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Horror movies

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I just watched pic related and was looking to watch some more movies. What are you favorite horror movies that are actually scary?
That one was cool. Reminded me of chaos in 40k as a kid.
What kind of horror movies are you into, anon? Do you prefer more suspenseful/slow-burn ones? Or more intensive ones?
The 40K fandom considers this as an unofficial prequel to the 40K universe in general. "This shit is why we have Gellar Fields."
You see The Thing OP? Good one too
This is why we have movies like Doom and games like Dead Space
I feel like I'm going to get ripped apart for saying this, but It Follows is one of my favorite horror movies of all time. The suspense never lets up and the soundtrack is incredible.

Pandorum if you want something with a similar vibe (at least at the start) to Event Horizon would be my first suggestion.

Seconding this guy, John Carpenter's The Thing is a masterpiece for my money.

Fear is a pretty subjective thing, so I can tell you some favorites but though they're horror it depends what you're looking for.

Outpost - I'm a fan of the casting, it's familiar and new at the same time in it's concept and direction. Tense at times, a little bit of cheese perhaps, but well put together for my tastes.

The Mist - King said he wished he'd written the ending this brilliant tribute to Lovecraft and Romero was filmed with, and that's good enough for me.

1408 - Speaking of King short story adaptations, if you get the harder to find non-directors cut ending, I enjoy this; Though it's naff all to do with the book by the end.

Phantoms - Affleck was the bomb in the Dean Koontz adaptation that inspired much of Silent Hill originally.

Dead Silence - I like it, but respect a lot don't. I found it a pleasing ghost story/boogieman film as a more rounded version of B-movies like Puppet Master (though a guilty pleasure).

Asylum - This 1972 Peter Cushing staring horror anthology is a great creepy collection. If you like anthologies check out the likes of Creepshow for your more serious, through to The Willies and Deatime Stories for your more ridiculous.

I could spend all day discussing these films and more. I hope they help, I'm not having a great week.
Also, have this:

Sauna (2008) is an interesting creepy horror mindfuck.
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Dog Soldiers
The Orphanage
The Descent
The Borderlands
Jacobs Ladder
Wrong Turn
"REC" is quite good

Per your recommendation, I'm DLing The Thing, The Mist, and Phantoms (I'm not OP btw).

I can recommend some movies to OP as well:

--Lake Mungo--
This is the scariest film I have ever seen. Some people might not agree with me on that, but the film is so subtle, so realistic, that you will actually feel like you are watching something real. It's a found footage film, by the way, with most of the filming being in the form of TV interviews. The film is exceptional in its ability to tell a satisfying story, without explaining the phenomena involved, and therefore preserving the horror of the film.

--Blair Witch Project--
I know a lot of people don't like it, that it's just a bunch of kids arguing for 90 minutes or whatever, but this is another masterpiece in my opinion. There is a reason this film practically defined the relationship an entire generation of American's had with the woods. It brilliantly tapped into well-known fears of the woods that exist in the modern day, and told a perfectly structured story.

The film is so well paced and so well edited. If you've read any books on story telling and story structure, you know how important things like this are to telling a good story. TBWP has no unnecessary scenes, knows exactly what its theme is, and is hyper-focused on dramatizing that theme (which is don't disrespect old legends) without any filler. On top of that, the filmmakers here, like in Lake Mungo, never reveal whats actually going on, thereby increasing the horror.

--The Mothman Prophecies--
This film is not perfect but I consider it to be a flawed masterpiece nonetheless. If corrected for its few flaws, it would be the greatest horror film period. I have simply never encountered another film that used the concepts and ideas that are present in this film - a horrifying blend of temporal disturbances, premonitions/prophecies, unknown entities, and so on.

-To be continued-

--Session 9--
Just watched this a few days ago, since its often recommended to people who like The Mothman Prophecies. It's not perfect, but it's a great, subtle movie and a solid thriller. It's got the sunglasses guy from CSI:Miami in it, so there's also that. Another film without too much explained, and with an almost Rashomon-style narrative that makes it difficult to say with any certainty what's going on, at least up until the very end.

--Jacob's Ladder--
I watched this a few years ago, but I used to consider it the most horrifying movie I had ever seen. Really need to watch it again to confirm I still think it's good. It's another one of those films where you have no fucking idea what's going on, until the very end anyway.

Here are some shitty horror movies:

--The Conjuring 1 & 2--
Kind of fun to watch, whatever, but not scary. Oh look, a demon possessed someone. Who cares.

--The Babadook--
I really can't get over how stupid this movie is. The concept as told by Wikipedia sounds super interesting - a horror entity that becomes more "real" the more you think about it. That's a brilliant idea, like a horror twist on the whole "don't think of elephants" concept.

In the film, though, that's not what actually happens. The concept is more like "don't deny the thing exists or it will fuck you up". And then it just becomes some stupid story about how people need to move or something.

The little kid in the film is every middle-aged woman's fantasy child - out of control boy genius who's misunderstood by all the boring school teachers and spends his free time building machines that Leonardo Da Vinci couldn't create. What the fuck? And then there are these weird scenes where the kid will be spooning with his mom, or rubbing her neck like he's her lover. What the fuck is going on in the head of the lady who wrote this screenplay.

I got too much to say on that film so I'm stopping here.
Lemme know what you think.

Reading your recommendations though I'm not personally a fan of Blair Witch I am open to found footage, so am very intrigued by Lake Mungo (check out my further recommendations below on that note). Will recommend it to housemate later for after writing.

I think the medium's valid enough, but is too easy a way to cut corners for too many people (I am so tired of digital corruption being used as a way to give a cheap special affect of scare).
It's not to say it's not been done well however. Likewise I respect Blair Witch for what they achieved with it and I'm not saying it's bad; just wasn't for me when I was growing up. Perhaps I should give it another go...

My personal found footage recommendations, for anyone curious would be:

Grave Encounters - A story we all know making good use of the medium.

Frankensteins Army - Ok, this is a bit of a personal pet film for me, but I enjoyed the scare attraction turned into a movie feel and that the creator of it was making the stuff himself - much like early Peter Jackson and Tom Savini.

They're Watching - Perfect example of a found footage film in my mind. Though there may be fair criticism I won't spoiler, most this film is genuinely just...people being people. Trailer makes it look more comedic than it is.
Me again

Oh hell Session 9 - how could I have forgotten that treasure!

Also it's refreshing to hear someone denouncing the Bubblyduck. I saw it recently and tormented the housemate with my constant (though in good humor) bile aimed at that film.
If I want to see London After Midnight I'll...well not exactly watch it, but I'll look at Lon Chaney.

I completely agree with your review. I understand how people might call it a metaphor for depression and all, but I've seen no indication (on brief search) that the writer intended that. She just wanted a boogieman story and it was largely uninspired boarding on plagiarism, focusing on a poor upbringing and refusal to help one's self because you're the only one bad things ever happened to.
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This was from a recent thread. Roll off one of these you can't go wrong.

If you ask me for a horror recommendation, I would probably take you into the deepest, darkest pit I could find. Only to find yourself running away into the nearest pinpoint of light. Your sanity at it's breaking point. Praying for the light at the end of the tunnel, only to find a freight train coming your way.

Have fun, anon.
I'll check out those movies you recommended. I'm just starting The Mist... I'm gonna try and bing watch all these films this weekend

>regarding Bubblyduck

I lost all interest in the film when we were treated to the scene where the mother tells the child, who just informed her that he's very hungry, to GO EAT SHIT.

I watched that scene and I'm like, "OK, every woman's gripping their seat at this point. They're all like, "OMG, is she gonna lose control and kill the kid?". And I'm just like what the fuck, this is some shit only women can relate to. This is a film directed at women who think it's totally normal to lose control and possibly inflict severe harm on someone you love or care about. Like OMG, am I gonna murder my progeny or not? Will I overcome my mood swing?

And it's too bad, because the movie had a great concept and a pretty good art direction under its belt. And yet it fucked it all up because it was run by some feminist director who was too egomaniacal to have her screenplay edited by other people, who would have ridden the film of her psychological baggage and amplified the actually scary parts of it.

man... FUCK that movie. I'm gonna write a full-fledged review and post it on IMDB. Mark my words.
That movie OP is awsome.

You watched the credits?

The Prodigy - Funky Shit
>Event Horizon

Gotta watch the uncut version.
I remembered really liking this movie, watched it a few months ago on Netflix.. 20 minutes in a 'cue the nigger'.. DROPPED.

4chan Pass user since October 2016.
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Fucking liberal faggot.
>4chan Pass user since October 2016.
the fuck
What did he even mean?
>4chan Pass user since October 2016.

Philosophy of a Knife is pretty disturbing. It's about Unit 731, which was an actual Japanese torture/medical experiment facility during WWII that did all kinds of twisted shit to Russian and Chinese prisoners.

There's a scene where they pull all of a Russian woman's teeth out one by one while a nurse watches and takes notes, and the scene just drags-on with no jumps or breaks. There's another series of scenes where a Russian boy is subjected to radiation exposure over time, day after day, until he gets a giant tumor on his face. I actually found it hard to watch sometimes. The slow, methodical, and deliberate way they torture people gives it a kind of "soul-draining" feeling to it; and some of the doctors/nurses start to break down and question the shit they're doing at times, but are pressed-on by the management and military officers. The best part is that all the scenes are based on documented events. Keep in mind that it's made by Russians, and some elements of the movie could be influenced by lingering butthurt from WWII, more than being objective.
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Was spooky, big fan of 40k chaos stuff and this was similar

Had me in tears, you know this shit wouldn't fly now
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"The Haunting" - the original 1963 version. Stay far, far away from the crappy 1999 remake.
Knocked Up is pretty scary
I loved the black mirror. Its a futuristic/modern version of the twilight zone. Its amazing.
I agree, but salute you for getting that far. I can't remember the exact point in the babblingdug that I stopped giving it any respect, but I attribute it first to washy dialogue with unrelatable characters through poor portrayal (as touched upon by your goodself earlier with the random invention angle).
I've never been a parent, or a woman, so I can't say if anyone really could relate to this, but I find it hard to believe they can. I just felt it largely aimless, w/hollow characters, looking to spook by borrowing from greater establishments (or cliches). You're right that the artistic direction - but it damn well should as it just wholesale stole them from existing works (aforementioned point, London After Midnight).
So you get all these people saying how scary and spooky it was, blinded by stolen light of brighter stars ignoring that it just has no blasted direction other than "woooo! Spookums!" and the most 2D awkward female characters I thought I was stuck watching Troma's Dawn of the Dead again.

Second. Some wonderful tributes to existing work (Network, 1984 et al) with very competent direction and acting to create what first looks almost comedic in set up and becomes progressively more jarring in the way Threads does; If only for it's send up of comparative culture and background radiation of depression.

In other news, also watched "Inbred" last night. Not a fan, I thought it was bit of a pointless thing. Not pointless as in pure entertainment, no value - just that it exists for the sake of existing.
I don't want to give spoilers, but it just doesn't have much of a point to it. It's not a comedy, it's not a drama, it's not action. Characters exist to just suddenly stop existing and story is...a light gloss at best. In fact a light gloss at best is what every genre I mention gets in this film.
The main saving grace is it was filmed and set in Yorkshire and that means we can confirm all our suspicions about'm.
Just jumping in the thread here.
I second the recommendation on Session 9, one of my favorites still. Actually makes me want to see David Caruso (CSI glasses guy) in more movies, he did a damn good job in it imo.

Also second Grave Encounters. There's a sequel, which is OK, but not quite as good. The main characters not-so-subtly mirror the Ghost Adventures guy. Like what could happen if those jackoffs actually found a haunted place.
I'm with you. It's a brilliant movie.
Fuck dead silence! I have really bad automatonophobia and that shit literally gave me nightmares.
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The Babadook
Drag me to Hell
The Devils Backbone
The House of the Devil
Holy Mountain
A Field in England
The Ring
Starry Eyes
Pitch Black
Let me In
Bone Tomahawk
Tale of Tales
Wild Tales
Banshee Chapter
I Saw the Devil
Wrong Turn 2
The Mist
Honey Moon
Dark City
Sleep Tight
Dawn of the Dead
Pans Labyrinth
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For me the movies that scared me the most is all The Grudges and The Ring.
It makes me mad because people think its silly jump scares and shit.
But to me nothing is more fucking terrifying than creepy ass asian women crawling out of shit. I still cant watch em. I can watch woth friends but when im by myself my mind runs wild.
No other horror movie is scary for me though.... weird
Baby learned new word
Watched this a few years back, can confirm it's pretty gruesome and worth a watch
Hell yeah. The Haunting was and still is a really great, atmospheric film. The remake is just CG nonsense with just a passing nod to the original plot. Scary Movie 2 was closer.

It Follows was really good. I think I let it get a bit overhyped for me, because it's not flawless, but I really liked it. And >>18185868 is right the music is top tier.

Regarding the soundtrack, I don't know where this 80s synth resurgence is coming from, but It Follows and Stranger Things really nailed it.

So /x/, got a request myself: I like horror movies with a supernatural asshole antagonist. I want monsters that aren't just killing people to feed or "because ghosts" or whatever, I want bad guys that are actively, maliciously malevolent. Creatures that REVEL in the fact they're the bad guy. I'm talking:

* Child's Play
* Oculus
* Nightmare on Elm Street
* Lights Out
* Evil Dead
* Krampus
* Gremlins

Anything where the spoops are straight-up dicks instead of an unknowable mysterious force.
Liked it but I feel like most people won't. Very slow burn of a film that builds a suspense, that I like but honestly feel like it didn't deliver that much in the end.
I saw the sequel and wouldn't tell someone not to watch it as it doesn't really undermine much of anything of the first, but...yeah just "eh".

Interesting - really react badly to spiders myself, but enjoy Arachnophobia. I have to ask though, with no insult, out of pure curiosity - did the DVD cover or the opening rhyme or the opening scene with Billy not give forewarning as to where it was going? That said I still sat through Bubbadook and that gave me nightmares for how bad it is.

Bone Tomahawk good, then? We backburned it expecting it to be more a Western than a horror.

Can appreciate where you're coming from on this. Last decade's seen a lot of "oooh mystery evil" but there's something to be said for the comedy of a chatty villain (or the chill).
These don't necessitate scary or even good, but hopefully befitting your examples and there'll be summut you find. You'd have most what I'd think of there, but I hope there's some new ones in this. [1/2]

- Critters - Little buggers try to eat a small town.
- Inbred - Little buggers try to rule a small town. (I know I gave this a bad wrap earlier, but it might be fun if you want that style)
- 31 - Standard antagonistic murderers (or anything Rob Zombie, really)
- 13 Sins - Western adaptation. Good mix of drama and tension about how far one would go.
- Bodybags - anthology (if only for Carpenter's cameos)
- The Re-Animator Trilogy - Jeffrey Combs in an 80s Lovecraft adaptation that goes very 80s in all the right ways.
- From Beyond - Combs and Crampton return for another Lovecraft adaptation.
- 30 Days of Night - Straight forwards intelligent horror villains.
- The Hitcher - Stick with the original and Rutger Hauer in a grim road stalker movie.
- Hellraiser - Intelligent things from another place and a dick.
- Leprechaun - Housemate advises Rumplestiltskin and I advise he boils his head
- Bad Taste/Dead Alive (aka Braindead)/The Frighteners - A Peter Jackson lot, mostly from his earliest days.
- Stitches - Ross Nobel is clown that doesn't give a crap.
- Killer Klowns from Outerspace - From the people that gave you the special effects in Earnest Scared Stupid.
- IT - King and Currey. What's not to like (if you like King and/or Currey)
- Brainscan - A jovial tormentor guides John Connor through the 80's fear of video games.
- Jack Frost - Pure comedy schlock with a wisecracking serial killer snowman.
- The Hills Run Red - I like William Sadler.
Oh I totally knew where it was going but thought of it as immersion therapy. Bad fucking idea
Bone tomahawk was fantastic. Brutal and fantastic.
Reasonable, but as a fan of Dead Silence I can think of some lighter doll type films (borderline comedies etc) I'd've tried first. Still, hindsight 20/20 and all that; sorry it wasn't to your taste.

Excellent! We're going with "Howl" tonight, but I'll put that back on the list.
Ooh, awesome list, thank you. Especially Hellraiser, Re-animator and It.
Not just the effects people but they actually used some of the same exact masks with minimal modification for the trolls in Ernest that they used for the clowns.
No problem. I'm glad my combination of late nights, idea-theft for RPs and work as well as frequent infliction of alcohol and horror movies on the Housemate can be put to good use.

Finally, my powers from being bitten by that radioactive IMDB admin are paying off.
Can't wait for this shit fest on other boards tho.
Ah! My mistake. Wasn't sure where I'd picked up that tidbit, so had a quick google and found a comparison for anyone else that might be curious.
Glad I wasn't totally off, but appreciate the correction.


In other news, we just discovered Sean Pertwee is in Howl. This was met with an appropriate "Ooh! ...Ohh. Well he's not going to last long is he."

What is it with this guy and werewolves...?
Invasion of the Body Snatchers is pretty scary, but it has those 1970s special effects that might seem a little low quality compared to what you're used to.

Nonetheless, it's a solid film and pretty chilling at moments.
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Same article I read. Love bloody disgusting
Saw it the other day and it was definitely badass. Not too terrifying but the climax was pretty unsettling.
I wanted to like this so badly and if I'm being completely honest I really did right until the end. Right until the goat talked. If it had just been the woman in the woods I would have been way ok with that. But come on.
That is pretty interesting. Black Philip talking totally made the movie for me.
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I just watched the Blair Witch 2 it's a big shaky loud mess full of characters I want to see all die.

Neon Demon was good. Great atmosphere even if it's a little ham fisted. Kino
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I really like Rose red, but It's been some time since I saw It so my opinion might change the next time i see it.
I've seen it reasonable recently. I still like it. Hokey spots, certainly and you've already covered the obligatory King cameo, but I like a bit of cheese with it.

I feel it's safe to say it's all a reference to The Winchester mansion but I don't think it suffers for it as a story, even if it's a bit of-its-time.
Just started my 31 in 31 yesterday. Watching "I Am Not a Serial Killer" now, and it's really solid, but not as good as the book. Probably some of Christopher Lloyd's best acting in years, though.
very brutal. not too brutal. just enough. the indians were cool as fell. indians. but a slight twist to them. the film seemed to get kinda slow after the accident. buti loved it
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Loved this movie. It was a like watching a folklore story. I want to fug the witch

It was based on folklore. Doesn't a lot of folklore state that witches make pacts with the devil? I actually half expected the movie end half-assed with the blonde girl sitting at that bench.
Attack of the Killer Tomatoes
this should actually scare away people from getting a pass. Who in the hell wants a "I am a huge faggot, you can fuck my face" stamp on every post of his?
kill yourself passposter

fucking newfaggot...
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