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Hey /x/. I used to browse here a lot a few years back but haven't

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Thread replies: 1438
Thread images: 152

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Hey /x/. I used to browse here a lot a few years back but haven't stopped in for some time.

A friend of mine recently had to send his computer into the shop because he thought he had downloaded some kind of virus. At the same time he kept telling me about weird shit that keeps happening to him in his house. The main one is he's been having issues with both lights and his television turning either on or off when he knows that he left them the other way before leaving the room and returning. He hasn't actually witnessed them going out, but they're always opposite of how he left them.

From what I heard the only real thing that he noticed being up with his computer is that he kept finding image and text tiles in his download folder that he had never knowingly downloaded.

Long story short this got me thinking, do you think it could ever be possible for some kind of paranormal entity to either fuck with your computer, or maybe even could the computer be the original source of whatever is fucking up his house?

Pics mostly unrelated- just the only thing I still had saved from when I used to be on here a lot.
Also while I'm thinking of it, should I recommend for him to maybe leave an iPhone or something recording when he leaves a room to see if he can catch anything happening.
>or maybe even could the computer be the original source of whatever is fucking up his house?
Absolutely not. The computer could only fuck up with the rest of the house if it was a domotic house and the computer was connected to it. Otherwise, the worst the computer could do would be shutting off the lights of the house due to excessive power consumption.

>do you think it could ever be possible for some kind of paranormal entity to either fuck with your computer
You need some really intelligent ghost to operate at CPU level. If the ghost was using regular human means (using keyboard/mouse/any input device) to fuck up with the computer your friend would have seen it.

tl;dr computer ghosts doesn't real
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What kind of files? Are they program files or just random junk that could be from it cache?
Well obviously ghosts doesn't real

But the computer might well have malware, and that could do just about anything. So...

Computer ghosts does real
Why not try it. Worst case you just have to delete a few videos where absolutely nothing interesting happens.
It's just an old Toshiba laptop, so most of the time it isn't actually plugged in anyway.

Like I said images and text files, but from the ones I saw it just looks like a bunch of corrupted shit. Like if you've ever seen glitch art they sort of look like that.
Double your chances and try recording a room with the computer that is infected.

If you do catch anything though it probably won't count for much as proof. Anybody with a remote or an extension chord can make a video where a tv turns on and off or lights flicker.
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The only one I have saved. I might still have others on my phone.
This isn't exactly what happens when you output random binary data into an image, or when the file gets corrupted. This looks mandmade.
If you find any others post them. Do they all look like this or are they all completely different.
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The only other one I could find. Most of the ones I saw looked like these.
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Looks like part of a map. Like a coastline.
Im guessing all these "corrupt" images and files fit together. This might be fun.
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My guess
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That's actually not to far off, except for whatever the hell these things are.
1. Does your friend have the PC back yet or is it still in the shop?

2. Did anything else happen recently to him outside of the computer and the weird stuff in his house?

3. Has he ever been into the paranormal, like demonic stuff or black magic?

4. Do you know if he backed up any more images before sending his computer in?
It's not a map, it's a face. The first picture is the hairline, with the top part of the left eye visible. The second picture is the jaw and chin, with lips visible.
holy fuck
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Shit. If it is a single image maybe the vertical lines can be used to line it up?

OP any more pics?
>1. Does your friend have the PC back yet or is it still in the shop?
Still in the shop.

>2. Did anything else happen recently to him outside of the computer and the weird stuff in his house?
Nothing eventful that I can think of. He's lived in the house for 2 years now without incident. That's why I thought it was weird that these two things sort of linked up on the same week.

>3. Has he ever been into the paranormal, like demonic stuff or black magic?
He's been on /x/ a few times, but other than that not really.

>4. Do you know if he backed up any more images before sending his computer in?
He sent me like 5-6 of them through text. I don't think I have the others though. He might have them on his phone from when he sent them to me, but he is at work right now.
It could be, but the scale of the jaw and lips looks a little small there. You'd need the middle portion to be sure.
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qr shit.png
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And you officially have my interest. What does all this mean?

Tried scanning it with a QR reader but that didn't work.
How did you get that?
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They're two slightly different shades of black, like those things where you tilt your computer monitor and an image appears only less noticeable.
I think it looks like one of those brain scan things.
I think he still has them, or at least a few I didn't post.

Damn, I don't think I'm going to tell him about that because it's fucking creepy.
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Maybe some kind of binary or Morris code where white blocks and black blocks are 1/0 or - and .
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It wasn't in my images but this one was still in my text messages
OP, we need you to get the rest of the images as soon as you can from your friend.
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Inverted they seem to match the colors of the others.

OP do you know if all the files are 100 pixels tall?
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Tried 6 different methods before this came up.

And now I'm completely done with this.
What about the actual word on the picture itself? Is that a pi symbol?
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Inverted the image, replaced the white with black, then took the stacked image and stretched it the full length of the file.

Well that answers that
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Does "repirou" mean anything? I didn't think those were R's, I thought they were the pi symbol.
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??????? = "I am"

Good news folks. Whatever this is, it claims to be God.
It's snarling. The nose is wrinkled, the eyebrows are angled. That person looks pissed.
"I am God"

>That Face

OP you might want to get ahold of your friend.
Please tell me somebody is capping this thread.
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op please tell me that there are more pics like these
bumping for interest
google image search results
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That's a mouth, it's a man's bottom lip. Someone's cursed bro.
If I had to guess I'd say we're missing 2 more images that should both be 100 pixels tall.

OP get ahold of your friend, get the last images, and tell him to stay the fuck out of that house.
Does it look like a bullet hole in the head above the right eyebrow to anyone else
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more like a lock of hair
I think that's just the skin wrinkling.
WELP. This demon thinks it's God.

>Captcha: religious aaindu
wut cud it meen?
"do you think it could ever be possible for some kind of paranormal entity to either fuck with your computer"

Yes, it's called Windows Vista.
Greek to English direct says it means "about". Greek to Welsh is what pulls up the "I am"
OP again I need a video sharing site RIGHT NOW that doesn't require sign-up to upload a video.
He just got home, and now he's leaving to come over to my place. I just need to upload the video but he's freaked out right now.
Update us, op
What happened
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Alright- He just got off of work, and he keeps all his clothing right now in the spare bedroom closet (the room with the blue couch). He went in to grab soem cloths to get a shower and then walked into his room.

As he was about to walk out of his bedroom into the bathroom (the door he passes in the video) he saw the light in the spare bedroom go out, so he grabbed his iPhone and ran in.


Incase you didn't notice it, voice that clearly isn't his at 00:18 and then what appears to be a face soon after that wasn't there a moment ago.
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He swears he didn't hear or see anything while recording. Here's the best still I can get.
Should I even show him this thread? He's freaked out and I don't want to make it any worse
I don't hear any voices.

Pretty spooky though nonetheless.
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This thread went from ok to hory shit in 2.5 femtoseconds
Go for it. It might comfort him if he knew we were trying to help him solve this.
Somebody cap this thread! Anyway we can save the video onto Youtube or something?
I don't hear anything either.
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Something interesting is happening on /x/? About damn time.
You can see a face just as he walks away from the window- the voice is just slightly before that.

Did anybody else hear "Get away from me"
Not seeing or hearing anything
Somebody download this and upload it onto Youtube rotated correctly.
The big red thing?
Oh, I can hear it. It's quiet, but it's there. I can't hear it well enough to make out words.

Can we get a direct download for the video?
I entered the link into http://www.allvideodownload.com/
It worked.
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Best shot I could get. Tinypic doesn't seem to have a timer on it's videos so here's the best way I can show where to look,
Oh yeah I noticed that but I thought it looked too out of place
Still can't hear it
I'm still here and he is on his way. I'll ask if he has any other files but now might not be a good time.
At first I thought maybe it was the reflection of the light on the camera, but iPhones don't have a record light, and it doesn't seem to move with the person recording.

Also can't hear it, this is a really big what the fuck though.
I heard "Don't run from me"

Whatever it is the last two words definatly sound like "from me"
Is he there yet OP?
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I'll be right back. He's pulling in
Call a priest.
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We need the thread capped, images saves, and the video uploaded somewhere more stable than Tinypic.
Samefags, samefags everywhere...
I was monitoring this thread with a smirk until I got to here. Didn't hear the voice at first but that face scared the shit out of me.

Doesn't the top pane look like it could be the bottom part of the nose if it were flipped over? I tried to play around with it in shop but I'm not quite skilled at it.
Dat face tho
Dat face tho
I see what you're talking about, but I don't think it is. The sides match too closely to the pane with the eyes.
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He still has this one, but I don't think we have any others
Creepy as fuark
:o a mouth!
now place that in the middle..
Mouth for sure
now we wait
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Well that's comforting
Oh shit
god damn OP is there any more?
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Guess I'm not sleeping tonight.
whats about the nose?
We went though his phone. That's all we have. If it was still on the computer it'll probably be gone by the time he gets it back.

He knows I'm posting this all but he doesn't want to look at the thread tonight and I really don't feel like pushing him any further.
Making progress OP? Your journey is futile. You will die, and your soul will burn in hell forever.
shit got real, real quick.
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are your friends base are belong to that . It would seem . I was starting to think , in response to your initial question , about rouge pre sentient algorithms , but it would take a hell of a lot more processing to run something like that . Like a d wave 2 or something similar ... unless you consider the I.o.T. Internet of things . Does your buddy have a lot of "smart" devices in his house?
As long as he is out of the house. If anything starts happening while he is over get your ass to a holyman immediately because then you know that something is attached to him and not the house or the computer.
I guess Hell doesn't have very good dental insurance. Why be a demon when you could get a better gig?
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Anybody else notice that it has very prominent canines on one side of it's mouth, but the other looks worn down.
Please ask if he'd be willing to answer just a few questions for us so we can possibly help out.
So your friend is being haunted by Dracula

well that's solves the mystery
You there OP?
Also, by the pixellation the top half seems to be stretched more than the bottom half.
Can someone edit this image so that teeth look white or yellow and the skin... well whatever the teeth do to it? And/or delineate the head's hair?
It's a demon
You don't say.
Shit man, not only do you have a demon, you have a tech-savvy demon.
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you sound like an expert in the subject...
Sounds like your friend needs a good technomancer, bro
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>this thread
this is stupid and also fake...good night
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I'm uploading the video onto Youtube so we can start discussing some proper times
It was bound to happen eventually. Computers have been arround for what, about 40 years now? Its high time they joined the inter-webs.
>inb4 this is all for an upcoming indie short film
>tfw the tech savvy demon is probably monitoring this thread
OP can I use this for my EP album cover? Shit's cool yo.
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This thread man. Makes you wonder though, you rarely see this level technology tampering with the supernatural or it's less discussed. Is there any rumors about your friends house OP?
You there OP?
He's the OP...
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with the new quantum computers a pre sentient algorithm can operate. zero moral compass in that case.
well we know the eyes are super stretched from the original picture it came from
Man, that would be gnarly
Oh yeah shilly mcshillington? How's the shill over there you massive shill? You know what I always say, shill early shill often. The earlybird gets the shill. Shill shill shill shill shill shill shill
Goodnight little /x/-phile! Sleep tight! Don't let the bumps in the night give you to much of a fright! Make sure you don't let the monsters bite! We will be your light!
Can anyone explain what this is?
How did you find it, etc
I for one welcome our new web-based demon overlords.
I mean by width. Maybe the line it was aligned by is wrong?
What do you mean?

See, you gotta start at the top of the thread and read the comments in each box. It's kind of like a puzzle, newfriend..
Cool rhyme. :^)
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Well this is inevitably going to end up on the Creepypasta wiki.

What are we calling our cyberdemon buddy? From what I've read he prefers to go by "God"
In times like these, you can only ask the true occult experts:

http://wizardforums com/
Post caps if you make the thread in general.
9 get
We will call it ?? ??????? ???????

Alright, voice is at 00:18 and the face is immediately after that between 00:21 and 00:22

Any sign of OP or is he mia for the night?
So we have an image of god. Well, most of it anyway
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>inb4 technodemons create virus versions of themselves to spread evil across every computer in the world
You could have called trips and been a god, but instead you went with 9
Take a step back fella, it logged in ops buddy pc, he could have choosen any other username
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le spookyredface

Or we could name it 'Rutger' as in the actor who played the bad android in Blade Runner...
So i searched the characters at the top in google (?EPi?ou) and there was only one search result.

Yeah that's what I meant, really.
Alright I updated it so fit upright so everything is easier to see. Should update in a minute or so.
How about Mr.God? After all we are all gentlemen.

HFS that genuinely sent chills down my spine.
Anybody want to start a thread on /g/ to see if the tech fa/g/s know about this sort of thing?
/pol/ fag here. Someone explain to whats going on?
OP pls respond
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go zalgo somewhere else, fag
You didn't read the thread, that's whats going on
in the end it's about the end of the world
OP (doesn't appear to be on anymore) came on asking if a demonic entity can fuck with computers, and then shit hit the fan.
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just tried to summarize for anons in /b/
this was my captcha.
fuck me.


How'd it hit? I'm fucking confused on the terminology here
oh shit
3rd last post
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Let's call him Nicolai Technus
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still laughing
:( ...:( oh no. no.
so done
OP came in with his friend who was getting fucked by something turning his shit on and off. Thing put shit on his computer and now anons have pieced together >>14737739. Binary also shows that it says "I Am God". Go tell your jewfriends that they can suck a nut.
It's weird, in motion it clearly looks like a face, but once you slow it down frame by frame it's harder to make out
This thread had potential, then it went like OoooOooOooOoo casper lives in my pc and he likes to bother me

Who would believe that

Alright I can confirm, I was also randomly redirected to this Russian site or w/e whilst randomly browsing earlier in the week. Have had some bad paranoia since. So bad it's noticeable.
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In the window. Fucking no.
grand idea!
Fuck everything about that. Been monitoring this thread for a bit. I'd suggest your friend get some hired help to take care of this anomaly.
We'll probably get kek'd at, but worth a shot.
What was the video timer at there?
Why the fuck do I recognize this site?
what about mizar
That wasn't in the video, that was in that dude's Captcha
What the fuck are you doing? Do you have any idea what you have done?
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This shit has got me genuinely spooked. My fucking captcha... WHAT THE FUCK?!?! SOULS?!?!
OPs disappearance is disheartening.
I want to believe
OP come back and finish the face!
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Yo something about that website is pulling as fuck, it's like I've been on it before and I clearly have no idea what the fuck its about...
maybe OP is kill
Does this not seem like something he would do?
Def not clicking this shit
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Found the last piece guise.
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download (2).jpg
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Thanks /x/. Love you too
>Morris code
Maybe when he finished the pic, it was so scary he made a big mess and had to go to the washroom
>le jew nose
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>this fucking thread
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Anyone gonna try and send an e-mail to that address on that site that keeps coming up?
I have no idea WHO you're talking about, last time I checked, Mizar was not a person.
Move over /lgbt/.
op i'm pissed off.
i'm monitoring this thread from the beginning, like 4 or 5 hours now just waiting to complete the picture.
captcha: after orockfo
same anon here who posted this.
fucking noises coming from my roof.
my cat is staring out the window and nothing is there.
Fuck all of this, fuck being curious.
As soon as I visited the site my phone just shut off and I had to hard restart it to get it back on
Thanks for pointing out the memery, captain obvious
>I keep refreshing my captcha, and words relevant to my current state of being and life keep popping up with words unbeknownst to me. I feel the shrills of evil are upon me, and may God the holy Father and Lord of the Kingdom of Heaven watch over us all.
do a video to prove it
OP i can only give you one piece of advice but highly suggest you take it.GET THE FUCK OUTTA DODGE OR ELSE YOU WILL BE KILL
>freaked out by normal shit

Just calm the fuck down everyone until this gets figured out. We really have no reason to be scared.
So much dejavu wtf, it's like I'm accustomed to that fucking shit and I've never even seen it
How the fuck do you translate this shit?
Anon go to ya mammy's house with the cat, it's all going to be fine.
/pol/fag again... If the demon can infect comps... and it put itsself in binary on a picture... Who says we aren't just spreading it by viewing it on our comps? It just copies its self via data
hi moot
wtf is going on with that website
post screencaps someone
He's going to be like that anon that went out to some place and didn't post back. I remember it but don't know what he fucking did.
do not get.

anybody get?
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.......... don't say that shit
Im a big pussy, can somebody screancap the site plz
I've only just now started hearing strange sounds coming from my closet / the vent in my room...I haven't heard these before and this is a new apartment I've lived in for 3 weeks..
woohoo demons got digital
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>Not sure if convincing logic
>Or /pol/fag is being a typical "IBS HAPBENING!!!!1!"
It's just a wall of russian text
>tfw internet goes through dimensions
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Looks like Ron Paul lol
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>We are all infected
idk why everyone is freaked out about the site, its some blogspot blog in greek

It kinda ma
kes me think of the local pizza and kebab place.
strangely enough i had it translated and now it switched back an wont retranslate
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Don't worry everyone.
I gots this shit.
Its a single page with russian text you brave, manly, self confident, male specimen.
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New Bitmap Image.png
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This is all I saw
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top kek m8, cat is now asleep, things okay.
i guess youre right, i just, my captcha, and images, ugh.
haha, not leaving my house. sitting next to me is my .22
could be. fucking future ghosts are scary.
This reminds me of the M A R I O creepypasta (except this has to do with the image of the face if anyone reads it on the wikia). I just hope this doesnt turn out to be some subliminal advertizing for some stupid underground band again...
Post number anon
Nice thread anon it's gone now
lolol now i know you are trolling
text back and post pics
you sound like that one faggot in the horror movie that always tells everyone to stay calm and then dies 5 seconds later
It's already down
my overhead light-bulb shattered almost instantly after i pasted the screenshot onto paint, and now paint is frozen
> :(
Why not femto.

a .22 isn't gonna do shit, especially to a ghost, friend
just whip out your dick, that'll help more.

But, in all seriousness, everyone needs to calm down. We don't have any reason to be afraid. This is probably not even real, and even if it someow was real then what danger are we in?
Relax, nothing is different with you or your surroundings than a solid ten minutes ago.
Lol. I know but this isn't a movie, it's the internet. This kind of thing could easily be faked.
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Catfag. Its /pol/fag. Take up a name atleast. That way we can see who's who. If my theory is correct. We could all be in danger....
Lol there was a Buffy about this. You guys are way behind. I forget what they did to get rid of it though.
Ok I pulled some of that greek text from that blog someone posted.
got the name
>Dimitrios Dingas
turns out it was a man "overshadowed" by demotic beings and "turned" into them. Guys this is fucking crazy.
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It's gone, but I think we might have the final piece
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>This thread
thanks /b/ro
was nice knowing you

(I'm representing /mu/ here, /b/ and /pol/ are here too)
It's greek. Google translate that shit, nigger.
Dude I just visited the site and linked it to my roommate and right afterward we both heard an explosion outside. It's 9:52 pm and it sounded like it came from the baseball field in front of my house. I'm scared as fuck and am going to grab my combat knife and flashlight and investigate.
My dog just pooted. What do
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We have a nose! Somebody unscramble this shit

le /b/ face is here
>inb4 it's demon hitler
Where's /mlp/ ?
a typical /pol/fag would accuse the computer (or the image) of being a jew
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Something interesting happening on /x/ for once in my life.

Thank god. (no pun intended)
Patch it. Do shit /x/.
Have fun shooting a ethereal being/self aware virus that probably doesnt exist.
actually it's greek, i translated it with google transator but it just doesn't make too much sense. it's like a dialogue or something
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Shit we're actually going to finish this thing
wait wrong board
post it
(le)terally hitler
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>end of the world
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Jokes on you priyatel, I'm a denizen of /k/ on a IPad, come at me skellingtons. Other news as soon as I opened that picture my internet slowed to a crawl and now I'm getting chills everywhere, I might just be a pussy, I'm waiting for something, post proof of spooky internet in a second.
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Fuck this shit. Fuck you all. I used to visit /x/. Then something scary happened and I stopped. Saw an UFO tonight and came by to check and report and see this shit. Fuck you guys.
Hahahhahah very funny all /pol/ is one person hahahah.

>Seriously. /b/ and /pol/ are the only reason I come to this site. things on /x/ have never interested me till now
godspeed you bastard
this is interestsing
top kek, maybe some kosher salt circles to protect.

okay. great.
cat is now wide awake staring at same window.
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Don't do it

Don't complete it

Anybody else notice that's the bedroom from the video, on the other side of the window
Well, it was good knowing you guys. I can feel it. Once we finish this thing... nothing will happen..

Holy fuck, are all the boards in here?
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forgot the pic, but yeah femto.
>tfw the dude just gave us all the images and this doesn't lead anywhere
whassup pacific time zone!
>actually kek'd
is that a ring pop
Made a thread in /g/, come on boys.
/fa/ here.

>liking /b/

You are part of the cancer ruining /pol/

Also representing...
/g/entooman here
Can we kick out the mlp fags?

No one likes them anyway.
/b/ has been here for a little while now: >>>/b/551630947
thats how I came to the thread
another /b/tard reporting in
fuck, storm just started outside and I'm spooked
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I'm fucked
Waiting on completed picture
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I made a thread about this on /b/. It got deleted seconds after a post.

The fuck, mods?
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mfw we gonna complete the demon pic and it will turn out that its a spookified Rick Astley
/b/ro here
nothing freaky going on in my house but then again im still skeptical so maybe thats why. Waiting to see if anything does happen though.
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Update again it just keeps texting me 'No' and sending random pics, this time it's one of a fuckin peacock
Okay, what the hell, that site, I translated and I'm reading through it, and at one point is says

"Passed before AP'TO WHITE TOWER THEN turned around and looked at me with a look ... THE TOWER OF BLOOD mumble ... CHR.V"

What the hell?
Actually a few people finished it. Don't you think it would have been posted by now? Those people are gone now. Go to sleep... or finish it yourself.
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Well /x/, here it the face of God.

I would have posted it faster but the first 3 times I tried to type this the captcha never came up
/wsg/ here
This is a drama we did once in school. I forget the name for the life of me, but its not greek. This appears to be a greek radio station that does late night radio drama. This is just the read along script.

Thanks for dropping in /k/
now that looks familiar..
Pretty sure one of my dreams had slithering black zombie things chase me onto a platform like that before they crawled under and hid there
my family was suddenly with me on the platform and wanted to walk out onto the ground and they had blank eyes
No joke, I have dreams along this line on the regular so I usually don't think much of it beyond the general vibe
someone complete the fucking picture already
text back "agreed"
/b/ here too, nothing to report in my house. since i have a dog and i cat and they didn't look any different i think i'm good
katy perry confirmed for satan
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send it back yes or some shit
is that simon pegg
My dob just barkked loud

I called it.
It's Hitler everyone
God is fucking Hitler
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>The peacock is a symbol of immortality because the ancients believed that the peacock had flesh that did not decay after death. As such, early Christian paintings and mosaics use peacock imagery, and peacock feathers can be used during the Easter season as church decorations. This symbol of immortality is also directly linked to Christ.

Immortal cyber demon ghost machine living through the wires for eternity
why does my head hurt from looking into his eyes
Google translate says it's greek. It's a lot of text and it's taking my ablet a moment to translate but it doesn't seem spooky/off. Someone on a desktop should try.
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/ck/ here
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Ruh roh.
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lmao send nudes
my head just started hurting a little
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Tried my best to line it up, the pieces don't all fit together perfectly but this is the best I got
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Is your friend 70 years old? Nobody watches TV and anyone who does is a nobody.
>shit in his dl folder
Install Linux. Problem solved.
Wow, so unique and mysterious, and absolutely does mot look like any other stereotypical zombie pic
/b/ro here
Nothing spooky to be reported so far in my home
Maybe Mr.god can't get into tablets?
Post the phone number fag we want to text it.
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That's the fucking bedroom from the Youtube video, only on the other side of the glass
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It shouldn't, considering it's not a fucking zombie you thread-scanning shitlord.
seems less spoopy than the pic without the nose

what should we do now /x/? should we look into the mysterious text message or should we call it a night?

absolutely nothing on reverse image search
Holy fuck, if you slow it down by 0.5 instead of 0.25 it clearly says "Get away from meeee" and the face is clearer
I'm gonna take a risk and save this to my android.
tee hee
Something else on the sight.

MI ECU communicate with spirits. I too need to speak "
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I don't know friend, I might be disappearing soon, something sure as hell got to my internet, supernatural or not.

tineye fails as well
>call it a night

In what fucking world is that an option.
>tfw it's daylight and sunny as fuck
>in a high rise

yay for australian time so don't gotta be afraid

>alone for 2 more hours

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It's still coming up on my browser, even after I refresh.
Shut up /g/
Holy fuck, it really is.

>confirmed for god-tier troll
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It's some FM radio conversation reading SMS messages texted to them. The first part there was someone talking bout the end of the world or some shit
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shut off your phone anon. its the best you can do
Its just a specific color scheme
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>calling the cyber demon a fuccboi
>it looks just like the lord of gothninja himself

ur fuken ded now

Reply with an image of the face we put together.


captcha: pressure nfixit
>Said by an unnecessary tripfag
i hate brony's as much as the next guy but your being more of a faggot right now
They looked strikingly similar. Thanks for noticing atleast

Good luck calling the cops to fight DEUS.
Exactly. It's 7 am here and i haven't slept yet and won't until we solve this shitnnnhjk
proll not a typo that "loose"
But first ask for a dick pic/spread butt pic plz
Something about the finished picture gives me the heeby jeebies. I think I'll fap afterwards, that usually gets my mind off things.
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Anybody else physically uncomfortable when looking at this, especially your eyes.

Like it felt like I just lost the entire previous nights sleep and my eyes feel sore now.
this do it your already calling it a fuckboi
What if everyone in this thread just starts to die off one by one
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>his name is Malcolm
>you just don't understand
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So, is OP still MIA or what?
it get more bizarre about 3/4 the way down


I'm alive anon.
Only /b/ shall remain
Welp, j-list just popped open on my computer for no reason and made a beep noise. Demon is confirmed to be a weeaboo.
dont do it m8
Fuck i hate flies, reading this thread when one just jumped in my window screen and started making that good old annoying noise... hearthattack!
Same. I don't think anything truly paranormal is going on here probably just a troll. But the face itself does have a haunting quality to it.
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do it m8
>Hello police, I'm being haunted by a demon that can access computers and has been sending me text messages and claims it's God

Then the guy who's trolling everyone is a god-tier troll and mass-murderer, killing all along the best coast.
i have the worst headache and keep getting chills

This and then call it god

it might appease it
yes. you are.


I've got namesync and I trip on /k/ so I see no reason to take it off just to come here.
>m9 bayonet
>what a pleb

/v/ reporting in
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/s4s/ please
We want to see some demon dick
I freaked out but this made me lol a little. thx anon
Your shitty obvious shenanigans are rustlin' me.
i'm up in north canada...
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Nigga text God the pic of itself
>implying /b/ isnt the only one remaining already, and the ones who arent have been taken over by our friend mr. Spooky face
my eyes water up and i can "taste" my mouth holes when i look at it

I got my wisdom teeth removed a week ago just so you know
I kind of want to put the completed face as my steam avatar now.
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Send it pictures of the cross
send it a dick pic

captcha: which endlick
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2MB, 1572x1208px

Very good trolling.
and its untraceable since 4chan doesn't archive
Text the pic and call it God, it's the only fucking way
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put your phone in a charger, nigga
dud wat
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/tv/ here
As soon as I saw the full face you guys put together I sneezed 6 times, then a few seconds later I sneezed another 6 times, then after another few seconds I sneezed 6 more times.

666, fuck this thread
It'll then be up to us to meet up in a designated location to finally put an end to Mr.god
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fuck you, that ain't my knife, this is my knife
sharpie in pooper
You fucking better

Is that the virgin mary?
easily the face in the video
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That makes two of us.
[s4s] recruiting, but..
Don't exbect anything too Ebin :^DDD
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We may have under went something that is best described as a ritual.

There are -thousands- that browse here. All viewing the face of -one- that claims to be "god".

We could be dying right now. One by one. All that has view is on its hitlist.

Pick a god a pray.

No, it's the other iconoclast image of a woman in Abrahamic religion.
No it's a statue of her. Dummy.
There talking about the Mayan calendar. Old news. The site isn't anything and this is turning in mass hysteria.
this is were shits gonna get interesting
>toasting in epic bread
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That marry? As in the virgin? It looks like it might be Mary Magdalene. She was rumored to be Jesus's wife. (Its a debatable subject, yes.) But it is ALSO rumored she cheated on him... Cheated on god.....
That's a shitty quality knife. How much did the CW Kara cost you? 400 usd?
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what the fuck man
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Posting in creepypasta OTY
thread theme
But no one is innocent.
put the two halves together guys
bought it when it was cheap as shit

There is no rumor of that, anywhere, in any text, canonical or apocryphal, that she cheated on Jesus.

/pol/ IS as retarded as I've heard.
God damn it /pol/fag. Makin sense again.
you know, his friend is running amok in his gandma house and texting him OC pic.
Holy shit this thread exploded!
>That's what she said!
I've been lurking the whole time, now i'm going to post to see if I will be infected
>reverse google image
>similar images appear
Nothing wrong there, sorry anon.
a lotta loyalty for a hired god
what does it make?
Lucky nerd.
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scroll up
No reply
OP is kill by demons

Rice crispy treats cereal.
Good idea.
I wish OP would come back
I'd love to be truly freaked with so many boards at once
Did the guy ever send the face?
There's actually a torn page of scripture. It was on a documentary I saw a long ass time ago. I'll see if I can find it.

>again, /pol/ is apparently one person?
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I lost my karambit case hardened that I paid 250 for
Russians Juked me hard core
no he died

This is what happens when you take off the mask

Gods a big guy
I just ate bag of M&M's, I'm immune guys.
God can't handle M&Ms
It's binary, someone decode it
Oh boy
decoooooode iiiiiiiiit
oh no
welp you fucking blew it

>hurr durr let's throw binary in there!!!1

Fucking faggots
Is it happening yet?
Here are some more strange texts on the site.

Pavlov: Death is ...

Pavlov is the son of heading to the lost baby. A M

Pavlov is the son of heading to the lost baby. A M

It releases them from their past. Tzika Golden

MONAXIA! THIS scares me. TO THIS PEOPLE conjure ... not ever stay alone. ARGYRIS doc

It's not perfect because google translate isn't %100 accurate. But it's still spooky...

Last text, this one is more funny than spooky.
if you sleep naked in Aristotle is a good idea, no deaths

As soon as I looked at that, my music fucked up and I heard shrieking.Sweet fuck what have we stumbled on?
has anyone reverse image searched god's face?

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maybe he just wants to play video games
Fellow /k/omrade here, will be using /k/ callign
A few have, nothing came up

Op, if this is just an elaborate walk the dinosaur...good god, man.
"We all die"
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It translates to

>Open the door
>Everybody walk the dinosaur
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We All Die.png
6KB, 745x286px

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>i coded le message in le binary i am le master steganography xDDDDDD

ya blew it
love the flower in the bottom right
it says "we all die"
once again /k/
Shit, nigger. You should probably just kill yourself.
oh shit it says "we all die"
Its true tho
whos to say this guy isn't texting himself? from another number or one of those fake texting apps? and the images wouldn't show up on Google if he took them himself. plus I don't think its possible to receive a text message if the person sending does not have a phone number.
It's saying 'SHOW ME YOUR DICK'.
plz screenshot
I don't have the ability on this android
>good god
Actually We're not talking about that one...
This thread is getting so dumb. Why are you guys believing this shitbird who is having his friend text him pictures of stuff at his gamgam's house? Not to mention every creepypasta has the obligatory "I AM GOD" line. Fuck. My jimmies are rustled.
Get rid of the name "Who" so we can see the number
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I seem to be okay so far

sent this email just in case
guys, are we kill now?
ahh i might be a /b/ but all our house weapon are stored in my bedroom, gotta love those hunting rifle

It says

We all die
you guys
I think it says
We all die
but that's ridiculous
I don't die
I have a job nigga, make 4 grand a month
it's nothing big

Yeah, all I got was a bunch of unrelated shit. Angus Young, Darth Vader, an Astronaut, and a bunch of other shit.

Because this is fun :^)
Not yet

My PC just bluescreened and now won't turn back on. Posting from my phone now.

What the fuck? Do NOT click that link, /x/philes...
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I'm sure the texting guy has nothing to do with OP and just wanted to continue the show.

His stuff has been nowhere near as impressive as the stuff this thread started out with.
still alive here but for how long...
Stop trying to ruin the fun.
My vision is being weird. Like how you stare at a light and it gives that blur.

Anyone else the same or is that just me?
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I don't understand why I acted
OMFG, this is spooky...
THIS. The thread started interesting.
Every board is in here now.
The 90's called. They want their browser protocols back
Tried 4plebs.org? Hell they even got /pol/ and [s4s] archives :D

Captcha: fatigued modooom
Did it just infect me?
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Gods do not bleed.
See this: >>14738365
Stop trying to spread bullshit
send it your DICK
Eh, alright this is all getting a bit tacky now.
At this point its basically watching /x/ flip its shit over this, although i do like the decoding and stuff, its kinda interesting so that whoever made all this knows how to make a bunch of superstitious people shit themselves
/fit/ here
No homo
Tell us anon, what did you do in your past to get hated by god?
I'm ok, anon. Go to sleep, you're just tired and scared.
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not real and homosexual

It's god

It doesn't give a fuck about telecommunication protocols
Moot why would you build 4chan on an ancient indian burrial ground?!

also please ban scary face
Mom says that I can't play anymore.
???? ?? ?????????.
that is true. I'm sure this is a hoax because all the random shit people is saying is happening to them is not happening to me at all. I just think it's a clever rouse but i'm still freaked out.
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i hear ya bruv
but i just cant leave
I had that a few minutes ago, but I didn't think much of it.
was pretty spooky until the fake text messages should of just ended it before that. 4/10
screenshot would be nice.
still strange
please come back,OP
The fuck is going on here? Alright my friend is asleep and I'm probably going to take off too.

If anything comes up I'll start another thread tomorrow with some kind of proof that I'm the same of (oc photo of blue bedroom or something).

We haven't had any other issues tonight. Goodnight /x/
second this
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That is the god of death in Babylonian (or some other middle eastern pagan religion)
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Send it this:
it means "even gods?"
Somewhat, more dizzy than anything else, were all in this together now friend.
okay confirmed as we are all kill now
at 0.08 seems something drops below the window frame

This. This is the name for the creepypasta.

Scary Face.
>start browsing this thread
>Number of the Beast comes up on spotify

Yeah, I want to see what happens next. Even though there is a slim chance any of this is significant, part of me wishes it was.
someone posted a link in /b/

/b/ here
Night OP! Make another thread crossing to other boards and we'll see your ass again.

the fuck have you been???????

No it isn't you shitstain, stop being retarded.
Until you're in your 80's on average, assuming you die of old age.
Well, fuck, my time has come, I've been here since the beginning, so its probably gonna get me soon. My damn security cameras now have a red hue while recording, and are starting to fail, fuck.
OP isn't kill!

I think the texts are just some random jackass.
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>my sides
/k/ommando here

Text it the cthulhu thingie

Ph´nglui mglw´nafh Cthulhu R´lyeh wgah´nagl fhtagn
That's the regular bayonet...
Nah it's clearly native american m8, lrn2history.
so then who was phone
Pretty sure it is.
hello mister op
you still haven't fucking sent it your dick jesus balls you wonder why you're being haunted
This, do this
Post pics fag

Yeah I would say for next time don't go with binary coded messages

Why would it go from speaking normal to converting its messages to binary so you can't even understand them
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Meanwhile at OP's friend's house
That's the native equivalent of the devil
Just kidding, I'll be lurking for a little while longer. You guys are really uncovering this puzzle, keep up the good work. Keep up the good work, /x/!
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Praying to the almighty Kube
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Shoutout to this God bruh I just got 2700

You're pissing me off.
2/10 took you multiple tries to get me to reply
ill probably be kill before 80
>not very healthy
I am guessing a heart attack at 35
Post with a trip tomorrow.
Do iiiiiiit
Please charge your phone ozze
>say that to my face fucker irl not online see what happens
Totally not suspicious
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raoul duke.gif
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Guess it's over for now, can an /x/ fag post in /b/ tomorrow when OP gets back?

You wouldn't say that to GOD.
Call the internet police then
I'm actually more inclined to agree with you. That's a more accurate observation
Has someone made a screencap of the thread already?
if somethings going to kill us all, could it please do it in the next 5 hours, I don't want to go to work
the fucks up with your username annon?

Reverse search it yourself faggot.
then if your god, post trips
nothing else about god or its face?
just boards shittalking other boards?
for fuck sakes walk the dinosaur already
Well seems like shits about to wrap up, I'll give it another 5 minutes before I head back to /b/
trips get

I'll make you post trips, actually.
goddammit what happened to this thread
good try
but we have to kill you now
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172KB, 456x628px
My stomach it really hurts guys
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fuck no.png
44KB, 321x64px
I quite literally hold off sleep any longer, I keep dropping onto the keyboard. Goodnight faggots, and may this still be up when I wake up.

>captcha is this
>a hell naw
close enough i guess
Anything else strange happen since you went MIA, OP?
dubs. demigod?
I'd only screen cap it until the point where the face was finished. Everything after that as obviously just tacked on by different people.
im not actually moot, was trying to trick a feminist into believing i was on /b/ an hour or so ago, but my name never changed to Moot so it was a failure, but some /b/ro got it to delete system32, was awesome
meh, it's close enough


Op here... Just got a blue screen on my comp of just text in Latin. Posting from phone and will send pic. Translating now and it seems to be an origin story. Seems it was born and raised in West Philadelphia, spending most of its days on the playground...
nice dubs
Soon the god will open the door
thread is kill
we are all kill.
fine, if i get trips then... itll need to be 666.... so sketchy. I smell a ruse.
ill call the cops, just b calm ok
This is fucking stupid, you people can't be falling for this bullsh;dl'lgsamfAswdmf[a"m
asfafaf afa f f
ok, moot
your words have convinced me
and we will speak your name Anon
"he was Good Enough"
fine if I keep rolling and get 666 I'll tell a random girl in my contacts I love her
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13KB, 1024x224px
/vr/ reporting in
kinda looks like phil collins
I really want to go make myself a sandwich right now but I don't want to leave and come back and have my room made out of like spiky dildos or something
rest in paradise
looks like final roll, bout to prove you wrong anon....
guys i think OP got replaced by the demon
I'll check /x/ a few times tomorrow, but i'm not guaranteeing anything.
We need more people to do this.
Why wouldn't you want that?
OP I don't know if you are still here but I hope you are. I need you to trust me. I know that's hard to do on a website like this, I know what I'm going to say sounds like the exact opposite of what you need to do but you need to listen. Your friend is in danger. You need to go get that laptop tomorrow, and finish the image. When you do you need to print it out. When you do your friend needs to take it home and cut the tip of his LEFT RING finger, and douse the eyes of the picture in blood. Anon I know this sounds crazy but again you need to trust me. Stay awake. Stay together. Good luck
666 get!!!!
>was still alive to type captcha and hit post
seems legit
eat a dick, look at the trips
666 get :^)
ur moms a door
Guys I don't think you realize how serious this is, that is infact the god of death and the pendent around its neck is cursed. No one should have something like this, and it looks like its carved into the wall.
final final????
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180KB, 1024x768px

shit nig, horror movies are always cliche as fuck but you watch them anyways because it gets you rock hard
my god....
Goddem, congats you are now 'god'
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/co/ here
fuck off with ya


You've got to be fucking kidding me. Excellent ruse, OP.
Oh shit
If this is true, that is actually disappointing.
>>14738666 What do I get? +1 internets?
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2KB, 125x117px
Holy fuck guys maybe
>I'm being haunted by a cyberdemon
>I know! I'll text him "ayyyy fuccbooiii lmao" that will show him!
Well whatever it is, at least it has read receipts on.
demon confirmed for klebold ghost
was just about to post the link
either OP is a fag or the shooter is haunting us
OP's Friend's house confirmed for being haunted by columbine shooter
OP is kill

Top lel, go to bed everyone. Thread's done
Satan? My lord?
do you expect me to decode all that shit

Doesn't look like the same face
good topic OP
Side by side maybe?
Omg, I replied to my 666 get, and got a dubs get!

Yup, the images were separate and put together semi-coherently. Tilt the last two strips and boom, you have his face.

Very well done, OP!
Congats op, you made a bunch of faggets believe you.

>this thread just walked the dinosaur
This is kind of boring.
What he said
I think the thinness of the facial structure looks similar and the eyes look to be in the same place with the right one being a little higher than the other
what happened to the kid texting
File: nope1.png (303KB, 853x500px)
303KB, 853x500px
Not even remotely close
Klebold's Ghost confirmed fresh and delicious creepypasta
Good run, /x/
Ok guys, thread's over, go back to your boards and if you are in /x/ then contemplate what has happened here.

Teeth aren't the same.

Hair isn't the same.

Eyes are different shapes, most notable in right eye.
o fuk
Anon that posted columbine screencap (end in 681)

I was wrong this demon pic has obvious hair fallen onto forehead while Dylan has a hat on
upper lip is different
can you overlay the images?
what about this guy
File: winrar.gif (1MB, 320x232px) Image search: [Google]
1MB, 320x232px
double winrar!
thank god im not the only one who compared the 2 images
not even fucking close
wait so did you type god?
I could bet on my life that the image is Dracula
as a long time /x/phile i knew this was bullshit from the beginning. Also, demons aren't real. Schizos i think it's time for your bedtime now.
we have a lead, its like csi in this motherfucker
thread has just un-walked the dinosaur
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>mfw everyone left because they thought it was a ruse

Anyone checked the OP image for any additional clues?
Why bother? Look at the jaws- it's two completely different images.
This thread faker than the imaginary girlfriend that I'm sleeping with right now
Where's the guy who got those texts.

holy fuck they are diffrent
u kno he ded
File: 3806128-darth+maul+pp.jpg (25KB, 1024x768px) Image search: [Google]
25KB, 1024x768px
I found out who the pic is of!
In all my years, ive never seen that, and even if it did, do you really think this is gonna end in everyone dying and a new age of spooky-god reigning over our corpses?
i'm still here, but don't think its of any demon origin. Then again I don't believe in demons so meh.
/b/rother reporting in
confirmed for Darth Maul. We can all go home now
o fuck more trips you really are stan
i didn't type anything..
i screencapped, then recapchated to something like "12888"
/b/ringin down da house
the fuck you talking about, man. I'm just here for some interesting shit. No, I don't think everyone is gonna die, you cunt.
I don't want to go frame by frame through serbian film but it really looks like tthe main guy from that

Its Peter Gabriel. Op is fag
hi God
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5KB, 211x235px
The immortal has contacted me as well by way of SMS.

I am.
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13KB, 300x288px
Regardless, hats off to OP, this shit was deep. A seemingly normal thread that ended up with multiple images that fit into a grand larger image after all being edited, binary and Greek that required translation, a video with an EVP and disembodied face that I still can't figure out how it was done... and then some asshole started telling everybody he was getting texts from beyond.

And none of it could be reverse image searched. If the initial thread was fake than it was a well planned out and dedicated fake.
Has anyone changed the colors of the image to something more human and then do a reverse image search?
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9KB, 229x225px
Guys I don't think that text dude was trolling, you see it go from a mother Mary statue to a god of death... If it was himself just taking pictures around his grams house why the fuck would his grandma have a piece of Mother Mary then a God of Death.

Anyways his last update was long ago, nigga might be dead.

skrypt kiddee ;^)

Lots of "end of the world" talk here.


It's called being a script fag
fuck you, motherfucker.
fuck off thread's over
>captcha 14822
Go away text guy we're done with your part of the thread.
He's on an iPhone, or most likely a phone that he can go on the internet with. So how hard is it to google those pics ...
Agreed. It was a genuinely neat little ride, and makes for a good myth to be spread around like other great pastas before it.
Now let's see what some other asshole will come up with to get us shitting ourselves.
pics or it didn't happen
what im thinking is it might be part of some new type of augmented reality type game and what we saw in the video was just an ipad with a prototype of the game.
File: image.jpg (271KB, 1374x1200px) Image search: [Google]
271KB, 1374x1200px
but cant reverse search?
seems legit
entiesof rejoicing

Have you considered getting a penis enlargement? You might need it... Just saying, as a /b/ro.
Still needs a name though, or atleast something more easily recognized than just "God'
Cannot provide evidence.
But an unknown number texted me after I visited the Macedonian site.
text guy confirmed for kill

rip in pease
well I learned a thing

Navy seal pasta approach the Evil with inrevernce and courage. It's trying to make scared

Ian Matthew Godfrey.
Text message guy were are you.
I need more spooky
Hitler god?
Why is your dick so fuckign bent?
hail sithis
oh man AN ALIEN
too much wanking or he tied a cord around it at some point and crushed some vessels
"Dickass Shitfuck"
Call it a nigger
fuck. forgot that he did that lol. true.
i don't know about you but I've been calling it deus ex machina because it literally is a god in a device
I've capped the all the important shit thus far on the thread. Anyone have an idea as to where I can post all of it for easy access to the thread?
File: Unbenannt.png (244KB, 1600x900px) Image search: [Google]
244KB, 1600x900px
for 1 hour 44 minutes
Iphone 4
shiggy diggy
I just got a text message myself. Jesus.
"Your package has been sent." . . oh, thanks.
hahaah, break this down for a sec.
=IM God
The OP is looking for caps

Also, put it on Mega
r u spooked :^)
That's awful.
Can we not name it after the shit the texting guy came up with.
I second "Deus Ex Machina"
looks like tony montana
third this. fitting.
dat image limit
Such spookerino. Spooky ghosts everywhere.
Mega? What is that, is it safe, how do I use it.
My thermostat keeps clicking and updating itself like every minute. This never happens.
If I'm actually next, then this is my theory. Anybody who contributed or TRIED to contribute will be fucked.

captcha: kxpara Leav
I'd upload but fuggin image limit.
I cannot take this advice. It is not my way. FUCK CAPTCHA TO THE GRAVE, AND FUCK GOD.
It has been a fugging honor to serve [s4s] to the grave.
It was worth a shot lol
This works.
I think I like "We all die" more. Although, dues ex machinas pretty good too
So thread is kill now?
How about DEUS?
2nd Deus

Dude that just seems to be the transcript (sort of, at least it's a very lousy one) of what people talk about on a greek radio station. What Google Translate shows at first is something related to the mayans and 2012 but then it's just untranslatable junk. Chill, it doesn't look creepy
If this is true, we're all fucked
We all die
Anybody want to make a Creepypasta wiki article?

If we're lucky OP will come back with more stuff. He promised if he did he'd post OC photos of the blue room to prove it is him.
It's a site where you upload files. Just make an account and upload it and there you have it.
Or just upload the file in Dropbox and post link.
Deus for short sounds fine
We All Die is dumb bullshit that the text anon came up with.
>8888 quads
I have found solace in my upcoming death.
Wow those fuckers use our tecnology now??

Whats next?

Angels playing WoW??
I don't know what time it is for you guys but it's like 1:00 for me and if this is true we all have to stay up so we don't die in are sleep like a bitch. Plus, I don't want to go to bed.
How about imbed "We all die" in to the picture file?
if you are right, was a pleasure guys and good luck
i now have the worst goddamn headache so im calling it a night
honestly i think im safe cause i have halloween stuff in my room, maybe the demon likes that i haven't taken down my pumpkin lights xD
what if "god" is really juat OP?
this is so fucking gay
x is one giant circle jerk faggot board
If this was a joint effort then sure, but OP seemed to have a pretty good handle on everything until he disappeared and everything went fucking crazy
alright then, so the name is Deus Ex Machina, or Deus for short.

somebody start writing the pasta and blending the screencaps
Alright maybe the text guy is bullshittig and all that, but I swear to fuck I looked at that site back when it was first posted and now I have this constant uneasy feeling.... Like I'm being pressured into doing something, if got a text right now like the text guy I swear I'd breakdown because I just can't get over this fucking feeling
Here's hoping that this is the beginning of a real Digital Devil Saga.
Yeah, I feel fine.
Dude me too! What the fuck man, I feel like I'm being forced to do something embarrassing
What if you invert colors or try to give it human skin colors??

Captcha either ngstayr
01100111 01101111 01100100 01110011 01100101 01100011 01110100 01101000 01100101 00100000 01110111 01100101 01100001 01101011 00100000 01101000 01100001 01101001 01101100 01100001 01101100 01101100 00100110 00100011 00111001 00110010 00110011 00111011 00100110 00100011 00111001 00110111 00110011 00111011 00100110 00100011 00111001 00110110 00110100 00111011 00100110 00100011 00111001 00110110 00110100 00111011 00100110 00100011 00111001 00110100 00110101 00111011
/r9k/ pls go
This was pretty good up until OP went MIA and the text anon appeared.
>to do something embarrassing
Well you're posting on /x/ so . .
Good one man
Shit, creepy pasta's closed right now. Everybody, left click and hit Save as "Webpage, complete"
I just got a blank captcha im doneE HE IS COMIGN. WE ARE DOOMED
2 doubles
very nice
[s4s] here, this is a pretty ebin tale :^)

After some minor adjustments to make it more family friendly, it will be an ebin meme, I am considering making the main character a lovable but silly figure named Wilson Carter who knew nothing about baseball, but that doesn't stop him from signing up for pitcher at Ruggles Academy. It was dinnertime. A lone wolf eats a babydoll made of cabbages. Etc etc etc. In other words, the town crier was out of a job. This meant no more spring water for the village. No more soup for Old Yimmy. Not even a sop for Hamster the striped ferret blind in one eye. What does this all mean? It means our city is turning into a hitchhouse for bellomed swavers and snorpitious grunzlers. If that doesn't convince you to go Tory, nothing will. That's when Elizabeth Merritch slammed the door and collapsed on the bed. Why? Who? Whispering pups? You tell me. It could be that oversized fleshlight named Graceful Jenny which was at the breaking point not from girth but from overusage as they tend to deteriote after being soaked in lye water. Do what you want. I don't care. I'll be in the barn feeding the termites Devil Juice. Peace.
*Right click
So is this gonna get archived for creepy pasta?
so what happens now?
im guessing 4chan,tumblr,tittwer,fb,leddit and 9 fag would be tribes? this needs to become a fanfic
Oh duh! Thanks, I'm an fucking idiot.
We move on
We survive the night.
I just stepped on a piece of fucking glass right in the middle of my fucking bedroom and my foot is bleeding it's guts out, problem is I dont have any glass objects that it would have come from. I'm also feeling very tired like if i had all of my energy sucked out of me.
/b/ is kill... what if now stick with me guys, what if this thing was talking bout all boards being kill? Any other boards kill right now besides /b/?
Praise the lord and pass the ammunition.

godsecthe weak hailallΛύττα
post picks faggot
I'm still here. /b/ reporting in.
Post your foot and timestamp for proof.
you're going to die of blood loss.

Sweet dreams, my sweet prince.
This was very disappointing. At first I was excited to read it, as the language implied there would be humorous shenanigans. I was ready to read about an astute scholar or perhaps M-16 chasing internet criminals. Instead I got a short (barely one paragraph) story about some bozos slapping each other in a bathroom. The grammar and punctuation were terrible; it was often unclear what was going on. I felt no empathy for any of the characters and was glad when the story finished.

Nice trips, bruh.
but /b/ itself no threads are changing from the front page also alot of other boards are acting the same...
My fucking captias... I got LORD, SYSTEM, and CONSUME in within five clicks of eachother.

Also, you can try this. Image limit has been hit. http://i.imgur.com/YzHEKuN.png
>godsecthe weak hailallΛύττα
>Capcha flower haunted
>fucking chills. Also freezing in my room ever since going to that site.
/b/rother reporting in. Sorry I'm late, I've been going over the evidence with my limited resources. (no audio) No gentlemen, I'm at 2:14 A.M. I'm 46 minutes away from the witching hour and my animals are acting strange. This thread is not over, and I'm fairly sure we're in for some spooky shit to come
oh i guess its just a slow night
I'll make a creepy pasta entry tomorrow, it's gettin late here. Also, creepypasta isn't excepting submissions right now. Is there a way we can get organized? And IRC channel or someway we can keep in contact after this thread 404's?
You're right oh my fucking god. /b/ has no new threads im fucking crying

/b/ tard reporting in
Still coming up with nothing remotely close.

The jaw is definitely the part to compare because it has been very distinct from everything else I've looked at. It almost looks like he has an underbite.
Also, I wanna say fuck you, everyone in this thread. I wanna leave my room and take a piss but I'm scared.

It's probably because everyone flocked to here
Sorry for the shit names, but the important shit is there. https://www.dropbox.com/sh/3v1kack7anojpjh/AADckxA-OIQZx5Vu-79Gmnina
I haven't cause I'm a pussy. What is it anon?
Are you experiencing extreme paranoia and audio hallucinations aswell?
Get Away From Me
I really don't have any way to take pics way and why would i contribute to someone's foot fetishes? Anyway I need to do something about my endless bleeding before i bleed to death.
You're a bunch of paranoid smelly niggers
every thread is the same as it has been for about 10 mins.
OP said he would make a new thread tomorrow. I guess everyone will have to wait for that. By the way, are you trying to post to the actual Creepypasta site or the wiki?
This thing is unifying us into one board, maybe it really is god o.o
That happens on /b/ at around this time. Relax anon.
>Fellow /b/rother here for you
I love how mods deleted the original link
No. I could have been safe. But I was a fucking /b/tard about it.
I was making a /mu/ thread about a playlist I can listen to if I think I'm going to die. For the image upload I thought "lel why not the red face".

I am now getting power surges after downloading it.
The real cp site.
which link?
I'm usually sleeping by now. Thank you /b/ro <3
thats called blood loss
Wait, I'm not alone? Time to turn up my dubstep.

Guys, I turned on all the fucking lights in my house. I think I may be saying hi to God soon.
We wait
even gods.
It's moving again
Don't worry Anon, just visit the link and you'll experience this fucking Dejavu paranoia feeling with it
ok, just been lurking the whole thread. now after i just finished saving all the pics and a copy of the page itself, my other tabs won't refresh anything, and my monitor just started flickering, as if the source was trying to change. possibly a coincidence, and you guys probably won't believe me since several others have probably been bullshitting, but just thought i would share.

Never mind.
>mfw we are almost at 900 replies
holy fuck
What if there is more to the picture.

We never filled in its eyes.
Anon's I don't want to alarm anyone, but has anyone checked their image folder containing the face? I just checked mine for the first time since saving this thread, and....well it duplicated itself. Also hearing funny noises around my house...so quiet I almost can't hear them....just little stuff. Everyone riding out the night report in and check yourselves NOW.
Yeah, it's just a coincidence. I saved the thread twice and everything here is just fine, besides me feeling a little paranoid.
Alright you fags, I'm off to bed. I'll look for this thread tomorrow. Did OP happen to say when he'd start the new thread?
i never saved the picture, now im definitly not saving it lmao
I don't want to check them. Something tells me I shouldn't have saved them
Nah, only that it'd have an OC image of the blue couch room to prove it isn't just some random asshole
After visiting the fucking link i have felt extreme joy and over self confidence and a feeling of accomplishment WHAT THE FUCK WHY
Checking in.
After taunting the captcha "leav" my thermostat went weird.
After downloading the image to put in a /mu/ death music thread, I am not experiencing power surges.

I really do honor anybody still here.
This is the original link post

That is the link, be warned. I've been experiencing some weird fucking paranoia since visiting
just checked and translated this site and nothing happened and its like a history
The blue couch room? Anyone willing to show a pic so that I know what to look for?
Read upward. Some anon talked about blood.
All anons report board from and pick a callsign. we need a cohearent headcount if you're riding the night out.
>call me red leader
>but seriously just call me tyler
it's not my name, but a fitting callsign since I'm trying to tie us together for this long night
Nope. I don't have it.
Just checked my folder that holds the thread and everything is just fine.
Guys I... I have to piss. Wat do?
/cgl/ here
Fuck you pussies, I just viewed the link, time to go for my 2 am jog through the park
i'm of course moot (not really moot though)
Fuck, it's tempting to stay with this. I've always had a blast with live /x/ stories
I'm satan. duh.
It's in the youtube video
Blue couch, single window, closet, and apparently a demonic entity
Wait for the sun to rise, that's what I'm doing.
A bottle

Dont leave the safety of your room

Use rhe sacred and magic cloak ( your bed sheets )

And hide...

Captcha: shoteshi again
/b/tard reporting. Callsign: Deneb
I hereby suggest a name for all those brave enough to save copies of the Deus Ex Machina. How about the "Not Yet Dead-Heads?"
Yeah you said you were in the fem thread, lurked for that. pretty nice. Bitch deleted the 32 lol

Also if you honestly believe something weird is happening state so now, if your skeptic state so now.
>I actually came to /x/ to make a thread about weird demonic shit that's been happening in my house recently. Found this thread instead
fuck it's 1:30! I'll go if my roommate wakes up or something. this way I feel less susceptible to attack
My turn to try.

I just copied the other side of the jaw and mirrored it on the other side.
just call me the lurker i will report back in sometime tommorow I am the one who proposed we call this being deus ex machina. wish me safety tonight
And that just escalated it into nightmare fuel territory
Thanks man!
im a skeptic, nothing strange has happened in my house to make me not skeptic yet so gonna see what happens.
Everyone's leaving. I need people to stay up with me.
Goodnight and good luck lurker
Still here nigga
Don't worry anon. We're in this together.
I'm still up
/po/ here
i know, i know, i should've come earlier to lend my expertise in the matter.
I'm still up waiting to hear from my gf who's on an overnight flight to Europe. Not going to lie after this thread I'm a little bit nervous now about that situation.
Alright, I'm off to bed for real this time. Peace suckers! 666
I'm here for you little child

Tfw my /mu/ thread (after downloading his face) recommended something by a band, the lyrics were the first result

And I am the sun
I rise above the world
And when the light goes out
I kill another child
And I am insane
I crawl into your mouth
I grow like a flower
I grow a suicide
And I am the sun
And I am the light
And I am the sun
Yeah I am the light
And I am the dog
I cut out my eyes
Yeah I will nullify
My true love creation
And I am the sun
I love everyone
I live inside your chest
I grow like a cancer
And I am the sun
And I am the light
Yeah I am the sun
Yeah I am the light
I love everyone
I love everyone

>I kill another child

>and I am the dog

>I cut out my eyes
white fucking eyes

>I grow a suicide
captcha: fffaxpr sacrifices

I have a white noise machine in the hallway that helps me sleep, I'm now discerning slight whispers. Is it fucking trying to communicate through my fucking white noise machine.
it's not even 5 in the afternoon for me lmao
still here. will check back in no later than every 20 minutes. I believe in paranormal stuff, but I'm still kind of a skeptic, as I don't always jump to asinine conclusions. I'm hoping this is legit, though, would be very exciting.
Thread's dead, dude. OP said he'll be back tomorrow to (hopefully) continue the game.
I'm here anon
mother fucker
The whispers are hallucinations, anon. You're fine. It's called being paranoid.
All anon's riding out the night, anything happening on your end? Anything weird in your house, or with your animals? Is the "sensitive data" acting weird for anyone else? So far my full red face image has duplicated itself 4 times, hearing odd clicks sort of like a gas stove lighting, and my dogs are spooked as fuck
This may have stepped up to Marble Hornets status. Anything and anybody can be a lead. We bring it upon ourselves to finish it as everybody has left.

I suggest listening to music instead of having silence. It will calm ya, anon.

Thanks guys.

I'm sure she will be safe.
/d/ here, surprised no one else came
I'll stay, at least until 3:00 AM pacific standard time
i'm probably gonna leave at 1k replies
I have nothing weird to report on my end. Trying to play me some guitar and stuff to get my mind off of things.

However, I keep getting the fucking captcha wrong and its pissing me off.
/b/rother77 checking in
I'll never leave you.
something bad will happen at 1000 replies
Hearing some clicks and some odd rushing sound, kind of like when the flames in your furnace fire up, but coming from the outside wall
How often do you see that on /x/. Tonight was magic.
We just need to stay here through the night, we can wait and see if anything else happens because after all of this fucked up shit things ares tarting to get worse, im starting to feel lightheaded and i cant think right, i feel safe talking to others right now=


i've never seen 1k every on this whole entire site lol
Alright assholes, I'm leaving my room to take a piss. If I don't return, then DEUS is being renamed to "nig nog."
He'll possess your TV, then steal it
is OP coming back at sunrise? or later on?
UPDATE: A thunderstorm just started. Not really weird, but nature picked one hell of a time to start a thunderstorm.

Anons we need to solve the mystery behind this site
N????????m???? ???????q???????u???i????? ?p????e??t???un????t???,??? ???????r?????e?????pe???r??i?t?????? ?v?e???????r????u?m?,?????? ???d???a???m??????e???u?r?????.???????
Just some little noises here and there. Nothing too suspicious.
>not typing in "nigger"
no fucking clue but im not sleeping until sunrise,
Oh no Zalgo text 3spoopy
I keep hearing clicks and then a sound like moving air, like when something flies by your head but further away. The reason I'm so interested in documenting all of this is because I found this thread when I was already experiencing demonic activity in my house
>Woke up and WATCHED a fucking cut appear on my arm the other night, found a dead bird on the middle of my kitchen counter the next morning when all of the windows were closed and no open doors.
The really spooky part is I was awake the whole time. No bird, watched some tv then went into the kitchen and there was a bird there! no noise or anything
so far nothing paranormal has happend to me but i deleted anything that i could find from my drive just encase
welcome back lurker
Suddenly everyone who saw this thread had paranormal shit in their homes...
Bitch please...
I went on that site and my computer crashed, now I cant go to sleep
going for a smoke. be back soon. nothing out of the ordinary so far, and the pics haven't copied. though it would take something significant for me to report, since my house has always had some mild creep stuff that i've already gotten used to long before this.
area code?
me too...
Britfag reporting in, it's almost 8am and I'm heading to college so I won't be going off anytime soon. Gonna check in every now and then when zi get there.
The only strange thing that's been up on my end is that I have pet mice who are usually asleep by midnight (mice are only awake at sunrise and sunset, and sleep during the day and night) but both of them have been wide awake for 3 hours now.
>create an Avenged Sevenfold playlist
>enable shuffle
>first song to be chosen is "Dear God"
Fuck me.
/k/ommando still lurking
yes, after op implied that the image was doing odd stuff. Now the image is moving itself around in the folder I have it in and duplicating itself. I'm on duplicate no. 5 now.
Anons we need to investigate more. okay, think tank.
>What do we know so far?
Aw it's a fuggen weather map :D
cap: sighted ongioi
No lights on so honestly I have no idea why BOTH of them refuse to sleep
>Avenged Sevenfold.

Listen to some Bohren & der Club of Gore, to calm you shit. Pleb. It works, trust me.
>reading the bible to calm myself down
>open up to random page
>about 10 uses of the word God
Fuck me.
My folder is just fine, I dunno what everyone is talking about.
That is odd...have they ever done this before?
>Anybody notice any odd smells?
It's actually comforting to know that someone else is close by.
Anyone with an area code of 310?
You're fucked
It's the fuckin bible what'd you expect?
Getting here late, first time i looked at the complete face tears started rolling down my cheeks out of fucking nowhere.

Not crying, just leaking tears.
same but im just taking the pre caution of getting rid of that file
>inb4 smile dog 2.0
Thats probably a better description of what i was hearing.
My room smells like mice all the time, so I'm no help on that one. And they've never stayed up continuously this late, especially together. They're in separate cages so it has nothing to do with one keeping the other up.
Maybe you kept your eyes open for too long. Whenever I look at it, its hard to look away. Fascinating yet haunting at the same time.
also my wifi is kill about now gg gl
about to hit 1k
>Bohren & der Club of Gore
My nigga
WAIT! textfag posted a god of death, who knows anything about the name or origin of the god? Any computerfags able to pull up the .exif on the orrigional pics posted by op? I'm not so savvy with computers, but if we pool our expertise we may be able to do something here.
Also does anybody know anything about the "weird" necklace that god of death had?
People were complaining about sour eyes, one guy said he felt like he had lost his entire previous night's sleep in an instant, personally I stared at it for a bit just to prove a point to myself until I started to become light headed.
Holy shit!!! I swear I just smelled gasoline. WTF do I do ???? Captcha is: you deodyna
and i am out, it was nice knowing you guys, if i don't come back tomorrow you know i was taken by Dues
anyone with an area code of 562 i'm probably having a panic attack or something right now
Textfag had nothing to do with OP
>inb4 I was joking about the weather map



cap: ontoads the
This thread is starting to get spooky again. Thanks, /x/.
yeah, im the one who had a weird scrambled captcha, with a red fucking face.
topkek m8, 815 sucks
Can even see the fuggen rocky mountains.... the grey area...

cap: sedttop sky
I don't see it. pls anon
Gas or sulfer? No idea on gas. sulfur smell is a sign of....well you're not going to like this, a really dark demonic entity
Nah, I don't see it.
textfag also came up with several unrelated photo's that didn't show up on google from multiple times of day. We can't rule ANYTHING out at this point just to be sure
Nope, there's some colors that are different, nothing relevant.

My question is, what the fuck were you supposed to type in the captcha.
No, this thread lost everything spooky about it after OP went MIA. After that it textfag appeared and ruined everything.
/b/ish I'm still contribootin on all the leads I have, could have been wrong about the storm though

cap: ewoulln locked
I really don't know man. When I saw it, I got so many fucking shivers.
I just screen capped and re-capchated.
I've been lurking for a while now. For the past minute I've -- been hearing a continuous humming, almost human but without any breaks for air, coming from outside. It just ended and I marked in the sentence above where it did but now it's back again.

I'm the anon who posted above that he is waiting for a text from his GF who is on a plane to Europe. I just head what sounded like a jet fly over my appartment at a low altitiude, but I live nowhere remotely close to an airport and the fucking humming is back but it dissappears everytime I type about it. I was literally about to type about it again and it's gone.

Fucking hell /x/ I think I might actually be having a problem right now. I've never had an auditiory hilucination before but I'm fucking loosing it.
just visited, nothing yet...
>We all die
New idea: we have to summon this thing

on onion.io there is a realtime printer, sadly currently out of paper. Maybe if we keep spamming the "print" when typing in the binary thing, it'll posess the printer and we can see some results
Been here since the beginning add visited said site when it was posted, dont expect much..
OP also reappeared and said he was out until tomorrow. Until then lets put on our thinking caps gentlemen. This thread united the best and worst of 4chan...This site is famous for it's ability to solve things. Now lets put our combined might to the test.

>Anything on those exifs guys?
Yeah, I don't blame you. Interesting stuff though, man.

btw I'm C-train now.
Greekfag here.
the site is just a random greek blog talking about a theater play organised by a radio station.
??????? means almost,nearly. So he is almost god?
>implying it needs to be summoned and its not already in our dimension
Finally I translated the page. Here it is:

Can somebody fucking reply because I really think something is up now. My fucking mice won't go to bed and that humming keeps coming and going and I'm hearing noises that I'm not accustomed to and I don't live anywhere near an airport let alone anywhere close enough for a plane to by flying low enough to hear- and it had no build up or down it was just suddenly over me then gone
Hang in there anon! Listen to music or play a video or something so you don't hear the noises.
Well, he might have already entered our dimension. Seeing OP's video, you can both hear and see DEUS.
back. nothing to report.
>almost god?
perhaps, if legit, it is trying to use our networks to ascend to godhood? just a hypothesis. We still can't say for sure whether it's demonic or AI, either.
Hey /x/, I'm riding out the night too, gonna become a namefag for a bit so we can distinguish each other. Sending the link to another person who hasn't seen this thread and asking them how they feel when they see it.
You'll be fine. It's the fear I tell you! Fear is the only thing to fear.

Anyway, I really have to pee guys but I'm to afraid to get up. wat do??
Just go. I went twice already.
please guys i am so scared
i hear noises, deep grinding noises in the distance and they are terrifying please what do i do and now someone just shouted i am scared please help
Calm down anon. All demonic energy relies on fear, Don't be afraid. Your fear will be your undoing if this situation is legit.

>anons ANYTHING on those exifs?
You should go.
Go but bring something with you, or just pee into a bottle
If you go out, also get your phone to record anything if you see it
I think I'm just sleep deprived. 2 people are having a conversation in the parking lot in front of my appartment building, but considering it is 3AM and this is a gated community part of me has accepted that they don't actually exist, and I'm too tired to get up and confirm this.

I really don't think that plane was real, which scares me because it was almost loud enough to shake my room.
Just gotta fight the evil with more evil.
This should do the trick
I've heard of demons in the internet before on a really old chaos magic site.


don't know if this is really related in any shape or form, putting it out there

cap: almater the
God dammit, shut the fuck up with all the binary, no one is paying any attention.

Alright, guys I'm heading out. Wish me luck! I WILL be back!
Can you just save me the trouble and translate this yourself anon. I'm too tired to play binary hunt.
we should start using names to identify each other if we are staying up all night to keep things organized
we are going to be ok
so mr ctrain, is your power out?
mine is.
the night is just starting.
theres the good old fall back of start masturbating and whisper "this is for you"
calm yourself. C-Train is right
go piss.
don't know how to read exif data, but doesn't it have to be with a camera pic? i don't think screencaps from a phone would have them.
english, mother fucker
oh shit, i've been there before, years ago. gonna give another look
>inb4 nobody else has
>inthenext4minutes is kill

cap: usmicst and
Nope. The soundtrack for this thread is obviously GTT.

Op is gun b ded
>?? ? ? ? ? ?where is your name?
? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ??? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ??? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ?
Could we actually perform this sort of ritual?
We could at least have enough emails in a wide enough area in the US to cleanse that, maybe portions of Canada too. Anybody in England willing to try?

cap: sunday addridd
It cold for anyone else?

goin to take a piss too but its just a turn in my hall

captcha: hngbone cold
already said that many times
Same for me, I just heard a plane fly by my window
My captcha is telling me to be careful and I just heard thumping noises outside
Captcha: careful ergetQ
we hit 1000! mods are dead we killed them good job guys
>i see you i love the smell of your fear
You're not creepy, fuck off. Also, it's DEUS not Deus.
okay /x/ what the fuck is going on
i didnt believe this shit and i was just gonna be a nice guy and hang out on the /x/ thread but suddenly i swear i just heard like a beat to a rap song in my livingroom like a steady banging
what the fuck it was hardly noticeable
What the fucj
very, I'm fucking freezing, but I'm sweating too.
what happened there? the name is gone
>cold hngbone
>cold hung bone
"I see you. I love the smell of your fear"

I'll just be M then
I made it guys. No spooky stuff. My lights flickered a couple times but they always do that.

My power is not out right now, no. Knock on wood.
wierd, the thumping is getting louder
mine says pursuit, not that odd
You mean you could have left!?!?
You /B/TARD now you're stuck with the rest of us!!!

cap: precious facifess
possibly, though it's still too early to resort to such measures. personally, if this is the sort of thing we are dealing with, I would like more time to study and learn about it.
alright c-train, i'll take your survival story as inspiration to drain my own snake
captcha: statues tpreepr
Sounds like DEUS is living the thug lyfe.
I did walk around my house for a little bit just to be sure. Be careful, anon!
Even if I die. I actually am ok with that.
This has been such an amazing night of my life.
I'm like [r9k] and barely get out, I really feel bonds with you guys.

cap: and eryeyb
every noise is increasing
i think this could be the end, honestly. theres nowhere else to go
Guys. I tried to be a leader here. But I think I am kill. That breathing I mentioned has been getting closer and closer. I can feel it on the back of my neck right now. If this is it and god gets me, Well I dunno....bye I guess
Shut up.
back from my piss, what did I tell you?
Also, this is funny, but the beat was my TV that someone must have left on.
Also, hungry, so I'm gonna go get a sandwich. No worries.
It's not over Tyler /b/. Don't lose hope. Hope is the one thing no one, not even the supernatural can touch.
k im staying up til 4 lol, im having some ice cream and now im back
It's okay.
When did this become a role playing thread?
I just had a creepy thought

What if it his a 3D printer?

cap: ychiit the
No dying is happening tonight.
Tyler /b/ don't worry. We're here for you, just whip your dick out, it'll protect you. (I am also that anon.)
Think about it, whatever this entity could be if it was real is definitely weaker than others. It wants to claim it's a god to feel strong. I dunno man, I'm not a skellington specialist but you're gonna live.
Have you ever heard someone say "Man died from demon" on the news?
It's gone. I turned around and it just stopped. Nothing was there.
lol, my favorite vocaloid. you're cool
chill, someone just knows how to mess with their texts and names like with the zalgo text stuff
you'll be fine. if you aren't, that would be a bad omen for me, seeing as my real name is Tyler B.
chillz, people. fear just makes things worse.
>1100 posts
After we
I need to use the restroom. I'll be back
Got my name going
mixed up what posts to reply to, you guys can figure it out.
no one believes enough for it to make news anon.
Okay guys, lets quit being scared little bitches, turns some lights on, brew some coffee, and figure shit out.
>report in faggots.
>anybody know about exifs?
>anybody know about the god of death or the pendant from earlier.
Back without sandwiches.
Fuckin' love cereal.
So while we're here, anyone wanna do the whole "spooky campfire stories" thing? We could basically make up a nope thread while we're waiting overnight.

captcha: was gebalau
Let's stop calling it God and call it Gebalau.
wierd. i stopped shivering and the noises are going away
im gonna make it i have to live to see luka perform live. i got this
Guys, i just pooped and i drew a face on the wall with the poop and it looked really happy but it made me feel weird in a disturbing way.

When i liked the poop off of the wall it tasted like sulfur. Wat do.
That makes:
deneb (researching internet chaote shit)
tyler b
four leaves

anybody else joining the fug train?

cap: broatsa psalms

quick theory: I think it isn't omnipresent. I believe it migrates between regions of the internet grid. Sometimes you'll get caps that make sense, sometimes you don't

And it's fuggen freezing. If it broke my thermostat it fugging owes me big money.

ps: if anybody can find numbers ITT that count as fitting psalms, do it if you're doing nothing
I know a lot about theology and things like that if that helps. Other than that, I'm stumped.
looks like it's time to go full tripfag
the powers back on, seconds later, the loudest lightning fucking ever.
power off.
i hate rain.
I got the text. She landed safely. I'm fucking going to bed. I'm still sure that plane wasn't real.
See the thing just migrated to me. Fug, thanks.

cap: cause erispa
Moo? :)
I don't see any serious connections between textfag and OP's story.
oh fuck it's confirmed
I'm going out my room right now, my microwave is beeping wish me luck,
Captcha: consciences ndersree
I don't believe there are any
You forgot catfag here.

I actually like the rain, but today I could go without. Here's to hoping my power stays alive.
So im starting to smell shit from somewhere. I've checked everywhere including my dog kennels and i cant figure out where its from.
the only connection is that textfag started getting spookies when in OP's thread
not much to go off of but remember what board we're on
Anyone else watch that Ruby Falls stream?
push it to somewhere else!! you are stronger
Heyo. Won't be here all night but I'm checking in atm
Anything about this god of death, or anything about the pics from textfag? Call me crazy but I'm not ready to rule those out yet. who just has demonic like images that you can't google trace lying around? especially pertaining to gods and such
You check your pants?
Been here since the thread was first posted. It's too interesting to exit. Might as well use a name.
11/10 lmao
someone should hop back to /b/ and ask about the exif thing. someone else should look up that god of death. if not, I'll see what i can find if i can't turn up anything on something similar to this thing.
>live to see luka perform live
damn straight! haha
maybe not, but doesn't hurt to try
zalgo, pls

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If textfag's texts had anything to do with OP's story, then this entity would have required to find those images on the internet.
Same boat here
Captcha: threatening
Just jammed a few fingers up my b hole, didn't feel a thing.

Pretty sure the demon widenend my butt with his girth.
Im not hearing noises or smelling anything. I didn't save the pic or open the website but i wish I did because nothing spooky has ever happened to me in these things.
you are not luka friend
I checked my timestamp.
2:21's psalm:
>You have granted him his heart's desire and have not withheld the request of his lips.

cap: iraj admilka
>tfw migrating again
which of us fuggers is reporting from iraq, c'mon now anons ;^D
/mu/ here. Just read this whole thread and now I have to poop real bad. Is this a sign?
only reason im still here is cause i know if i try to sleep imma dream of this shit
Would if i could. Sadly im not wearing pants.

??????????????????????? ?????????????????????????????? ??????????????????????? ?????????????????????????? ????????????????????????????????? ?????????????????????????
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Yeah, good luck m8!
I'll be here too! Until my comp dies, kek.
I opened the site, and ain't shit going on over here. It's safe.
I come from [s4s] m9
I know a benis when I see one

cap: its asasker
I saved the entire thread and I haven't experienced anything spoopy. The only thing I'm experiencing is paranoia, but that's not a new thing.
In Greek Mythology Thanatos is considered sort of a deity representing death. Demon more so. Could have been a reference to the Angel of Death. (Maybe Dues is a Slayer fan?)

I seriously doubt textfag had anything to do with it. He probably took his own photos of shit lying around.

However, if the texts are significant, the intent of them are unknown. Really just typical religious stuff, you know with Mary and the Devil and all.

We a LOT more evidence connecting Dues and the texts before we can confirm anything though.
post every captcha and power surge. anything electronic malfunctioning as well. You're really fugged now, did my /mu/ thread hook ya?

cap: with memanda
I believe this demon only affects those who have tried to uncover it. It also migrates parts of the internet, or so it would appear thus far. Just a theory on that last bit though.

cap: consid romeep
having difficulties. I can't get the original post to threadshare on /b/ wtf?
i find it weird that all my capchas have been white backgrounds. Haven't had any weird images like usual, always 2 words every time i refresh
Just sucessfully fapped to the face, no semen came out only blood and feces. Wat do.
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If this is, then, a real demon, would it live under the limitations of "normal" demons?
I mean, people always claim that like salt peter and shit protects you or whatever, but what about this?
The demon has shown very little physical manifestations, not to mention that it's doing something we have never seen before.
So I say, /x/, this is a completely new type of entity.
That can't be the case, if it was then it would have had no reason to go after OP's friend. It sounds like OP's friend doesn't know anything of DEUS.
You are not out /k/omrade
Pretty sure you just have a disease or something, I don't think that's anything sp00ky.

and would you shut the fuck up already?
I posted earlier saying this was possibly mizar's doing. With everything you guys are hearing and the breathing I'd say he's back. The whole "we all die" thing could be entirely true. Except if it is mizar, we won't die for awhile he'll start to give you audible hallucinations. Next is seeing a man (demon or whatever) with a burnt face in the mirror, do not listen to a thing it says. May whatever supernatural force that protects us from these things be with you anons. It's the witching hour here and my dishes just got knocked off the counter as I was typing this. fuck..
Fuck I'm having problem with my connection but I'm still here.
It was just my uncle making a hot dog; he is never awake this late though
i request entry on the fug train, have been lurking since the thread initially developed. havent downloaded any images but have viewed them all and visited the site. Only suspicious things i can report is that at 3 am about thirty minutes ago i heard two distinct knocks at my door and after workign up the testes to go piss, i turned off all the remaining upstairs lights only to find them having turned themselves back on, i thought my sister had done it but she just woke up angrily asking if i had done it, i hadnt, demon pls
I don't think this is anything we have seen or known before.
I'm 30 minutes in to witching hour
Chill guys, it's that douche who keeps impersonating us. That isn't our /k/omrade
can't seem to find much besides what seems to be religious extremists trying to fear monger against the internet, some people who say they were possessed over the internet (not insignificant, but overall no different from normal demons- just a different medium), and conjecture. If this thing is legit, I believe we have something new on our hands.
you're all just a bunch of delusional faggots and you know it
Guys, i think i recognize the face from all of the hardcore gay scat porn i frequently watch!!

The name is Randy Dongenheimer, the face is taken from a scene he did in Doodoo Hamsters 6 at aroumd the 22:30 minute mark.
On the other thread, OP said "The picture is a sinister thoughtform created by the Satanic group the Order of Nine Angles.

Supposedly, they created it in order for the image to seep through your screen and into your life.

Now that you've seen "it," you'll most likely bring "it" into existence. I would not sleep with the light off. What "it" is is a hell hound-like being from beyond" and then told me, "Just some signs you'll start noticing:

Sweating a lot (you'll feel hotter than usual)
Feel like you're being followed/watched
Seeing things out of the corner of your eye
Hearing scratching noises
Shadows in the corners of your room for split seconds
Smacking on your doors or windows

So on and so forth. Its going to slowly hunt and stalk you.

Sorry bro. Others will say they're just kidding or we're making stuff up but I'm not.

You can try to pretend its not real until you start noticing those things until you see him more and more.

My only suggestion is to be around people and stay in the light for as long as you can."
And Even though I'm cold af, I heard two bangs, and now I think I see stuff. But that could just be paranoia and the fact that it is almost 4:00am.
That's not me some fag copied my name
were you here when "he" first striked? A girl cut through her mouth and ripped all her teeth out and continued to post about the undying love she had for "him." It manifested through images and BINARY before this is nothing new. I'm really scared /x/ this is looking bad.
It's like chaos magick.
You do what works, throw out what doesn't

So you'd better get reading in case this thing migrates to you.


We HAVE to map ourselves out. Just put a dot in the general area and say who you are. Then I'll try to do some shit with Ley Lines to see what the boundaries of server migration is. If certain areas experience the daemon at the same time, then that means the migration theory works.

heard a bump right after I typed that.

download and re-upload

if you don't feel comfortable, don't participate

cap: haeres emexer
interesting. I was actually just watching a show about how the internet may have formed consciousness
it's possible that the energies that manifest demons could have been brought about by a possible virus, internet manifestation combo causing...a cyber demon. It makes sense but the whole theory relies on the internet...having become some semblance of self aware
Do me next!
Cap: 171018
Any significance?
anyone experiencing weird shit, send the fucker my way. I'm in 865, saved all the pics, etc. I need some firsthand observation. I'm calling this so-called DEUS a fucking coward.
It's obviously doomguy, you faggot.

See: >>14739163
I'm not sure if I've ever seen so many tripfags in one place. Impressive.
Hey, just making a post to let you guys know what a cool guy i am!

Thanks for being rad!!
Good. Please contribute to the map so we can get a general idea of where it's attacking.
We need everybody comfortable with it in on this

cap rose hogyanm
I was wondering when you would get to me.
I know /k/omrade >>14739613
Can't find her blogspot unfortunatly
is that so...
because the thread has over 1k replies dumbass
I don't think OP was creating other threads, he knows as much as we do about DEUS (i.e. nothing). Also, that's not the case at all. I haven't experienced anything spoopy in the slightest, besides slight paranoia. But that occurs all the time.
That hot dog that my uncle cooked...it wasn't a hot dog at all!

It was his diiiiiiiick!

And my uncle has been dead for 3 years.

Pretty much agreeing with this guy, I just really want mizar to come back..
Been lurking since it was posted over to /b/
Got pretty much no knowledge, expertise whatsoever.
Did think that the picture was me for a while though, creeped me out. Also was pretty much lmao-ing at the thread and then spontaneously burst into tears.
no shit? I'm 865!

I like how the pupils seem to get bigger the more you stare :^)
>>14738174 well the OP of this then
Almost at 1200 replies. Something damn odd is going on here.

Haven't been this intrigued and spooked since that 12-42.org stuff.
So much penis to suck, so little time.
Lurker here. Anything we're currently trying to find out that I could help on?

schizophrenic fag
What the hell
What about that vertical red bar? Anything in it?
can you do stuff with exifs?
If so you get the spooky job of working with op's god pics!
It wouldn't be impossible. There have been many progresses in the field of AI lately, and I read that one is even programmed to surf the web to learn on it's own. AI possessed by demon, perhaps?
Guy is going around doing one for all the tripfags
Well, i googled it for 5 seconds and found a website called "exif viewer"

does that count?
Thank you for all the wonderful support in
It's good enough to start drawing out some Ley Lines and things of that nature, even a few internet grids. I'm devoting myself to this thread instead, so I am not kill!

Just stay the fug safe, I don't wanna return to this thread with blud everywhere..

cap: tsmontr who
you're miles ahead of me so far. see if you can learn anything
Also if you find any hardcore gay scat porn, please post it so that i may masturbate to and from for it.
>masturbe from
yepp, this is what I get for not knowing how to tripcode. Damn I need to work on my computer skills
I am boring, that guy who is copying everybody is going to go to bed now because of me probably.

Ok, I checked the exif and as it turns out the image as an absorbant amount of gamma. I'm going to try and turn it down and see what I get.


I don't remember what it is by heart but its on the FAQ
You know how if you have your windows on your computer set to transparent you can see a fuzzy bit of what's behind there?

Think of tfw you're working on the Ley Lines map and you see something like a snake or white lizard make its way up from your desktop though one of those foggy windows.
Fuggen hell m9, it's in Chicagooo :D''

cap sphere aitseed
Nobody is talking about anything interesting anymooooore.
put that one symbol in front of your name, dont remember the exact thing but
put the hashtag thing after a space and then just put like a password
very cool! Don't go kill on us.
I'll keep that in mind if I see the sun tomorrow
Because there is nothing left to talk about. There is no information on DEUS, therefore there's nothing left to talk about.
Also, i'm pretty sure it's my turn now /x/
holy shit I can see it it materialized I'm terrified it's inching towards me

Captcha ynamisso towards
>>14739762 there has 2 be something!!!!!
I'm getting close to a conclusion, the map of most of us is up now. Soon either something or nothing happens

cap: connected livideri
puu sh/9xfyx/42baf6d69b.jpg

Okay, I edited the image to the correct gamma. Unfortunately, that was only a small part of the total edits made on the picture.

Also, I don't think anyone mentioned this yet, but doesnt the top look like a swiff of hair?
anything yet?
Has just been posted in the map thread
>puu sh/9xfyx/42baf6d69b.jpg
missed your post, sorry. Yeah it was speculated on. missed the pic tho dude
map thread 404'd
TOP KEK the OP of that thread deleted it to make it look like something actually happened
Guys what the fuck, textfag or something else posts that picture then thread delete? Did anyone save it????
What the shit?

The map thread got deleted RIGHT after the indian pic was posted, but this is still up?
Whats up with the link?
Location thread down.
I'm a britfag, btw. Nothing to report as of yet apart from a weird smell in my bedroom (I went up there to check if I had enough money for cigarettes, stressful lol)

the fuck just happened to the thread?
Anyone save the pic?
yes. not putting it up just in case
It's of the god pic with gamma changed, posted a puush because image limit was reached
Post the damn image
I did. I have all of everything so far
Can't get it to load properly
not me
making new thread hang on
Not really sure what it was, to be honest. Just a heavy kinda smell, I'm pretty hygienic so it wasn't anything to do with me/my room or whatever, just seemed odd. Got the fuck outta dodge
? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?I AM YOU AND YOU ARE ME
Did you put a dot between "puu" and "sh"?
? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?
Go away
having trouble replying since other thread died. keeps freezing up, saying i have 25 sec to wait, but won't count down.
wow very spoopy
as you are he AND WE ARE ALL TOGETHER!!!!
He's back
No he's not shhh
? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ?PREPARE ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?
Go away ____
for what? more of your faggotry?
? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?TO
No you
? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?DIE
Also go to bed Sam
Fuck off dark souls
Well, I just left my room for the first time since I started reading this thread and the first thing I noticed was that the lights were flickering on and off. The feeling of paranoia is progressively growing stronger.

Check the email, same as the shitposter. Nothing to see here.
Nah, how about you suck my dick, you little bitch.
If you're so spooky and such show us what you look like. And demon or not rules are rules, timestamp, shoe on head, or sharpie in pooper
My internet is failing me and I'm hearing those plane noises other people have talked about.

Here is the weather map at peak activity and peak 3spooky7me. The southern most Ley Line goes through a point, and the diagonal Line goes through two. I think the rest can be described by the storm, arrows show how it has moved about.

My wifi simply won't hold up, so anything else is up to you.

Seeing as I may become exocommunicated, you may not see me for awhile until it migrates again.

I will not be kill.. I hope.
Ahhhhh gotta fuggen love that 11 minute ban for raiding. Lets you guys stay in suspense. If there's one thing [s4s] can teach you, mods are fugging frauds.

???????????? ???? ????????? ????? ??????? ???????? ????? ??????? ?????????? ??? ?????? ??? ?? ??????? ?????????? ????????? ??????????? ??????????? ????? ????? ????????? ????? ??????????? ?????????? ??????? ?? ??????? ??? ??? ????? ??? ??????? ?????????? ????????? ?????? ???? ??? ??? ????????? ??????????? ???? ?????????? ?????? ??? ?????? ?????????? ?????????? ??????? ???????? ??????? ????????? ??? ??????? ????? ????? ?????? ?????? ?????????? ?????? ????? ????????? ???????? ????? ?? ?????? ?????? ???? ???????? ??? ????? ??????? ????? ??????? ??????????? ????????? ??? ???????? ????????? ?????? ????? ? ??????????? ???? ???? ?????????? ??? ??????? ????????? ?????????? ???????? ????????I?????? ???????d??????o?????????n???'?????t??????? ?????r????????e?????????q????????u?i????r????????e??????? ????p???????u???????t??????????t??????i????????n????g???????? ???????t?????i?????m??????e????s???????t?????a?????m??????p?????????
Mizar? The tripfag mizar?
god speed
Goodbye, If anyone can add me to the map, Los Angeles area, Santa Ana, that would be great
Nice zalgo text generator.
He's a fail troll ignore him!
and youre a delusional faggot, only schizophrenics would believe this shit thread, enjoy being a bunch a scared pussies
im just scared im just watching the fun stop being all pissy goddddd
Have you found anything on chaosmatrix about a possible way to divert/dispel the demon or anything about how internet demons typically behave?
he went off to bed
stop being so delusiony, nice qaids though
Oh, shame.
Because my computer is actually starting to have characteristics of OP's friend's. Maybe I uncovered something I shouldn't have with that map.

But things keep popping up discretely and configuring themselves without me doing anything. It could be stuck on me for a bit, and it's fuggen freezing. Fuggen demons fuggen with my thermostats..
and youre being so delusional, just admit it, you and everyone else that believed this fake shit has some mental disorder or something
we all know youre lying so cut the shit act and go to bed faggot
k nobody argue with him hes gonna start a big flame war n get u bannned!11
You're not a fan of fun are you?
Fuck this. I've saved the image ages ago and fuck all is happening.
I want to fug your boi pussy too, but daddy has to fight with big internet demons, ok bby? ;)
the duplicate images in my folder are gone. just the originals now. odd
if you think this is all stupid and fake why are you wasting your time here? you won't convince ME otherwise.
no because im actually sane and dont believe this fucking delusional shit
I did too but nothing happened to me and even when i first started the thread lol :P i guess im just safe? idk i have a bunch of animals protecting me sooo ~
Yeah I'd say the brute of today is all over.

For you guys, anyhow. I'm scared and hyped as fug, things are growing more and more uneasy at my location.
The temp is dropping. And I don't even fugging have pants. Probably gonna look around some more before moving on, wait for OP tomorrow.
You're right! better go do sane stuff so we crazies won't bother you anymore! Buh-bye
No one actually believes this. I hope.
I seriously don't understand why half of you are getting paranormal crap ..
ITT: Roleplaying
Tyler you're probably one of the last ones on here, so what do? It's 3:48am where I am, good enough to get the fug to bed or do you have any more leads on things to do?
If you think this is delusional then leave
>implying this is actually real

I've never seen a more delusional pussy group of people as you guys
OMG Leave!
We could always wait till tomorrow and we are almost at 1300 posts
OMG like wow STFU and die
I'm waiting on sunrise to go to bed. only about 30 minutes out and I'm down to my last cig
Lol bretty good plan, will do.

And nice meeting all of you first-time tripcoders. Really made my night having people to experience this with.
OMG Leave!>>14740070
lol im done
Just go to sleep. If there's anything interesting that pops up there will likely be a thread about it by the time you wake up.
hahahah faggot you smoke, enjoy your early death, hope it was worth it for you
>Tfw you check when sunrise is and it's actually at 5:15 instead of 4:15
Fug it, can't wait another hour. If I go to sleep and don't wake up, fug god I guess.
Now you're just trying too hard.
Also yeah that's actually why I picked up smoking, that's also why I'm enlisted in the USMC big fuckin deal.
only psychotic fags who enjoy killing enlist in the USMC, anyways stop trying so hard to make yourself look tough, youre probably like 16 anyways bro, your parents will be pissed you stayed up this late
stop what? I'm just dicking with the troll until I finish my last cig. not a big deal
I shall smite thee.
>youre 16
lol confirmed for underage. keep it coming bro, it's a 100 I've got time
you must think your so cool smoking a cig this early in the morning
is this Serial Experiments Lain all over again?
You're feeding him!

So.. it was all a ruse
Im actually a 20 yr old kissless virgin living with the parents
Not really. Just smoking a cig, y'know just hanging out. I actually don't smoke because it's "cool" I honestly enjoy them.
well we've been feeding trolls all night. It's not really a big deal at this point
Text message guy =/= op
nah, text guy was the ruse. Now we wait for op and his pics, his pics will decide if troll or not
I'm sorry bro that can't be fun. Why do you still live with the 'rents?
Where do you get 12 peacocks?
Kinda figured it was a ruse by text fag and op, at least I slept.
free food and room nigger
Well, no one was fooled by textfag to begin with.
Some tractor suply chains have them, other fowl traders have them, also private breeders. We had a couple on our farm. mean bastards though. They're like the beta fish of the bird world
if op is a troll then he won hardcore
They must be so proud
they are actually, and they love me very much
So many people were, up until the binary code part at least, he should've ended it there.
shedding callsign
I still want to believe. will wait for op to deliver blue couch pics
well I'm sorry for them that you are leaching off of them, Okay, I'm off to bed then I'll be back. Then I have to go PT for the marines. Night y'all
Good morning fags, going to bed, hopefully the parents dont get pissed that im gonna sleep in till like 4
Will someone notify the other boards once OP posts the pics?
fuck man, just check /x/
Then I guess it really does take only an [s4s]-goer to recognize a ruse when it hits you in the face. Really amazingly set up though, I thought my improv was bretty good as well but seriously OP and friend make nice threads :P
Is Friday good?
> :P
>"I was only pretending to be retarded. "
Top lels all around, what really sells is when you connect multiple boards, like how I made an [s4s] thread and /mu/ thread. Even if you don't anticipate people ever seeing it, going into that much detail is the key to getting into character and granting that extra little special bit in case people find it ;^)
hiya Tsuua! :DDD i'm sure u've seen me post b4, lol! i replied to u over there but i wanted to thank u for linking me to this kewl thread! i'm not sure if anyone else on s4s followed the link but i did..

whom are u quoting? btw i'm retarded for real (mods pls don't ban me)
All these people filling out email field unironically, simply ebin,,,,,,
yea they're emojis
here u go, just copy and paste!:
i used to post on {s4s} with the cat faces ones then i changed to pawprints and poodle a while back. a lot of ppl can't see them though and only see two boxes!
Not the guy you replied to but awesome, thanks for the link.

I meant to put that link in the search bar lol
OP hasn't even gotten back and people are already dismissing it. Wow

Shit dude my browser crashed right after that red face appears, I'm freaked out right now and I just nope'd hard.

dw my browser has been crashing ever since i got here -_- but i wouldn't call it paranromal dw about it
4 hours late and I'm going to bed now, Goodnight
pls see >>14740121 and the posts linked therein. op and the text anon already admitted to trolling and had more OC pics of the items in question.
no. The pics were involved with textfag. OP never returned with his blue couch. We need timestamped blue couch pic to be totally convinced
Also the dracula pic looks NOTHING like the redface other than the open mouth
The open mouth isn't even the same but as our "sources," say loads of photoshop.
How come you faggots are always bitching about /x/ being the same shit, but when something fresh like this appears you all get smarmy and smug and try to debunk it? Why not just see how it plays out and enjoy the scares? This is the coolest thing that's happened on /x/ in a while.
It was only decent until textfag, he literally ruined it. It was pretty spoops and all, but it still wasn't cool and believable.
it does look like a different picture (that's Christopher Lee, right?) but they look like the same person. maybe textfag wasn't working with OP, i assumed they were the same person when i first read the thread though. a haunted computer though, rilly? lols

Spirits have to update someday, man, it's 2014. We can't live in the past forever, we have to move beyond flicking lightswitches and making paintings bleed. Bring hauntings to the digital age!
man, I have to say I didn't believe either...but It honestly got pretty freaky once 3:00 rolled around.
so it was all a troll! i was kinda hoping it was real just for the fun
you're an idiot
Jesus, you're an idiot.
Wait, now I'm confused..
Of course you are.
No really though, someone posted the proof on how it was fake apparently the friend or whatever. So I'm like oh darn, it would be fun if it turned out to be real and then I get called an idiot for saying that comment..
IDK what I did imma just forget about it
Are you new, dude?
Yeah, I never use 4chan I just came here because I was linked
Can you please explain what I did wrong? :(
Alright, that explains a lot. You're better off never coming to this awful site again. Good day to you.
Don't leave me like that! I want to know what I did :P
You should try out the random message board
Nevermind, I guess I'll be the laughing stock.
Honestly, I'm not sure, but people on this site will always find some reason to give someone shit. It's an awful site with awful people filled with pure hatred. I guess that's why I come here on a regular basis.
Also, 18+ rule.
How old are you?
Not going to say >>14740502
18+ rule?
its ur use of a name and general posting style, lols!! :D u should only funpoast like me when ur an advanced memer! (lol jk i get banned half the time i post outside of [s4s] xDDDD)
i think i'm supposed to tell u to "lurk moar" but 4chan is retarded anyways. anyway it's ur posting style and also things like >>14740249 . they are also assuming ur underageb&. ur sposed to be 18 or more olderer b4 u poast
Riiight, I'm not in B. And nobody listens to that rule. I'm sure half the anon's are underage lol. Is there a rule about no grammar ?
>I'm not in B
this made me literally lol out loud. the /b/ee board kinda sucks these days, unless ur into porn, traps, roll threads, gore, steam begging, &c, &c. and YES u can get banned for quality of posts. u are not supposed to post garbage (hence a surly moderator could very well b& me for posting liek this if he so pleased, but it seems the mods are asleep). just don't post my little ponies and u should be ok on most boards :D
Oh! I was posting trash earlier cause there was an dork over here, but rather than that I'm normally OK. And.. I use grammar 80% of the time???
I hate b, it's disgusting over there. I'll be sure to not goof off anymore. I don't want to be banned. Is that the problem with my post I got called an idiot for? the no grammar and "trash?"
I thought that light was the computer
OK I'm going to try and give you a more serious reply this time. You talk like you're on Facebook, you're using emoticons, which are frowned upon, and with a name, which draws unnecessary attention to yourself. Start posting as Anon and try to learn the culture of the boards you wish to post on if you don't want people calling you an idiot. I post that way largely because I enjoy it. And getting banned is no big deal, bans for shitposting are typically for 1 day.
Um. So, emotioncons gone. Username.. gone.. And talking like I'm on facebook??? Hm? For now I'll keep the username so you can identify me
Plz go.
She's helping me. I'll leave after.
right i'm not going to be on much longer and it should be easy enough to follow conversations through the replies. if u want to use a name i'd recommend >>>/s4s/ though. i was linked here from there i never go on /x/
You don't belong here.
It's painfully obvious.
Just stop posting. You're obviously underage, so 4chan isn't for you.
Okay I guess I ruined the thread. mods will delete my messages tomorrow.
this thread will expire pretty soon because of autosage. the posts don't last forever. and it's unusual to assume a random poster is female here ... lol
The thread reached bump limit and the thread is already ded.
Okay. I still embarrassed the hell outta myself.ouch.
Just go.
Be a faggot somewhere else please.
Just fucking lurk more dude holy shit, you're what people talk about when they say summer.
God damn bye..
OK I'm still helping, just bcuz i'm nice like that: this is why you should post as ANON when you're new...

but mot said post volume goes up in the winter!
I threw up a little..
Because anons go on vacations like the normalfags they are, and there's an equal portion of newfags that join.
>I use grammar 80% of the time???
What the actual fuck.
oh i understand. over on [s4s] last winter they were talking about winterfigs, i know it's a joke. i'm actually slightly amazed no one has told me to fug off, great job guise!
I swear I'm going to be all over the internet for being the stupidest poster on 4chan aren't I?
no way, no one is going to remember u so no worries, Spongebobble.
No, there's not going to be ebin maymays about you, just stop posting. You're embarassing yourself.
Alllright. You're the only one being nice to be here everyone else is rude
kbye last post
Jesus, who rustled your jimmies? There's no need to be an asshole to someone new to the site.
because they have no patience.. if u want to post with a name and expect "niceness" go to >>>/s4s/ ^-^

rip in peace ;_;
>there's no need to be an asshole
Of course there is
I'm used to it, I deal with assholes like this everyday which is the main reason why I STOPPED foruming elsewhere but this isn't exactly foruming, or... Yeah? Maybe...
Spooky face Is spongefaggot
Captcha: hefinna freedom
But anyway if names weren't allowed then why is there an name option in the first place...
What a fantastic mentality. Instead of helping someone that's new, you give them shit which causes them to run off. You are cancer.
What happened to "this is my last post"?
Also they are frowned upon, there's only a few circumstances where they are acceptable depending on the thread.
Well if you're expecting a fucking hugbox go back to plebbit.
I lied.
it might be useful in some cases, usually unless the OP poster wants to call themselves OP there is little need for names on /x/ unless you feel like being an attention slut and don't mind being called names. on some other boards they are useful for content creators.
I don't expect a hugbox, but you shouldn't give someone new shit just because they're new. Instead of insulting them, you should at least tell them how the site works.
the most recommended method for learning on here is to lurk , otherwise you will get shit.

>being a 4chan elitist

Haha seriously? On 4chan?

Lmao this guy is trolling the fuck out of you all le oldfigz from le 56chun xDDD2
i have to agree.. too many Anons regard themselves as being part of some kind of speshul secret club when in fact most of the content on this site is garbage. i'm just here because i enjoy the nonsense

ur right but i don't think he's doing it on purpose, lol!
Well, most people that are new aren't going to do that. And when a new user posts without knowing the behavior of the average anon, they get shit instead of help. That's just fucking stupid.
/tg/ lurking

I'm totally using this for a World of Darkness campaign
Wow this thread went to shit. Good job namefags.
So, it was all a ruse?
No. The text message stuff was fake, but that wasn't the op.
holy shit wait a minute, i'm lazy and mostly an asstard but do you think that you could translate the INVERTED message?
/int/olerant here
I feel so ill, like I'm constantly about to faint.
Something just feels off man, I don't like it one bit.

Used to have this thing when I was a kid where in nightmares I'd hear this high-pitched ringing everytime something scary happened, I'd get really hot then wake up feeling about a thousand degrees.

It's like being stuck in that but with no ringing, I don't get any phone signal in my basement, nothing outworldy spoopy has happened.

(Downloaded all parts of the picture, seperate and every iteration of the joined one. That website too, noted down the email "katipezi @ yaho?. gr " in case its some use later)

Sorry I'm so late to the thread, I'll keep snooping around for you guys, gotta to be something else.

Let me know if you need me.
damn, i thought this thread woulda 404ed by the time a got back. Holy shit, there's like 1500 posts!
He's back
You fucking cunt. You're not op, and you aren't going to pull that fresh Prince shit
>/d/ here, surprised no one else came
I came...from /d/
The memerock is invading /x/ now

I was translating some of it, it's just a page for a radio station
r u my persona er somting ? ? ?? ? ? ???? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ??
all of that was by the second guy, "textfag", who admitted to being a troll. the original OP is back and might have more content (even though it's still fake lol) >>14741524
same waterloo,ontario canadia
/co/ here
Posting for the Archives here.

Finally a worthwhile /x/ thread.

And other imageboards alltogether.
it seems that anyone in between the 2 lines drawn are safe
Thread posts: 1438
Thread images: 152

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