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Wasuri/e Thread

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 298
Thread images: 109

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Requesting >>111111
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Error 400.png
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Don't forget to contribute to the wiki!

wew beautiful numbers
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>mfw this is a thing
Is this cutie the /wsr/ avatar?
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fuck you.jpg
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I have never used an IRC. Is it ok if I just lurk in there? I'm curious.
Yes http://shimmie.4chanhouse.org/index.php?q=/post/list/wsr/1
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itt keksandra.png
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who /s4s/ here
There should be some kind of wasure imageboard where all boards are request boards.
/pr/ - Photoshop requests
/dr/ - Drawfag requests
Please, refer to them as "board-tans". They are not mascots. They are not avatars. There is a difference.
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>imageboard where all boards are request boards
Could you even imagine how slow that site would be? Unless people got paid for fulfilling requests there would be no one in there. my 2 cents
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it is great site
im going to use it

would use this too but as you said it would be slow as fuck
Yes, not very many people are in the IRC anyways, ~5
Anon you should add a 404 page that has this picture >>111113 but instead of 400 its 404
Anyone can contribute, friend.
I put Error 400 because it's the "Bad Request" error. Why would 404 be relevant? That's Yotsuba's job.
It's really easy to do though, mspaint is enough.
What would it be called
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I'm stupid, I thought you were talking to me >>111113 sorry
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Time to go to sleep.jpg
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Meant to reply to
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shh its okay
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/wsr/ is becoming even bigger shithole every day
there should be one for learning stuff like university of reddit
but contribute exactly how? there's should be a list of things people can do like on wkileaks there's a most wanted documents or something like that.
kek since the first day people were requesting "animes" like naruto and crap like that.
Seems like this is a get thread now
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Seems like it.

If you had to put the blame on someone, who would it be? OPs asking for stupid shit, unable to use google, reverse image search and the like or the anons that reply with memery, troll responses and bait? It's a bit of both, but I really don't know what would make this board "good". What's your opinion on this?
Requests that get ignored on /r/ are being fulfilled on /wsr/, also it keeps shit off other boards, I think it's safe to say it has been useful at times.
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maybe a sticky like the one on >>>/3/ with helpful stuff like sites (nyaa.se, kat.cr, bakabt.me, bookzz.org, etc) and also infographcs/tutorials for the most requested things (assuming they only need some direction)
Or the very creation of a needed board with a idiotic label that only attracts retards who refuse to do the minimal effort for simple shit and end up shitting up this site.
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>put more stuff in the sticky
Agreed, /wsr/ wiki had a list of sites for downloading books which helped me in the past but I can't find it anymore, also nyaa and bakabt are there in the torrenting section. When, and if, the wiki gets enough material in it, it could be included in the sticky like /ic/.

I guess there's also that.
>a needed board with a idiotic label
Would it be better if /r/ became "Adult request" and /wsr/ just "Request"? Was "needed" a typo?
>retards who refuse to do the minimal effort for simple shit
People are lazy and like to be spoonfed, nothing new. You can tell them to fuck off and even if they listen and actually go away new people will come and the cycle never ends.
>shitting up this site
I don't think that many newfriends discover 4chan because they heard about the spoonfeed board. They were already here, shitposting and begging for sauce, and someone told them to fuck off to /wsr/, or the mods moved the thread like with >>110882. Perhaps you're saying that the ones that are actually new feel welcome because of /wsr/ and stay, if that's the case I agree.
This is just my 2 cents but I think it's better shitting up a non-hobby related board instead of /a/, /g/, /p/, /gd/, etc... Someone has to get the short end of the stick so the others don't suffer as much.
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If you want to propose a sticky for /wsr/, you need to a consensus from the whole board then you can make an appeal on /qa/ or to Hiro via email.

Wouldn't using the feedback form be a better option before trying with /qa/? It says so on the feedback page.
>Feel free to submit sticky suggestions via the Feedback page. If you can demonstrate that you've solicited feedback from the board in advance (link us to an archived thread), all the better!
Don't wanna be called a /q/tard. Thanks for the examples.
Lets discuss /wsr/'s first recommendation chart.

Should it be a flowchart where each bubble asks a question (i.e Do you want cute girls doing cute things, Yuyushiki)

or should it be like the other recommendation charts of just a page with
>Want comedy, watch these
No, the sticky is badly worded in a way that only incites idiocy, rec threads are fucking stupid neither anime nor /tv/ are a chore/job they're fucking time killers, .
>People are lazy and like to be spoonfed
Most /wsr/ go beyond that, google has every answer for them, they just need to fucking type it but for some reason they feel that asking someone else for hours to do that for them is a more efficient way of solving their shit.

> actually new feel welcome because of /wsr/ and stay
Exactly. Fuck Hiro for making /a/ a magnet for idiots and underage fucks through this board.
>ugh I hate this board so much!!!

Why are you even here?
>Nobody is contributing to this ITT
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double trips!
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what does she mean by this?
a flowchart drives more attention but only if it is done right.
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ebic modget :^)))

slowest board award 2016
I don't hate the board I only hate three things about it, the sticky, the retards that keep coming here and the guys that only "help" those idiotic apes instead of trying to help other guys with valid and somewhat challenging requests.
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A flowchart definitely, I figure it would be pretty hard to do though. Would totally love to see something like that made by /wsr/.

>rec threads are fucking stupid neither anime nor /tv/ are a chore/job they're fucking time killers
Sorry, I don't get what you mean by this. Should rec threads be completely removed?
> the sticky
What should the sticky say? What parts would you change?
>the retards
It's not just this site, the internet is full of idiots, I don't think anything can be done about this.
>guys that only "help" those idiotic apes instead of trying to help other guys with valid and somewhat challenging requests
The keyword here is "challenging requests". I may be projecting, but there are anons here that would like to help but aren't knowledgable enough with difficult subjects but still want to help out, so they do what they can with less important requests. Also helping people with troublesome tasks and DO IT FOR FREE really don't go well together.

Say, since you're an /a/non (right?) and I never use /a/ or any board with a specific topic, could you tell me how you guys do this "self moderating" thing I keep hearing about? How do you even decide what is allowed to be on the board or not? If a single autist that regularly use a board suddenly decided that he doesn't like X and started spamming every thread about X, is that considered self moderation? How do you tell them apart? I would like to remove all the "lol make this funny/epic memez" and the painfully obvious underage homework threads on /wsr/, but they're not technically against the rules. I just ignore.
Is self moderating even a viable way of handling things on a non-hobby board or is the nature of the board completely unrelated? Am I overthinking stuff?

We are dumb ;_;
I believe self-moderation was a thing where board users would simply spam a thread with posts and images until both post and image bump limits were reached so that the thread couldn't be bumped anymore.
But now it doesn't work that well because of the timer and the captcha, which increases in length and being more annoying the more often you respond to a single thread.
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Fucking ACE
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good tastes anon.png
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Holy shit, I'm thirteen again! I'm still sad Fluidanims got merged.
Don't worry bby, Hyun's Dojo is FA's second coming.

And yes, all your favorite pros are there. Hyun, Terk, Ehlboy, Jomm, Miccool; they're all part of the inhouse animators. And there's the large amount of rising stars like C3WhiteRose, Resh, FL-Nordin; and some pros even came back from the dead like Supranova (briefly), Sareth-Waldrouk (as a forum mod) and some other.

Oh wow, I thought I'm the only one.
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Man, I love this feeling. I animated a little but never became part of the community because my English was so bad I couldn't stitch a sentence together.
Time to rewatch all the flashes I saved, thanks for reminding me man, I also thought I was the only one, what are the odds of finding another on a board like /wsr/.
Maybe I'll get into animating again, just for fun.
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Heh, I'm a major RHG fag, I can go on for days and days about it. Check out C3's stuff if you can, has that unique game-ish appeal (though he finalizes his style by the third battle). Shuriken255 also has a handful of kickass collabs.

I'm both a member of HD and SP forums, but currently inactive since I'm a scrub undergoing "speshul practice training". But if you ever felt like it, maybe you could hit me up on Skype/Steam. It's getting late so I'll be offline.
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I'll check them out.
>you could hit me up on Skype/Steam
I'm way too shy for that, but thank you so much for the offer, reminiscing about the old stuff that I used to be obsessed about made my day. Thanks!
Good luck with your "training".
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Ah, I see. It was a pre-CAPTCHA thing, that makes sense. Thanks. I still see the term being used around on /qa/ though, what do they mean by self moderation then? Insulting people until they leave? Do they actually leave?
Artist sauce on that image, please! Google turns up nothing
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Use Saucenao.
Other engines are iqdb, tineye,and yandex. Imgops is also nice.
Wow, Saucenao got it instantly. Thanks.
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You know what /wsr/ really needs?

10 second post cooldown time.

Some request require image dumps and it's a pain in the ass to dump 50+ images
That's /i/
That's /po/
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>dump 50+ images

What kind of request requires that many images?
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>post all your smug anime girls pls
Is one I see frequently
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oh.... i was thinking he meant that the requester needed to post 50+ images for his request....i feel dumb now
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>post all your anime grills with question marks pls
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What's going on this thre... awww sheit
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Nice gondola, there's a bit of gay in your picture though.
>No new oc
Lurking, but I don't know what to do. /qa/ says this board needs a new board-tan. What does /wsr/ think about it?
I would make her a maid (not the lewd ones baka desu senpai)
but if /wsr/ prefers green marisa then i guess it's okay.
Does anybody know what the creator of green marisa used to make her since im too lazy to draw?
>/qa/ says this board needs a new board-tan. What does /wsr/ think about it?
Why do we need one?
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>listening to /qa/
People complain that she's just another loli board-tan that looks too much like a green touhou. It's true her birth was forced too early, but I don't dislike the cutie witch design. Maybe a different set of clothes could be enough to "fix" it? Personally I think it's fine at it is.
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Ok it's done
green sakuya with a scarf
Fuck you
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Fuck that, m8.

Wasure is fine as is.
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Someone should draw /wsr/ and [s4s] in maid outfits together.
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bullying an idol.png
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You really can't expect to get an original design using a touhou dressup game
This, not saying there is no room for touchups and improvement
I like Wasuri the way she is, even if she's a green Marisa. I think she could definitely work better if she had more development, so far she has that spoon broom for spoonfeeding and bucket of sauce which is fitting for the board.
Wew lad that's nice, add /asrc/ for the pornfags
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nice, not the same guy but i made a banner for it (i hope whoever made this gif doesnt mind if i use it for a banner)
What is this?
anon made a /wsr/ imageboard and i made a banner for it
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Because why not, banners are nice
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WIlling to bet it's a "why not" thing.
lol i dunno
Anon what did you use to host the website
Add a /b/ just in case
absolutely disgusting
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Posting in Epic Bread
I got this for you
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I also made a bunch of banners for it and i don't want to post them here
Ebin get
Use imgur
green sakuya with a scarf
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Well shit, 5 out of 6 are good! Nice job.
I especially like the first one.
The first one gave me nightmares
nice fonts
needs one with a dancing hachijuki
Make a /b/ but make it worksafe
pls no bully
I like you
>No s4s board
wouldn't it be sws?
You're right
I love how /b/ already has like 6 posts
I love you guys.

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Guys this picture gave me an idea.

I know how we could add to the character design without changing the character design.

How about instead of changing the outside of her clothes, we change the layers underneath?
Also, by the way that pic isn't Wasure, it's just a pic I found in my hardrive when I was organizing files.

I have to say that just in case.
What's the point of changing it if nobody is going to see it?
Adds depth to the character's design, and alternate costume.
so are we gonna change her underwear to match Wasuri's favorite color?
That would be optimal

Do you thin she would wear striped green and white panties or black lingerie ones?
Striped I would say, she's 11 after all, black lingerie would be weird.
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This is a 13 year old mage
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I would say bloomers but then that would make her more like Marisa
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I don't know how Megumin acts since I never watched her show but I still don't think it suits Wasuri. She should be plain with the little bow or have striped panties.
I wanted to say bloomers also, it fits her more than the other options but the Marisa-like aspect makes it hard to really pick that.
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What if we just altered certain parts of the silhouette?
For example, Marisa has a very floppy witch hat, and so does Wasuri, but not all witch hats are big and floppy. Some are tall, straight cones instead. Maybe that could help distinguish her a little more, just aesthetically speaking
Er, visually speaking? I think I used that word right, but I meant to say that a stiffer, straighter hat would be easily distinguished from a floppier hat.

Another idea I had would be to make it into a chef's hat, to go with the spoon idea. A lot of people seem to like the spoon. But I think a chef's hat might be a bit too silly, and anyway I like Wasuri as a witch.
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While people relate Wasuri to Marisa I actually see her as Koishi in Marisa's outfit.
Found a hidden board on anon's /wsr/ imageboard
How did you find this
Left click view - frame source
this board should be replaced with something else, i don't want wasuchan's /b/ to become the same as 4chan and infinitychan's /b/
>blatant rule-breaking thread still up after 3 days
/wsr/ was a mistake
Where's the new wasure oc?
Are all drawfags gone?
Give me a minute, I'm still coloring something
its more a meta thread for discussing /wsr/
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Don't forget about the IRC

#wsr @ rizon
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The Horror.png
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I cannot believe how much fun I had making this... thing.
Needs more dick
I want to make wasuri's face my new steam avatar
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should it be SFW?
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oh fug.png
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NIce, Gondola is unironically my favourite thing ever
Yeah and nsfw boards like /ascr/ should be yellow
how about different default colors/theme?
Green for Yotsuba B
and Brown for Yotsuba?
What do you talk about?
we say hi
Anyone here familiar with MMD?
not many people talk, but I'm thinking of starting up anime rec flowchart discussion there
We need a MMD Wasure model
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That filename, where did you get it from? A booru?
Why is there so much fanart of wsr and s4s together
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you did it!
Because [s4s] made /wsr/ and their board-tan
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I know they made the board-tan, but did {s4s} actually influence the creation of /wsr/? I know that /e/ probably played a little part in this: http://archive.nyafuu.org/e/thread/1852762/#1852779
Anybody knows more? I'm curious.
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Oh so it was /e/?
Requesting bury pink wasure
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this is nice request.png
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>>113711 (dubs)
o sh*t waddup boi
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Friendship trumps all, anon.
>"Can I check it"
>that picture
>/wsr/ literally looks like /i/'s drawing when she sees it
>/i/ willingly letting [s4s] stamp her face
10/10 been laughing for a full minute
Wait. /i/-tan's hair wasn't supposed to be orange like her brother?
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I checked the shimmie and saw that both colors were being used, I opted for the blonde look simply because I like it better. Is /i/-tan "blood-related" with /ic/-tan? I don't know. I'll use orange next time if that's the case.
Glad you liked it!
>Brown for Yotsuba
No, dark green would be better
>Is /i/-tan "blood-related" with /ic/-tan?
I think so. They are siblings, so it's obvious they are both redheads.
I think it's supposed to be vague. Either way, /ic/ is the paternal figure.
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/wsr/ wasure pummeling /c/ with a text box saying "Stop saving samples you stupid whore"
That's not very nice desu ne.
sharing samples on an image board is not very nice desu
/wsr/ is not [s4s]
i'd like a sample of you desu~ :3
Full image?
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did you even try.png
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>tfw i thought this was oc
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You thought it was Wasure? Punching a big orange thing? She's nice, remember?
[s4s] == ironically nice with a bit of actual nice
/wsr/ == unironically nice but with little patience for stupid fucks and people asking for money
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*kneading :3
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Hungry Burger.jpg
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What's Wasuri/e's favorite food? Is it burgers?
Witches like making soup
What kind of soup?
Tomato soup
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>tfw i'm the one who came up with the wasure is not for sexual shit
And you are?
a faggot
same tbhfam
TFW I'm the one who came up with "wasure".

Stop bragging, we're all anon here.
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I guess this is related

>tfw I'm the one who came up with warsuru
Here's my original take on Wasure
Why a carrot?
>carrot on a stick
Generic item used to tempt people into doing a particular task without actually giving any reward
Looks like she was raped and abused, probably because of too many nsfw requests.
>tfw everyone was arguing whats the right way to call her
>tfw i'm the one who went between the arguing parties and came up with the bullshit that that's how the meme works because it's also derived from the japanese word for "forget", as if everyone forgot how it's spelled
>tfw it became an acceptable story and everyone stopped arguing
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>Wasure wiki
>no page about Wasuri herself
Uhh, incorrect.
Nobody stopped arguing, we just finally agreed on calling her whatever the fuck you want, because we all know who we're talking about anyway
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Anon could you add OT boards and maybe a board list at the top like in pic related
Also /sws/ could be replaced, wasuchan's /b/ is old /b/ with more shitposts so let's keep it that way
I fucking love carrots
Anon if you're still here, can we maybe make this into a big thing?
A lot of anons here complain about the drop in quality on 4chan, so maybe Wasuchan is the answer?
You've got the request boards, the Drawfag board, a random board.
So register and make one.

When I found out about it, also from this thread, and noticed the three requests I fulfill the most had no entries, I registered and made the entries (the 3 gimp ones).

Do the same with the Wasuri entry you want.
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Do you really expect me to believe that without providing any proof? I bet you actually hate them.
As someone who was here during her creation, [s4s] had nothing to do with it.
The only thing s4s did in relation to her was be the first one to welcome her to the site, hence why they're commonly depicted together
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>Poster's name is Yuji Sakai
>i have created the best board-tan
[s4s] was behind it all the time
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I made a banner for wasuchan
Notice me admin
I don't think he's been on in a while
Some other anon made 6 banners the other day
Well that sucks
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saved ;)
Admin is that you?
He's on wasurechan, he just changed the banner to the sauce one.
Admin if you read this, that banner's way more fitting for the sauce board
Wasuchan admin i can't post it on the /b/ thread because website thinks its spam:
/a/ - Anime and Manga
/x/ - Paranormal
/inv/ - Indie Videogames
/jpv/ - Japanese Videogames
and finally
/m/ - Mobile
>it's spam
Haha, no, he banned your ass nigga
No, we don't need a parashital board, we don't need a vidya board ESPECIALLY NOT AN INDIE VIDYA BOARD, See previous statement except replace indie with Japanese, and no. Why would we need a board specifically for mobilefags? That's stupid
I don't have any beef with any of your opinions, but did you really have to express your distaste for the idea of a paranormal board with such a thoroughly half-assed portmanteau?
>Why would we need a board specifically for mobilefags?
Because apps
>No, we don't need a parashital board
Just ban the religion/reptilian shitposters
It's retards like you who can't keep the cocks out of your mouth that fuck this board
Not him, but you're in 4chan.

If you want to be babied, fuck off back to tumblr.
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Working on this, but without rudeness.
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Wasuchan is dead
give it a few hours
Thanks tumblr
Spot the weeaboo
You know humans have noses, right?
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Whoops ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Let's all love lain
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Yes, but humans are not 2d anime girls anon.
Wasu is an anime
I always though liru was a original character by seismic
Too bad for you that board-tans are one level above your thai cartoons.
it's suppose to be a real chink nose, not two lines on a face

What are Wasuri's official colors?
>it's suppose to be a real chink nose
the fuck? /wsr/-tan is white european, not an inferior chink
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c-tan and Wasure hanging out.png
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Meh, took me only 5 days.
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wsr related reaction image
>those beautiful lines
>those fucking hands
are you doing to be so good, and yet let that happen
It looks like he spent tons of time perfecting the hands in the first panel and then just gave up
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Hands are fucking hard yoh, also not really fun to draw when they take 20 minutes each because I can't into fingers. I have to work on that, also feet.
Have you accepted Bridgman as your lord and savior?
but the first panel hands are garbage too
I mean, yeah I understand if you're drawing from imagination, but you literally have two when you're drawing in front of you"

Then how do you get the colors and lines to look good?
I was trying Loomis "Drawing the Head and Hands" but I'm still drawing spheres and awfully disproportioned heads. Should I read Bridgeman before Loomis?
>Then how do you get the colors and lines to look good?
I'm not sure I get what you mean. I didn't use any reference because it was taking way too long. I'm really slow, that thing needed 10(TEN) hours or so of work in the span of 5 days. The result/effort ratio was shit so I just said fuck it and rushed it.
He means like how your stuff looks like it's not done in paint with a mouse.
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Because it's done in Photoshop with a tablet.
>page 10
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I know this doesn't belong here but im looking for part 2 of this does anybody have it
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I got you
Thank you, i thought no one had saved it
We need more like this.
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Thread is dying
All good things must come to an end
And come back
The purpose of this board should be help fellow anons to obtain a particular thing so the site can maintain/improve it's quality not push the dildo in your ass deeper so you can moan about your epeen for doing a retard homework/RECing him.
Kill yourself.
Requesting /wsr/ covered in dirt cheering with happiness after finding the source to a hard request
>page 9
Good things must come to an end
requesting an explanation what this thread is about

also information when this board was created
>12/20/15 New trial board added: /wsr/ - Worksafe Requests
Wasure is our board-tan
>i somehow missed both the board and the notification while shitposting daily for a half a year
t-thanks for quoting it for me

thanks now it makes sense
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This thread is about making more art of Wasuri/Wasure the board tan. She was made on the board on the first day, is 11 years old, rides a spoon like a witch broom to spoonfeed others like I am right now and also carries literal sauce sometimes with her.
>11 years old
i always thought she was one of those eternal lolis that never age
Just a smart child. She looks older than [s4s]-tan who's 11 because dubs, so I like to think of her as a 12-13 years old.
Not much has been done about her personality, what's her main characteristic? Patience? A tiny bit of assholeness? I saw some threads devolve into angry shitposting when something /g/ related comes up or the thread deteriorate into /adv/. Other than that people are usually easygoing and helpful. It's almost a bit backward, but I see anons putting way more effort into difficult stuff than simpler ones.
Board-tans should reflect the community, they shouldn't be created as soon as Hiro makes a new board. What's up with this frenzy to create tans so early? I heard /film/ almost made one and it was just two hours old, what the fuck. I think it was an aborted Bane fetus.
/war/equesting Wasuri bumps
/wsr/-tan is the same age as [s4s]-tan, but she is more mature and, as you say, smarter (which contradicts her appearance because sometimes immature and stupid people dress up as a chinese cartoon). She likes to be helpful but she gets angry quickly.
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Is Marisa her onee-chan?
Am i the only one who sees wasure as koishi in marisa's outfit
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I do too! >>112933
It's people like you who don't contribute anything to this thread that degrade the quality of this entire site.
Kill yourself.
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...and thread successfully derailed
Question, would /jp/-tan like Wasure or not? I wanted to draw a quick something with the two together, but I don't know how /jp/-tan would react. Happy because Wasure's a green Marisa, or irritated because she's just a cheap imitation? I really don't know much about /jp/'s culture.
/jp/sie here. It's a bunch of communities that rarely interact with each other except maybe to look for cute pics in each others' threads (the idol fans don't care about Touhou, the Touhou fans don't care about trains, etc.). /jp/ never had much input in the generation of their -tan in the first place.

I'm of the opinion that /jp/-tan should be a set of identical triplet hikkis who rarely leave the house at the same time, with the result that the other -tans mistake them for a single person. Draw one of them thinking Wasure is cute, one hating her, and one apathetic. And Wasure getting confused as a result.
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This /jp/sie speaks the truth.
Truly the worst thing the japs could have made.
Yiff in hell and gtfo of my /jp/.

But I hit Touhou, idol and train threads. And mahjong.
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Sorry mate but I am not furfag, 10% MG master race here. Chrome is Best Girl.
>not a furfag
says the furfag
/jp/ never had much of a sense of identity, being basically a dumping ground for threads deemed too weird for other boards. I think monster girls went through four different boards, for instance, one of them was /jp/, and no one at /jp/ could understand why it was moved there.
Touhou is the closest thing it has to a core, but there are Touhou threads on /v/ and even sometimes on /tg/, so it's not really something the board can call its own. Sometimes the mods move entire Touhou threads from /v/ to /jp/, which means massive chunks of /v/ memes can appear from nowhere in an otherwise slow-moving board. And most of /jp/'s own Touhou threads are just imagedumps where not much is said other than "I want to <verb> <character in OP>".

The different communities rarely bother each other, though. Touhou fans will sometimes try to bait KanColle fans or vice versa, but it's not taken very seriously by either side (because as said above, both sides are mostly just there for pictures of cute/hot girls, and don't care where they're from).

Yeah, but most of /jp/'s topics have nothing to do with each other. No one ever brings up mahjong in Touhou threads or vice versa. [spoiler]Unless they're talking about that one mahjong fangame that ZUN composed a Rinnosuke theme for.[/spoiler]
Monmusu should go in /d/.

Though I guess not even /d/ would want furfaggots. So /aco/, I suppose.
Do you have any idea of how filters work?
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Is there any art of Wasure with /qst/ian?
But Touhou has monstergirls in it, and monstergirls are otaku culture.
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wasuri is cute! CUTE!
There ARE monmusu threads on /d/.
Alright, thank you for explaining. Because of my sporadic visits to /jp/ I thought Touhou was one of the main topics of the board. I just tried hiding in the catalog every thread even remotely related to Touhou and the count is 56. More than one third of the board!
My main concern was to find a subject pertaining to both tans, in this case Touhou, to set up a short dialog or something. I don't really understand /jp/, perhaps I'm trying to bite off more than I can chew. The triplet hikkis idea is interesting, but I don't really want to introduce new concepts when I don't even comprehend the board I want to depict. I'll lurk more and come back to it later.
Boards-tans are serious business.

Nope, /qst/ made a tan? Was it approved by the board or was it forced?

A board-tan:
>/qst/ made a tan? Was it approved by the board or was it forced?

They had a thread up a little while ago.
>Sometimes appears to regret her job
It's a shame there's been no update for /r/
The nyafuu archive offers a zip download every image in a thread now
Thread posts: 298
Thread images: 109

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