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European here, can someone enlighten me about this whole clown madness in america??
they will not rest until they figure out how magnets work
Edgy hoax.
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This made my day!
Who knows what level of retardation this is, but the level was recently reduced by 1, as a clown was shot in the head in Fort Wayne, Indiana, USA. This may put a wee bit of a damper on the fad.
Coming from an American.

Some were cloned, some were not.

It is to keep you guessing.


this is going on in my area in houston its real
The clowns? Jesus h christ on a crutch dude.

The clowns are a marketing tactic. You are from Texas.

Fuck the lack of shotguns in that post upsets me
How the fuck did you know my post prior to me posting it?

Jesus fuck, the aliens are here
just last night there was sightings of clowns around my area in reno. idk what its about.
Because Reno sucks
a prank. gullible fucking idiots, you've been watching too many horror movies.
Oklahomafag here. I guarantee you, at least 1 of those clowns will be shot. Oklahoma has breddy gud carry laws.
Apparently this bullshit's been going on up here in Canada, too. Haven't seen any myself yet, though. Has there been any actual criminal activity associated with these fuckers yet, or is it pretty much just stupid people trying to be spoopy?
they showed up in Kansas tonight in a college town
>tfw clowns appeared in my county

i keep a shiv strapped to my garter belt in anticipation of these situations
I can't believe none have been shot yet. Some are rumored to carry weapons, and taunt children and adults with them. 22 in the boot, 45 in the waist. GL.
Lawerence? 913, There's A LOT of CCW here in KC area.
I thought some clowns did take kids at the beginning of this and they were found dead.
Like its not a prank but a actual cult following there clown god it.

It's pretty spooky
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There's been some criminal activity linked to the clowns, but I don't think it's gone as far as murder, and snatching kids yet.
Type in "Penn State Clown" on twitter. hundreds of students are literally running around claiming they saw clowns.
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>see clown posts on /x/ but dont care / think its stupid copy cat harassment
>decide to google it anyway
>mfw an older woman called the cops for a clown staring in her window
>mfw a highschool kid got stabbed to death by clowns a county away from the city
my guess is that this all started as a joke, then as it gained popularity, copycats tagged along. There are probably actual psychopaths who are doing this though. It's kind of creepy because they aren't necessarily impeding on your safety if you're in a public place. You can't just shoot them because they're creepy clowns standing on the other side of the parking lot. However, if they are on your property, please make an example.
If you had checked the catalog, you would have been able to check out one of the old threads.

Time to get beefed up and and get a Batsuit with gadgets
I have no idea what's happening, but a clown sighting caused a near riot last night. People went nuts forming into mobs with golf clubs trying to hunt it down and beat it up
Hey European, its just a stupid trend that the media has bought into. There actually are some sick fuck pedophiles trying to lure kids. I saw some fucking idiot dressed as a clown here in Arizona. I should have threw something at him.
I wouldent be suprised if some fucked up clown killed people on halloween
Someone died in reading pa
It's a hoax, no one was shot.

It's just an edgy trend. My school received a threat that it would be shot up Friday at 10:00 am by clowns, never happened
It started with alleged reports of clowns trying to lure kids behind some apartment in South Carolina
Hint: google "clown hoax arrested"

Its all social media hoax bullshit.
you're all trusting anonymous posters with unsourced information..the more time i spend here, the more i'm convinced these threads are part of the problem and fueling the fire.

i'd venture to guess at the very least 50% of the alleged sightings and crimes reported are false. mass hysteria always stirs up false reports and gossip. if everyone suddenly stopped talking about the clowns and ignoring them, i'm pretty sure it would go away.

i'm not saying the clown thing is ALL a hoax, there's probably some true crazies out there. i just wish you guys were more precise about posting info. but i guess this is /x/ after all
pls be london
I'm a clown, AMA
yeah, okay buddy. post a photo of your costume with timestamp.
How about no? I know all about the hacker known as 4chan. You could dox me from a picture.
make me laugh
How about I make you cry, bleed, and beg for mercy, maggot? Mercy that will not come. You will die at the hands of a clown. How does this make you feel? Weak? Pathetic? Yeah, I thought so, you little bitch
Stupid marketing thing, and now others are jumping on the bandwagon trying to make it out to be some scary thing....Lame. I guess two were spotted about a mile from my house the other day.
nice try but there's no way you're honking me
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you have to be 18 to post on 4chan
I'm 25, bitch
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Recent states of clown sightings:
>The affected states so far are Alabama, Arizona, Arkansas, Colorado, Florida, Georgia, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Missouri, Mississippi, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Virginia, Washington, West Virginia, and Wisconsin



Some are calling hoax, others mass hysteria, I've even heard that this is all a terrible publicity stunt for the new "IT" movie. I'm not sure yet. One thing is for certain, creepy clowns are popping up everywhere.

Some arrests have been made, few schools have been shut down, and there are plenty of current pics/videos.
Typical 14 year old response.
whatever you say Gertrude
Viral marketing for the new IT movie (you know, the one based on that Steven King novel with the monster that harasses kids in the form of a scary clown and the kids had to have an orgy to defeat it or something IIRC).
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I will not be afraid to drop a fuckin clown if he tries to scare me
Yeah that was one of the most fucked up parts of movie.

Why would sex defeat a demon....
U forgot Delaware
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fpbp no exceptions
how do magnets work?
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Top kek.
http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0095444/ it's been nice knowing you faggots
X turn an funny one.
We all laughed at mlp bronies, shit spread like wildfire.
Im tellin ya, there ARE some disturbed individuals who take internet too serious.
at the end,someone will get hurt
Stop it
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Holy shit. Remember that thread from yesterday where guy was claiming that there is some space shit comming in 5 days? That explain everything.
Americans identify with them due to the current election
Clown shit isn't exactly new.

I believe this is where it all started.

Then it got a lot of copycats.

And now here we are again.

Pretty sure that picture is the guy who started it.
They're in Canada now boys. Few spotted in my town
Just had two cars full of people dressed like clowns harassing joggers in my neighborhood. Honestly I think its funny as fuck.
You seem like the kind of guy that would post the Navy Seals copypasta unironically
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nice knowing you fags
Where at?
The only scarie thing about clowns are the weapons they carry.
It's only natural to be afraid of things that kill you like weapons. Clows are fun jolly lads that want you to have a good time.
Clown theme:
That's because you have small penis and are a virgin.
I shot a clown in Reno
I carry a flip knife in my pocket, never hurts to be prepared.
clowns are fun bro, can't wait to see some more roaming okc
My local news has a photo of one chillin behind our town's ice cream parlor from last night. Funnily, the ice cream place is beside a graveyard. This is the most exciting thing to happen to Lake Orion since ISIS threatened to bomb our town.
Yea in fort mcmurray they shut down all the schools. Some clowns said "We are going to kidnap and kill 6 kids from every school." Every parent here is fucked up by it.
Youre no wrong m8
lol solid joke man
I love clowns actually
I live in Greenville, South Carolina, where the first reported sightings were. We have yet to find any true evidence of them. One person was arrested for filling a false police report. The other reports are likely fake or exaggerated as well. Just idiots wanting attention, I believe.
they're in iowa now i guess. U of I kids reported clowns running around the campus from about 11pm-1am yesterday

Maybe I'll go for a drive tonight and see if I can't bag me a clown
In DFW. Can confirm here too
you all been posting this but i only see a few pics, if there is so many clowns out there why there is not a thread/ about actual pics.
more than a hoax looks like creepypasta to me

Here's my local bozo.
For most up to date Clown Info see: >>>/vip/
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>these guys show up in your city
>what do?
this. remember crop circles back in the day? well it's like those except this is all the millennials can come up with. pretty sad, isn't it?
Nigger where? Clown was spotted in elementary near me, hoping I can beat the shit out of him.

guys, this shit is real, its not a joke anymore
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aw hell
clowns are not scary

halloween is going to be a clown purge, it's fucking HAPPENING stay safe anons.
I remember they tried to do a purge last year but failed or wasn't covered.
Is this the part 2, my guys?
I'm not afraid of normal clowns, but any masked criminal is scary
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T-that's pretty damn close
I've heard there are sightings of them being rounded up into windowless vans by people in suits, but i havent seen anything other than eye witness testimony and hear say. No credited proof yet.
Where've they been spotted? I've heard Jenks, BA, and stillwater so far
What if skinwalkers are posing as clowns now?
Oh, dear god... the clowns are in Washington?
I blame... what should we blame this shit on?
WARNING:clowns are hidden AYLMAOS.
they are using clowns to wander our reality without being detected as their true identities. if you see one, kill them on sight. do not otherwise engage. they do not want to talk or just give you a friendly freight., they will stab you. as it gets closer to halloween, carry a gun on you or in your car at all times.
the clown god is the only real god.
thats the real scary thing
Just had one in Chickasha, where I live. Somebody also said they saw one at the college but the police said they weren't aware of that one.
demons actually hate sex, WAY more than angels do, if angels do at all.

sex is gods designed tool to further human enjoyment AND existance, it is the ultimate expression of gods plan and love, any demon would be absolutely obliterated if it were around any couple holding a good round of rump-rumpus.
Check out Tyrell laflare on YouTube ghost videos so vivid the rest seem fake AF check it out pussies unless u can't handle real evidence
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It's okay /x/ i found the leader
nice shill bro. very original presentation of the product. not interested, though.
>mutual friends
Fake n gay
There was 3 sightings here today in 209 Cali
Wierd... whenever i have sleep paralysis and start freaking out i feel like someone is fucking my astral body and laughing or mocking me. I always expected it to be demons, they go away after i say a "our father who art in heaven"
>holding a good round of rump-rumpus
Not that guy but I just got off work and a few of the high schoolers working with me said they saw one in English Landing park. Im in Gladstone, I've been considering getting some folks together to bait and catch some, scooby-style and shit. Would anyone want to do that with me?
My local friendly clown is being heckled because of this shit.

He just tries to make people smile, he's been here for years
and you believe that angels would not mock you?

or tushie-touching
916 Cali here nothing yet
Live out by Austin but used to go to Tx state Uni in San Marcos and still get the Tx state emergency emails.

Was reading bullshit about a suspect who tried to grab a girl and then the description casually described the perpetrator as 6'2 dressed as a clown.

Lol I thought this shit was fake but I'm not surprised to see this in a college town.

The hero /x/ needs
Clowns be clownin
Ironically, the clown persona originates in Europe, but the recent trend in clown sightings is likely the result of a viral marketing campaign for the upcoming remake of Stephen King's IT. Similar to the brief use of swastikas to promote the remake of "The Man in the High Castle," edge-lord ad agents (aka rufuckingmad?-men) cast any regard for human safety or well-being squarely out the goddamn window in favor of boosting the quickly dying ratings of a corrupt and outdated entertainment industry. It is the waning breath of a syphilitic media tyrant whose stranglehold on culture has become little more than a painfully public jerk-off session.

tl;dr: probably just an ad for IT that got out of hand.
Marketing for what? 'It' doesn't come out until next year.
so lit bro 10/10 faulkner
Just wrote about this in a creepy work stories thread
Fucking clown assholes fucking my shit up scaring me god damnit
>be tacobell faggot in Arizona
>working drivethru at 11pm
>business is dead so I'm just chilling
>lobby is already closed and locked
>hear a tapping noise on the window
>mask and full costume, big ass (fake) knife
>almost shit my pants
>almost instinctively press panic button
>yell for manager
>manager makes him go away
>but oh my god I was spooked as shit
My manager had to watch me get to my car and drive away that night
They're popping up in Mootxico now
Someone want to help start a false clown scare in my area and see if the clown shit starts happening here? It's all copy cats right now. Some were probably legit at the start. I want to test this out and I'll start a thread with pics if copy cats appear Men in blue 4 . 0. 6 a 6.2 . 8 8 737
In Lawrence, KS. One of the sororities is on lockdown after a clown wandered through their building.
Anyone? Post results if so. Appreciated. Inb4 not your personal army.
Anyone in Greensboro, North Carolina who wants to dress up as a clown with me and spook the shit out of some people?
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Explain that shit son?
I think they've all been copy cats, every single one besides the first one. A bored motherfucker with too much time
Aggressive Young Latino Males Acting Out Suspiciously

Trump tried to warn you
You know..... i have been thinking. And i have a solution to the clown problem... an unexpected hero, if you will...

For decades we have mocked them.... cast them outside of our social acceptance, letting them grasp at the crumbs of social relevancy.

So Hear our cries now, rise from mere cast aways, and blossom fully into local Legends, into World championships!




SHOW US WHO THE TOP CLOWN.......really is.

<a rumbling of woop woops begin to crescendo in the distance>
I'm from California and these clown sightings were happening in my city last year also.
I think some didn't know about each-other and happened coincidentally
Someone said it's aggressive young latinos. Lmao all the videos I've seen of these people dressed up as clowns have been white dudes. So carry on.
Penn state just had some shit like that yesterday. 1000 kids were looking to fucking kill one of those clowns.
So half of these sightings appear to be in college towns. Yeah. It's just frat boys having fun.
AYLMAOS? Pretty sure I'm not an ayy
People are in debt up to their eyeballs, and this is how we are releasing our stress in one of many, many unusual ways.
Palm Springs here. this got posted last night on social media by a local last night.

I don't believe it's real. I've seen no evidence that people are actually seeing clowns beckoning children into the woods.

It's like last year when people were outraged that people were outraged over Starbucks cups when the original outrage never even happened.
It's called a fucking meme. Hopefully, people will get tired of this shit, one of them is going to get shot and we can finally be rid of the "clowns are scary" meme.
There's a new adaption of Stephen King's 'It' in production. Some clown-related stuff started happening as part of a viral marketing campaign. Scary clowns are now in the public consciousness again. Because of this, people are dressing as clowns to commit crimes and make edgy social media profiles.
I feel bad for any moron who dresses as a clown this year for halloween
Clown sightings in Montana as well.
Clowns are a meme.

Someone tried spooking people by dressing up as a clown. Then it inspired edgy teenagers and autists to try scaring people. These teenagers and autists will get shot stalking the wrong guy's property.

It'd be creepy to see someone in the woods dressed as a clown. But they don't have the balls or stupidity to actually commit a harmful crime.
>I feel bad for any moron who dresses as a clown this year for halloween

Think of it as evolution in progress.
Oregonfag here. Yeah, it's happening. People are actually calling the police because they see clowns.
Didn't those DmPranksProduction guys on youtube start this shit? Scaring people and filming it?
>Being a little bitch this hard
Meme magic is real and is going to kill us all
ayy wuz up hommie
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Maybe that's the weapon we need to use to control the Clown Menace. Either that or magnets could be used as decoys for clown traps.
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We wasted time preparing for zombies, and weren't ready when the Clown Apocalypse began.
I saw a Clown here in Tulsa standing alongside Harvard while I was heading towards 41st. It was last week, and haven't seen one since. I am considering randomly assaulting every one that I see.
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*tips fedora*
Please dont be in harris county

I came here for spooks, not second hand embarrassment from some edgelord.
Billy was right all along.
We didn't listen...
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Circuses are moving training camps for clowns, leaving sleeper cells behind when the Circus moves to a new location.
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>clown sightings getting a worse and worse
>America in a panic.
>ICP is being threatened into never performing again.
>we have poked the proverbial bee hive of the juggalos.
>they get together for a brainstorming session
>every store is sold out of menthols and bud ice for 4 months.
>finally decide on all our war.
>juggalos take to the forests, streets, sewers, etc and combat the clowns.
>America is saved by the juggalos and Trump is a secret ninja
>build the wall and thrown the straggler clowns in with the Mexicans.

And that's my theory on how this is all gonna go down.
I don't understand how people can be more bothered by people dressing as clowns than mass immigration from hostile third world countries?
me too, I'd rather be killed by a clown rather than a goatfucker

good thing this hasn't spread to Europe
How could this be viral marketing?
I mean viral marketings last shortly.
Take a look at "The Dark Knight" Joker viral campaign where they basically solved shit ton of codes to see the trailer.
"Cloverfield" had a news broadcast viral campaign video,but it said 1-18-08 at the end
If it was a viral campaign,why do they lock down schools because of clowns with fucking knives?
Which means...clowns?
there's in the UK and since my country's degenerate/hipster community loves to do trending shit,it will happen in my country as well.
You're over 34 years old?
That's pretty good. Atmospheric music kills the authenticity though.
Live in South east Texas. Talk of the county is that some kid from hull daissetta I think stabbed a clown and is facing charges because of it.
luckily, these cluwnes aren't in dansville, new york.
Where is Sam Raimi?

I have a script for him.
Some kids in my school were loitering around town in clown suits and got caught. It really is just edgy kids.
>implying crop circles are human-made
i suggest you inform yourself on crop circles and start telling appart the ayylmao ones and the human ones. It's very easy to do.
Don't compare this, with this clown edgy shit.
Nothing, everyone is autistic and fail to realize Halloween is coming up. This is just a trend for normies. One or two psychopaths will take advantage of this. The Japanese have done crazier shit, even the Irish have done crazier shit.

Because copycats take things too far. Simple.
I'm hoping it's a coordinated effort to stop Pokemon Go any any future thing like it.
Clowns getting BTFO by niggers.

top kek.
also, one of them is white.
Oh yeah he is. Did he stab him kek
dunno, but fuck him

This one seems real. Sounds like kids genuinely scared trying to act brave, just get real vibes from it.

By the way, I'm friends with someone who was chased near a Scientlogist church by one.
Oh ok
>I'm friends with someone who was chased near a Scientlogist church by one.

Being chased by a church is weird enough, but a Co$ church? Holy fuck.
Oh yeah, those people are nutso. I actually got chased by a man in a suit near the church when I was younger, it was like 3 am and I was skating with friends. I stay away from there now.

This one too. No clown, but I believe the kid so one.
In the middle of the day. Come on, you kids.

Go away CTR

Next to Star Wars Pokémon is the most overrated piece of entertainment on Earth
I fucked a clown in reno.
Seriously this generation needs to learn how to fucking read.
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Just to watch him cum?
Great, u the masculine smexy faggoty type of clown? Or the girly naughty AIDS feminazi kinda clown?
We need moar in colorado, im high as shit and all i seen is fried chicken and watermelon.
I carry a flip phone in my pocket, so i can stay in touch with the 90's.
Fuck em in the ass and cum on their faces?

clown chases kids with machete
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>friendly reminder that this started at least a year ago when it was just one guy in one town and a while later someone else copy-cat'd and now we are here
We thought it was going to be zombies. That was merely a distraction.
Depends on the demon, i actually know several demons who rather enjoy sex.
Juggalo here, y'all are on your own.
>at least a year ago
It started in 2013, somewhere in Europe.
there is a theory that the whole thing is a publicity stunt to promote the new rob zombie movie coming out called 31
Well fuck.
You hear that, OP?
Actual 25 year old with two kids here, this person is clearly a buttmad teenager.
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Are samefagging tweenagers allowed to be this cringey? I feel there must be statutes somewhere
Greenville SC here. This is where it originated. It is not a hoax and has nothing to do with that shitty Rob Zombie movie.

A few months back a co-worker of mine mentioned that some kids in his child's class were approached by a clown trying to lure them into a van. The news story broke and then it went viral

A few people I know went "clown hunting" in the woods where the clowns were seen. Apparently there were a few of those colorful bastards out there
That list needs to include Wyoming, Montana, and Michigan now.
Someone needs to capture one and give them a good ass fucking. Hard to apply some white face paint when your thinking about your asshole getting obliterated. Problem solved America.
There's nothing scary about clowns. In fact, it'd be MUCH scarier if they were just guys in anonymizing masks doing unknown, potentially nefarious things in the shadows. Could they be murderers? Rapists? Etc.

Dressing as a clown means their entire objective is to scare people, which just shows they're pathetic losers who want to feel powerful.
there were sightings of clown in nottingham, england back in 2013.

I fucking have NEVER found clowns scary, just boring. In terms of "scary" they're like zombies-cliche', overdone and annoying.

I don't hate clowns. I don't like clowns. I just think they're the absolute epitome of dead humor, and the most stupid thing to be afraid of.
I also feel like a lot of people aren't truly afraid of clowns, they've just trained theirselves to act afraid because so many people have made being afraid of clowns almost trendy.

I know so many people who say they're afraid of clowns, but I'm just like "Are you really though?"
Guys, its just a bunch of viral marketing http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1396484/
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mfw murrica has a problem with clowns
I got shot coming back from a one time job at a circus in Reno...
Same. Although I won a four-foot stuffed clown in a raffle when I was seven and dreamed that it got up in the middle of the night and peered at me. Killer Klowns from Outer Space terrified me at that time too, because of how monstrous they looked.

That was the only time I was ever afraid of clowns.
Negro, por favor!
this^ well said, old sport
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Apparently this was caught on a security camera in Evansville, IN
One was spotted near KGH in Kingston
Source: I go to Queens
>is all the millennials can come up with. pretty sad
too true though, not very creative
stfu Star Wars is the real hidden history of our galaxy
Fucking gold! This is the best ylyl thread evur
Fuck dude, what county?
this happened where I'm from in the 90's http://articles.sun-sentinel.com/1992-05-26/news/9202110190_1_marlene-warren-clown-car-dealership
lady got killed by a clown on her doorstep, I shit you not.
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faggot shit
Joe Everett unit publicist for Stephen kings IT reboot.

[email protected]

HIT http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1396484/


>You can't just shoot them because they're creepy clowns standing on the other side of the parking lot.
Joe Everett unit publicist for Stephen kings IT reboot.

[email protected]

HIT http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1396484/


Makes sense.
The most terrifying thing about this clown thing is that there could be literally hundreds of them in just one tiny car.
i keked
One got shot.
t. irony
Joe Everett unit publicist for Stephen kings IT reboot.

[email protected]

HIT http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1396484/


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I found this, Anyone got any authenticity on this?
Hands not pale. The man is alive
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It might be. I wouldn't doubt if people dug they would find some kind of information on what's going on in some deep web forum. Either it's a huge prank or some crazy shit. Who knows.
are clowns IRL shills paid by the clinton foundation? someone should research if the people who reported harassment were somehow involved into leaks of information regarding Hillary
>this just made my day!

Go back to wherever the fuck you came from.
Newcastle anon here, saw quite a lot of police out today so I guess everyone is pretty spooked. My theory and speculation.

They don't exist, one or two of the stories do to generate hype but most of what we hear isn't real and is 95% fabricated to spread this more and more.
... Hands would be swollen and colored like when you bumped then really bad for a corpse.
Just want to confirm that you know this is satire
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Fucking /pol/ even leaks to /x/ now?
Fuck off, I just want to get spooked.
>implying christianity is true
This was just embarassing
it's already been revealed fake
got chased by a clown in nottingham UK, its just some kids messing about here though
Hawaiifag here, my coworker who lives in the town next to mine saw two of them a couple nights ago. Nothings made the news yet, but I guess it's starting here too now
White people are afraid of them
since there's nothing to say in this thread, would somebody please find and link that scholarly paper about why people might think clowns are scary in the first place?
i would do it, but requesting and having you do it encourages participation ;)
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shut the fuck up kid.
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American here.

Americans are stupid fucks and coulrophobes. It's just a dumb meme.
So you're just retarded... okay. Thanks for clearing that up
We have no fucking clue either
I about shitted lol I live an hour from fort Wayne.
as someone from the south side of okc i hope this bitch tries a thing

Where's the wicked clown love, my ninja?

Thought you stayed runnin' with a hatchet?

How you gonna let 'em call you a bitchboy?

Thought you'd run through the hills and beat down a rich boy?
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This Clown thing has gotten out of hand, my Police Department has called out that nobody can wear a clown costume for hallows eve an there has been a huge amount of police activity in my area. Joyous times
same guy here

A nearby middle school was threatened by a supposed clown child murderer.
Can you stop posting this thread every fucking hour, shill?

It's for the 2017 IT movie, now fuck off.

thats lit

also its lit that you're british
You dumbass nigger, this thread is fucking 3 days old

Kill yourself newfag
>fun fair in town soon
Oh shit
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Well fuck
Kinda funny how a couple years ago we had a national clown shortage
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Yes, a movie will throw clowns around a year before it hits theatres. LOGICAL, THAT IS

This October....

America faces its greatest threat yet:


Trufax though what are the odds of a clown with a gun shooting up a mall or a school? Then shit will really hit the fan. We'll be seeing clowns lynched.
I have an idea that regardless of what these clowns are in "reality" (humans in costumes trolling or w/e), the reason this clown thing has come to take place is because of a collective will to face fears. I interpret the phenomenon of clownphobia as being representative of the fear of making a fool out of oneself. Perhaps after this have played out we will have society where people are less afraid of expressing themselves.

>itt people not realizing this is a test to see if people can be riled up by imaginary threats on social media to commit organized violence
>this is why police are letting people shoot 'clowns' legally if they are brandishing weapons
>not realizing the next wave of 'clowns' will be people with differing political opinions from the status quo who will be framed for terrorist attacks carried out by muslims
>this is why nobody is being implicated in the mall shootings/stabbings, the pipeline 'leak', the ieds hidden in dumpsters, etc
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Clowns have apparently shown up in oz as well, but, you know.
It's oz.
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/pol/ and /x/ have always been sister boards, unfortunately.
>what are the odds of a clown with a gun shooting up a mall or a school?

Really fucking low. Even if it's a state that doesn't allow open carry or concealed carry, it would be stupid to even attempt something like that. With how sketched out people seem to be about clowns atm, cops would probably be called as soon as the clown(s) started approaching.
from three days ago, but still...
stephen's king IT is getting a remake
how has no one else posted this or even suggested or responded to it.

its literally the sub genius bozo meme.
awwww MJ was just a baby in this one!

still love this guy

I think im going to buy one of these clown costumes and creep the fuck out of ppl.
have fun getting shot retard
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>hurr durr let's dress like clowns and mug and scare ppl in the worst state of mexico
>get lynched by teenagers
>I shot a clown in Reno
>Just to watch him die
>When I hear those horns a'honkin'
>I hang my head and cry
honk in hell fucker
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this fucking movie
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It's the Scientists fault. Those mother fuckers are lying, and getting them pissed.
Cascade. Great Falls more specifically.
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Fpbs never fucking fails
Stay cool bro, stay cool.
Just need to stock up on tangles.
fuck u
The clowns are just trolling irl
Shut up Aaron.
was the clown black?
play Spot The American ITT is so easy

also semper fi or oorah probs
yup. you heard about the plano clown?
Also some sightings south of Missoula.

>Viral marketing lasts shortly

No, it lasts however long the campaign runs for. There are as many instances of viral marketing lasting a period longer than these clown sightings have been happening. What the fuck is wrong with /x/fuckheads making whatever shit up to fit their 2SPOOKY ideas.
Hypothetically, if someone beat the shit out of one of these clowns, could the clown press charges?
That's easy, Americans are stupid
You're truly an idiot if you think this. There's no way a viral marketing would do something to so intentionally rial the public like this. If they did try it. It has clearly gotten out of hand and they would have come public.

It's just a bunch of stupid kids copying stupid kids.
^ this, m8
Wow I'm actually disconcerted.

A guy a few streets over was freaking out about how a guy in a clown costume was harassing his daughter and how he'd kill him if he saw him again.

I just pegged it as Delaware being weird and lame but...
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