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Original content and art thread

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 315
Thread images: 147

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Previous thread: >>18194894

Welcome to the /x/ Original Content thread. This thread is dedicated sharing all mediums of art that pertain to /x/. We want all sorts of artist to share their work to create an artistic community and a haven for new and original content. Please feel free to contribute! Just remember to keep it /x/ related.

Any material you have to contribute is accepted here, especially /x/-tan art. All requests are accepted as long as they pertain to /x/ and for the most part are SFW.

Keep in mind that while this place isn't intended to be a hugbox, constructive criticism is encouraged rather than simply stating that you think the art sucks. Instead, explain what you think is wrong and suggest ways that the artist can improve.
For starters, I think we could use some more OP images for these threads. Anyone up to it?
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I suppose there's no harm in re-posting my recent images from the previous thread.
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Go for it, helps keep the thread alive in the early stages.
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Artwork: Aleph Alpha 333
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Artwork by Aleph Alpha 333
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Picture and artwork: Aleph Alpha 333
holy shit, I drew the picture in the OP when I was like 17. I'm 21 now. I'm amazed it's been saved in someone's hard drive for so long.

I wonder how much of the OC I've produced is spread out in how many people's computers. What a time to be alive.
You're stuff is super cute. :3
Haha, I have some more of your stuff saved if you want me to post it. I'm pretty dedicated at collecting /x/ art.
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Wow didn't know such a thread existed here on /x/

I've been drawing more horror related stuff since the beginning of October. I even have a page where I post most of my /x/ related stuff at.
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please do, i probably wouldn't remember it myself
Wipe off the eye/mouth vomit and she's quite the cutie.

I have a soft spot for the Jersey Devil.


Great as usual, Keeper!

I'm happy that this thread is still alive, guys! The artists of /x/ are some of the coolest ones out there. Now, my own projects have been delayed due to some political fuckery (Most colleges around here are on strike and everyone is too busy with that to film side projects), but hopefully I'll have something new to show you guys soon!
Loving this!
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Still chipping away at this. Found some pics of a few paintings I will drop too.
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Eye ball study in acrylic.
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The fukushima facial aka Fukkaki
holy shit, that is really nice.
Maybe I'm just a pleb, but to me it actually looks on the level, where you could make money with this
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Thanks man, I appreciate the kind words.

Here's some under paintings.
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Gacy 33.
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Mef mouf
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Random cannibal portrait in acrylic.
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Leather in acrylic.
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The last things I have painted, a pair of pulp/noir style True Detective portraits in acrylic. The idea if/when I finish them is to make them look like an old school crime comic cover.
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I finished the rust but never got around to finishing Errol.
>like an old school crime comic cover
I can already see that. Good choice, I like that style

Well caught.

Do you draw often? What usually happens to your finished drawings?
Hey mate, all the monochromatic drawings on tanned paper are mine from previous threads.
I dont really do anything with them at the moment.

I get asked a fair bit to do commission work mainly tattoo flash but Id rather just make art for arts sake.
This and the rest of your work is pretty fuckin' sweet.
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Don't have much, but here you go.
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Tis the season~
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Armature here. Working on a body horror pixel game. Here's some concept I drew up this morning. Thoughts? Criticism? Improvements?
Practice, practice, practice.
Kek, thanks friend.

By chance, how long have you been drawing? I'm mostly curious, not trying to intimidate you or anything.

You have small signs of a drawing style, but it's held back by your current skill level. Still, you're visually expressing creative designs, so that's always a plus.

Improvement-wise, one suggestion I'd given is looking up different poses, even simple ones, and just try drawing what you see. Don't worry about trying to make it look exactly right, just explore different poses and angles to help loosen up the stiffness in your figures.

There's the atypical practice of drawing from life as well, but you need find time for that. I'd make that a passive goal if you're up for it.

My only other suggestion is this: ease yourself into drawing more complicated designs/poses/forms, and don't feel overwhelmed to get better too soon. I spent years getting to where I am now (still feel there's a shitton of room for improvement, too), but I enjoyed the steady pace of becoming a better drawer.

In any case, I'd like to see more of your work if you have any. I'm wondering what other examples you can share in order for me to get a better idea of your drawing skills and conceptual ideas.

Keep it up, fellow draftsman!
fuck i really like this one. it'd be a good painting if complete, yet i admire the simplicity of it.
Thanks for the input! This is really a first attempt for me. I want to become an indie developer and I'm just now starting to practice. I've been playing around in Photoshop with some pixel art as well. I have one or two more examples that I doodled yesterday, I'll post them a bit later, I'm at work right now. thanks for the advice!
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Maybe not 100% /x/ related, but mythology nonetheless.
I like it
hey this is cool
Thanks, not what I usualy draw so I'm glad you like it
Sure, because no two people can ever comment on a drawing. Retard.

That's pretty good for a first attempt! You definitely have a spark for creativity, so I wholeheartedly encourage you to keep on practicing and fueling your imagination. Imagination is vital to keeping up one's enthusiasm for improvement. It's the very foundation to why I continue to make wok myself.

Anywho, I look forward to seeing how you improve and seeing more of your work. Keep at it!

And you're quite welcomed.
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So this is different: some actual colored work. And in oil paint no less!

Actually, the only reason you're even seeing this is because 1) I'm enrolled in a Painting I class as a prerequisite for my BFA in Studio Art, and 2) it's was painted on a piece of Gesso'd paper that's smaller than legal letter sheet, lol.

In any case, this was a practice piece I put together in under 5 hours for a much larger landscape painting. Conceptually, I'm basing my landscape scene from my comic's fictional world, the Countryside. (Additionally, I cropped the edges so the asymmetric corners weren't visible. Again, just a practice piece.)

It was pretty awesome seeing my style in color (and in oil paint especially) for once. Gotta be honest, I missed traditionally coloring my work, and I haven't touched oil paints since high school. Sadly, the good oil paint brands can be very expensive, and there's few, reliable spaces at home where I could paint freely. Eh, something to keep in mind for the future though. I'll still have leftover oil paints after this course.
Wow, Keeper, that looks amazing. I hope to see more of these from you in the future.
Greetings from work.

Thank ya, anon! I'm glad you like it.

Honestly, though, it might be awhile before I upload another oil painting. I'll take a photo of my larger landscape painting once that's finished though.


Oh shit! Hey Eyes! I haven't seen you on (or haven't noticed) you in the OC threads for a long while. I hope you've been well, with life and all that.

Nice sketch btw. It's fun to just let go and draw on office paper now and then. It's kinda scary how less consequential I get when I draw on it, compared to drawing sketchpad or Bristol, lol.
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I havent been on. Too busy with new job and too busy being stuck up. I keep an eye on them once in a while though, so you might be able to summon me if ever necessary.
I was thinking about doing an /x/-artists guild to gather the ressources of /x/ related art creation, but that might be asking too much from people. Or would it might do the opposite and inspire to become better?
This is so cool *o*

The dog in the monsters mouth reminds me of my dog you have and interesting style there.

That must of taking a while, it's so good!

So textured and such and interesting use of colors!

Your art is so cute! :'D
you guys are so talented, my god

i've always wanted to draw stuff like this, but i was discouraged like hell when i was young (school mostly) and i convinced myself i could never do it properly. years later i found out i have an exceptional color sensibility, but every time i try to pick up a pencil and a book to learn the basics i feel like a dumb idiot and give up in a couple days. repeatedly throughout the years

i wonder, having this talent and having developed it to that level, how do you keep yourselves from drawing hundreds and hundreds of pages and comics and stories? hell, you have the ability to actually visualize & share what you imagine! i feel like i would go on a thousand-years long drawing spree if i ever got to this level

No worries, dude. I'm happy you're still lurking and keeping an eye on everyone. At the very least, you're showing some new stuff now, so I'm pleased to see that.

>I was thinking about doing an /x/-artists guild to gather the ressources of /x/ related art creation, but that might be asking too much from people. Or would it might do the opposite and inspire to become better?

An interesting idea you have there. I'm kinda tempted to participate in that, as far as being one of the recipients for you to gather material from. It's kinda fun to think someone make a catalog of /x/-related art, and some of mine could be included in it - as either a good example or example for critique.

Besides, you've critiqued my work before, so I wouldn't mind. Honestly, I don't get as much criticism these days due to my peers being used to my style and themes. So yeah, I wouldn't mind. (I can't promise you I won't feel that momentary heart pump when reading a judgmental critique though, lol!)


Thank you, anon! I actually plan to incorporate my recent mandala affinity into my next short film. Of course, I'll be sure to share it here once it's finished.

Interestingly, for me at least, a lot of it comes from not wanting to do more than I'm capable of in one sitting. Mind you, the whole "one sitting" is a day-by-day notion for me, lol.

For instance, my biggest artistic goal atm is to create an 8 to 10 issued comic. However, because of schooling and life in general (and, fuck me, laziness too,) I span out my creative endeavors. My current plan is to finish the second issue before my Spring semester, work on the third one during that semester, work on the fourth one the coming summer, and work on the fifth one in my next Fall semester. Effectively, between a year or so, I'm halfway through my goal.

It's all about knowing your limitations but also taking the opportunity to utilize your skills and ideas in a productive manner, but not in sucha way where you're overwhelming yourself with the workload. I'll be honest, I find doing art to be a very draining task if I spend too much time on it. You lose focus, get frustrated with little mistakes, and heighten your expectations to an unnecessary level. Otherwise, it is THE most self-satisfying and self-fulfilling thing I've done with my life thus far. (Maybe college too, lol.)

Now... that's my mindset. I actually go to college with my younger brother, and he specializes in digital art. His method is getting as much rest as possible so he can pull an all-nighter and assemble an animation before the next critique. It's a tad self-destructive (somewhat) as it promotes a lot of personal turmoil when creating the work. Haha, I usually don't like to talk about him since he browses 4chan too, so he might see this. (Yo dude.) However, he's more about trying new techniques and building a work around that. I tend to stick to a skill set I know so those time crunches aren't AS bad.

Idk... I've always been a cautious person, so I can only assume that reflects itself in my art-making ethics. I'd sooner take a stroll than break into a sprint, haha.
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You have no idea how hard it is to draw. At least, how hard you have to be on yourself to continue. For many, artistry is fueled by the never-ending cycle of harsh self-criticism, perfectionism and the dawning realization that its never good enough. It strains the person immensely.

I would love to critique you all the way into you actually improving. I have mentored an artist before, and the work turned out better than mine in regards of time, effort, anatomy and everything. The artist in question stopped drawing and started writing instead, and i am helping with artwork for the stories. Collaborations are the most fun and i would love to collaborate on pieces.

In regards for the guild, anyone can join and anyone can contribute, it would broaden everyones horizont, too, strenghten bonds and help create an actual community here.
For the life of me I have not idea why I'm sharing these, but all well. Took some snapshots of my silly past 3D works and my "work station."

Feels like this is borderline blogging, so I won't mind if these are flagged as off-topic.

Oh yeah, random Knuckles figurine, sugar skull light, and deer bone included too.
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In a way, it's like an act of humility in showing these, lol.
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The 'studio' of a master. A fucking master.

>For many, artistry is fueled by the never-ending cycle of harsh self-criticism, perfectionism and the dawning realization that its never good enough. It strains the person immensely.

God, it's so true it hurts.

>I would love to critique you all the way into you actually improving.

Sounds like a deal then! ! I won't mind if you throw a random critique here and there. Like sneaking up behind me with a stern suggestion, lol. I still aim to buy that anatomy book you mentioned last summer. Got a birthday coming up in November, so I wanted to stock up on some new art supplies.

>In regards for the guild, anyone can join and anyone can contribute, it would broaden everyones horizont, too, strenghten bonds and help create an actual community here.

I'm on board for the most part. Feel free to keep me, and anyone else interested, posted on how that should work.
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Dear Keeper,

I imagine a few things need to be in order to be able to create a community. Everyone needs an iconic identity, either by artistry or by name. Creating icon characters to represent ourselves would be a great way of including each other in our works if that ever needed to arise. Bonding wise.

By looking at your setup, i can see that its quite stagnant, have you lost a spark? Its okay doing the same things we are used to, in my mask the pose and masks, but branching out is key. Fuck it if it doesnt look good when trying new mediums. With your style i would suggest you buy some cheap charcoal and experiment with it. Charcoal + brush does wonders to a canvas of any kind, works on normal paper too. Water colors are fun too, to upset the status quo of the stagnant experience.
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Welp, that's a new image saved!

>Everyone needs an iconic identity, either by artistry or by name. Creating icon characters to represent ourselves would be a great way of including each other in our works if that ever needed to arise. Bonding wise.

Haha, I love that idea. I'll have to work one out when I have the chance. Lucifer is kinda like my artistic identity since I draw him the most, but I think it'd be better to separate the character from the person if it's just a single identity.

>By looking at your setup, i can see that its quite stagnant, have you lost a spark?

Hm... I wouldn't say I've "lost a spark." More like displaced. Because I'm having to make new works in only a couple weeks and juggle media I haven't touched in a long while, my workplace looks rather careless and ignored. Like I'm just shoving stuff around. Which is kinda true, lol. I aim to work on the first page of my second issue tonight, though, as the photo shows.

>With your style i would suggest you buy some cheap charcoal and experiment with it. Charcoal + brush does wonders to a canvas of any kind, works on normal paper too. Water colors are fun too, to upset the status quo of the stagnant experience.

These are good suggestions, Eyes. I have some charcoal at home, just gotta dig it up and spent some time with it. If anything, I'll keep that and the watercolor one in mind (Watercolor looks good on ink.) when I'm less swamped in college work. The winter break would be an awesome time to use new media. I'll be fiddling around with my rapidograph pens once I get a hold of those, so I can tack on some additional media too!
I suggest, if you must, you save this one instead.

Done and done. Thanks.
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Lovely work,Keeper!The color really manages to set up a nice mood to the scenery.I really suck when it comes to colors so that's why I use a more monochrome palette when it comes to coloring my inks.

Welcome back,mate

Well when you draw you gotta know why do you do it in the first place.Do you seek to create something or do you do it for personal enjoyment.Any of these can keep you motivated to go on and create a lot of pieces.For me it's a combination of the fact that I simply enjoy art and anything related to it like comics and animation and I have this universe of characters and settings that I keep on expanding and expanding,hoping one day to be able to turn it into something.Of course I don't draw non-stop every day,we all have those moments when you burn out and need to take a break from drawing for a while and lets not to mention that there is also this >>18272402

"You have no idea how hard it is to draw. At least, how hard you have to be on yourself to continue. For many, artistry is fueled by the never-ending cycle of harsh self-criticism, perfectionism and the dawning realization that its never good enough. It strains the person immensely."

Anyway here's more stuff I managed to do during my inktober spree
Can you fucking stop posting random ass youtube videos in threads where they don't belong?
Cordyceps strikes again!
Check the painting then
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I drew up another weird mandala. Plan to use this one with an assortment of others for my next short film, too.
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Bumping with more

Many thanks, Sheep! I used to be a color maniac back in high school, so I suppose I still have a knack for it.

Coincidentally, my painting professor had a good chuckle about how it looked exactly like one of my comics.Not a bad one, lol. It seems like my style transcends all 2D media, haha.

I thought about getting some Copic markers for Christmas and utilizing those with my inks. They apparently blend really well and apply easily to inked surfaces without overtaking the ink itself. A shame they cost an arm and a leg for a big pack, lol.

I'm lovin' your Inktober images btw. The mushroom fella's wrinkles are wonderful to look at and how the folds twist and turn on its face. Additionally, your screamers and Xenomorph-fanatic here >>18273290 have a nice visual flow with how they take up the negative space. For some reason, your composition's framing also reminds me of the Modernist painter Francis Bacon. (He's been a recent influence on my work. I love his obsession for mouths.)
Looks great, maybe even better than the first two.
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Great thread guys seriously I dig all this art :0 I have a lil doodle here but I really need to get back into drawing would love to post more if I get the courage do more!
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I found something I drew years ago in a backed up harddrive, so I might as well share it here. Loving the new artists, great job, guys!

Holy shit Keeper! Please never stop posting, lol. These are awesome.
Kinda neat, but try not to make it so fuckhuge.
I would totally buy this as a print.
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Thug life.gif
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does this count?

Aw shucks, anon. Thank ya.


Jack-o-hivemind right here.

>Holy shit Keeper! Please never stop posting, lol. These are awesome.

Oh, I hope you don't mean the image in my most recent post. That's actually an example of Francis Bacon's work. I just wanted to give Sheep a visual comparison. However, I'll assume it's for the rest of the stuff I've post that is mine, wherein I say, "I'll keep posting till I die!"


I'm see a black void, body horror, and some Ringo-inspired hairstyling, so yes!

(Eastside, y'all!)
Love the second one, and the first one is not without its charms.
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to The Thread.jpg
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Posting from another thread I started, >>18275445
my first one. Feel free to suggest ideas, etc.
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organ octopus.jpg
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You've got some nifty stuff, anon. I'll be sure to contribute to your thread as thanks for sharing your work here.
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Made another mandala design for my short film. I think I'll have a total of 3-4 at this point. Which means a lot more drawing/ink for the animation components, lol. I'm planning to focus on side characters this time; should be fun!
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Landscape Render - Countryside.jpg
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Additionally, I thought I'd share my progress on my landscape oil painting. It's just a white and brown render atm, but it gives a vague idea of what'll be in the composition.

For the record, the room in the photo is the painting studio at my university.
Does sci-fi/paranormal/comedy count? I have a blog that has excerpts from a book I'm writing but I don't know if its relevant enough.

Well, I've drawn comedic spookiness before, and /x/ is mostly known for aliens and ghosts, so I don't see why not.

It seems like prose/poetry isn't taken as well as the visual art is in these threads, but I feel that discourages another group of creators from getting involved in the OC threads. I feel that should change.

Sp... post away, I say!
Not a lot of context either but:


Not much there so far as I'm pretty busy with other projects.

Pretty good! I love how the observational coldness of your writing provides a nice sense of dry humor. And no worries, I know how bad it can be to be wrapped up in busy work.
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here's something old that I feel fits the creepy vibe of this board
Ummm hi I decided to give this a shot again.
Much appreciated.

There's actually a backstory detailing what exactly is going on that is written out, but I'm going to keep that for the eventual ebook.
Hi again. We've missed you.
Aww, it's got an evil little Companion Cube.
Coming along nicely there.
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This is my first post on /x/
Better than most first posts by far. But it could use a bit more shading or color.
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Here is a Grimoire Demon.
A cute.
Done on construction paper?
Anyone have that picture of the demon that's like.. Derp derpp
Gotta practice, anyone got any requests?
damn dude, this is great
how do you do your coloring? I royally suck at digital painting and stick to block colors and outlines, but i're really wanted to start doing what you do
goddamn I love these threads. so many talented people on /x/
keep up the good work!!
Spooky skellington
Seconded, I want to know.
A robotic Cthulhu.
Heres something I did recently
An Aberration Heathen.

I have to censor some other pictures I've done recently in order to post them.
if you send a text to WITCH a demon answers
Does her tattoo say heathen?
Yes, which was likely very pleasurable for the Heathen to get.
Heathens are a conjuration which derive pleasure from pretty much any stimuli and are always aroused, there are Aberration Heathens, which are conjured and Undead Heathens which are raised from a corpse. Heathens come in all shapes and sizes, but all have one goal, to give and receive as much physical pleasure as possible, whether it be through sex, food, abuse, or killing.
Though Heathens have to be either Conjured or Raised, Heathens can be released, or escape their masters, either being misplaced, breaking out, or if their master dies without unconjuring them, they can all become free. Most Heathens are infertile and how long they live varies based on the power of their conjurer or necromancer, though undead Heathens more often then not are ageless like most undead. Fertile Heathens are unique breed and are usually able to be fertilized by whatever species was used in their design, if a human was in mind, that means humans, elves and halflings are all going to be able to produce offspring with said heathen, but the offspring will always be another heathen, even if a Male Heathen impregnates a female conjurer.
Free Heathens are considered dangerous as they are insatiable and are barely sentient and very persistent in getting what they want, packs of heathens often have orgies in places where they roam and seduce people to participate in their hedonistic masses... but different Heathens were designed to derive pleasure from different things, so you may find yourself victim to a heathen who derives pleasure from tearing the flesh of bone, or consuming the flesh of their partners... all while other, more docile Heathens simply watch, as Heathens only care about themselves and others of their kind.
It is illegal to conjure, raise, or own a Heathen, as they are magical beings... sorry for going into a ramble.
>sorry for going into a ramble

It's cool, your descriptions show you put a lot of thought into your characters rather than just random doodles.
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I just fuck around for hours on paint tool Sai

Usually I start with a greyish background and visualize what I want to draw, then fill out that image in my head in solid black. Then I'll paint whatever colors on top of the black, messing around with reds greens yellowish/greenish greys and blues for shadows. I think the biggest hurdle to overcome is realizing that everything is a combination of colors- no shadows are actually black and no highlight is purely white... a brown person has all sorts of reds and greens and yellows that make up the highlights and shadows of their skin and so on.

I used to go to museums often and take a long time to study random paintings that stood out to me. I'd try to think about all the colors the artist used to represent what he was actually trying to portray.

I'm honestly ass at explaining but I guess a TLDR is try to learn as much about color theory as you can, consume/look at as much art as you can an experiment until you get a result you like.

Also I don't do lineart and paint all in the same layer without stuff like multiply or whatever. I'm a noob @ photoshop lol
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someone draw a war between clowns and zombies

zombies are weak against key lime pie because acid
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tell me if youd like to see more
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fuck it ill dump the rest
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dont know why its rotating my photos
ill take requests too, these are all from highschool ~7yrs ago
reminds me of OFF
anyway, i'm down to make some quick doodle requests tonight if anyone is interested. I'm rusty and need some practice drawing spoopy things for halloween :^)
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Golems can be made of a whole number of things, sometimes scrap metal can be pieced together into a body and given life by magical means. Though these beings look like robots, they aren't actually functioning and it is mostly an illusion as magic is truly what makes them run and makes them move. Junkbot Golems are very loosely held together by magic and are low level scrap golems. Usually the Junkbot classification is given to them if their parts aren't mechanically sound or even attached together. Junk golems, like all others, vary when it comes to power and intelligence, based on how powerful the caster is, it is a popular Golem because the material is cheap to acquire and they are very durable.
Junk Golems can be accidentally created by magical feedback, magical anomalies, and magic wells that effect piles of scrap metal and junk... though often these piles remain writhing mass with little ability to move, some are able to piece basic limbs for locomotion or attacking. Anomalous Golems are very rarely intelligent and often are just raging beasts.
Geists can even facilitate the creation of a Golem by providing enough magical energy for the creation of a rudimentary consciousness, or by possessing the material and becoming the Golem. Golems created from Geists are particularly dangerous as once the Golem body is destroyed, one still needs to contest with the Geist itself or else the Geist will simply create and possess a new body.
Junkbot Golems are illegal as are all Golems, and when found they are usually destroyed on sight. In 2016, the Junk Golem "Auggie the Drifter" was finally captured by TPS in Toronto Canada after a 6 month manhunt and promptly dismantled. The fight resulted in 7 officers being killed after Auggie perceived them as a threat and proceeded to tear them apart with his claws. 5 other officers were injured when Auggie began firing one of the officer's shotgun. Auggie's body was recovered, however pieces of him were later stolen during transport
Draw this guy's request. >>18285449

I too wish to see clowns dissolving zombies with acid pies. Or distracting them with brain pies.
Requesting a person transforming into a monster or animal.
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It's a sketch of a Draper painting, I forgot which one
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When creatures are so mutated or divergent or don't seem to have a particular species or known methods of natural coming to be, they are labeled abominations. Two main types of abominations exist, Aberration Abominations and Undead Abominations. Aberration Abominations are typically conjured by a caster, though there have been some found to have been created by cursed ground, magical contamination, magical radiation and magical feedback, and can come in a whole host of twisted forms. Anything that doesn't fall under a known phenotype or template of conjuration is typically labeled an abomination usually for simplicity's sake.
Conjurers use abominations as minions, usually specialized for certain tasks, or for combat, rarely even companionship, though most abominations are insentient unless the conjurer is particularly skilled. Abominations typically listen to the commands of a master with almost no defiance (however more intelligent abominations can have self preservation instinct, some strong enough to override their need to listen to their master.)
Abominations are illegal to create and to own, and are typically destroyed on sight, though there has been a few incidences in which abominations have blended in with society so well due to their owners being very skilled conjurers, that even once discovered to be abominations, they were pardoned and allowed to live as humans. One notable pardon was given to the Abomination Annie Kraigen, an Abomination that was summoned by an Orcish conjurer for a man whom wanted the perfect wife. Annie was going to be executed when her story hit national news, President Clinton pardoned the Abomination on the grounds that she was in fact so human, that the only thing that differentiated her from humans was her appearance, as she had blueish grey skin, only one completely white eye, two mismatched arms (one being long with three clawed fingers, the other human) Legs that while human, her feet ended in permanently grafted high heels.
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This and this >>18286776 are concept sketches for a survival horror game based on the Elisa Lam story.
What's the story of Elisa Lam?
pls no

Some girl that died under **mysterious** circumstances that /x/ won't shut the fuck up about. Google.
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Haha fuck man such a cool idea, if I didnt have 50+ half finished projects Id be all over that. Here's something with Zombies though.

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I requested this in a different drawthread a while back. Thought it would be fitting to post it today.
These are great.
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Hey everyone! Just like to mention that, despite the college strikes, I've basically finished the Dagon puppet. Made a wire skeleton, fed him some cotton and finalized some details! Now I think I just need to paint the spines and he's all done. Sadly, I'm unsure as to whether or not the short will actually enter production this year. Damned Brazilian public education. Anyway, here's a picture of our old pal Dagon, already in Black and White to show how he'll look in the finished project.

Also, glad you're back, Bawble!
Started and discarded. Acrylic and pencil on canvas. Changing Deer Maiden, but the title of it is 5 Point.
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Conjuring acrylic
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Fuck me, my back is killing me. One of my folks had to go the hospital tonight (nothing too serious; they're okay.) So... I had an abundant amount of time to work on my painting. Suffice to say, it's coming along relatively well, but I kinda overworked a few sections. Hopefully, I can remedy this dilemma either tomorrow or Thursday. Anywho, here's an update photo!
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Posted this on /out but I guess it's semi relevant here too. Made some cave paintings with blood and they turned out pretty okay imo. Would like opinions
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My attempt at doing the yellow sign. It's surpisingly hard to paint with blood as it tends to drip and smear very easily
Looks very lovecrafty I like it!
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Entrance to the cave
what the fuck? did you use pig's blood or something?
Cows blood actually. I also decorated a way to the cave from the forests entrance with candels.
breaking news, satanists burn down forest during insane ritual
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I drew this a couple years ago, I think it was 2 years almost. I hear voices and stuff now, criticizing or insulting me. I hope it gets worse.
Nah it's november and everything is pretty wet, I live in Finland. Got a video from inside the cave that I think /x would find pretty interesting tho. It has some weird interference going on

>t. serial killer
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I think I made this one after trying to kill myself and failing. Some people have said it looks hopeful. Most people who've seen these paintings stopped talking to me pretty much right away.
The art style is a bit crude perhaps but I think it fits nicely. I really like how much of emotional response these get from me solid work mate
I just finished this one a couple weeks ago, it was supposed to be a "re-do" of the last one. It's the first and only painting I've made since the one I did after trying to an hero.

Im not sure what it represents. I think the blood flowing from the heart and tainting the lake represents the way we poison our own soul with negativity, and the blood flowing from the neck and into the air represents how our negativity invades the lives of others. The gestures of the hands represent acknowledgment of this phenomena and its inability to stem the flow of the wounded heart. The cloak I guess is an attempt to shield this weakness from strong, beautiful and immobile things (the mountains). I could be wrong.
>would you mind sharing what kind of feelings you get from which parts of the paintings?

when I did the first two I was going through a sort of mental breakdown. My life has been so confusing and wretched, and I poured my soul into them. I didn't think about where my pen or brush might end up, I just went at it.

[spoiler]I discovered my "dad" raped my mother to force her to stay with him, threatening to kill her, me and himself if she left. He was afraid of dying alone and wanted a fucktoy until he died. I read his journal once and it seemed almost psychopathic, he seemed to regard my mother as a coveted prize or piece of property rather than something truly loved. I was abused and neglected throughout childhood, was a victim of gang violence at my school (apparently assaulting helpless children is an important part of showing your manliness as a gangster) and got beaten up by 4-5 people daily. Administration did nothing and even supported the people who assaulted me for "standing up to racism", they could get away with it by claiming I called them a nigger. When I got home my dad would beat me up again, my mother wouldn't look at me or even hold me. Most nights I didn't eat. We were poor. I don't trust people, my father's twisted mentality prevented me from becoming independent nor allowing me to be dependent of others. It was so confusing and terrifying. Before I made these paintings, my mother told me she should've killed herself while I was in utero because clearly both of us have only suffered. It was like being shot in the heart when she told me that.[/spoiler]
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Man that sounds terrible. Sorry for you, hope things get better

This one reminds me a bit of the paintings of Salvador Dali, but, the atmoshpere is completely different. The center of the foreground seems alive and orderly, especially with the pillars there. But as the scenery extends to the back and sides, the feeling of chaos and evil come deeper. And the laughing face at the back of it all is straight up terrifying. I feel as it is laughing at me telling "I did this, and you can't do anything to prevent its spread" All in all this painting represents nightmare very vividly to me¨

Can you tell me why don't you paint anymore?

Pic of my "altar" in middle of construction
I'm not sure about the smoke coming from the neck, but the black liquid (blood?) coming from the chest feels like impurity flowing out and the inner self rising, leaving it behind. For me this does indeed feel a bit hopeful. As for the background, holes in the wall of a hill/mountain make me genuinely terrified, because of a horror manga I read called "The Enigma of Amigara Fault". I like how the color theme gradually changes with elevation giving it a feeling of filth and disorder accumulating from the bottom up
I really like this thread
I've just been to depressed and distracted to focus on them anymore. My art's always been weird I guess and shows parts of me that even I am not aware of at first. I want to do more but there's no drive or bounty of energy that used to bring about these things.

I used to ride my bicycle all over my city and ramble around on century-old streets and wander around old abandoned areas and think about the massive booms of industry that helped spawn the town I grew up in. Something about being outside among trees older than I was and thinking of history and the past kind of brought life to me when boring modern places like my work or the grocery store would give me a strange anxiety. I probably just don't get out enough anymore.
also learn how to make more geometrically accurate pentagrams, anon. I think demons and spirits are probably huge nerds and measure all the angles and shit to check if they're remotely worthy enough of their spectral wisdom or power
Well, as I said it was under construction. But I've always felt that feeling and passion of making was more important than some degree variation. However, sloppy work does seems like a disrespect to me

What comes modern vs old, I totally agree. I feel especially modern architecture has sacrificed so much for functionality and the postmodern, so much for globalism. Cities have begun to lose their souls and instead of embracing the nature around them, they exclude it. I'm fortunate to live in a city that is filled with little forests. The cave where the photos are is actually located near trenches made for WWII or during our civil war
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More what?
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Very nice work on both of these.
reminds me of skeleton jelly.
>I live in Finland

Finland doesn't exist. Nice try, shill
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thanks! It doesn't kinda look like skeleton jelly haha

Made me google "Finland doesn't exist" I haven't laughed this hard in ages, thanks mate.
All my life I thought that I live in Finland. So if it doesn't exist, where are we? In russia? Sweden? :)

No wonder I do not see Finnish team anywhere when I watch Football...
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Please excuse potato camera
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I see this often in my dreams. It haunts me. Can anyone identify?
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love it!
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Pretty fucking sick. I love hand drawn items
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Sorry for the shitty quality...
I really enjoy these

I hope I stumble across more of these in a different part of the internet one of these days. hope they get big
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something from a bit ago
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something more recent for a friend
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I like the was you draw the grass and plants a whole lot, has a psychedelic vibe
wow this is so weird, i like it. some of the creatures are pretty annoying
psychedelic, really? never seen it that way, thanks!
from your art, it looks like you play dark souls
your stuff is really neat and interesting. it forces the observer to look at every minute detail, kind of like how a hunter has to observe his surroundings.

do you have a webpage or anything?
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Initial Daisy is a flesh golem, built from the pieces of a few dug up cadavers, a brain from a teenaged girl whos body was stolen from a morgue, a magical gauntlet from another dimension, and various computer, digital camera, and cellphone parts.
Who created her is unknown, why she was created is also unknown and who keeps repairing her is unknown. She wanders California mostly, evading capture since she was first discovered in February of 2013. She was discovered by a man in [Redacted] California, he contacted police and gave a description of her, though he suspected her of being a Zombie. Police reports claim that she was only seen briefly speeding along a sidewalk, an officer shot at her striking her in the shoulder causing her to stumble. Once she regained her footing, she was pursued all the way to [Redacted] California where officers lost track of her.
The next sighting of her was in [Redacted] California, at a local [Redacted]. She ordered a large double cheese burger and fries with a large Coke a Cola. The clerk who took her order commented that she smelled like motor oil, bacon, and perfume... she also talked with a horrible slur due to her facial deformities and damage. When police arrived she busted through a window and sped off. She was pursued by officers through [Redacted] California. She was soon lost however police continued to patrol the area for her, questioning several people who claimed to have seen her. Finally Officer Gregory [Redacted] cornered her in an alleyway off of [Redacted].
It is thought officer [Redacted] fired three rounds, two striking the subject before she sped toward him and proceeded to bash his head in with her metallic hand... she then proceeded to tear open his ribcage and proceeded to tear out his Right lung, his heart, and his Liver. Why she then proceeded to remove his pants is uknown. Sightings of this fugitive Golem continue to this day.
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Would have posted this earlier, but had to get to classes.
It's a thing
And another thing

thanks, you can find me on tumblr and instagram


I dont play Dark Souls, but I have played a lot of mmorpgs
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forgot the pic~
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Even using filters can't disguise your stupid spam.
My favorite of the bunch.
bump a rum

that no pickle-pee!
I like this. What's the thing in front of the Yeti?
How did you do the colors?
Ft. Jee-Zus

i love those 3
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Hey everyone!

Apologies for the silence as of late. I've been very busy with my studio classes, particularly painting. The good news is I finished my landscape painting for next week's critique. It came out pretty well, especially when my painting's tones started to shift into just midtones. (Not to say there's probably some tonality issues still there...) Anywho, here's a smartphone photo that poorly represents my 15+ hours of work!
This is a piece I put together a while back.

Also, that guild idea from before would be rad! I would love some mutual critiques and shit.
Looks kinda like the aliens from They Live. It's the eyes.
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Haven't posted a comic strip in a long time, so here's a new one for you lovely people! It's Lucifer getting stabbed through the chest by some asshole named Floyd. Some might remember him from his terrible haircut.
Nice to see you're keeping at it.
What would happen if she met a Junkbot Golem?

Yep! I'm still in the spirit to make 'em!

It's a slow burn during the semester though. I recently started drawing the pages for my next major comic but finding time on the weekend/weekdays can be pretty rough. Still, I'm hoping to have all 20 pages readied for inking for this winter break.
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The way you draw your backgrounds, especially with the repetitious grasslands, really makes me think of the art style of SuperJail! and Ugly Americans. Mostly SuperJail however, given the almost child-like simplicity of your environments and figures, but the subject matter clashes with it in sucha way that I'm engrossed by the polarity. It's amazing how you can take simple designs and construct such an elaborate setting from them.

It must take a lot of time to achieve that level of visual density though, even despite the simplistic shapes. How long does it take you to render out parts, like the grass?
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Already posted some stuff previously but heres something im drawing atm.
Love just freehanding monsters but i will use a pencil sometimes for centain parts im not sure on.
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>Love just freehanding monsters

It's definitely a treat when you can just throw caution into the wind and draft up some random abomination.

Speaking of which, your veiny-melty-faced monstrosity reminds me of this lanky-twisted-decrepit freak I made a month ago.
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a while ago
I love Superjail, and the intro scene with those weird environments its something that calls my atention a lot.

I dont aim to have that cartoon style, however; I prefer artists like Mat Brinkman (skelleton jelly) which i first saw here years ago and it blowed my mind.

I dont remember how much it took to draw those, but It could range between 1 and 3 days, drawing more than 5h each day.

Sorry for my english and thanks!
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SuperJail was a fantastic ride for the few seasons it got, and I'm not surprised you can see the comparison between it and your work. You're quite right though: Mat Brinkman's style has a stronger comparison to your visuals, particularly with the creature designs. On that note, I loved his Skelleton Jelly short. Even looking through his ink drawings, I'm amazed by how much visual density he can pack into a single form. It's hyping me up for when I get my Rotring isographs later this month.

1 to 3 days seems appropriate, especially if you're working 5 hours per day. I tend to work for 2 days on a single ink drawing from 1 to 3 hours: drawing it the first day, and inking it the second day. My style is pretty expedient though, so I tend to be brisk about my process. It helps though, since I use this method to pump out drawings for my art classes.

I admire the dedication you both have, I've never been one to put so many hours into something. The most I've done was 4 days of near constant work on something 60"x40".

This (>>18306243) is the kind of stuff I pump out. 30 minutes or so, and the lack of polish shows but I just lack the patience.

For me, a lot of it comes from drawing a certain design or character for long enough so the act of drawing them doesn't take as long. I intentionally try to design characters that aren't too detailed but still are visually unique and differ from the other. You'll notice, though, I include a lot of veins and tatters on my figures. It's a rather frequent visual in most of my creatures, to which I think is a trick to speed up my drawing process, lol.

I ain't no patient saint though: I've rushed through a few ink drawings these past months when it came reaching deadlines to art projects. Personally, I hate rushing through my work, since the act of drawing it is often more fun than the finished product for me.

Also, you might belittle your image here >>18306243 but I still see effort put into it, such the fur pattern and the shading on the hand. I think free time is very difficult to come by for anyone, but I've found dedicating some spare time for when you KNOW you'll have it helps to just work on a bigger piece in short bursts instead in one very long session. For example, I wanted to draw 3 pages to my second comic, but I'll have to push that to next weekend when I'm done working on my current short film.
Your stuff has more of a sketched vibe to it. I haven't been in one of these threads before, so from what I can see in this one is what I'm going on. I was thinking of death metal band name logos while viewing.

I don't tend to do repeat characters, though I could see how training up the muscle memory for one would be beneficial to reducing time spent on a drawing.

Much of what I draw now doesn't rely on any outright effort, so much as just letting my hand do what comes naturally from my eye (internal or external). Thank you for noticing the fur, though, the technique was fun to learn and it is one I've tried to improve.

One thing I've noticed is that if I look at something for too long I'm more likely to throw it away because I end up hating it. Do you ever experience that?

>Your stuff has more of a sketched vibe to it.

You're pretty on the ball with that one. Probably 75% of what I post in the OC threads is from my sketchpad, lol. It's a very handy tool for an illustrator though. I've come to value it more than I did two years ago.

>I don't tend to do repeat characters, though I could see how training up the muscle memory for one would be beneficial to reducing time spent on a drawing.

I mostly do repeat characters because most of my drawing is for a comic series nowadays. Just about all of my drawings lend themselves to helping me memorize a certain character design. Sadly, I'm still pretty rusty at it, lol. That is, consistent character designs.

>Thank you for noticing the fur, though, the technique was fun to learn and it is one I've tried to improve.

No problem. I enjoy drawing fur myself, but I'm still grasping a proper way to draw it in sucha way it doesn't look flat.

>One thing I've noticed is that if I look at something for too long I'm more likely to throw it away because I end up hating it. Do you ever experience that?

More times than I care to think. It's usually because of my ink drawing not looking as pristine as my pencil under-drawing, but it doesn't stop me from finishing the image. I've learn that using your self-criticism for larger visual errors is more beneficial than with the smaller ones. If your figure has a backwards arm, then that's worth hating and fixing. However, if you fixating over a few missing hairs, then you shouldn't worry as much. A lot of the concern comes from how much your audience will pick up upon looking at the image, so it can certainly encourage self-doubt.
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If u like Mat Brinkman, check C.F (christopher forgues). Hes my fav artist, I think.
Looks pretty chill for a grotesque monster.
What type of flower are those?
It depends on what her commands are from her conjurer... if she has no commands, likely she will be non hostile with it or them. Golems aren't hostile unless their conjurer makes them hostile or gives them a self preservation instinct. Initial Daisy does seem to have a self preservation instinct so she would be fully willing to kill anything in order to protect herself, but would not attack another golem without reason to.
An interesting thing to note is golems can barely tell the difference between other Golems, there is no hierarchy based on Golem type, and don't have any sort of prejudice, free Golems whom group up with eachother, do not discriminate based on structure or type... so if Initial Daisy grouped with a group of Junkbot Golems, they would see her as a Just a Golem and even though she has shown a history of intelligent thought, she would see them as Golems, Golems see eachother as the same and are really incapable of having a leadership or structure as they're usually just made to serve a conjurer or controller. Without the Conjurer or Controller, their behavior is (Mostly) predictable with exceptions being Golems such as initial daisy (who seems intelligent) who could be acting completely independent of a conjurer.
Thank you, that's actually really interesting to know.
When he said he needed an extra hand, this wasn't what he had in mind.
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I love your work anon, thanks for posting! If you do requests I'd love to see some Eternal Darkness stuff in your style, all them Lovecraftian monsters.
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Thank you!! I need kind words like those to keep on drawing, but I dont like drawing requests or anything outside of "my world", so... im sorry :(
If i had more time I would do it tho.
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would live with


nice work
I am thinking of making an archive / manual / references to everything in my lore, starting with Monsters / races / creatures / beings.
I was wondering if you all think I should
If it is something everyone would be interested in seeing, and maybe have some suggestions on how to do it.
As someone who suggested this before, I think it's a great idea.

Maybe you could start a wiki?
How do I start a wiki?
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Sorry for the lack of art updates as late, guys. I've been very busy working on my next animated short. I managed to finish inking and scanning in all my assets though, so I figured this be a decent way to show off what I've been working on.

Anywho, here's a background still for the short. Just something to hold down the fort until I can finish the actual short film and post it here.
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Heres kinda what I mean by reference matariel.
why are they fat as fuck

>only one of them might be called "fat" while the others are more "curvy"

So do you guys only lust after anorexic beanpoles? Don't be such dicks.
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databases are always cool, I would like to do my own too. Its something funny to do, too
Anon please don't such butthurt.
Was desperatly looking for images to make a flyer for a gig with my psych-noise band and randomly found this thread
So much good stuff, thanks anons, keep it up
Same fag as >>18312768 this is album cover material, awesome work m8
Those anons trashing someone's art just because the characters aren't rail thin is more "butthurt" than what I said.
Maybe see it as curious questions and inquiries through observation, regardless of wording?

One is asking 'why are they drawn so fat';

One might actually answer that by stating 'maybe the artist is fat too, and uses her own body as a set of inspiration or model for anatomy? Maybe she identifies with these body types? Maybe the anons actually thought this and wanted to point attention to the fact, creating a negative association, or simply visible distaste with the artists content?

Whatever it was, its irrelevant, because people are not fragile little snowflakes, and everywhere were there is going to be positive attention and emotion, the opposite will also linger.
Looks to be an epic battle in the making.
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Reminds me of this

Ironically enough it's quite the opposite: it's a one-sided slaughter, with the right-side acting as the winner in this case, lol.
I stand corrected.
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I find this kind of abstract to me, its hard to see what's happening. I see a monster's head going out of another monsters open mouth

It's cool if you want to make it kind of blurry/abstract. I mean, if you have interest in this effect.

If not, i would suggest you to emphasize the difference between characters, background, signs, etc. Maybe using different thickness for the background, using color, etc.
I had the same reaction the first time I saw Keeper's art, but I guess I've gotten used to it. But you make a good suggestion where this piece is concerned.

No worries, pqr!

You're partially correct in that I am pursuing more abstraction with this image, but it's an issue in my current art style. A lot of it comes from my technique of layering on line and constructing a form from that. I usually have better results with pencil and technical pen than with brush and nib. It's been a rough transition as of late, but I need to apply myself more to improve on my visual saturation.

>If not, i would suggest you to emphasize the difference between characters, background, signs, etc. Maybe using different thickness for the background, using color, etc.

I'll definitely take these into consideration. (Not that I haven't already, lol, but it's good to have it emphasized nonetheless.) Coincidentally, I've done some colored works in recency. I posted a rather bad photo of an oil painting I did in recency here: >>18302262


It's a pretty common reaction to my work. I mean, folks in RL have enjoyed the visual density, and my professors say there's potential to make a series from this trait, but I really do need to reel in my lines. They're often too busy and obscure the actual imagery.

Thing is... brush and nib just flow so well on Bristol, lol. It's an expedient but fulfilling process. I'm really really hoping once I get my Rotring Isographs next week, I can somehow experiment out a solution to my problem. Color would really do me some favors with this problem, too. However, that too is a solution-in-the-waiting, lol.
Saved. Really nice.
these r real good, looks a bit like henry darger. u should make a comic book or something
Nice creepy face
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Updated version of this

Let me know if you all want to see more references like this, or more one offs.

I love Henry Darger and yes, even when i was 9 years old I wanted to be a comic artist.

I can give u this link to an unfinished proyect; a comic... Its previous to the drawings im posting here, and its digital. The problem is... that its in Spanish (and like I said, its not ended).

I would like to end that story tho

the link...
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Most recent one. I did it pretty fast but I'm satisfied enough with it
How about both?
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Heres the Porcos line, aka Goblinoids.

still have to add Hobtroll.
More pls.

Got males, too?
You mention all these different locations. Do you have a map or description of your little world, or is it something that's mostly in your head for right now?
great opening pannels love the copy+paste landscape patterns,u manage 2 pull of working digital really well, the matt brinkman influence shows in the tunnel and the ice cave(?) at the begining, deffinetly not a bad influence 2 have.
super impressed by all ur other work 2 mainly ur colour pencil drawings.i wish i could make comics but it seems like alot of work and i feel alot of people are doing it. i guess u like all that cool stuff fort thunder, michael deforge simon hanselmann etc.. i would buy ur stuff if i had money lol
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all the guys u mentioned are influences to me, of course, but didnt read any of Simon Hanselmann so change him for Anders Nilsen (his comics Dogs and water and Big questions are awesome).
Arzack by Moebius...

in books Lovecraft and The witcher saga (not the videogame)
>Anders Nilsen
ill try 2 find some scans of those books sometime.
check out html flowers, he does work with simon hanslelmann sometimes who is one of my faverouites, and does similar sort of colour pencil drawings .both their comics are pretty funny + also quite depressing tho
good technique, but if you are trying to be realistic you have to learn to place correctly the parts, if you learn some of human anatomy and schemes of drawing you will probably will end up making very nice paintings
i see much donn kenn here, you should buy some microns


very original and nice
look up Tsutomu Nihei's work, youll enjoy it

very nice, keep prractycing
i guess, quantity is a type of quality

very original, do never try psychedelics

this one reminds me of M.G. Miller
Bro, got any favourite artists that teach realism?
Your art hurts me.

I love it and I used to have the patience to do this, but no longer.

Keep it up, my friend.
Goya, Rembrandt, Ben Quilty, Derek Gores, Scott Hunt, Van Gogh... Im not really into realism, but had studied a lot of it to get where I am right now, despite those artist, I suggest you to study human anatomy and how it forms, specially skeletons, muscles and how do they combine together.

i love html flowers, hes one of my "instagram artists" (i know him from there).

talking about those, i would also mention...
Rhys lee and Motohiro hayakawa (the first is awesome but the second is more related to my work)
Yesterday I found this guy Matt Furie, look his webpage.

too late, i tried them :3 but i prefer disociatives in what hallucinations is refered lol
also i dont know M.G. Miller but i notice u talk about Nihei, and Blame is so cool, the concept and design... really inspiring.

thanks, but you can always get back that patience somehow

Wow I just remember about this artist... Aleksandra Waliszewska. check it out if you dont know it, its very interesting
ah yes matt furie creator of the pepe meme, it must be weird for him,i wonder he gets some kind of meme royalties
I'd rather his royalties be paid in slaps to the face, but maybe it's unfair to blame him.
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Caveman level symbolism drawing i made three years ago. I'd like to remake it someday but i'm weary of the overwhelming thoughts and feelings
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Heres an updated version with the Hobtroll
I don't have maps, I do have description of the world and various alternate universes that my lore touches on, but to explain the realms would take many many posts lol. I will list them though:

Olympus / Asgard (A war ravaged plain with technologically enhanced, but diseased and cancerous angels, tons of polution, mutated sickly wildlife.)
Midgard / Earth / Terra (Pretty much our world, if mythological beings existed, does have an island where mutants roam that has a corpse and giant tree in the middle of it.)
Helheim / Hades / Hell (Cold place with very dangerous animals, demons living in big cities broken up by long highways and rail lines.)
The Forbidden / The Broken Lands / Forgotten Plane (A strange plane where instead of technology, magic furthered progress, ruled by 4th dimensional beings)
Tartarus / The Deep (Horrible Lovecraftian plane where old cosmic beings rule and twisted creatures roam the lands... the Titans were banished here.)
Abyss / The rip / The Veil (Surreal place where space and time are warped and corrupted world code is isolated... beings who travel here do not age or need to eat or drink but if they stay too long can become permanently changed.)

Working on my next reference chart.
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Can someone make a generic forum that we can all post on? Soley a X related artists forum.

All you guys are the shit
I'm not really skilled for realism. I still appreciate the critique though, I prefer it over compliments.

And, yeah, I'd be keen on some links to painting realism. Cant hurt to keep trying to better myself as an artist.

Im no where near the 10,000 hours that it takes to really become competent with painting. Drawing, I can do all day without breaking a sweat [whether or not it looks good] but for some reason painting makes me very anxious. New medium, new level of stress haha. Thanks though.
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Heres the first version of a chart of some Lower Geists.

tell me what you think, also feel free to ask questions.
the feels guy meets uzumaki? hahahahhahah
Keep 'em coming.
I like it. Can you explain the top(?) symbol?
mg miller blog: http://mgmillerillustrations.blogspot.com.es/p/gallery.html
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Spooky seabeast, dawg
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I really enjoy your works anon,everything that I wanted to say about them has been spoken already by others.I just really dig this simple and innocent yet really detailed style you have.

These are pretty rad!

Good to see you back,Bawble.

Hey Keeper,sorry for the really late reply,but I have to thank you for showing me this painter.I really love his style and I can see where you spotted the similarities,you are also not the first one to notice my approach towards the usage of negative space so I guess I have that going for me.

I've been busy with university work lately but I still managed to make a good amount of art,I'm going to start with a few works from my Inktober compilation
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Here something that's rather more simple than my usual works
Ran out of paper, huh?

Nice to see your stuff again.

And with this post, we'll need a new thread. Guess I'll come back and make one later if no one else does.
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And after inktober I went back to my usual eldritch colored abominations

Post again when complete pl0x.
Pretty much, I started at the hand just doodling and decided to turn it into something bigger.
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anon i too am alone. you and i are alike. i not underwent what you went as you not i, but similarities are there. i love you. in all that is and forever will be, love, my love, is yours marked forever today. i too wish i could go into my mental state again. for those that call me insane not know what it means to be sane. i never am happy, but at least in that complete emotional state i was all. i wish to be your friend. [email protected] is my email. i've extended my hands in friendship, im used to being abandoned, but i know at least you will acknowledge the efforts.
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