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Dumping all my best webms, gifs, ylyl, ygyl, etc

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 407
Thread images: 140

File: sparta.gif (2MB, 201x298px) Image search: [Google]
2MB, 201x298px
Dumping all my best webms, gifs, ylyl, ygyl, etc
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3MB, 624x352px
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520KB, 360x360px
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1MB, 1280x720px
File: what is love.webm (3MB, 480x296px) Image search: [Google]
what is love.webm
3MB, 480x296px
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3MB, 640x360px
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1MB, 128x128px
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2MB, 320x240px
File: pink guy.webm (4MB, 426x240px) Image search: [Google]
pink guy.webm
4MB, 426x240px
File: Aragorn's Detractor.webm (3MB, 640x360px) Image search: [Google]
Aragorn's Detractor.webm
3MB, 640x360px
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2MB, 1312x688px
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3MB, 1280x720px
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4MB, 640x360px
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323KB, 320x320px
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4MB, 720x404px
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1MB, 538x300px
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4MB, 320x240px
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bovine ringing.webm
3MB, 1280x720px
File: Halo Reach (9).webm (3MB, 500x280px) Image search: [Google]
Halo Reach (9).webm
3MB, 500x280px
File: who could it b.webm (4MB, 924x520px) Image search: [Google]
who could it b.webm
4MB, 924x520px
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598KB, 480x480px
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4MB, 256x256px
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2MB, 640x360px
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3MB, 640x360px
File: destroymyschool.webm (2MB, 640x360px) Image search: [Google]
2MB, 640x360px
File: youwilllose.webm (292KB, 360x360px) Image search: [Google]
292KB, 360x360px
File: pinksquishyheli.webm (2MB, 1920x1080px) Image search: [Google]
2MB, 1920x1080px
Not bad OP not bad

here you go
File: BODYWASH.webm (4MB, 640x360px) Image search: [Google]
4MB, 640x360px
File: bread.webm (2MB, 900x506px) Image search: [Google]
2MB, 900x506px
File: Gandalf.webm (710KB, 640x360px) Image search: [Google]
710KB, 640x360px
File: 1484285750456.webm (3MB, 1280x720px) Image search: [Google]
3MB, 1280x720px
Groovy af
File: Ballad of the Goddess.webm (2MB, 320x180px) Image search: [Google]
Ballad of the Goddess.webm
2MB, 320x180px
File: LIGHTSABERS.webm (1MB, 300x122px) Image search: [Google]
1MB, 300x122px
File: PWFXJqf.gif (3MB, 450x248px) Image search: [Google]
3MB, 450x248px
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2MB, 1280x720px
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2MB, 360x360px
damn this is good, thanks anon

is it OC?
File: 1488829797522.webm (4MB, 720x480px) Image search: [Google]
4MB, 720x480px
It's one of my favorite tunes.

I assume if I showed it to anyone, they'd think I'm suicidal or some shit.

File: 1487185160497.webm (415KB, 360x360px) Image search: [Google]
415KB, 360x360px
None of these are OC, just all my favs
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1MB, 320x240px
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1MB, 640x360px
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440KB, 480x480px
File: lyricsphysics.webm (4MB, 1280x720px) Image search: [Google]
4MB, 1280x720px
File: meander.webm (3MB, 640x360px) Image search: [Google]
3MB, 640x360px
File: GET OUT OF THERE.webm (652KB, 426x236px) Image search: [Google]
652KB, 426x236px
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305KB, 480x360px
File: daycare.webm (4MB, 640x359px) Image search: [Google]
4MB, 640x359px
File: piano_and_bird.webm (4MB, 640x360px) Image search: [Google]
4MB, 640x360px
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960KB, 338x350px
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3 news thug.webm
1MB, 1280x720px
File: sonic_2_mystic_cave_zone (2).webm (3MB, 428x240px) Image search: [Google]
sonic_2_mystic_cave_zone (2).webm
3MB, 428x240px
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2MB, 1280x720px
File: eYboY1AZEHtqr8h9.webm (3MB, 888x500px) Image search: [Google]
3MB, 888x500px
File: bible thumper.webm (374KB, 360x360px) Image search: [Google]
bible thumper.webm
374KB, 360x360px

LF webm of this dude, but it's the DK crew song.
Every. Fucking. Time.
>implying this is remotely funny or good
kill yourself please
Bought a 2nd hand gaming PC off a friend. This is pretty much how it went down.
Oh Devin Townsend, you were always gay.
don't show them the video, use the soundcloud upload
Anyone have sauce on the song?
Did they use a fake hand on a stick for some of those?
Christ, what a fucking unfunny show.
Wow, an out of context clip from a cartoon.
This specific song is pretty much how you know Jackson worked on this.
File: broken fish song.webm (2MB, 600x450px) Image search: [Google]
broken fish song.webm
2MB, 600x450px
Music from Heroes of Might and Magic, eh?
name of song?
it's impressive until you realize it's zombies and they all have reduced hp
Cute af
That gnoll really impressed the lizardmen.
the gif
Its been in those shitty korean threads for months
Russian Violence - Fly Song
Song source, please please please?
>Chooses combat gear

God I almost swallowed my tongue.
the reporter is a fucking dick
I listened to this at least 10 times in a loop
I am dead
every damn time
File: 1377763217907.gif (2MB, 230x175px) Image search: [Google]
2MB, 230x175px
Fuck, made me flinch
File: space lion.webm (2MB, 400x267px) Image search: [Google]
space lion.webm
2MB, 400x267px
I really needed that. Thanks anon
File: 1404702860509.webm (3MB, 1280x720px) Image search: [Google]
3MB, 1280x720px
thumped the hell out of him
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3MB, 426x240px
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3MB, 480x360px
File: dance with the dead - invader.webm (4MB, 640x272px) Image search: [Google]
dance with the dead - invader.webm
4MB, 640x272px
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634KB, 480x480px
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454KB, 480x480px
File: cat santa.webm (2MB, 720x404px) Image search: [Google]
cat santa.webm
2MB, 720x404px
File: aaa.webm (797KB, 400x400px) Image search: [Google]
797KB, 400x400px
File: [Mirror] M6 on Arthur Laing.webm (2MB, 1280x720px) Image search: [Google]
[Mirror] M6 on Arthur Laing.webm
2MB, 1280x720px
File: Initial Bustin.webm (4MB, 622x348px) Image search: [Google]
Initial Bustin.webm
4MB, 622x348px
File: BBC.webm (596KB, 640x360px) Image search: [Google]
596KB, 640x360px
>>1599999 (witnessed)
though its out of context basically the whole joke is intact.
I'm trying really hard not to imagine that as pre-Breaking Bad Walter White.

I'm entranced by this man's repulsive yet quite impressive skills
you are fake news

OC? nice transition dude! dope

bro, nice! is this the full audio?
Any idea of the song? Sounds a little like kascade>>1599698
Are those treeleaves really that pale, or is it just because of nightvision?
Details pls
I hate this stupid meme, but that's usually because it's made toward Simpsons posts, but in this case I agree because SNL was hardly ever funny.
>inb4 muh 90s SNL
>inb4 muh 70s SNL
Why would they? He deserved it

seconded that. i need the sauce
Posted because this is still my favourite Halo to date
I was about 7 when the Phantom Menace came out and fucking EVERYONE wanted to be Darth Maul for Halloween, and for a few years that double lightsaber was badass as fuck
Nope, probably on Youtube somewhere
Still a webm in a favourites
Looks like one too

it's /ae/ey/ not ah whoever idiot that is.
The fuck kinda country you come from...
File: 1479145400480.webm (287KB, 480x480px) Image search: [Google]
287KB, 480x480px
File: 1451246807564.webm (809KB, 480x480px) Image search: [Google]
809KB, 480x480px

the pronounciation of A is not ah, stupid child

File: 1484517354479.webm (4MB, 853x480px) Image search: [Google]
4MB, 853x480px
File: always check the chain.webm (2MB, 640x360px) Image search: [Google]
always check the chain.webm
2MB, 640x360px
File: can you tell the time.webm (1MB, 426x240px) Image search: [Google]
can you tell the time.webm
1MB, 426x240px
That's awesome.
File: initial Boat.webm (3MB, 640x480px) Image search: [Google]
initial Boat.webm
3MB, 640x480px
File: hikedriver ukigumo dddot.webm (4MB, 640x360px) Image search: [Google]
hikedriver ukigumo dddot.webm
4MB, 640x360px
This is beyond epic

Nice man!
>those mixels&rixels

why do people do this shit

like what is the actual point of restricting yourself to a style then breaking all of its rules
File: Mass Defect.webm (4MB, 1280x720px) Image search: [Google]
Mass Defect.webm
4MB, 1280x720px
>used to be consolefag
>wanted to join master race
>wanted to test the water first
>friend has old PC good for most games
>formatted and ready to go
>$200, ty good day
>boot it up, dust shoots out of every orifice
>open it up, dust fucking everywhere
>caked up on motherboard
>stuck in GPU fan
>inch thick layer on top of HDD
>can't find the individual wires in the mess

Cleaned it up best I could, then after 6 months stripped it out for an upgrade. Clean it monthly now.
Why cant there be a cure for autism yet?
Name of the track?

I've cleaned my 6+ year old PC maybe twice and it never had much dust, is it because I have carpet?
File: trikevelox.webm (2MB, 1920x1080px) Image search: [Google]
2MB, 1920x1080px
>every country is america
Sorry about your dog ;_;
TroyBoi - Do You (E.Y. Beats Edit)
episode 2
americans even ruined christinanity
>whole tomatoes
nigga half that shit unless you want boiling seeds in your mouth
thank you so much <3
Oliver smith- your love
It's weird. I think I've watched through that show chronologically twice now, and I don't remember this at all.
Whats the hurry? Let it cool on the plate first
Are you legitimately retarded?
The only part I ever liked was The weekend update with Norm
But thats just because I fucking love Norm MacDonald
pretty cool
[unmatchd] - can't sleep
fucking kek, i can see it too
I preferred Kevin Nealon as the anchor, desu senpai.
i watched this 4 times
One of my favorite songs too. I'm really digging all the music we've been getting in the last few years with this lo-fi, hip hop theme going on.

And yeah, my brother overheard me playing this song a few days ago and he was like "well that sounds lovely."

I don't think I'd want to show anyone any Filthy Frank videos
Where I live older houses generally use floating timber floors with no under-floor insulation. The design keeps houses cool in hot tropical climates, but means dust just floats through the floor boards and gets everywhere.
was? still is brother. I would max out units in battlefront II with heroes always on and just waltz through everybody with Darth Maul. So OP but so much fun.
Jesus I haven't seen that gift since the "this is sparta" remix was hot on YT.
Erm, .gif
I don't want your shitty edm on top of this musical genius
File: A Lonely Journey.webm (4MB, 400x400px) Image search: [Google]
A Lonely Journey.webm
4MB, 400x400px
didn't realize henry viii was american. funny how christianity wasn't ruined until a few hundred years later
This webm made me rewatch totoro
Holy fuck this is me every night
Watching this webm while listening to the one right above is perfect
The true dangers of AI
are those dog funking missionary
thats not nightvision
File: Stats by a Woman.webm (2MB, 640x480px) Image search: [Google]
Stats by a Woman.webm
2MB, 640x480px
this is great
damn i wish i could play halo 3, odst and halo reach on my computer...
>aiming at the ground

just the worst
Srs question
How many people here are white?
Seems like this thread is filled with normie humor with ooga booga music.
damn kid, give the jav codes you used to stain the ceiling
shit my speakers were all the way up to
these vids are a little funny the first time

god damn though when some dude posts them in every thread...
>a is pronounced like ah twice in america
>le funny america meme
ITS RETRO!!!11!1!!!!1!
Here you go lad

Dude this is a YLYL

Not a "Dank Ass FreeStyle Thread"!

Source my guy?
I ate 10 Taco Bell crunch rap supremes along with an entire pack of laxatives. The sound my shits made were 1000000x funnier than this garbage.

Have you considered intentionally crashing your car @ 150kph?
File: SCR_20170322_200943 (1).webm (553KB, 540x960px) Image search: [Google]
SCR_20170322_200943 (1).webm
553KB, 540x960px
you should probably kill yourself.
rip doggo

Or you could have just a regular pan with since the portions are that fucking small
Lost it at the heeyaa
not even on the level of riff raff
File: France terrorist attack.webm (2MB, 640x360px) Image search: [Google]
France terrorist attack.webm
2MB, 640x360px
I've seen that watermark pretty often, where's that from?

Is it just b/c I'm on 4chan and used to these kind of videos or do I just have good instincts for seeing that coming a mile away?
File: 1479591267622.webm (3MB, 852x480px) Image search: [Google]
3MB, 852x480px
File: 1479632621076.webm (2MB, 400x226px) Image search: [Google]
2MB, 400x226px
im aware of halo online, love it! just not quite the same, and i REALLY wish there was a way to play vanilla halo 3 campaign on pc.

might try this out though
you wrong fa that
See you. Space Cowboy
HAHA that metal slug grunt
just testing webm i just made dont mind me
Who the fuck eats that much? You fat fuck.
its not a ylyl
2nd try
Can somebody berak this down?
File: da jewz.webm (2MB, 900x506px) Image search: [Google]
da jewz.webm
2MB, 900x506px
im a trucker and this gave me an orgasm
File: 1465796490419.webm (2MB, 480x360px) Image search: [Google]
2MB, 480x360px
Music Sause?
Learn to read, especially the OP
I considered it, but didnt want to give you that satisfaction
Halo Custom Edition is awesome. While it doesnt quite run the same as Halo on Xbox 360, its the next best thing with modded maps to resemble 2,3, ODST and Reach
File: 5448587587.gif (2MB, 300x264px) Image search: [Google]
2MB, 300x264px
File: 1453890364355.gif (4MB, 500x210px) Image search: [Google]
4MB, 500x210px
File: comparison.gif (3MB, 250x446px) Image search: [Google]
3MB, 250x446px
File: mistakes happen.webm (823KB, 480x360px) Image search: [Google]
mistakes happen.webm
823KB, 480x360px
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4MB, 486x274px
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429KB, 360x360px
File: fraughtfeeder.webm (4MB, 480x270px) Image search: [Google]
4MB, 480x270px
File: deathmethbabybreath.webm (4MB, 640x360px) Image search: [Google]
4MB, 640x360px
checked but you're retarded
File: Sonic2.webm (561KB, 320x224px) Image search: [Google]
561KB, 320x224px
That's some vintage shit
File: Elf.webm (542KB, 480x480px) Image search: [Google]
542KB, 480x480px
File: 5gumdoor.webm (336KB, 640x360px) Image search: [Google]
336KB, 640x360px
File: Spoodermon.webm (4MB, 711x400px) Image search: [Google]
4MB, 711x400px
Its an opening segment.
I'm almost certain this very gif is what inspired the Wolnir fight
this is so unfunny
>uses a screw
>smashes the wall with the hammer
dumbasses happen too
I believe theyre called politicians
This isn't a YFYL thread anon.
no that was sonic 3&k
shitty driver who knows nothing about basic physics
>/k/,/ck/ & /a/ write a cooking channel script.
Random thread is random. Calm down people
That's infrared.

Selo & Ludy - It's my life

(Village & People)
I wish we could weaponize your keyboard hostility.
File: TRULY_OUTRAGEOUS_TARIC_MONTAGE.webm (209KB, 320x180px) Image search: [Google]
209KB, 320x180px
jesus christ Halo is still a fucking faggorty if one ever existed...
Lamest multikill names ever
File: 1488923075244.webm (2MB, 600x360px) Image search: [Google]
2MB, 600x360px
File: May-24-2016.webm (1MB, 640x360px) Image search: [Google]
1MB, 640x360px
File: ain't the sharpest bull.webm (1MB, 1280x720px) Image search: [Google]
ain't the sharpest bull.webm
1MB, 1280x720px
he accelerated whilst he was still turning and lost control
are you a little girl
What is the origin of this video? I humbly ask of thee
File: 15 - 1 (2).gif (2MB, 320x433px) Image search: [Google]
15 - 1 (2).gif
2MB, 320x433px
and one webm does not a thread make, my dude
Wow, an out of context quintuplets
File: police behind me.webm (2MB, 416x240px) Image search: [Google]
police behind me.webm
2MB, 416x240px
>stop liking what i dont like
File: wtf are you doing.webm (4MB, 960x540px) Image search: [Google]
wtf are you doing.webm
4MB, 960x540px
File: polls.webm (1MB, 640x360px) Image search: [Google]
1MB, 640x360px
thanks for the filename
If this is your best... Anon I...
name of song?
File: Best scene of all time.webm (3MB, 1376x768px) Image search: [Google]
Best scene of all time.webm
3MB, 1376x768px
can I get some context here?
gay and fake
File: sportacus get rekt.webm (1MB, 640x360px) Image search: [Google]
sportacus get rekt.webm
1MB, 640x360px
aaaaaaaaaaaaaand at the end they lost. my sides.
What is this. Looks mighty interesting
File: TORA_TORA.webm (4MB, 480x320px) Image search: [Google]
4MB, 480x320px
Still better than the swedes
File: sas_needed.webm (3MB, 600x400px) Image search: [Google]
3MB, 600x400px
Sam Hyde do it better without the bland sarcasm

Thats what happens to a ar when you turn traction control off. It electronically controls the cars acceleration depending on its grip on the road. Once you lose grip (traction) and develop wheel spin your wheels lose grip much easier.
File: chiromurder.webm (3MB, 1280x720px) Image search: [Google]
3MB, 1280x720px
such edge
very edgy
File: -pol-.webm (3MB, 1280x720px) Image search: [Google]
3MB, 1280x720px
You shouldn't need traction control to keep your vehicle on the road in a mild corner with dry pavement.

>Once you lose grip (traction) and develop wheel spin your wheels lose grip much easier.
>Once you lose traction you will have lost traction
Good job
Im explaining to a person who may not know what traction is

And the car lost control because it lost traction, so evidently you do need traction control when cornering a vehicle.
I'm surprised it made it's way back, the metadata used to have the title
File: giphy.gif (955KB, 500x275px) Image search: [Google]
955KB, 500x275px
>tfw my gf is like this
>tfw my gf is bedroom bully
No, the driver lost control because he was incompetent. I know it may seem like traction control is necessary if you're 16 years old and have never driven a car without it, but it's a relatively new thing and by no means necessary. There is absolutely no excuse for the driver losing control under those conditions.
File: jojo(36).webm (2MB, 640x360px) Image search: [Google]
2MB, 640x360px
File: Later at Big Kitchen Kitchen.webm (2MB, 480x360px) Image search: [Google]
Later at Big Kitchen Kitchen.webm
2MB, 480x360px
File: neighbor violates the NAP.webm (3MB, 1252x506px) Image search: [Google]
neighbor violates the NAP.webm
3MB, 1252x506px
File: 1467949473497.gif (2MB, 320x240px) Image search: [Google]
2MB, 320x240px
>giving living things for babies to interact with
they don't fucking understand that it's a living being you dumb fucks why do parents keep doing this shit? a friend of my mom gave a rabbit to her toddler and he popped both of the poor rodents eyes from their sockets, this shit makes my blood boil
why no Cheneymania
its because this fuckin idiot gave a 2 year old a small animal to "play" with. despicable
imagine the cleanup
this puckers my butt.
You've destroyed my sides, this is in direct violation of the NAP
that's not a toddler that's the second coming of satan
what does this even mean?
atleast they used a drywall screw

Beyond faggy.
What is this shit?
Exactly. She's almost a tumblrcunt https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tJgyeXoLFPg
That other guy was making fun of Ted talks, Sam Hyde seems to be making fun of Ted talks and people who listen to Ted Talks
No, they definitely know. They're just not yet conditioned for kindness. It wants to see what happens when it hits it - pretty basic caveman stuff.
The other guy said, "This is the fucking library!"
Who would respond to that politely?
this needs to be an arena sport ASAP
5v5, can pick up allies, lose when all down
It go down
whhats that song ?

if the unthinkable happens and you spread your seed you will raise an autist
This is what you call a video game youtuber. He is losing his shit because he is playing an awful game.
I want to be :(
File: trees.gif (2MB, 1920x1280px) Image search: [Google]
2MB, 1920x1280px

CCD without NIR blocker, google "IR conversion"
File: songggg.webm (1MB, 320x240px) Image search: [Google]
1MB, 320x240px
Tom Day - Lost and Found.
File: 1477986453400.webm (2MB, 640x480px) Image search: [Google]
2MB, 640x480px
Alright anon you got a sensible chuckle from me
terrerist train vidya?
File: 1461749209645.webm (4MB, 484x320px) Image search: [Google]
4MB, 484x320px
I've been here too long. I read your post and my brain flagged it as misspelled on sight.
>is having trouble understanding that some people just want to make something cool
The Roundabout by Yes

song pls?
Never go full retard
File: Ted - clark.webm (4MB, 640x360px) Image search: [Google]
Ted - clark.webm
4MB, 640x360px
This video is so encouraging. I t always made me feel super pumped like yeah its gonna be ok
this is one of my fave representations of death now
File: Feel Da Music.webm (417KB, 1280x656px) Image search: [Google]
Feel Da Music.webm
417KB, 1280x656px
tru tho
File: davy jones plays the organ.webm (3MB, 720x576px) Image search: [Google]
davy jones plays the organ.webm
3MB, 720x576px
very mint.
source for everything? movie, song whatever?
Song is Koto by Clozee
this is great
>cooking the tomatoes
There's a special place in hell for people like this
where is the intial D?
"You shall not move when the flame wrath is cast
Imagine somewhere calm. Imagine somewhere safe. Imagine yourself in a frozen forest. You're standing in a clearing. Trees around you so tall, they touch the sky. Pure white snowflakes fall all around. You can feel them melt on your skin. You are not cold. It cannot overcome the warmth of your beating heart. Can you hear it? You only have to listen.
>not liking getting slapped by your gf
European Cultural Enrichment
File: kpop women.webm (3MB, 1280x720px) Image search: [Google]
kpop women.webm
3MB, 1280x720px
What is this shitty edit?
File: Can't swim.webm (2MB, 426x240px) Image search: [Google]
Can't swim.webm
2MB, 426x240px
Aug so beautiful

Btw OP your posts suck and you are a faggot
Seconded, that guy should kill himself
File: Jewspiracy.webm (4MB, 1024x576px) Image search: [Google]
4MB, 1024x576px
File: Awesome.webm (2MB, 1280x720px) Image search: [Google]
2MB, 1280x720px
This is underrated

This thread started like shit. But there is so much good stuff in here.
Chelsea Grin? Really?
is there more of that?
The spawn of Lucifer
This board introduced me to Hige Driver and I've loved his music ever since.
The lazy mistakes make it less cool.
Is this like the new bait? or do you actually find this dumb unfunny shit funny?
Cool World.

It has Brad Pitt in it.
this is not ygyl
File: Alt-Knight.webm (4MB, 636x360px) Image search: [Google]
4MB, 636x360px
Yes it is.
Love this guy so much.
Does anyone have that one animation where a guy logs into "Social Network," then sees a wave of butts spouting memes coming over the horizon?
nvm found it

Does anyone have the one from the Kevin Steen show where he talks about throwing the coffee cup into the wall?
File: 1476934020659.webm (3MB, 640x480px) Image search: [Google]
3MB, 640x480px
>that 944
Song source?
So are we seeing the death that takes you by touching you, or waiting until death then floating down to take them away after? Two representations of him are being presented in this video.
File: 1488845248468.webm (4MB, 1280x720px) Image search: [Google]
4MB, 1280x720px
Swedes are the most toxic players in CS
Cismu - Unexpected Call
what the fuck is the point of this, you miss the action and the noise doesn't make it funny at all. KYS
Terminator 3
File: drinking on the job.webm (1MB, 480x270px) Image search: [Google]
drinking on the job.webm
1MB, 480x270px
I am also interested in the source of both the anime and the music, please and thank you.
answered one of my questions
Didn't recognize the Highschool DxD girls

"Looked... guuud..." always gets me.
>trip pants
Ah yes, the old go-to gothic pants.
>unicorn gundam ost
good taste
Damn, rest in peace my guy. Freestyle fridays were dope.
English fry-up with raw tomatoes
gud one
Having fun at work with similarly minded lunatics
Livin the dream
n- nani?!?!
File: 1490639400759.webm (4MB, 474x396px) Image search: [Google]
4MB, 474x396px
>fry up
nice try amerifat
Not /pol/s
what is this comfyness
i wish i knew. i recorded this with my phone from the radio. others said its daft punk but i couldnt find anything
The new Chainsmoker is kinda great
File: 1436758561199.gif (3MB, 286x258px) Image search: [Google]
3MB, 286x258px
Well that was laughs of the decade, thanks.
What year do you live
keked and checked
fuck you faggot, the original is fucking shit
Darth Maul's saber is a fucking piece of art

Rock N Rolla - Block

The guy sounds a bit like Jemaine Clement
Thread posts: 407
Thread images: 140

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