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Thread replies: 360
Thread images: 74

File: 1471698006043.webm (4MB, 1280x720px) Image search: [Google]
4MB, 1280x720px
President Trump edition
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3MB, 1280x720px
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4MB, 888x500px
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1MB, 1280x720px
File: First Woman.webm (4MB, 450x170px) Image search: [Google]
First Woman.webm
4MB, 450x170px
File: Trump Town.webm (3MB, 640x360px) Image search: [Google]
Trump Town.webm
3MB, 640x360px
he's not wrong though
>France is no longer France
subtle way of saying it's become an African-populated hellhole
please, we dont have no niggers problems
our blacks are fuckin TOP TIER BROS
the real problem is SANDNIGGERS
You know the blacks here in America are top tier bros too :^)
>Rhythm Fever: election madness
I went to Paris a few years ago.

Total dump. Ridiculous amounts of crime.
File: TRUMPD.webm (4MB, 640x360px) Image search: [Google]
4MB, 640x360px
>"I can divide the white vote if I can get white women to vote for me PURELY because I am a woman"
>It doesnt work.

Women are smarter than we give them credit for.
Change that to
/pol/ wakes up and checks the election results
Song sauce?
fifteen minutes mike krol
i see no problems with this
Christ this is apt

Legit how it feels right now
Anyone have that "Get outta here" mix?
File: look.webm (822KB, 856x480px) Image search: [Google]
822KB, 856x480px
Placeboeing is really wasting his talent on this stuff.
I have a request for you guys.

Can someone edit a bunch of the crying Hillary supporters and the results of the polls like an xx__eric_xx roast? Here is the video I'm talking about

I went to [your city/town] a few years ago.

Total dump. Ridiculous amounts of crime.
Nice beat.
So you hate competition now?

I don't have a webm, but I made this after Election night
This is just too fucking good
was waitin for this lol
File: 1451260811449.webm (608KB, 630x354px) Image search: [Google]
608KB, 630x354px
File: liberal tears.webm (3MB, 854x480px) Image search: [Google]
liberal tears.webm
3MB, 854x480px
We poked a nest of butthurt pierres
you mean mohammeds
this would be great if it weren't for that stupid trapezoid effect
Is there an extended club mix of this song?
Trips and full house confirm truth.
this is the best shit ever
File: jail.webm (4MB, 1280x720px) Image search: [Google]
4MB, 1280x720px
Why is reality so funny now? Am I really living in the real world?
File: Trumpuu2016.webm (4MB, 640x360px) Image search: [Google]
4MB, 640x360px
File: TrumpvsMexico.webm (3MB, 1280x720px) Image search: [Google]
3MB, 1280x720px
Japs are strange.
But that's a good thing
File: TFW Anti Trump Protest.webm (4MB, 640x360px) Image search: [Google]
TFW Anti Trump Protest.webm
4MB, 640x360px
File: TFW Anti Trump Protest 2.webm (1MB, 1280x720px) Image search: [Google]
TFW Anti Trump Protest 2.webm
1MB, 1280x720px
This is what earned my vote
she really is a gross person. I agree with everything he said.
based honorary aryans
nah it was good
File: Grap them by teh pussy.webm (4MB, 540x960px) Image search: [Google]
Grap them by teh pussy.webm
4MB, 540x960px
Play [Space]
At least we need a minimum quality :D
get this steven universe shit out of here
wait did the madmen actually play Initial D??
>that fucking face

total loss
no, sadly
File: salt lake.webm (3MB, 480x480px) Image search: [Google]
salt lake.webm
3MB, 480x480px
unending salt mine folks
omg like literally worse than 9/11
it's the same way people act in NK when a Kim dies
you completely ruined my day

Ah man, don't ruin the illusion.

It's sooooo much better if you imagine he did.
He actually came out saying it's supposed to be an insult to Trump because of the whole Nazi thing, but it backfired 1000000% and it just made Trump seem even more boss
Where's the triggered whore sound from?
isn't there really anymore shit like this?
because these are done pretty damn well done
does anyone have that webm of a guy who was in prison and only saw one kind of snapple in the store?

>a nigga that don't know much don't want much
File: fSHL904.gif (109KB, 500x242px) Image search: [Google]
109KB, 500x242px

YUM...MMMmmmmm. Delicious tears
File: candice_the_cuck_slayer.webm (4MB, 640x360px) Image search: [Google]
4MB, 640x360px
Holy kek, what a shitfest
One is from placeboing channel on youtube,same for the firsts webms of this thread
wife material
I'd edit her if you know what I mean
she's fucking awesome but she looks like she's on crack
know any similar songs? Liking the vibe
File: good awesome heart.gif (1MB, 280x158px) Image search: [Google]
good awesome heart.gif
1MB, 280x158px
absolute biased
wtf I love trump now
just when you think perfect girls didn't exist.
I went to 4Chan a few years ago.

Total dump. Ridiculous amounts of crime.
Paris has been a shithole full of crime for a very long time (Last time I was there was about 6 years ago, saw someone get their wallet stolen by little girls pretending to be beggars). It's because of the tourism. Gullible tourists attract crime, it's nothing new.
he kind of just walked up on a podium and whispered thank you without making eye contact and wobbled on down
>It's because of the tourism
It's because of niggers and gypsies.

or hell, depends on your perspective
File: tantrum.webm (1MB, 360x360px) Image search: [Google]
1MB, 360x360px
File: regret.webm (2MB, 1280x720px) Image search: [Google]
2MB, 1280x720px
File: video-1479077864.webm (708KB, 320x576px) Image search: [Google]
708KB, 320x576px
heres some OC
File: Trump elected.webm (2MB, 480x360px) Image search: [Google]
Trump elected.webm
2MB, 480x360px
I'm not a fan of Trump but seeing Obama and all those other smug shills getting BTFO was beautiful
i need a vince mcmahon reacting to pa, ohio and florida. i dont know if i can do it with just windows movie maker. i might still try...
File: Chaos Emeralds.webm (3MB, 720x1280px) Image search: [Google]
Chaos Emeralds.webm
3MB, 720x1280px
Yeah...no. She look too busted. She at the bottom of the Trump barrel.
File: prisonlogic.webm (3MB, 640x360px) Image search: [Google]
3MB, 640x360px
here ya go
File: 1478907349665.webm (4MB, 568x426px) Image search: [Google]
4MB, 568x426px
this is my favorite because i am in pa.
ether crying with rage or blasting that song
In the Halls of the Mountain King
File: If.webm (1MB, 640x360px) Image search: [Google]
1MB, 640x360px
That's Arnold Palmer btw
Fucking cringy
this is glouris
>good heavens!
>I wouldn't mind him grabbing mine...
>hell yeah he did!
Anyone interested in making some The Circus Webms?
Especially of the last episode?
same here. it's a shame. not like i remember it from 15 years ago
link to full video please
more like this please

oh sweet jesus that one hurt me

this shit is just fucking PERFECT!!!
>how many redpill did you take this morning
amazing 10/10
Is there some context to the obama part
File: trump iasip.webm (2MB, 1280x720px) Image search: [Google]
trump iasip.webm
2MB, 1280x720px
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4MB, 1920x1080px
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2MB, 640x266px
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3MB, 600x334px
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4MB, 450x252px
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2MB, 1280x720px
D..did /pol/ just get stealth mentioned?
That is actually pretty good.

No idea what webm I'm posting as I'm posting from a tablet.
File: 1478578343607 (1).webm (2MB, 1280x720px) Image search: [Google]
1478578343607 (1).webm
2MB, 1280x720px
did he electrify his sign or something?
yep its pretty sweet, people also attached razor blades, nailstudded wood and super glue to their signs. dog bless ameriga
i find it to be a hilllary level of criminal that this one hasn't gotten any (YOU)s
Sauce please what is this
>did he electrify his sign or something?
ya, but that's acually super illegal.
Traps can be considered assault.
File: president elects motorcade.webm (990KB, 400x400px) Image search: [Google]
president elects motorcade.webm
990KB, 400x400px
File: John Oliver.webm (1MB, 640x360px) Image search: [Google]
John Oliver.webm
1MB, 640x360px
Oh shit, John Oliver's team of cucks totally copied me
File: maga2.webm (4MB, 427x240px) Image search: [Google]
4MB, 427x240px
For linking purposes
You made Britain great again!
We need to get a nice Republican woman running in 2024, to keep them from trying to use this again.
God tier editing

dude in the red shirt is Jack Nicklaus

idk bout the black shirt guy, might be Arnold..
File: 1474361822744.gif (2MB, 352x265px) Image search: [Google]
2MB, 352x265px
Anyone have the Dave Chappelle skit starting at Clayton Bigsby?
File: 8rkLyPAOTjUgBD_d.webm (2MB, 480x360px) Image search: [Google]
2MB, 480x360px

>well your honor, I was doing my civic duty vandalizing the defendant's property and attempting to deny his right to express himself politically when he illegally booby trapped his sign to protect himself from damage. I demand justice!
ehhhh no?
This is fucking amazing.
His teleprompter got stuck and he looked like he was going to shit himself.

>masturbate to anime

>unironically implying you're proud of what you're into

wew lad

>tip fedora
holy shit lmao
That's why I always keep a Eurobeat CD in my car, just in case I need to blast it.
well, you're not wrong
I'm in love
if it makes you feel better yours was way better
it's called private property and it's one of the strongest laws in America
dude i love this webm
almost brings a tear to my eye :')
Run Condi and go for the double whammy!
trump winning was the best thing that happened
all these tears
holy shit
i need more
this video definitely exists, does anyone have it?
>I'll probably sue her, because it'd be fun
Can't help but love this shit haha
This man won the presidency. Astonished.
>That voice
Too much smoke from the demons she have slayed.
>He doesn't know Farage and Trump are best buds
what does that even mean?
damn obama back at it again with being a nigger
holy fuck this is amazing
This is so fantastic.
File: Dog it's hildawg.webm (1MB, 854x480px) Image search: [Google]
Dog it's hildawg.webm
1MB, 854x480px
my new morning bell
>btw i'm french
>le get
Jesus Christ. A candidate capable of genuine, non forced laughter. And people wonder why he won against a candidate who carries hot sauce in her purse in case she runs into black people.
whats the time limit on a webm?
There's a 4mb size limit
File: what.webm (3MB, 1280x720px) Image search: [Google]
3MB, 1280x720px
not size, time.

you mean the original or snl?
i just made this by the way
File: Trump at Congress.webm (2MB, 1280x720px) Image search: [Google]
Trump at Congress.webm
2MB, 1280x720px
Try watching it with Hello by Adele.
Beautiful. Except for the whole "sorry for breaking your heart".
>married to an immigrant

A slavic model. He got a mail order bride.
I like how he just fucking suplexed her like it was nothing.

He just walks away, no smile on his face
300 seconds, I think
Bigotry, much?
Bitch overdosed on redpills
Men know who vindictive and evil women can be

Why would we want one running our country
Holy kek!
File: 1478988333774.webm (2MB, 640x360px) Image search: [Google]
2MB, 640x360px
>trump supporters are stupid

Waifu material.
Fun fact, that kid in the blue plaid wasn't crying just bored. The camera cut away quick when he lifted his head up and it was obvious he didn't give a shit
>/pol/ and /o/ hang out
She fucked up by not bringing an umbrella, or at least a bucket.
File: v talks about their fetishes.webm (503KB, 960x540px) Image search: [Google]
v talks about their fetishes.webm
503KB, 960x540px
i can't believe i fucking missed this
This is pretty good anon. I like it
Sometimes I lose to the comments instead of the posts
File: 1459111042289.webm (3MB, 608x336px) Image search: [Google]
3MB, 608x336px
i hate his rat face
is that melania?
what the sauce on the laugh?
Fucking lost it at the end.

lost hard
Actually it's an edit made by an American vaping cuck that voted for Clinton. But god damn he knows how to edit videos.
Anyone able to make an Awaken My Masters webm showing a projected electoral map with a clinton landslide and then the actual result or something like that?
a trump bumper showed up and he wanted to set an example
Everything after this in the thread is shit by comparison. This is perfection.
File: 1458305366160.gif (2MB, 275x154px) Image search: [Google]
2MB, 275x154px
>not ending it with "very sad"
Fucking got me. Holy shit, good one.
Well I thought it was funny. That's good enough for me!
Booby traps on personal property are legal as long as they aren't lethal.
Mike "light up that vandal like a roman candle" Pence
Mike "Adam and Steve, meet Volta and Ampere" Pence strikes again.
>women aren't emotional! They're just as rational as men!
>clip after clip after clip of women sobbing over a presidential election
full res here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W2iGkIT5F88
Finding a good woman to lead the presidency will be hard. So often they're manipulative or spiteful. My friends gf threatened a breakup if he voted for trump.
I set up a motion detector and a lawn sprinkler

but I only got cats, a shame
File: Trump stop it.gif (2MB, 720x402px)
Trump stop it.gif
2MB, 720x402px

> Women who support Hillary Clinton represent all women

Congratulations, the left tricked you
Jill Stein.

Even Jon Oliver couldn't find anything on her other than her album.
That hostile takeover wrestling thing has so much potential
Was Hillary a Trump plant? She set that up so fucking perfectly for him.

It's just a sign, there's nothing inciting someone to run up and try to grab it except if they're trying to steal it, which is already illegal and an illegal intent anyway, so you basically have no breathing room to try to charge someone with.
File: 1479186365061.webm (3MB, 400x226px) Image search: [Google]
3MB, 400x226px
try the Orwells, FIDLAR, and Surf Curse bro.
Thanks anon

except he just made a very normal and humble speech
Went to Paris 2 years ago.

Stayed in a hotel very close to Paris thinking that the closer to the heart of the capital the further I would be from undesirables.
Fuck no. During the day, sure, but at night, it was muslim country. I don't know if their kids don't go to school or if they don't have to work the next day but at 2 am there was still people, muslims, with young kids, walking around.
>I'm literally gonna die
every time
Fairly accurate historical film.
Its not a Anti Trump protest. Its and earlier BLM protest. Relabling shit is dumb.

The music is an edit too.
Really? This song is almost older than Germany.
if feels like after the election I woke up in an alternate meme timeline
because we literally did
that wasn't his inauguration speech yet. He can't start purges while is he still only president elect.
File: its a 2 party system.webm (4MB, 480x360px) Image search: [Google]
its a 2 party system.webm
4MB, 480x360px
It's an Anti-trump rally from cali earlier in the year but yeah the music is edited
File: man of steel bike.webm (4MB, 600x300px) Image search: [Google]
man of steel bike.webm
4MB, 600x300px
>man of steel bike
but he's not even black
electrifying the leftist out of them
this is god-tier, sauce please
If that's the bottom of the barrel, consider me a bottom feeder
This editing is so perfect made me cry
>tfw this video is banned in my country.
File: 1478955870549.webm (4MB, 960x540px) Image search: [Google]
4MB, 960x540px
pmfsl@this. Idc how gay that comment looks. everything about is perfect
inb4 Ivanka Trump

>captcha: Vivienda MAGAS
My favorite part of this whole video is Ted Cruz as the hunchback
Can someone add the "Duuuuuuude, look at this....Look at his head..."
Young woman goes to HRC rally, gets pumped full of liberalism and loses election - DIES. Many such cases!
>but she looks like she's on crack
No, she just OD'd on the IV red pill

took a moment
please, tell me this is in yt, I want to send it to every body I know
thanks a lot, the longer version is worse
No problem bro
Go back to social media you fucking faggot
File: Dear Jeb.webm (2MB, 640x360px) Image search: [Google]
Dear Jeb.webm
2MB, 640x360px
I'm sorry to say this as a burger myself, but there was a court case about this and it's been settled that you cannot booby trap your property with the intention of doing harm to the intruder.
Well you are definitely a burger since you don't understand that one state's case law does not apply to another unless it has been heard and decided by the Supreme Court.
Too keen with blacks eh?
I see your bull is treating her good.
File: LIQUID.gif (962KB, 500x230px) Image search: [Google]
962KB, 500x230px

Fuck, what's the name of those shotguns people would rig up to fire if you opened up a window or door.

The courts decided that it was murder/manslaughter even if he was protecting his own property.

My 9 MM Glock is really I need; a verbal warning and then a shot to the knee and problem is solved.

>MFW I live in Arizona so it's an open carry state.

True, it hasn't been decided by the Supreme Court but they'd look at that case to establish precedent but also look at the Constitution and our right to our private property and protecting it.

Not sure which way it would go honestly.
That's Mike Diva. He has a penis.
What are you talking about? I mean Donald Trump.
File: kek vs baphomet.webm (3MB, 427x240px) Image search: [Google]
kek vs baphomet.webm
3MB, 427x240px
>Implying Clinton wasn't a neo-con puppet
lol smug bastard
>Pepe the mascot
always gets me
this country is doom. you alt rights and alt lefts are just different sides of the same coin and i hope you would just kill each other already.
>le two sides of the same coin
the coin of giving a shit
so profound, not caring is the ultimate redpill
its not about giving a shit, its bitching and being just mean. its stupid and childish.
People tend to get passionate when the stakes are high. If you can't connect to that its fine, but let people do their work and dont get all smarmy about not caring either way
the stakes are not high, thats whats so stupid.
>this country is doom
>the stakes are not high
yeah ok kid
because the alts fight and bitch, it gets old.
try to have a rational civil conversation. with out the condescending tone. "kid"
the country is doomed because of the alt right and left.
What the fuck is an alt-right?
the far right and far left
File: removal.webm (3MB, 400x226px) Image search: [Google]
3MB, 400x226px
I love this
>the country would be better off if people simply stopped talking about problems
stop posting
File: Donald Trump's 'Pardon Me.webm (4MB, 852x480px) Image search: [Google]
Donald Trump's 'Pardon Me.webm
4MB, 852x480px
Its some sort of indie book store
He harpooned that whale and carved it up
After watching that video for the first time, especially the scene with the train running them over, i fucking KNEW that he will win. It gave me such a surge of optimism and euphoria, we can do this reddit tier willingness to meme him into the office.
Imagine if she actually went down in history as the first female President of the USA. And libs think Trump is a bad president elect? Fuck me. First woman President biggest liar in the history of woman leaders, probably.

Yeah, that would have been a great "example" for young girls wanting to become leaders.
This is delicious every damn time I see it.
What's the song at the end?

Fucking know I've heard it at other places and I may even have had the name at one point but fuck.
Exactly how I felt, exactly at that point.
Curb Your Enthusiasm theme.
Right? I think this is part of his charm (see Charisma) that won people over.
love, m8 <3

man of wheel, then
The clip from the beginning was from before the election. It was him saying that Trump wouldn't win the presidency.
>This is the Bob Dole timeline
File: 1469755897542.gif (2MB, 245x207px)
2MB, 245x207px

>I'd look her right in that fat, ugly face of hers. I'd say "Rosie, you're fired."

Best. President. Ever.
they were called spring-guns which basically covered any type of firearm that is rigged up to fire at whoever tripped them
>you honor while i was trying to steal a man's private property i was electrocuted
being this fucking stupid

How's life in Europe
I think the intent is so that if firefighters have to bust down the door and rescue a kid or something they don't have to worry about dodging toe-poppers and punji pits
File: 2016 election.webm (4MB, 618x360px) Image search: [Google]
2016 election.webm
4MB, 618x360px
File: Clinton inauguration.webm (2MB, 848x480px) Image search: [Google]
Clinton inauguration.webm
2MB, 848x480px
God damn the burn
>that retard laugh
Hillary probably didn't even know where she was at the time
File: thehacker4chan.webm (898KB, 640x360px) Image search: [Google]
898KB, 640x360px
We shifted world lines.
Does anybody have that rick astly version of this song?
Its the radiation in the air
Your point is?
top fucking kek


See you in 4 years. :-)
>Crack whores support Trump
Why tho?
>Being best bud with the ginormous cuck that is Farage
What a faggot he is by association.
No Frenchman would deny that Paris is a shit city.

Don't worry though, the military will take charge soon.
I meant the end of the gif.
File: 1478249786655.webm (1MB, 426x426px) Image search: [Google]
1MB, 426x426px
Here's my OC hope i'm not late
Go to other places as tourist. Don't get stolen from. Go to Paris, get stolen from. What's the difference? The changing demographic.
How is Farage a cuck?
He resigned?
What was he gonna do as the head of a third party? He wasn't in the government.

Farage fulfilled his dream of leaving the EUdSSR, insulted everyone of the lazy, useless politicians in the european parlament who mocked him beforehand one last time and fucked off with a smile on his beautiful face.
its Donald Trump in the black
Holy shit someone needs to shop all the republican candidates faces in here, and hillary on the motorcycle (cause she cheats).
So lemme get this straight, he drove into a protest and started burning out? I'm gathering that from the crowd reaction and police not stepping in.
She was actually a Bernie supporter, this is her reaction to Hillary "winning" the DNC nomination. A lot of Bernie voters went for Trump.
Holy fuck. Someone needs to make this happen.
Wait, when did Chappelle come back?
I think that was his appearance on SNL last week
File: The Wall.webm (4MB, 640x360px) Image search: [Google]
The Wall.webm
4MB, 640x360px
File: 1475759678094.webm (464KB, 640x360px) Image search: [Google]
464KB, 640x360px
More cruz!
File: good ass webm.webm (4MB, 640x360px) Image search: [Google]
good ass webm.webm
4MB, 640x360px
>No Jeb!
made by an american
Its illegal in America. In my city, a man had a house that he had to sell but it kept getting robbed by nigs. So he set up a gun to fire at anyone breaking. the gun was a mosin-naget. it destroyed the man. The home-owner got sent to prison. Another instance was in Arizona. A man would leave rattlesnakes in his gas station afterhours. He even had a sign that said rattlesnakes inside. A thief got killed, and he went to prison.
>Imagine if she actually went down in history as the first female President of the USA. And libs think Trump is a bad president elect? Fuck me. First woman President biggest liar in the history of woman leaders, probably.
What history?
If she won you would probably get nuked in a war in russian on die in a fallowing nuclear winter...
That bitch was insane.
>>Crack whores support Trump
Crack whore?
With a baby smooth skin?
She never took drugs in her life, look up what crack or meth does to a persons face and skin, You can spot a junkie from a mile away and shes clean.
Nervous and angry, maybe a bit drunk.

Jack Nicklaus and J. Miller? Johnny?
>trampoline with a net
But half the fun of a trampoline is doing sick front flips off of it. Sure it's a bit more dangerous but so is anything that's fun.
>it's not the chubbiness

voted Trump in PA.
fuckin' lost it.
sauce on music in this?
much appreciated
File: trump MAGA(1).webm (1MB, 640x480px) Image search: [Google]
trump MAGA(1).webm
1MB, 640x480px
File: x_1_converted (2).webm (3MB, 261x144px) Image search: [Google]
x_1_converted (2).webm
3MB, 261x144px
I hear that Audiomachine track in the background
I wanna cook that man a nice meal and cuddle with him in the bathtub
Thread posts: 360
Thread images: 74

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