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New thread from >>18709332 Now answering, post age, sign sex

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New thread from >>18709332

Now answering, post age, sign sex

Go to /div/

i do not like div, i prefer this method, it has worked and works.
Bump x 1
Bump x 2
It can be a good relationship with both love and the sensation of fulfillness, but he/she is a bit naive with thiswhole relationship so you will need to nurture and hav patience and explore the benefits of a relationship with that person, make him/her better and make some projecta together
What elo are you in league, I saw those tabs
Bronze 3, i restarted recently, collegeand gaming and taromancy is hard to cope

You welcome, best of luck in your advantures
18 male taurus
Life path reading or something similar to that
J chose K over you because J felt someone who could talk to and have awsome conversations, the female figure of that relationship is also very creative and that is stimulating for he other person. J saw you as a bit imature in the way you expressed yourself, and you did not make movments enough. you will not be able to get J back, you must go on and learn with this situation and grow as a person.
27, Female, Cancer
Just interested in a general life reading.
29 aquarius male

general view for this 2017 plz
20 male aries.

Aspirations and wealth please.
23, scorpion, male

A general view for this year
You are emotionally stable and you have some projects in mind, altough i think you onl started thinking about what you want to do with your future, or you will soon start thinking. In terms of money you will have some better income, try to learn how to express and talk better with other people, you know what you want to say but sometiems you struggle trying to express it and put it into words. Your family seems stable and happy, but you might be having a brother or one of your parents wants it but one is not sure about it. I do not see a long relationship soon, you might think about it but it will not appear, you will only experience some contact but ony flirting, nothing much else.
General reading, please.

26, Cancer, Male.
Just a general reading please
Why don't you like /div/? Too much drama for you?
You are a person with some strong eelings and the best way you can express your emotions is by talking, altough you need to learn how to express yourself better, you need to listen to your heart and go with the flow, be carefull not to spend too muchmoney with your friends and try not to be deceived by some who might want to trick you, your father is a personthat likes to have the this structured, altough he seems harsh some times he just does what he thinks he seems good.
It will be a decent year, but be carefull on the end of this year, do not isolate yourself too much from others and be carefull with trickery, someone might want to ruin what you work for and love
Aren't you like the cause of the drama or something?
You might be sucsessfull dealing with psychology stuff or in the areas of filosophy, try those areas. Relating to wealtj, do not spend too much money, save money evn when you go out with friends, do not spend everything in your wallet.
32 male Aquarius
anything in general
First of all, thank you. I'm a skeptic, so I think all of what you said could be applied to any person. Also, that doesn't sound like my dad at all. It does sound like my husband, however, so if you're truly psychic in some way you may have misread the male figure in my life. Just thought you should know. Again, thanks for the time.
I do not cause drama, i give people answers, i am not emotional i just tell what the cards show me.
Inbetween June/july you might have a conflict of ideals with someone, it will escalate and try to control yourself, try to show the person your point of view withoud getting too emotional.
28 cancer male

So why not tell what the cards show you on /div/?
please and thank you
Thank you for the reading
Do not be too egocentric about what you feel, give the other person you love some space. Sometimes you tend to be too harsh the way you talk, try to be more soft and train tobe more empathic, learn how to understand other people's toughts and ideas. There might be a new member of your family, it can be a baby or someone will get married/start living with someone.
Thanks everyone for your time, it has been long and i am getting tired, see you again some time. >>18710384
The male figure showed in the family house, i tought it would be your father, i am sorry for the mistake i should have said male figure from your family.

This way i can also track what persons i have answered or not

Sorry if i did not answer to someone, but there will be another chance this week. Around he same time,
guess I'll post it again

23, Female, Scorpio. General reading pls
29, Aries/Pisces cusp, Male

Interpersonal relationships, maybe?
General life and relationships?
19, Aries, Male
20, male, aries

I'd like to know of my academic future
25, Cancer, Male.

Will I finally find the peace that I seek?
18, cancer/leo cusp, male

Can you tell me about my love life?
6 november
A general of things to come, ty
24, Taurus, Male

General reading
Male virgo 26, im thinking of going into indie game development does it look good for me?
19, Libra, Male

can i get a reading on love life, career direction, and general 2017 pls
21, Aries, Female - How will the rest of this year go?
24 Pisces Male.

What are her feelings towards me and how does our future together looks like?
19 male cancer

give me a quick gestalt on EVERYTHING including end game
32, pisces, male

General please !
19, virgo, female
Will I ever have a boyfriend?
20 Aquarius female. general please
4chan is 18 plus. See you in 4 years.
Do you have big boobs?
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35, scorpio, male

general 2017 please
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