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Haunted House-Sitting

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 325
Thread images: 74

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Hey /x/, I'm currently house-sitting for a relative in a supposedly haunted house, he, and his daughter, have reported strange sounds, and even some weird sightings.

Gotta admit, now that I'm alone there is something unsettling about this place, and I've heard a few weird noises over the last few hours. I've pretty much seen just their living room and kitchen, so I've yet to see the rest of the house.

I'll be here for a couple of weeks and I'm kind of dreading when it gets dark, so obviously the best thing to do is freak myself out even more on /x/, this is totally gonna make it better.

Sarcasm aside, got any requests as I explore this place?
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Walk naked, jerk it whenever you can, shit all over yourself. That unsettles ghosts and other spooks
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But I want to be friends with ghosts, I don't want to seem like a pervert to them.

Unless it's a perverted ghost who'd like it, then maybe.

Anway, this is the last of the images I took before starting this thread. I'll take more of whatever you guys want, within reason.
We will need pucs of his daughters room and pics of her panty drawer.
Yeah this will help me understand the ghosts more
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I wouldn't do it anyway, but she moved out about a year ago to go live in a school dorm, her clothes are gone.

Her room is probably untouched otherwise, but I'm not sure what room that is.

Also I was wrong, I had one more image.
We may not be able to help you if you don't find something hers
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Turns out her room was the first on the right.

I heard some weird thumps as I was entering, and that was followed by the sound of something moving. I don't think it came from this room though.

Anyway, from what I've heard she took most of her stuffed animals and stuff with her, I had no idea she had so many.
Told ya something would happen.
Spooks generally prefer feminine vibes. Could you crossdress into a girl and sleep in that room? See where it takes you.
And don't forget to take pics
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Fuck, I opened a door in her room and this asshole scared the shit out of me.
Jesus Christ how horrifying
Me cagué encima.
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Even if I wanted to I couldnt. She took her clothes with her when she left.

Anyway, this is the room I'm gonna sleep in, it's at the end of the hall.
Seems like a nice house, if you see strange shit be sure to take pictures m8
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It's a cardboard cutout of some famous boyband member. I think she was originally going to take it with her, but this guy apparently left and she hates him now?

I got a better picture of it.

And I just heard some kind of weird fucking squealing while I was typing this out, I think it's coming from outside, bit it sounds like it's closer than that.
Bring the giant panda plushie from the previous room so you won't be lonely in there.
I might consider it, but I wanna avoid obviously moving anything in there, I don't wanna be known as the weird relative who went through his daughters room while they were gone.
He should get the pink tentacled monster instead
The what?
Is there a basement? If so, investigate.
Top left corner of the pic
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Explored a bit more, took a few more pictures.

The first door on the left of the hall seems to be a storage room, I think there's a closet on the right side of the room but I can't get to it.

If there is I haven't been told about it, and I haven't seen an obvious way into one.

You mean the monkey?
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House - Monkey.jpg
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Got a better shot of it.
Yeah, that one!
That might be easier to put back without it being obvious, so maybe.
Take it! I sense something significant
you got a real thing for that monkey dont ya
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Sure, I guess.
No, I really sense something about it
The monkey is gonna end up killing you watch
Love the filename, thanks!
It will protect him, not kill him
no real interest in the objects in the house, but if you feel or hear anything odd let us know, and if theres any way to document it, like if you see an apparition or whatever. just keep the camera close.
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So uh...I wasn't actually going to take it with me, I picked it up to humor the anon, but then I noticed the monkey was, well, smiling. I don't think it was doing that before...so I guess I'll actually take it with me?

Anyway, something I should probably mention, I've been hearing sounds that seem normal, like sounds from outside and sounds that I could be making, but whenever I look outside it's basically deserted and I heard the sound of a shoe on wood when I was sitting down.
Is it harwood? Hardwood floors do that sometimes. Just chill.
As for the monkey, it is okay, he's one of the good guys
Any idea why it's haunted? Death in the house?
I'll take your word for it...for both things.

Anyway it's been kind of quiet, been a little while since I last heard anything. Not even heard or seen a car pass by for hours now.
That monkey is HUNG
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This place used to be owned by a church, a lot of families have lived here over the years, maybe some deaths at some point?

Thomas would probably know, he's the relative that owns the place now, but he's not gonna be back for a couple of weeks and I'd feel bad calling him just to ask him something like that.

Anyway, he did mention something about it being a great deal, apparently the church stopped sending people here and put it up for a pretty great price. I can't see any obvious reasons for that, he hasn't had any work done but it's still in pretty great shape, and it's in a nice, safe neighborhood.
My guess is suicide.
Keep taking pictures out the peep hole and blinds for more susbense you faggot
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So, weirdest thing to happen yet, I found a door in the kitchen I'd overlooked, and when I opened it the door squeaked a lot more than the others, like it's not used often. The next thing I know there's this pretty bad smell in the air, like this room smelt pretty fucking bad.

I took the picture and as I was moving away it felt like a hand was on my side, gently trying to guide me in, when I turned to look there was nothing there, and nothing around me to have bumped into.

I'm vaguely remembering my relative's daughter saying something about her dad telling her not to go in there, so I don't know what the fuck to think.
>gently trying to guide me in

go in there and stand for a bit
Fine, but I'm holding my breath when I do.
Maybe the smell is some dead rodent that was never found. That would explain the "don't go in there" part. As for the door, rusty hinges?
oh right.

>smelt pretty fucking bad

but its for science!
Does it smell of rotten flesh or burnt hair?
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I was about to post the image but it was really dark for some reason? I'll post my responses and stuff in a second, I gotta go back in.
I went back in and the smell was easier to handle, nothing happened but I felt weird while in there, probably just the smell.

This image was taken under the exact same circumstances as the last one, no idea why this one is visible if the other wasnt.

Also I found something in there, cont. next post.

It's not a dead rat or anything, even if it was it probably wouldn't smell this bad after all this time.

I don't think it's anything burning? And I don't know what rotting meat smells like.
>This image was taken under the exact same circumstances as the last one

wait, are you saying the light was on in that last image? okay thats odd. where was that last one taken?
watch the owner of the house find this thread
How soon till you get spooked and run away?
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I found another monkey in there. Huh.

I was maybe one step off from the second one.
Can i have your stuff if you die, op?
I kinda can't leave until he gets back, he had to use my car, it's why I'm even here in the first place.
ITT: multiplying sock monkeys
>inb4 OP suffocates due to 30 million sock monkeys
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Yeah this house looks real fuckin terrifying m8
oh, i thought you were a ghost hunter.
Ah shieet you are certainly fucked.
My best guess is he is in kahoots with the ghost and is offering you as a sacrifice.
Pour salt all over the floor, and burn as much sage as you can find.
Roll the sage up in the most expensive carpet of theirs you can find for added protection.
Nah, I'm house-sitting for a relative in a house that he and his daughter swear is haunted.

Put the two monkeys in compromising positions and take pictures
If things get too spooky you could try burning some rosemary. Spirits hate rosemary.
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I'm not gonna pour salt, until something actually happens. And I don't even know where to get sage and rosemary.
well now youre definitely fucked. the spirits in those monkeys are gonna be pissed
No. You have to strike them first or else they could become bound to you.
Cool thread op
Rosemary? Who the fuck said were cookin steak I said get sage
Make tinfoil hats for the monkeys so they'll be safe if shit goes down.
OP: just staying in this haunted house! Looking around and shit
anons: screw the ghosts, let's make tinfoil hats for the sock monkey's
lol hahaha I salute you.
Yeah, the pictures don't give me any spooky vibes.
I don't think you realize how important these monkeys are, they could be the key to OP making it out of this alive.

After they have tinfoil hats, you should tape knives to their hands, so they can protect you while you sleep.
that's what I would do.
If it's going to protect him, this thread will be boring as fuck.

Thanks a lot.
Dude, it DOES look like its smiling more in this picture than the last one. Weird.
Hey OP's safety is the most important thing here.

He needs to properly equip these monkeys so they can protect him from the ghosts better.
You won't have a car for TWO WEEKS? What about work? School? Going to the store? Going to meet friends?
what was that other monkey doing in the stinky room? hes suspicious
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oh boy...
make some salt lines under doors just in case.
Went to eat and more people posted, was kind of expecting this thread to stay pretty much dead. Huh.

Anyway, I called him and asked about the smell in the room and he said he has no idea what I'm talking about, then pretty much forced me off the subject.

I've stocked enough food to last until he gets back, and I can ask my friends to drive here for something if I need to.

No clue. It was just lying on the floor in the corner.
He'd kill me if I did that, man.

I'd be pissed if he through salt around MY house.
Smell the blue monkey, if he'd been in the stinky room a long time he should smell like it, but if he doesn't smell like shit then he was put in there recently.
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This nigga smart
post pics of your butthole
It doesn't really smell like the room.
The suggestion of anon in this thread is,try so hard to be funny.
And op "look at my crib" and sound of an old house making noises
>aaaaa its haunted you guys!
The stinky room and blue monkey are our only clues.

Explore the room more and try to figure out where the smell is strongest at, bring both monkeys with you.
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So, I found a room I hadn't noticed before, it kinda blends in with the wall and doesn't have a protruding door handle.

I kinda don't want to go back in there.
Try to open it.
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I did. And uh...I found a room I can't make sense of.

No one but Thomas and his daughter live here, but this seems to be a room for a kid.
Looks like someone also sleeps on the floor by the bed.
Could just be a guest bedroom that Thomas hasn't bothered to clear up since his last visitors were there, it looks like someone had slept on the floor as well.
anyone else sometimes just assume have the space and get rid of the bed? I sleep good on just a few blankets.
Check the closet.
honestly I sleep good on concrete.
Blue monkey belonged to kid.
The smelly room is where his rotting carcass must be.

Explore the stank room again, don't be a pussy. Look for anything on the walls, floor, and ceiling that seems different from the rest.
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What is that?
In the yard, a chair,car lol I sleep fine.
bed of spikes,hot coals i'm out like a light
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Whats that in the bush? is it from the window?
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Face in the darkness.jpg
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Am i crazy or is there a face there?
Is there a basement/attic area you can explore?
He said no
idunno, personally i don't see a face

here's your red death circle photo with brightness/contrast turned up, and i fucked with the exposure a little (just exposure and gamma correction)

i did the same to the original, didn't find anything, but i can post results if you like

OP are you still around, can you get a better picture of the smelly room.
I don't think there's an attic, if there's a basement I haven't found an entrance to one yet.

I think it might just be a reflection.

I don't see a face?
Has OP died without leaving evidence to his demise?
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woops here's the edit
post results it would be interesting
Yeah, but I kinda don't want to go in there now that it's starting to get dark.
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here's the edit of your original, OP

i hear you, i wouldn't want to either.

unfortunately, i'm curious and i just can't tell what's going on in that room, i think i'm looking at a shot looking up?
toward a shelf and part of the ceiling?
i'm also curious about what's making that smell, and anyways, this is primetime, i agree that the monkeys should protect you.
just get one good shot then gtfo, at a shallow angle deep into the room (like past the entrance) and use a flash if you can, no pressure if you can't
OP pls dont abandon thread, we are waiting and counting on you.
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top fucking kek
op was killed
thats why its in her room
RIP in rippironi OP
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m8 pls no
Most people too.
op has to collect all 8 monkeys or slender ape will get him
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OPPp come back
if this this thread derails i hope we can at least get more info on the suspicious blue monkey

> hoping no one points out spooky trips
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So, I was planning to go to the room again once I finished my shower, but guess what?
night is falling, if any ghost activity is going to happen itll be then. keep an eye out op
it's occupied by a horder?
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I found the basement.
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you have to go down OP. for the spoops
holy shit.
i fucking hate those things.
when i worked at a truck stop mcdonalds my manager set up one of these fucks and i cant count how many times on my 2am shifts i walked out to the register thinking it was a customer.
go down there!
OP go in there with no lights, eyes closed, and hands in the air. while yelling. WHAT CAN POSSIBLY GO WRONG? IM JUST A BIG PLUMP DELICIOUS OP
I'm planning to go down there, but I can't find a lightswitch, so I'm guessing it's down there.

I'll try to find a flashlight and report back when I do.
I see it too!
seeing that, it looks like its just a picture of the door and the floor.
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> pic related

i see that too now! well that explains the lighting situation
op? are you a faggot? are you going to deliver?
basement spook got him
poor bastard never stood a chance
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House - Flashlight Get!.jpg
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Sorry, while I was looking for a flashlight I found some popcorn and decided to microwave it and eat it

Anyway, found the flashlight.
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Post moar op

WHY is that monkey smiling now?
Yeah, I'm kinda hesitating. I mean, look at the image of the basement I posted. That shit is fucking scary looking.

Fuck it, I'll update with pictures in a bit.
You go OP!
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you got this OP!
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well shit, It begins.
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And I'm hesitating again.
Fuck. My phone is upside down, good thing I caught that before actually going down there.
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House - B2.jpg
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Quick test to see if it's working, everything looked fine when I was posting.
You got this anon. Were there with you in spirit
Holy shit nigger, stop procrastinating and do it.
Having some technical difficulties, there's no reason it should be doing this.
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> this is why we called you
Gotta make sure I can actually take pictures, or the wait is gonna be even longer if I have to upload every image to a computer and THEN post.

They're coming out upside down for some reason, I can't figure out why.
word, well i can flip them if you can't figure the camera out. just need pictures.

also make sure the battery is charged
Your relative has been housing illegals in his extra room off of the utility room, hence the smell and hence the reason he didn't want his daughter going in there and didn't want to talk to you about it.

Post upside down pictures, we will manage.

You are a God among men, OP. Thank you for doing this.
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House - B1.jpg
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Alright, let's try this again.

Time to go down.
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House - B2.jpg
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I keep stopping on the stairs. I was so not prepared for this.


You will be remembered, OP.
My phone started playing this down here.

I fucking hate you.

Just remember that ghost aren't real,

And if they are, that is a far more satisfying way to die than in a random car crash or from old age. The last thing you see will literally be confirmation that death isn't final.
You've got this OP!

I'm just doing my duty, OP.

You're providing all the content, this is the only contribution I can make. These are my offerings to you for your good work.

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I liked the monkey stuff better, this is just scaring the shit out of me.
Fuck off faggot. Youre going to scare him too much and hes not going to do it.


Fine, here's a normal song.

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House - B4.jpg
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Oh thank fuck there's a lightswitch.
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I don't get it.

There's probably at least one rodent living in this absolutely disgusting hoarder's shack. No offense to your relative, but this is messy.

Any noises or smells are likely coming from pests. The place is a goddamn pig sty.
>ITT: /x/ is scared of a normal cluttered basement
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Wat is dat
I don't see shit.
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House - Movement.jpg
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I thought I saw something move but my foot had just bumped something.

OP there is nothing down there. Right now you are just posting pictures of your relative's shit for strangers to look at.

Please, for the sake of this thread, go back upstairs and figure out whose bedroom that was.
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there are such things as ghosts
OP's relative is going to be pissed if he finds 40 images of his house online.


This is bordering on invasion of your relative's privacy, man. Unless you're gonna dig through those boxes you have little reason to be down there and even less to be posting this shit online without his permission.
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House - B6.jpg
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Found a weird little room, gonna take a few more pictures before looking in there.

Yeah, probably
thats a spooky room, i wouldn't go in there op
clearly that is where your body is going to be found

Also, make sure you're wearing gloves or a thick coat or something.

More than likely this place isn't haunted and it's just a coon or a rat. You don't want to get a nasty bite on the arm.
Take a picture of the room with flash on before you go inside OP.

Make a mental note of the location of the fuse box
And he's dead

Another job well done /x/
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Well, it's been an interesting couple of minutes. I've got some more images to post.

What I was going to say with this: One more before I go into the room.
Ffs just look at all that shit. Is that actually a huge ass bubble wrap roll on the right? And that green ladder is the third on I counted in the house.

What kind o ladder-climbing-bubble-wrapping maniac is your cousin Thomas anyways? The kind that harbors poor kids in the spare room before wrapping them in bubble wrap and storing them in the basement? Huh? HUH?!
Nigga it's been 10 minutes

What is your relative's occupation?
So are we jumping to the conclusion that OP/s relative is actually a mass serial killer? He's probably the reason for the ghosts and that room is a mass grave.
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This was supposed to be the last one before I explored the room, but something happened.

He works in a bank.

I really want to believe, but so far all you have posted are a bunch of shots of a house owned by a guy with a lot of hobbies.


Not even a mass serial killer. That would be some kind of interesting. He just likes to craft. Like, kind of too much. And, also never throws things away.
whats a placebo effect faggot
>being told the house is haunted
>be scared in house lol

I'm not gonna ask you to rummage through you relative's shit, but can you please look in that Folger's can?
>something happened.
what happened?
I cannot, for reasons I'm about to explain.

That last thing on the aisle to your right in that picture. The thing that has the microsoft box in front-ish of it. Is that some kind of machine? Like a stove or something? Or are those just metal drawers?

My body is reggie
He was bit by a radioactive spider

He's gonna turn into some sort of Radioactive-Man
trips don't say it now
OP is kill.

No, he'll become a bite man.
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Alright, so earlier I posted a blurry image because I thought I saw something move? Yeah, I probably saw something move.

This time I definitely saw something move, and it went into this fucking room that turns out? It's empty, there's just dirt in there. Like, uneven lumps of dirt.

So fuck this, I ran back upstairs and am currently drinking a soda and watching some cartoons.

I'll explore more down there during the day.
so what happened? you ok OP?

What are you watching?
im not the only one that sees the witch right?
That looks like it goes into the foundation of the house. It was probably an animal that set up camp.

Or this.

Get back in there OP and find out.
it's just the 'unfinished' part of the unfinished basement. tons of older houses have those, just means the builders had no reason to put a floor in there, hence the dirt

but i mean if you saw somethin move you could be dealin with rubber johnny

Something the size of a person or something the size of an animal?


The human mind is wired to see shapes that look like creatures so that you can more quickly identify a threat. Yes, there is something that looks vaguely humanoid. But, the more you look at it, the more you realize the dimensions are off. It looks more like something out of a video game than something real.
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OP, listen - I'm not kidding you - call it a faggot, berate it, and insult it.

Show it you have more balls than it. Demand it to be a man and fight you in a fair fight.

Ghosts feed off fear - so just be a fucking God to it.

How many people have you heard of who have died from a ghost attack?
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Yeah, that's probably what it is. Still scary as fuck.

Over the Garden Wall on my laptop.

I only saw it going in, so if it was the size of a human it was ducking.

So, you're saying when it went in, it took up most of the door frame?

You should at least be able to tell the difference between something the size of a rodent or something the size of like 75% of the door.
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You and I are friends now, OP.
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Dude that house looks like it was built in 2002. No spoops there.

Laundry room smells funny?!?!?!

[spoiler] 3spoopy5me [/spoiler]
I feel the urge to go buy a sock monkey now.
It might have been crawling, otherwise it looked like an animal. A really BIG animal though.
This is me, by the way.

I was posting on another board and forgot to put the name back in.
Are you still hearing noises?
Is the laundry room directly above the crawlspace?
Yeah, probably just normal sounds I'm sensitive to right now because I'm freaked out, but how would I know the difference? I'm not used to the sounds this house makes.

Oh...oh shit. Yeah, I think so.

So, that at least rules out rodents. Any normal rodent anyway. And, it would be pretty weird for any other kind of animal to be screwing around in someone's house. Especially while going unnoticed.

You either saw some sort of horrible subterranean creature that is afraid of light, a probably benign ghost, or just the the light of your flashlight creating the illusion of movement as it illuminated a new area.

And, don't listen to that dumbass who said that ghosts feed off of fear so you should be belligerent to it. That's like saying all mammals want to eat you so you should shoot them on sight. It's using waaaaay too broad sweeping truths that don't apply to MOST of what fits in the category being spoken about. And, acting in such a manner would more than likely bring more trouble than good.
So how long to /x/ threads usually last?

I'm thinking of going to bed and continuing this tomorrow.

Thanks for the advice.
Weird room with two extra sleeping places
Shitty smell in the laundry room
Laundry room right above weird dirt room in basement
>Thomas confirmed killer op
He is probably on his was home to murder you too since you started asking questions
Stay safe OP
That's what regular people call a tool chest son
It depends on the activity of the board. Some times a day or two while other times a few days. Night OP, we'll see you tomorrow.

Crawl spaces exist in every house. Crawl space entrances are often found on the inside of unfinished basements. Crawl spaces are typical below the laundry room due to close proximity of pipes.

The bad smell is probably from the plethora of horribly disgusting clothes that go through that room. Based on the slovenly nature of the rest of the house, I wouldn't be surprised if Thomas waits a loooooooong time before actually doing his laundry.


No problem.

My only last piece of advice is that you really don't have much to worry about. Everything you've shown and talked about is not only not indicative of paranormal, but actually completely normal of most houses that exist.

The only two things that are at all cause for alarm is the church owning the house at one point and the movement you saw. I still maintain the movement could have been just from the flashlight. But, if you're certain it wasn't, then there's something. It still doesn't change the fact that most of the stuff has nothing to do with this entity.


Was it though? It seemed to have dials on it.
Yeah, ok Thomas.

We are on to you,/x/ unite!!!!
Upload a video while you explore the house OP!!!
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You mean this? I THINK that's a tool chest, yeah.

At the very least it has drawers.
Tools can be incredibly pricey, so having a lockable chest is ideal.
Could you point out the dials to me? I see what MAY be what you're talking about near the bottom corner of the thing, closest to OP, but I think it could just be a combination lock in lieu of having a key lock

Yeah, now that you say it, it is probably a lock.
ALTHOUGH I'm now noticing it looks like there's a set of keys hanging out of the top of it, so there's that too
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A face!?
Do you see that trail leaving the room? Das creepy yo.
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It is veri sad ghost

A fantastic example of the human mind wired to find faces in anything vaguely facelike.

(At this point, I'm enjoying the joke that I'm Thomas.)
Kek people actually fell for it...
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OP watch a movie called We Are Still Here for maximum spoops
OP any new spooky sounds?
OP is dead
Op prob fell asleep
Or his soul got devoured in his sleep :p
OP got murdered by Thomas
>not netflix_and_chill.jpg
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don't do it op

nigger magic confirmed

Why Are you Taking Pictures Of my House Michael And why are you Wearing a Tinfoil Hat?.
Entertaining thread op
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Also I'm back, will post more later.

For now I have classes, a friend drove me.

>inb4 OP comes back to find shit has 'moved' and spoops us all.
Waiting for op to come back for more spoopys
Still in class, will post in a few hours.
do a tour of your class, please.
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I have one more class that I'm about to go to, this one let out about five minutes ago and I was just checking this thread.
Skip it. Spoops is more important.
Your life is no longer important OP
Let the house consume you.
Be one with the house.
Alright, I'm back.

And some stuff has apparently happenen.
Did the monkeys stay in place?
I left the smiling monkey with the blue one.

It's not where I left it.
search for it. Protip: check the basement first.
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Found It.jpg
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I was going to, but I kind of found it back in the room I found it in.
Also something I just found out, the power is out.
What else has moved? What made them move?
The blue one put it in timeout
Is it still smiling op? That's an important thing to keep track of I think
now this is getting interesting.
Too spoopy. You should buy a hidden camera and leave it on while you're at class.
I never assumed it was smiling.
Not really. I've put them together again.

As far as I can tell nothing else has been moved. If something has I probably wouldn't notice most of it.

Yeah, I TOTALLY want to be known as the guy who sets up cameras in other people's houses.
Or leave your laptop on and record with it if it has a built in camera
When you're relative gets back just take them down. Just leave them up while you're house sitting.
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Oh shit
I don't have access to a car, someone would figure it out if I get someone to drive me.

I'd rather not go to jail over this.
Bro you can't NOT try to record something. You don't even need to actually upload them anywhere or anything, unless something happens in one of the recordings of course. Just take the cameras down when you're done house sitting and delete the vids if you think your relatives are gonna be douchey about it
Then what's the point of recording this haunted house where you are just moving items around?
You're already taking a bunch of pictures of the house. Moving pictures won't make much of a difference. Everybody on this thread already knows the layout of the house just from looking at these pictures.
Why do you insist on turning down everything we recommend? What was the point of this fucking thread then?
Anyway, gotta go back into the basement while it's still light out, I'll get something to eat and then head down there.

Fine, I'll record some stuff but if nothing happens I won't upload it.
Ayyyyy thats mah boi
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That's fine dude. We're not pervs, just trying to give some advice on how to catch some spoopy stuff.
The sock monkey is smiling in the first picture too, the angle of the picture just isn't the same so you notice it more.
Bull-fucking-shit. Everyone's eating this all up like their own dicks.
Anon we just like playing pretend most people here are bored /x/ is slow as fuck
Is OP kill?
probably searching for cameras.


If not rip in kill OP. 20th Century - This Thread
Also - bump limit reached. Make a new thread with continued stuff, OP. And post the link in this thread too, please.
Is there a new thread yet?
Found the twelve year old.
>rip thread
>that moment when always op becomes a fag
It's too long. His cam is good enough for some spoops
Oh Christ. Ooooh fucking Christ. I had to go back and look and then it was there and it's. Oh god.

#much spoop #many terror
You blurred it and now he's much more solid. fuuuuuuuuck.
>Yeah, probably
>It's whatever
Kek among scare


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