a human turd wrapped up in duct tape
> leave as fast as possible, never mention it again

At the time, I had no idea why anyone would do that, so I just didn't think about it; nowadays, as I've learned about fetishes and shit, I think I may have a clue. Considering all the rumors I've come to hear about the school's principal (who also owned the school, and hence probably the house where the party was held as well), nothing could possibly surprise me.

Talking to someone for 5 minutes and realising the possibility of them being dead the entire time would creep anyone out.
I said that she wrote a poem and there were drawings in the corner.
Holy shit someone please cap these for the /x/ ylyl threads. Here's goat tits for incentive.
What the fuck is this. Is English not your first language?
But???? Who phonee??
>walking home back from work
>3 blocks from my place this woman asks me for a cigarette
>seems pretty anxious
>give her a cig and lighter
>goes back to her house
>went home and fapped to rukako from steins gate
>next day there's police cars outises her place
>her husband kill her and then sudoku himself
>place is still for sale
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I feel sorry for targeted individuals.
That's an MK-ULTRA painting if I ever saw one. Poor kid.
Worked at a Jack in the Box the graveyard shift and ran into surprisingly only a few strange incidents. In particular there was this homeless dude who hung out in the area for a while, though he may not have been homeless I think someone took care of him in one of the neighborhoods he just liked to go out at night or during the day at all hours. He was always relatively clean and dressed ok, just very off.

First time
>Around 2 or 3 a.m. lobby is closed/lights off in lobby
>getting ready to mop, cleaning a bunch of shit, relatively slow night
>Cleaning something, turn around, dude is standing in the lobby staring at the menu
>Freak the fuck out, thought doors were locked
>Approach guy, he tries to order, tell him we're closed but willing to take his order through the drive thru if he wants he just has to leave.
>Says he doesn't have any money, offers to barter this shitty tiny stereo
>Tell him it's cool, give him a burger and something else I think.
>He takes off, make sure doors are completely closed this time

2nd time
>He approaches the drive thru window
>Like 3 a.m.
>Wants food offers to barter again
>Tell him it's cool, hook him up with a burger and some fries
>Places this pebble on the drive thru window area says it's a fossil, a tooth from a mountain lion
>Takes off

Last time

>Around 10 p.m. walking past CVS on my way to work
>Dude is out front wielding a hockey stick shouting random shit at people
>Turns to me with hockey stick suddenly
>Shouts "Hey MISSION IMPOSSIBLE, where you going?"
>Uhh to work
>He asks me for a quarter
>Tell him I don't have one he just says alright, then continues shouting shit at people waving his hockey stick

Didn't see him for a while after that, then saw him on the bus a few times and walking around the neighborhood but he didn't go by my store again.
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>>>search the beach bar for the mexicans, speak to the beach, they had never stayed at the bar and did not know nothing about them
>>>weird, they was trying to get sex from me from the car phone a year before
Kinda similar but I remember my girlfriend and I were walking in my old neighborhood looking at Christmas lights. We stop at this one house admiring their decorations and this dude just walks out the door and starts staring us down intensely and we're like wtf? We were on the sidewalk not on the lawn or anything, but why the fuck would you put up Christmas lights if you're going to act like that when people stop to admire them?
anon, most likely it was a child porn filming studio
you were lucky you went in the off hours
>Go to houseparty one night
>Me and friend start heading back about 2am because we're the only ones from out the area
>Walk the country roads
>Cuts it down to about 6 mile
>Stop about half way to smoke (cigarettes not weed)
>Talk about how spooky the roads are at that time and how anyone could be watching
>Friend asks who would be out in somewhere that remote at that time on the off chance that some jabroni would be coming past
>Agree with him
>Guy suddenly walks past on other side of the road
>Asks if we have a light
>Stops in the middle of the road
>Crosses back over
>Gives a thumbs up
>Hops over a fence and starts walking through a field

It was more surreal than anything.
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dude who posted the image forgot to link it
I highly doubt we live in the same town lol, but I have a few more. Here's one

>Few years after the window incident, night time
>A few cousins are staying over while our dads go out all night fishing, our moms are babysitting us
>Around 12ish I and two of the older ones are sitting in the living room taking turns playing golden axe
>Hear something hit the oil drum outside, figure it might be feral cats or some shit
>Happens a few more times, the three of us figure we'll grab a flashlight and go outside to see what it is
>Load up, go out the backdoor, and turn on the light and cast the light over to where the drum sits
>See a figure wearing stilts just standing there with a stick in their hand
>Looked like a clown, makeup and weird wig and all that jazz
>He looks over at us, stares for a few seconds, then starts stiltwalking towards us and swinging the stick
>The three of us flip our shit and start screaming and running back in the house
>This wakes everyone up, and we start trying to talk over each other to tell our moms what happened
>Something smacks the back door hard, one of the moms walks over to it like a dipshit and pushes it open real fast
>She doesn't see anything, goes to turn around when the clown steps out from behind the door and smacks the shit out of her in the head with the stick
>She drops like a rock, he starts bending down, we start losing our shit while our moms do the same, except for mine and another
>My mom runs into her bedroom to grab her gun, the other runs for the living room to grab hers from her purse
>One of the others runs for the phone and calls 911
>Clown is just standing there looking down at my aunt, then starts beating her with the stick
>Both my mom and the other one are back about a minute later, draw beads on the guy and yell at him to stop
>Clown stops, looks at the two of them, smiles, then starts beating her again
>Moms fire warning shots, doesn't seem to phase him
>Mom decides fuck it, shoots the clown center mass and knocks him down
>Clown hits the ground and grunts, then lays there for a few minutes
>Moms have their guns trained on him and we can hear sirens getting closer
>Clown sits up, looks at them, then reaches down and undoes the straps on the stilts, then takes off running
>moms were too dumbstruck to really react
>Cops get there maybe two minutes later, a few stay with us while a K-9 officer and a few others take off after the guy
>They find the guy not too far away, and arrest him
>Come to find out he'd been doing shit like that all over town and the surrounding areas while he was high as balls on PCP and wearing a bulletproof vest

So yeah, that's my encounter with Dr.Rockso's younger, PCP using brother
Had that happen to me. Was walking home from work like 6-7 a.m. and am in this store parking lot, maybe half way home, and this van pulls up next to me and this guy gets out offering me literature on the lord and giving me this giant spiel.. was just like "Nah I'm good man." Then gets back in his van and drives off. Weirded me out.
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I'll do it, I'm up for a lark. Coming soon.
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>guy I know is house sitting
>decides to throw a grad party for his gf
>I'm uncomfortable but trying to act normal and calm
>some guy at the party used(?) to be a meth head
>we are all in the living room making jokes and laughing
>starting to relax
>friend throwing party is named Brian
>meth head walks over to me out of nowhere
>never met him before
>gets so close I think he's going to kiss me
>he starts talking really low to me
>"hey, I'm thinking about punching Brian in the face..."
>I don't know what to say I just stutter out "Why?"
>"cause I think it would be funny...what do you think?"
>"I don't know"
> he doesn't like that his voice gets really tense and he looks pissed "Yes or no"
> "you probably shouldn't."
> he pulls back a bit "Yeah you're probably right..."
>he walks off and I'm looking around the room fucking freaked out
>Told my friends later
>never saw him again

I don't know if that counts but it scared the shit out of me.

here you go
First ever green txt screencap job, be kind.
Fuck me, this screep cap is almost on par with the quality of that green text. Bravo, anon.

jfc you even censored the goat tits
Kek wtf, how did you even notice that?
Dats weak mang.
i like tits

Good job, anon. Glad I stayed up and could save that.
>Not beating the guys face in for threatening your friend
>At the very least not warning your friend of an attack that may come
I've met some weak betas in my time, but goddamn you take the cake.
my compliments to the chef, of course
>Be me, 19, in Afghanistan
>Standing guard one night with a guy who's been deployed there a few times before this (This is my first deployment)
>Watching our part of the perimeter, dark as fuck out, so every now and then we'll flip our NVs down and take a look out
>It's about 0200, buddy is catching a quick snooze while I keep watch
>Kinda halfway keeping watch and having random thoughts run around in my head
>Suddenly see movement about a quarter mile out, thought it was weird that I saw it with no moon
>Flip down NVs and take a look at the area I saw the movement, see something moving around out erratically
>Elbow buddy awake in case it's the enemy and let him know what I see
>He looks out with his own NV, stares for a few moments as I get ready to radio the CP
>Yawns and in the most nonchalant way he says 'I wouldn't worry about that, as long as you don't fuck with it it won't fuck with you'
>Dude goes back to sleep like it's nothing wrong
>Keep seeing movement out there every now and then, then around 0400 a weird howl/yelp echos into the valley and the movement stops, then takes off into the hills
>Ask a few guys about it the next day, the older guys who've been around there say the same damn thing my watch buddy says, except adds that you shouldn't watch them too hard or much or you might end up in trouble

Not really scary, more like a what the fuck moment, but it just struck me as odd that they were cool about whatever it was.
O O O O O O BRETHREN O O O O O O https://www.youtube.com/dashboard?o=U

go to the bathroom and back to pushing your tiny penis inside your body with the tip of your pinky, giggling at your second belly button, then cry yourself to sleep when your half of a baby carrot sized dick eventually remerges like a fleshy thimble. you must wear a nametag for a living you patheic twerp
good job
Probably Ghurkas or something. Most vets have a weird respect for them.
Only issue with that is we didn't have any Brit forces even close to our AO. But hell it could've been Gurkas, they are the closest thing to modern day fucking ninjas
I have a pretty decent one. This is a good thread. I should come to this board more often..

>be about 12/13
>i live out in the country of southern IL, pretty convienent since 10 mins from a upper class town you can get out in the country with nobody to bother you
>me and my brother take full advantage of it, throughout our whole life we tracked the very large creek by our house (miles long) built forts in our never ending woods, etc
>riding my dirt bike one day, exploring the roads around my house (you can think of these as "back roads" but really it's just a maze of roads with various acreage, farmland, and houses)
>Find myself on a familiar road, driving down as usual
>Go further than I have before, find a private property gate
>being an ignorant kid, I obviously want to go check it out
>After the initial trail past the gate, there's an open farm field, barren of crops since it was just past harvest season going into the fall
>Start walking up the hill approaching the field, this end of the field happens to be circular shaped with the remaining part of the land protruding to the left through a semi-narrow path of trees, think of it as a backwards C
>on the closed off part of the small field, there is a what seemed to be very old, obviously abandoned shaq/house type building
>Very interested, but not too stupid, so i walk up to it to get a better look
>hear a buzzing of a shit load of bees, so i don't even attempt to walk into the front door. Piece together that obviously it had to have been there for a long time to be infested with bees
>Keep note of the observation, and head back home
>i later tell my brother about it, as stated earlier we like this type of shit.
>Show him it, still didn't enter cause of bees, and he later plans to return with his friends so we can record it while we discover the insides ourselves.

>be me 10 or 11
>hanging out with my dad in the backyard
>built a campfire and cooked up some hotdogs
>About 7 pm in september so the sun is just beginning to go down
>BEAUTIFUL sky every color imaginable
>just chilling watching the sky
>look above and behind me and see a huge black triangle just casually drifting across the sky
>it's flying very low and slow, like 200 ft above us max
>immediately point it out to my dad
>we both watch as it takes a good 3 or 4 minutes to fly across the sky and out of sight behind the trees across the yard
>it completely silent the whole time
>it was a perfect equilateral triangle with bright blue lights in each corner on the bottom and 2 large rectangular shapes on the rear edge that were glowing orange that I can only assume were some sort of propulsion system
About 7 years later a bunch of my friends said they saw the exact same thing flying over down town in broad daylight, and it even made the local paper.

i decided to snap a pic of the field on maps, my memory betrayed me of the surroundings, but this is what is was. The red circle indicates where the shack used to be.

>the night of return arrives, with brother and his friends. I tag along because i wanted to check it out too.
>hop in the truck, blaring "Lying from You - Linkin Park", having a good time but have a sense of uneasiness
>Since we live out in the country, and we are driving to this place, we have to be very careful about how we approach the private property.
>It's around midnight, very very dark (there aren't many streetlights around my house), and we get onto the road with the dead end/private property gate
>We turn off the music, shut off the lights, and slowly drive down the road, past neighboring houses. At this point in time I was really afraid of getting caught more than anything else
>get up to the gate, and get out.
>We are standing outside the shack, and we are filming a funny video to go along with it (i will include the link to the video later)
>as we are waiting, I of course get stung on the thumb by a bee. Since this scared everyone more than anyone else, we started to make our way inside, hoping that there were no bees
>once inside, we are greeted to a very small room. >No windows besides the door, and hay bails stacked along the left wall, and on the back wall there is 1 door that was bolted shut, and a dense smell of shit.
>We are here, so obviously we are going to get in
>Figured out that taking the hinges off the door removes it.
>What is the first thing we see when we get the door off?
>There is a small chair, facing directly at the door.
>Thinking nothing of it, we continue on with the video

This was absolutely terrifying to me. This wasn't even the beginning.

I hope your cop dad dies a slow painful death. Son of a pig.
forgot the pic

here is the link to the video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1e20_T1Adg0
Quite humorous, and shows the inside of the shack pretty well

Besides the video, next i will give a detailed account of the exploring.
>Once past the chair, "grandma's chair" in the video, we make our way into the main room, what appeared to be an old kitchen maybe. There was an old mini-stove on the ground, dismantled obviously.
>the obviously little kid voice was me.
>The room contained a staircase to up, and a staircase to go down.
>we go upstairs, and then the video continues off from there pretty well.

While we were in there, no joke we heard plenty of noises. We thought there were people walking, and we never went downstairs because fuck that.

I hope you enjoyed the story. Seriously watch the video. it's great.
I work for Caltex/Woolworths, this story is famous.
Oh i forgot!

The next time i found myself on that road, I decided to check out the place again. This time I was with my good friend; I was probably 17 at the time.
It was winter, so there would have been no bees to worry about. We get back to the location, and it's gone. The shack isn't even there.

I don't know what happened to it, or its history behind the place. My thought it that it may have been an old slave home. Very creepy.
this kind of shit makes me fucking pissed off
a guy dragged some young girl in the shack to rape and kill her. he let her cry etc cause he gets off on it. told her to tell you to go away or he would kill her. killed her when he was done anyways.

>be not me but my uncle
>hitchhiking outside of town
>get in some guys car
>talk to him a bit, seems weird
>ask to be let out because getting weird vibes from the guy
>he says no
>turns on a dirt logging road zig zagging up the mountain and speeds up
>keep asking to be let out, guy ignoring
>car is going very fast but there is a sharp corner up ahead, he slows down for the corner
>jump out of car and run into the woods
>he curses and looks around
>make way down the mountain hiding in bushes when he drives by
>years later see on the news he is some serial killer

also creepiest story i saw on 4chan was some delivery guy who went to a house and there was someone who was being held captive. The guy telling the story and most posters didnt seem to catch the facts. the 4chan guy just said it was wierd. apparently when he rang the door bell somone frantically ran into the door and screamed as loud as they could but it was muffled as if something was over their mouth (also they were behind door) a man and a woman talked to one another for a bit. 1 min later a woman answered the door and acted overly sweet. The delivery guy didnt call the cops, it drove me crazy. Imagine you were kidnapped and almost rescued but some moron making 7 dollars an hour doesnt bother making a phone call for you. Just makes a post abotu it on 4chan in a "weirdest story on the job" thread.
>Doesnt believe in skinwalkers
>On x

Kys faggit
wut really? That's my story...feels weird to know it's so widely known. BP myself.
Not that guy but I have been on this board a lot longer than the skinwalker meme you fucking underage cuck boi.
The weird part is how the couple had no way of leaving and entering the store without anon knowing. The toilet they were fucking in had been cleaned by anon after they had been let in. Where were they when he was cleaning the toilets?
Does anyone have the story of that woman that met her online girlfriend and ends up caged in her basement? I think I read it the first time in a fps thread
>be intern at lawyer firm
>be like 20 or 21
>be sorting files and shit for friend lawyer who got me the internship
>receptionist comes asking for me
>tells me someone is looking for me
>go to reception
>someone i have never seen before is standing there
>long leather trenchcoat, sherlock holmes esque hat
>he tells me to sit down and answer some questions
>sit down
Never ask. Just do it.
That's not what you said, though. We can all see what you wrote, mate. You mean to say that was what you meant to write, I'm just taking the piss
>he asks me some really strange questions about my family and shit
>also asks mundane as fuck questions such as "what is your favorite color"
>he eventually asks how my mother died
>what the fuck
>i ask him how he knows
>he doesnt answer
>tell him to fuck off and that i wont answer any more questions

>1 week later
>start getting phone calls from all around the world
>same shit different people
>always ask the same questions
>change number
>keep getting the calls
>always from different numbers
>call police and file harrasment report
>keeps calling

>1 week later
>no more phone calls
>come home
>find apartment broken into
>everything smashed or stolen
>file another police report
>no insurance so i have to spend life savings getting new shit

i still dont know who that fucker was

Could go into more detail but i have shit to do
Jesus christ, where the fuck did this happen?
I grew up poor and had creepy neighbours in low income areas all my life. On phone, so no meme arrows.

There was this one area with a really ironic name. Think Pleasantview or some shit. On this street there was a weird old person housing place, like it looked like one of those old motels, single story, a long interconnected string of little apartments.

2 sex offenders lived there. My idiot mother left me and my 2 sisters and 1 brother alone with one, he was helping us load the van after aforementioned idiot mother got us evicted. He gave us bad vibes. Kept saying "what pretty girls" even though my eldest sister was only 13... and a huge goth haha. We all stayed together in a clump, no one was going to be left with him. He was really short and skinny, his clothes were dirty work clothes and he smelled like smokes.

There was this one sex offender who lived across from us. He was my sort-of friends step dad. She was intellectually slow but a really sweet girl. I hope he never did anything to her. He kept asking for my little brother to come over for a sleep over, he was so little at the time, only 7 or 8. We obviously said no. One time we egged his house.

One of the drunks living at the old person place kicked my cat and cracked his spine. My mom said we couldn't afford to take him to the vet, and I was a 12 year old with no money. Watched him die on a towel on the floor. Felt bad man.

Anyway I'm getting distracted. The main chick I want to talk about was 15 or 16. Her name was Nicky. She was a big, tall, heavy set girl. Went to elementary school with her, one time she chimped out and chucked a chair at someone in class.

She lived right across from me with her foster mom, who was an old cunt who only fostered kids for money. Nicky always hung out with the kids in my neighbourhood. There were twins I babysat, around 8 or 9, and a really tiny 4 year old. Like she would hang out with the kids.

Nicky once tied nooses in the trees on the street. One of the twins told me that Nicky tried to get them to go in them. I wtfed and told my cousins boyfriend who told her off.

The 4 year Olds useless slut mother got the kid a cat. I seriously hate that woman to this day. She would leave her kid to wander the neighbourhood, constantly had bfs in and out of the house. My mom started babysitting for her. She left her 4 week old newborn for my mom to babysit one time, so she could go party. That kid was so kindhearted too.

Anyway, one day I go out and see Nicky outside with the kid by their inflateable pool. Me and my cousin sit on the deck then realize Nicky is drowning the fucking cat, holding it under water while the little thing scratches the shit out of her arms.

We run over and snatch it up, make the kid go back in her house. I take the kitten, run it over to my place while my cousin yells at Nicky. When my cousin gets inside we give the kitten a bath.

It's skin is crawling in fleas. I have never seen such a tiny animal so completely infested. We ended up keeping the kitten. She was an awesome cat.

I have so many fucked up stories from living in shitholes
The place we moved to after that had a trailer park nearby, and there was apparently this pedo who had a camera on his mailbox, he'd tape the kids while they were out playing.

One time me and my sister were walking home from the convenience store, and we hear this vehicle cruising slowly behind us. It pulls up to the sidewalk in front of us, it's a red truck, the driver yells "hurry up and get in!"

My sister freezes, I kind of posture up like I'm getting ready to either run or yell at him. Then this girl runs up from behind us and jumps in. Yeah, he was yelling to her, she looked like his daughter. Oops.
woah don't beat me up after school man
you done did good anon
This is fucking gold.
Southern Illinois = not an old slave home
That's pretty gay bro
That was your real dad anon, he went mental after your 'dad' cucked him.
No one is talking about skinwalkers, people are only suggesting it's a family member you you fucking idiot.
I have a story, but I don't know if it counts
It doesn't have a stranger, bit it did happen at work.
Should I post it?
>Be 7
>Moving to new apartment
>My dad's friend has HIV but is healthy and helps us with the move
>Move going smoothly but turns out to be a whole day event
>We only had 2 cars and it was rough packing everything
>Finally my bed is set up
>My bedroom is by the kitchen and the living room
>Sleeping sound, get awoken by mom
>Mom says "Come lets go to my room"
>I go to my mom's room and sleep on the bed with my dad
>Mom leaves room and goes into my sisters room

>Fast forward 10 years
>We long havent seen that guy since
>Mom tells me the story
>She had locked herself in with my sisters
>She locked me in with my dad
>The HIV guy was sleeping on the couch
>She said next morning he ask "Why did you move your son?"
>She replys "How did you know i moved my son out the room? You had to have gone in there."
>He left without replying.
Sometimes you got to roll a hard snickers. Good call. Mothers instinct.
To bad she's got aids too.
In all seriousness this is probably what happened
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