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so /x/ are chemtrails real or just stupidity? pic from googl

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Thread replies: 331
Thread images: 72

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so /x/ are chemtrails real or just stupidity?
pic from google but the video is new

It's stupid, it doesn't make sense and if they were spraying shit it would also effect the people who spray it in the air.
The idea that governments would just obviously start spraying visible chemicals in the is ridiculous.
Don't worry, guys. If they are doing it YOU ARE NOT GOING TO SEE IT. They could be doing it, but you are not seeing it. What you are seeing is normal condensation.
why would it affect people in the air if they are in closed pressurized atmospheres?
also it kinda works because everyone assumes its just some magic that happens in the turbine of a plane
The people who spray that shit live on the ground, idiot. They don't spend all their lives in the airplane.
If they spray chemicals in the air they are going to effect the guy spraying them, his entire family, the government workers who greenlit it, the president etc.
I personally find it hilarious that so much pollution has been cleaned up over the years that people now believe that contrails are a fucking conspiracy theory.
gee maybe designating the people on where they are gonna do it

also i wonder whats
Tossing in an addition to this line of logical reasoning as well.
Chemtrails popped up as a conspiracy theory in 1996, meaning for the last 19 years the gov't would have been spraying people with shit for whatever end-game they had in mind (doesn't matter).
19 years.
Aside from the fact that thousands of people would have taken part in something like this and required total compliance with this plan, how fucking long does it take to poison motherfuckers? Shit, at the rate they'd be doing it we're processing the shit faster than they are exposing us.
ITT: OP doesn't know how many people work in the aerospace industry and would, by extension, have to be in on it.
Neither: this shit goes beyond stupid.
i dont buy chemtrails being used to try to offset global warming a theory i have heard before. if it is being done it should start to show up in drinking water and people might have abnormal amounts in the body

the claim is its been going on for a long time. ice in the mountains would prove it if its real. nano particle aluminum in the rocky mountains ice would be a smoking gun
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>/x/ still believes in chemshit

Ice particles from plane's exhaust m8. In case you don't get it, here's a rare video of them forming immediately on takeoff in very frigid weather.
>being this new
what song is that starts @7:36 ?

how the fuck do i find this mix version?
Stupidity from people who don't understand aerodynamics or meteorology.
So just to be clear.

We're not all denying the picture right?

Cause I look up often enough to know that's exactly how it happens.

But what you're all saying is this is just how the water vapor or whatever from the jet engines naturally reacts in certain environments? Explainable by science? Cause I don't see any science here yet.
Wow! A thread on /x/ where 90% of the comments are actually reasonable. Well done people

The disinfo buzzword to distract people from looking into Cloud seeding and geo engineering.
Dude. Run cause you're gonna get poned. You can't em quote people right. Probably because you don't understand these words. Jet exhaust, water molecules in the atmosphere. Not water molecules in the jet exhaust
did you watch the video
And what I'm asking you is those water molecules spread out in such a way as the picture, sprayed in a neat line at 10 in the morning to disperse well after dark? That is a perfectly normal behavior?

I guess ops picture is what I call chem trails, and all the other times single planes are flying around without the squadron all neatly lined up, with a tiny little trail that sure as shit don't last all day, those are contrails. And they forever will be til you explain the different behaviors.
>That is a perfectly normal behavior?
Only on a world in which physics, chemistry, and thus aerodynamics function as they do here.
Thanks for that.
Wonderful, more words.

Why not put them together in a way that explains something?

But the burden of proof will always be on the individual I understand.

Just don't get mad if I don't latch onto your ideas as well, you offer nothing yourself.
Very well. Let's start at Grade 1:
The Venturi effect is to do with fluid dynamics. When pressure drops, velocity increases, and vice versa.
An airfoil is an inside out Venturi. When air passes over it, due to the shape, the pressure of the air moving across the wing drops, and the velocity increases. This is how we have lift.
When pressure drops, however, the dewpoint of air changes.
Basically after crossing a wing, air condenses, and forms visible moisture (clouds), if there are suitable atmospheric conditions for it to do so.

And you shouldn't latch onto *my* ideas, they're documented, scientific aerodynamics and meteorology.
If you want something explained, read a text book, or learn to fly an aircraft.
More than likely if the allegations are true, we are going to see an absolutely massive rise in parkinson's disease as the 90's and millenial kids grow older in relation to the ammount of chem-trail exposure when they start turning 50 and 60.

Damn nigga can you even quote
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>people still don't understand contrails
Look at the mountains, these are three photos of different skies on different locations. You guys are fucking gay retards.
I'm going to go ahead and reply to your post to assure you that you're not just wasting your breath - just as I wish others would do for me when I actually go to the effort of explaining things on /x/


I'm attaching both a pic and a video in the hopes that maybe it will bridge the willful ignorance gap between lay explanations not having enough info and scientific explanations being so hard for you to understand that they must be lies but honestly I'm sure you'll go on thinking what you choose to think.
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Cross posters deserve death. You should die for posting my OC here.
This is it.
it can easily be someone in the road taking the pics
There are some conspiracy theories that are stupid but still have some degree of legitimacy. Most, even if made up, are fairly elaborate and somewhat convincing. I enjoy doing research into all of them, even though I never really believed in any of them, but as an agnostic I would not rule out anything 100%.

The chemtrail conspiracy, however, is the most far-fetched and dumbest theory I've ever heard of. People in their right mind cannot find any point that might seem legitimate about 'the government' (which gov't?) putting additionals into aeroplanes' fuel (how?) to decimate people' (why should they reduce tax payers?). Even the fact that there was actually somebody who looked up into the sky, saw these vapour trails and thought 'these are intended by the government to kill people' is totally ridiculous.
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I doubt the veracity of this photo - however I do live near a large military base and have a friend that works for a company that does satellite imagery analysis for the federal government.

This ("chemtrails") happens quite a bit where we live, and our theory is that it is done to obscure the launch of military planes from prying eyes in the skies.
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Those aren't even the same mountains
well the op said that the pic was literally from google so
man feels good to live in europe where you never see this shit happen
Search geoengineering, there are many patents for it and some involve jet fuel additives.
They're real. Real water vapor.
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reptilian over lords are poisoning your pineal gland so you have no spiritual connection/contact out of this galaxy
See and search into-
bullshit theyre sprayin everyday here
It's a natural phenomenon. If it wasn't then distrails wouldn't happen.
Geoengineering≠condensation trails.

Lurk moar!
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>oBAma, OHbama, OBAMA, sonofabitch Obama!
Well if they wanted to prove a point, then they failed.
Did you ever go to school? It was actually spoken about in physical science when I went to school. The gov has created a chemical they can spray into the sky to make the clouds heavier so that it rains
Government has been fucking with weather control since Vietnam. They used planes to spray aluminum/silver oxide over Ho Chi Minh Trail (a major supply line for NVA) to try and make it rain so hard that the trail was unusable. It worked backwards, however and pushed all the moisture outwards and it rained everywhere but there.

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>It's stupid, it doesn't make sense and if they were spraying shit it would also effect the people who spray it in the air.
One word

>The idea that governments would just obviously start spraying visible chemicals in the is ridiculous.
Is it?

>Don't worry, guys. If they are doing it YOU ARE NOT GOING TO SEE IT. They could be doing it, but you are not seeing it.
We are seeing it you fucking retard.

>What you are seeing is normal condensation.
No, its not.
This shit isn't normal condensation.

>The people who spray that shit live on the ground, idiot. They don't spend all their lives in the airplane.
>If they spray chemicals in the air they are going to effect the guy spraying them
his entire family
So? Do you think they give a shit? Did they give any warnings to the people that handled the agent orange and all the other rainbow herbicides in the vietnam war?
Fuck no. They are just pawns and they don't give a shit if their children are born without hands and they don't give a shit about if that goy get cancer and dies.

>the government workers who greenlit it, the president etc.
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>how fucking long does it take to poison motherfuckers?
The poisoning isn't the main objective, its just a side effect.

And it doesn't take long.

The bees are literally getting Alzheimer
>No, its not.
>This shit isn't normal condensation.
What university did you receive your accreditation in Meteorology from?
>Is it?

>rain, but not always where the U.S. wanted it
wow, better pack up my bags and leave before da gubbmint rains on me!
I'm not gonna read this thread because it's probably full of dumb shit.

>What university did you receive your accreditation in Meteorology from?

Common sense college.
>it's weather manipulation!
>it's mind control!
>it's solar flare protection!
>it's missile detection!
What next, it's why my soda bottle fizzes when I open it?
For some reason, your post reminded me of this.
Good, fuck bees
Keep spraying those niggers
You're an idiot. Bees aren't getting Alzheimer's, they are affected by colony collapse disorder which is being sparked in bee colonies in huge numbers because of neonicotinoides in pesticides, has nothing to do with chemtrails. Research Monsanto, their pesticides, and their funding of robobee for artificial pollination.
>You're an idiot.
So are you. The bees all dying all over the place far away from farms that are sprayed with pesticides so the CCD cannot only be explained by Monsanto.

So you dont find it the least bit suspicious that in a world with literally THOUSANDS of flights per day the actual video of plane exhaust forming ice particles at takeoff is very rare?

Shouldnt it be relatively common to see this at takeoff in frigid locations all over the planet?


This video here suggests that even in -30 Celsius the ice particle phenomena your video link portrays does not occur.

It would seem the frigid weather theory does not hold up.

There are other cold weather testing videos on youtube showing many other planes in cold weather and only during their "de-icing" procedure do they emit anything similar to a white mist.

This de-icing is done entirely on the ground and does not relate to con/chemtrails in any way.

I am not for or against either side of this debate. I'm just pointing out that your video does a bad job of explaining the phenomena at best and at worst is completely irrelevant.
>just stupidity?

I'm not sure you're right. The pesticides are largely responsible according to most data.

Africa has not noticed a severe bee population decline, in fact areas with a lack of industrial agriculture and non-managed bees (wild bees) show almost no CCD according to most of what I have read on the issue.

In africa the honey harvesting is literally done on wild bee hives, they arent domesticated at all and there is no major agriculture to poison them so it seems the combination of a natural life and mother natures competitive lifestyle result in perfectly fine bees.

I could be wrong though, its a complicated issue.
Simulates passengers.
Why would they take such high quality pictures of their chemtrail devices?
on a sorta unrelated note its funny how all the idiots freaking out about GMOs are also the same people who are trying to save the bees, if we were allowed to use GMO crops we would need a hell of a lot less pesticides and the bees might be able to pollinate and shit, everyone flipped shit when BT corn ( a GMO corn that produces an enzyme that only kills caterpillars that eat it) was introduced because they thought it was gonna kill the monarch butterflies but when people actually started using it the monarch population rose because they werent mowing them down with pesticides

That isnt correct though anon.

GMO crops are developed in part to be resistance to Glyphosate.

Glyphosate is an herbicide developed by Monsanto. It kills most plants. By genetically modifying a crop such as corn to be Glyphosate resistant you create a method for removing every other plant in a field - leaving only the desired crop, in this instance - corn.

"Some micro-organisms have a version of 5-enolpyruvoyl-shikimate-3-phosphate synthetase (EPSPS) resistant to glyphosate inhibition. A version of the enzyme that both was resistant to glyphosate and that was still efficient enough to drive adequate plant growth was identified by Monsanto scientists after much trial and error in an Agrobacterium strain called CP4, which was found surviving in a waste-fed column at a glyphosate production facility.[175][176][177]:56 This CP4 EPSPS gene was cloned and transfected into soybeans. In 1996, genetically modified soybeans were made commercially available.[178] Current glyphosate-resistant crops include soy, maize (corn), canola, alfalfa, and cotton, with wheat still under development.

Genetically modified crops have become the norm in the United States. In 2015, 89% of corn, 94% of soybeans, and 89% of cotton produced in the US were genetically modified to be herbicide-tolerant.[179]"

You can read more on wiki directly or through the sources linked there.

Basically, Glyphosate and GMO are inseparable in modern agriculture. Neither are good ideas based on most research.

The WHO research indicates that the only sustainable method for our population is a massive push towards personal organic gardens on a small scale. Major ag just wont sustain us and leads to far too many issues globally.
I don't know much about this, so I remain neutral as well, but is it possible that the "de-icing" procedure affects the production of contrails?
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>I'm not sure you're right. The pesticides are largely responsible according to most data
Well that goes without saying but everything can't be explained with agricultural pesticides.

People have found high levels of Barium, Magnesium, Aluminum etc in the soil and water in the US. Just use google, there are plenty of people bringing it up.

>Africa has not noticed a severe bee population decline
Well the southern hemisphere is not being sprayed as much as the US and neither is Europe.

Anyway if you want to know more here is Greg Hunter interviewing Dane Wigington about geo engineering. This guy is usually very main stream so he wouldn't even touch it if he didn't feel like there was something to it.
>“I was told by a Congressional aid off the record about 90 days ago, we all know what is going on and we don’t know what to do. This is the biggest elephant in the room. Everybody is afraid to step out of the shadows, but in the meantime, the ship is sinking, the entire ship, and we’re all on it.”
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This fucking retard right here.
> if we were allowed to use GMO crops we would need a hell of a lot less pesticides and the bees might be able to pollinate and shit
Its only the GMO crops that can handle that much pesticide. They are genitally modified to handle large amounts of pesticides that would kill other plants.

But go ahead and eat your GMO. Have fun being sterile.
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>They are genitally modified
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Just your totally average air traffic patterns. Nothing to see here.
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>people thinking that the drought in California, Syria etc is natural
Where was that photo taken? Because here in Phx, AZ, I never see shit like that. And yes, believe it or not, I leave my house and look at the sky. I'll see these trails, con/chem/whatever, maybe a couple of them across the whole sky, but nothing this absurd.
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Yurr just one of em crazy conspiracy nutters aint u? That is just normal air traffic.

On a serious note its not just the bees that are dying, the trees are dying to.
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Looks like a holding pattern
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>Looks like a holding pattern
Being this much in denial

oh wow.
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>being this ignorant
what if there just making clouds
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>this guy
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whats with the triangle
was there a plane that straight up made 90 degree angles
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ahahaha oh wow
Its literally right in your face and you are still not seeing it.
I'm a pilot, and I can tell you that chemtrails are definitely real. I drop ultrapure barium and I work with the guys that drop thorium in the SW, specifically SW-4 (Nevada). I've also been told that some of the aluminum guys in Colorado are also dropping snow-inducing compounds, but I'm not privy to that information, so I can't tell you much.

Those aren't holds. Holds are obround shaped.
How do you justify it to yourself?
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All of your efforts in posting chemtrail shit will get you nowhere.

Just sit back, breathe in the chemicals, and enjoy the ride.
Any any pilot.

You will get laughed at.

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Oc i took last week. they made a grid pattern and you can see it expanding . its used for mind control or to poison people.,
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Took this one myself. Notice how the right ''contrail'' is a lot more persistent then the left one.
Money. I was making barely minimum wage as an airline pilot, then I saw a government position open up, and now I make 8x as much flying 73s for the government than I did flying 73s for a large US airline. How do you think you get $100 fares? The companies aren't doing it out of the kindness of their hearts, they're taking it out of the pilots' paychecks.
Ok, so just like the police/military that are building the police state.

>The companies aren't doing it out of the kindness of their hearts
But i guess the people that are paying you now do.
You can hate me, and I wouldn't even blame you. I know what I'm doing. But I have a family, and I spent nearly $100,000 getting here - I need to make money somehow.

But I didn't come here to be criticized, I can either tell you what you want to know or leave.
Yeah, but aren't you spraying shit that could affect your family? Doesn't that seem like an odd thing to do?
>You can hate me
Why bother? You will be judged eventually, no point in wasting energy on hating some low level goon.

>I can either tell you what you want to know or leave.
Just tell us everything you know. I will read it tonight or when i wake up.

Why not just put simple weights then, there are pipes all over

you gotta be misinforming

doesnt look really normal
>simple weights to simulate passengers
wut? what simple weights are you aware of?

i think you didnt understand what i said
>there are pipes all over
Ballast tanks with piping so they can shift the weight at will.

Geo engineering is real but some of the pics are just normal ballast tanks.
Ok then, could you help me understand?
They told me the chemicals aren't harmful in the quantities we drop them. I've been told multiple reasons as to why we drop the compounds, from weather induction (similar to the CO guys) to large-scale chemical seeding. My family doesn't know what they ingest, all they know is that I fly for Janet. I have no reason to believe that I'm harming my family in any way.

He's right, those are ballasts. Those all contain water and the pipes are used to shift the water from one ballast to another, simulating different aircraft loads and different CG positions. Our units look different.

How do they simulate passengers? I dont get it
So much fake and gay RPing ITT. Why is /x/ always full of retarded 12 year olds who do shit like this all the time?
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>They told me the chemicals aren't harmful in the quantities we drop them
Do you believe them?

>I have no reason to believe that I'm harming my family in any way.

lol, so those are the chemtrail plane pilots

you're fucking stupid if you believe them/ that they wouldnt lie to you in any way, theyre the fucking US government ffs

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mfw OP's picture isn't even in the same location.
If I didn't believe them, I wouldn't do it. My family is more important than anything in the world to me, that's precisely why I do it.
>My family is more important than anything in the world to me, that's why i purposely destroy their habitat.


>airline pilot
>minimum wage
>the nutters eat up the story anyway
>They told me the chemicals aren't harmful in the quantities we drop them.
>I have no reason to believe that I'm harming my family in any way.

You're the kind of person that perpetuates pilots' salaries. Every time you buy a $100 fare, someone who spent tens of thousands on their career doesn't eat - or doesn't feed their family.

Tell me, would you trust your life to two guys who gets paid a little more than a McDonald's server?
>someone who spent tens of thousands on their career
So why the fuck did you train for a job that won't even exist in the future? Get in the fucking game. Robots are coming for your job soon.

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my nigga

getting all historical and shit
The first thing that comes to my mind regarding what you could do with that plane to help your family would be seen as encouraging an act of terrorism if I seriously suggested it.

Actually, just doing what you are doing might help but report to major media too, suppose you did want to stop this from being done. Do you have any idea what it would take to stop it from happening?

It seems like you'd have to have some degree of doubt and concern to post on a thread about this in the first place. You even know that what you are spraying is toxic, what else can you tell us about your employers? How were you recruited, where does the fill for your chem tanks come from and what company is responsible if you know? Are you piloting a civilian passenger liner out-fitted with tanks? Or is it an aircraft used specifically for the purpose of spraying? You mentioned that there are other pilots and outfits you know of who are spraying different parts of the US. How are you aware of them? Finally, have you personally or you aware of stories from pilots who have had their chemtrail planes buzzed by or otherwise sighted unidentified aircraft while spraying?
Yea, figured you didn't actually know how the atmosphere worked when you were spouting such shit.

>Those aren't holds. Holds are obround shaped.
Confirmed non-pilot.
I don't know what it would take to stop it. It's a mostly non-publicized event that most people don't believe in anyway.

I work with the U.S. Government and I have no military experience. My brother was a submariner in the Navy, and is currently stationed in the Pentagon, and I had multiple opportunities to meet an unnamed Vice Admiral in the Navy, who is also a pilot for a large freight-hauling airline. To make a long story short, I was referred for a job I didn't know much about. After months of interviewing, and I assume background checking, I was offered the position of FO on a Janet 736 fitted for spraying.
All I know about where the chemicals come from is that they're refilled from the terminal at KLAS. The modular nozzles are located just inboard of both engines, near the rear bottom of the wing. Again, I operate as FO on a 737-600 for Janet. When I was taken on, the aircraft was fully fitted for spraying.
There's about 19 of us that operate the 7 or 8 different aircraft I've seen at KLAS, and some of the captains are intertwined with the operations in other sections, and people talk. the other areas I know of drop operations going on are SW-3 (Southern CA), SW-1 (CO), and NW-1 (WA). I don't know how/who with they operate.
Everyone in Nevada has their UFO stories, but I don't buy them. I've been close to other airplanes while operating, but I've never seen anything 'extraterrestrial.'

I did my private and instrument in a 172, commercial multi in a Seminole, single engine addon in a 172, CFI initial in a 172RG and II in a 172. I did some of my training part 61, changed to 141, and am currently operating on an R-ATP. I have a 73 Classic type rating. If you still don't believe me, that sounds like no one's problem but your own.
>commercial multi in a Seminole
My sympathies. But it still doesn't make the claim of holding patterns only being oval shaped any more true.
you lost me at space mirrors.

i don't understand how people can think we can visibly cloak objects in space. even if the exhaust is taken out of the equation, nothing can hide visibly in space. oh, and if you say that somehow the fucking space mirrors are invisible, tell me how they reflect light if they don't reflect light?

fucking faggots think that because something is on a diagram that it's not a schizophrenic rant
I havent any anybody yet, what's it like?
Oh my god this is something people actually believe

Or hell maybe it isn't, I can't even tell anymore.
>How do you think you get $100 fares?
I don't. I don't know where the fuck you're living, but I've never seen an air fare below about $200, and that's if I'm lucky and/or pay for shitty seats.
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>Yea, figured you didn't actually know how the atmosphere worked when you were spouting such shit.
Yeah ofc, every one that knows shit about the atmosphere knows that this is normal cloud coverage.
Not sure what side of this you're on but those are cirrus clouds.
t. someone who had a weather chart on the fridge growing up.
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>someone who had a weather chart on the fridge growing up.
Because government agencies don't send out charts with geo engineering on them telling people that they are natural.
They've been identifying clouds for 200 odd years. How old is this geo engineering thing supposed to be?
how do you any someone? this seems more interesting than what OP is talking about.
Do people actually unironically believe this shit?
I think the biggest evidence supporting the theory of Chemtrails dumbing down the population is the fact that people are stupid enough to believe this conspiracy in the first place.
>Yeah ofc, every one that knows shit about the atmosphere knows that this is normal cloud coverage.
Not everyone. Only those who bother to learn.
That of course excludes conspiracy theorists.
They're spraying lead over population centers to soak up radiation from the nuclear reactors in underground cities damaged by earthquakes
The dumbing down of the population is just a, heh, unfortunate side effect
>The visible spectrum... is rainbows!
Oh god that's hilarious.
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Are you fucking joking mate?

This is the first hit you get when you search ''cirrus clouds''' and it looks nothing like this >>17007883
Stop being a fucking retard.

>That of course excludes conspiracy theorists.
There is that buzzword again. Used by sheeple/shills to control other sheeple.
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>Its contrails
>No its clouds
>Its a crazy conspiracy theory

The deniers are fucking hilarious
Some pictures are of clouds. Some of contrails. You're the one moving the goalposts.

An apt word to describe those who remain niggerishly ignorant as they cling to preconceived baseless conclusions, rather than actually learn about that to which they refer.

Never heard of someone with an understanding of meteorology subscribing to this stupid chemtrail theory.
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>baseless conclusions
There are plenty of videos of planes turning their ''contrails'' on and off. Many of them have been posted in this thread.
>Never heard of someone with an understanding of meteorology subscribing to this stupid chemtrail theory.
Then you haven't looked deep enough because there are lots and lots of them.

The people that are till denying the existence of geo engineering is either just shills or plain retarded. There is no debating this, its real, there is plenty of evidence for it and only severely retarded idiots would deny it. Its like denying the existence of nuclear power, fracking or GMO. Its real whether you like it or not.

The end.
There are no chemtrails,people are just over reacting.
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>There are no chemtrails,people are just over reacting.
I guess the trees are overreacting to.
Sadly, yes. The saddest part is that it's so difficult to tell the difference between trolls and people who legitimately believe crackpot bullshit.
>It's a ground-level rainbow all the way across the visible spectrum!
So what is this supposed to show? That two different trees look different?
Those are two different trees you fucking retard.
Let me guess, the photographed faces of those trees are facing a busy road?

Yeah, thought so.
I think he's trying to show that they're both dying.

Problem: If this stuff is being sprayed from the air, why are they not dead on the top? Why only on one side?
Holy shit you're right! before chemtrails trees always used to live forever! There was literally no way for a tree to die before chemtrails!!!
Answer me this tinfools.

If chemtrails are real, how come chrome doesn't recognise it as a legitimate word? Checkmate

>common sense college

I don't think he was asking you what school you dropped out of.
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>Problem: If this stuff is being sprayed from the air
Because geo engineering has destroyed the ozone layer and now they get more radiation.

>Why only on one side?
Because that side if facing the sun the most.

>why are they not dead on the top?
Trees gets their nutrition from the ground. If these chemicals killed trees it wouldn't be from the top down. First it would the leaves, then wrings, then branches etc.
how about basic logic?

I don't see the elite going around with gasmasks. Ergo, they probably aren't poisoning the entire atmosphere.
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>Some pictures are of clouds. Some of contrails. You're the one moving the goalposts.

Look at all these contrails.
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>Some pictures are of clouds. Some of contrails. You're the one moving the goalposts.

Just look at all these contrails.
Not sure
Are implying that those aren't just normal on and off contrails?
>they probably aren't poisoning the entire atmosphere.
Nope, only the northern part.
That is why they are all buying property in places like SA and New Zealand.

look it up.
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>Some pictures are of clouds. Some of contrails. You're the one moving the goalposts.

Just normal contrails here guys. Nothing to see.

You'll need to try harder to uphold opsec if you want to do this professionally.
>You'll need to try harder to uphold opsec if you want to do this professionally.
I don't.
Why did you reply to people who didn't even mention clouds?
You literally have no idea how contrails work.
btw trips checked
>You literally have no idea how contrails work.
What do you mean? Are you implying that those aren't contrails?

Are you some kind of conspiracy nut?
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But those clouds don't look like the ones in that chart.
>And they forever will be til you explain the different behaviors.
Your claim is that the different behavior only be explained by a change chemical composition.

Are you open to other explanations? Like a change in altitude or temperature?
>because you live near an airport
>the aviation industry, because people need to go places
>probably not
>you and everybody else who breathes our atmosphere?
>I don't know, maybe you should look into it
>What conditions cause these trails? Can they vary from day to day?
>who taught you how to spell
>I don't know, maybe you should look into it
>The Wright Brothers
>obviously not

>Honey Bee's
>Whos is
>childrens future

>the average educational level of a chemtrail conspiracy theorist
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>>the average educational level of a chemtrail conspiracy theorist
Yeah, apparently the only people that can see this shit happening is the people from non retarded countries where merrican isn't the main language.

Nice to see that the metals and fluoride is working as intended.
>>What conditions cause these trails? Can they vary from day to day?
They seem to vary from second to second.

>There are plenty of videos of planes turning their ''contrails'' on and off. Many of them have been posted in this thread.
contrails stop forming, therefore they were actively turned off

That sounds like a baseless conclusion, m8.
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atmospheric cells are pretty broad, mang

Are you claiming that none of the global elite currently lives in North America?
>That sounds like a baseless conclusion, m8.

conditions such as temperature and altitude? In some of these videos the airplane is obviously climbing.
you mad.
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>In some of these videos the airplane is obviously climbing.
And then going down, then up again, then down again, then up again.

Why do you believe that the change has to be perfectly lateral? Air pockets of varying temperatures exist at different altitudes. It doesn't follow a perfect ratio

>trails have disappeared
>therefore the conditions that have caused the trails have disappeared
This is a reasoned conclusion

>the conditions that have caused the trails is some duded flipping a switch
This is speculation.
>This is speculation.
Topkek mate
You can't reach a reasoned conclusion until you've eliminated all other possible explanations.
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Yeah, because ''contrails'' acting strange and braking the laws of physics is more reasonable then geo engineering being true. Even though geo engineering s old as fuck and the US admits using it during the vietnam war.

>The cloud seeding operation during the Vietnam war ran from March 20, 1967 until July 5, 1972 in an attempt to extend the monsoon season
> It was claimed that one of the clouds drifted across the Vietnam border and dropped nine inches of rain on a US special forces camp over a four-hour period.

Not to mention that the US has admitted to testing biological weapons on its own population.

This is all old news and people still think its some kind of new sci-fi conspiracy theory and that the elite would never hurt them to further their own goal.

But go ahead, stay blind.
Canadian here, you're a retard.
You're a speculation.
>Yeah, because ''contrails'' acting strange and braking the laws of physics
what laws of physic are they breaking?
Its pretty cool how you can write stuff with contrails by just adjusting the altitude.
Nobody gives a shit aboot Canada mate.
I don't know if you're being ironic right now

Are you retarded or something? That is obviously contrails.

Skywriting, what the fuck is that? Some kind of crazy conspiracy theory? Get fucked you nutcase.
You know contrails and clouds are both real things right?
>You know contrails and clouds are both real things right?
Same with geo engineering.
Sure, champ.
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Its not even a debate.
>peration Popeye (Project Popeye/Motorpool/Intermediary-Compatriot) was a highly classified weather modification program in Southeast Asia during 1967-1972. The cloud seeding operation during the Vietnam war ran from March 20, 1967 until July 5, 1972 in an attempt to extend the monsoon season, specifically over areas of the Ho Chi Minh Trail.

So geo engineering is 100% real and denyiong it would be like denying cars, the space station or the moon.
The only question now is how extensive it is and what kind concoctions they are using.
your just mad the worlds flat.
That's cloud seeding, nigger. That's upping rainfall in an area by 10%. Is that really what you consider "geo engineering"?
The Earths climate is changing but it's not a big conspiracy, it's caused by your car and how your food and electricity is produced.
And Canada doesn't give a shit aboot you.
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>Is that really what you consider "geo engineering"?
Are you really that fucking stupid? If its artificially changing the weather its geo engineering.

How much shit have they sprayed on you? God damn you are one dumb fucker.
upping rainfall=/=mind control/making people dumb/any of the other dumb shit you believe.
Disco was a thing in the 70s too, but you don't see too much of it today.

>The only question now is how extensive it is and what kind concoctions they are using.
I think there are more questions than that...

Was geo-engineering effective?
Is geo-engineering being used today?
Is geo-engineering related to contrails?

If it is being used today...
Why is geo-engineering being kept a secret?
How is geo-engineering being kept a secret?
What are the salutary and deleterious effects?

If there are significant deleterious effects...
Why is it still being used?
How are those "in the know" able to escape these effects?
what if chemtrails just make the population smarter

maybe it was just a campaign to smarten us all up so we could fix all the bullshit the previous generations wrought
What if fluoride really does give us stronger teeth? What if the gment just genuinely thought it was an awesome idea?

Both my parents had a ton of cavities and they both brushed religiously (though without fluoridated toothpaste). I brush once a day and I've never gotten a cavity.
Giants still alive in canada
No mercy for masturbators
Your children will be hated just as they hate you
Your teeth are made of flouride
Mine are not

Remember the facts
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>Why is geo-engineering being kept a secret?
Because it destroys our biosphere.
>How is geo-engineering being kept a secret?
Same way every other false flag is kept a secret. You put a lid on it, kill all whistle blowers and ridicule every one in the public that speaks out against it.
The sheeple will control the other sheeple because if there is one thing that the common man fear its being laughed at.
>What are the salutary and deleterious effects?
Mass death of bees and other pollinators, alzheimer, autism, destruction of the ozone layer, increased UV radiation, dead trees, dead plankton, dead fish etc.

>If there are significant deleterious effects...
Why is it still being used?
Ever heard of agenda 21? If mass depopulation it makes perfect sense.

>How are those "in the know" able to escape these effects?
Its a slow kill process so people don't just fall over and die (yet) so they are likely able to deal with most of it by having air filters in their houses and modes of transportation and their water is probably screened as well as their food.
CBRN protection is probably standard for them anyway so its nothing new. When they do go outside and breathe normal air like the rest of us they don't do it for long. How often do you see the Rothschild and Rockefeller walk around in the street like a common pleb? Not to mention that they have unlimited money for medicare and they also know what is going on and what to treat.
this little power fantasy of yours is never going to pan out, anon

You slacktivists have been making youtube videos about chemtrails for years. Nobody is actually going to do anything about it. What do you honestly see changing in the future?
If you think about it, it's like a skeleton is chewing up all your food for you.

Thanks Mr. Skelly
If they want depopulation, why don'tthey just go to war?

Millions die and no one outside the blast radius even bats an eyelash
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They're my bones, but it's our blood

My body, our soul

What causes tooth decay, anyway?
Why do children who suffered abuse always have such weak and horrible teeth?

>protip : it's not random
>You put a lid on it, kill all whistle blowers
I find that shit very hard to believe

Snowden was willing to risk his life to expose unethical information gathering tactics.
Nobody is going to save literally billions of lives?

It reeks of cognitive dissonance.
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they're hard questions
perhaps you don't have an answer
No no, bucko, I have lots of answers,

It is you who are confused

Now, want to try again? Ask nicely this time and maybe they won't threaten or harass you
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>If they want depopulation, why don'tthey just go to war?
Because that would destroy the control system that they are dependent on. Killing us in a slow and controlled matter is preferable.

>Millions die
They think that billions need to die.

>and no one outside the blast radius even bats an eyelash
Most of the nukes would be launched at the other nations nukes.

>I find that shit very hard to believe
>Snowden was willing to risk his life to expose unethical information gathering tactics.
There are people blowing the whistle
This guy said he was going to blow the whistle and then he got relocated to the cherry island landfill
Government officials etc all know what happens to them if they dare to tell the truth. It should be obvious by now that people are willing to go along with everything if you just push them hard enough.
>Nobody is going to save literally billions of lives?
What do you mean? Lots and lots of people are trying. I am talking to you right now.
>It reeks of cognitive dissonance.
Compartmentalization mate.

If you want to know more this is one is pretty grounded.
If this conspiracy has been maintained for so long, how is it going to be exposed?

How is anybody going to believe you, when chemtrailers have been the subject of mockery for years?

Is there incontrovertible evidence for chemtrailing?

If so, why hasn't it been exposed yet?

Is anybody actively looking for it?
>This guy said he was going to blow the whistle and then he got relocated to the cherry island landfill
and that was enough to make it accept the murder of billions

>I am talking to you right now.
Yeah, but you're a nobody. If you honestly cared, why aren't you applying for government clearance?
Even my dog is smart enough to know that the moon cures sickness
>hat do you mean? Lots and lots of people are trying. I am talking to you right now.
>Government officials etc all know what happens to them if they dare to tell the truth.
Let's run a hypothetical:

If you got into government and had sufficient clearance, would you risk your life to expose this conspiracy and save billions?

Do you honestly believe there isn't a single person working on this program with your conviction?
>There are plenty of videos of planes turning their ''contrails'' on and off. Many of them have been posted in this thread.
See, this is why people think you're stupid. Not all air is the same. The atmosphere varies everywhere.
>there are lots and lots of them.
Perhaps claiming they know what they're talking about.
>there is plenty of evidence for it
No, there's only moronic and incorrect observations or spurious "tests" conducted by non-scientists.

Pretty much.

>They seem to vary from second to second.
It does. Have you ever flown? Ever been through turbulence? Air is not a set, uniform environment.

Oh so it works like Rain Powder from One Piece

It's just a natural physical phenomenon called "condensation"

Remember not to look directly at a full moon, or it will drive you crazy heh heh
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>and that was enough to make it accept the murder of billions
Its not like he is the only one.

>Yeah, but you're a nobody. If you honestly cared, why aren't you applying for government clearance?
So i am going to fight the evil system by joining it?
That is fucking retarded mate.

>If you got into government and had sufficient clearance, would you risk your life to expose this conspiracy and save billions?
First my character would be assassinated and then i would be assassinated and then nobody would give a shit.
>Substances which will promote illogical thinking and impulsiveness to the point where the recipient would be discredited in public.

>Do you honestly believe there isn't a single person working on this program with your conviction?
Are you retarded for real or are you just trying really hard? I just fucking told you about people that tried to blow the whistle, they died.
Are you a victim of MKUltra?
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>Being this much in denial.
>I just fucking told you about people that tried to blow the whistle, they died.

All of them. Out of all the people who have to be in on this for it to work, literally every single person who thought, "gee this is wrong" was found out, accounted for, and murdered without anyone noticing and nobody even coming close to revealing proof or evidence?

Gee how convenient for your conspiracy theory.
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>All of them. Out of all the people who have to be in on this for it to work, literally every single person who thought, "gee this is wrong" was found out, accounted for, and murdered without anyone noticing and nobody even coming close to revealing proof or evidence?
No? As you can see in this thread there are lots of people on the inside that are feeding information to people in the outside.

>Gee how convenient for your conspiracy theory.
Not as convenient as being a denier and denying there are any whistle blowers while at the same time claiming all the known whistle blowers that where killed weren't whistle blowers but random people that just offed themselves.
>I don't need evidence, my feelings are what matters
>>I don't care about evidence, my feelings are what matters
would you, personally, be willing to risk your life to save billions of people?
>As you can see in this thread there are lots of people on the inside that are feeding information to people in the outside.
and yet nothing incontrovertible, like Snowden gave us
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>would you, personally, be willing to risk your life to save billions of people?

Who knows, maybe i am taking a risk right now? Maybe they are just waiting for me to get in my car and go for a drive so they can stage a car accident?
You never know where the party van i parked.
>and yet nothing incontrovertible, like Snowden gave us
Except the numerous lab reports about aluminum, barium etc in the rain, snow, soil etc.

Please be serious.
then why aren't you willing to take the system down from the inside? Are you just lazy?
Do you understand what incontrovertible means?

Prove that there is a connection between those results and "chemtrails"
>then why aren't you willing to take the system down from the inside? Are you just lazy?
That would be like fighting AIDS by fucking a infected hooker and then shooting yourself in the head.
because youtube videos and spamming 4chan are totally effective methods

Look at what Snowden did to the NSA. Has any conspiracy theorist ever achieved the same result?
You're just a self-satisfied cunt.
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>Do you understand what incontrovertible means?
I do, but you obviously don't because if you did we wouldn't be having this discussion.
>Prove that there is a connection between those results and "chemtrails"
Why don't you just do it yourself? Wait until you see the ''clouds'' then sample some rain water and send it in for testing.

Its not that hard.
>I do, but you obviously don't
I genuinely feel like you don't

You're testing after the fact. There is no way to link these results to planes other than by tangent.

If you were only the inside, you could expose the smoking gun. But that's too much work for you, saving billions and all.
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>because youtube videos and spamming 4chan are totally effective methods
Yes, social media is an effective tool.
>Look at what Snowden did to the NSA. Has any conspiracy theorist ever achieved the same result?
Do you walk up to people at the gym and tell them they are never going to be like Arnold so they might as well give up?
>You're just a self-satisfied cunt.
Sheeple attacking people that are trying to tell them the truth.
>Yes, social media is an effective tool.
how many conspiracies have been taken down by youtube videos?
can you name a single one?

>Do you walk up to people at the gym and tell them they are never going to be like Arnold
All you do is make excuses. Why can't you be like Snowden and infiltrate the chemtrail division? Give me a real explanation. Or admit that you're a lazy cunt who is willing to let billions die.
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>You're testing after the fact. There is no way to link these results to planes other than by tangent.
Well i was thinking about telling you to test before and after but i thought you where smart enough to figure that out for yourself.
Guess i was wrong.

Well that is what i get for assuming people are not total retards.

>There is no way to link these results to planes other than by tangent.
Plane flies over > it starts to rain > rain is filled with shit that is not found in nature.

>If you were only the inside, you could expose the smoking gun.
What makes you think that? There are plenty of people on the inside and they can't do it.
Besides i am not even a US citizen so first i would need to become that and then it would take a couple of years to get the security clearance necessary to even access a fraction of the information.
Not to mention that everything is compartmentalized so i would only get a small piece of the puzzle anyway.

No thanks, i rather just speak my mind when ever i can and then spend the rest of my time stocking up on canned food and filters for my gas mask.

>But that's too much work for you, saving billions and all.
I think that is a lot of work for most people.
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>how many conspiracies have been taken down by youtube videos?
>can you name a single one?
The ones that never go any where because they are exposed before they can be put in to action.

>All you do is make excuses. Why can't you be like Snowden and infiltrate the chemtrail division? Give me a real explanation. Or admit that you're a lazy cunt who is willing to let billions die.
All you do is make exucses. Why can't you be like *insert famous persons name here* and *insert lfe achievement here*? Give me a real explanation. Or admit that you're a lazy cunt who is willing to live like a pleb.
>The ones that never go any where because they are exposed before they can be put in to action.
Hahahahahaha you really think this?

>Look guys I have made all these random connections showing a conspiracy!!!
You are delusional.
If you cared about evidence, you wouldn't be a chemtrailer.
>You are delusional.
Strawman much?

>If you cared about evidence, you wouldn't be a chemtrailer.
Yeah ofcourse. Lets just ignore all the aluminum in the soil, water, animals etc. Aluminum is totally natural after all.
How can you ever prove that the conspiracy was real if it never happened because "hurr muh utube exposed it!"?
>Aluminum is totally natural after all
Holy shit did you really just say that?

Maybe you should educate yourself on this stuff instead of watching youtube videos about conspiracies.

> Aluminium is the third most abundant element
> the most abundant metal, in the Earth's crust. It makes up about 8% by mass of the crust
> In keeping with its pervasiveness, aluminium is well tolerated by plants and animals
> It is estimated to be the 14th most common element in the Universe
>Aluminium is primary among the factors that reduce plant growth on acid soils. Although it is generally harmless to plant growth in pH-neutral soils
>it is found combined in over 270 different minerals
So please, tell us again how it isn't natural.
>So please, tell us again how it isn't natural.
Please tell me where in nature i can find pure aluminium.
>Well i was thinking about telling you to test before and after but i thought you where smart enough to figure that out for yourself.
>I k-knew that! I just didn't say it! Y-you're the retard!
>NO U!
-your argument in a nutshell.
Not in soil and water samples from your front lawn, that's for damn sure.
>Aluminium is found combined in over 270 different minerals
Are you really this dense? I doubt the samples you gather from rain contain pure aluminium because that is not how aluminium works.

>Aluminum is a very reactive element and is never found as the free metal in
nature. It is found combined with other elements, most commonly with
oxygen, silicon, and fluorine. These chemical compounds are commonly
found in soil, minerals (e.g., sapphires, rubies, turquoise), rocks (especially
igneous rocks), and clays.
>Aluminum occurs naturally in soil, water, and air.
>Aluminum particles in air settle to the ground or are washed out of the air by
rain. However, very small aluminum particles can stay in the air for many
>Most aluminum-containing compounds do not dissolve to a large extent in
water unless the water is acidic or very alkaline.

Again, it is in 270 different minerals. That's a lot of minerals that could be in your soil or water which would show results indicating aluminium.

Stop being retarded.
>Aluminum is totally natural after all.
It actually is. And you might want to consider the dispersal procedure if you think it's from already fully loaded aircraft. There is simply no way it could cause a build up of note when distributed at Mach 0.7-8 from FL310+


Why would you use commercial airliners and whatnot to spread something, over a vague area, when you could just put something into the water supply. You wouldn't see it, taste it, or even know it's there.
Or you could just tell people it's good for them, and they'll beg you to put it in their water so it saves them money at the dentist.
>Stop being retarded.
Hey, I'm not the one being retarded here. I'm not the one who said there was pure aluminum in the rain.
I thought you were sarcastically agreeing with him. My bad.
>Not in soil and water samples from your front lawn, that's for damn sure.
So why do people find it in soil and water samples from their front lawn?
>>I k-knew that! I just didn't say it! Y-you're the retard!
Lessons learned. Always assume people on the internet are completely retarded and spell everything out for them. Otherwise they are going to willfully misinterpret you.

>Again, it is in 270 different minerals. That's a lot of minerals that could be in your soil or water which would show results indicating aluminium.
Not at the purity levels people are finding them. And its not just aluminium.

But go ahead and deny it if you want. In the future people are going to look at you in the same way they look at people that thought the earth was flat.
>Plane flies over > it starts to rain > rain is filled with shit that is not found in nature
this is the logic of a 2 year old
You couldn't possibly account for all the things that could have attributed to the rainfall. They could easily blame it on the ore processing plant 30 km away, or car pollution in the area.

If this was as incontrovertible as you think it is, there would be no alternative argument.

>I think that is a lot of work for most people.
Yeah, but you're the one pretending to care, and then backing down from any real work.
Wow way to cherry pick one thing I said while ignoring the evidence supporting Aluminium naturally occurring in soil and water.

Maybe the levels are higher, but that doesn't mean it must be airplanes spraying the stuff down on us. You are making absurd leaps in logic.
>this is the logic of a 2 year old
Ad hominem much

>You couldn't possibly account for all the things that could have attributed to the rainfall. They could easily blame it on the ore processing plant 30 km away
Because ore procession plants usually just dump tiny aerosols of pure aluminium in to the air.
>or car pollution in the area.
Because cars usually run on processed aluminium or barium.

>If this was as incontrovertible as you think it is
It is.

>there would be no alternative argument.
There isn't.

>Yeah, but you're the one pretending to care, and then backing down from any real work.
You don't know jack shit about what i do.
>Wow way to cherry pick one thing I said while ignoring the evidence supporting Aluminium naturally occurring in soil and water.
Not at those levels they aren't.
>Maybe the levels are higher
The levels are higher and the aluminum is purer.
Aluminium this pure does not exist in nature. What is so hard about this to understand?

> but that doesn't mean it must be airplanes spraying the stuff down on us.
Yeah, its not like there is videos of planes turning their ''contrails'' on and off.
>You are making absurd leaps in logic.
Yeah, its not like there videos of planes spraying shit.

>muuh contrails
>You don't know jack shit about what i do.
You watched a couple of easily digestible youtube videos, and now you're thoroughly convinced of one side of the argument and refuse to acknowledge any alternatives or weaknesses in your assumptions

consider this hypothetical:
If your argument is really as flawless as you think it is, and people still treat chemtrailers like a joke, what is going to change in the future? What is eventually going to get people on your side?
>You watched a couple of easily digestible youtube videos, and now you're thoroughly convinced of one side of the argument and refuse to acknowledge any alternatives or weaknesses in your assumptions
Strawman much?

>people still treat chemtrailers like a joke
People are afraid to be ostracized and the absolute majority will fold to group consensus.
>Participants were asked which of the three lines corresponded in length to the line from the first card. Participants were instructed to give their answers aloud. However, in reality, all but one of the participants were confederates
>Accordingly, on some trials the confederate(s) would answer with an obviously incorrect response. Despite the obvious error, participants felt social pressure to conform, answering incorrectly on 36.8% of trials to maintain conformity.[30] In fact, 76.4% of participants answered incorrectly at least once, a massive difference from the 5% of incorrect responses found in control trials (i.e., when tested alone).
>what is going to change in the future?
Skin cancer and respiratory related deaths is going to be more common.

>What is eventually going to get people on your side?
When deaths related to respiratory failure increases even though less people are working in the mines, burning coal, using shit like asbestos and the emission standards are harder then ever.
In other words. People are going to react when it affects them and people close to them.
this. Some govnm even admitted to do chemtrail tests on their own population. How stupid can some people be is beyond me.
>Aluminium this pure does not exist in nature
There is no pure aluminium in water or soil.

Pure aluminium can exist in nature in the earths crust. Are you trying to claim that the aluminium in the soil is more pure than pure aluminium?

>Yeah, its not like there is videos of planes turning their ''contrails'' on and off.
You obviously don't understand how contrails form, or how air pockets work.
Go educate yourself before using that theory again.

>Yeah, its not like there videos of planes spraying shit.
Just because planes can and have sprayed things doesn't mean they are doing it.
That is a ridiculous leap in logic right there.
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>There is no pure aluminium in water or soil.
And yet people are still finding it in the rain water.
>Pure aluminium can exist in nature in the earths crust.
It can't
>Are you trying to claim that the aluminium in the soil is more pure than pure aluminium?
Refined and processed aluminium does not exist in nature.

>You obviously don't understand how contrails form, or how air pockets work.
Go educate yourself before using that theory again.
Its you that need to educate yourself mate.

>Just because planes can and have sprayed things doesn't mean they are doing it.
That is a ridiculous leap in logic right there.
We have hard evidence that they have sprayed in the past and the government doesn't even deny that and we have hard evidence of people like Henry Kissinger saying that that the earth needs to be depopulated.

How is it ''ridiculous leap in logic'' to say that they are spraying? There are even lots of whistle blowers that are saying that they are spraying.
Everything is in this thread all ready and if you still don't see it you are either completely retarded or a paid shill.

Whats next? Are you going to claim that 9/11 was planned by some guy in a cave?
>There are even lots of whistle blowers that are saying that they are spraying.
Where is the smoking gun?

>Everything is in this thread all ready and if you still don't see it you are either completely retarded or a paid shill.
Your argument relies on assumptions. They might be reasonable assumptions, but they're still assumptions. If you try to deny this, you just come off as insecure.

(i) pictures of trails rapidly appearing and disappearing necessarily that they are being actively controlled
(ii) traces of metal in the rainwater after a plane flies over necessarily means that they are being released by planes
>Where is the smoking gun?
Read the thread and you will find it.

Its not that hard.
>How is it ''ridiculous leap in logic'' to say that they are spraying?
Because them doing something in the past does not prove they are doing it now. You must be retarded to think that.

I was wrong about the pure aluminium. But can you link to a post showing that they found pure aluminium in the soil and water?
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>Because them doing something in the past does not prove they are doing it now.
No, it just goes to show that nothing is to insane, evil or sick for them
>You must be retarded to think that.
And you must be naive if you think that this would some how be below them.

>But can you link to a post showing that they found pure aluminium in the soil and water?
Its been linked several times in this thread.
Here is one of the post.
The Greg Hunter clip is pretty grounded and a good place to start. The sources are in the youtube description.

And its not just aluminium. Its all kinds of shit that is found in unnatural concentration without any explanation. Its been posted over and over again in this thread.
This one is also pretty good
He talks about aluminum 32 min in.

Just open your mind and look at the links provided. If you still think its BS after that then good for you, at least you gave it a shot.
There is no smoking gun in this thread. Just arguments, inferences and assumptions.

I feel like you don't understand the difference. Snowden produced a smoking gun when he stole and released classified documents.
>No, it just goes to show that nothing is to insane, evil or sick for them
Just to be clear, you're talking about seeding clouds to increase rainfall
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>There is no smoking gun in this thread
Sure thing buddy.

>Just to be clear, you're talking about seeding clouds to increase rainfall
Among other things, yes.
We are also talking about what kinds of side effects that these compounds have on the eco system and the atmosphere.
Do they? I don't think they do.
>Sure thing buddy.
What do you get out of asserting that you are correct, but not demonstrating it?
whatever you say chief
Well those two long videos are great, but can you provide something that shows clearly that they found pure aluminium in the soil? Or you know tell me the exact part they mention it. Because I watched 4 minutes of that video and he didn't say anything about pure aluminium.

I'm looking for one specific citation here before you go pointing out how I only watched 4 minutes. If you can't pinpoint the exact area where that citation is then there is no point me wasting my time watching the video in the hopes of finding this information you claim is there.
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>Because I watched 4 minutes of that video and he didn't say anything about pure aluminium.
Pure as in high concentration that is not found in nature.

Here you go
1 minute and 20 seconds in he shows you the paper with the rest results.

If you still doubt it you can just send it in for testing yourself. Its not even that expensive.
>muh smoking gun
>muuh evidence
What happened to all the skeptics?
Of course they aren't real. People who are actually retarded/crazy enough to believe this shit should seriously just become an hero.
>Yeah, its not like there is videos of planes turning their ''contrails'' on and off.
How do you muster the mental capacity to breath and shitpost at the same time?
It must be a struggle, which is why you've not been able to learn a single thing about meteorology or Bernoulli's Principle.
>How do you muster the mental capacity to breath and shitpost at the same time?
Ad hominem much?
The fucking Guardian made a publication on Geo engineering.

Bluepillers are really fucking amazing, you know what, i mean could the earliest opinion managers coming out of Bernays' marketing school even imagine how much fucking dissonance and denial can a regular good goy citizen internalize just to remain in the comfort zone.

Daily reminder that an Order Follower is more morally culpable than the Controller.
>Bluepillers are really fucking amazing
The bluepillers in this thread must be shills. They have to be, its can't be possible to be this retarded.
Can it?

>Daily reminder that an Order Follower is more morally culpable than the Controller.
Maybe the post was deleted?

I'm trying to give you the benefit of the doubt here m8 but I'm just not seeing any hard evidence.
Nice selfie there bud
>posting a David Icke quote without irony
See that thing sailing through the sky to parts unknown? That's your credibility.
>I'm trying to give you the benefit of the doubt here m8 but I'm just not seeing any hard evidence.

>See that thing sailing through the sky to parts unknown? That's your credibility.
Nice guilt by association mate.

just wow.
okay the shills are government paid they are fools just paid bybthe gov to target us infoers and will try to get the more vocal ones banned and stuff.
Deserved for such willful ignorance in the face of science.
It's not exactly hard to pick up a meteorology textbook to educate oneself, and then prove that which it teaches.
>Deserved for such willful ignorance in the face of science.
But... scientists have tested rain water positive for aluminium, barium strontium etc.

>It's not exactly hard to pick up a meteorology textbook to educate oneself
Yeah, lets read a book that is produced by the same people that are doing the spraying.
Great idea there buddy.

>and then prove that which it teaches.
And then prove that the ''cloud'' patterns in the book they created matches the ''cloud'' patterns they created in the sky.

Topkek mate.
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Sure. In full lab conditions, I'm sure. And those elements are still naturally occurring.
>Yeah, lets read a book that is produced by the same people that are doing the spraying.
As I said, you can prove everything it says. But people like you tend to be afraid of doing so because that would destroy your hollow argument and shatter a world view.
>And then prove that the ''cloud'' patterns in the book they created matches the ''cloud'' patterns they created in the sky.
Yes, clouds had to be invented by the government.
Mental giant you are.
It's stupidity. Test the supposed chemicals. You can't. It's fuckin condensation. Give one shred of evidence. You can't.
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>And those elements are still naturally occurring.
>elements are still naturally occurring
>naturally occurring
>aluminum in its free form
>naturally occurring
>Free form aluminium

>As I said, you can prove everything it
The same people that are doing the geo engineering is producing the books so it would be weird if the pics in the book didn't fit together with the real sky.

>Yes, clouds had to be invented by the government.
>Mental giant you are.
Thank you.
You know what's funny? They never get samples of contrails to test. Guess that might ruin the argument.
>The same people that are doing the geo engineering is producing the books so it would be weird if the pics in the book didn't fit together with the real sky.
Pretty sure Nathan Higgens isn't some Illuminati top dog.
But holy shit that's some denial/fear/laziness you're living in by putting the cart before the horse like that.
Okay, so the government invented weather (and presumably the atmosphere along with fluid dynamics), is what you're saying. How did things work prior to that invention? If they're powerful enough to do things like this, why would they even need to?
Do you have proof of these people using air filters for this purpose?
>you say the truth
>they say the opposite
>you get annoyed
>brain does not like that
>frustrating to defend logic
>instead of more research just arguing who is right
>no progress in research/discussion
>dont let them win. its like trolls DO NOT FEED THE TROLLS/SHILLS

Chemtrails are real. and so are the the shills. CHEMTRAILS ARE REAL! there are confessions by pilots hidden camara visits to facilities you name it. i spoke to a local pilot here in portland oregon. WE HAVE A GREAT SHOW PLANNED ABOUT GOVERNMENT SHITTALKERS.
It's really a sad thing many cannot differentiate between contrails that fade shortly after the plane passes and aerosols that persist and spread.

The attack on your consciousness is multi-vectored. The majority haven't a clue of their own suppressed state.

>You know what's funny? They never get samples of contrails to test. Guess that might ruin the argument.

hahahahahahhaahhahahaha ''contrails'' hahahahahaahahhahahahahahah
Do you have proof that you are not a paid government shill?
>I don't know anything about fluid dynamics!
Your shitposting aside, it's still hilarious that no one has obtained samples from the source.
But again, evidence isn't the strong suit of such beliefs.
>it's still hilarious that no one has obtained samples from the source.

>Samples posted in the thread
>Videos of pilots talking about it posted in the thread
>Videos of lanes turning their ''contrails'' on and off posted in the thread

>muuuh evidence
>muuh samples
>muuuuuuuuh proof

Fuck of shill.

Poor Bubba think that this is something new for Obama
Where did all the shills go? Don't they work at this hour?

Here are a shitload of real documents and information about chemtrails a.k.a. geoengineering/solar radiation management etc
>Videos of lanes turning their ''contrails'' on and off posted in the thread
>Videos of pilots talking about it posted in the thread
>What are jokes and bullshit

And are you really dismissing a need for proof? Because holy shit does that sum up your argument like little else.
shill please, you have to try harder then that.
>Bluepillers are really fucking amazing
The fact that you are stupid enough to refer to people by pill colours discredits everything you might have to say.
It's really sad that many cannot understand how contrails actually work. Did you only read half the explanation and then form your opinion from that?
>The fact that you are stupid enough to refer to people by pill colours discredits everything you might have to say.

>muuh pill racism.

Fuck of PJW
Clearly not, because he just destroyed your fucking argument in a couple sentences.
shill please...
Dude, if I was a shill, I would have lost my job years ago. You're doing a much better job making chemtrails look retarded than I could ever begin to hope to do.
shill please, now you are just to obvious.

Think about the OPSEC
Notice how it always rains after a day of heavy chemtrailing
>shills harder
You have to try harder then that my friend. Come on, you are getting paid top tax dollars i expect better.
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