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Close calls, bad drivers

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 348
Thread images: 143

NO CRASHES unless they're minor or they happen while the person is trying to park.

Old threads (from oldest to newest)
It's the first weekend of the month, therefore it's time for a new bad drivers thread(s).
As always, I'll make the crashes thread when I run out of "close calls" OC.

As always, you can check for the original source of the video in the title metadata of the video. You'll either have a full link to the original or just the YouTube ID of the video.
If you see a bunch of random characters at the end of the title metadata, that's the YT ID. Careful, though, because the ID always has a - in front of it and there are some IDs that start with a -, so you could have something looking like "--1jj5_0938k". Simply ignore the first -
See, in both these cases you have the YouTube ID of the original videos. Ignore the first - if you just want the ID
File: Stupit cyclist !!-y6DW_rDpWwc.webm (444KB, 1920x1080px) Image search: [Google]
Stupit cyclist !!-y6DW_rDpWwc.webm
444KB, 1920x1080px
File: Close call while merging.webm (3MB, 1280x720px) Image search: [Google]
Close call while merging.webm
3MB, 1280x720px
File: Terrible Parking (Dashcam).webm (4MB, 960x540px) Image search: [Google]
Terrible Parking (Dashcam).webm
4MB, 960x540px
File: 30709117.webm (3MB, 854x480px) Image search: [Google]
3MB, 854x480px
File: Red Light Runner-RgSmEpBh3xo.webm (4MB, 1280x720px) Image search: [Google]
Red Light Runner-RgSmEpBh3xo.webm
4MB, 1280x720px
File: clip5-GMdZFMOI22M.webm (2MB, 1280x720px) Image search: [Google]
2MB, 1280x720px
Tesla driver showing us why we need autonomous vehicles.
File: motovloggers.webm (3MB, 854x480px) Image search: [Google]
3MB, 854x480px
I think I got this one from a /dbt/ so I have no sause. I would love to have the original, though.
File: Road rage-DrcQnFsVVgU.webm (4MB, 960x540px) Image search: [Google]
Road rage-DrcQnFsVVgU.webm
4MB, 960x540px
File: Backed Into.webm (4MB, 1280x720px) Image search: [Google]
Backed Into.webm
4MB, 1280x720px
>1 poster

admiring your dedication
Thanks, anon.
File: 31052542.webm (1MB, 854x480px) Image search: [Google]
1MB, 854x480px

no probs, keep posting, im loving the thread

if you stop im checking the archive links then im off to youtube to look for more bad drivers

>hot chocolate
>cozy as fawk
File: Czerwona Panda sieje postrach.webm (1MB, 1280x720px) Image search: [Google]
Czerwona Panda sieje postrach.webm
1MB, 1280x720px
Now that this anon >>1378547 mentions it, I forgot to say that I will not post old stuff in my threads. I don't want this to become another eurobeat thread: full of reposts.

I will only post OC in my threads. I will try to keep the reposts to a minimum. If you want to see different stuff that has already been posted and that will probably never be reposted by me again (at least not anytime soon), go check the archives.
File: COMPILATION OF CHAOS! 2.webm (2MB, 960x540px) Image search: [Google]
2MB, 960x540px
File: COMPILATION OF CHAOS! 1.webm (4MB, 960x540px) Image search: [Google]
4MB, 960x540px
File: Bad driving calgary - accident.webm (2MB, 1280x720px) Image search: [Google]
Bad driving calgary - accident.webm
2MB, 1280x720px
File: Dry Ridge Cut Off.webm (2MB, 1280x720px) Image search: [Google]
Dry Ridge Cut Off.webm
2MB, 1280x720px
File: Going the wrong way.webm (4MB, 1280x720px) Image search: [Google]
Going the wrong way.webm
4MB, 1280x720px
File: k4at.webm (1MB, 1280x720px) Image search: [Google]
1MB, 1280x720px
File: SEP-2016-yzYEBWxjsJw.webm (4MB, 960x540px) Image search: [Google]
4MB, 960x540px
File: Roundabouts are hard.webm (3MB, 1280x720px) Image search: [Google]
Roundabouts are hard.webm
3MB, 1280x720px
File: Detroit Merge-5TZ6hC-Sh5Y.webm (4MB, 1920x538px) Image search: [Google]
Detroit Merge-5TZ6hC-Sh5Y.webm
4MB, 1920x538px
File: Left lane hog.webm (4MB, 960x540px) Image search: [Google]
Left lane hog.webm
4MB, 960x540px
File: Road rage on 85 south Atlanta.webm (4MB, 480x270px) Image search: [Google]
Road rage on 85 south Atlanta.webm
4MB, 480x270px
File: Scared Of Traffic So You Move.webm (3MB, 1280x720px) Image search: [Google]
Scared Of Traffic So You Move.webm
3MB, 1280x720px
File: Wymuszenie na rondzie.webm (2MB, 1280x720px) Image search: [Google]
Wymuszenie na rondzie.webm
2MB, 1280x720px
File: Poor Cyclist.webm (3MB, 1280x720px) Image search: [Google]
Poor Cyclist.webm
3MB, 1280x720px
File: VIRB0168A.webm (672KB, 404x720px) Image search: [Google]
672KB, 404x720px
File: Cyclist near miss.webm (1MB, 1280x720px) Image search: [Google]
Cyclist near miss.webm
1MB, 1280x720px
File: Holy Moly.webm (2MB, 1280x720px) Image search: [Google]
Holy Moly.webm
2MB, 1280x720px
File: Stupid Pickup Truck.webm (685KB, 1280x720px) Image search: [Google]
Stupid Pickup Truck.webm
685KB, 1280x720px
File: Bad Mercedes driver drives bad.webm (2MB, 1280x720px) Image search: [Google]
Bad Mercedes driver drives bad.webm
2MB, 1280x720px
Seriously, I have nothing to share but I'm going through everything in here
File: truck trying to merge into me.webm (2MB, 1280x720px) Image search: [Google]
truck trying to merge into me.webm
2MB, 1280x720px
It's ok, anon.
File: My Edited Video.webm (3MB, 1280x720px) Image search: [Google]
My Edited Video.webm
3MB, 1280x720px
File: Not a care in the world.webm (2MB, 1280x720px) Image search: [Google]
Not a care in the world.webm
2MB, 1280x720px
File: Casual red light.webm (2MB, 1280x720px) Image search: [Google]
Casual red light.webm
2MB, 1280x720px
File: DE63 GMG.webm (2MB, 1280x720px) Image search: [Google]
DE63 GMG.webm
2MB, 1280x720px
This video triggers me. The person in the car was a idiot. But you're in no way better if you're raging driving on the wrong side of the road only holding with 1 hand and looking behind.
File: Cyclist close call.webm (972KB, 1280x720px) Image search: [Google]
Cyclist close call.webm
972KB, 1280x720px
File: Derp runs stop sign.webm (2MB, 1280x720px) Image search: [Google]
Derp runs stop sign.webm
2MB, 1280x720px

mini roundabouts cause more accidents than before they were implemented to reduce congestion.
File: White Crossover Lane Incursion.webm (2MB, 1280x720px) Image search: [Google]
White Crossover Lane Incursion.webm
2MB, 1280x720px
I have one near my house and it works well. The problem are the drivers, not the mini roundabout.
Fucking fagot of a motocycle driver who blames others for driving way over the speed limit.
File: Otwarcie maski podczas jazdy.webm (4MB, 1280x720px) Image search: [Google]
Otwarcie maski podczas jazdy.webm
4MB, 1280x720px
File: Farlig forbikjøring!.webm (3MB, 1280x720px) Image search: [Google]
Farlig forbikjøring!.webm
3MB, 1280x720px

some of the mini ones are fine, but some are fucking retarded with the placement confusing the drivers which leads to accidents.
I was expecting him to sneak in a cunt in the end, seeing as it is straya
>motorcyclist gets run out of lane because of car blocking road
>>"you're in no way better if you're raging driving on the wrong side of the road only holding with 1 hand and looking behind"
>>muh speeding
Zero cars in oncoming lane, and he got out of it rather quick. Didn't even seem to be going that fast. Guess it's awful he got mad at someone that put his life in danger. It's his fault, right guys?
Okay. I'll go to bed now. I'll keep posting tomorrow.
>keeps running
more like blacked into
it looks like a dedicated bike trail. this guy should have been watching for them.
it's like GTA AI
The dashcam driver in this one had the right of way, right?

i think you guys would like to see how is the driving in my city

how is the public transport doing

>live in shitty country with shitty people
>have to take a bus every day to get to my shitty university
>to interact with more educated shitty people

here a bad quality video of two oga booga figthing

this thread is just making me want to invest in a dash cam
I am triggered beyond imagination.

I dont drive and I think its best if I dont. Id let my anger take over and take revenge with all my might.

Theres no law againt having a dented as fuck car, right? As long as everyting stays in place and doesnt endanger one.
Because Id happily bump into people forcing me across lanes and shit.
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1MB, 216x216px
>Americans actually clap

what did he mean by this?

He had an advanced green and was in a double left turn lane, so he had to go to that lane. The guy trying to turn right on red was at fault.
Wouldn't the biker have to yield to the car because he's technically going straight in the far right "lane"?

this is a multi lane roundabout, why is the biker in the right hand lane going straight on? If he'd been riding properly, he would be behind the black car and there would be no problem.
took wayy too fucking long to start braking
>2 close calls in 1 webm

I'd never let the recorder drive me anywhere again after that
could have easily gone around lol

yes, and was indicating for ages. You do not ride on the inside of any vehicle indicating or slowing. That cyclist is a fucking moron and it infuriates me that he rode away thinking he was right.
guy seems like an impatient entitled cock
>Angrily squeezes bell
If someone decides to get their face that close to my window, they instantly get a fist to the goddamned teeth. God damn.
All these videos with motorcyclists getting cut off and not seen makes me want to smash all of their side view mirrors
My b, didn't mean to reply to you, but

>walks out with beating stick
>not getting plugged with 9mm
Welcome to America
guy on the shoulder is obviously driving dangerously, but the biggest problem in this is the load of cunts in the far left lane of a highway going about 25mph
Sorry, the faggot in the right lane (not the one coming onto the highway) should have changed lanes or slowed down.

Granted,it's not his job to slow down but for christ's sake, did he just start driving or something? If you're flying down the interstate and see people merging into traffic you're supposed to be acommodating to some degree. Not be a douchebag like this guy and just say FUCK the merging guy on my right.
where exactly is the close call in this? The closest thing to bad driving that I see is that nobody is using the left lane for a zipper merge...
again, genetrash driving in the far left lane. if someone has to pass you on your right then you are the fuckup
I'm so glad I don't live in a cyclist-heavy part of America
One less bit of bullshit to worry about when I drive
why the fuck were the vehicles stopping in the right two lanes? blinking yellow means be wary of cross traffic but they still have the right of way
Looks it.
God damn, I hate that shit. It's not a road way and my car isn't a drill cone.
Can anyone explain the reason to anything in the one?
I think the camera is a helmet cam on a cyclist, that car is on a dual carraigeway or some wierd as shit.
Are you kidding? He's nearly hit in every one when he has the right of way. Impatient? Entitled? You're an idiot.
>Tommy Wiseau's father.webm
See, now I'm not so sure what's wrong with this. It's obviously dangerous to use the shoulder at high speeds, wouldn't this be maximizing the area of the road, making another lane, therefore reducing congestion?
As long as they do not interfere in the running of your car, varying by state inspections. And certain areas must also pass an emission test.
>did you guys see that?

I thought it was a meme
looks like a yield sign for the merge lane

and either way, that merge lane is way too short

if he hadn't moved over, that car would be in the ditch

poor design
what a fucking faggot

just let him in, fuck. Its not like you're going to get there any faster by not letting one fucking car in your fucking lane you piece of human shaped shit
From the looks the guy couldn't merge into the right lane because there was a car right there. For all we know there was a car behind him too, so slowing down could have not been an option
The car's still in the wrong there. Apparently it must not be obvious to some people, but when you make a turn that involves crossing traffic you don't just pull out and sit there blocking one side of traffic until the other side clears. You fucking wait until both sides are clear and cross in one go.
I'm genuinely surprised this intersection doesn't have a light on it. I've seen smaller streets with multiple lights covering less distance. This one is an accident absolutely begging to happen.

These people are the worst. People that would rather cause a crash or a huge fucking jam instead of just taking the next street or exit or whatever. I don't know if they are narcissists or just idiots.
what dash/car cameras would you guys suggest? i want to somewhat protect myself from bad drivers

It's 2 lanes and the red suv was obviously passing the tanker next to him. Meanwhile the guy in the red car was trying to squeeze inbetween the two like an asshole instead of waiting for the suv to finish passing. The red car is most definitely the one and only driver at fault.
My mom does that and for years I told her "STOP DOING THIS! YOU ARE GOING TO GET HIT!" her response is always "They better look out for me!"

Well, she did it one day like a bitch, and a big ass truck smashed into her side and she told the cops she was parked, I told them she was fucking driving, shes not spoke to me since.

I told her, fuck her, she wants to act like hot shit then she can do it on her own time.
When merging onto the highway the person already on the highway is the one who has the right of way. The problem here is that the white hatch is trying to merge while driving much slower than the highway traffic. The PoV car was driving at the same rate as the guy in the left lane. If anything the white hatch should have yielded instead of forcing himself in. I hate people who try to merge onto the highway going 30 mph when the flow of traffic is at least 60 mph.
How come they use undercover cops for traffic? I would be frighted if a guy on a motorcycle asked me to stop. I would think he'd try to rob me or something.
Because traffic safety enforcement isn't about making traffic safer, it's about meeting quotas for traffic citations. Around where I live when the police pull someone over the car will moe to the shoulder and the police park their cruiser in the lane instead of moving over to the shoulder as well. So for a speeding ticket or running a red light, they'll block an entire lane of a two-lane street which obstructs traffic and makes the road more dangerous than whatever infraction they are responding to.
At "oh fuck this car" he had plenty of time to stop instead of driving on the wrong side without looking

This I don't get. I know nobody wants to get hit and have to spend a quite long time with insurance guys and whatnot, but if I had a vehicle (which I don't bc fuck driving along with monkeys), I'd let things happen and get the other guy to pay for his mistake.

Does that ever happen? Bc I'd do this every fucking time just for me to have an opportunity to punch their shit out of them.
Because if you rear end someone, they'll generally try to fault you no matter what. Because maintaining safe following distance and whatnot. That's why you also don't challenge a brake checker, as satisfying as it may seem.

Thanks a lot, anon. Love this thread.

You might be retarded.
What a masterpiece
i like how he tapped it 3 times just see if he could maybe break it
File: Cam Test.webm (4MB, 1920x1080px) Image search: [Google]
Cam Test.webm
4MB, 1920x1080px
Its a two lane road, that narrows into a short section where an island reduces the lanes to one and the sign on the island indicates that oncomming traffic are given priority (sign with the big arrow and small arrow) (probably for traffic flow control). the driver is trying to pass everyone and ends up driving straight into this single lane preventing the right of way traffic from proceeding.

terrible selfish driver.
What is it with tropical locations and horrible driving?
this could possibly be making the traffic worse if it tapers off at a bridge later or if there's a heavily used off ramp that is now even harder to onto.

not to mention if an emergency does happen the emergency vehicles have no access up or down the highway.

What if emergency vehicles need to use it?
Are they not common in your city?

Motorcycle cops are not even under cover, they are all dressed the fuck up just like a regular cop car is. It's not like you wouldn't know, and the guy has his fucking lights on.
have you driven a motorcycle? you can't slam on the breaks like you do a car or you'll kill yourself retard
Downtown Seattle! God I hope we pass the sound transit prop - drivers have become total retards around here.
can't blame the blue car in this one when the motorcycle is needlessly splitting lanes and in the blue cars blindspot.

I mean sure he should be checking his mirrors better, but I'd blame both parties had they gotten into an accident.
See >>1378682


See >>1378683

oh i don't know what he's honking at, maybe just a fuckin cunt running a red light and going off the road
the literal definition of a "putz" is a worthless person
or he was trying to say piece of something or other but it came out at putza idk

What the fuck happened?
the guy turning left would be at fault, but if the recorder rear ended the dude that his the left turner, it would be the recorder's fault. Also sometimes I feel the same way, but then I remember that even low speed collisions can deploy the air bag and i don't want to get hit in the face with anything flying at me at 60mph

>First video
>Doe not have right of way
Dumbass kid and dumbass parents, jesus christ.

I've been a motorcyclist for years and every video this guy has posted just shows how much a fucking retard he is.

He will die one day soon
i live in georgia and semi frequently am on I85 and I75
Holy shit is it a terrible driving culture
ya i hope it passes less traffic too
> Bad driving calgary
more like bad audio
>Clearly traffic so everyone is going slow
>some brain dead retard does something completely illegal and retarded
>you defend him

clap clap
Imagine no idiots.
So fucking what? The car is doing an illegal maneuver and the bike has the right of way.
You should.

>Bay Area
Aw yes, the timeless "I forgot the turn lane is the far right lane, dude, haha" close call. Been there.
w/e that happens like every day. you guys just got into the same lane at the same time, no body's fault
File: 1k45.webm (4MB, 1280x720px) Image search: [Google]
4MB, 1280x720px
I'm back. Let's keep posting stuff.

Nice to see somebody else post something besides me. Is that footage yours?
File: cammer is at fault.webm (2MB, 1280x720px) Image search: [Google]
cammer is at fault.webm
2MB, 1280x720px
File: Missed left turn.webm (2MB, 1280x720px) Image search: [Google]
Missed left turn.webm
2MB, 1280x720px
>los angeles
>Anything but shit drivers
How is the cammer at fault?
File: Forced Lane Split - SMIDSY.webm (4MB, 1280x720px) Image search: [Google]
Forced Lane Split - SMIDSY.webm
4MB, 1280x720px
He did literally nothing wrong that I can see though.
He didn't. Those were jokes. You've missed both of them.
File: Karma for shoulder driver.webm (2MB, 1280x720px) Image search: [Google]
Karma for shoulder driver.webm
2MB, 1280x720px
File: Mini doesn't give way.webm (2MB, 1280x720px) Image search: [Google]
Mini doesn't give way.webm
2MB, 1280x720px
Gods judgement
File: Idiot Mustang Driver.webm (3MB, 1274x720px) Image search: [Google]
Idiot Mustang Driver.webm
3MB, 1274x720px
File: m6 j16 north.webm (2MB, 1280x720px) Image search: [Google]
m6 j16 north.webm
2MB, 1280x720px
File: Worst bike rider ever.webm (1MB, 198x360px) Image search: [Google]
Worst bike rider ever.webm
1MB, 198x360px
File: Extreme Towing and Recovery.webm (3MB, 1280x720px) Image search: [Google]
Extreme Towing and Recovery.webm
3MB, 1280x720px
And done. This is the last one. The next video would be the first one from the last thread. If you want to keep seeing OC, head to the archives unless you've already been here for the last threads or you've already looked at the archives.
There we go. I've made the crashes thread. >>1379481

Also, before commenting about cyclists, make sure you know your state or country's rules.
>that's ok have a good night!
Canada, mate.
Fuck that felt good
why is it always women on their phone? are they incapable of putting their phone down for more than 5 fucking minutes
because confirmation bias
She was parked... on the road between parking slots?
Yeah fucking hell he does sound like tommy.
i was just coasting this thread being cozy but then i came across your post and i realised something hot would make it even cozier so making tea thanks

good thread good op good good
was for
What makes a "dedicated" bike trail?
Both are assholes here. The truck is a typical "I'm doing the right thing and he isn't doing what he's doing so I AM IN THE RIGHT." Waiting until the final moment, until it actually happens, before he even tries to avoid the accident.

If the light is on, why don't you slow down? That's what any sane person would have done. Something is up, something is wrong, but you're in the right and you won't get hurt so you don't care. Fucking disgusting behavior in a conscience way far beyond the incompetent car driver.
i think this might just be the shitty dash cam but the pole to the left at the very start looks like it's shaking violently
It's a term bikers invented in order to justify crashing into pedestrians.
[citation needed]
If this is you please turn in your driver's license. You either let the people merge or just fucking move to the left lane if breaking is beneath you.
I've learned to ignore people signalling for a long time without doing anything if they're not in the outer lanes. Many times the mindless morons just leave the turn signal on or they signal left and turn right, or signal right and turn left.

Traffic on the highway has the right of way. You don't just join the road without giving a shit about anybody around you. many times I've come to a full stop before joining a highway because there were no gaps for me. When I had a gap, I simply accelerated to the allowed speed and joined it.
>I've learned to ignore people signalling for a long time
Well then the webm should be food for thought

>"these guys don't know how roundabouts work"

>he doesn't give way to the right

Both people are at fault right here.
No, it really shouldn't since he would be liable for that accident, not me.
typically you're not supposed to use the hard shoulder at all and using it during standstill traffic like that CAN be a terrible idea. What if the reason the traffic's stopped is because there's a major accident up the road? How is an ambulance or fire engine supposed to get there if the one lane that's supposed to be free is now stuffed full of cars? There would be nowhere for cars to go without knocking down a barrier.

That said, SOME motorways have a policy of opening up the hard shoulder for regular traffic when there's a lot of congestion, and some people ignore the signs telling you to do so, so you wind up with heavy traffic in the main lanes and me happily cruising down the hard shoulder getting angry looks from people who haven't noticed the giant flashing "CONGESTION - USE HARD SHOULDER" signs.
Yep that's me trying to get home form work unscathed.

The perspective of this fall is really weird. It looks like he's falling to the left, with his head on the side of the parked car, which means the van should be on his left. But the van's on his right as he falls, which means he must've fell to the right.

I can't see how that happens unless he somehow fits a somersault into that fall.

What an incredibly well placed stopping area.
I've got a cheap dashcam but I don't even know how to use it. I'm also assuming you need a massive SD card or something for raw video.
Hell naw. I'm recording stuff with my smartphone and I only have 4 GB assigned to the dashcam app. I can record a few hours of 1080p@10MB/s footage before the app starts deleting old files and rewriting them to stay under 4 GB.
If you mark a video as important because there was a crash or whatever, it doesn't delete it if it needs space. It keeps it forever. Learn to use your dashcam, anon.
Oh wow I live like 3 miles from where this was shot
Also, 10 MB/s is a bit excessive for a 1080p video. 5-8 MB/s is enough, but I use 10 because muh quality.
wowww ur famous anon!
The runner instinctively raises his hands above his head when he presumably hears the cop cars sirens sound...Oh america
As the other said, traffic on highway has right of way. People joining onto the highway has to either yield or join with the flow.
It doesn't mean you just blindly plow onwards yelling I AM IN THE RIGHT instead of just taking the hit to your ego and slowing down slightly for 2 seconds.

The amount of people who drive around apparently screaming "LETTER OF THE LAW" in their minds is terrifying.
Well putza means cock/dick in Greek so maybe that...idk
Hows that bus pass treating you?
if you look closely, I think the white 4x4 ahead (may even have been another juke) drives through the cycle lane
Women over react to everything.
How about you join the highway at an appropriate speed instead of at half the legal speed?
wtf is up with that retard
He has to tailgate if he doesn't want any drivers to go between him and the cammer.
ayy lmao
I'm just here to bitch about people in the US staying in the left lane for no reason on a 2 lane highway.
there's tons of streets like this where I work
A roundabout would be better.
I commented similarly in this or the other thread earlier and I fully agree.
>no acceleration lane
>join the highway at an appropriate speed
You are fucking retarded.
Also it can't be called a highway without an acceleration lane.
Well, then go ahead and call New Jersey and tell them that the Palisades Interstate Parkway is not actually a highway.

You're retarded. Learn how to drive, you fucking moron.
So you drive F1 car and you can accelerate that fast. That makes sense now.
Actually, the palisades parkway belongs to New York. Sorry about that.
Keep making excuses for your bad driving, bitch.
There is no help for your stupidity. Or you have no idea what you wrote. Read it really carefully >>1380274
its threads like these that make me want to invest in a dashcam just to show what shitty drivers i meet on a regular basis

whats a good but cheap dashcam?

I live in california if that gives you any idea to what i may deal with
fuck glendale
You have no idea what those words mean, you stupid shit. The white car had more than enough time space and visibility to either get up to highway speed or slow the fuck down and let the people on the highway pass. If there had been a collision, the white car would have been 100% at fault.
the cyclist is a stupid fuck. he should have waited. here in the Netherlands its your own fuckin fault. he's overtaking people so if he would have been struck, he would be the guilty one
thanks. appreciate it
>The white car had more than enough time space and visibility to get up to highway speed
Absolutely no.
>slow the fuck down and let the people on the highway pass
This is what he was supposed to do.
>Absolutely no.
Well, you're just retarded, or blind.
He's continuing in his lane, as the person to the left is merging into him. So, yea.
needed a couple of times to watch it, but its cause he rolls further, causing him to lie on his back. if he fell and didn't roll (lie on his belly) the car would be on his left
hahaha this guy
love it
couple days ago
heading out for grocerys
im a pedestrian
i always wait for walk signal(unlike most people)
it turns and i step out and nearly get kill by not 1 but 2 cars speeding thru the red light that was up(obv trying to beat the yellow)

fucking winterpeg
Of all the shit Perth drivers, you got a cyclist
i call enormous bullshit.
seriously fuck this prick. ive seen him drive crazy powered cars way too fast on packed twisting public roads with cyclists and bikers all around him and he comes on all high and mighty about safe driving here. the fuckin bro logic in this guys head, fuck off.
no it doesn't.
We call these types of bikers "donors".
try flipping a car off from the grave brah
because people won't do dumb shit if they know there's a cop around. so if they use an undercover cop, they can catch people doing dumb shit.

i take this exit home every day. i need to get a cam and share all the idiots i come across. vegas is worse than tucson for driving.

vegas drivers are bad cause they are assholes.
tucson drivers are bad because they are inept idiots.
Two morons.
I enjoy how these threads inspire people to road rage whilst sitting at their computers.

At least, I hope you're at a computer and not currently driving and posting these on your mobile. That is BAD DRIVING PRACTICE.
Not sure if you noticed him taking out the earbuds but, yeah....
File: Round-a-what.webm (4MB, 1920x1080px) Image search: [Google]
4MB, 1920x1080px
oh god cannot unsee

Well, at least they got there eventually.
Jesus what a horrible one to end on too.
Some bimbo overreacting because she has to apply light breaking. Oh My.
That's in Canada, ya dingus
can you confirm that this happens every time?
well i don't tell everyone i meet exactly what i think of them either to be honest
where are its parents?
no one appreciates a good set of quads on this board
Green arrow for left turner means red light for right turner. Right turner can make a legal turn as long as he a) comes to a complete stop and b) yields. Both of which he failed to do.
now kiss
this guy might have been speeding, the truck in the left lane was going considerably slower, and the taxi kept up with him.
signage usually
Thank you for posting these two threads, this has given me hours of enjoyment.

Do you do this every month around this time?
this has to be a joke
Yes, on the first weekend of every month. I would have made this one week earlier, but it was still October, even though November started on Tuesday, so I had to wait.
So the next threads are going to be made on the 2nd or 3rd of December.
dashcam driver is a fuckhead
Yeah, fucking cammer, right? You should let other drivers join the onramp from the highway only to overtake you, like >>1378683 is doing >>1378682
>>you defend him

quote me defending him

even if there's traffic, they should be to the right of the passing lane...
I never said otherwise
In the few seconds that all vehicles are visible, it really looks like the tanker and red suv are matching speeds
to be fair
>taking that left at less than 15mph

I'd want to do something similar, rather than get stuck behind the slow fuck recording
>unmarked shitbox with yellow lights
I wouldn't stop either. In fact, I'd be worried.
People need to learn when to give up in these situations for fucks sale
This happened to me once it was fucking terrifying. Thank god my shitty harbor freight horn worked that day.
The car in front of the recorder turned, and looked like it was an immediate right signal after the left one turned off. Being observant, the recorder didn't want to rush into his rear, incase he's one of the many people who can't turn a car quickly.
From the looks of it, the driver thought the car joining the highway was going to merge smoothly, but then the car slowed down for some fucking reason and almost caused this crash.

The problem isn't "'LETTER OF THE LAW" but rather the driver assumed the merger would be successful, however the merger car fucked up.
File: Choke it hard.webm (845KB, 608x1080px) Image search: [Google]
Choke it hard.webm
845KB, 608x1080px
I don't know how they work in his country but in mine the car in the round about always has right of way. Was he trying to go the wrong way??
I love instant karma like that. One time I saw a guy run a red light and there was a cop tucked away in a corner (I didn't even see him) and then cam the cherry and berries. It was glorious.

It look like they ran a red light, almost colliding with the ambulance.
The 1st one looks like it's security trying to play police. I wouldn't stop either lol
I had driving school 3 times (1st time for license, other 2 for speeding tickets) and I don't recall this from any of them.
The thing is, the people from that webm don't go around the roundabout, they're going against the flow of traffic, so if anything happened, they would probably be found at fault for the accident.
Me neither. Nobody ever taught me what to do in case of cyclist lanes and that kinda stuff. Only later, thanks to 4chan, have I learned that there are rules regarding that kinda stuff.
to be honest these little medieval streets are a pain, big cars like that are a bitch to park, good thing i have a small car
>inertia driftu
euro beat this shit
jesus he almost got hit, crossing the road with a truck so close
>Fish & Chips
>Only Muslims pedestrians
Yup, that's Britain!
I agree with you, but please, that person is being an idiot.
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