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Bedroom visitations thread. Share an experiences you have had

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alien bedroom.jpg
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Bedroom visitations thread. Share an experiences you have had with entities that showed up in your bedroom. I have two.

>Be me
>Somewhere around 4 or 5 years old. Don't remember for sure.
>I'm awake in bed.
>Suddenly by bedroom door opens up and there's this "mummy".
>I told it to go away and it went away.
>It's possible that this child memory only combines the beginning and the end of an abduction experience
>The "mummy" could have been a screen memory for an alien.
>inb4 sleep paralysis. I didn't feel anything on my chest and it was definitely real.

I have a second one that my grandmother had.

>Be my grandma.
>Be in bed.
>See a "dinosaur" by bedside.
>Dinosaur looks real.
>Don't know more.
>I think this could have also been a screen memory for an alien.
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4 Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. 5 It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. 6 Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. 7 It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. 8 Love never fails. But where there are prophecies, they will cease; where there are tongues, they will be stilled; where there is knowledge, it will pass away.
Well when I'm half asleep sometimes I hallucinate things like giant spiders crawling on my ceiling. And when I was younger I saw a bloody card queen but that was probably just a dream.
I used to somewhat regularly have these dreams where an astronaut, a clown, and a dinosaur (gonna say velociraptor?) used to come out of my closet and start dancing around in a circle in my room. A chalkboard would float up at the foot of my bed, and I'd play some sort of tic-tac-toe game until they went back into the closet and I went to bed.

Never thought of it as an alien thing. Still don't. Kids dream things.
I remember once there was this fucking terrifying spirit in my childhood home
like a good 8 foot tall shadow person with a gigantic, bulbous head that would like stare into my window
after a while it started to come into my room
i think it was attached to the house where we lived at the time, so after about 4 years of living there we finally moved out. thank god.
i hated that thing.
You're going to have to tell us more
Rough time in life. Asked for a sign from God. Later on, wake up in the middle of the night. Figure standing beside my bed on my side, (gf on other side). Made sure I was awake. Looked like a humanoid in a cloak. Hood of the cloak was sealed, so no face. Inb4 reaper. I didn't jump in fear I was more amazed at what I was seeing. It didn't move, just stood there watching over me. Almost like a guardian. White walls, nothing in the room, dark figure. Easily noticable, no explanations. After looking at it for awhile i felt like i wasnt in any harm. Fell back asleep. Wake up in the morning and my gf tells me she felt someone rubbing her forehead and when she reached out thinking it was me there was nobody there. Told her what I saw, and she freaked. One thing that comes to mind is, we saw an orb or large ball of light flying around at insane speeds and changed directions fast. It looked as high as an airplane or higher. Both these stories happened within like the same week. One thing about the cloaked figure, to put in perspective, it was probably about 6 ft or taller and the cloak looked more elegant than ragged.
Tecnically not in my bedroom but here it goes.

>be me
>living with grandparents
>one night about 2-3 am
>on the phone with gf
>hear a giant bird(?) Land outside by my window
>wind from wings shake the trees
>caution mode
>tell gf i heard something wierd amd hang up phone
>stay still and listen
>hear heavy steps in the dirt as the creature walks towards my glass window
>creature makes final step onto the small cement walkway that goes all around the house

Judging by how loud and solid that step sounded i estimate at least 500 pounds. Whatever it was it was a fucking beast.


>creature is at the window
>complete silence except for my heart trying to punch a hole in my ribcage
>creature leans in and starts to breathe deep guttural
>i proceed to shit bricks
>creature keeps doing that evil noise while breathing
>by this moment i get the feeling it is enyoing scaring the shit out of me
>I lay in my bed as still and silent as possible while slowly moving away from the window inch by inch
>that thing apparently notices and starts walking around the house to the other window
>one step on the dirt, one on the cement walkway
>my head is right beside the window's corner
>the fucker apparently knows whats up because it creeps its fucking head right up to that corner where i was
>it starts doing that deep beastly breathing again as to mock me
>i instantly go from laying in my bed to having my back to the door in one swift movement
>i turn on the light
>see its shadow as it hides behind the wall
>i gtfo and start frantically knocking on my uncles door
>after a while he opens the door with a grin on his face
>I ask "you heard it too?"

apparently my uncle had already had an encounter with whatever that thing was. So we got into the subject and performed some "investigation"
We even managed to record evp in his room.
Also, you could have been a "child" simply "imagining things"
I'm pretty sure this was a case of sleep-paralysis, but I'm also pretty sure that doesn't mean a thing.

>last summer
>life is rough, under a lot of stress won't go into detail
>asleep one night, i wake up to my door opening
>shadowy silhouette in the doorway
>i cannot move an inch, can only watch
>"anon, it's me, your mother"
>snap out of paralysis grunting like an ape
>room is empty but door still open
Been trying to avoid this thread because bedroom visitors get me and I want to sleep tonight, but:

what the fuck is that picture? Major spoops.
My immediate thought was "Thunderbird"

Happened to my mom when she was 16 years old

It occured in the same house my grandparents are currently living in

>Around 11pm
>Mom reads a book before going to sleep almost every night
>She reads with her back against the bed head
>Above the bed head is a single window.
>It's summer so it's opened with a window screen
>40ish mins into the book she hears sniffing and brief munching
>It gets louder and she hears very loud slurping, clacking and muching sounds
>She turns around and sees a pale blue-ish wolf-like head
>Vivid white eyes, no iris
>it's pressing his right cheek violently against the window screen
>it's drooling all over the window and trying to push it's face in
>She screems and throws her book at the thing
>Peels the fuck out of the room
>Wakes my grandaprents up
>Gramp rushes in the room
>Nothing left except the oozing saliva on the matress and window.
>His dad tries to secure her telling it's probably a wolf or a dog.
>saliva smells like literal shit
>dries out very fast and forms a crust
>unbearable stench
>clean up
>every one goes back to bed fucking confused.
>mom sleeps on the couch
>Morning after they go in the yard
>They see the bush and the flowers destroyed
>bipedal and humanoid footprints everywhere
>mfw it's roughly 4 meters high from the ground to the window.

Still can't explain what she saw that day.

She is now 54 years old and the story runs like a joke in the family, but no one ever investigated the phenomenon any futher

It happened in Canada.
Shit OP.

I had a mummy who lived in my closet around the same age. Im 30 and still think about that asshole.
What part of Canada?

in the province of Quebec place called Lac-Mégantic

May remember about 3 or 4 years ago huge train accident destroyed half the town. it's this town

wrong post number lawl
Oh I remember. I have a close friend from there.

Hes a very very spiritual guy, and now lives and work in a hippy commune as I understand it.

Another friend of mine was living for a week or so in that giant graveyard in Montreal (could ahv been Quebec city, cant remember) and he had a fucking encounter with a cryptid that ran on all fours and screamed like a banshee.

Quebec sounds like a cool ass province, saskatchewanfag here.

It's a nice place, I honnestly rarely hear from paranormal related stuff in Montreal, i know alot of abandonned buildings, spoopy areas and cool unexplored places.

I'm aware of the huge graveyard in Montreal, unfortunately never heard anything cryptid related in that zone.

I should muster a few friends and explore it iat night in the near future, Graveyard's huge as fuck tho.

Any creepy related stories from Saskatchewan?
Moose Jaw bro. Third largest city in Saskatchewan (still tiny at like 35k people). I grew up there and between me and close friends weve had close encounters with everything rom aliens, to vampires, to leprechauns.

I moved to Regina about 10 years ago, and everything weird in my life stopped. Moose Jaw is straight up built on a hell mouth or something, I am positive.
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