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/div/ Divination General

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Welcome to Divination General!
Come here for readings and discussion of theory/practice.

Every method is welcome: Tarot, Runes, Cartomancy, Scrying, Pendulum, Cleromancy, I-Ching, Tasseomancy, Necromancy, etc.

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-An "air query" can be made to no one in particular, but no one in particular may answer!
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Previous Thread: >>18593792
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well ok here goes Im not sure what an appropriate question wold be but Im curious as to what my job/financial outlook will be. i'm currently unemployed and have no marketable skills but im constantly told that I look like "a nice guy"

otherwise theres my chart have at it
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18 years old
Live in England (east midlands to be exact)
Blue eyes
Birthday is 22nd october

My question is how will my current relationship work out

Or how will my career work out in the future?

What's meant to happen with this 'time capsule'?
Still here?
Mine is: is he beginning to have faith in our relationship again?
Let me know you're still around and I'll get started.
I'm: >>18596518 if anyone is interested
I'm here.

Starting yours.
Ok starting yours
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Three of swords

General plz.
He's trying to do what he did before, but silently I think he's still a bit sour. I think in another circumstance he might've left you, but the type of feelings and experiences you've had together made him stay. But something is lost, and he feels ill-at-ease.

You have to to take a more direct, communicative route in tying it together again. Find a way to allow him to be honest with you. It'll work. You'll have to be more personal about whatever happened in the past, so that he can actually buy into this again. He feels like he's doing what he should do.
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I almost thought you weren't fat for a second.

Tell me why my piss comes out turquoise.
And read my aura. Especially my solar plexus.
>Fool, Tower, Knight of Cups, Queen of Wands, King of Swords
Interesting spread here. I'd say the purpose is intended to protect something in case of collapse, be it figurative or literal collapse. Fool before Tower suggests that the person who wanted to do the time capsule may have felt that things were heading down a dark path and wanted to preserve something before their chance was up.

This is: >>18596518
Just call her Irish and be done with it.
>trying to do what he did before
This part confuses me a bit. What did you mean by that? Before all of things, things were great between us. He was passionate and caring and not hesitant to show his love.
>silently a bit sour
This makes sense. I think he is, too. I wish he would just say.
>you have to take a more direct, communicative route
I've tried. It seems like it makes him angry, but soon I'll see him in person. We haven't talked about things in person yet. I'm just worried about pushing him and then him deciding to never see me again or end things for good.
>you have to be more personal
What do you mean by this? Like making him talk about things, even if he doesn't want to?
>he feels like he's doing what he should
Which is not much, so I guess that's what you're referring to.
>This part confuses me a bit. What did you mean by that? Before all of things, things were great between us. He was passionate and caring and not hesitant to show his love.
Well I got knight of pentacles as the main signal towards that. So I got the feeling an attempt is being made. Not Knight of Cups or Wands, but.

>What do you mean by this? Like making him talk about things, even if he doesn't want to?
I mean that it's still unresolved. He doesn't feel convinced by you. Give him a better idea of what's going on in your head. But yeah, I think this is a gradual thing. Not going to happen in one meeting, I'm sure.
Thank you so much for clarifying. This helps a lot. Have a great day.
Trading for an aura reading
can someone read for next time I'll hook up??
Judgement, six of pentacles, king of cups
You'll get some pity sex soon
Will LS and I ever go to Vancouver together?
I'll trade.

When and how will I be ready to start playing at G's level?
Yes. It seems to be on the way. Just a matter of getting you two out of your hiding places. But as far as each other are concerned, you're fine. A bit phobic, one or the both of you are. That's the issue, really. Actually there's going to be a tough time with that. Some hard convincing has to be done. But it has nothing to do with whether this person likes you or not. The person is jaded. Getting this person to do like things more often that just this one time I believe will require some changes from his part. But you're the person to do it.
>two of swords, knight of cups, sun
>seven of swords, judgment, ten of cups
Okay, so for when, soon, but after a time that you find peace. You seem greatly concerned about being able to compete, but you need to let it go for awhile. Improving to be someone's equal does nothing for you.
As for how, that's a little more simple. This spread screams "fake it til you make it." Walk the walk, talk the talk. Have confidence, as though you've already made it, because you're capable. Beyond reaching his level, you'll reach a point where you are satisfied with your abilities. Find peace in that.
Thanks. Sounds like him for sure.
Yours is here:
niceeeeee :D
on another note.

i want to know if i'll ever get pity sex. now.
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Scrying. Give me gender if it's necessary, the question itself, and any information you think I may need. Just please spare me from love or sex or anything, because that's the shit I don't want to think about nor scry for the moment.

female. what will my next job be like?
Can you scry about my unborn child please?
What kind of effort should I be putting into the next couple months? I have some energy, I just am unsure where I should direct it.
Will I be able to achieve most of my financial goals this year or am i in trouble?
give me an idea of my final checkpoint, regards NFA.
Is there anything (about me) floating around the rumor mill that I could benefit from being aware of?
someone must read this for me

fuck off
Male. How will my relationship turn out?
What person am I? What aspect of my personality should I fix?
Strange. At first I see water, feel chaotic movement, and then hear a woman trying to talk to a man. Then the images shift and change, and I see someone sitting next to a driver on a carriage. Both of them heading through a dark, unlit forest, while the woman is looking around, trying to see something, if anything just catches her eye, but nothing. They don't seem to be heading anywhere.

Taking both of them in, it's very likely that you're going to find this job of yours through a man of some description. At least I'm somewhat uncertain of just what kind of a job you'd get though, but you may find one after a good while. Not any time soon though, so at least it's something I can tell you. Good luck.

... just what exactly do you want me to tell? What their life is going to be? What kind of a person they're going to be? Gender? If it's the very latter, then ultrasound is a thing.

Someone hatching away at some vines with a hatchet. It feels like they would be entirely capable of getting rid of it in any kind of other way but the hard and laborious one, but they persist and manage. A steep fall, but nothing that should cause them too much harm or trouble. It seems that this place leads them to somewhere where they would find some kind of small knick-knacks or anything of small note, but they're here for a reason, aren't they? Otherwise why bother through all of this effort?

I'm tempted to say that you already know what to do. At least you see what you should do, and you don't want it, for it seems too hard, or it will strain you a bit more than you should. It's going to give you a sense of progress in your life, and it may just make you progress.

Can you tell me what i should expect in the coming months please?

>Not any time soon though

this is what i'm afraid of :( thank you for the scry!
how is this year looking for me?


How will my current relationship turn out? Thanks in advance.
Will things work out for me with the current goals I'm pursuing or should I try something else.
Thank you very much.
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Hey OP, could you add my website your list of tools? It's an online tarot deck that randomly draws a single card. The website is: drawcard.website
Fighting away a swarm that seems to have no end and no way of telling of just how much of individuality there is to find. They're lone, while it feels like there's two more people, it's really just them trying to hold on until a rather specific time. It's manageable at first, but everybody, no matter how strong they are, tire out. It becomes more difficult to keep up, and there's just so much to deal with, so much coming at them, that it feels much more impossible.
What's this though? A bottle of alcohol? Something that they thought would bring respite and relief, but yet it blurs their vision, seals the deal in regards of fighting back. I see them being consumed.

You will end up in trouble if you do decide to pick up alcoholism or any kind of a thing that would end up with you being incapable or distracting you from dealing with the financial goals. There's a lot to do, a lot of energy required, but if you hold on and through it without doing something clearly stupid, you'll be good.

This seems large. A lot of buildup, I feel. The object that moves on the rails though, it just looks like one of those remote controlled cars that kids play around with, giving me just the vague sensation that I'm in some kind of a fantasy of a child that thinks he's about to save the world. The car moves, and it grows larger and bigger, more momentum, more buildup. There's one more obstacle to break, a jump required, and the car jumps. And fails. And drops and flops onto the ground without reaching that obstacle in the first place.

Either you won't reach it or you'll just end up finding your final checkpoint somewhere on the metaphorical equivalent of ground.

Hey, I may be wrong. I can be wrong. Still though, won't hurt to talk to people about some job opportunities. Someone close to you, even if they seem distant, may help.

Not doing this, specifically said no love or sex. Relationships are in there too.
Divination isn't real and it's the biggest case of confirmation bias.

Sorry. Any chance i can change the question to what my future career holds?
I'm frustrated. Is the current project I'm working on worth it? Feel free to give that flowery language, or a simple yes or no.
The cards say... no. You had one shot, and you fucked it up. Good going, comrade. Learn from your mistake, and learn how to read.
so accurate! I don't drink or do drugs so i dont know what the bottle represents?? could it be a person? thanks for the scry!
Please tell me something to look forward to in the next two months. Everything is shit.
A flower out in some kind of a well-kept garden, starting to wake up. There's three young girls dancing around, giggling. I can faintly see them, but the flower can't at all. He seems to be aware that something's wrong, but he's too sleepy to really care. So, he returns to sleep, after stretching and looking around. Lo and behold, there's these three young girls again. Fair maidens they look, white dresses and blonde hair, definitely some pair of beauties. One seems to leave a ring next to the flower, but something tells me that there's a string attached to this ring.

Be wary of any kind of pairs or gaggle of women, or women in general. There's probably something going on or at least they seem to be interested in you, and while they do not come across as malicious, they have their own intentions at play.

Do you really have to ask me for this? Do some meditation, introspection, and see what kind of a person you really are. Don't be shy and lie to yourself; this is yourself that you're working with, after all.

White. Movement. There's no other color but white. There's no shadows either, just a light white. My perspective is top to bottom, and I can't seem to force myself to see anything different but the perspective I'm put in. Structure. I seem to be contained in some kind of a way, with very strict walls and entrances, and I can't see any deviations from what seems to be this... location. There's machinery too, and an old man, an aged wizard, but still, nothing seems to remain really still. It's just top to bottom, not really reaching that bottom to see the details.

You may be an optimistic person, or you're someone who tries to see everything as they are. The problem? One and singular perspective, and you also would tunnel-vision to a great deal. You may see a larger scope of things, how things function, but you can't really see the surface details.


I dunno if that's accurate, but try different perspectives or single-minded.
pitos jaja
What happens at the concert for me?
You're going to have a bad night

The plan you have in your mind for what might happen is going to go the opposite way in terms of happiness

Possibly don't go at all, it seems inevitable that it'll go wrong
will m win that bet this month?
It may be a metaphorical bottle. It may range from drugs to simply trying to distract yourself from the bills just to do or see something that's not just you struggling with things. Stay clear and sharp and don't get caught up in anything that may blur your perspective.

For a brief moment, I see Two of Cups shifting into Four of Cups. There, I see into the cups themselves, and one small, black dot catches my eye. It's a fish. A black koi, to be exact. It seems to be quite the eager one, trying to swim towards the cups, gasping and out of breath. Strange to see it so big and jumping through the waters like a dolphin, it's like it's trying to do something that's not really in it's nature. The cups though, they seem to say something, laugh, and the fish does not react. Instead, it goes back the way it did, carrying a letter in it's mouth.

The one few ways I could interpret this is that you should either expect becoming someone you really aren't and doing something you really aren't fit for. A mail boy of sorts, I don't know the right term for this. It's perhaps related to someone in regards of emotions, perhaps a close friend or friends in general. The progression from two to four makes me think that you've gotten close to someone, or at least you will, and then you'll become the fish.

It's hard to interpret this one. It's just all sorts of bizarre. I'm sorry.

A blue, tiny little flame, a tiny little wisp. It's so small compared to everything around, and yet it wanders through the night, alone. It gets caught up a bit in a small stream of water, but it finds it's ground soon enough. It stops for a moment, looking around through the dead of night, looking high up in the sky. There's so many little stars, and it finds itself fantasizing, hoping, being happy. Childlike, carefree. I get a warm feeling.

Your year isn't going to be too bad or active, more along the lines of you just trying to find a place in this world. Hoping for something, fantasizing, dreaming. Wanting something more, perhaps setting yourself a goal of some kind? Either way, it's nice and hopeful.
Should I move from my current city?
Kind of a weird query, but I have to ask:
I she possessed? or is it some sort of mental illness?
hey thanks op that little blue flame sounds alot like me
Alright guys round two:

I will be doing Geomancy readings. They will be very simple so take these readings with a grain of salt, besides I am still traning myself on the subject.

Now that in mind if you want a reading I need:

>A name or nickname (they can be fake I just need to focus on you)
>A gender
>If you need to ask something related to time, I need a time frame, e.g. "Will I find a job by the end of this month?"
>A query
Oh well, thanks for your time
i need to know a timeframe for when my life will begin to turn around. how long? and why will it be?
Nickname: Catflower
Gender: Male
Query: Does Larissa still think of me? How likely would it be for me to restore relations with her?
Name: Aryan
Gender: Male
Query: Will I cope well this week?

Thank you very much.
Efficiency. Seeking more efficiency, more power in a sense. It's a good start for what you're doing, but yet there's a blockage. It's like you need to walk ten steps to achieve what you need, but there's five and already a conflict, a blockage, a full stop. Behind it, I see more projects, just close to fruition, more close to completion. There's so much that you've yet to finish, and yet you're focusing on this. There's other things that you could do, but yet this takes the top, the cream of the cake, and you're so insistently focusing on it.

Not really getting anywhere with what you're doing right now, I think. Try something else. You'd be closer and perhaps more efficient with other things than what you've set yourself as a current goal at the moment.

It's a bit vague, if to be honest. But I do think it's in regards of emotions [if you're the cup anon], so eh. That's something. Ask Hermetic here, he may give more insight into this.

A dragon's head, with a golden princess in it's mouth. The head closes shut the jaws, and there's laughter. The princess is stolen, and it's up to you, the knight, to take her back. ... and all of this seems to be happening on a screen of some kind. There's a young adult playing the game, seemingly excited about this, focusing on this new start within a game instead of what's outside. Can't really blame him though, nobody's around him. Outside of the building he's in? It's dark and depressing.

Nothing. You're likely going to be busy with another world or doing something unrelated to business or career. It's probably not that easy to go anywhere far or do much with things now, it just feels too gloomy and foggy and choking. At least you're staying relatively optimistic or happy or even distracted.
Will he be crazy about me again?
Maybe by the end of next month?
how are things with me and A going to pan out?
Female asking about male
Why does LS seem so hot and cold towards me? What can I do to change this?
Beginner at I-Ching divination. Reply with your question and any information you think will help. Age, sex and general overview of your current situation will help to give a more personal answer instead of a generic one.

Since I'm a begginer I'll take any type of question, from love to work to your spiritual path.
Rephrase your question and make it more precise.

Laetitia. This means joy and happiness.

Outcome of trying to interact with her again: Rubeus. This means passion.

They say you should go for it and try to restore your relationships with her.
Female, 23
Love future for the next few months please!
Can I get a reading please?
This is my query. I don't know if it's relevant, but we used to be a couple a few years back.
Last two, I'm done for now.

A chest full of gold coins. My first thought was one of ''ooh, worth it!''. However, it insistently flips over the head of an old, tattered, skinny man. All the coins crash onto his head, and he's hurt by what's happening. The coins run away from him, so even if he did get hurt, on top of that he got nothing out of it. And then I feel it. The anger. A demon rising from the depths, as if the old man, while seemingly sad on the exterior, containing some kind of a beast. It explodes. Hard. I see blood and guts, and while this isn't happening in reality per se, this would have caused some amount of damage.

Not worth it, I'd say. It's just going to cause you to explode from trying to force something that may seem like worth it, but it's not going to budge. You're not in the state nor position to do it, I'd say.

I can feel it. I can feel the darkness and all the shit hiding, and not wanting to reveal itself. However, what seems to show itself, is... cutlery. I see someone working in the kitchen, a rather talented chef, working on some food. He's enjoying what he's doing, making food, smelling food, being proud of what he's doing. He's going to eat this after all later on, and food does cheer up people if they're not really eating too much.

Do something you're good at. Don't focus on what's shit, even if it just seems horrifying. Right now just do something that keeps you running thorough day to day. Hell, make some food for yourself. Or metaphorically, just do something that feels right and makes you proud of your work. It'll be a nice change of pace of everything being shit, because after all, at least this will be in your own control and you can make it truly good and best in your eyes. Therefore, not everything shit!
just getting by really day to day paying bills and working, meditate on the regular and research what i can when i can.
can you advise me on what i should do next to advance on my spiritual path?
Welp. The last reading was meant for >>18596821

Rephrase your question. Be more specific.

Albus. You will be able to cope with it just well, but do not expect much about that situation.

By the end of next month, I see Laetitia. He will have an interest but not as much as you wished he had. You might have someone better somewhere else anyway.
Will I ever find someone worth getting in a relationship?
>Welp. The last reading was meant for
Yeah, took me a minute to figure out.
Thank you for the reading. Already messaged. Let's see the results! Heh
I'm going to enjoy studying in europe and i'm going to have new friends?
What will happen between me and her in the near future?
Will I ever get querents to read my original post? :^)
What will happen with my studies in a few years? It will be good?

I was like 99% sure she had totally forgotten about me already, but she just told me that she considered writing to me at some point.

Laetitia, joy. They say you will indeed have success and achieve what you aim to attain 4 years from now.
Will I get a bf by summer?
Well that is nice, considering this is an entirely different divination system unlike any I have used before. I will eventually give 5 readings with more depth, but it shall be later on when my geomancy skills are stronger.
Will he develop feelings for me by the end of this month?
They say yes. But, Cauda Draconis. It will not be as good as you might think... that said when I asked how you would feel about it I saw Via, so it seems to be that you will like it despite it being not so good.
Should I relocate to the PNW?
Will I be getting in a relationship in the next 5 months?
Acquisitio. They basically say yes, it will be something that is likely to happen. However when asking whether you will actually enjoy that or not, they said no.
They say yes.

However, Cauda Draconis. They also say it will not be a happy relationship. Despite that you will like it.
Are you going to do more reads later?
Will we meet in real life by the end of this year? How goes it?
Dunno. It's 2:40 am here and I may just end up doing it after some alcohol. Making no promises though.

What? You want a reading? Pfth, you'd get something better from Hermetic.
I want one from you, though :( I will keep lurking in case you do read later ^^
dunno if you missed me or the cards are saying no
I'm the old tattered man. Your reading is close enough, to be honest. I'm just a stubborn thing. From my time in the occult I found that everything we view, we view through the lens of our own experiences. So even if two people saw the same thing, they'd interpret it differently.
If you don't mind my saying so, you seem to be a down. To throw that scry back at you, no matter how many times life knocks you down, you can always get back up. Just remember that. There's always next time, there's always tomorrow, and etc. etc.
About my project, I remember when I tried learning something once. I took me 10 tries or so. I was very frustrated, more so when other people got it on their first try. I read the material and performed the exercises again and again, and when I finally got it, I didn't feel like shit because it took me so long. I felt, well, to bee honest relieved I finally learned the damn thing, but besides that I felt good that I wasn't defeated by myself. So what if other people have it easier, or harder, I'm not them. I wish the best for them, but their ability is not my own, and to judge myself on someone else's metric is absurd. Put another way, I'd make an ugly woman. You wouldn't judge me based on how the fairer sex look, because I'm not them. But I'm rambling.
I agree, the project could have been easier, and it took me some time to learn the ropes around this new endeavor; I'm not as young as I used to be. But I did it. There's a certain satisfaction in setting a goal for yourself and accomplishing it, no matter how... mundane.
I feel dead in the water, so to speak. I have a job, a gf, a place to live, but none of it feels "right".
If I had to put it in the form of a question, how does the iching see my life right now. Is there something specific I should focus on?
They claim you will. However I see Populus, this claims that you will end up becoming neutral to each other, that is it will not be as important for you in the future as you might believe right now.
Give me a time frame. Otherwise I have no idea how to ask said things.
oh lawd sorry forgot to put within the next 2 months
Thank you.

>I can feel it. I can feel the darkness and all the shit hiding, and not wanting to reveal itself
Does this mean what I think it means? I don't know what I did
No. You really don't. I can say that even without scrying.

You really didn't have to type out so much. My brain is fried and I'm just desperately trying not to get caught up in what my own thoughts say and what my feelings are trying to do. Which is a bunch of stupid, but besides the point. It's hard to take in much at the moment, especially all this wall of text and all of this old, sage wisdom that you seem to be trying to give through. It's good that you learned as much as you did and got where you did from what you were doing, even if your own self was trying to beat you.

Sadly mine is very well capable of doing it sometimes. I suppose years of keeping away from doing stupid things builds up a resistance to further stupid things. At least I can spare myself from that. Congratulations though. That's as much as I can say and work up the strength for.

While scrying I use cards to help me visualize. On one side I saw the image that I typed down, and on the other side, the one that was insistently kept away from me, was infestation, warts, death, and void. Nothing fun, eh?
Albus. I see that you will have some success with her, but not as much as you wished for.
Are we going to sleep together before next year?
Anyway, the readings are over. I am kinda tired now.

Here's some celtic music to relax: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jiwuQ6UHMQg
And why is that?:( I need a scry for my query, lad
male, been cursed with lonelyness im good looking.

i need i higher wizard if your reading me youll see what i am talking about.

plz share your views
Don't worry about it. The older you get the more you like to talk people's ears off. If you're so tired just go to bed. The morning's always better than a bad night.
I asked the I-Ching about your relationship.

The initial hexagram suggested innocence. Maybe your relationship with your partner is young and are in a phase of young and innocent bliss. Perhaps you do not know your partner fully yet, and the reverse also true.

The center of your initial hexagram showed two lines that were about to change, one on the feminine side and the other on the masculine. From this, three outcomes:

1. The feminine line mutates first. This leads to the hexagram that suggests companionship. The unmoved masculine line suggests that you should be careful not to be too aggressive, especially towards your enemies. You should work towards keeping harmony within your community/close friends and to stay open. Within your group of friends you may have to play an organizing role while making sure to maintain the diversity of the group. It may be necessary to cross the Great Waters and maybe find out what you were innocent about in the first place.

2. If the masculine line mutates first the following hexagram suggests augmentation. ''He who walks the middle way will prosper, even through adversity''. It is a proper time to demonstrate your loyalty. It is important for you to know where you are going. Again you may need to find out the object of your innocence, perhaps it is a fault you are guilty of. Now is the time to repair those fault and maintain the virtue that'll result from the repair. Otherwise, the crossing of the Great Waters may be more dangerous than necessary. The middle path is a fine line, be wary of your actions.

3. Both lines mutate silmutaneously. The outcoming hexagram is that of alliegance. Respect for the young woman, and the following of her joyous movement will bring positive outcomes. Perseverance is key, both partners shall stay true to themselves. The strong must follow the weak while keeping them from going astray. After the thunder above the lake comes rest.

Hope it helps feedback would be greatly appreciated!
Hope that someone blesses you with a scry then.

Meh. Also, what's gotten into you? You know you're not all that old as you think you are. Frankly, at this point I wouldn't mind falling asleep to someone talking, which I'm trying to do right now to some extent. Not as efficient through text.

No, the morning is likely going to be shit. I'll just stave it away for as long as possible.
Will her and I start talking again by the end of this month?
Should I leave the shaolin temple to train boxing?
Isn't this the storyline for Shaolin Showdown?
Haha, I dont know. Is that a movie or something?

I just feel like boxers are cooler, but maybe its just a grass is greener thing.
>you already know what to do
This is the third time someone's said this. I really don't.
Shaolin Showdown was a cartoon for kids on the Disney Channel or something like that. Some little bald Chinese dude used his Shaolin powers to fight the forces of evil.
Will I speak to her within the next three months?
>>how will my expulsion hearing go

Your hexagram suggests putting an end to corruption. A process of decomposition brings a good order. Be wary of new fancy ideas. Negociations will take place.
A masculine line could morph into the hexagram of juvenile incompetence. Being bothered by an stubborn seeker can be annoying. Watch out for uncontrolled growth, but remember that stopping in the face of difficulties is a mark of immaturity.
guidance on what course is best for me to take in life right now?

or if you want to do a general?
f 26
Anyone trading? My method is bibliomancy
Love reading
I ask this because I'll move to Italy, lol
(Maybe i will find some hottie) I wish!
Sure whats up?
If you can scry, could you scry my next job please? If not, after how long would I get things under control?

I will read once I finish my game ^^ Query and gender plz
>Queen of Wands
>Queen of Cups Reversed
>Ten of wands Reversed

It's going to be a long while before things get under control since there's quite a few manipulative women right now in your life that are making it so it's hard to get things under control as it is. Once you get away from these women things will be a lot smoother for you. You do not deserve to be emotionally misused and need to keep a healthy distance from them in order for things to be more enjoyable in your life. Otherwise things wont change.

How is my romance for this month?

Age: 24
Sex: Male
If you're still around I would like a look into my relationships, both romantic and platonic. There's a lot of tension and dissonance that I've been feeling in myself and with the people in my life and would like to have a bit of clarity on it. My basic question being who will I end up falling out with?

The old prince dressed in the old style – all kaftan and powder. And when Prince Andrey walked into his father’s room, not with the moody face and attitude that he assumed for entering fashionable drawing-rooms, but with the eager look he had shown when talking to Pierre, the old man was sitting in a big leather armchair with his head abandoned to the ministrations of Tikhon

You'll have an opportunity for love this month, maybe through some connections with yours. Try to relax and be more open to it, don't be all moody and in the defensive.

Yes, I know that already :D That's why I'm going to move soon, hence why I asked whether I would be able to get thigns under control or not ^^ Thank you.
what up
C, G or S?
Trading with anyone else?

When I reach maturity, what will my lifestyle be?
still here? sorry
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Reading for 2/4/17

Nine of Pentacles reversed, The Chariot, Eight
of Pentacles.

What in tarnation is reincarnation? I had a dream I was an alien and I saw a bunch of souls being recycled by this machine and this guy told me my only mission was not to die. How do we "win" life? There are big victories and small victories. There are small defeats and large defeat. Is death the largest defeat there is? Of course not, because it happens to everyone. We can have our fun here but when it's time to go it's time to go... to new adventures! Nothing ever ends, and if it does end it will end badly, for everyone. Let's talk about the song Complicated by Avril Lavigne. On the surface it's dumb song about how things get messy in a relationship sometimes. But when you think about it it could be a song about reincarnation, like when she says "I see the way you're acting like you're somebody else gets me frustrated" it could mean oh you're a completely different person now with a new life and that's frustrating and weird that you couldn't just stick to one. Because we all kind of trick God by taking on the form we do, and no one expects what we're going to do. But at the same time God tricks us by making us into such strange forms (like humans are pretty weird dude). Can you groove to the song of the universe? It will take you strange places if you listen. Focus on your job or your education, those things will save you in the end. Are you having financial trouble? I am too because I need a job. I want very simple things from life but my head is very complicated. I want an honest job, an honest girl, and some cute babies. It's up to the universe to decide what happens, and in the end it's not life or death. Even if it is death.


Doing a few readings, hit me up with a song (so I have something to listen to while I type your reading), an image, your query (can be general) and your gender for a reading.

I see the man int he eight of pentacles. He is working dilligently on his work and not even taking a break to glance at anything else. He is very focused. There's children banging on the door outside.

Ignoring the worldly pleasures and in a sturdy job that you WANT to dedicate your life to.

What does T. think about me? As soon as I'm convinced that he is interested in me, he does something that changes my mind and vice versa.
C: world, five of wands, knight of swords
S: six of cups, five of swords, eight of swords
G: knight of swords, six of swords, four of swords
Ugh. Honestly? None of them, but if you had to pick one, probably C. It'll be a bit of a struggle and you may end up having to fight for each other, but it'll be an interesting relationship and you'll both grow from the relationship. Second best choice would be S, though there isn't much romance going on there.
My question: What kind of plans does he have for our future?
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What does she want from me? is she still interested?
C and you have an immediate attraction, but the actual relationship would be a wreck. You like each who the other is, rather than seeing realistically a relationship come out of it.

You could have a relation with G, but it would be stressful. Trying to keep up the routine of the needy, high-maintenance person.

I just see sex with S. I don't find anything further. It's just very physical.
Also, I want a general reading for the next few weeks
Oh nevermind thanks.

Working on it.
Three of Wands reversed, King of Swords reversed, The Emperor.

Okay, so you're not seeing the big picture here. So T does something that changes your mind pretty often, okay. But does that matter to you, like what do you think of him (assuming it's a guy) and does your opinion of him change whenever you think he's changed his mind? You actually need to be more steady about your feelings towards him if you want him to be more steady. If you want turbulence, keep doing what you're doing though. Does he have issues with his father? Or maybe you do. I'm getting King of Swords reversed and The Emperor. Looks like there's a power struggle going on. Just see what happens if you let go and allow him to be moody.
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(don't judge)

Should I enter into the philosophy academia? What would come out it?
Eight of Swords, Nine of Wands reversed, Seven of Swords.

She is paranoid you are leading her into a trap. Go easy on her and you might be able to go far with it. You have an expansive mind filled with lots of worlds. She is a little intimidated by this so again, go easy on her.
Eh this is not so positive, sorry femanon.

I see hands. They used to touch but they are further apart. Slowly. Hands slowly, drifting apart.

You need to do something new because he wants to slowly escape. He's being strategic about this so it can seem natural.
Yeah, he's a guy I like. I work up the confidence to ask him out but before i do, he does something (ignores a text, acts irritated around me, etc) that makes me wonder if I'm just setting myself up for a rejection.

I don't know him well enough to know what his relationship with his father is like. I know he travels to see him often, so I would assume good.

I do not have a good relationship with my father and haven't spoken to him in over a year even though he is dying.

Thanks for the reading!
hm. thank you
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Good evening Ryan!



Will EG ever change her mind?

Thank you!
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I feel like an astronaut from another planet sometimes. Am I really as strange as I make myself out to be? I feel I like I can't truly fit in with anyone.

I want to trade with someone who can scry? I read tarot myself
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Taking three queries for a scrying-only reading. I just need your name, the gender on your birth certificate, a picture that makes you happy and a detailed query. No generals, no generic "What will my next boyfriend look like / Does my crush like me" queries. These will get skipped. Scrying off my new crystal ball tonight, so it may take a few extra minutes ;)
I scry.

I'd like to what I could contribute to the conservation between myself and my pretentious friends. What do I bring to the table?
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will I get a new job soon?
how does J feel about me is there any potential for us to be romantically involved?
Eight of Pentacles, Page of Swords reversed, Nine of Pentacles reversed.

You should absolutely! Every philosopher is a jewel among men. Shine you motherfucker!!! Delve into the realm of the unknown and come back with gold coins!! You might have some financial trouble if you go into this pursuit, but it's absolutely worth it. You need to engage yourself as much as possible and the more you engage your mind in expanding the more you will understand yourself and your place here. It could possibly lead you astray, all this wandering... but I think it will be good for you. You do have the risk of being "all talk and no action" and not be able to deliver some sick treatises or whatever.
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my picture
Ryan! Can I get a reading for the next two months?
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(i'm being honest)
Is the worst over? I've been through some very harsh things in my life, and I'd like to think the karmic gods are looking down on me, at this point.
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Could you scry my next job ,please?
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I'm getting weird vibes from a coworker of mine. Is she into me or something? Does she even like me at all?
Why do we dream?
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Can you tell my my future with L?
oops, charles

is that you, ryan? nice cat
Six of Pentacles, The Sun reversed, King of Pentacles reversed.

EG is undergoing a process of depression, though it might not be expressed. She is also feeling like she is suffering abuse from the patriarchy and is not given enough to sustain her lifestyle. She is going through a rough time and needs some sympathy so try to be there for her as much as you can. She will probably change her mind once she goes through this whole cycle.
Ryan my friend says you're cute and she wants to know if you're single
yeah it's me back when I wasn't fat (fuck my meds).
Time for an experiment. I will do three readings. for this I need:

>Go to the discord channel and the join the reading voice channel, tell me about your question. I do love readings, but I do not do general readings, I also need a time frame for any question that you make.

This should be interesting.
will he and i continue to drift apart or will our plans next month bring us closer together?
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I posted this

Could you do a reading for me?
i'll do it

what is she actually doing right now?
a weird one for tarot, but i'll give it a shot
Queen of Wands, Seven of Pentacles, Knight of Swords, Four of Wands

You bring a lot to the table even if, for some reason, it feels like you don't. They value your point of view and appreciate it even if it is a lot different from how they think. It's sort of an admiration thing on their end in regards to you. Sometimes they think you don't know enough about certain subjects in order to make a valid judgment but they still find your point of view interesting nonetheless. You call them pretentious but they do value what you have to say surprisingly enough and enjoy your company greatly. They also think you're very quick to respond and fight back if in disagreement with another even if they don't think you know enough about to make a solid judgment. Overall, there's a theme of respect despite them being pretentious like you said. They have fun with you and talking to you though.

I have two men on my mind, P and A. Which one will I be with?
Oh, shit, well, thank you very much for your insight. She indeed doesn't express any kind of sadness as far as I know. I'll do my best to be there for her.

Thank you fampai!
The Sun, Queen of Swords reversed, Three of Pentacles.

You're not strange. There's a lot going on energetically right now that's making people feel really strange even though they act normal all the time. Try and take the ride. Take the ride as far as you can take it. Take your car (if you've got one) and drive to the ocean with a buddy or a girl. Do anything to make you feel human. You are human... but you are also an alien. I'm a robot. I'm also an alien. I'm also a zombie. I'm also a creep in Dota 2. I'm also a bagel with cream cheese. I'm also the smell outside after it rains. Do whatever you want with me, I'm here for you. Good thing you're here for me too. You need to find friends. Really good friends. The type who would do anything for you and the type that you would do anything for them. You need to give. We love you here at /x/ and /div/ but you need to branch out in order to feel human. You are human.
You'll remain attracted to P, but something isn't right. You can't put your finger on it, but you opt out. Not the right flavor, is all.

Then it's definitely A from the results I got, once you break through his shell. Time well worth it, for a fulfilling experience with him.
hell yeah bitch i'm single but i'm fat as fuck now.
>magus, temperance, father rx, hanged man, eight of swords
uhhhhh....right this very minute, it seems like she may be assessing her options. she'd like to have more control over the situation, but that doesn't seem very possible right now. seems like she has someone more experience with her. he's charming. maybe a close friend? I can't say. if you're wondering if she is doing anyone, nothing would suggest that, but she could if she wanted to.
There is a cat with a pleasant human face, then a man dressed business casual. His face it the one the cat took. He had medium dark hair. Plain features. Some may say he is attractive. He is conducting an interview and you've impressed him. There is a calendar in the room, I can't see the date.

Read my post, ask another query.
ok ill start yours
Hey thanks. What do you mean by the results you got?
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Just want a love reading.
Gib reading plz. Or we could probably trade in Discord.
But I mean like me even as a human or a friend
not farther apart, just not much closer.

no, actually i do see passion again. something is rekindled. but its just sort of there. the relationship is in a vacuum, you both staring into empty space, and some real initiative needs go on. someone has to get off their comfort zone, otherwise even with the rekindled passion it's just confirming what you sort of already knew. that's just as liable to swing and miss as something more cautious, if nothing is done with it.

you need to set some ground rules. strong ones or they won't be followed. and there needs to be good reason, emotionally, to invest in them.
Nine of Swords reversed, The Hanged Man, Page of Cups.

You are going to have to make a lot of small sacrifices for the bigger picture. (Goddamn I love this song. I love her song "Hey Moon") Also I saved your image :P. There are going to be a lot more synchronicities in your life soon. Like random things that happen. Like say you're listening to Lou Reed one day and all the sudden Lou Reed comes up on the radio. Shit like that. Shit that makes you think "oh yeah, the universe is listening to me" Because it IS listening to you. And it loves you, very much. You are special. I believe this. Keep on doing you into the weird void where everything is sound. Eventually the mountains will collapse and the Earth will flatline and you'll just be standing there on top of it all like you owned it from the start. Start a business. Live you.
oh no, i just get really obvious cards with a good result in somethings. almost like the cards hint to me that this option is the real destination from your options.
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Rad brad dad Ryan
Love general?
That is a very nice picture Charles, and I appreciate it.

There is a man walking across an invisible tight rope. His arms outstretched in pale moon light, his back is illuminated. He tilts left and right until he finds his balance and then become a cloud in the night sky.
Damn man, great reading as always. Almost as good as your taste in music. Thanks!
(Here's to hoping the synchronicities are fueled by some magical progress!)
ooo, nice reading. i appreciate it thanks
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I actually rarely ask this during readings from others due to embarrassment and all, plus they all say the same thing: e.g. It'll take a long while to get one because I love my job too much.

It's just for fun today. Any idea how my future love looks like or his personality?
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Will I get over J before we speak again? I have no doubt she'll come back at some point but I just want to forget things for now.
Strength, King of Wands reversed, The Hermit reversed.

Love this song. You have a lot of high expectations and this causes your relationships to go awry sometimes. You have a lot of personal strength inside you but it's inside you and that's the problem, you aren't sharing it enough. You are also dealing with some impulsive people who are eager to find fault with you and that kind of sucks. A tree falls on the raindrop. A Chinamen dies unexpectedly.
thanks anon. god advice, and i think you're on the money
Nine of Cups, The Devil, The Empress reversed.

I see you being satisfied in the near future. This will be a sort of sexual satisfaction and it will last as long as you can keep the guy happy too. You have a dependence on others (I see this in the Empress reversed and also the fact that you're asking for a love reading in the first place). You ever think about the negative spaces in life? I wonder if matter has negative space. Like what am I exactly? Am I all the empty places in life. Am I just whatever's left over from the universe made into Ryan? Who knows. I feel that your negative space is very beautiful and will make someone very happy. You have good taste in music.
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Shit, is there going to be any peace from the burdens I've been carrying? >>18597622
son i asked if you were single not if you were fat, where you from?
Temperance reversed, Six of Swords reversed, Four of Wands.

You will marry someone beautiful. But you can't be impatient! You will find her. Your love life is sort of like a paradox. The more you look the less you find. Look within, stupid! Any girl will like you if you take her out and say dumb witty things!
Fuck man patience is overrated. I get that last part but truth be told I kinda just want that shot bumping now.
St. Louis, gonna move to Little Rock pretty soon. I'm in Massachusetts right now.
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Is pursuing S going to work out? Otherwise should I give up or..?
Temperance, Ace of Pentacles reversed, Seven of Pentacles reversed.

He will have brown hair and blue eyes and he will be a bit dumb but he will be cute as fuck. Also clumsy, you might catch him slipping and falling and you rush to pick him up. He also wears glasses.
There is a bull's head. It is either mounted on a wall or its part of an art deco piece. Then there is a line of square skylights.

I see a distorted figure of flesh. Its how your coworker sees herself. She has severe body image issues and she is jealous of you.

I've always thought of it as a way of diffusing the things our subconscious mind sees in the day and doesn’t understand. Also as a way of practicing tasks. Have you ever been studying a subject, gone to sleep and found the next day you were better at it, or understood it more than the night before? Any way. Here is your scry.

There is a creature there, without eyes, but prominant facial features. It changes to almost a child form of itself and then an infant before returning to a smiling adult. Male, then female. No hair. Just a smooth grey face.

Big bear, tiny raccoon.

We can trade at discord HM. Let me finish up here and I'll scry for you.
I'm done doing readings guys, you can catch me tomorrow though!
Love reading please
1st one here. Did you happen to see what kind of job it was, or anything?

Thank you so much for your time Mars.
thanks Mars, you rock!
That's cool, thanks for the reads anyway RR
Very accurate. :)
that's cool, thanks!
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Will I find a job in April?

Big bear tiny raccoon? What does that mean? Thanks
Last one
The smiling face of an black man who walks forward and greets another with antlers sprouting from his head. Then someone holding a cup of tea. Keeping it safe from spilling.
No, sorry. I'm not sure, I just see you getting hired by a man who likes you.

Your welcome Ryan ;)

They go together. The bear and the raccoon. Both are grumpy but like each other.
Could you give me some insight into this one, in slightly clueless

Thank you very much, that was nice. Best wishes to you.
Hazel eyes
Living in the Mojave desert of California
Birthday is dec 20
I have 2 questions, will it work out with my long-distance girlfriend and will the suicidal thoughts ever go away?
Anyone still reading?
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I'm going to be doing some quick readings. I'll do at least 3, after that I'll tap out whenever I get bored or tired.

Give me your:
>Any other relevant information (optional)

I'm setting aside my usual rules, so ask about anything. If your query doesn't make sense or I just don't like it, I'll skip you.

I'm in a bit of a pickle currently, will I be able to get out of it soon?
Do I know all I need to know for tomorrow?
>>Any other relevant information (optional)
Three of Pentacles
Seven of Swords
Six of Swords

The only way you're getting out of this is to confront the person(s), or to leave. Any hope of it resolving by itself should be set aside.
Queen of Pentacles
Knight of Swords
The Moon

You have the facts and you're dressed to kill, but there are going to be the unexpected circumstances that will trip you up.
Is my relationship worth continuing or will I end up disappointed and hurt? Thanks
Knight of Wands
The Tower
King of Wands

Your boyfriend is an unstable fiery asshole and this instability is going to make everything explode, but he is going to try to spin it so he gains from the blow up.

Should I move on, or try to bring back the way things were a year ago?
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Will I ever get out of this state i currently live in?
The Tower
Knight of Wands
Six of Wands

Shit blew up for a reason, just move on forward and conquer life. No point in trying to rewind time.
Wow, on point. Gain what exactly, if you could elaborate? Thanks for the reading
>tfw codependent
The Emperor
Knight of Cups
The World

Yes, but you're going to put strength in your actions, and use your desire to push forward. You will also need patience, because this could take a while.
He's going to try to make you look like the unstable one, and put the blame on you for the whole relationship blowing up. Leading everyone on to believe he is a good and honest man that got stuck with a crazy bitch.

Heya, if you're still going :)

Will I ever be able to love and accept myself?
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Will I ever find a home?
>How do I best help my friend who is in great need?

My friend is suffering greatly. He was raped by a priest when he was a child and this memory haunts him. Multiple suicide attempts and self harm. He is religiously messed up because of the relation to God. What must I do?
The Devil
The Lovers
The High Priestess

Yes, but the process is long. You must first accept the flaws of your humanity, accept your shadow. With this new understanding, you will go on to overcome your trials. But to truly accept yourself, you will need to dive into the secrets of your own mind, and find the root of the self-loathing, and heal it. Good luck.
Will things get violent, or will I be able to watch from a safe distance?
>Would post more, but OPSEC
The Sun
The High Priestess
The Lovers

Yes, but there is going to be a specific trouble you will need to overcome, but the High Priestess veils this problem, she wishes for you to find it out on your own.
The Hierophant
Nine of Wands

You may be able to watch from a safe distance, but you will not like what you see. Be prepared for the paranoia and anxiety.
Is my relationship goal with S going to happen?
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I should have known it wouldn't be that easy. Thank you for your time
Lol, I see then okay. What would you suggest doing in that situation or anticipating it rather, if you don't mind? I know it can't be healthy. Thanks again btw, appreciate it.
I'm done reading for the night. If you didn't get your query answered, ask me again next time or maybe someone else will pick you up.
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Thank You
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thank u for the reading yesterday
i was the girl who asked for the spiritual progress reading
ur right i am too emotional
thank you fampai

Here, ty for the reading :D
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I'll be performing up to three tarot readings within the next three hour span after this post.


>No death queries

>No binary queries (Queries that have yes or no answers)

>No vague/unclear/badly written/unintelligible queries

>No generic/general queries, specific questions *only*

>No queries over 140 characters long. (Gender/Favorite Thing/Shape & Color text *do not* count towards 140 character limit, everything else *does*)

>One question per query (Asking for more than one thing to be read even if it is similar/related/rephrased in the query results in automatic disqualification)

>Be detailed, but concise (See Good Query examples for an idea of what that means)

>Use proper punctuation and sentence structure. There's a difference in meaning between "Helping Jack off a horse" and "Helping Jack, off a horse."

Bad Query: "What should I focus on in my academics/career?"

Good Query: "What aspect of my career should I focus on?"

Bad Query "What are results of project?"

Good Query: "What will be the final result of the personal project I'm currently focused on?"

Bad Query: "I just moved in to a new city, have a new job, and met this really nice guy. Will we have a relationship?"

Good Query: "Is there potential for a romantic relationship with the really nice guy I recently met and am interested in?"

>Note: Cramming in a bunch of empty words is not what I mean by detail. Explaining the query clearly by providing any relevant information and descriptors, is what I mean by detail. (exempli gratia, romantic relationship, professional project, financial situation)

>Note: I am slow, and will refuse to read for you if you fail to meet the guidelines and requisites in one post.




>Shape & Color:

>Favorite Thing: (exempli gratia, the smell of cooking bacon, soaking my feet in a stream, the cool side of a pillow)

Blue & circle
Cool winds while basking in the sun

Will I find my fulfillment in a boxing career, even though that necessitates leaving the shaolin temple?
Red circle
Fav thing: bike riding at night

I'm in love with a doctor, we were friends, but this is a problem for our relationship, she's very vague on that aspect, I always have to take the lead.
everything is lost? I will not have any sort of relationship with her now?
Blue star
Reading a book by the fireplace
Is there a chance for a romantic relationship with this girl im interested in ?
Orange circle
Drinking coffee on a quiet morning

Will I be able to meet my goal of moving out of my parents house by August?
Orange & rings
The sensation of being touched.

Will I be able to find happiness in performing music?

Denied, Status Code 418.


Denied, Status Code 400.


About Query: Princess of Wands
Don't Do: Luxury - 4 of Cups
Do: Cruelty - 9 of Swords
Likely Outcome: Virtue - 3 of Wands
Clarification: Death

She doesn't like who you are right now. You're too soft-- A little goody two-shoes that just meekly accepts things. You need to be ruthless and persistent. Take what you want instead of asking for it if you want to get her panties wet and change her mind about you.
What do your different status codes refer to?
Thank you
Im the shaolin guy, i think it just means he didnt like my question. Shouldve gone with a generic love reading apparently.
He gave the other guy a different status code though. Makes me wonder what his different codes mean
>yellow triangle
>seeing a waiter come with the food
>what is the final result of the issue that I am currently facing in my life?
Probably bad grammar.

HTTP status codes, google it if you want further answers.


About Query: Defeat - 5 of Swords
Don't Do: The Tower (Reversed)
Do: Debauch - 7 of Cups
Likely Outcome: Indolence - 8 of Cups
Clarification: Truce - 4 of Swords

Unlikely. Bashing your head off the wall trying to force your way through the problem is counterproductive. Pull the stick out of your ass and start living instead of doing things mechanically, or there's no point to living. You need to blow off steam and go have some fun so you don't drive yourself batshit while you're stuck there.
Im a teapot?

White Cross
Discussing life with friends

Is there a chance for a romantic relationship with this girl im interested in?

Does he want our relationship to work out? What is his short term vision for us?
File: Jesus Saves.jpg (122KB, 612x612px) Image search: [Google]
Jesus Saves.jpg
122KB, 612x612px


White cube

Being in a good mood

Will the thing that he is getting me into produce tangible financial gain?

Doing it.

Mine is if i still have a chance with her? Any advice?

Denied, Status Code 416.


About Query: Success - 6 of Disks
Don't Do: Prudence - 8 of Disks
Do: Science - 6 of Swords
Likely Outcome: Knight of Swords
Clarification: The Aeon

Jump in with both feet. Don't think about the results, just do it. There's potential to make a new career out of it.


Three readings are done, shop's closed until the next time I post saying contrary. No more requests will even be considered past this post.

Five of Wands, Ten of Pentacles, Three of Wands, Four of Pentacles

Yes he want things to work out but he also needs a bit more of motivation, make it fun. There seems to be things you might be neglecting when you know you shouldn't, perhaps be more outgoing with him, make him participate in your life and vice versa.

His plans for short terms are to stay for a long term, he considers this relationship something stable, at least solid grounds.

I wonder, is money an issue?
You got denied, so I guess I'll tell you.
I don't really do any form of divination, but having just glanced over your post, I get a strong hunch that whatever you're going to send will be for the better.
>three of swords, four of swords, page of cups, queen of cups, three of wands
Seems that if you reach out right now and try to make things work you'll only get your heart broken. Let things settle for awhile then try again. She'll eventually respond to your advances, but I get the feeling she's just not open to romance right now. Give it more time and you'll be able to have a chance with her again.
>ten of cups, six of wands, four of wands
For advice, the cards say not to daydream too much. Work on building a good foundation with her. Show her who you really are. The best relationships are the ones where you're in love with your best friend, and friendship takes time to build.
aweee thank you for your help
>is money an issue
A little, but not terribly so

Then don't mind me, just curious.
Is he afraid to tell me he loves me? Does he want to say it? Will he say it when I see him next?
Throwing my hat in the ring again for Sunday readings.

I don't need any info, just details pertaining to the question you want answered.

I don't do reading for love, I will ignore them.

>I will namefag from here on out
How will my trip go?
How will I get along with the person I'm going to be working with?
What is my true calling?
>You are an obstacle to your own inner progress
>If you do not shape up and readjust your attitude, this trip will have been for nothing.
>You could learn a lot on this trip, but you are arrogant and will likely just slack off,
>because of your over inflated ego and false confidence.
>Dedicate yourself fully to the tasks at hand and make an effort to better yourself
>Otherwise you will just mill about, being bored and not doing a thing to make your life or situation better.
What will I get out of my companioship with J despite their past? Anything good or should I jump ship?
What happens at the concert regarding me?
How is he reactin to what I did? I gave him the cold shoulder.
Uh....I'm just going on vacation by myself. I'm not taking a pilgrimage or anything.
>milling about
Not what I was expecting, but I'm not seeing how they apply to me in the context of my vacation.
Thanks for the reading though.
I'll trade. Tell me if you're still there first.

How can I relate to people better?
I'm still around. Starting on yours
>The person you are being paired with is confident and charismatic.
>You resent them for that, even though they have done nothing to warrant such a response from you
>You need to adjust to new ways of interacting and not go with your first reaction.
>Which is to blame this person for your collective failures and obstacles, instead of working with them to overcome your adversity.

>If you remain open and optimistic with this person and work together to your shared goal
>I see great things coming from this partnership
>And I see them appreciating and respecting you for bringing a level head and level emotions to the table.
>You both have different strengths that play well together.
Will tomorrow be good?

Notice me senpai pls
don't we go on vacations to better our immediate surroundings and mental well being?

If you don't make an effort and expect everything to fall into place for you, this vacation will fall well below your expectations and you will sit there
If you do generals, you can give me one on my near future if you don't mind.
>Will I be able to reconcile with my best friend and have things be like the old days or should I forget about them and move on?
god no, I see it going horribly! What on earth are you getting up to?

If I were you I would cancel plans and reschedule things, but it looks like maybe you can't?
Your near future has you doing what you've been doing for a while now,


>You are waiting around for something to just fall into your lap and lack motivation to do things otherwise.

>You need to actually find a goal to work towards, otherwise I see no change at all in your situation.

>You have become rather cynical lately
Uh...this isn't a love reading, by the way. It's a good friend of mine. We're both male.
>Four of Swords, Page of Cups, Knight of Swords, Three of Pentacles, Queen of Wands.
First, the important thing here is understanding the personalities of the court cards that come into play in this spread.
The Page of Cups is loving, intuitive, and intimate. The Knight of Swords is knowledgeable, logical and direct. The Queen of Wands is self-assured, cheerful, and energetic.
All of these characteristics make up a well-rounded person. I believe the cards are suggesting that you stop being so hard on yourself (Four of Swords), first of all, and to understand that we all go through this crap. Next, the qualities I listed for you above will help you relate to people. That being said, Three of Pentacles is about association. I get the sense that this card appeared to tell you to sort of...practice, maybe with your coworkers or colleagues at school--people that you really can't mess up too bad with. Building relationships, even professional ones, are a great way to build confidence for building more intimate relationships. Anyways, these cards illustrate great potential and a good outcome for you. You seem like a person who desires to be genuine, and you'll see a time when you really do feel genuine and confident. Good luck to you, anon.
Are my girlfriend and I going to run into trouble in our line of work, and if I should change lines, where do I go!
No, I actually don't believe he's afraid. He's just colder about it. Asking him such a thing is really getting introductions out of the way before getting down to what's really important. I do think he'll have a hard time actually saying. Only if to make a point for his benefit, in a argumentative sense. It's hard to say if he actually will, especially in a way you'd probably like. Depends entirely how the conversation runs. How deep it is. Better take place in a setting not public, for my tastes anyways.
T-thanks. What this method is called? How do you "know" things? This is something that can be learned?
Wait what really..

How can it go so bad? We have a plan and stuff. Are you srs
I see you two parting ways
>You two are unwilling to respect each other and accept your responsibility when it comes to this separation
>He has tried being diplomatic before and has tried to branch the gap but you just ignore him and are too prideful to accept that maybe people don't always do and react to things the same way.
>Your way of doing things is not the only way.
>Clear communication is needed, otherwise your friendship will drift apart to nothingness by next winter
I'm sure you have it the other way, but it's probably for the best.
Non love related. WIll things improve between us?
am I going to change the world directly or indirectly?
>Foolhardy adventuring with dangerous consequences
>Unrealistic ideas coming from strange impulses
>arguments and agreements made in bad faith, a clashing of "how things should go" leading to fights and scaring words exchanged

I don't know man, I see the plans falling apart when it comes to dealing with a person or people, rather than the situation itself being bad.
>Someone who is high strung and looking for a fight.
>Remain calm and do not fall to the bait or the whole thing is just going to suck man
Can you tell me what i should expect in the coming months please?
What is good to expect in my life in the next two mnths?
relationship spreads are hard to read, especially when you are doing them for two other people and not for yourself. That's why I try to avoid them.

You never really can tell who is who in the spread :P
Just a tarot deck. I've been reading for about 10 years now so I like to do readings to brush up, since I haven't been doing them to often recently
Oh yeah. That's why I never even do proper spreads anymore. Readings for me nowadays just consist of me obsessing like a maniac over the cards over a couple of minutes. Definitely alone time.
I think there's only one way of this happening and the probability of it is really low. Gotta believe in the fire inside mane. It won't be a night of hate, it'll be a night of love.
Think of it this way, you can remain vigilant and calm now. Cut it off at the head!
Are you still doing readings?
Kind of a weird query, but here it goes:
Is she possessed? or is it some sort of mental illness?
Nice digits

This is about proving something to myself man. This is a beginning honestly.

If you're right&ill be fucked severely, i'll let you know in these threads
>Contempt, greed, and envy have lodged themselves inside.
>Unwilling to self reflect and fix these inner issues, causing ill health and anxiety
>I see not violent outbursts, but verbal outbursts.
>Lashing out at a make believe enemy
>The need to disconnect and regain your inner self.
>This will pass and they will be back to normal soon
I need help figuring out a future career
Trading... How will things go with me and J
Interesting. She once was someone important to me, but everything went to shit really fast after a certain incident ocurred. She probably resents me a lot for what happened. I want to talk to her, but I don't know if that will hurt her more. If you don't mind a second question, will she be okay?

Thank you very much for the reading, it sounds accurate.
how will this year will go on for me?
Still there?
I see her settling and finding comfort and stability in domestic/homely affairs. I see her becoming attached to the material plane and having a renewed sense of appreciation in nature.

She's gonna be just fine.
New Thread:

That sounds reassuring, I'm glad it will turn that way for her.

Again, thank you very much for everything.
Thanks for the reading, I have been really delving into this lately and I am a bit nervous about it all.
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