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i know its probably a copycat, but starting a thread anyway.

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Thread replies: 19
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File: qz6sguybkfqx.gif (15KB, 571x577px) Image search: [Google]
15KB, 571x577px
i know its probably a copycat, but starting a thread anyway. Compiling what is known as far as I can tell in first few posts. If you know something else and are willing to share, please post

OP is original image. hex has this at the bottom:


I'm not sure the method used to get the passphrase, but its a vigenere cipher (source: http://archive.4plebs.org/x/thread/18217453/#q18217648) , and the passphrase is "epiph". 'SCQDU' with passphrase epiph yields 'ONION'

some suggested the rest is also encrypted, '24UIZ7WCVXGJ6KTP' with passcode 'EPIPHANY' gives '24qtr7hvvkif6vla'. I can't connect to either onion links.

File: 1476127149816.jpg (106KB, 1087x425px) Image search: [Google]
106KB, 1087x425px
I assume this is a photoshop work of one of the images on the .onion page.

(source: http://archive.4plebs.org/x/thread/18218465/#q18219533)

"IMAGE 01 > 330110.jpg
Its portrait of German philosopher Arthur Schopenhauer Born: February 22, 1788, Gdańsk, Poland Died: September 21, 1860, Frankfurt, Germany

On the BASIS OF MORALITY (Über die Grundlage der Moral) is one of Arthur Schopenhauer's two major works in ethics."
File: 1476127580558.jpg (74KB, 400x400px) Image search: [Google]
74KB, 400x400px
>correction, this is source: http://archive.4plebs.org/x/thread/18218465/#q18219533

This is the second image on the web page

(source: http://archive.4plebs.org/x/thread/18218465/#q18219544)

"IMAGE 02 > 3301.jpg

Magic square, all lines add to 175

If I am not wrong this chapter is on pages 164-175

Part III, Chapter V, or §16.
Section 16: Statement and Proof of the Only True Moral Incentive


Part III, Chapter V, or §16."
File: 1476127847114.png (13KB, 410x422px) Image search: [Google]
13KB, 410x422px
This is the third image on the .onion page.

(source: http://archive.4plebs.org/x/thread/18218465/#q18219550)

"LINK01 > QR code

Decrypted: https://www.youtube.com/results?sp=EgQQARgC&q=THE+ONLY+TRUE+______________%3F%3F%3F

It links to youtube search for: THE ONLY TRUE ______________???


when searched on youtube, you get this video, which I'm sure you've all seen: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kRUWjTjOaRg

(credit: http://archive.4plebs.org/x/thread/18218465/#q18219555)

the binary at the bottom of the description translates to this twitter profile: https://twitter.com/010120170000am

the QR code on the profile links to https://www.reddit.com/r/gifs/comments/56lqsp/xxx/

the reddit link takes you to this gif, the OP gif

https://i redd it/qz6sguybkfqx.gif
i don't know when this was posted, but it's not on the twitter anymore as far as I can tell

For now, all I can figure is that it's a reference to "The Pilgrim's Regression" by C.S. Lewis.


I have no guesses to what XV-XVII means though. None of the books in any of the ten books in The Pilgrim's Regression has a chapter 15.

Here's a link to a PDF download of all ten books, but it's a revised copy that compiles each one into one book I'm guessing. Maybe I need to go to the library and get some of these books if I can figure out what the numbers could mean.
anyway, after rechecking the translation of this image >>18356273 (he made a mistake I think)

the letters according to the Gematria Primus are:


the numbers are:

83 29 59 23 67 61 101 53 31 53
83 02 71 83 11 101 73 31 59 47
forgot PDF link:
http://www.fadedpage.com/link.php?file=20150649-a5.pdf it will download directly, just as a warning

continuing with the known

>post: http://archive.4plebs.org/x/thread/18218465/#q18219604

makes the point, "image is google cache of redditfag that was posting initial gif, he was posting that way before youtube video was uploaded

video was uploaded at (UTC) 21:15:32 2016-10-09
gif was posted on reddit at least on at least on 4th october
first tweet is from 29th august"

>post: http://archive.4plebs.org/x/thread/18218465/#q18219617


Caesarian Shift 23

Chapter 15, verse 17 of the bible(s) references furnace 15 times in each bible

there's only one use of the word furnace in C.S Lewis' The Pilgrim's Regress

"Then they set out on their journey and Vertue sang this song:
‘Thou only art alternative to God, oh, dark
And burning island among spirits, tenth hierarch,
Wormwood, immortal Satan, Ahriman, alone
Second to Him to whom no second else were known,
Being essential fire, sprung of His fire, but bound
Within the lightless furnace of thy Self, bricked round
To rage in the reverberated heat from seven
Containing walls: hence power thou hast to rival heaven.
Therefore, except the temperance of the eternal love
Only thy absolute lust is worth the thinking of.
All else is weak disguisings of the wishful heart,
All that seemed earth is Hell, or Heaven. God is: thou art:
The rest, illusion. How should man live save as glass
To let the white light without flame, the Father, pass
Unstained: or else—opaque, molten to thy desire,
Venus infernal starving in the strength of fire!’
‘Lord, open not too often my weak eyes to this.’"
one last bump and im off to bed

hope this thread doesn't die without at least some attempts.

on a last note, some of the tweets appear to be SHA-1

ive ran most of them through databases with no luck. I'm not entirely sure how salt works, so I'll pick up tomorrow. If this thread is dead, I probably wont make another unless i somehow make a discovery.

good night
irc.freenode.net/6667 [email protected]
assuming the channel name is #cicada?

this is a real faggy puzzle
the redundancy of the .onion link's qr code tells me this isn't the real cicada 3301

still, worth a look into I guess
>No pgp
>Not January
oh look another fake

Not probably, it is. Who the fuck would want to recruit people from x/ or look for "enlightened" people here?

Not even shills would want to come here where the level of seriousness and credibility is equal to the IQ of that faggot who wants to be immortal a couple threads above.

You're right, they would go to /g/

He may be dumb, but at least he dares to dream big.

You'll never achieve greatness or solve this puzzle with that attitude.
This made me laugh
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