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I shouldn't do this but here goes I am the boy/man in

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Thread replies: 184
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I shouldn't do this but here goes

I am the boy/man in the bank of america murals and the christ figure in the i pet goat 2 video.

I can't prove it, but I've got a story for you if you want the imagery/symbolism explained.

Go on.
Go on my friend tell us everything
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And yes, the apocalypse is happening right now.
It's just not happening in the way you thought it would. everything is occult and hidden, including the end of the world.

however in the coming years there will be significant changes in technology in the over-world which will result in "paradigm shifts" that will take us to a far out future with entirely new rules or force into a new dark age with turmoil and unsustainable societies
I honestly don't know where to start.

I guess I'll try explaining the symbolism in the murals first.

It's all Masonic/templar in origin, which is odd, considering it is the discordians and subgenuis who actually consider me a savior. To the masons i'm a tool, to the discordians i'm a savior, depends on what side of the isle you are on.

The black sun has to do with how I was summoned/born.


The two figures in the back ground are the white and red king,, alchemical figures, both real people, ancient people.

The unseen god holding the strings of the white queen is Satan/Lucifer
Thats basic tho, anon. Surface
david bowies black star song, was a tribute to me, a parting song, lamenting my failures and hoping I would succeed in my endeavor.

I'll the black sun symbolism, while it has been co opted by the nazis and such, originated as a symbol meaning something far different. A very secret meaning.
So what are the signs of the Apocalypse happening? Wouldn't it mean that humanity is going to end?
The cube we are in?

grow up kid
Apocalypse means to reveal what was once hidden
oh, okay.
Well anyway.

Satan controls the white queen, which is symbolism to say he has dominated the sacred feminine.

The red king sits next to a burning bush, which means all his wisdom comes form god and he is using it to guide me and the world. he is also writing in a book. Programming reality.

The men below me are satans lackies, they are planning the apocalypse and how best to use me for their purposes.
Go deeper been there.

There will be no sign until I wake up.

But if I fail, new technology will emerge that will turn society on it's head, even though technology already exists.

Programs withing programs.
We are all you remember?

the stairway, is my stair way to heaven TM.


Satan controls reality with magic money.

Satan is actually a cthlulu like alien with mystic powers and control of a hive of monster bugs.

The white queen makes money by serving satan.

I don't think you get it.

These songs were all made about me

"all systems go
The son hasn't died
deep in my bones
straight form inside
i'm waking up.

Nice RP anon.
sorry got to go
No. We are waking up. Rolepla
Shill, nice try tho
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here is the last song they made.


Stay lucy i want to keep this roleplay going. Nice taste in music. God is with us.
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All the role playing on this fucking suber holy shit. The anti Christ is shit posting on /x/
Kek. He told truth but then a little too much. The stuff he put out is legit, i assure you.
Have no fear homies. Its our time now.
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Oh some random fag on /x/ assured me the anti Christ is posting so it must be true
We are all the christ
No lol. He not the antichrist you dip.He just dug deep
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He's literally saying all these songs and videos are about him what an egotistical faggot. Yeah what he said was true except for the part where he is relevant at all
That song is dope af
You got it. Our time to shine
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Fuck off role playing cunt ass faggot fuck ruining /x/ with this shit.

Just be honest and say you have seen the mural and you would like to try to explain it and link it to the current music culture.

Instead you come as a role playing fuck tard

Fuck You

ya blew it
nah bro it's me.

i wouldn't lie
>i'm the christ figure

Confirmed for not understanding the symbolism AT ALL.

Fuck off.
Hello, its me the antichrist. I like your humour

> i wouldn't lie

Now thats something he would say probably
>crown of thrones
>heart of fire
>looks like jesus

If it smells like a duck, looks like a duck and quacks like a duck... it's a duck.
Spooky lyrics in that Impala song. Give us something about that then.

Ok guys , its official whe are dealing whit parasites
listen to this until once a day until we get rid o them.



Do not fear them , its wath it feeds them , do not fitgh them it also feed them , to deal whit hem we are going to starve them , if you have a cat you are already protected if not , try to get one if alergy or do not want to deal whit pets get a statue of basket the egiptian cat godess or any othe fethis of a cat.
I hope you know It's the AntiChrist
Explain please
>mfw video shot in schillingstrasse

Lol OP
Figured Tame Impala out. They are beeing deluded by sirus.
Sirius Polaris Canopus trinity?
Isis Horus Set

Happening ?
>polaris aligns
>conciousness rises
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>i'm a tool

You got that part right.
Explain. Why should it be?
It does not matter, the ego of the fallen one is so dense anyone can become the antichrist through sheer will of self importance.
What does becoming the "antichrist" mean to you?
The avatar of man.
Nice. To identify with the flesh?

>5 Dimensional Parasites

they attached to our dimesional shadow and slow down our growing .
and why the fuck would you do that?
How do they spread? I don't feel they can do us much harm. Listening to this is quiete uncomfortable but then again it could be you're right and thats the reason it doesnt sound good. Listen to this it's the bettter medicine imo

>How do they spread?

I shouldn't do this but here goes

>This is relevent to discussion,

>it is a very obscure but well thought out form of artistic expression,

>practiced for millenia.

>And it's funny.

>And it answers anons question.

>It's vulgar, but that is life.

>All forms of life replicate according to this model.

I can't prove it, but I've got a story for you if you want the imagery/symbolism explained.
Go on friend
OP you've got a looooooong way to go on that path you've chosen. Took me about a year to get where I am now, but I've been there done that with the music and receiving messages thing.

God/Satan is overrated when Ahura Mazda and Xochiquetzal predate Jesus. So, don't bother feeding into that shit cuz it'll waste time.

Anyways, you've got to realize some of those songs ARE about you, or rather someone LIKE you. When musicians write, some of us are fully aware of how far our words reach. So some of us use this power to speak messages of love and truth for someone like you who would need it most. Others, abuse that power and do nothing but blame, guilt-trip and provoke drug/alcohol abuse with their messages. The worst of these people don't even know their power, singing suicide songs that catch everyone else in their wake. Be wary, taking blame that isn't yours will take shots are your self-esteem.

You pretty much have to know the difference of WHAT messages were meant for YOU, and which ones were meant for assholes and pricks, or simply the artist blowing steam.

Esoteric symbolism in mainstream is more of a way to entice people with a mystery no one ever explains. A marketing technique for the 21st century.
Normie: "Dey're dem Illuminarti, I just know it!"
Singer: "Now they'll REALLY pay attention!"

Always remember, YOU know who you are. Don't let anyone in this world TELL you who you are.

Good luck btw! Everything is brighter on this side of the path. [:
The Beatles are probably deep in there he?
Nigga them 5-dimensional beings spread because YOU are here telling everyone they exist. They're only there if you know about em, and if you really believe they exist in the first place you're just feeding them. Here's how you stop em...

Boom, gone.
True words anon. I think some artists write texts literally from another dimension in the good the bad or the ugly. They sometimes don't know the message themselves i think. They do what they feel and sometimes it's scary accurate

You're both right
I see where you going and i partly agree. Still i think listening to an annoying tone is rather silly. I'd prefer this:

Yeah. It's scary cuz sometimes the words just come out, and once they're there, they're there forever.

Shit, Kurt Cobain's self-loathing STILL hangs around even though the man should've got his rest ages ago.

Either way, OP, don't play into the Illuminati Puppet's role. They just wanna use you while you're going through the changes.

Shine your own light upon what is important to YOU, but be very careful with how it might appear to others. Otherwise someone will be just like you one day, pondering what it means to call oneself the Antichrist. And that's just a scape-goat title by the way, everybody is supposed to hate Him so when you see the world through His eyes, don't be surprised when you feel hated.

Try seeing life through your own perspective, if you ever need a way back to thinking clearly.

You got them ,rife frequencys are never suppose to be unsettling,
Listening the video once in the morning and once before you go to sleep, if you have nightmares, do not fight or fear they feed on emotions, ignore them cast them away, but do not engage them.
>Listening to a video 2x daily

Yeah have fun with your own hypnosis
Aight ill give it a try just for giggles. Thanks for advice i read something earlier from you and i liked so i take you serious
HA sucker.

I mean, good luck with them 5D bugs and stuff.
Why not give it a try if you are hypnotised by a random frequencely you are willingly listening to youre doing it wrong
If you feel better do it again if not throw into trash.
Shepherds and sheep man. Shepherds and sheep. I'm shaking my head at them btw.

Parce, solo espero que no sea el mismo guevon de la novia española porque o si no tiene una necesidad de atención muy perra. y ahí estaría fallando la majita asumo...
>Parce, solo espero que no sea el mismo guevon de la novia española porque o si no tiene una necesidad de atención muy perra. y ahí estaría fallando la majita asumo...

Parce, I just hope that it is not the same guevon of the Spanish bride because or if you do not have a need for attention very bitch. And there would be failing the majita I assume ..

the sun hasn't died*

see the shrink your mania of grandeur is over 9000

Parce = friend
Guevon = big balls is a generic insult
would be failing the majita I assume .. and i guess he was telling me that i was failing ,

I am a anonimus tripfag who actually reached enlithem but hate people , despite fame and enjoy a easy goin not worry life ,
i do this as a Hobby .i dream walk and pay attention to the spiritual war that its goin on , i am on my onw side and enjoy waching the war .
>hate people

You are not as enlightend as you think bro

>Does not know about devas.

not all enlithg beings are innerenly good anon , Krisnha , Tesla and Satan are all enlitghem beings and all three totally diferent from the others. my in particular i love to hate and hate to love. but i feel love and hate.
Hmm never thought about it that way. Why not as long as you dont hurt anyone. cheers friend
I am Christ
As you are Christ
As you are We
And we are Christ together
My uncle is in one of the Long frescos. He is not an important figure in the painting, just one in a group of guys.
Time cube theory.
He prob'ly thinks "You're So Vain" is about him.
Lot of fucking gay rp going on in this thread.
We have a Major Problem,
Creation is Cubic Opposites,
2 Major Corners & 2 Minor.
Mom/Dad & Son/Daughter,
NOT taught Evil ONEism,
which VOIDS Families.

Seek Wisdom of Cubic Life
Intelligence - or you die evil.

Evil God Believers refuse to
acknowledge 4 corner Days
rotating simultaneously around
4 quadrant created Earth -
in only 1 rotation, voiding the
Oneism Evil 1 Day 1 God.
You worship Satanic impostor
guised by educators as 1 god.

No 1 God equals 4 - 24 hour
Days Rotating Simultaneously
within 1- 24 hour Rotation of
4 quadrant created Earth.
Ignoring 4 Corner Earth Days
will Destroy Evil Humanity.
I am organizing Children to
join "Cubic Army of 4 Days"
to convert Evil 1 Day Adults
to 4 Day mentality existence,
to serve perpetual humanity.

"Nothing on Earth more Evil
than a human educated as 1,
when composed of opposites
that cancel out as an entity."
In fact, man is the only 1 Evil,
and will soon erase himself by
ignoring Cubic 4 Day Creation.
If a Man cannot tear a page
from the bible and burn it -
then he cannot be a scientist,
or participate in Symposium -
to measure Cubing of Earth
with Cubic intelligence wiser
than any man or god known.
Educators have destroyed the
human analytical brain to a
single perspective, in spite of
all creation within Universe
being based upon opposites,
binaries & antipodes, including
Sun/Earth binary relative to the

human male/female binary. No
ancient insignificant dead 1 Jew
godism can match or exceed the
enormity of the Sun/Earth
Binary. His heart is not big
enough for sharing with the
vastness of created opposites.
1 has no heart beat or breath,
constituting death of opposites.
God in Human form has human

limits as body controls activity.
You are taught Evil, You act
Evil, You are the Evil on Earth.
Only your comprehending the
Divinity of Cubic Creation will
your soul be saved from your
created hell on Earth - induced
by your ignoring the existing
4 corner harmonic simultaneous
4 Days rotating in a single cycle
of the Earth sphere. Religious/
Academic Pedants cannot allow
4 Days that contradict 1Day 1God.
Educators destroy your brain,
but you don't know, so why care?

Creation ocurrs via opposites,
but Religious/Academia pedants
suppress it teaching Satanic One.

After 30 years of research, I now
possess the Order of Harmonic
Antipodal Cubic Divinity Life -
too large for physical form, but
Binary Spirit of the masculinity
Sun & feminity Earth Antipodes.
ONEism is demonic Death Math.
I have so much to teach you, but
you ignore me you evil asses.
You will recognize 4 corner Days
or incur Easter Island Ending.
Never a Genius knew Math
to achieve my Cubic Wisdom.
Cubic thought Reigns as the
Highest Intelligence possible
on the planet Earth. One 96
hour rotating Cube within a
single rotation of Earth -- is
an Ineffable Transcendence.
Bible and Science falsify 1
corner day for the Cubic 4
corner Days rotating daily.
A single god is not possible
in our 4 Day Cubic Science,
that equates Cubic Divinity.
Everybody is both stupid and
evil for ignoring the 4 days.
Cube Divinity transcends all
knowledge, Humans can't
escape 4 corner Cubic Life.
Fools worship mechanics of
language - while they wallow
in fictitious & deceitful word.
Exact science based on Cubics,
not on theories. Wisdom is
Cubic testing of knowledge.
Academia is progression of
Ignorance. No god equals
Simultaneous 4 Day Creation.
Humans ignore their 4 corner
stages of life metamorphosis.
This site is a collection of data
for a coming book - peruse it.
No human has 2 hands as they
are opposites, like plus and
minus, that cancel as entity.
Academia destroys your brain,
your ability to think opposite.
The eyes of the flounder fish
were relocated, why were yours

relocated? Your opposite eyes
were moved to 1 corner to overlay
for single perspective, but that
corrupts your Opposite Brain.

Education and Religion
severely diminishes your
intelligence and mentality,
instituting ONEness Evil,
You are educated stupid -
and you have no inkling to
just how EVIL you think.

Seek in haste to attend a
lecture by Dr. Gene Ray,
Cubic and Wisest Human -
His Wisdom is Awesome.

Faith in humanity restored. Thank you.

I love you
chaos magic has no power
only satan has power

Dear Mr. Skarlakidis,
Thank you for your email dated 31/1/2010. I believe I can be of assistance to your worthy project.

For the last thirty-five years I have been working with Experimental Fracture Mechanics at the Physics of Strength of Materials Laboratory of the National University of Athens and I believe wherever there is no scientific explanation, there is a miracle.

I have no reason to doubt the Munich Library manuscript dated to 1634 which gives an account of the miraculous manner of the rupture of the column as well as what ensued: that the Greek patriarch used this Fire to light his candle. I do not believe it is possible to doubt a miracle and especially where there are related accounts.

By examining the fracture from the photographs, we could conclude that it is a result of combined pressure: a combination of electrical discharge (probably a strong lightning bolt) and a large seismic tremor. The electrical discharge, due to the high momentary temperature, embrittled the material in the column down the length of a narrow area (origin). The surface seismic wave put pressure on the column resulting in torsional oscillation (fatigue). This simultaneous pressure resulted in the fracture beginning at the base of the column and continuing upwards in a zigzag course (as it appears in the photograph the course of the fracture is not linear) along the length of the area made embrittled by the electrical discharge. If the above indeed occurred, in my opinion this simultaneous combined pressure of the column remains inexplicable. Therefore, one could speak only of a miracle.

Dear Mr. Skarlakidis I would like to offer my congratulations on your work and I wholeheartedly wish you great success.

George Α. Papadopoulos
Professor of Mechanics,
Physics of Strength of Materials Laboratory
National and Kapodistrian University of Athens

Literally mark of the beast.
Boxing people in.

Denying them the fractal unit of the One.

The Virtual World of our Mental Prison may be even, but God's is Odd.


The one thing a machine can't calculate, the ratio of the diameter to the circumference.
you all sound like a bunch of goddam downe syndrome having queers-
have some slayer and bust your hymens for fuks sakehttps://youtu.be/WeA4C22iKa4
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Cubes are child's play.

I'm fighting hundred handers here.
I might be Satan though,

Six To One.
Set: One
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Need a hand?

I wonder about you.
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Notice Communistic Anarchism is the key stone.

>The concept is absurd.

>Once we've reached that level of ascension we can handle it.


Currently we reside on the dick, which is the beast of populism. We can point that dick anywhere we choose.

>Where do we go from here?

>Anything above the Beast is tolerable, and does at least in some way advance us to that actualization where the concept of government and the state is redundant.
Let's say that there's a community of 100 self-actualized people. By the nature of being self-actualized they are compelled to uplift others as well. The community grows to 200, then 400, 800... and so on exponentially. This is what spiritual alchemy is a metaphor for, but it is a very outdated one.

It's a bottom-up process and very difficult, without a doubt the most difficult thing ever done.
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>I've got no money

>I've got no job

>Ain't got no girl to make me smile

>In fact I've never had a girl.

>And I come to you now at the turning of the tide.

I'm fulfilling prophecies on a daily basis here, unlocking the mysteries of the cosmos. But in 4 weeks I'm going to be sold into slavery.

I'm in the zoo trying to escape.
Your in the zoo two.
I found a way.
I just need a hand.

Bread for bread. Trade for trade.

Ayy boyy.
>pls no homo

Opposite sex organs prove
male & female to be binary
opposites equal zero value,
and nothing as unified one.
You are educated ENTITY
STUPID for all Creation is
composed of Opposites ----
which equate to Zero value
existence - and cancels out
to nothing if unified as one.
Before Word was invented,
no God existed upon Earth.
Truth cannot be uttered so
that's why I am writing it.

Only Cubic Harmonics can save
humanity. Cubic Harmonics
will pacify all religions.

96-hour Cubic Day
debunks 1-day unnatural god.
96-hour Cubic Day
debunks 1-day as witchcraft.

96-hour day willdisprove disunity
god. Academians are teaching -


Ignore Cubic Math at your
own peril, and of humanity.

You have a god like brain -
parallel opposite & analytical,
wasted if you believe in ONE.

The primary purpose for
Education is not Subject
matter, but subservience
to accept any crap taught
without opposing thought,
destroying opposite brain
to be submissive android.
You're taught to be stupid.

Dr. Gene Ray, Cubic & Wisest Human
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>You are educated ENTITY
>STUPID for all Creation is
>composed of Opposites

Yeah, the creation is a binary between Zero and Infinity.

But the Creator is One.

>destroying opposite brain
>to be submissive android.
>You're taught to be stupid.

Kill the 4, the 6 presents.
Kill the 6, and the 8 repents.
And then at nine begin again,
for nine is one one, and one one is a meme.
Life is pulsing opposite mirror Pairs,

Death is ONEness of Godism.



Until you can tear and burn the bible to
escape the EVIL ONE, it will be impossible
for your educated stupid brain to know that
4 different corner harmonic 24 hour Days
rotate simultaneously within a single 4
quadrant rotation of a squared equator
and cubed Earth. The Solar system, the
Universe, the Earth and all humans are
composed of + 0 - antipodes, and equal
to nothing if added as a ONE or Entity.
All Creation occurs between Opposites.
Academic ONEism destroys +0- brain.
If you would acknowledge
simple existing math proof
that 4 harmonic corner days
rotate simultaneously around
squared equator and cubed
Earth, proving 4 Days, Not
1Day,1Self,1Earth or 1God
that exists only as anti-side.
This page you see - cannot
exist without its anti-side
existence, as +0- antipodes.
Add +0- as One = nothing.

Seek Awesome Lectures,

We have a Major Problem,
Creation is Cubic Opposites,
2 Major Corners & 2 Minor.
Mom/Dad & Son/Daughter,
NOT taught Evil ONEism,
which VOIDS Families.

Seek Wisdom of Cubic Life
Intelligence - or you die evil.

Evil God Believers refuse to
acknowledge 4 corner Days
rotating simultaneously around
4 quadrant created Earth -
in only 1 rotation, voiding the
Oneism Evil 1 Day 1 God.
You worship Satanic impostor
guised by educators as 1 god.

No 1 God equals 4 - 24 hour
Days Rotating Simultaneously
within 1- 24 hour Rotation of
4 quadrant created Earth.
Ignoring 4 Corner Earth Days
will Destroy Evil Humanity.
I am organizing Children to
join "Cubic Army of 4 Days"
to convert Evil 1 Day Adults
to 4 Day mentality existence,
to serve perpetual humanity.
"Nothing on Earth more Evil
than a human educated as 1,
when composed of opposites
that cancel out as an entity."
In fact, man is the only 1 Evil,
and will soon erase himself by
ignoring Cubic 4 Day Creation.
If a Man cannot tear a page
from the bible and burn it -
then he cannot be a scientist,
or participate in Symposium -
to measure Cubing of Earth
with Cubic intelligence wiser
than any man or god known.
Educators have destroyed the
human analytical brain to a
single perspective, in spite of
all creation within Universe
being based upon opposites,
binaries & antipodes, including
Sun/Earth binary relative to the

human male/female binary. No
ancient insignificant dead 1 Jew
godism can match or exceed the
enormity of the Sun/Earth
Binary. His heart is not big
enough for sharing with the
vastness of created opposites.
1 has no heart beat or breath,
constituting death of opposites.
God in Human form has human

limits as body controls activity.
You are taught Evil, You act
Evil, You are the Evil on Earth.
Only your comprehending the
Divinity of Cubic Creation will
your soul be saved from your
created hell on Earth - induced
by your ignoring the existing
4 corner harmonic simultaneous
4 Days rotating in a single cycle
of the Earth sphere. Religious/
Academic Pedants cannot allow
4 Days that contradict 1Day 1God.
Educators destroy your brain,
but you don't know, so why care?

Creation ocurrs via opposites,
but Religious/Academia pedants
suppress it teaching Satanic One.

After 30 years of research, I now
possess the Order of Harmonic
Antipodal Cubic Divinity Life -
too large for physical form, but
Binary Spirit of the masculinity
Sun & feminity Earth Antipodes.
ONEism is demonic Death Math.
I have so much to teach you, but
you ignore me you evil asses.
You will recognize 4 corner Days
or incur Easter Island Ending.
lel fuck off
>But in 4 weeks I'm going to be sold into slavery.
What do you mean friend
You SnotBrains will know
hell for ignoring TimeCube.
I do not promote or suggest
anyone killing you, but you
are unfit to live on Earth.
lel im in hell allready you faggot. hell-o hows your health doing

Only your comprehending the
Divinity of Cubic Creation will
your soul be saved from your
created hell on Earth - induced
by your ignoring the existing
4 corner harmonic simultaneous
4 Days rotating in a single cycle
of the Earth sphere.
Each of the stars in the sky is a singularity of order.

We really do become stars!

>What happens when you see your own star?

It's a double singularity!

>No sense, does it make.

The previous sentence makes sense.

>It's even got it's own theme tune.

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>Unemployed, therefore to receive benefits I must do 20 hrs a week at a supermarket or warehouse or something.

I am a complete social failure and don't know how to operate in the world.

All I got are my shitposts and my book.

Only $1.11
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Well worth a lot more than a staple of paper. Its a new world soon
I think Cubic, I am wisest. You think self,
you are evil. Your Professors are stupid
evil Liars, and fear the Time Cube Truth.
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all of this is garbage unless OP can provide a timestamped pic of himself so we can confirm it's him. and even then the timecube stuff is still garbage.
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OP fucked off yesterday.
I've been blowing my load all over it.

This is the real deal.
easily the scariest thread i've seen on /x/ for a while, because i can't tell whether this is some insane samefagging and mental illness, or samefagging and recruiting for some kind of cult. i know it's definitely one of the two though, or both.
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My brain fell out and infected other people.

Then I had to go out and sort their heads out.

But now my brain is fucked.

So I don't know what happens next.

The moon is winking at me.

so both, then?
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Damn near seems to be.
I'd recognize those lips anywhere.
>not sageing this pathetic excuse of a thread
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There has been an awakening in the force.

The fire rises.
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you speak of earthly, while think of heavenly as evil
It's a psyop
Just leave it at that you're not the "chosen one" it's a beta test for mind control/occult shit there are thousands like you you're probably a victim of gangstalking
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That's the trick, you make the victim feel like they are centre of the universe.

Everyone wants to feel special right?

>In my case it's true of course, but I didn't need any help in nurturing that delusion.

I am not a jealous delusional, your all welcome in my philosopher's paradise.

It's all inter-related, if not now, then it will be.

The End is One.
And we're only beginning.
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Hi, I'm #212. Any tips?
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212 - Adam Two

12 Adam 12 Adam 11 Meme 22 Thoth 11 Meme 221 Meta Two

>I can always find away to make it about myself, even when not acting for myself.
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>consider me a savior

Oh, it's mental illness.
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Already have awakened several people with key potential, using 'medicine'; felt all knowledge through these acts(as was needed, then it slipped back away, leaving only traces of the presence and perception); I feel I haven't found the specific one I'm supposed to guide yet, some one important, and I won't fully activate until then...

Are you having anticipatory reactions to 'alarms' that are coming up? or is your perception more complete at this time than mine?

(sorry if those thoughts are too mercurial to make sense of.)
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Anon there may be a problem, we are mising a lot of future enlitghem beings , Podesta and Company fuck and killed a lot of them the last 20 years , the one who were supose to activated it may not be anymore , you may need to look harder or improvise .
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My '2nd' is already gone, she was 6 when it happened, it hurt...I never met her.

As you said, had to think creatively, or how would multiplicity be possible? So I've been looking to parallels(specifically synergistic contrapositives), this is a untested lateral movement. Everythings unscripted right now, it's weird, but I'm completely sure the outcome will be positive sooner than later.
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>I can't prove it,
So we can discard your thread off hand.
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Opposites. Circle and Square.

A square.

A perfect ashlar produces a perfect circle.
This thread is now about Christ conciousness.
OP was at the beginning, then other anon's experiencing the same thing replied.
I am L as of now.
no, op said he was the christ figure in the recent occult media.

then a bunch of schizophrenics got attracted to the thread and posted nonsense.

not saying op isn't schizo but this whole thread is schizo.
If you think the schizophrenics post nonsense you just lack the imagination to see the big picture.
Not taunting you, but try to think more like a schizo. It really helped me in my ''normal'' down to earth life.
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Know ye not that ye are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you?

Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. 8For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened.…
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For the Law came through Moses.
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“A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. 35 By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.”

I really hope so , i also have to improvise , i even have to cover a missing Demon , a fucking demon , its so hard to find a reasoble evil person , and the good guys are balls deep into false cristianity when i tell them to meditated to activate thier powers they give that look of ˆare you satanˆ .
but hey its the way it is , i guess we gotta find someting new by improvising , you always learn someting new whit each job.
The enlightened you seek are merely sleeping. You can't find them when they are sleeping. I am awake as are you. The others will come. The lurkers are already infected with the calling.

Old friends are coming back, with things we lost.
Just imagine a world where everyone are messias.
Now imagine that it's happening now.
This is the big secret they're hiding from you.
I must flee now.
ITT: Everyone is insane.
(Un)Fortunately this also applies to the lurkers.
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Insanity is such a limited word, vicariously perched on the assumption of objective reality.
>7 is sacred

I welcome your help eagerly, brothers
The stairs do not symbolize heaven, they symbolize the stairs you have to walk to divine consciousness. The 4 people below the boy are of lower consciousness (11). The boy is above them (22), while the stairway leads to 33. The lady being abducted UFO-esque isn't really being abducted. Her white dress symbolizes purity, which is why she's reaching level 33. She reached ultimate equalibrium by being full of purity and love. The road is what where most of us end up when reaching level 22. We walk that empty road not knowing there is a higher level. A road of nothingness, nothing but cognitive dissonance and mental chaos (hence the man sitting doing nothing while the tree burns). The pyramid is to make it more explicit, Symbolism of level 22 consciousness and ancient egypt's knowledge of the conscious world. The red rectangle is actually a red carpet leading to level 33. Implicting that the boy was chosen. His black coat is to make it more obvious that he's being initiated.
This is my new favorite painting

Also did you notice the type of tree that's on fire.
ITT: We are all the chosen one.
Ok, I'll bite. What the fuck? Why is it that i can only fine educated niggas like you on the internet?

All the average person cares about is shitty baal worship television and stupid fads. But here all you random guys are with all this knowledge. just wtf. Do we all just have autism which enable us to have any sort of interest in these truths?
ITT: OP smoke too much weed and psychedelics to think he is God
>He smoked too much weed to think he is god.
He could under normal circumstances think he is god, but he has consumed too much weed.
Have you ever considered that jesus and the antichrist were always the same guy?
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Altering perceptions can lead to leads to unique mental connections, which expands overall mental abilities.

Don't blame the tool for your ineptitude in the craft.
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you brainlacking people cringe me
even on /x/
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Man, it's really a good thing mods delete opinions they don't like so great rping threads like this can prosper.
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