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What goes on here? Why does there seem to be a recent wave of

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What goes on here? Why does there seem to be a recent wave of fascination with it?
The lottery is happening...You must not talk about Antarctica when it starts.
Excuse me?
Because people love penguins
Fuck penguins

Because Buzz Aldrin had some health issues there and people started talking about it. It's being talked about on /x/ because some autist decided to spam the board with Antarctica threads recently.
>What goes on here?
Ice, mountains and the occasional penguin.

>Why does there seem to be a recent wave of fascination with it?
There isn't any, it's just you posting the same thread over and over.
I haven't been on /x/ in almost a year. One of you faggots keep spamming other boards with this shit so I figured I'd come to the source.
>One of you faggots keep spamming other boards with this shit so I figured I'd come to the source.
The "muh Antarctic pyramids" tard? Yeah, I hope he gets tired of that crap soon.
It's the only lottery you will ever want to win.
There a few of them but the pyramid shit is one of them. There's also this faggot that keeps posting pictures of plateaus around the world claim they wuz giant world trees n' shit
You mean I'm going to finally get to die?
It's the sweet release you've all craved for so so long and if you don't play the lottery you can't win.
I'm not a gambling man. I'll wait
If you don't play how can you win? Look friend, you've got troubles plain as day. Why don't you let go and buy a ticket. I hear the odds are two to one.
Sometime I hate this board with you LARPing faggots
I had a dream they had a brain factory in Antarctica and my ex's sister was one of the workers.
We LARP a lot less than you might think.

We are the real deal.
But... if Brains are made in a factory, who factoried teh brain facotiry?
Paranormal stuff doesn't exist. Anyone who discusses the paranormal is either roleplaying, legitimately crazy or just fucking around.

Now why are you here? And if it's the 3rd reason, why are you getting so upset over it?
One of us
One of us
One of us

Buy a Lotto ticket today!
But why?
The Golden goose has laid an egg.
Kero kero
But admiral Richard e Byrd would have something to say about this place
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Like what?
That it's got a flare.
Whose a gare?
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more like pay to escape teh ww3.hungergames
and watch it all go down in HD 4K
They just discovered a giant sinkhole down there.
Meant for>>18443336
the real question is if paranormal doesnt exist, why are YOU here?

i bet you are a socially inept narcissist who gets its thrills by trying to come off as superior to everyone else.

kill yourself and let us know what you find, o ye of grandiose intellect
Not that guy, but I come here for fiction. Scary movies, stories, etc.

I don't have to actually believe in that shit. I ain't stupid.
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it's bigger than the united state, we don't really know what going on there but i'm pretty sure there is only penguin and no military base.
39 ultra peaks are found in Antarctica
"recent" doesn't really apply
i've been seeing antarctica conspiracies as long as i've been on the board
what's an ultra peak?
There Are way too many theories to count about Antarctica
1. Theres and Alien Base
2. Its actual a huge wall (flat earth theory)
3. Its the Entrance to the hollow earth
4. It has a giant hole that gives off radiaton. which is why Satallites dont fly over it
5. Illuminati

the claims are numerous.
Your forgetting giant waifus (a lager human subspecies) that were cut off from the rest of the earth and adapted to live there.
6. WWII German base
7. Monsters frozen in ice
8. Ufos under the ice
9. Lost city of Atlantis under the massive ice-sheet
This is the actual reason. I would love to live in the age of re-discovery when the ice covering the Antarctica will melt and reveal our ancient history.
Are they really called waifus?
You want the complete truth without all these idiots spewing out bullshit research it yourself. Best place to start, find out what admiral Bird stated on an interview before he was suicided along with his son. You may think this Antarctica shits a troll but its not.

>what goes on here?
Fucking nothing.
>why does there seem to be a recent wave of fascination about it?
Attention seekers figured out that since there's fucking no one there, they can make up any shit they want about it and all the schizos will believe it.

I looked, he said nothing, so you're full of shit.
See theres so much misinformation to confuse anyone trying to look into it. Truth is its not a wall but it continues on farther than we're told. It turns into large stretches of untouched land but no one is allowed to go there or even fly over it or you will be redirected by multiple different militaries
Honestly i could be completely wrong but i dont believe i am. He spoke the truth once and payed the price. As well as his son who was found shortly after naked and beaten in a wearhouse. Strange death considering his son was a pretty high ranking soldier right anon
No, he didn't say anything. I looked.
I get it you probably think im some dumbass troll but think about it. Why wouldnt the government hide it? They can easily do so. Just because you cant find it right now doesnt mean its untrue
Also this may sound stupid but humor me, try to find a picture of any other planet in the solar system thats not an artist rendering
Then how would you know about what he said? Baseless assumptions and ass-pull

Since you are going to screech "fake!" without explaining why you think that way, I am not going to bother. just look through a telescope and see it with your own eyes
Actually im far from the kind of person to screech at others over disagreements. When someone tries to force unrealistic views onto someone else then gets aggravated when disagreed with is the main reason why alternative theorists are looked at the way they are by modern society. You dont have to post a picture or anything just put forward a minute of your time nice anon
the moment you think you know everything is the moment you know nothing.

there was a time when people who got sick and died was attributed to evil spirits and bad juju, then along comes a guy who says 'no its germs and disease' who was then roundly ridiculed.

my point is that everything that was initially misunderstood has been dismissed as 'paranormal' or some synonym thereof.

keep an open mind, or just lurk while people who do have open minds discuss possibilities you are too timid and immature to grasp
Commercial airplane paths go right over it. It's just that it is a continent "untouched" by human lying under the ice. Just think of the natural resources you will find there, the place is full of them. I am more interested in the historical value studying this continent will provide us.

Nah, I looked. Didn't say anything. Feel free to prove me wrong.
And I mean you can buy a sightseeing ticket to fly over Antarctica.
Actually no commercial airlines are allowed to fly over it
Arent* sorry my dude

Okay, no commercial flight goes over the Antarctic, and it's not because it's forbidden, it's because conditions there are hellish, even in the high atmosphere.
Aren't allowed? or can't fucking get to fly over due weather?
Yes, I just read that indeed no commercial flight paths go over Antarctic, might have also something to do with the fact that it will not shorten the travel path but just from few points in the map, like when you are flying from South-Africa to New-Zealand.

Both. Restricted air zone (which is nothing new, the north pole was like that until 1998), and the weather there is retarded. On top of that, no flight would pass over it without making a detour. The closest one is the Buenos Aires-Sydney line, and it's still nowhere near the continent.
Not saying I know everything. Just that there's no bigfoot, little green men, or slenderman.

There are commercial flights that will take you right to the south pole. They aren't regularly scheduled major airline routes, but they exist.
I think they will not fly into the continent but border its borders.
who told you i would want to ESCAPE ww3?
on these points we agree, i dont believe in the boogeyman either.

but there is much we are yet to understand about our existence
the real term is cuntbags but I think waifus just sound better
No, they'll fly you to the center of the continent.

Where do you think the south pole is, dipshit?
>Why does there seem to be a recent wave of fascination with it?
Within the last 3 months:

>Pope and Orthodox Patriarch meet for first time in 1000 years then Patriarch goes to Antarctica
>John Kerry goes to Antarctica on election day
>Buzz Aldrin goes to Antarctica and comes back wounded
>Obama goes on extended vacation to "southern Argentina"
>John Key (prime minister of New Zealand) resigns even though he has high favorability ratings and his party has a good chance of winning re-election
>last three months

Kiril went to Antarctica last February. His meeting with Pope Francis was in June.

>Kerry in Antarctica on election day

The day before. He was in New Zealand on election day

>comes back wounded

He was ill, not wounded

>Obama Argentian visit

It was a state visit, and it was last spring

>John Key resigns

You're right. This probably has to do with underground Antarctic magic nazis.
One way or another Antarctica is a great place to do shady shit in. Are civilians even allowed on Antarctica without permission?

I'll give you this. It's fuck huge and a bit difficult to monitor with satellites.
It's big, baron, and largely uninhabited, so it naturally lends to the imagination of conspiracies.
I blame the niggers
The existence of Antarctica is an argument against "intelligent design". What's "intelligent" about millions of square miles of uninhabitable land?
Funny anons...These are the same shills hitting the other anarctic treads with drivel and bullshit. Begining to wonder why it's so hard to talk about it. While try to keep it off topic and derail the thread
See told you shills spreading disinformation. The Pope and patriarch met Feb 12 according to USA today. Patriarch is in the anarctic on Feb 14th and the research vessel gets there at the same time. These are facts...Fucking shills really
What are these "facts" you speak of? I've been on this board awhile and never heard of them. Is that a new meme?
>February was three months ago

Tinfoilers and their amazing counting skills...
And was in New Zealand on election day. Why you say anon because his flight to the anarctic was delayed due to bad weather. According to CBS news anyway. Shills can you even cite
I guess it is anon. Welcome to Trump world libtard. Welcome to the world where people actually call you on your bullshit. I would get used to it of I was you anon
And shills have skills of wtf are you talking about. The harder you try anon the less you will succeed
Calenders much all this was early this year, except for Kerry and buzz who were just there...
None of that seems odd...I'm not positive but I would postulate that, that's a lot of high ranking officials in a relatively short time span. And Russian expedition which hasn't happened in 30 years. Two popes in over 1000 years. The ship official route goes to cape Town direct but it some how stops in Saudi Arabia for business purposes, it's a research vessel not a cargo ship. Buss supposedly tweets some weird shit. And then he flown home and dies. All facts easily confirmed. And still just another day in the south pole. You are trying to hard shill. Tell me which of those asseetation are wrong again
Buzz Aldrin is not a high ranking official.

He is a private citizen and there as a tourist.

>And Russian expedition hasn't happened in 30 years

What are you talking about? Russians have several permanent research stations there.

>two popes

Pope Francis didn't go to Antarctica.

>The ship official route goes to cape Town direct but it some how stops in Saudi Arabia for business purposes, it's a research vessel not a cargo ship.

What ship? Kiril flew.

>Buss supposedly tweets weird shit then flies home and dies

I think you mean Buzz. He didn't tweet anything, that was fake. And he didn't die, he's completely recovered. John Glenn died, and the only thing the have in common is they're both astronauts.

>which assertations are wrong again

I'm having trouble finding one that's right.
Keys resignation...
Well I got shit on that, does seem nobody believes the whole family matters thing. His family is grown and doing fine. So hey anon maybe you are right on whatever Nazi weird shit you said. One theory as good as no theory
Sorry smoking the good shit right now, don't hate anon merry Christmas
Right buzz is not dead and spell checks wants that to be buss. Js...I mention he had to be evacuated. And maybe high ranking wrong word... Person some importance you OK with that anon
The ship is the admiral vladimisky...Russian hadn't launched expedition like that in 30 years...It's a research vessel I assume you know how to look it up...It's published route was around the world in 125 days...Make an unexpected stop in Saudi Arabia on its way to cape town. Russian media reports it as a business call kinda strange wording I'm not Russian. Now popes for east and west meet in Cuba in Feb, 2 days later the patriarch arrives in the anarctic, as does the research ship admiral vladimirsky...Do those sound like facts. Think you know these things already though thank you for making me type it out for you...And I was high and confused John and buzz who are both of astronauts...
Who said the Pope went...
You even said they met you of course said June which USA today said Feb 12th
I do like an open mind. Thank you kind anon. What would the world be without possibilities.

Those flights are expensive and barely scrape the coastline. I'm not saying the earth is flat but "flights over antarctica" are just a public facade.

The real reason is that if too many irresponsible fuckwits go there, they'll pop the trapped methane bubbles and the planet is fucked. Hence it's elite scientists that are protected and escorted by the airforce.
Emperor penguins are the designers.
They're called ningen.

Buzz is an enthusiastic raging alcoholic that NASA dangle in front of the public whenever they need a diversion.
Sure glad you have opinions, even with that he is in the history books and you are...Who are you again...I know you. You are anon. And I hear he like cracking mouthy mother fuckers in face, so by all means I encourage to tell buzz to his face. Instead of shit talking on the internet behind his back like the coward you are anon. I got an opinion too!
Thought I had heard something that do restrict access for enviroental purpose s though there is some kind of tourism on some part of it...But I don't really know just kinda what I thought I knew. Anybody here visited the anarctic? Need some air Force anons should have been lot of them over time

>And I hear he like cracking mouthy mother fuckers in face

Proves my point. He's NASA's go-to geriatric.

When he's not mixing Tang cocktails he probably eats a lot of spinach.
Guess the shills are done disputing facts and dates now.
Someone tell me how to get a list of the scientist on that damn ship. I have looked, captain is Igor something Russian..41 passengers max...All kinds crap I have found but not what I'm looking for
Any ideas anons
Hey when. You are a national hero you get to party like a rock star. You jealous anon.
And I think you could be right about spinach. I watched the video he hit that dude hard, irregardless of his age.
Yeah, and there's anthrax and other deadly bacteria/viruses.
please don't post on this board anymore
But honestly...why would John Kerry visit Antartica? Why when the Middle East is a powder keg and Russia is getting more antagonistic would he go there of all places? Makes no sense.
Superman haz a nice house there
He was visiting a research station. Climate change is a major part of the U.S.'s foreign affairs.
woah cool man

>Ice is melting
>People go to investigate/do research/explore/see if they can find stuff
>/x/ overreacts and creates paranoid explanations
>All is the same as anything posted on /x/
I just lost The Game.
Anus mana.
You are a fucking loser and have no friends PLEASE kill yourself

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The worst part about this statement is that you have deluded yourself into believing that.
Close to the election too, and shit not like he couldn't go whenever he wants. Why then?
Because he was on his way to New Zealand for a prescheduled visit, and it was a convenient stop.
Is organism 46-b true? I want to belief.
There were also, supposedly, photos from Antarctica showing ancient ships and interesting structures in the e-mails found on Hillary Clinton's e-mail server.
What a ridiculous statement. What if I told you that Antarctica wasn't always where it is now and wasn't always frozen and devoid of life? Read a bit more, Earth is not 6000 years old.
Hahahahahahahahahahaha who is calling who on bullshit? Wait, you lost count of all the lies the Donald said, that's ok, I can understand.
here's a fact: hillary lost
Welcome to Trumpworld libcuck, where people actually call you out on your bullshit
Oh you are talking about lies being told by politicians during an election cycle. Well that's weird, I don't think that ever happens. And considering he hasn't even been sworn in yet I'm not sure we know what was lie and what wasn't. I guess he should be like Obama, he never lies. Get off my X fucking rere.
antarctica is actually a huge ice wall along the earth realm
Blame Buzz Aldrin
I need details about the lottery that was mentioned in this thread earlier. Any details you can disclose.
It's a lottery, buy ticket, and winrar
>It's a lottery

>buy ticket

>and winrar
Don't talk about buzz, you filthy animal
Do I know you? I don't think so anon. All I am allowed to say, and I shouldn't have to say. Is lurk more...
Now shh anon. They are watching you.
This is a public forum, of course they are.

How can we reply if we don't.
Did you really count anon?
What was the count then anon?
Do you even math anon?
But you got the popular vote. Lmao
Your popular...Oh my ice core.
No...THEY are watching you.
Why do you want to know about this Lottery?
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Do you guys know about how much life they're finding under the Antarctic ice? Fuck your conspiracies, this is interesting on a scientific level.

I would like to see these emails I must have missed them. Source anon?
There is life all over the planet anon. Like everywhere we have looked. So how is that surprising. One of the conspiracies speak of a seemly intelligent octopod thing. If proven how surprising would that be. I like science!
I don't know what you mean by recent anon. This continent has strange stuff associated with it to way back. Hence the map, which has been proven to be not a fake. The question is how is that even possible. Unless some information is unknown or hidden. Which leads to much speculation and fascination withe subject.
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I forgot the map...I guess I don't map very well then. Merry Christmas anons.
And I don't strange or not but the main contractor is Lockheed Martin
>But you got the popular vote.

No. Hillary got the popular vote. And there is nothing remotely liberal or progressive about Hillary. She's just as much a corporate whore as Donny Tiny Hands, if not more so. The only difference is that Tiny Hands is more open and blatant about what he wants to do, and less predictable, especially when it comes to foreign policy. He might not give the Mike India Charlie all the wars it wants, at least not at first, but he'll come around. The big money boys always get what they want, and we all know Tiny Hands will do anything for money and attention.

Doesn't matter in the end. Human civilization has less than 30 years left. Maybe a lot less. And brainless corporate shills like yourself are the reason.
>under the antarctic ice

Under the sea ice, anon. that's off the coasst of antarctica. It's not like it's under the ice on land.
Here's another fact: that doesn't make you any less retarded than you were before.
Yeah, because of Geological activity.
Why it's so hard to believe that someone lived there at some point?

We survived an ice age.
The guy said something about Hollow Earth, and soon after his dementia got him. Nothing more.
jimmy pls go
They are there to see climate change first hand. Thant is all.
>less than 30 years
If we're lucky, the winds from the 4 corners of the earth were released. Look at the weather in the US right now
Did you just make a prediction anon...A whole 30 years. State your facts anon. You come in here and like you know something us useless corporate shills could not even fathom.
Game on anon...State your source, or is this your prediction. Did the little voices in your head tell you. Proof or it isn't going happen anon...Or just get back on your meds and let the adults talk.
How to acquire the lottery ticket?
Umm can't you see the climate change wherever you are. Thought you guys called it global warming. Long way to travel and all that risk just to watch the weather change. I didn't go out my door and it was cold yesterday and rainy today.
Try buying one anon
>less than 30 years left. Maybe a lot less.

>A whole 30 years.

No. Not a whole 30 years. It's okay to have grammar fuckups now and then. But being staggeringly illiterate does more than just embarrass you. You need help.

Can the troll explain the difference between weather and climate? It should try. It might be fun for all of us.
Seems you read and understood it well enough. Don't be a Grammer cop, if you don't know the definition of a word. And as I have stated the argument that I don't like your grammar is the like the weakest and only used by the desperate. This isn't my thesis by the way. And you couldn't grade me if you tried oh his grammar sucks boy. Hey keep looking I probably mispelled a word somewhere too. You are pathetic anon...I am going to take a shot, take a hot, grab a bite and try to forget your useless stupidity anon. Consider yourself dismissed.
I might explain if I were a troll anon, but I'm not, so I won't. I give the orders here, look it up yourself, try Google I hear they cover the topic. They pretty related terms can't have one without the other. But I'm sure you will work it out.
its all a smoke screen. they talk about it so they can show off remote ice shelfs pics in russia or canada

there is no red water vushing up. there is no crack in antartica. it thawed at some point long ago maybe even early 1900's

its black rocks and balding penguins now. the warm south american and african air circulates in the antartic and has for as far back as they can trace it. they lie about it because its where all the rich and ruling class will go to avoid armagedaboom

its not green that should be states its just black rocks i think there is little sediment and moving enough dirt to matter would be a problem and there would be no water table. its like the entire continent is just a slab of rock. it would leak that people are living in antartica and its warm

it should also be stated its not and never had a mile or more of ice on it
OK thanks for contributing anon do you mind if I ask for the source of your theory
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Just talked with a friend from the region near el quique in argentina. aparently Antarctica is gone

LOL! you couldn't even read the entirety of the post you just responded to. Holy shit.
>thought you guys called it global warming.

Yes. Because the globe is warming. It being cold in december in your part of the world doesn't change the fact that the globe is warming.
Classical chill.

Sorry. Needed a paper weight while sorting old tax papers. You can have it back in just a bit.
>we survived an ice age

And you think the ice age meant everything was covered in glaciers like antarctica? No. There was still plenty of forests and plains and deserts and jungles and hunting game just like there is during a warm period. You just have to go less further north or south before the winters get worse.
It's always like that. I'm pretty sure it's just a bot. No fleshie would be that oblivious.

Look it up yourself, try Google I hear they cover the topic.
So is that the source of your prediction anon or you just keeping me in suspense. Did you understand the whole of that or do you want me to less it down for you.
Really, really...No really, warming you say...really!!!
Yeah no real person could give to shots about what you libtards say...Must be a puter...Are you kidding me anon. Do you really believe you are that superior. That's called delusional, they have meds for, you should try some.
I told you anon I give the order, are you stupid or is that to hard to understand. You are not charge, even if you were, you are not anymore. Get used to it anon, you taste that anon, you feel that. Now go look it up like I told you.
And did you really just type fleshie?
That just fucking gay, like gay as fuck gay anon. I think there are boards for that, go find them anon.

Nah. I used to tutor actual retards at a summer camp. The high-function ones sounded a lot like the troll. Plus, he/she/it is too desperate for attention to be a bot. Probably just a brain-damaged burger-flipper that discovered the internet.
Samefag I bet which just show how much of a bottom dweller you are. I once tutored for a summer camp. Aren't you superior anon. I call bullshit anon, I don't think you ever tutored in your life. Proof or it didn't happen. Which camp anon, when, where, what was the name of the retarded kid. Thought you libtards didn't make fun of the mentally challenged. Guess that's lies and bullshit as usual. How do you live with yourself anon, just anhero. You would be totally useless in coming war so quit taking up space. Move on to whatever libtard paradise you believe in. And get off my /X/
Someone's sense of superiority is being threatened now that the creeping realization that just saying "libtard" doesn't make them automagically Neo anymore is setting in...
Well that's a bunch of words that totally mean jack shit. I hope you didn't spend a lot of time working on that anon. Do you even neo anon. You are amusing me anon. You may continue.
bleh... at this point you're past being hilariously pathetic and are now at the point where it's genuinely sad. it's no fun to laugh at actual retards.
I agree, but it's important that they don't get sucked into the /pol/ mentality, that's where 99% of its strength comes from
Didn't you just say you were a counselor at a retard camp, and yet you laugh and call people retard. I think it's just more of your bullshit anon. Tell me how you really feel anon, does your butt hurt. Did Santa not get you what you wanted anon. Grow up, come out the basement. Find you a place in Trump world. I will help you anon. You just ask.
It's ok, ice core. Just be nice to women and maybe you'll meet a nice one one day, and remember there's nothing particularly great about being white, ok?
I gotta a girl...She across the room in a chair watching some dumb shit on tv, so I'm good there. Also raising an 8 month old daughter, teaching her to be strong and think for herself. Red headed, clearest blue eye you have ever seen. And I'm damn proud to be who I am, and what we have accomplished, culturally. And my baby is some of the rarest DNA in the world. Red hair and blue eyes not easy to make, since the both resessive genes. So being white don't make me special, but being proud does seem to in this day and age. Don't fret anon we are soon to make you proud to white too.
Like you would know where strength comes from anon. You are weak, the prey, you are probably one of those furries like moot., Or click. Worshipping the great tv. You a movie god/rockstar yet anon.
And when they are lining up so they only have to use one bullet. I hope you find the courage to do anything, if only to die fighting vainly. You coward...
Can I squeeze the trigger
Yes you can anon...
You have every right to be proud of who you are and I admire you for raising a daughter in this harsh world. It is commendable. Can we not just make peace? It's Christmas!
Peace for Christmas anon I can live with that...It was a good day...And merry Christmas to you anon
Sooooooooo if you retards are done comparing who has the smaller chode, can we get back onto somewhat relevant topic?


This map would indicate that either our understanding of how long Antarctica was engulfed in ice was wrong, or there's a ton of history that has been forgotten/erased.
Or it's just a map of South America and he got all the longitudes wrong, which was a common problem with cartographers of the day.
there probably is an ancient civilization under the ive of antartica, more like some settlements.
also, the standard model of human history is only based on archaelogical evidence found, which means there is probably more most likely under water or ice. human civilization probably originated when sea levels were much lower around 10,000BC.
however, its probably all gobekli tepe level settlements and nothing like the fabled magical atlantis crap crazies love. it just means the standard model spans back a few thousand years more and we'll probably found out once the ruins like the cuba remains are studied.
i really doubt anything too important has been forgotten or erased.
Well if there was a civilization where Antarctica is today that's pretty big for it to be forgotten IMO.

But you're right, would be hard to find evidence of these civilizations, hell the Yonaguni Monument wasn't discovered until the late 80s if I remember correctly.
It's very likely Antarctica used to be located in a warmer location, without the ice cap, and was actually the land formations we now know to be beneath it. It's very likely there was life there at one point. What sort of life is another matter for discussion.

Plato's moral tale talked about Atlantis of course, but that's just his name for a fictional place he based on an Egyptian tale now lost to us. The origin of the tale is now little more than rubble. Fortunately there's no lack of cultures with stories of a landmass on which a civilization lived that was swallowed by water and capped by ice. Indeed, it's only Plato's tale that differs significantly with a lack of ice capping the land mass, and many aspects of its description changed to fit his moral tale. That's because his tale was meant to teach a certain aspect of morality, not to be historically accurate to anything. The old Egyptian story merely inspired a way in which to convey his moral. In many ways it's sad that he used the tale, as the popularity of his works has long muddied the waters.
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Rumours say it is also where all 4chan paedophiles are kept locked up for eternity
yeah i guess from an archaelogical stand point, its pretty big.
most archaeologist will agree its plausible there is much more to be found under sea or ice and civilization originates at a much lower elevation that believed.
unfortunately its only a 'plausibility' until found, studied and confirmed if archaeology is to remain scientific.
on a side note, yonaguni is interesting as shit. im pretty sure its was an abandoned construction in process before the warming periods.

What we do know is this. Much of our history has been written and rewritten countless times. Many like to make it a conspiracy, but this is just the nature of countless victors shaping the world to their preference by changing what people learn about history. It's nothing sinister, it's just how Humans happen to do things.

In the shuffle of all this, we know a few things now. That areas like northern Russia and others show evidence of flash freezing, with animals counting warm weather flora in their stomachs - and being frozen upright. We also have many old tales of an ancient civilization being swallowed by flood and then frozen over. We have evidence all around the world of people with higher technology (higher technology being relative to the very, very primitive - so think practically) coming and distributing their knowledge. Simple knowledge, often times, farming, architecture, basic things that could help guide primitive people. These people often seemed like gods to those more primitive than them, and in many of these cultures you get fairly consistent descriptions of their gods when they're not vastly exaggerated.

We also have theories, such as that of a polar inversion vastly reshaping the face of the planet.

And we do have curious writings. Sumeria gives us their gods walking amongst them 300,000 years prior to the age in which their mythology is written. 3600 dieties that eat, shit, fuck and produce children. They even die. The odd thing about the sumerian texts is they go back to the earliest parts of Sumerian civilization, with records that suggest they were using numbers like 300,000 to describe 'years' in this mythology in Hunter Gatherer periods. Quite . . . odd for Hunter Gatherers.

Then there are more worrisome Sumerians texts like those that describe an evil wind preceded by a brilliant light that blinded those who looked upon it, turned those too close to shadows, poisoning men and land alike, their hair falling out.
>evil wind preceded by a brilliant light
dude solar winds/radiation. something fucked up our mag field big time. im betting on an asteroid.

Fucking hell I wish more Sumerian texts could be deciphered, one of the most prevalent ancient civilizations IMO.
>That areas like northern Russia and others show evidence of flash freezing, with animals counting warm weather flora in their stomachs - and being frozen upright.

Nope. No such evidence exists. In fact, you can trace this myth back from fringe nutjobs and creationists back to its original source, and it was just a paleontologist that found a mammoth carcass with have eaten plants still in its mouth. It had died suddenly, and then fallen in the mud, and frozen over the course of days. There was no flash freezing. No warm weather plants.

>we have tales of civilizations being swallowed by a flood.

Yes. Because if you lived 6,000 years ago, and the river flooded, it would seem as if the whole world had flooded. And it makes for a good story.

>we have theories of polar inversions vastly reshaping the planet

No we don't. Polar inversion involves the magnetic poles, not the true poles. You wouldn't notice a polar inversion unless you were looking at a compuass.

>Sumerians, hunter-gatherers

Sumerians were not hunter gatherers. They had a city, hence the name, and they farmed crops.


Sumerian texts go back to the 30th century B.C. That's 3,000 BC. Not 300,000.

>muh nuclear bombs

There's no such text.
I thought they already deciphered the cuneiforms?
seems to suggest that most religions and technologies following were derived from the sumerians?
there should be a 4chan plugin that removes posts with the words faggot and schizo
Ahhh for some reason I was under the impression that only some of the texts could be translated and the rest were too damaged and/or not following the same dialect.
The whole world did flood, although in a span of a few thousand years, and from 10,000 BC its not a far stretch to have civilizations then. Its probably what we sill experience in a few decades although we aren't all gods and stuff like they were back then.

It's hard to tell really. Their 'brilliant light' that was followed by an 'evil wind' that blinded those who looked upon it, turned those too close to shadow, poisoning people and the land? Causing people's hair to fall out?

It sounds rather familiar.

The problem is trying to separate out the myth from the supposed facts. The brilliant light is discussed in context of the people's fears of an argument by the gods, whoa re arguing over the use of some divine 'weapon' and other notes about the gods and their 'divine chariots' and such.

So either you go full sci-fi and decide the gods were really technically advanced, and used a nuke some something or someone, or, you keep it more down to earth. If you keep it down to earth you say the people saw some horrific event, likely fairly accurate in its description, and decided their 'gods' were responsible and reasoned out that the gods must have had some argument. If we're looking at it down to earth we have to separate out the human religious justification and think of natural events that could have caused such a thing during those time frames, as you put it it, "An asteroid" or, "solar winds/radiation" or something else else. Fucked with our planet regardless, or mag field, as you put it.


Very few people read cuneiform well, the best of them are a rarity. It's deciphered to the extent that the people that know how to read it, can read it, and have made volumes available - but those who read it are still a rarity. People do translate the information available, but there's tons of it. More than the tiny amount of people who can read it could do in their lifetime. A lot of it isn't even great stuff, Sumerians were huge on record keeping, so a lot of it is shipping and trade information.
Illuminati did it.
>only some of the texts could be translated
im really not sure, I was under the impression that they had a good grasp on translation, just not the phoenetics. I could be wrong.
>separate out the myth from the supposed facts
yeah, i know /x/ likes the alien gods thing, but even facts are just hypotheses.
that said, i like to imagine an asteroid hit that caused a slight wobble fucking up our mag field and we are still in the process of stablilizing, which explains the magnetic pole accelerating and moving around to this day towards equilibrium.
I have zero evidence for this btw.
>Nope. No such evidence exists.

The amount of things flash frozen, with warm weather flora in their stomachs, was not limited to a single find. They've found quite a lot, enough now with warm weather flora in their stomachs, and enough found upright (though not all) that it's rather hard to ignore this through any means other than just ignoring it. Which most seem happy to.

>Yes. Because if you lived 6,000 years ago, and the river flooded,

By a flood and capped by ice, consistently, across many cultures. Not their land, but another land.

>Hunter Gatherers

You seem to misunderstand. Sumerians did not appear out of thin air with cities. They built them up, the earliest records show them in a hunter gatherer period, eventually small settlements, and eventually evolving to the city building people we know.

>Go back to the 30th century B.C..

Their texts go back. The time frames they talk about within them are a very different thing. The point wasn't about the age of the texts, but noting that the texts talk about events in the past, prior to their civilization, sometimes as much as 300,000 years prior to their civilization.

>There is no such text

I don't believe I ever suggested a text that talked about nuclear bombs. I only spoke on a religious text of theirs, what we call their myths and legends, in which is described a brilliant light, followed by an evil wind, and so on - in context of the people trying to make sense of an argument or disagreement between their gods. It's quite an interesting read.

But no, there is no text that talks about a nuclear bomb, as you put it, not I.
>They've found quite a lot

No, they haven't. It's all a hundred year old game of telephone. They continue find mammoth carcasses, but they're all pretty rotted. No evidence of "flash freezing." All flora is just the same subarctic stuff.

>by a flood capped by ice

Nope. Not in any of the Mesopotamian/Biblical myths. Not in the mesoamerican myths. Not mentions of ice.

>the earliest records show them in a hunter gatherer period.

No. Because see, first they learned how to grow crops. Then they built villages. Then came together in a larger city. Then they invented their writing system, then they started keeping records. In fact, there's about a 1,000 year gap between when they became a city building civilization and when the earliest records go back.

>their texts describe events 300,000 years ago

No they don't.

>I wasn't suggesting nuclear bombs.

That's exactly what you were suggesting. Don't try to weasel out of it now. There's a famous lamentation text that mentions an Evil Wind, but it's clearly describing a sandstorm. Brilliant lights, permanent shadows, blindings, hair falling out, that's all shit that was made up and not in the text. If you didn't make that up personally, fine, but you should still feel bad for believing it.
Except that ur a eue... Ayylmao...
>No, they haven't

But they have, not even recently, for quite some time now. Evidence of such finds goes back to the time of black and white photography, and continues to this day in color and high resolutions.


In the actual texts of the past and in the speech of modern people who live today - both equally able to convey their content.

>No they don't

Yes, mythological text have quite a wide range of years they describe, into the hundreds of thousands. That's the most basic concept of their religion, 3600 deities lived amongst the people, but not the current people, long ago. It isn't even entirely clear if the location of the civilization was similar.

>That's exactly what you were

The texts say what they say. I described what this one said. You came to the conclusion of a nuclear bomb via the description all on your own. Now, you could say I paraphrased, and didn't quote it as translated exactly. That I did, because it's done in the old style almost sing song or poetry-like format. Every line written as if the writer were preaching it, shouting it out to a crowd.

Quite s dense read actually, hard to get through.
hows the wife
if i was a elite politician back then, i would be regarded as a living god, and in a few thousand years as a ayyy by the select gullibles on a telephathic medium where the whole world could tap into.
to explain away natural disasters i couldn't understand, i would concoct a story about gods punishing the masses then leave it on stone records that would resonate throughout time.
mind you i would also leave records that i would be reborn to return and explain it in more detail on said global medium.
Not very easily, polar orbit is hard to achieve so a lot of arctic and antarctic study has to be done first hand.

A couple of years ago the polar vortex over then northern hemisphere broke apart a slung extremely cold air over north america and siberia. This allowed the air over the north pole to warm and the northern jet stream flattened out. Now trade winds that cross mexico are diverted by the mountains and cuba north over the us.

Texas flooded twice in a year, the entire state! It's becoming tropical. Tornado alley moved from oklahoma to tennessee. The southeastern US floods over and over now. Central texas should be close to freezing and breezy this time of year. Yesterday it was 78F with wind gust strong enough to knock out power and night christmas eve and christmas day.

When you call your dad to wish him merry christmas and he's watching the transformer across the street burn in a 70 mph wind...I built a snowman in that yard every year as a child on christmas break. Nothing about the weather in texas in the same as it was five years ago.
Because Antarctica is the stump of a giant silicone tree. Also since the Earth is flat, scientists are finally getting around trying to figure out what is on the other side.
>tree made of silicone
i think the conspiracy you're thinking of is silicon trees, not silicone. they're completely different
I believe this also even if its not completely accurate

I believe there are actually elite immortals that have a utopia hidden away in Antarctica.

They create and destroy civilizations and species. They gave information telepathically to peoples of ancient civilizations like the mayans to help them learn and evolve. If the civilization becomes corrupt it is then destroyed.
I don't think nothing of importance has been lost or erased. Really anon that's a pic of a map showing Land that shouldn't be there, that they shouldn't know about, or have the skills to make for that time period. And it's a copy from an even older map that we no longer have access to...Nothing lost...Whole cultures, technology, most likely are history books are wrong. If only a little. And yet you say nothing important...Tell me anon, what would you consider important.
There are vedic texts anon...Quit being smug and so self assured about your opinion...Well actually other people opinions that you are choosing to espouse as facts. Cause some how primitive man didn't understand the river flooding. You do know they built dams and shit. So name a river big enough to flood, including cultures all over the planet. Combine that with the fact that we now know that ocean levels haven't risen and fell dramatically over time. You know primetive doesn't mean stupid. Do you really think that we today are some how more superior then people from the past. Because the same humans then are the same humans now.
And you seem to understand a lot about what people thought and didn't think 6000 years ago. You seem big on evidence I hope you have some for this anon. Or are you just talking out your ass.
If anon wishes to read up on Sumerian history, there is plenty of material available for him to research.

I recommend sticking to the peer reviewed material, instead of the crank stuff on youtube and Ancient Aleums.
remains of technology and knowledge from the annunakis are there , thats why the nazi had a base there and that the us army sended troops there after ww2
OMG! I know! He's like one of those nasty elites who reads books and knows stuff. What a fraud. Only big fakers know stuff like facts. Learning stuff is evil.
>I told you anon I give the order, are you stupid

>Do you really believe you are that superior. That's called delusional, they have meds for,


Both of those were in response to the same post.

So... don't feel so bad about the impending extinction of the human race, I guess? I dunno. I got nuthin.' Kinda just sitting here in awe of the stupid.
Funny I read books all the time, and those same peer reviewed ones too. You did read the read where that theoretical, and much supposition. Archeology is not a hard science. You can't really do an experiment and then repeat for every one to see. What you are putting out as fact is just an accepted story. Which is revised to some degree all the time as new information is interpreted. But to sit here and espouse that information to be the literal truth with no discrepancies. Like you or even some highly educated professor who has spent his whole life studying history. Does mean you understand or know the actual truth because you weren't there. In any given field there is no consensus, there are plenty of different and even conflicting theoretical view points. So don't sit here and tell me what happened 6000 years ago like it's science and we ignorant plebs should read a book. Condescending much anon!!!
Learn to think for yourself anon, you really think the powers that be aren't lying to you everyday.

i bet you believe when you sail far enough you fall into space XD
>Learn to think for yourself anon, you really think the powers that be aren't lying to you everyday.

Right back at ya. Skepticism is a good thing, but to try to twist conservative analyses and logical supposition into "talking out your ass" is just fodder for the idiots who think making up stories is the same as science.
Yeah skepticism is not a bad thing. Right back at me anon. Believe you were the telling the story though. I didn't hear any differing views or possibilities. It was mostly, do you even Sumerian. Like thats supposed to mean something. Pretty easy to understand our current record of the past doesn't quite add up to what we have found and the large amounts of data lost for whatever reason only leaves us guessing. And if they hiding or suppressing information then that would be a conspiracy. I am more interested in the questions then the answers anon. I have figured out already that I will not know for sure what has happened in the past, so any choice I make is only to add validity to what I want. Do you feel that anon.
Extinction, you wish weak minded anon...I vote for the zombie apocalypse everyday...Just cause I know I will outlive you anon...Like you could even extinction...So you just sit there and look pretty anon
>it's not a hard science
>you can't do an experiment

Dig in layers of earth greater than 6,000 years old. You won't find advanced technology.

There. An experiment that tests a hypothesis.

Maybe if you read more books you wouldn't make such stupid statements.
You read, idk anon I'm not convinced. What role playing and anime? And there have been objects dug up that seemed to be there for pretty good while and are strange. Dig up technology, this ain't no video game, isn't passed your bed time youngster...Your dismissed anon
And for that to be an experiment you would have to dig up the whole earth. So get cracking anon prove your hypothesis. I will be waiting here. Can you even control group anon
>there are a few strange archaeological anomalies that cause rationalists to scratch their heads
>rationalists respond by saying nothing weird ever happens ignore this
>conspiracy theorists respond by saying everything this fraud wrote in his book I found at the dollar store must be 100% true because there isn't a conclusive explanation for this one thing

and on and on and on it goes
Oh and define advanced technology for me...Like what we have today...Cause 100 years from now that might not be so advanced.. so seem fairly subjective...Maybe we have dug it up already and they just didn't let you in on it, or we have dug it up but don't see it for what it it. Like we could really understand a truly way more advanced then our own technology
Steel, guns, engines, steam power, electric power, math beyond basic arithmetic and geometry, this isn't complicated.


>And there have been objects dug up that seemed to be there for pretty good while and are strange.

Not really, no.
Nice simplification anon...It's a lot more complicated then that...You get back with me anon when you have pondered that for a while.
Damn anon your high tech sucks...That pretty low tech really IMO. Didn't the Chinese have half of that like 3000 years ago. Funny anon you probably find nuclear reactors as advanced too...When just a new way to heat water and make steam, that's really advanced stuff there steam and all. And you are right nothing strange ever gets dug up. You are trying to hard anon. Just anhero anon, you are worthless. Why are you still sitting there anon, you are dismissed.
>that's pretty low tech

Not in the context of 6,000 years ago.

>didn't the Chinese have half of that 3,000 years ago


>You probably think nuclear reactors are advanced

Indeed. You need modern metallurgy. Chemistry. Physics. Electrical engineering. Steam turbines. Advanced mathematics. Writing systems. Educational institutions. Not to mention the vast infrastructure to support all that.

>it's just heating water to make steam.

Bit of a difference between nuclear reactors and putting a pot on the boil. Are you only pretending to be stupid?
>Extinction, you wish weak minded anon

No. I really don't. You continue to make very strange assumptions.

>...I vote for the zombie apocalypse everyday...

But you do, apparently. You must not have anyone you care about to be so cavalier about the human condition.

>Just cause I know I will outlive you anon...Like you could even extinction...

Um. No one survives extinction. That's why it's called extinction. It's when a species goes extinct, i.e., is no longer extant, remains no longer, all dead, et cetera. Is English your second language? It would explain an awful lot if you just had no idea what you were saying.

>So you just sit there and look pretty anon

Do you hate me because I'm beautiful? Don't be jealous.
I didn't know you were around 6000 years ago to know what they were doing or not. Are you an immortal anon? If so I'm sure there is a thread for that somewhere. Writing systems, didn't they have those back in the day, guess not!. And you are there is a difference between how a reactor heats water versus a pan. But the outcome is still the same. Just making steam. I'm sure they couldn't do that back in day.as to the Chinese that was a really quick no...First written record found of gun powder was 142 AD during these Han dynasty. That's 2000 years just to a written record not it's invention anon. So there is proof right there of one of your choices for high tech in the remote past. So at least I have to pretend to be stupid anon, seems not an issue for you anon,
I will quote you anon
"Impending extinction of the human race"
Are you on drugs anon? And I said I would outlive you anon not the extinction event. It this to fast for you anon.
And you must have no one you care about, who is making assumptions now anon. I have children anon. And would go down fighting to keep them alive. I voted zombie apocalypse, not zombie extinction. Fucking moron...Hur de Hur
Get off my thread waste of space.
Damn im bumping that
And idk if I'm jealous of your looks anon. Send me a pic and I will tell you.
>I will quote you anon
>"Impending extinction of the human race"

Yes... And?

>Are you on drugs anon?

Nope. Are you?

>And I said I would outlive you anon not the extinction event. It this to fast for you anon.

Are you too fast for yourself? Cause you also said this:

>Like you could even extinction...

Do try to keep up with your own dreck, at least.

>And you must have no one you care about, who is making assumptions now anon.

You are, obviously. As you have been all along. Nice to see you finally agree on that at least.

>I have children anon. And would go down fighting to keep them alive. I voted zombie apocalypse, not zombie extinction. Fucking moron...Hur de Hur

You know, your children would have a better chance if you didn't have any need to fight at all. But color me unsurprised that the thought never occurred to you.

>Get off my thread waste of space.

You first, little boy.
same, but i feel like they've become more frequent lately.
So do you need more time to ponder anon
I don't want to read this whole shit thread. What is it about, Antarctica? Antarctica is big, and remote, and unexplored. I wouldn't be surprised if spoopy shit happened there, or if a lot of people say spoopy shit happens there because it can't be proven or disproven. I've never come across anything interesting about Antarctica in my investigations of spoopy shit. I don't care, maybe some day, but not now. Actual things are happening that affect people.
Shill much tard
Look again shill
It is a possibility
And pray tell anon what are those things you are talking about. And by the way if waiting for a time when actual things are not affecting people you might never have time for anything else.know what I mean anon.
You can try anon, come at me bro.
What planet do you live on, better off if I didn't have to fight. That is true, but to much of a liberal utopian belief. You have to fight here and I'm raising my kids accordingly.
I'm gonna bump this shit just. You got a problem with that. Then come at me bro
my favorite theory is that antartica is a never ending ice dimension that leads to other worlds entirely. We're just a puddle of unfrozen warmth in the center of an icy universe. Kek
Um illuminati did it
If /x/ ever utilizes Kek worship we can seriously meme the singularity into being- spiritual/Reality through direct use of meme magics. Honestly the only timeline I want in on, anyone w/ me?
a massive disinformation campaign designed to get everyone to scream at each other and not think about anything or listen to anything they don't want to hear, or investigate anything for themselves, while convincing them they are absolutely in the right and the other side is brainwashed, when in reality they both are, so all of their discussions and behavior can be conveniently manipulated, tracked, and controlled.
Actually have much agreement on that anon...Thank you for contributing.
Well it's solved then and we can all go home, thanks so much anon.
/x/ should come up with its own Kek. Kek has been politicized, /x/ is above that shit
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So what actually happened to him down there?
We don't know.
he's an 80 year old man in antarctica what do you think happened to him
An 80 year old man that runs marathons and went to the moon.
altitude sickness. The south pole is at 9,200 ft elevation.

You could have just googled it. Not like any of it is a secret.
If it was a secret. Could you still google it?
That you know of
A genuine American hero
>Tfw vid related
>Tfw maximum OVERSHILL!!!!!!
Yeah the shills don't seem to like me much anon... Over shill did like that though
stop spamming you retard
>Something very large discovered in the arctic with a massive gravitational pull
I see you can't read anon. Let me help you. I give the orders anon. So take your troll ass out of my thread. And get off my X. Is that simple enough for you anon.
This has my interest anon, have a source?
Yeah nothing on Google, except the usual stuff that's been there.
its a frozen over giant tree stump
It's under the cortex, allegedly a big chunk of Iron or something, that causes an anomaly in the earth magnetic field near Alaska.
74^49'39.04" S 162^48'19.63" E
Source anon. I tried Google with the terms and keep getting shit on Einstein's gravity wave theory...So source me anon.
I'm lazy today anon. Christmas is very tiring...Just source me...Or post a pic. Nice coordinates though anon.
Are possibly talking about the iron jet stream thing that's been in the news?
You are a tree stump shill. Go play somewhere else before we get real up in here. Fucking shills!
Preach it from the tree stump bro
It's the end of the shills welcome to Trump world
And spread the word bro. The shills are shit posting and up voting their posts in order to control the board. Spread the word!!!
Shilltards are to be identified and then eliminated.

Online gamers like to put down antartica as their place of residence when signing up for games they don't trust.
Not sure what to say or do with that anon. But I had not heard that before. So thanks for the new info bro
Not him but why did you get so buttmad then write a psych profile based off of one post
Idk anon. I didn't type that one. But it does seem dead on. So my question to you anon. Why do you care?
Is that a molecule under a microscope? What is it made of?
It's made up of the dead bodies of useless shills, offering useless information not usable by anyone anon
Does that make it clear for you shill
He went to the Antarctic pyramid and touched a black monolith. Things went south after that so he went back home.
It's cold and there's penguins
Why not get a trip so we can filter you?
You can try...Come at me bro
Wow that's an old one.
Wtf is this shit.. I almost had a stroke trying to understand what you're trying to say.
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Holy kek! Its funny because its true.
Damn so you didn't have a stroke. I will try harder next time shill. Like you can even understand shilltard.
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Do you even kek shilltard
I bet you are even samefag
Smells like a boy, does mommy and daddy know your on their puter...Get off my interwebs fucking child
Samefag is samefag
Try harder shilltard
What an idiot!
How can someone be so delusional and disconnected from reality? Help me bro, I don't understand this guy.
>Things went south
You make me giggle anon.
Not even.
Ice core dude just like, chill. There's no conspiracy here, people just think you're annoying. People are going to gang up on you when you spam endlessly.
Stop you are making me...Smile anon
Shilltards will shilltard.
Is that you again Hillary...Oh my ice core
Not even...
Not even what?
Not even making sense
Even for a shilltard you suck anon
Even that for me
Do you even read what you post? It's insane. I don't care about Antarctica, there's probably aliens there, but you, my friend, need to see a doctor. I think there's something wrong with you.
reported for double posting
Holy shit.. You're just acting like an idiot for lulz right? Surely?
So it's a gang now...But not a conspiracy.
Oh and don't gang up on me, might hurt my feelers.
For the record I give no shits what they do or don't do, feel or don't feel. It's the net. And this is Trump world and bullshit will be called. Do you get me anon?
So I say shill away, bring me your so called facts and superior then everybody else's intellect. So I can rip it out of your chest and show it to you. While it chokes on but we won the popular vote. Thanks for the help anon, but I got this. I will cover you and you report the sitrep back at HQ.
You replied to yourself. Cmon dude you can't be this stupid. Its not even funny anymore. I'm pretty sure you have aspergers or something...
Getting a tripcode since people are impersonating me
Oh shit anon, not that, please don't report me.
You are pathetic...You and everyone like you.
i am the real ice core...really
I'm glad you think anon.
Now learn I don't care what you.
But anon it's nice to get medical advise from someone not a doctor.
But hey you think anon.
You are the one who is pathetic for copying me...
Read much, aspergers was removed from the dsmv so it not a thing anymore...Try harder
I'm sure I go to doctor becase I am dumb in head.
You think anon
Restarting the trip wars anon.
I was in that war too...So come at me bro

And by the way I have trioxide for this and it's not that. But imitation is form of flattery, so thank you anon
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How do I creepy?
You just keep making yourself look like a yard.
Maybe you should read...

One of the most significant changes is that the separate diagnostic labels of Autistic Disorder, Asperger’s Disorder, and PDD-NOS will be replaced by one umbrella term “Autism Spectrum Disorder.”
Tard* autocorrect.
Seems correct aspergers is longer a term used it has been removed...So yeah that's what I said. What part didn't you understand shilltard
The only thing better then Lutz is the winrar.
Idk anon you tell me...Now run along I'm having some fun here
Oh but I am the yard shilltard
Maybe you should learn how to actually convey your meaning through text properly instead of just mashing your keyboard for every post and assuming people know what the fuck you're talking about.
So you're saying you don't have Aspergers, you have Autism Spectrum Disorder?
And why would I want to do that
It's your story shill tell it as you want
Oh I know the dude anon
And you anon are not the dude
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I'm not saying you have aspergers because its a 'thing'. I'm saying it because it seems like you have aspergers. Its not a joke dude, you're either 12 years old, or you have some form of autism.
Yeah. And my city is considered 'mountainous' so I would have to move either. Unlucky everywhere else in the U.K.
He wrote a shit ton on it and was shortly after mysteriously killed. As was his son.
I'm not the guy you're arguing with but if you think the South Pole is in the centre of Antarctica, you're an autist.
Shit I lost the game.
An epic troll is epic
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