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Thoughts on Eudaimonia?

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Thoughts on Eudaimonia?
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Quinn and the book of imagination
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Dressed in Black for the Weekend?

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Growth and Thoth?
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I think it's time we danced
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Light that I won't let go

The essence of a work of art” is to be found “in its rising above the personal and speaking from the mind and heart of the artist to the mind and heart of mankind.”
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Loving every minute

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Convert energy into time?
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Impress the Empress?
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Secret Language that we're speaking?


The Galactic SemiImperatrix?

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It can be seen that the question of the existence of narrative in music is neither obvious nor straightforward

floral notes...

Pairing: I feel like this wine needs to be paired with something light. It’s got a unique flavor profile that’s quite fun to focus with on it’s own., but
>implying energy isn't time
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Tell me what you want to drink
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Cure for the cold?

Lighter shades?


Queen of /mu/?
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Tree and Vine?
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...grotto on Olympus Mons...
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Sailors dancing in the twlight

Stargirls glowing with their teeth bright
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The best selling show...

Got time to know?

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George Gurdjieff remarked that we live in the “circle of the confusion of tongues” and suggested we need to build a language upon the principles of relativity in order to introduce relativity into all concepts and therefore make it possible to determine the angle of thought. This analogy of “geometric” communication...
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Don't stop keep it going on

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People dancing in this energy field resonate to the sound and light frequencies which cascade about them...

I think it's time we danced
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Telluric currents, and were used for telegraph systems...

I'll tell you what I got in mind
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Can You See the Love and Sail the Sound?
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You can get a get a lot rowdier than you are. You can make a lot more waves. There's been too much politess and uh, too much parlor etiquette exercise recently by uh, the counterculture. It's perfectly alright to mix things up. It's perfectly alright to try and accelerate the plot. This will move your character nearer and nearer to the center of the action, and people have asked me then, is the goal to make yourself, the novel, about you. Is the goal to make the novel about yourself? I don't think so. The goal is to become the author of the novel. Then, you can write any damn ending you want for your character or any other. And this 'becoming the author' is this psychedelic detachment, and suddenly you go from being a chessman, a chessman on the board to the chess master looking at the board. It's empowering, it's self-control.
Now, people who don't know this are like made of denser stuff than the rest of us. You can just part them like wheat and move through them because they have no sense of the nature of the game. They are still embedded in the old Newtonian paradigm and, and are completely powerless to control their own lives. That's what happens to you in the Newtonian game. All the power flows to, I don't know, the White House, the UN, Madison avenue? It's not clear, but it certainly doesn't reside with you.
More and more, I think, we need to de-condition. That's what I mean by following the plot as written. If you never de-condition, you're, you're just a character in somebody else's story, but if you decondition, you can begin to move your life the way you want, and miracles happen. Miracles do happen. They happen even to ordinary people in the realm of, of falling in love because there's something about where the genes go that is very compelling to the universal Logos that's watching over us all. So, you know, the stable boy can marry the princess if his heart is pure and the winds of the Logos are at his back.
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fire needs air in order to burn properly



From the lowest and most physical levels of consciousness to the most spiritual ones, Eros remains forever present, gradually transforming the inner fire into pure light

...accumulate in the collective unconscious and activate its contents...
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Aquarian Angels?

That's why we love those fairy tales of the stable boy who inherits the kingdom, because we sense that as our story

...every ocean tells a story...
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Great Works

The Great Work Series

Featuring Lon Milo DuQuette, Michael Greer, & Symbolist John Anthony West

The Western Mystery Traditions enable one to accomplish this magnificent task have always been hidden in plain sight, inaccessible to all but the most ardent scholars and practitioners.

The Symbols have always held the Key

To be efficient and proficient at The Great Work, one must develop a broad understanding of the meaning of symbols and archetype

The series provides elaborates on how these symbols

• Work by themselves

• Work together

• And how the various western symbol systems fit into a unified whole.

Magickal Thinking is the result.

The Great Work series does not offer fixed ideas but is rather a training in new ways to think in order that you may derive fruitful meaning, and know the deeper spiritual reality that extends beyond pure reason and the physical sciences

...The series is a must for serious students...

Plane of Material
Plane of Mental
Plane of Emotional
Plane of Will
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i think im in love of what before i feared the most ...
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I was born a slave, but nature gave me the soul of a free man

...Existence is unfinished...

...Nature provides a platform...

...Magical humanity can build forward...

...multidimensional visionary artists...

...experience of transformation, as if the work of art unlocks the doorway through which this transformation becomes activated in and transferred to others in an act of living transmission. The artist’s creative endeavors are timeless “art-i-facts,” which act like transducers of the semantic, symbolic power encoded in the human psyche...
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Can I just say something crazy...

The driving forces locked up in the unconscious are canalized into consciousness and form a new source of power

...Nu ideas spread rapidly because parallel changes have been taking place in the unconscious of other people...
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An EPR from Littany was received

'You have to come to this temporary autonomous zone dance party on Earth, it's as awesome as me'
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its been always here besides me..

... and i, scared like the little child i was, keeping my eyes to the front to deny its existence...

today i realize it was just motherly love... encouraging to fly over the darkest fear to seek the sun, the light.

"She was elusive. She was today. She was tomorrow"
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Epigenetic Evolution and the Internet

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Between 1975 and 1980 Sussman and Steele worked on developing their ideas which have become known collectively as the "Lambda Papers"
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Visual artists had a similar relationship with alchemy. While some of them used alchemy as a source of satire, others worked with the alchemists themselves or integrated alchemical thought or symbols in their work. Music was also present in the works of alchemists and continues to influence popular performers. In the last hundred years, alchemists have been portrayed in a magical and spagyric role in fantasy fiction, film, television, comics and video games.

Some Renaissance alchemists expressed their ideas through music. A similar trend continues today as some musicians express themselves using alchemy.

The strongest example of music within alchemy can be found in the seventeenth century work of Michael Maier. His Atalanta Fugiens included fifty fugues. The fugues were arranged in three voices symbolizing the philosopher’s stone, the pursuing adept, and obstacles in his way. These have also been interpreted as corresponding to the alchemical tria prima. The text of Maier’s Cantilenae Intelectuales de Phoenice Redivivo is organized similarly, in three musical voices. Maier writes:

All things in this Universe, all forms, heavenly or earthly, being created in NUMBER, WEIGHT, & MEASURE, there is, between them, an exact and marvellous proportion of parts, strengths, qualities, quantities and effects, such that, together they seem to resemble an extraordinarily harmonious Music, and there is between spiritual beings, amongst which is to be numbered the Mind, or intellect in man, a similar musical concord. [...] ‘Tis the same too for the hidden subject of the Hermetic Philosophers: a sort of philosophical micro-world, naturally divided into three ordered parts, bass, tenor and soprano, just as the hammers heard by Pythagoras in the smithy played a pleasant harmony by reason of their various and proportional weights
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"I feel the alchemy happens when the artist becomes a co-creator and lets the soul step in and other forces make some choices and have their influence by working through the artist.
Something is captured outside of the ' human ' or personality, something more universal and deeper."
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Muses were seen as mediating inspiration from the Gods.[15] Romans and Greeks invoked the concept of an external creative "daemon" (Greek) or "genius" (Latin)

The beliefs we carry form a blade that sculpts wood as readily as it cuts throats.
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