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New Car Thread Post anything car related Previous Thread

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Thread replies: 327
Thread images: 126

File: Supravs911.webm (4MB, 480x264px) Image search: [Google]
4MB, 480x264px
New Car Thread

Post anything car related

Previous Thread >>838897
File: JetCar.webm (2MB, 320x240px) Image search: [Google]
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File: nvidia makes a car.webm (3MB, 1280x720px) Image search: [Google]
nvidia makes a car.webm
3MB, 1280x720px
This was taken back in 2008 at a Pinks All Out event at Montgomery Motorsports Park.

The sound of the afterburners firing was bad enough when the dragster was pulling up to the starting line; it stung my ears hearing it launch.

I didn't have any ear protection.
File: EngineBlow.webm (464KB, 320x240px) Image search: [Google]
464KB, 320x240px
what happened?
Portable drug lab exploded, probably.
Can't tell what it was from the webm.
LPG installation leakage. Popular in Eastern Europe for economic reasons and in some Western countries for ecological reasons.
If you don't know what you are talking about then don't post shit.
File: RDlug.gif (2MB, 359x253px)
2MB, 359x253px
File: Runflat tires are nothing new.webm (1MB, 480x360px) Image search: [Google]
Runflat tires are nothing new.webm
1MB, 480x360px
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Based GSA.webm
2MB, 720x480px
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4MB, 1280x720px
I liked the version where this was playing in reverse better.
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File: PushToD.webm (2MB, 320x180px) Image search: [Google]
2MB, 320x180px
File: ULTIMATE FG F1.webm (3MB, 1280x720px) Image search: [Google]
3MB, 1280x720px
File: ovaltrack testing.webm (4MB, 480x360px) Image search: [Google]
ovaltrack testing.webm
4MB, 480x360px
Anyone have some good footwork webumz
>those heel-toe shifts
Muh dick
File: 4Runner.webm (1MB, 854x480px) Image search: [Google]
1MB, 854x480px
Cars go fast
kissena park in queens, NY
File: Evolution of the Porsche 911.webm (2MB, 1036x280px) Image search: [Google]
Evolution of the Porsche 911.webm
2MB, 1036x280px
does anyone know how to edit out the annotations in this? i know how to for a gif, but this is to nice of an animation to gif.
here's the whole thing
how the fuck can he shift and let off the clutch so quickly?
if I let up the clutch in my foxbody for any amount of time shorter than a second the engine gets lugged and has a fucking heart attack

at redline? because he's shifting at redline
Wangan or Initial D??
With the downshift he puts in the clutch, makes his rpm of his motor equal to his gearbox of that gear by giving gas then when it is equal let go of the clutch.
Also that car is setup with high performance "sticky" clutches and LSD.
>If you don't know what you are talking about then don't post shit.
You a newfag?
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ryosuke vs emprahs japanese.webm
4MB, 480x320px
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ryosuke vs emprahs tokyopop.webm
4MB, 480x270px
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ryosuke vs emprahs funimation.webm
3MB, 480x270px
File: Airborne Semi Truck.webm (2MB, 1280x720px) Image search: [Google]
Airborne Semi Truck.webm
2MB, 1280x720px
File: Distracting accident.webm (2MB, 1280x720px) Image search: [Google]
Distracting accident.webm
2MB, 1280x720px
This is why you DON'T FUCKING RUBBERNECK! Fucking faggot I hope the cops shot him.
>cant see the time and speed
whats the fucking point?
~5secs @ 277mph
he exceeded 3.5

I bet the ABS system is having a fucking heart attack

File: Sidepress.webm (4MB, 480x270px) Image search: [Google]
4MB, 480x270px
This is rubbish. And it's rubbish in the YLYL thread.
kek at filename
He looks dead , but this makes me feels better.
File: Omega.webm (2MB, 540x360px) Image search: [Google]
2MB, 540x360px
Fucking sucks that most of my webms have a black thumbnail...
File: Initial D.webm (2MB, 630x276px) Image search: [Google]
Initial D.webm
2MB, 630x276px
I can do it in my shitbox hatchback.
File: Easy does it.webm (2MB, 640x360px) Image search: [Google]
Easy does it.webm
2MB, 640x360px
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4MB, 480x270px
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3MB, 480x270px
File: American vs Russian Driver.webm (3MB, 640x360px) Image search: [Google]
American vs Russian Driver.webm
3MB, 640x360px
File: Russian Initial D.webm (3MB, 640x360px) Image search: [Google]
Russian Initial D.webm
3MB, 640x360px

Can't into webms but I know how much you Yanks love to hear Bongs swearing.
File: C121.webm (3MB, 480x320px) Image search: [Google]
3MB, 480x320px
Oh, ffmpeg decided to use Funimation dub while the original is the default audio when you open it on VLC Player.
Many cars come with switches that turn their traction systems off.
Sauce on song?
Is that Nakazato and Ryosuke? If so why does Ryosuke look so young when he's pretty much supposed to be the oldest out of them (excluding the few middle aged racers)
File: Colin fucking Mcrae.webm (4MB, 314x240px) Image search: [Google]
Colin fucking Mcrae.webm
4MB, 314x240px
It is so sad when people replace car sounds with shitty music.
File: 2soundweb.webm (3MB, 1280x720px) Image search: [Google]
3MB, 1280x720px
shat my pants a bit ťbh
File: output.webm (2MB, 640x480px) Image search: [Google]
2MB, 640x480px
Fresh OC from /o/
File: gta1isbetteronpc.webm (2MB, 640x360px) Image search: [Google]
2MB, 640x360px
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872KB, 640x360px
File: crash.webm (307KB, 608x360px) Image search: [Google]
307KB, 608x360px
no shit. wtf was he thinking ?
This car-ninja shit is ridiculous.
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212KB, 640x360px
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File: 2wheelin.webm (1002KB, 640x360px) Image search: [Google]
1002KB, 640x360px
photoshop frame by frame

easy to do with at least the new CC/CS6
here you go buddy
the fuck happened
File: clench.webm (783KB, 640x360px) Image search: [Google]
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File: ghostriding.webm (702KB, 640x360px) Image search: [Google]
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By the looks of it she's still on fire when she gets out and away from the car. So ethanol or another racing type fuel?
I remember watching this on Youtube a few months ago.
File: Rockstar.webm (4MB, 480x270px) Image search: [Google]
4MB, 480x270px
So, you prefer this instead of eurobeat?
File: MonsterSupra05.webm (2MB, 480x270px) Image search: [Google]
2MB, 480x270px
File: MonsterSupra06.webm (2MB, 480x270px) Image search: [Google]
2MB, 480x270px
This is so full of autism, I can't even
File: ALFA GTV.webm (4MB, 624x352px) Image search: [Google]
4MB, 624x352px
File: fail.webm (3MB, 640x480px) Image search: [Google]
3MB, 640x480px
Noice, I was coming into a roundabout in the 6 o clock like you.
going counter-clockwise to the 9 o clock exit. Initiated a slide by 3, and terminated it at 11,
but I had over corrected, had my FL wheel off the ground. The over correction slammed it to the ground sending me nearly 20 degrees right of the roundabout's exit. Nearly went into a reservoir that night. I had bled enough speed to re correct myself before plowing off road.

This is why you shouldn't drift a truck without sway bars.
This is why I love Twingo people, they're so adorably fun to watch.
Thank you anon
File: 03012016.webm (513KB, 240x135px) Image search: [Google]
513KB, 240x135px
she was listening to my mixtape
That's worse than Tokyopop.
File: oversteer.gif (3MB, 320x240px) Image search: [Google]
3MB, 320x240px
File: R33vsS30.webm (4MB, 480x270px) Image search: [Google]
4MB, 480x270px
He will end up like treequinox :^)
Probably thinking "I have enough room to pass this faggot in front of me WHOA WHERE DID THIS COCKSUCKER COME FROM WHAT A DICK I HOPE HE DIES."
File: likeaglove.webm (775KB, 640x360px) Image search: [Google]
775KB, 640x360px
that's what i thought, i don't care to do it
Sounds like he was getting a blowjob.
File: 1453182825954.webm (3MB, 480x270px) Image search: [Google]
3MB, 480x270px
My only guess is a blowout.
wstydu nie masz, jak cię zobaczę na mieście to w łeb dostaniesz, żebym cię więcej na Zieleniewie nie widział
File: Civic.webm (4MB, 720x480px) Image search: [Google]
4MB, 720x480px
File: NearCollision.webm (3MB, 720x480px) Image search: [Google]
3MB, 720x480px

Can we get more like this one? I fucking love eurobeat combined with people getting into accidents.

sauce on the song?
File: 1450409562949.webm (4MB, 640x480px) Image search: [Google]
4MB, 640x480px
Anyone have sauce on this?

Nevermind i got it


its good stuff
That was actually in Canada
Funimation is fine, but that slow down isn't
Damn, when you instantly recognise two of the locations
Ryosuke's a med student so he's canonically early 20's at most
med student can mean pretty much anything between 18-29
He's only a year or 2 older than Keisuke, who himself is in his early 20s
Ryousuke: 23, 24(in Project D)
Keisuke: 21, 22 (in Project D)
Nakazato: 22, 23(in Project D)
Takumi: 18, 19(in Project D)

Ryousuke does mention in Third Stage (if I remember) next year he'll turn 25 and that's the age he's reached the peak of his driving ability.
File: Australia.webm (1MB, 1024x720px) Image search: [Google]
1MB, 1024x720px
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484KB, 438x308px
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322KB, 1212x205px
those are by far the most impressive touge racers ive seen
nice save
oh god why
File: WRCCompilation01.webm (4MB, 480x360px) Image search: [Google]
4MB, 480x360px
File: WRCCompilation02.webm (4MB, 480x360px) Image search: [Google]
4MB, 480x360px
Watching this shit gets me excited.


Song is called O Claire by M.S.D. , also known as Clubbed To Death by Rob Dougan (it's in The Matrix soundtrack).
File: 1446779306839.webm (4MB, 640x360px) Image search: [Google]
4MB, 640x360px
Seriously, what the fucking fuck?
Old Chinese man driving a car. Nobody died or got seriously hurt btw.
he corrected to late and almost snap oversteered
Don't act like you know what happened here, because it was lift-off oversteer.
File: round1.webm (2MB, 1024x576px) Image search: [Google]
2MB, 1024x576px
File: GAAS GAAAAS GAAAAAAAS.webm (3MB, 700x394px) Image search: [Google]
3MB, 700x394px
File: DO YOU LIKE MY CAAAAA.webm (3MB, 700x394px) Image search: [Google]
3MB, 700x394px
game is grid 2 btw
Dagumi no, there's not enough clearance
not american

And Canada isn't in America?
You really should put some initial d over this stuff, that driving is pretty cool, game looks great too
Don't be a smartass, American refers to the US
I heard GRID 2 was supposed to be bad compared to the first one but those webms are telling me otherwise.
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4MB, 476x268px

I know, I just like being a smartass.
Most people bitch that it isn't as realistic as the first one. It's still a really fun arcade racer.
File: Semi_Highway_Entrance.webm (4MB, 1280x720px) Image search: [Google]
4MB, 1280x720px
File: Highway_Cutoff.webm (3MB, 1280x720px) Image search: [Google]
3MB, 1280x720px
how can you fail this much honestly
The nigga went through a red
this looks like a USMC base on Okinawa
Fuck I love that show
this definitely looks like okinawa
well... that was unexpected
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2MB, 640x360px
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4MB, 640x480px
File: civic_utilization.webm (4MB, 640x480px) Image search: [Google]
4MB, 640x480px
File: Oshaaaa.webm (4MB, 640x480px) Image search: [Google]
4MB, 640x480px
File: eg6_vs_rx8_review.webm (3MB, 640x480px) Image search: [Google]
3MB, 640x480px
File: Night of Fire Intensifies.webm (3MB, 960x540px) Image search: [Google]
Night of Fire Intensifies.webm
3MB, 960x540px
>made an Initial D level on GTAO
>guy I was playing with made a webm out of it
>shit was cash while blasting Eurobeat
Frame damage.

Anyone know the sauce of that song?
well this just made my day
that's a horribly designed road
File: public transportfags.webm (2MB, 480x360px) Image search: [Google]
public transportfags.webm
2MB, 480x360px
I apologize for my autism while singing along the song.

I don't blame you, it's a good song.
no need to apologize for a patrician taste in music
was that GS400guy that crashed ?
That music.

>road is made of ice
>can't see where the road ends and the trees begin

The only thing crazier than rally drivers are the rally fans who, for some reason, decide the best view of the race is from on the track itself.
Co drivers tell them what's ahead. They just have to trust that the pacenotes are correct.

Now you want to talk crazy rally drivers, then you want Colin Mcrae.



this is probably like 40 mins away from my house
What chinese cartoon is this?
This is why I don't have any of that Eurobeat on my playlist. I would end up in a wall somewhere no problem.
Is that a MK1 Golf?
No he didn't retard, that's a u turn lane. Nigga was a retard since he didn't yield.
Yeah, I actually know the owner of it.
Its a 1.8 Turbo with 450-750hp depending on the setup.
We have some guys here in the town i live in germany who are racing MK1 & 2 Golfs with 1000-1230hp.

Here is their channel

What program is this from and can I download it anywhere subtitled?
File: scandinavian flick.webm (726KB, 960x720px) Image search: [Google]
scandinavian flick.webm
726KB, 960x720px
File: evo iii vs fc3s.webm (2MB, 640x480px) Image search: [Google]
evo iii vs fc3s.webm
2MB, 640x480px

song name
File: So murrican it hurts.webm (4MB, 640x480px) Image search: [Google]
So murrican it hurts.webm
4MB, 640x480px
File: Toyota Corolla.webm (2MB, 640x360px) Image search: [Google]
Toyota Corolla.webm
2MB, 640x360px
File: Mega Drive - Crimewave.webm (4MB, 640x360px) Image search: [Google]
Mega Drive - Crimewave.webm
4MB, 640x360px
File: Reptl Wins - Solaris.webm (4MB, 640x360px) Image search: [Google]
Reptl Wins - Solaris.webm
4MB, 640x360px
File: Huuuuuuuuu.webm (2MB, 640x360px) Image search: [Google]
2MB, 640x360px
File: Ford a shit.webm (3MB, 1280x720px) Image search: [Google]
Ford a shit.webm
3MB, 1280x720px
File: RCR - Chevette.webm (2MB, 640x360px) Image search: [Google]
RCR - Chevette.webm
2MB, 640x360px

Should I get a toyota corolla as my first car?

can I multilane drift with it?
>teamPwnicorn dot com
>why is my old american car bad
File: Go Go Goodyear.webm (3MB, 640x480px) Image search: [Google]
Go Go Goodyear.webm
3MB, 640x480px
>Wow, what a crummy driver, drifting across lanes like that
>Watch again
>He indicates before switching lanes

>Quoting the price less tax
Should be illegal

Dumbass didn't shoulder check or maybe it was intended to crash him, y'know insurance scam.
File: Tufsyn Rubber.webm (3MB, 480x360px) Image search: [Google]
Tufsyn Rubber.webm
3MB, 480x360px
Patrolling the Mojave.
you'r retarded

no you need a rwd to drift

the best with a fwd is powersliding and scandinavian flick
can you do track day and time attack?
Scandinavian flick for anons curious
That's not abs' job that's traction/stability control's job.
It's disabled otherwise lolnodyno run
Sounds like a tire blow out left rear based on how the car reacted and moved after the bang sound.
Guaranteed woman or old person.
>All that over-correcting

If only. Fuck that faggot
Song pls
This, just bonkers
Can't believe Fernando walked away with that with minimal injuries. I think g's peaked at 46g. That's insane for the human body.
File: Mustang.webm (1MB, 640x360px) Image search: [Google]
1MB, 640x360px
Go ask the daily bike thread on/o/ about that one bike that didn't yield. Shit posting and butt hurt lulz ensue.
Also interested in this
Fucking retard
File: KVID0811.webm (2MB, 1280x720px) Image search: [Google]
2MB, 1280x720px
i made this to post on /toy/
this is the only thread that seems appropriate to post it in
Jesus fucking Christ, check the fucking replies and the post right below it before you act like a dumbass.

I've posted the name of the god damn song on the next fucking post.

You better be fucking trolling.
Nah, Highly doubt she would have any sort of racing fuel in her can and he clothes would be able to see her melting off if she still was. She was just in shock or still felt the pain from the fire
He didn't end up dying, There's a news report about him somewhere
Initial D
Wow, neat stuff anon.
I noticed it right after I posted, I wasn't paying attention. I blame it on the drugs (legal) that are fucking up my memory and concentration.
Oxycodone is helluva drug.

Had some after my surgery last year.
That and I'm on morphine and nuerontin.
Yeah, I do some really brain dead shit and it pisses me off.
Oh, and flexeril among other things.
Here's what they put in

So yeah, sorry about the mental retardation lol.
Anyone have sauce on this?
>you need a rwd to drift

casual detected
Found it.

not like in his japanese cartoons with magical cars

>implying he can afford a awd when considering a corolla xDDDDD

kill yourself
File: muh gas.webm (2MB, 640x360px) Image search: [Google]
muh gas.webm
2MB, 640x360px
OC, rate.
I added the music over it you stupid cuckold.

Having driven in japan in a regular nissan rental, japanese roads are never this empty where you can do 300kph. There's always traffic somewhere.

Ok dumb question but how does it get going so fast? Turbines needs a short spool up time to get to full power. Or is it already at full throttle before it takes off?

She was using lots of hairspray in a closed car and lit a smoke seconds after.
How do you add songs to a webm?
You can't fucking serious Jim.
Anyone else think Stage 5 and Final Stage were boring as fuck?
>literally posted 3 days ago in other threads, with better audio too
You're thinking >>1025234, get your shit right faggot.
nah, it made use of stereo audio.
Did you listen to the anchor?
yeah man, you new around here?
I feel better about humanity when I see this, then I remember the bullshit that's happening in the east.
Those commercials were the shit

though 300kph wangan runs were real back then and today I guess more rarely but still
if you countersteer a slide then brake you'll just end the slide and end up steering the wrong way.
Well, you're seeing flames so it's burning wet. There's probably a weak turbine that doesn't really do much until it start dumping fuel into it.
This happened about 5 miles from my apartment. That guy is a fucking idiot.
both of them were supposed to yield
I honestly thought it was a train commercial at first. As in "don't bother with driving in the snow, travel in comfort on the NH express"
gets off to help the truck driver
Updated with Eurobeat:
File: Forza4.webm (4MB, 480x270px) Image search: [Google]
4MB, 480x270px
File: WEEABO.webm (3MB, 852x480px) Image search: [Google]
3MB, 852x480px

I can give you Weeabo.
> dub
What he said and what you said didn't really contradict. Snap oversteer is usually caused by not correcting lift-off oversteer properly.
> drifting when you're not in the lead
kinda dumb desu
best motoring
probably the best car show ever
holy shit
i dont understand why they dont have giant wings though, looks like that car wants to come off the ground
Regardless, I was attempting lift-off oversteer for the first time.
My problem wasn't that they were boring, but that the vehicular animation was just utter shit compared to that of 4th Stage and Extra Stage 2.You go from a studio trying to replicate authentic car movements to one that uses teleporting instead.
File: wink.webm (2MB, 640x480px) Image search: [Google]
2MB, 640x480px
File: baltimore.webm (3MB, 480x360px) Image search: [Google]
3MB, 480x360px
Their suspension is set up to do that slightly in the beginning. The reason is for weight transfer to the rear wheels for more traction. The rear wing doesn't provide downforce yet. You do want the car to settle down though because yes, air could and has gotten under cars and flipped them. I'm going to assume that the heavy weight of the engine helps to keep the front end down.
If you watch top fuel dragsters you'll notice that they have large front wings for that very purpose. Their engines are behind the driver. >>1037285
What? It's too dark to tell what's happening other than blinking lights.
>It's too dark to tell what's happening other than blinking lights.
It's literally nothing other than that.
If you don't know what you are talking about then don't post shit.
a GT 40 passed me today on the highway, had an orgasm
proof that chinks cant fucking drive
File: celica.webm (2MB, 640x360px) Image search: [Google]
2MB, 640x360px
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airitou1t .webm
2MB, 520x292px
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airitou2t .webm
3MB, 520x292px
lol nice. Rally drivers don't give a fuck
This show is great.
I love high strung na strait sixes.
>saw filename
>started webm
>thought it was a joke because those are all V6's
>watch the whole thing
>realize i'm a fucking retard and thought the JZ and RB engines were V's for no reason
My whole life is a lie, also
>Jap QT tuner who machines her own intake manifolds
I'd propose on the spot.
are those foglights stickers? They look like stickers
i think you mean amd friendo nice try though

>Reminded I've passed jup changing out my car rims for fucking 6+ years now

>Found out one of my rims had 4 dents in it
>If I decide to, it's gonna cost me in excess of 800USD for tires & Alloys


>Iron Chef narrator
>Suddenly urge to eat intensifies

Goddamnit, you IRN QUISEEM bastard.
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3MB, 640x360px
File: f1 onboard.webm (1MB, 600x288px) Image search: [Google]
f1 onboard.webm
1MB, 600x288px
Nice. Was that a 2015 supercut?
File: f1 slide.webm (2MB, 1280x720px) Image search: [Google]
f1 slide.webm
2MB, 1280x720px
Am I right in thinking that loader weighs 8 tons?
I didn't know they used cherry bombs as mines, who knew it.
if not more.
rip in peace
I'm surprised he even stayed alive initially. I know his family had to pull the plug which is really tough.
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best girl
How to be a rally driver
>Hope your co-driver isn't a retard
>Hope the pace notes are correct
>Hope your car doesn't fall apart mid-race
>Have a lot of faith in your roll cage
>Kick the clutch like it owes you money
>Be kinda good at driving
>Kick the clutch like it owes you money
why would they? seems like a waste of time
wtf is this shit.
that's not how a v12 crankshaft looks like
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Wrc 1998 intro (with audio).webm
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yeah i know.
lego technic pieces only allow for pairs of cylinders to rotated in increments of 90 degrees.
setup in pic related doesn't handle high rpm.
Can you run it until it falls apart? How high can you rev it?
>>Can you run it until it falls apart?
No, to expensive. The pieces break, not just disconnect.
The 1st post was an electric drill at 800rpm, but it can go to 1200.
The alternative crank setup fails around 300rpm, it's a loosley held together 2 piece crank. I used to have 24 cylinder/piston combos, but I destroyed half of them before 4chan was born.

Flatplane pleb

Based Keiichi and a hot tuning-girl talking about a bunch of i6 engines?

I can live with this.


My nigga
It's a great game still, however Autosport and the first Grid are more realistic. The drifting in Grid 2 was probably the worst aspect, it was just throwing your car around a corner as fast as you could and it the game countersteers for you, rather than the precise control and throttle management required in the others.
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Got any more clips? Interesting to see.
>dorito power when
E36 actually
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the engine is rather uninteresting compared to the transmission.
i could only get 2-3-4 before it fell off the stand. but its a 5 speed with reverse.
i'm going to mount and clean it eventually, then i can post a webm with a gears at high rpm.

search for lego technic 8070 to see better examples or lego technic gt3 to see the new 6 speed pdk porsche, with paddle shifters

That is fucking rad, dude

More transmissions!
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