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Two-spirit shaman here, offering any shamanic services that don't

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Two-spirit shaman here, offering any shamanic services that don't require you to be physically present. Also doing general Q&A
the only way i can maintain a regular sleep pattern is if I go to bed at dawn and wake up at dusk. The doctor says that's not possible like I'm lying to her.

Please any tips that will help me?
Are you wanting to reverse your pattern to have a schedule where you sleep during the night hours?
If this thread doesn't get deleted I will be surprised.

Mods always delete these
What's the extent of your experiences with altered states of consciousness.

Please explain three in detail, and what makes them different from other conscious states.
i guess so
it's really not convenient sleeping all day. I'm worried the day won't be long enough. The daylight part of the day always seems oddly short to me
Because AMA shit belongs on reddit.

Take this to /div/ general, at least.
>two spirit
K, tumblr.
What kind of services can you do without physical presence? What would be an example of something that required physical presence?

Genuinely curious here.
Do you by any chance know the title of any books about shamanism?
Entering a SSC is the basis of shamanism, and it's purposes are far and wide. To enter the SSC, traditionally repetitive instrumentals (usually drums) are used similar to a metronome to help align the mind of the shaman and the patient to the same 'frequency'. Different cultures have other specifics involved, such as burying your body in earth for grounding or removing all worldly objects from your body to keep your spirit pure, or using crystals in your mouth to absorb energies. Personally, I use crystals. Then you will attune with your spirit guardian who will guide you into the trance, and once the SSC has been achieved, will be your navigational guide to determine the cause of the problem, or find the answer you seek. My first shamanic healing involved an individual who had trouble controlling his explosive emotions, and asked for my help. I 'ate' a pure Quartz and used my phone to play a recorded drumming. I held my hands on either side of his head, closed my eyes, and transitioned to the altered state. I had to navigate through his soul, which was a confusing labyrinth of dead ends and wrong turns, until I reached his heart, where I found the embodiment of a woman, filled with rage, screaming like a banshee. After returning to the NSC, we discussed what was seen, and compared it to his current life situation, and determined that the stress of living with his manic depressive mother was wearing his mental state down so low he was no longer in control of his emotions
Start with The Way Of The Shaman by Michael Harner
Thanks, I'll check it out. My friend is also very curious in it.. glad I have finally found one after a while of asking on /x/
I would recommend skipping a full sleep cycle, no more than 36 hours, starting when you would normally wake up, through when you desire to fall asleep, without using any kind of chemicals to aide in your awakeness, (coffee, tea, matte, etc are fine, just avoid energy drinks) and take some melatonin before you go to sleep. That will usually force restart your patterns
This has nothing to do with divination, holy shit. Be less pedantic and you might fit in some day.
even if this is bullshit it would be nice for me to go to someone like you, i think.
If you are following the rest of this thread, an example would be how I gave anon advice on correcting an area of anons life, where an example of a physical service would be entering a Shamanic State of Conciousness (SSC) to aide someone with spiritual or mental distress, or use my knowledge of botany to create salves, tinctures, incenses, extracts, or teas to help someone with a physical issue
You can contact local shamans with much ease. Shamanlinks.net offers a place where you can find the closest shaman to you. We are always more than willing to help. It is our calling to help others
okay I will try that. might take a couple days before I get a change but if this thread is still up I'll post results
Alright, thanks. I tend to deal with more abstract types of energy so I get a little confused on what it means to require physical presence sometimes.
I'm sorry it's taken you so long, I personally don't come here often, but there is literally hundreds of books on shamanism. Michael Harners book has been a keystone of shamanic literature for decades. He is a well respected shaman and tours holding teaching seminars
Oh, it's no problem at all. thanks, friend. I hope you have a nice night/day
Change, like any form of healing takes time and perseverance. Whether you are taking pills to fight an infection, or seeing a new love interest to help move on from the last, it won't be one pill or one date. The effort you put forward will help gauge the outcome. I wish you the best
I understand where you come from, I am a healer, and I will aide any way I can. Many shamans come from a variety of backgrounds, witches, pagans, Christians, Buddhists, and athiests. It's not uncommon for me to encounter energies from every end of the spectrum. And most of them can't be described as physical
I wouldn't mind if you took a look real quick. I think I could use a second opinion at this point.
OP here, going to start using a tripcode from here on out
Sure, what do you have?
I don't really understand the question. Can't you just sort of try to feel my energy and tell me what you sense?
Well, to be completely honest, no. I can't read someone's energy through a computer, or even over a phone. I'm not some 'psychic' gypsie hack. But what I can do is read you. From what you've typed, the words you choose to use, and when you choose to use them, I can read a little bit of who you are. You're distraught, and growing impatient. You are unable to comprehend what you feel and you are looking for answers. Tell me what you feel, and I'll tell you what I can
That's kind of why I need a psychic. I can choose words and social engineer intents beyond what the world has been able to ascertain in linear time. I'm not in a position to care about what amounts to cold reading. Kind of why I bothered asking a shaman who said he deals with energies from the fringes of the world.
I'm sorry I can't provide the help you're looking for. My abilities are meant for healing, but I can say this. It sounds to me like you need to seek help from someone who can look you in the eyes and speak directly to your soul. There is a barrier keeping you from the answers you seek, and it's humanity. Your mortality is unable to sustain your spirit and in order to become whole, a shaman would need to be able to enter your mind and communicate with your true self
I actually met one awhile ago who pretended to be able to do that. I guess there are no easy non-obvious answers for me. Thanks for the advice.
Is there a way to fast forward astral projection? i can get to the point where my body and mind think im spinning for like 5 minutes but i try to lift myself and all i get is the spinning stopping.
I had a really crappy day today. Can you tell me a joke?
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What did the skeleton say after he found his missing arm bone?
"I found this humerus."
What's smelly and can be found in the dumpster of a McDonalds?
A dead baby.
I laughed at both. Thanks, anon.
I'd like to journey and clear a friends gall stones. Any tips for where or what I can do?

I've only journeyed once. Upon seeing a malicious spider in the tunnel I didn't turn back. Burned it as far as I'm aware and didn't meet it on the way back through. Met an antelope on a rocky beach who allowed me to catch her but I didn't bring her back with me, thought the spider was too telling. What does this mean?

Thanks for your time
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Do you drum, tell us your method. Tell us your nahual, and if you cannot, then you are not ready.

This coming from a lone coy-dog with too much spiritual exp that I can't do much except help people. I like have no sense of humor except how your bile is like. I'm like, whoa, why you talking spirit talk on the website like this newbie? Do you have a shell yet? Do you know howda lay low like la le lu le lo? Seriously tell me your aztec day sign, it would be your literal name in that culture. And it really helps to language what you gotta do.
Today is one of my lucky power days, so act quick, or else they'll turn the electric fence back on and I can't help you except with book learnings and discernings from hamburger wrapper earnings and burnings. Undead turnings and memories of at least 3 witch burnings. Are you prepared to handle the psychic earnings? I know you gots ta have all these yearninsg but honey, baby shut the fuck up, you making us look bad with all that glut.
I'm being dragged into nightclub by a friend, do your spirits have any ancestral advice on pulling some pussy?
Recordings of other shaman drumming, deer, rabbit.
You have timid creatures with delicate digestion. You can't go into that world without great power.
Go on a quest to gain it, go to the natural places.
Hello, I am curious if you believe in the "bloodline" per say of the magick/shamanism side of things.. What I meant is my great grandfather as well as his grandfather were both legitimate medicine men/shamans for a Cherokee tribe.. Me as well as my mother(it's on her side) have always had a sense of being "psychic" n I am VERY empathic to the point I almost feel like I feed off of other people's energy if that makes sense? I am very good at feeling/transferring energy between people as in I can feel legitimate heat in my hands, and see the energy or auras around as well as within the people I may be around to the point I can get a sense of their thoughts and "feel through them" without trying it has always been like this with many other things I as well as my mother have experienced... On my dad's side they use more Sufi type thought around life in a way, but also they use crystals, herbs, vibrations, and massage for therapy and healing.. I guess what I'm asking is since it is in the family and I have always "felt" it do you believe that the magick or shaman side/abilities/essence of my family was "passed down" to me? No I am not a rp neckbearded type person just honestly curious about what you think? I have a LOT of animals that I consider to be "guides" or I just feel a connection with whenever they present themselves to me
i feel like something has been following me for some time now i've tried talking to it and nothing happens but it's presence does feel stronger and weaken the more i talk to it. it comes and goes through out the day, usually gone for most of the day but shows up every night before i go to sleep and i've even felt a weight on top of me, next to me and something holding my hand while i start to fall asleep. can you help me identify what it is or how i can talk to it?
Can you send good vibes my way, id really appreciate it.
I just went on a journey and saw an alicorn twice, once at the beginning and once as I reached my final destination. Any ideas on what this could mean?
Hey OP! Could you tell if i had any psychic powers?

I think i'm starting to develop a particular one and i'd like to know if you could tell if it's legit and/or if i have others

How do I become a normal functioning person? I'm dissociated anxious and paranoid. Medication of any kind hasn't helped. What should I do?
Define normal
That's a big question desu. Not really normal in the sense of normal for society. I guess I mean content or at least have some sort of direction or motives. I wanted to take the spiritual path years ago and started using entheogens. And I feel like they put me way to far out for me to find my way back if that makes any sense. I wanted to become a healer but I tried to do it with no help or guidance and I fries myself. I want to feel like a person again is what im trying to say.
Yep, you're so special.

Nope it's actually that you are a person searching for legitimacy elsewhere, and it is unhealthy to do magic when you aren't whole in yourself. Not op, just happen to be another two-spirit.
I've been in pain my whole life and I wanted to become someone who could help guide people like me to a better mind and spirit but I fucked myself up in the process.... I'm scared now
I know I have to save myself I just want to be pointed in the right direction. If possible I'd still like to help people. What do you think?
>I want to feel like a person again is what im trying to say.
You described how you got to where you are now, emotionally, but you didn't say how you really felt until that last sentence. So my question is, without explaining HOW you got here, WHY do you feel like you aren't very human right now?
I don't feel like I belong in this world
I need to know how I can lift my spirit up
You don't, not anymore. You could help out places you'll never see, and you could do more for them than you ever will be able to to here on Earth. You have skills that are valuable to the wrong time and place and ultimately? You don't fit in anymore. You are not of this world, you are a higher dimensional being with no higher dimensional home. Have you ever watched a superhero movies like Spiderman or Iron Man and felt like reality was fictional because the movies were so much simpler and made more sense? Like, "If only reality were so mundane!" while watching a superhero movie. Know what I mean?
I do so what are you telling me? Suicide?
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The key to self healing is encapsulated in knitting. You do the same thing consistently, and then, with enough effort and ease you become healed. If you go too tight then you create new problems, big holes, and struggle, do what is natural to you, and do it often. But keep in mind that powerful spirit guides are not doing your soul ease, pot loosens things but you should know how to be loose. Alcohol is called waters of life, this is useless if your spirit has holes, because it makes you leach out nutrients like a plant pot.
No, I thought about suicide for awhile too, but it'd just end up stuffing your knowledge into the astral and you run the risk of having negative entities feed on it. You have to preserve your karma; find a way to exercise your will that isn't painful to think about. Basically the "power" behind your knowledge is too great to deal with sanely on this plane, so congrats on not going postal sooner, but every so often do seriously consider seeing a therapist. It can be therapeutic to even think about doing it. Just last night I had a huge restoration of how I truly feel about the world and it really had an impact on how I felt. For me, working out the excess karma meant accepting more emotions on my own terms, but for you and your preferences it might be different. You need to center yourself, to ground yourself. You need to ignore everything you know, not because it's not worth knowing, but only because you have no way to effectively utilize the bulk of it. Center, focus, ground yourself, and find out what it is that really, truly, matters to you in this world. Something put you on this path.
Thanks anon.
I need some luck in finding work.

I'll open the doors, just give me some help.


Name is Chris. You prob didn't need that though.
Hey OP, how do I contact my dragon spirit guides? (There also seems to be a blonde man that's one of my spirit guides as well. Sadly, he's not a Pleiadian... But how do I contact him as well?)
please guide me how to attract people like myself not those who use me n my skills for their profit.
Thank you.
What, then, do you plan to do when you find each other? Waddle about doing nothing because you'll never agree to benefit from each others skills?
Chris who?
I do like to share.
Ok, let me ask like this, how can i avoid attracting selfish people?
I'm always super tight and tense. Thanks though
Be less giving. No matter where or when someone sees you being nice, there are certain people who will seek to take advantage of that niceness. You yourself have to learn to tell what kind of situation you're in.
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I've been struggling with bulimia for about 9 years now.
I'm very interested in not being fucked up and controlled by it all the time anymore. I'd like to eat a burger without contemplating killing myself afterwards. I'd like to look at myself in the mirror and feel satisfied.
I go to therapy 3 times a week, have been in and out of mental hospitals a few times but I feel like I'm always right back where I started.
If there is anything you could do at all, I would be eternally grateful.
Thank you.
Stop caring about what people think about you

It doesn't matter, stop living for other people and instead of creating an outward appearance, work on yourself and stop living outside of yourself
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being fat isn't attractive, but this is?
>ITT someone who knows nothing about eating disorders
Hey shaman bro, can you get me a cute gf?
it's more of an extremely strong impulse than an issue of self-confidence since I've been like this for almost a third of my life.
Like a really aggressive neural pathway that I can't shake
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