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Satanic Ritual Abuse. Does it exist? High up paedo rings definitely

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Satanic Ritual Abuse. Does it exist? High up paedo rings definitely exist, some really sick shit does exist too eg. Destruction of Daisy.

Through all my many hours of research I've heard some genuinely credible sounding stories. So what about the heavy shit, like black magic rituals and human sacrifice rituals?

Also, thoughts on Hollywood/government/secret society involvement,
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5LItAcLMRdA some of this is legit, some of it isn't but it's a great watch.
it's some serious sheeit
It definitely exists. Trauma counsellors are well aware of it. It can happen anywhere (not just in shadowy secret societies or upper ranks of government).

I know two women (no connection to each other) that have experienced SRA.
Don't post here that often, mostly stick to /pol/ but I've got to say this shit's real. Kinda. I had some experience with it. It happened a few summers ago.

>Be Me, lost shitty retail job.
>Live in Kern County, California
>Spend a few months looking for work
>Could only score a few interviews, never found a job.
>Decided, fuck it, I'll see if they can't give a white guy some farming job.
>Go to local farm
>Beaners as far as the eye can see
>White farm owner
>Smile, shake his hand, ask if he has any room for an extra farmhand
>Pray to Christ that white privilege is real enough to get me a job
>He's surprised, says yes though, start next week
>Next Week
>Cover self in sunscreen
>Put on jeans and work boots
>Go to work at the crack of dawn
>Only real white guy there
>Outpaced by mexicans
>Called Gringo, ragged on, but they warm up to me as the days pass
>Owner comes over, asks me to take some new-looking truck loaded with grain to a grain silo.
>Sun is already setting
>Silo is apparently the next farm over, literally miles away from this one
>Ask him why the fuck the Silo is all the way down there
>Told me to shut up and do it.
>Get in truck
>Beaners start laughing and saying something in Spanish
>I got the shit-shift it seemed

I got more than a shit-shift though, can continue if anyone is interested.
That fucking cliffhanger, you better continue you cunt
You hear of "Satanic" murders now and again by groups. Easy to find them in open source media.

They're usually low-tier in regards to the people involved.
please, continue
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Your wish is my command.

>Driving truck now
>Moon is in the sky
>Got turned around like a fucking jackass
>Ended up adding maybe an hour onto my drive
>No excuse, was just fucking stupid
>It was getting pretty dark out
>Turned on brights because fuck it, no one else on the road
>Eventually figure out the right path to the grain silo.
>See it up ahead
>Also see a fucking fire a few feet away from it
>Fire in Southern California
>In the Summer
>Near crops
>Get the fuck out of the truck to check this shit out
>Have no plan, but I had my cellphone in case it was some jackass trying to destroy our crops or some rival farmer or some shit
>Thinking I'll get some big fucking reward for saving the day
>It's a fucking campfire
>There's fucking people around it
>Realize I'd be fucked if I go over there
>Still try to get closer
>See something like pic related, but had to be a dozen naked bitches
>Can count at least two landwhales among them
>Think its some wicca bullcrap
>Walk onto the scene
>Half of them are doing this weird fucking "dance".
>I say "dance" but it looked more like they were being fucked by the air, like, rocking their hips back and forth like that around a fire
>It's fucking smoldering hot and I'm sunburned
>Interrupt the shrieking harpies and ask them what the fuck they're doing out here
>suddenly they all stop
>they get real fucking angry
>some pitch throws fucking pebbles at me
>tell me I'm not welcome
>I tell them they're trespassing on private property and threatening the crops
>sidenote, they managed to clear some of the grain out somehow, that's how we didn't have a huge fucking fire on our hands
>Some head honcho "witch" comes up to me
>Tells me in a fucking valleygirl accent that I'm interrupting a "sacred" ritual, bonding or some shit.
>Tell her I don't care, if they don't fucking leave I'm calling the cops
>Eventually they seem to wander off in the same direction

That wasn't the end of it though, far from it.

Keep on going senpai
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>Eventually stomp out fire.
>Get lost in the spoopy grain fields for a bit, then find my way back to truck.
>Call my boss, try to tell him what's happening, standing out on the driver's side of the truck now.
>Suddenly a big fucking rock smacks the window nearly an inch from my face.
>Recoil back
>Three or four more rocks start hitting my sides
>Wondering if there was some fucking Muzzies I pissed off somewhere
>Eventually the rocks stop coming.
>I hear one bitch laugh and another start hollering something at me.
>Try picking up the stone, throwing it in the direction of the laughing. Hear a shriek.
>Got one
>Eventually I hear them all run off
>See my boss' car has a crack in the window
>Just dump the grain in crates outside the silo
>Decide I'll be calling the cops on the for arson, vandalism
>Drive back to the farm
>No one's there
>Leave note explaining some kids were throwing rocks at the road to explain the crack
>Drive back home
>Next morning I decide to call the cops
>Explain what happened in detail
>Lady on the other line says "we'll look into it"
>When I called a few days later I found out that they basically had a guy kick around the area, but didn't decide to do anything about it
>I don't get assigned silo duty again for another three days
>Boss is pissed at me
>Beaners laugh when I try to explain what the fuck happened
>Told me to just leave it be
>Said "No" in Spanish
>This meant war

Needless to say this got a lot *a lot* worse. I'll continue after a short break.
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I gotta know what happens next.
Don't want to add too much detail of the next few days, was mostly me working out in the fields. I'd get assigned silo duty a few more times, but didn't really see them for a while.

That was until around the fifth time or so I was out with the truck

>See campfire again
>Get out of the truck
>See these bitches doing the same air-fucking dance.
>Get fed up
>Fire seems a bit bigger now, get closer
>They're burning a fucking scarecrow
>Valley Girl Witch Bitch starts shouting some shit
>Typical "Belial, Lucifer" demon name chanting shit.
>Pretty sure Wiccans don't worship Lucifer, but whatever
>Suddenly the lady passes around a goblet
>They're smearing some shit on their genitals
>Looked really dark in the fire, I'd only find out later just what it was
>Decide I'd mess with them.
>Wait for the hysterical cries to quiet down.
>Make as deep and scary a yell I could, ducked down and hid by the grain.
>These bitches just turn to the one closest to the yell
>Wonder if I've been caught
>Instead they fucking *tackle the girl* and start doing shit
>I think one of them was scratching at her chest, another was tugging on her breasts roughly
>The valley girl with the Chalice fucking poured the stuff down this girl's throat
>This shit was fucked, so I ran away
>Still wasn't done with these bitches though
>Now I was certain they were doing something illegal, thought the cops would actually try to do something to stop this.
>Spoiler alert: they didn't.
Yes. Sexual abuse allows for greater control over the victims mind because they're mad to feel powerless and ashamed, in more insidious circles, they are then made to only feel acceptable by the culprit in order to nurture dependency.
I have a semi right now, please continue
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This seemed a lot shorter when I was telling my cousin about it

>Next day
>Cops call back
>Ask if I can come down to the police station and explain everything that happened
>Debating if I should just say I ran into some assholes that were trying to set crops on fire
>Went the stupid route, told them everything that happened
>"You should never lie to an officer!" is what my mom always told me
>Tell them the truth
>They think I'm bullshitting
>Promise to "look into it"
>Apparently this time they had a guy stakeout the place for a few nights
>Get a call back that nothing happened
>Ask if they could spend maybe one or two more nights there
>Given some spiel about not wasting resources in such a rural town
>Basically told to get fucked
>Decide I'd have to take this into my own hands
>Got some friends, a /fit/izen, a fag, a redneck bro who I tried turning onto /k/, and the fattest, blackest weaboo you'd ever see.
>Borrowed /fit/ bro's mom's car
>We were armed to the teeth with baseball bats and masks and shit
>Didn't want to hurt anyone, just try and scare them off for good.
>We literally pulled straws to see who'd have control of the radio.
>The Weab won
>We were in a soccer mom van, in bumfuck nowhere, and blasting fucking anime OSTs
>not really intimidating sight
>Eventually see a small fucking fire in the distance
>/fit/ bro took point, fag to my right, redneck behind us, weab to my left.
>Eventually we get to the fucking campfire
>/fit/izen puts on a hockey mask
>kinda negated by the Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers shirt he had on, but whatever
>We're kneeling to watch the spectacle, waiting for them to be distracted
>Plan was we interrupt them, smash some shit over, and tell them to never comeback
>Jimbo behind us was to give it that 'country lynchin' gang' feel, make it seem like we were locals.
>Same number as before, though they had a new addition.
>A fucking goat.
>Said "No" in Spanish

So he said "no"?
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>I only know for sure the fag and the /fit/ dude saw the goat, and me
>Suddenly the valley girl bitch pulls out a knife.
>I'm not talking kitchen knife shit, I'm talking real Rambo commando stuff
>She literally slices open the goat's throat right in front of us
>Some land whale bent over the thing
>Couldn't really see what was happening behind her massive fucking ass
>another chick hands the "head witch" lady the goblet from before
>Suddenly realize just what the fuck was in the old goblet
>She starts ranting some shit about the power of vitae or something
>It was all kind of hectic the next few minutes, and the fact they were using a lot of redundant terms didn't help things
>From what I can gather about her lecture and all that she mentioned that blood was kind of infused with a life force of its own. Same with Sperm and I think some other thing.
>They began chanting some shit that sounded something like it was about trying to get one of them possessed or pregnant or some shit.
>Eventually /fit/ dude has enough of it.
>Stands up in the wheat Jason Voorheese style
>Yells and starts swinging the bat around like crazy hoping to scare them.
>It didn't work
>A few picked up rocks, but it seemed the witch bitch had a few more knives on her, 'cause suddenly three were literally running at us with the fucking things
>Weab shat himself, I pissed myself, we were all running though.
>I've never seen a guy as fat as the weab run so fucking fast before
>We all make it to the car.
>Left it unlocked because fuck if we were going to have one of those 'I CAN'T FIND THE KEYS' moments
>/fit/ bro is trying to turn the fucking keys in the ignition
>It jammed though
>Horror Movie Trope 101
>We all manually locked the doors, could still hear shrieking.
>Suddenly fag reaches over and starts nervously fondling me, he's jacking it the whole time
>I mean hey if you think you'll die who knows what you'll do

Stay tuned for the (admittedly kind of dull) conclusion.
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>Try picking up the stone, throwing it in the direction of the laughing. Hear a shriek.
>Got one
That pleased me.
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So after a lecture I didn't fucking understand, we were all stuck in some soccer mom car. I was getting my piss-stained pants rubbed down by a gay dude, the weab was panicking and saying they were getting closer. Redneck bro was rambling a prayer or something like that.

>We look out the windows
>See nothing but hear sounds all around us.
>Eventually one yells that she sees us
>Start having slightly large pebbles thrown at our windows.
>Then full blown rocks
>Eventually the dude manages to finally get the ignition key to turn.
>6/10 Nigress with long fucking hair slams into the car and starts stabbing at the window
>/fit/ bro slams on the gas peddle
>She recoils
>Don't know if she had her foot ran over, hope so.
>/fit/ bro isn't done there though
>Starts driving like a maniac through the wheat field
>"Connect" from Madoka Magica starts blasting loudly, the CD was still in the fucking CD player
>We didn't find any of them but we certainly tore some crops to shit
>Decide to get out of their before the cops come after us
>All drive to /fit/ bros mom's house
>Weab changes out of his pants
>/fit/ bro takes some anger out on a punching bag upstairs
>Redneck makes himself some Coffee
>I ended up getting a BJ in the bathroom by the fag, it was a stressful experience and neither of us were thinking rationally
>The next day I quit my fucking job
>Didn't want to deal with that shit ever again.
>Moved back in with my parents.
>Eventually found another shit job in retail
>No clue what happened to the ladies after that, don't care to find out.
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>>Suddenly fag reaches over and starts nervously fondling me, he's jacking it the whole time
>fag reaches over and fondles and jacks off the whole time

>"Connect" plays in thrilling situation

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>Got some friends, a /fit/izen, a fag, a redneck bro who I tried turning onto /k/, and the fattest, blackest weboo [sic] you'd ever see.

Ladies and gentleman: Team 4chan.
To be honest I only know /fit/ bro for sure browses 4chan. Redneck bro doesn't really have the most stable connection, so I have no clue if he even bothers with the internet. The Weab *might* post on /a/, but that's just a guess on my part, no clue 'bout the fag.
One or two assholes from /k/ would have either shot those bitches, scared them away, or killed them.
Hell in barely /k/ and I woulda charged the bitches.
You guys where faggots and weak.
It definitely exists, and everyone knows about it.
Its called Judaism and circumcision.
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>I ended up getting a BJ in the bathroom by the fag, it was a stressful experience and neither of us were thinking rationally

>a poltard, a /fit/izen, an /lgbt/ard, a redneck /k/ommando, and the fattest, blackest weaboo you'd ever see.
>4chin stereotypes vs Lucy and his witches
Make it a movie.
Were you outnumbered by them or something? Why didn't you just wreck those bitches? I thought only few of them had knifes.
This guy is what a /k/ommando should inspire to be.
And Arnold could beat a few mother fuckers to death definitely a ex military and you faggots couldn't handle a couple of Californian lesbians.
Seriously a full swing with a bat would break a pigs spine cord let alone some 100 pound bitches.

I can't stop laughing fuck you anon and your Satanbuster theme song!
I mean, it's not that absurd if you've watched the series.
OP confirmed literal faggot...
Back from sleeping, prepping for work now; can clear a few things up.

To answer your question, all I can say is everyone has a battle plan until they get hit in the nose. We just watched these crazy bitches slice a goat's throat, and I already told them how they hurt that one lady from before. When you see a bunch of crazy nude chicks with knives running towards in an otherwise dark farm field, you get a fight or flight response.

We all decided flight was better. Besides we *were* outnumbered.


I sincerely hope you ever have to face 12 crazy witches charging at you, at night, with knives, while you were armed with baseball bats at best.

I'd say a few were well over one hundred pounds.
It was a stressful experience for both of us. We were literally just chased through the woods by some naked bitches, not to mention I kind of had a half-chub from before.

Like I said, strange things happen when you think you're going to die.
your a lying role player and actual faggot
>>I ended up getting a BJ in the bathroom by the fag, it was a stressful experience and neither of us were thinking rationally
Are you trying to see how far you can take your story? Anyway, I had a laugh, thanks mate.

This is the most ambiguous moment on 4chan where I can say that I'm not sure if you're trolling.
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Many politicians appear to have wives that are actually gay men in drag.

So where do they get their children from?
They fuck their wives
Story screencapped
rude desu
OP again, on lunch break. I'm being honest here, granted I think I should provide some extra detail here.

So you know the whole "Deer in the Headlights" kinda thing? Happened to me for a second, but the fag was just stuck there, like, it didn't look like he was scared so much as his brain was trying to process what to do; I assume he's also not used to the sight of a naked woman, let alone nearly a dozen of them.

So I grab him by the hand, and try dragging him with me. He snaps out of it, and we run holding hands together like a couple of Kansas City faggots. Still not quite sure *why* he started jerking it in the car, he muttered something about a nervous reaction when we got to /fit/ bro's house.

I was hopped up on adrenaline and had kind of a half-chub going on. I ran upstairs to the bathroom because I wasn't going to change in there after the weab put on a clean pair of pants. Before I know it the fag follows me up there and kept trying to thank me for "saving" him (honestly he's given me looks before, so this could've just been him trying to take advantage of the moment)

One thing turned to another, next thing I know he's going to town on me. First time I ever had a blowjob.

All things considered, it's pretty funny looking back on it, but nothing I'd ever want to really experience again. Every now and then I'd try to look up, like "Witch Cults in Kern County" and see if I can find something like a website on them, but it always comes up blank.

If anyone does some searching I'd be happy to find out just what the fuck might've been happening.
Was he cute?
Most things you hear in the popular press are bullshit. But it does happen.

If you want to know for sure, befriend a women's crisis counselor. They're bound by law not to talk about anything specific, but they can tell you with absolute certainty that this shit happens.

And it happens everywhere. A lot.
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I still consider myself straight, but I mean it's not like he was pizza-faced or even ugly for a dude. He was kinda skinny, took care of his hair and skin pretty well.

He wasn't full blown trap material, but at least he wasn't ugly.
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