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Thread replies: 279
Thread images: 45

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Mind is the process of you passing continuously through your entire being.

Yes, that's how large/small you really are.
Hmph. I knew my clones couldn't commit.
But that implies mind can't control the being
Correct, mind can't control the being. If it could, it would feel like you were being controlled every waking moment. Your entire being makes choices.
If you realize the mind is yours, you control it.

When you let your mind make all the decisions and listen to all the rambling thoughts, then it controls you.

It is yours, but not you.
>it controls you.
Close, but no cigar. It controls itself in that case.

It is the first possession granted to every fairy.
You think you are a fairy because you waste your time online with a name in the header "The Fairy Queen" when in reality you all are role playing using 4chan to compensate for your attention craving
You might be right about yourself.
Has potential.

But no.

Peoples minds can control them if they don't actively try to hold on to their ability to control it
Controlling a mind is the easiest thing you will ever do in your life.

Why, you can control it just by thinking about it.
Congratulations for telling me something I already know.
Did you think I was talking to you alone?

You don't need to actively try to hold on to your ability to control your mind. Why, you can't ever lose it.
It is impermanent along with the body.

I am not the body I am not the mind

When one associates with something other than the body and the mind, the only association is the spirit
What if there was no such thing as a spirit?
I sometimes associate with my shoes.
Some people ask "what if", some respond "why 'if'?"
Material objects are impermanent as well, shoes describe no aspect of your personality, only describe how people percieve you
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Trees... They ate the trees and turned into giants
They describe the shape of my dick pretty well
What are shoes? Can I have one? Is there something to do with it that I might find fun?

It looks to me like you're just illustrating your shoe preferences. Not that every personality has to have any shoe preferences.

Properly aligned Chakras always raise the heart Chakra to the highest frequency...

...it's just lame enough to be true!

Shoes are for filling!

...gna mean!?
You mistake me, I do not associate myself with how my shoes look or feel, but the function they serve and the role they play, in essence, their spirit.
Lol ok
Wait you mean all this time it was THAT easy to make you shut up?
Don't use a mid-2011 hipster/tumblr type aesthetic picture if you want people to take your philosophy seriously.
What do you mean?

I thought you made a thread to talk about something interesting
I can see you know nothing about the fae.
Yes, I made a thread to talk about everything that isn't you. That much is true.
Okay "fairy queen"

If you want to up your role playing experience you should get World of Warcraft or something

Other than that, talk about the subject of your thread.
Wow great double digits dude!
I would, but I can't find anything interesting to talk about.
I am not the body, but the body is mine.

I am not the mind, but the mind is mind.

Associate through the spirit. That is what really passes through your being
That's not the only thing that passes through my being, if you get my meaning.
God is love
is TFQ a delusion created by Tomoko or is Tomoko a delusion created by TFQ?
or, maybe they both simply shun each other..?
What do you know, oh wise one, about the pillars of duality, and the woman on the other side?

What do you know, oh wise one, about the significance of drinking someone else's blood?

What do you know, oh wise one, about the number 13?

Apprentice me Fairy Queen.
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Curse the fiends, their children too
Curse their children, forever true
Who are called to the bloodlust wherever they be
To search for the way you cannot see
I don't give names to any of my delusions.

I know of many great and terrible things, but many less things worth speaking about.

I know that there are people who aren't ready to hear about the pillars. I know drinking blood is for no good reason every time someone tries to do it, and I know the number 13 is the one that stores the best of (my) luck.

Is there anything else you needed to know right now?
Is the veil of fear to keep the symbols untouched and therefore not abused? Is the energy of the 13, the combination of the positive and negative, the power of blood, all true but not given to those who don't ask? Is that "magic" too powerful to keep an ordered society?

"We're with the vipers!"

*Holds up fork*
In a word, yes.

But no, it's only mostly yes. The rest of the yes is stored in a vault somewhere that time forgot.

I forget where I forget to forget it, but I forget it somewhere or I'd surely remember where I forget it.

If you can see past the veil, you no longer have any need for fear. Congratulations on becoming fearless. Your courageous heart will show bravery time and time again before it stops beating inside your chest.

Some questions imply their own answer by the fact that they were asked at all.

But an ordered society is nothing more than an agreement to coexist peacefully.
I wish I'd understood that one at the time I posted this.
Well I'm just glad they finally outlawed prophecy. Mark of a true society, that.
I'm not going insane... Fairies just have... Different. Different notions of sanity. That's all.

Different. They're just different. That's all.

Yes, yes, different. Different's all it is. No different from before, mind you, but different nonetheless.
Both were me.

Are the pillars about the balance of duality, sun and moon, good and evil, Boaz and Jachin? Are they meant to represent balance for the person who walks between them?

The blood drinking is about an incident with a woman. We were loving, playing with knives. She cut me and tasted my blood. I grabbed the knife, cut her hand, and tasted her blood, although she was not pleased and tried to keep her blood from my mouth. When I tasted it, I felt my perception of the world change to include greater good and evil. It felt like an expansion of my mind. I now wonder what the reason or significance behind blood is, and what effects of having two people taste each other's blood brings.

The number 13 I asked because of my most frequent birthday being Friday the 13th, this November, actually. I've had various occurrences dealing with the repetition of the number, along with the associations it has with the moon, mother goddess/triple goddess/isis, the forbidden fruit, completion, ascension, karma, etc.

P.S. What I meant by an ordered society was a controlled* society. A society under control to word it better.

I would also want to know if love is as powerful as it is "portrayed".

I thank and love you.
For the love of god, somebody help me! I think I know what's fair!



Holds up spoon...

...holds up fork...

...wiggles so fast they combine...

SO random!
Oh trust me, you have no idea how very fair this all is.
If you don't know then I won't say, but let's not end all life mm'kay?

Things that come in pairs are usually balanced.

Oh, you mean you formed a blood contract. "Drink" has a different meaning when blood's involved. I'd tell you about the effects, but you're in the middle of living them over for yourself. I don't think there's anything I can do without an ill-advised* invitation on your part.

Keep in mind how ill-advised* it would be to request a fairy.

So very ill-advised indeed.*

13 is a very good number. Prime too. I heard it appears in the Fibonacci sequence when you're using all ten fingers to count with. I don't know if I'd recommend being born on Friday the 13th, but I know it's never let me down before.

Those symbolisms might mean something too. I can't say what all your prophets have planned yet.

Love is a mystery I hope to feel one day. When it works, I'll let you in on it.

* Please don't do this; it's a very bad idea.

My FAVORITE store is "Stahpelz"


And "Payless Shoes"...

...and "Men's Work Warehouse"
I Am
Well then exactly how fair is it?

Would you be willing to have a private chat right now? There are so many unanswered questions and unasked answers. My skype is sasesa33, thanks for thanks.
Fair enough for me!
I'll let you know if I ever find my Skype address.
How the fuck am I supposed to verbalize everything you just made me feel?
Has it occurred to you that maybe you aren't ready for the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth yet?
How do you even live like this?

Old people LOVE cum...

Most men live the LAST half gay!
I manage.
A fairy can recognize another fairy, right?

SO if all my conversations have a deeper meaning, then there is a recognition of no fairy symptom. What really matters is that you get the idea I'm verbally intertwining to you.

Ever heard of the story of Eloa? It's about selfless love, the left eye covered yet there's still no Justice, only silent loss and covered empathy. Do you understand? Can I make it clearer for you? There's a simple explanation for everything, but pearls are hard to reach. In all ways, if there were an easy way to open up that clam, pearls would lose their seductiveness. Somehow this is going off on a tangent of a summer in France. Anyways, I hope you enjoy this play dough of intricacy. There's a midst of very open doors and very closed doors, whatever that means. We're just birds in the wind, Elise. Find your Alexander.
Wrestlemania 911 is turning people gay.

I hate the world of today.
That depends entirely on whether or not they want to recognize one another.

How does tomorrow sound?


If you want something, don't ask for nothing!
I think the lesson here is that it's a bad idea to get entangled with a fairy.

No, I'm turning people to the truth that one becomes female once they've lived a male life.
I'm asking for the sake of asking. That's a nice song.

They played this song to resurrect Hitler I hear...
The regocntiion is unimportant, what is a recongition if you have no emotions?

Where do the birds fly?

Let's think of that time I was riding a roller coaster, and I could feel the speed but I could not explain it. There's a 1990's feeling of being forgotten in the air. Maybe you're not the only one.
I tried to warn you, but you forget everything I was about to do.
I see you can see why we don't play entanglement games anymore.
The bouts and turns of life arent up to you. There's a whole world out there, nothing is right and nothing is wrong. The apple's poisonous, but it's just for a while. Your life is spinning upside down, and your top isn't the same top everybody's seeing. Why do you cover yourself u like a rock of dust? It's a fragile illusion that will go Oz for her own sake. Where do you reap what you sow? Why do you suffer? Is the pain relieving? What are you working at?

Explain yourself.
I still think I know what's fair.

Don't you?
I don't think my response was sufficient enough. My whole life I've lived. But have you? I don't monkeybar people onto the ground, but rather monkeyground people onto the bar, and we get older. Why would you fish a fish for food when you can fish a food for fish. Just remember the last phrase he made you tell him.
You don't need to do anything to make life happen; it does that on its own. Sure, there's an element of surprise, but that's the thrill of being alive.

But nothing's more dangerous than I am, if you've ever met her.

The rest of the questions have nothing to do with me.

Fair is for CLOWNS!

A life's not lived until you're ready to be dead.

BTW, you suck... like a total leech!
>The rest of the questions have nothing to do with me

Well that's obvious. I thought you went deeper than that. We're both on the same page but the outer world isn't as it is. Why play the games then, we're meant to do what we were meant to. As much as you dig into that rabbit hole, you'll never find why. It's a learned pony trick that isn't planned to be. Where do you think? We expend our arms like tentacles to other people. Things are scary in the dark. An artist can recognize an artist. Did you hear me?
The dead's never lived because the life isn't what they're told it is. A death is unequivocal to your own superstition, a world of perception and abstract form is out there, where nothing exists. Why do you focus on the spinning and not the spinner? We're all projections of each other, let's not lose the right to heaven over that.

Hell is a play-date compared to the void of the underworld...

Me me, I'm a proud piss boy!

You're arguing with a literal maggotbrain...

Just point it to the deadskin and move on!
I still think you're right about yourself, insofar as you are who you think you are.

If you're still there.
If we were on the same page, you'd be where I am now. I hope you plan to know where exactly that is.
>projecting this hard
I see you're exactly where I predicted you'd be if I were in your position.

But where are you now?
You have a deadskin vibe, sire.

Why do you trade in the luxury of luxury for the sake of truth? Where do you harbor those sucked up emotions?

Is the rabbit out to play? Why are you so elusive? Let's not forget that time we weren't.
With the wind, airing myself on a sailboat. The marble counter marble counting. Why do you limit yourself? A wave isn't meant to be taken a picture of. The entire ocean is under it. Kudos to the wonder woman who you insulted.

My heart is as broken as my dick.

The mote to this castle has grown...

...I'm sorry Mario...

The princess is in another cavern!
Where do the lights go? Over the rainbow!

Growing up to be the man you've heard about. How does it feel? Is the graphite on the train yet?

I've looked through all this clay...

...found the least fucked up figurines to be too fucked up for me!

Time to bake more cakes!

You wouldn't believe what I've been through!

I AM afraid of Jewmericans!

They say any attention is good attention...

...until you're cheered off a cliff, you fuck around and get your ass kicked!


Some beings have selective hearing, I have selective speaking.

Don't confuse it for being coy!

Rats and clones go copying too much I lose my entire estate!

This is Entirely Aristocacy!

Cockroaches bathed in acid too thick for even the biggest bangs!

Dear Sirea... I desire to fly away from all these camp-town racist stories!

The grime is in the pipecamp! The baboon bottom I R have is red!

What good is a pornwhore timewife when virginity is common?

Basic Instructions, kids!
Where do you justice your just in's. Is the rat race real? Just so you try to gorge the effort out

ill gorge the fort out the ground. The y in why in yhwh in where.

Why do you try to trick the train of thought with trance and transformative tasks of fraky flasks of frosted baked bugs buggy stoners?

A prime example of how little control you and me have. You take the repection to the repetitive receptive. You're humanity isnt on the humane, it's on the self, you're selfing yourself facing your selfless self.

We're all examples, you think you've got everyone beat, when the horses still beat off the dead horse's beat.

Kill the attitude with soap because germaphobia isnt peculiar.

Why do you entertain the thought of frozen lakes?

Under the tears are crystal meth tweakers.

Ha, feell for it!

Who do you think I think I am?
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Get real.
Whoever you felt you were trying to express.
Well, I can recognize an impostor. I think that's more than enough to show you to your bones.
A bad idea to attempt, at least. If you can snare a real fairy, you might find what you're looking to see.
You're asking for the sake of being a retard?

I didn't know you wouldn't answer this question.
No emotions? Say, I think I've had those before a time or two. I don't recall that it ever affected my memory, but I do recall an important effort to try.

If you can't explain the feeling of speed on a rollercoaster, you're just plain retarded. Not unaware, not ridiculous, and not braindead, but simply and solely retarded.
I didn't forget. Someone must have bungled the deliver, and it sure as fuck isn't a problem on my end.
Show me a bout or turn that wasn't mine and I'll see if I can't show you a little pain and suffering.
Yes, I do. But you're not me, are you?
I enjoying eating what I eat and not sharing it with anyone once I've eaten it. But I'm from the physical side of reality, which you might have a hard time grasping.

If you're not careful with me.
I'd wonder what you thought you were meant to do if I'd had a reason to believe you'd answer it.

I didn't.

Dunno if you heard me yet. You might be off your rocker again.
You might not exist yet/anymore. I'm not sure. I can't really tell where anything is supposed to be right now because now's still forming for me.

I guess I'm the only one that can truly answer a you-type question. I'm in a place where it's very dangerous to answer calls for help. I still think I know what's fair, but I need to moved elsewhere if I want to help out here.
Personally, I limit myself to what's fair so I'll be able to help people whenever it's needed.
>Is the graphite on the train yet?
Illegal smuggling attempts? Through what, might I ask? Time? Space? Does it matter, if it's illegal?
Now I see you.
In a thousand years, I'll get right on it.

sad, though, I thought people had fun.

So you've had your Higgs Boson passed around like a party whore?

Like pong left and right is the good docs beat pills!

Most of this universe is a giant reference to MY DICK!

Bob help us! I can't bet 4 pennies on this game show!
You're spreading gay tendencies.

A side effect of either side's whoring.
>the horses still beat off the dead horse's beat.
That one's actually pretty clever, thanks. I'll remember it.
It's not about who you are, it's about who you'd be if a time traveler tried to step in for a moment. You can be anything you want to be, so long as you're not planning anything illegal. If it's illegal, there'll be hell to pay and I'll be damned if you think I'm gonna pay it for you.
Bingo and back to the time war. The archive don't store IP addresses, but a certain little organization might keep certain records around long enough for me to get to it before you remember that it's there.

If I were to count all the things you ignored, I think I'd find that your shape was abhorred.

Bob's always the name, isn't it?
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is this how you wish to become like a fairy? by being a loser spider haunted by specters that are caught in your web?
Is there any other way to be me?
maybe if you learn that you will be able to leave third grade

A real Merlin, eh?

How scared are you of Bulbasaurs with pet Charmanders?

Professor of the truth talk all talk emeritus! Can you ignore the giant in my hearts girth?

Will you be my ratcatcher!?

Like Nurgle ensnared Slaneesh...

It's heavens poet! He marries in a complex manor!

There goes the flare.

I was whored out REAL young!

Right with a big ol' TOOL in my POOTY HOLE!
I love you. Where would you marry me?

I'd marry you in Bora Bora.

This is a genuine feeling.

How far can you go with this?

At least until you find the real definition of love.
>This is a genuine feeling.
No, it isn't.

It's a false claim that can't contain genuine feeling.
I know they die when pierced with wrought ruin you condescending piece of shit.
It's the message in a bottle. Except you're the one that finds it in a deserted island.

It says to change your eyes, because I do love you.

Love is prevalent underneath and made up of all things.
The way I see it, there's only one way you could know that.
What makes you think that that this is your this?

I see it in a different light. I wonder why I would.
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Because that makes you exactly who you are. And I love you that way.

Real love is expressed powerfully. Tap into this feeling and resonate with me. Let go and smile.

Would you help Jack off the beat in dead horse?

He was LIKE king cupid...

Any arrow straight to my heart is OK!

It's rude to play with your food! A message retained from the OLD old country!

Grimey niggas where I'm from don't want to see you crisped up!

They live BEHIND the sonne! A convenient store! Until you're eastbound and down rub and tugged raw like an Indian burn!

My advice!?!?

Lick my gryphonballz before you are stuck licking Shrek's in the trailer park next life!

In the tyrannosaurus paddock or raptor pit...

...triceratops had the biggest pile of shit!
Wrong answer; you don't know what makes me.

I won't declare it a problem that you don't know me but it's problematic to a certain degree.

But the idea to let go is an of war, plain and simple.

Not to mention all the other signs of war.



Take the heart of the lion into any ill beast and watch them join in the bloods drum beat dance!

Talons fly... as a last disguise!

Take off your shoes and submit to those who have already ascended as Jupiter...

Mostly through with Saturn too!
All I see underneath your words is a blush of love. War is about love.

Love is so much more than getting to know someone. That is conditioned love.

I can love you fully, because I decided to. Nothing can keep me from slowing down, I love everything about you, even the things you haven't said and done because they're all parts of the completely lovely you. You're beautiful, too, so that doesn't hurt. Just a cherry on top.
Leave, now, for your own safety. "Love" can't stop your limbs from being torn apart.

Someone flying?

...Is only Dolan!

Is was Gooftroop county all along!

Thank you for your work, but unless you know the consequences of your actions, please don't feed it.


First went wrong is hard to find...

Is he closing in on me?!

I'm pretty scared...

Wouldn't want to DIE!

...spooky stuff!
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But "Love" isn't meant to stop anything.

I'll sew your limbs back on. Because I love you. So much.

Believe in us, when you believe, believe in love, when you think, think of love, when you act, act on love.

Because that love is what will keep me smiling when you take my life.

You have to keep promising me you'll be the Juliet to my Romeo.


Maybe if Behemoth competed, he would win instead of me...

...funny how that works, like an arc, always there for any friends I tally!

Ra is too far... aye?
Your existence is an act of war. Your execution is a certainty if you fail to back down.
They better be paying you handsomely for this.

I only speak of high alchemy...

...my payment is the wet women panties and warm hearts when figuring out who I am...

Money is so... simplistic...

Like a real life superhero!

May the eyes on the back of our heads sprout into being with the wings of angels!
On closer inspection, your posts are nothing but affirmations of war. Consider your job over before it ends up creating something you didn't intent for.


Threatening me is cute.

Do you even know what "indigo" means?

Much sovereign duelist!


Give me 50 paces and have me destroy you like your bitchmaid handler!

Jump like flubber or Bugs from the ol' Baal game...

This lion king is 40,000 GB!
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I ask not for war, I ask for something above war, someone that goes to war for the sake of love.

If you knew who I was, you'd be falling over my existence, I bet. Love me and love thyself. For the sake of something above us.

That goodness only exists outside of us, that goodness can only come from mother earth, giving love by being love.

Let's be more than what we perceive, let only love count. It's the most intense feeling, and if everyone did it, we'd undergo 3rd consciousness.

Back to the basics, forget all of that, the only point is love, because you can, because I already love you.
All eight of you have contributed to an act of war.
>someone that goes to war for the sake of love
This is a declaration of war.

Gestalt awareness will get you killed immediately.

It's rude to tease me with the prize of death. This kings lord is stating I'm to live much longer...

He's never been wrong... my audience is far too in love with this suffering carcass for me to believe I'm due for deathbliss this soon!
You're seeing separation where there really isn't any...

"Mind is the process of you passing continuously through your entire being."

All is one so yes, I am always continuously passing through myself, good observation OP... /sarcasm
>This kings lord is stating I'm to live much longer...
I hope your king is a time traveler, because anything else will create an ever-more dangerous situation for your king.
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You really do love me.

Put down your arms, lift up your heart. tiptoes, full lips.

My white flag is raised for two fingers of peace, tainted by your red lipstick on read lips blowing smoke out the air, window's down, passenger seated treble cleff exhaust roarring fucking loud, Ferrari loud.

Sorry, all this talk of war got me horry, the lust just adds to the bust in your painted bust.

The real love is the reason I trust your love right now, and in trust there is peace, but you can't have trust without honesty, so pardon me for loving thee, and loving sex.

Is this what you're on about virgin?

Most people are smart enough to not mimic someone else's style.

Fuck off lifeless bird, earth tourist with no story of your own.

False poets with daddy money make me vomit.
Failure to back down recognized. Your declaration of war has been noted.
I give me life, not for honor, but for youuu
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Thinking that way is unhealthy.

To believe that you know more than you know.

My family wealth is more than dollar bills, have you not heard the gospel?

I see a peasant snickering about a king, when I have earned the title.

20% of what you give is 80% of your outcome.

Don't dwell in my shadow, boy.
there is no "you" other than the mind or the body. there is no self other than an aggregate of factors coming together.
What if there were neither mind nor body nor soul?

That's what I thought...

...daddy money...

Like Mikey eating french fries...

...maybe you should... integrate... some diversity of diet?

Just a thot!
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My declaration is only of the passion to die for my love, because I know it is greater than fear.

Recognize your heart, let's discover ourselves in each other.

Oh baby, whether it's nothingness or not, we're still drinking the same glass of shampoo.

Let's ride my in-existent lamborghini so you can hear my in-existent 8tracks playlist, because I know you really like that in-existent style of music.

I'm just a magnifying glass for suave.

The only diet I have is a prescribed dose of equanimity. Nobody eats french fries.

ITT: People that've forgone their alchemical right to an identity.
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A nah is always a maybe, and maybes are seductive yes's. Tell me, where can I find a circle of mushrooms that you'll magically appear out of?

Ride with me, Queen. You don't need a boyfriend, you need a lover. I can feel you.


If you try to change my words again, you'll eat be eating a lead breakfast for the rest of your life.

This much swagger jacking...

...you know it's a dude with a bitch name, right?
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I would never try to change you. You should find that living in the illusion is sexier.

>living in the illusion is sexier
Oh no, trust me, I know.
I can seduce anyone.

My words move nations.
Four sexy nonts.
Thaaaaaaaaaat didn't just happen.
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You've really fucked someone from 4chan?

I call bullshit!
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Your mind still exists.
There's not a thing, so near or high, to which I cannot tell a lie.
Maximum possible preference? Why, I can admit no limitation.
Of course I can do that. I just can't do that and make you happy at the same time. Not without changing your mind, anyway. (I can do that, too.)
See? I knew we could come to an agreement.
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Ha Ha, so much crazies in one thread, had a good laugh and some thoughtfucking

Pic related

Maybe you all need some of that so hard

Aimer, ce n’est pas se regarder l’un l’autre, c’est regarder ensemble dans la même direction.
-Antoine de St-Exupéry

do you have a sister?

Oh God he's breaking out the french...

...I'd rather fuck Hanz than this frilly faggot!
So if I give my permission, I can take away peoples' freedom?

>thinks he has any chance of fucking anyone on this basement board.

Don't worry dude, nobody asked who you'd rather fuck.. Weirdo.

It's time to stop posting, cloneboy.
Well, you can take some kind of freedom anyway.
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Dude, you care so much.
>being this defensive about not being samefag
You mean after all that buildup, you're not even gonna follow through?
If someone sucks the life energy from you can your mind get it back?
Well that depends. Are you dead?
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All it took was a screenshot. Your eyes, fairy, they're melting.

Which person is following which?
If you have to ask, you're probably not ready for the answer.
That's not all there is to you is there? I was hoping for some real wordplay.
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If you took is as a question, then you're definitely not ready to give an answer.

I'm tired of wordplay, but trust me, it's always there. Hahaha.
If you if with an if, you're probably not worth my time.
Oh, excuse me. I'm sorry. I apologize.

If I'd had my wits about me I'd have realized that that was the best you can do.
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I if'd your if because you're not worth mine.

Thanks, Queen. I knew you'd come to your senses.
If I'm not worth your time then why are you ITT? Have you run out of time already?
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Because this isn't about you.

You've only ran out of luck, whatever that is.
Unless you have a mind to tell me your mind isn't mine, I'd have to say this is very much about me.

Where did all your time-worth go?
Neither of us have a mind.

Wherever it came from.
dude lmao
mind is a noun not a verb you fucking idiot, it's your brain not a process you fucking hippie dippie retarded fuckface
Speak for yourself, thanks.
If mind's not a verb in effect then why does a mind stop expressing itself when the brain stops metabolizing it?
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Luck doesn't exist. Soon, you'll run out, too.
You see with broken eyes.

Worried about your worth and not the meaning behind every word.
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mind your manners, you fucking retard. i'll leave that with you for a while. and op's use of mind in the op is essentially as a noun anyway.
Haven't you heard the tales of the leprechaun?

Who made his own luck?
Are my eyes broken again? I should look into that.

If only I knew where I left my eyes...
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Mind is simply a tool.
I wonder what it would be like to be like a fairy...
So long as you don't plan on being a tool with it, so be it.
you're simply a tool
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But then it's not luck anymore.

You wouldn't look into anything if I were you. You'd only see fragments.

Don't lose anymore eyes.
No, you're not. That's exactly what not to be with it.

Stop being a tool, thanks.

Good thing you're not me then. I'm also not you, but that's neither here nor there.
What's that noise I thought I heard?

Could it be the sound of my own word?
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I thought I was being literal, personally speaking.
>Good thing you're not me then. I'm also not you, but that's neither here nor there.

Your broken eyes keep yourself comfortable, don't they.
i've got herpes
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I wouldn't know what my eyes are doing these days. I think I lost them around the same time that I lost my marbles. Have you seen either of them?

Maybe you should get that checked out.
Your marbles are mine now, only the foolish lose them.

Or maybe only the blind.
Thanks, but I can see myself seeing myself just fine without your help.
You sound mad. But not just any kind of mad, a certain kind of mad.
Oh what was the name again... I wish I could remember.
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You're not seeing anything.

You're only thinking geometry.
Oh I wish I could remember the name for that type of mad, but I just can't.

Does anyone know the name for the kind of mad I'm talking about?

You are? That's weird.
Only because you think of geometry differently than I do.
I know I know the name of this kind of mad, but I just can't remember it right now.

That's because you and I are different clades of organism potential entirely.
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You aren't telling me anything, though.
Won't someone tell me the name for this type of mad but, please don't be too cryptic about it.
That's because I'm not listening to you right now.
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Who's responding, then?
Nobody's responded to me yet. I'm just typing on 4chan some time in the 21st century, when a type of mad (but I can't remember the name) was really popular. There's a series of replies at the time that mimic our conversation, but I don't know if it's safe to go there and check why we're being transcribed.
I wish I could remember but mad just has too many names.
Why wouldn't it be safe?
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Everything has too many names.
>if you have to ask
>things fairies don't ask
>being this 4chan mad

That's why I stick with you.
Why would you want anger?
Come on... Early 21st century... Popular on the internet... Type of mad...

No no, if it was just anger I'd have thought it of a long time ago.
Mad mad mad... But! I just can't remember.
I guess you can't hear me.
I'll start from the beginning.
What are you thinking about?

Early 2000s meme about what?

I have no idea what you're talking about.
Here it is: >>16947584
If you don't know the name I'm thinking of, it's better if you don't speak.
Oh. I guess I left off at Antarctica and promptly forgot where I was going from there.
Sorry, no. That's just normal time dilation speaking.
Note to self: Dress warmer before starting on this journey.
What am I doing in Antarctica?
I stopped reading at "no idea why existence exists".
Then you've come far enough.
>I wish I could remember buttmad just has too many names.
Oh. I think I can remember that without any pain.
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ze cold before ze warmth ma cheri


ahhh ze dance begins!
I think I remember where I was now.

I was speaking to Antarctica from the continent of 4chan.

I was about to explain the beginning.
The very beginning.
Of everything.
And anything.
And all the names.
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You're chasing something that doesn't exist.

There is no beginning and no ending in a world of no concepts, where nothing doesn't exist, and everything that exists is something.
Though I might get some names mixed up sometimes.
Or did I get the times mixed up with their names...
Oh well now I'm just confused.

I'm sure I remember what that's like.
I'd be twice as confused if I didn't know what it was like to be a fairy.
But I don't have a strong sense of identity!

Oh, now I'm all conflicted.

I must be at least half as confused as I thought I was if that's the case.
On second thought, I probably don't need an identity.

So long as I'm a fairy.
Well, if I'm a fairy, I'm sure I'm not confused unless I want to be.
But I'll need a name if I want to be a fairy.
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But do I really want to be confused? I'm not sure. If I don't want to be confused, it stands to reason that I'm a fairy or something else.
A tool for what? Most don't even bother to question.
Yay! You found another me!
Anyone else.
Now where was I...

fixing stuff
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Fixing stuff? But I'm sure nothing's broken. If there was something broken, I'd have to wonder where it was.

Here I am! Still being me. I wonder if I'm a fairy...
Oh look! Another me! I wonder where I went after that...
Well, that depends on whether I was going forward or backward in time.

If I was going forward, I'd end up here: >>16994855
But! If I was going backwards... Here: >>16994843

I can tell to skip the anonymous replies because >>16994838
If I didn't know any better, I'd say this looked like a hole in the conversation large enough for a fairy to climb through.
And if I didn't know any better, I'd say I was going any which way I wanted through time.

But I'm stuck moving forward, so I'll have to end up where anyone else.

Anyone else?
>I'll have to end up where anyone else was.
Well don't say I never warned you.
What would you do with a mirror several billion lightyears across?
And what could ever contain a mind if it went off to wander somewhere?

In what sense? I'm still posting but if I have no soul then I guess I'm just a body.
Bodies are the only thing that can truly die. There is no other sense to make.
Thank god. He finally found the Bentwell barrier.
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