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Deep/Thought provoking webms

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 323
Thread images: 59

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What do you desire.webm
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culture and computers.webm
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>just do what you want bro
Wow really made me think
It's light on the thought-provoking speech, but I rather like the message it sends about working smarter not harder.
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planet is small in universe

u are even smaller

universe is biggerer than you even thought lol

Why do people get off over this webm?
Sometimes we forget.

I fucking hope climate change kills us all in the next 10 years so that these fuckholes don't share my god damn air anymore.
That's deep
The world would be better of without anglos and their bullshit
And that's why I'm carrying a vial of nitric acid and a small can of gasoline.
Women's suffrage was a mistake
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sarif irl.webm
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Anyone got that webm/link where this guy sings philosophy opposing Descartes?

I think background is black with some white letters or pictures
wait till your and adult, then you'll understand
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It's actually only when you're an adult that you will understand that just doing what you want doesn't work. "What if money were no object?" Well it is, dumbass, you need to pay rent and buy food. Also he says as long as you do what you want you will eventually be a master at it, no that is not guaranteed. Many people fail tremendously at their passion. What a fucking stupid dumbass Alan Watts was, a charlatan that made money saying feel good hippie dippie wooey shit.
god I fucking hate liberals
>post this
>do not look at the ceiling
>waiting for jump scare
>hear knock against my wall shared by neighbor

Fuck you.
i looked at the ceiling
holy fuck my heart rate
was actually going to type this, follow your dreams is the worse advice you can give anyone starting out. you have a limited amount of time in life, even more limited is an amount of time in which you will be healthy and able to work, you have to use it wisely.
>I'm not wasting my life, I'm utilizing it properly!
this is so gooooood, I ignore who the narrator is but I love him
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Womens suffrage was the biggest mistake the West ever made, and it will be what kills society. Barbarism puts women violently in their place, and the cycle stars again.
Actually when youre an adult thats when you'll understand that its a retarded webm.
Ludovico Einaudi - Divenire

always hits the feels
This is even more fucking retarded than the Watts webm however
Yes you have a limited amount of time in this life but there is no objective how you have to spend it which is what he means by do what you want. Obviously you have to work to earn money that's part of the game.
music sauce?
that was good
This was actually very nice.
Motherfucker, I was just interested in this, then a loud knock comes directly from the direction of my walk in closet which is closed. God damn

its time for Japan to nuke the US twice

>what are these pussies talk abo

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chef boyardee.webm
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>still haven't looked at the ceiling
God help me.
Dude, it got me BAD.

>"Many people fail tremendously at their passion"

Yeah but guess who didn't, the guy you just admitted to being succesful and called a fucking stupid dumbass in the same sentence.
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Domestication of Humans.webm
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ok the gay guys coming onto the the westboro guy was pretty funny.

the rest was shit
>cuteness became a selective advantage
>the cuter you were the better chance you had at living and having offspring
>This friendship deepened over time
Dafuq you say Tyson? Friendship? We kill dogs every day and subject others to torture because we played Eugenics!
Do whatever makes the most money and helps the most people. Don't follow your dreams if they are stupid.
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one atom of justice.webm
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Oh wow I remember this add, brings me way back. Thanks anon for that brief paroxysm of nostalgia.
found this incredibly relaxing
good material, can't say I like the portrayal

but Susan Death is my waifu

vice versa meatbag
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Water Drop.webm
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Conway SuperGame.webm
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>suddenly someone knocks
OK, now I'm spooped.
>consider self liberal
>consider people in the video retarded

What's the verdict /wsg/. Am I a broken libcuck?
thats pretty cool
>Conway SuperGame
cool way to show it's Turing complete. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Conway%27s_Game_of_Life
See also www.researchgate.net/publication/230611897_Antibubbles_liquid_onions_and_bouncing_droplets
I read "Deepthroat provoking webms"

>I made it, so therefore everyone else can make it!

I dread to think of all the losers who moved to California and are trying to "make it" as an actor or something similar after listening to Watts.
Source plz.
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marriage in principle.webm
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bumping so a certain special ed anon can see the thread
Is it you?
I half expected him to start doing cartwheels as he was jumping through those logical hoops.
>Alan Watts made it

lol have you ever actually read about the guys life?
Prove him wrong

one of the best youtube channels ever created
Nah, you're just not a far left nut bag. You're probably closer to center. Doesn't matter if you're left or right as long as you aren't too far to either side.
was wondering if I would see this
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extentions of man.webm
4MB, 240x180px
terrence mckenna

Aristotle of the modern age.
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really makes you think.webm
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suffering upon friends.webm
3MB, 480x360px
Fuck you nigger.
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Tears for Hitler.webm
3MB, 480x270px
Thanks, he talks nice and distinguished, but I can't yet determine if it is pseudo science or if it's legit.
Nietzsche is my husbando, desu.

Trying to enjoy the works of existentialists as a philosophical quietist is true suffering.
good lord, lol.

The US truely is doomed with the amount of people like that living there.
>we think you are handsome
>don't go to hell guys
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This webm confused many last time it was posted.
but it heard paa, which is basicly the same as baa
This is just that field in psychology that is borderline complete bullshit, with overstretched conclusions and with almost zero application on our day-to-day lives.
File: The Meat Planet.webm (4MB, 480x360px) Image search: [Google]
The Meat Planet.webm
4MB, 480x360px
where can i find this video?
So if I first heard pa, then pa again and then just aah aah, am I supernatural or what?
This really doesnt work for non-native speakers.

I heard ah, dah and pah regardless of my eyes being shut or not.
Japan can nuke NYC and California.
Tijuana Jackson
Eyes open:
Eyes colsed:
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it helps detect hearing development issues in infants, also educational:
effect varies depending on several factors, check the wiki for examples
webm related is a purely auditory effect, see http://music.stackexchange.com/questions/4708/how-does-the-risset-rhythm-work#4710
they need feminism cause they don't want to get laid
Somebody knocked as I was watching this. Fuck. I don't wanna look at the ceiling. I'm afraid. fuck you wsg I'm really fucking afraid. I think there's something in the corner of my eye, in the cracks in the door, fuck
Guys the knock is part of the webm you fucking idiot holy shit
I'm going to go out on a limb here and guess that this man's intellect lead to a campaign loss?
I managed to watch 23 seconds of that before I started to feel physical revulsion. I can't hardly believe that we live in a society that actually has organized faggotry and such supporters as these. Its kind of like we live in Soddom and Gommorah.
look at this faggot
My nigga Obeezy like "... this nigga's on to something here"
The situational need of marriage has changed with time. Besides, the issue is not only of procreation, but denying rights and benefits to a percentage of the population. Couple insurance benefits come to mind.
Also, the guy contradicted a fair bit of his points at the very beginning.
it certainly is thought provoking
Anyone that doesnt see that this """"""society"""""is collapsing in our lifetimes is hilariously delusional.
Hi faggot
I love the third and the forth but all the rest are garbage.
These aren't even liberals, they're just mentally challenged people
heard ba the entire time except with mouth closed it looked like ah
Is this irony?


are we actually robots in a simulation?

...stay tuned to find out, folks
I'd have to agree with you, I heard bah for all three times
I heard bah from the first time
you suck
holy sh- that's deep
prove him wrong
>I only heard and saw aaa aaa aaa the entire time

You don't need to prove him wrong. He's arguing a point that doesn't matter. It's a red herring.

You can talk about the possibility of children all you want. Spousal benefits go beyond the obligations of child-rearing. It is therefore irrelevant as the sole barometer of the legitimacy of marriage.
I always found the "vastness of the universe" cheesy stuff ridiculous. It's true that the earth is insignificant when compared to the universe, but we have no means currently to explore any of it, and probably will not within my lifetime so it's irrelevant. Fact remains that happiness, sadness, pleasure and pain are here on earth and thus my efforts should remain here as well.
B-but he's only saying "aaah" the whole time. His lips don't say jackshit, he's just opening his mouth like a fish.
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3MB, 640x384px
Not everyoine has the exact same perception. Also depends on how well the voice actor enunciates. Try webm related, and lookup other examples.
Many reasons for different responses, a selection from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/McGurk_effect
> Dyslexic individuals exhibit a smaller McGurk effect than normal readers of the same chronological age, ...
> Children with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) showed a significantly reduced McGurk effect than children without.[17] However, if the stimulus was nonhuman (for example bouncing a tennis ball to the sound of a bouncing beach ball) then they scored similarly to children without ASD.
> Language-learning disabilities
> Schizophrenia
> Aphasia
> Females show a stronger McGurk effect than males.
> People of all languages rely to some extent on visual information in speech perception, but the intensity of the McGurk effect can change between languages. Dutch,[36] English, Spanish, German and Italian language listeners experience a robust McGurk effect, while it is weaker for Japanese and Chinese listeners.
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McGurk Effect t1.webm
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better example
Pretty much.
nigga was overrated, back to /pol/
You sound like you would pay well over $1000 dollars just to touch a boob
when your old enough, you will really understand what he means,
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3MB, 320x180px
>pedophiles and psychic vampires
this is best science
Hes right, but doing a poor job explaining what they are
Holy fucking shit my sides are non-existent.
is this ylyl?
>future prediction powers and current prediction powers
The best ending to anything I've ever seen.
i heard bababa
Loving the Deus Ex Music
what's the difference?
so he's right then
Seems to me that when you are old enough, you will face the fact that you had given up so many opportunities. In a sense, a degree of regret is almos unavoidable (just like that onism webm). What you will be forced to do is to try and rationalize that it was worthwile. I'd guess that belonging, or success, are the easiest ways to do so.

It seems pretty obvious to me that so many times our dreams and objective are not truly ours. They are created from our context, from our defeats but even more so from our conquests; we easily become hostage to pride and success. Or even ideology. Point being that following your dreams blindly is the worst advice possible.

The more secure way then would be to help others, with that in mind.
Alain de Botton - he did a good BBC mini-series
It's Such a Beautiful Day is HANDS DOWN my favorite movie.
guy is a rip off of a few other better channels.
Reminder that he's saying this is what the "elites" believe, not what he belives.
do you all need a youtube narrator man to provoke any existential thoughts at all?
ecks dee
Believing in economic statism, and social freedom has nothing to do with all this gay shit.
Don't fall for /pol memes retard.

Could I possibly get sauce on the music?


Oh wonder - Body gold.
Koyaanisqatsi was such a pretentius shit, but damn, it was pure kino.

I was so amazed when I saw Watchmen and Snyder did a fucking reference to this movie.

Zack Snyder it's such an underrated director but a very bad screenwriter.
Nietzsche was a piece of shit.

Philosophers are just a bunch of wankers
wait how did the tiny bubble rebound on the first droplet manage to travel *through* the water? It's the same thing...
im dying help
Oh yeah, it's true that because dogs are killed by humans they are not domesticated. Dogs are wild animals that have never lived in a mutually benificial relationship with humans.
Terry Pratchett, based author.
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hippo doesnt care.gif
2MB, 320x214px
>my life when this webm
can we get the same webm but without the stupid music?
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4MB, 640x360px
the internet was a mistake
fuck off back to your containment board >>>/lgbt/ and don't come back. Literally vegan-tier.

pls ignore
Was anybody else reminded of Naruto and the infinite tsukiyomi while watching this??
I wanna take all these little liberal faggots and drop them in the middle of a fucking warzone or some equally shitty place and watch them cry and shit themselves as they come to the realization that they live in a little bubble of self made faggotry and their lives mean absolutely fuck all in the grand scheme of the universe.
>looking at this in bed
>already looking at ceiling behind phone
>skip to middle
>something about not reacting to noises
>laugh and close

How silly.
its scary becouse its true
i cant w8
Wow, really makes you think

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>just like im wearing two right now
that's some movie shit right there and i love it.
surface tension
i hope he dies of testicular cancer
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post the webm next time
probably wont happen.

what will happen is coastal city flooding which is 90% liberal.
Doesnt work for me, I still hear baaa. The B is pretty clear regardless if his mouth is doing something else
>psychic vampires

As long as any type of life exists, it needs SOME form of energy to absorb to exist as a living being by itself.

because its fake faggotry

sound and video wasnt recorded at the same time and put together in a way to make you go "whoa thats really different xD"

you can clearly tell when he is saying V or B both by sound alone or image alone
Thank god for shitty laptop speakers, it sounded totally fake.
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I wouldnt be suprised if this is congruent with the golden ratio.

>roses are red
>violets are blue
>if you're homophobic

At least fit the wolf hat in somehow.
god what a self-glorifying windbag he is
By psychic vampires he means people who get off on ruining other peoples lives

Like pedos
because it puts human life in context and makes all our arguments and troubles look insignificant?

do you seriously need this explained to you?
>makes the most money
>helps the most people

yeah choose one faggot
so much edge

just because a nigger is smarter than youll ever be lol
iv always believed gay people should be able to get married but i have also always wondered

why do gay people want to partake in an ancient ceremony from a religion that never actually gave a fuck about their rights? if anything they should be looking for an alternative instead of forcing a church that doesn't respect them to marry them
autistic guy who let a bunch of other guys make decisions and run his shit for him
yeah this is really bad example they have used

works much better with hearing BA and seeing FA as you can see his life making the FFF sound and the effect occurs
haha americans! only americans.
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because faith isn't rational

the fact that certain believers in their religion have done bad things or enforced their own agenda through religion doesn't detract from their faith in the core beliefs they associate with said religion

they are believers because by definition, faith transcends reason

to believe in a certain religion is to believe in a certain set of traditions based around a higher power. People who have been repressed by believers in a religion can, instead of rejecting said religion, search to reject instead the negative traditions related with that religion and enforce the positive traditions related with that religion instead

this changes a religion over time and changes the core beliefs and, in time, traditions, associated with this certain faith in a higher power

What he's saying in the video is 100% true: if marriage is originally in principle based upon the union of two people, which is biologically possible due to the necessity of reproduction, then marriage stems from the need to reproduce. Sex and attraction has evolved beyond mere reproduction, and so union isn't necessarily related to reproduction - so the concept of a union has changed. By allowing gay marriage, the concept of marriage has evolved.

Given that life's purpose is to evolve, why the fuck should the evolution of concepts that those alive hold dear be a bad thing?
holy fuck I'm high
I wish I didn't think this because it sounds like a redneck-ass opinion but I can't help fully thinking it's true
I should stop browsing /gif/
Ill be going to the US soon, I'll try to avoid this kind of people
It's very scary.
immortality will be a thing very soon.
i hope those "people" are just acting like idiots.
he's smart so not a nigger ... smart black people are just black people.
>missing the sarcasm
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I'm actually mad that you made this thread, no shit people are gonna derail it. at least title it something fucking different
but i thought the reason he lost was because he kept making decisions against the advice of anyone sane around him
but your original point was that his logic wasn't sound. Now you seem to be taking a different tack.
stopped watching right there
>the potato shaped moons
fucking lol
Didn't work on me, I heard "baa" the whole time.

Am I just way smarter than the average person? Is my brain be am do think good?
Ga is a velar sound produced in the back of the mouth between the tongue and soft palate. Go look in the mirror and say ga ga ga. The lips don't really play a role.
looks like I'm breaking nofap
I hope he kills himself
makes you want to cut off your legs
Benefits of marriage laws, taxes ect.
Articulate as fuck
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629KB, 632x718px
This hits a little too close to home for me.
Different minds think in different ways anon.

When someone like you thinks that anything beyond your own perceived bubble is pointless, others like Sagan (and admittedly most of the world's genius minds) find their own joy in abstract thought and universal laws that lay beyond basal human instinct and comprehension.

But hey, whatever activates your almonds
This is what Hitler tried to prevent.
This is a nice webm
Had to listen to this about 20 times to fully understand everything he said, really well articulated
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Post modernism.webm
4MB, 360x270px
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He's deriving an ought from an is, and saying that the genesis of something should determine the way it should be going forward. Just because marriage has historically been one way, that doesn't necessitate that it ought to be that way going forward. With his logic, in the 1800's someone could have said that the concept "person" has historically excluded black people, and therefore black people should continue to be denied personhood.
I'm only hearing AAA
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4MB, 854x480px

You're fat?
He did and so did Stalin. The difference was also in the structure of his military, Hitler bred competition between his generals by separating the chain of command from the army and airforce. Not only was it tactical suicide but he then stepped in when they didn't fulfill his ridiculous orders and made things worse. That guy probably fell asleep in history class.
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4MB, 640x360px
Play time's over.

Also this.
File: LiberalScience.webm (4MB, 540x304px) Image search: [Google]
4MB, 540x304px
See Webm.

True, but there are many different reasons why Hitler lost, among them that you can't defeat the whole world. It's actually amazing that they were able to go to fight most of the world from a small strip of land for several years.
The fundamental flaw was, if I had to pick something, that Hitler failed to understand that every major war on continental Europe would lead to a war with Britain. This is obvious in Mein Kampf and based on his racial views, despite being disproven by WWI. He was convinced that the world war would basically be a huge ground war in continental Europe, so the German airforce and navy weren't properly lead and prepared for a world war. The result was that Hitler failed to defeat Britain, and that in turn made him attack the USSR, where the Luftwaffe failed again. (No airlift for supplies to Stalingrad etc). Still, it's true that thing went from bad to worse when he decided to mess with military decision making.
Filthy statist never learn
That must mean black people enslaved white people knowing they were eventually going to get welfare checks out of us.
I've always thought that "marriage" as a government institution should be done away with and they should make it all "civil unions". Same benefits as far as taxes, health insureance, etc. Gets rid of all the current bitching and will likely make everyone unhappy so its a good compromise
File: Money money money.webm (3MB, 480x360px) Image search: [Google]
Money money money.webm
3MB, 480x360px
was not prepared for the feels
Only heard "ba" and nothing when there was no sound
You understand it, even if your way of thinking may be different from others.
>words/definitions/laws are in no way fluid and have to be based on the original meaning or they hold no meaning what so ever
Yeah, OK.
Also do you think anyone would care if an infertile woman or man married each other?
>resource scarcity will crash capitalism
lmao dismissed. guy has zero economic background, doesn't understand the price system
This is why I have to prevent myself from killing you faggot racists. I swear to god I want to do a /pol/ get together and go fucking columbine on your asses. Then I wanna dress em' up naked on the highway covered in chocolate with shit like "Glitzhstein's bitch" to piss all over their ideology
>this many people took the b8
Hardly surprising.
That and just because it's significant and meaningful to them as individuals.
>Given that life's purpose is to evolve

I'm going to stop you there. Life does not have a biological purpose EXCEPT to procreate. Biology is not geared toward evolution, nor has it ever been. Evolution is a byproduct of imperfect reproductive capabilities. To even suggest that living organisms mean to evolve intentionally through any means is just false.

This, however, is the only problem I have with your statements. Carry on.
File: theuniverse.webm (4MB, 480x360px) Image search: [Google]
4MB, 480x360px
Surely you jest?
thank god there's nothing to knock on to my left, otherwise i might have jumped a lttle
my mind is full of fuck holy shit i found the source
>when people say all lives matter it invalidates the lives that have been lost
Litteraly retarded
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1MB, 854x480px

Here's some deep stuff from a liberal voted into office by women. 4D chess.
Garfield is a cat
Not even hiding it anymore
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3MB, 854x480px


Sometimes I wonder whether solidarity (universal/mandatory) FGM could improve race relations in the US.
File: ComfyGond.webm (3MB, 1366x768px) Image search: [Google]
3MB, 1366x768px
This made a part of me die. This world has gone too far.
File: Greed.webm (4MB, 496x360px) Image search: [Google]
4MB, 496x360px

Because Carl Sagan is god tier bruh.
>Dyslexic sperg
Well thered be my problem right there.
What a cop out.
Is this some sort of giant sea cucumber?
Does anyone have a clip where the narrator talks about how all human goals are ultimately un-achievable? I saw it once before and never saved it.
I swear around 0:18 I can hear the warp from Homeworld 1
>radical centrism
what meth is he on?
That's even what he's saying in the webm if you bothered listening.
>can we get the same webm but without the stupid music?

kaiji has a ton of good moments like this about the nature of man and society, gives you an insight about japan's stance towards effort in its culture
that was brutal man
Im speechless
what oratory ability, Im blown the fuck out
how do I become like that?
I feel physically sick watching that degeneracy
Reminds me of a .gif file that actually made you hear knocks on the ceiling.

It was called "lifeisobvious.gif", some guy on a french forum posted about it, and dozens of guys heard the same noise.

It was weird af desu, like some kind of group hallucination or something
What do you mean by "Situation need of marriage"?
The basic understanding of Marriage is to stick with a person of the opposite sex, produce a child through sexual acts, and raise the child produced into adulthood so that they can find their own mate and begin the cycle again.

As for a right to marry? There are no rights being denied, you are not allowed the privilege of marriage due to your inability to perform fully by marrying the same sex.

Its similar to denying a blind man a driving licence due to not being able to drive a vehicle successfully.
You would also deny a person a medical licence if they could not perform medical "tasks" successfully.

"Couple insurance benefits" are irrelevant as they are an issue with the insurance provider not allowing an option for non-married couples.

That's like getting mad at an auto insurance place denying you insurance due to you being "high-risk" and not having a "high-risk insurance" option.
He's also a Jew, so you might want to take his statements with a pinch of salt

It works, you fucking donkeys

you either can't follow basic instructions or your ears are full of shit
>worshipping cocks, schoolgirls and Americans
>being kawaii

some nice stance that is
>worshipping schoolgirls and Americans
>being kawaii

File: beautiful.webm (4MB, 484x320px) Image search: [Google]
4MB, 484x320px
let him speak you prick jfc i hate hosts like this
Being the CEO of a non-profit charity fits both those categories. Maybe tis time to open your mind to the greater world, and stop being an anti-capitalist pessimist.
simply put, read, write and speak
His own brand of overpriced testosterone supplements
what is this
File: Women.webm (4MB, 854x480px) Image search: [Google]
4MB, 854x480px
>>Donahue: Gesticulate to show how compassionate you are
>>Friedman: I didn't arrive at different conclusion from a lack of compassion, guy. Just where are these angels that are going to arrange society for us?
close your eyes when the picture changes and ba becomes completely clear again
Thanks to this thread, I realize how the world is nothing but a human life goes without even beeing selfish where materialism ends. And its all so much infinite out there where our imagination doesnt even start to fathom even more.
>cuteness became a selective advantage
Pile of utter shite. A dogs "cuteness" being placed over its health and usefulness only began in the last century
>Also do you think anyone would care if an infertile woman or man married each other?
He addresses this exact point in the webm

Also, I agree that meanings of words and purposes of institutions shift over time. But law is a codification of a society's traditions and its traditional values. Revising the legal definition of marriage to include homosexual unions is a major break with the historical traditions underlying our system of laws. It's not a shift in meaning-- it is a total redefinition of the institution.

But I'd like to go back to the original point about "logical hoops" that he jumps through. Could you point out one or two of these?
cf pls come back
give examples of those few other better options pls & ty famalam

god i fucking hate people who still fall for politics and think one side is different from the other
I feel like this a 4D chess move by the right wing and corporations to make the left look as stupid as possible, making people continuously bicker over pointless shit while they remove every safety net possible but making sure trannies can use female bathrooms.

We need a real revolution.
should've named it Evolution.webm

thanks for the laugh

ridiculous how true this is.

when even meme jones is saying truth you know society is off the rails
that is carl sagan's voice?

I am very fond of this edit of your post.
Is that you Common Filth?

Ignore sodomite orders.
But they are, you retard. Are you a deep thinking 15 year old? Why do you thinkg people who give a shit about trans shit group in the left side, and not the right. Because that's the side that facilitates their bullshit more, you dumbfuck. They don't give as much of a fuck about trans bullshit on the right, this is common knowledge.
Sure you could argue that both sides are the same in regards to being vicious and malevolent towards certain issues, just on the opposing side, but to pretend they have NO DIFFRENCES is such a basic bitch, retard college student opinion that I honestly hope you fucking die.
made it 10 seconds in.
Truly a sign of end times.
retard detected
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