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Lost Media Thread

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Here's an article I thought some of you interested in Lost Media would be interested in.

are they gonna recreate her suicide on the movie?

Apparently they re-created it but you only hear the audio.
>When one Hag said, “One can only imagine where her mind could have been,” another replied, “probably all over the walls.”
Made me lol.
When it comes to lost footage, the Columbine basement tapes sound much more interesting.

Ive seen that video on one of those FOD compilations though. Called Ultimate a Death or something like that.

Probably didn't make it to DVD, but I watched the VHS a lifetime ago. Can't be that hard for someone to track down a copy.

Doesn't exist. Nice try.

If you read the article, there is only ONE copy in existence. And it's hidden away.

Didn't read the article, but I know for sure I've seen this on a death compilation video my brothers friend had in the 90s. It was super fuzzy even by VHS standards though so there's not much to see

People have been saying that for years now and it's never been found on any obscure death tape.
You like movies, anon? it's Sundance.


I would've gone if I were closer :-(

It was called something like Ultimate Death - very generic title, but I'm positive the clip was there way back when. It was really shitty quality and the sound was all muffled. Sticks out in memory because our dad tried to give us a copy of Network so we could "learn something" when he confiscated the tape.

Lived in Southern MI at the time, don't really know how obscure the tape was. We didn't have anything more exotic than a Blockbuster and It's not like you could order those things off the internet back then

You're mistaken. Simple as that.

I'm not, but thanks for the assumption.
Every thread

Seriously, if we want these threads to start getting more popular on /x/ to drown out the shitty spiritual and conspiracy crap, we're going to need to start posting new things. Every lost media thread just reads the same. No new content, no actual investigation work. I'm sure there's different stuff on the lost media wiki now.
Yeah, you didnt see it. There are tons of suicide videos, including one of the suicide of an old politician live on tv along with other tv live footage failures. The chubbuck suicide tape DID exist, there were I guess two copies, one that is being held by whatever tv channel she worked for at the time and her family's basement. Its actually really hard to think that someone would record it, at 9 in the morning, in an area of 300 watching the same channel max.

he's just roleplaying guys, he obviously hasnt seen it.
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Okay, I looked it up. June 4, 1977. Nobody in the U.S. had a VHS in their living room prior to that date. Chubbuck died July 15, 1974. The only chance anybody else got this footage other than the station was if some dad was filming his family with a Super 8 camera while the suicide was on his TV in the background.

Oh, yeah. And fuck this meme.
On every fucking thread some guys says the exact same thing, noone, NOONE saw that shit, NO FILM COMPANY'S have the footage, let alone some obscure 90s short-lived company that made those gore movies from edited well known tragedy or wE.
It's impossible to find, those faggots who claimed to have seen it either lie or have seen something like it or a reconstitution of the event for the film.
u-matic nigger, ever heard of it?
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Dead thread

If you read the article, it says that the station owner's widow has the tape under lock and key. There is one copy.
Did you learn that from oddity archive? Love that channel.
Was there ever any real footage of Dawn brancheau?
I'm from southeastern MI. What part are you from and what video store did you rent it from? I know for a fact that Blockbuster Video did not carry the FOD franchise or anything like it so you couldn't have gotten it there.
noob here

What are some other popular examples of missing media?
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Was it this?
You must mean "Death: The Ultimate Trip". And you're full of shit and familiar with the FAD thread.
Or maybe this?
Like "London After Midnight", it will never be seen again
Not if I can help it. I'm going to get that footage if I have to rob the Chubbuck family myself.



Rick rolling? Seriously?
good to see lost media wiki getting some exposure
>If you read the article, it says that the station owner's widow has the tape under lock and key. There is one copy.

Click on the link to that People article mentioned in the Vulture one. It's got an interview with Greg Chubbuck who says the master copy was given to his mother. Conflicting reports




















lostmediawiki.com is the new site

the old Wikia one is shitty and abandoned, it's only still up coz Wikia are cunts
He didn't say that, People said that, he said "To this day I don't know where it is, no one does..."

Christine's family immediately got an injunction preventing the release of the tape of her suicide. After it was seized as evidence by authorities, it was turned over to their mother, Peg.

"I don't know to this day where it is," Greg says. "But I know no one knows where it is and no one ever will if I have anything to say about it."


Why would there be an injunction placed on the station from releasing it if they didn't have the tape?
>He didn't say that, People said that, he said "To this day I don't know where it is, no one does..."

The implication is that they ascertained that information from him, since it's not reported that way anywhere else. I doubt they'd just pull that out of their asses without confirmation. Sure, he said he doesn't know where it is *now*, but at the time, it was given to their mother (according to him, I believe)
shit, i gotta update my bookmarks. thanks
The injunction was placed before the tape was handed over.
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The Police Department said they never had that tape in their possession according to the Vulture article.

>Christine kills herself
>Network hold onto tape
>Chubbuck's family place injunction
>Network hands tape over to them

I think this is the chronological order of things.

According to the guy who made the documentary:

Then, of course, there’s the strangest question of all: If you found the Holy Grail, what would you actually do with it? Robert Greene, director of Kate Plays Christine, says he came close — he could have called up Mollie Nelson while he was shooting and asked to see the video. But he chose not to because doing so would have “somewhat betrayed the spirit of the film,”
I doubt that a lot. He didn't even bother trying to reach out to confirm if she had it. When Abraham Riesman tried contacting her, she never replied. I'm still not convinced she has it.

Also in the article but who knows, these people maybe talking out of their asses, you maybe right.
Guess we won't know for sure for a while. I wish the Sundance films would come to streaming services or something, seems like they'd shed a bit of light (the documentary one in particular)
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Well, the biopic might be get a nomination for Rebecca Hall, so I doubt we'll be seeing it any time soon, the documentary I'm not sure about. It all depends on what distributor decides to pick it up.
What's on them?
Or allegedly on them I mean
nothing graphic, just their plans to shoot up the school etc
Thinking as a parent i can confidently say i would MAYBE watch the tape but i would 100% destroy it. Has thebdemand for the tape always been so conatant or did it devolpe over the years?

I didn't rent it- like I said, my older brothers friend had it along with a bunch of other gore/death tapes. Our dad confiscated and gave it to his mom after he walked in on us watching it.

That looks close, but I don't think it's it. The one he had had some blotchy cg flames over a black background
>Has thebdemand for the tape always been so conatant or did it devolpe over the years?

I'd say it's been developing over the years. The search for it seemed to ramp up in the mid to late 2000s

It had something to do, in part, with that Blvd Of Broken Dreams segment in 2007 I think.
Probably. The FindADeath thread started in 2007, so that would make sense
can't show them normies why they did what they did!
yup. and what's more, the sherrif's department were given permission to release them, but chose not to. then, just a few years ago, they destroyed them all. pretty fucked.

Why did they destroy them?
A while back some anon posted a darknet like that contained like 70% of the tapes
yeah, right...
What did your dad do with the tape? Do you have any clue to its whereabouts? If you can find me the tape i will give you $500
here is a transcript/description. if you dont want to read it all, the most interesting one (imo) is at the very bottom, from 30 min before the schooting
She had a guy that was interested in her but she turned him down because he was only a 6/10 and she wanted this 10/10 that she knew. The 10/10 turned her down so she killed herself.

Fuck this bitch.

I wouldn't even mind not seeing the actual tapes if the transcripts that were made available were a little more detailed.

There's segments like,

[Dylan and Eric discuss their political and philosophical beliefs, and briefly discuss music]

But then the transcripts continue verbatim when it comes to the really meaningless parts of their conversations. I want to know exactly, word for word, what their political and philosophical beliefs were, from their own mouths.

Fuck this one annoys me. I love Lon Chaney Seniority. I didn't even get to see that brief recreation they released from the remaining stills that survived the fire.

We're talking 20+ years ago, but my dad returned it to the mother of the kid who leant it to us in the first place- he was pretty pissed about our having it in the first place. The kid we got it from would be in his late thirties by now, but my bro still lives in Lambertville, so I could see if he still sees/talks to the guy or remembers the name of the video at least
I'm certain that this video exists somewhere online, purely because I recall, years ago, my brother telling me of a video he saw which followed this story exactly. He's not one to watch gore videos at all, one of his friends showed him the video and he wasn't aware there was any story behind it until I told him that I had heard about it and the dude was arrested.

I didn't know it was considered lost until now, but I have no source unfortunately.
Try again, noone saw that shit, you are either mistaken, or a liar.
If you wouldn't mind that would be great. Even if the chubbuck footage isn't there I'd still like to own this tape for my collection

>pre internet shocksites
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good ol' times
What do you mean?

ARPANET shock sites?
Shock BBSes?
now this is some real lost media, good luck watching that
I got a copy. It is one of the harder ones but no chubbuck death on it.
>I'd still like to own this tape for my collection

What does your collection consist of?
Sounds pretty cool.
Bizarre and offbeat vhs. I have a subcollection of obscure mondo/death tapes (over 200) and none of em have chubbuck on them.

I'd take pics but I'd moved recently and they're all still in boxes :-(
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