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Star Trek: Voyager

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Thread replies: 136
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Not the Voyager Probes 1 and 2 launched September 1977.....but the Star TREK show. Pulled to the far side of the galaxy, where the Federation is 75 years away at maximum warp speed, a Starfleet ship must cooperate with Maquis rebels to find a way home.
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What episode is this?
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Voyager - Borg.webm
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You stopped it THERE?

3.91mb :(
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Mini Doc, for when you're only a little sick
Goddamn. The one time Voyager had a good episode.
IIRC, Voyager was inside and blew it to hell from there.
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I'm not an expert in physics, but I have to imagine that if they were experiencing that many G's on the bridge of the Voyager (relatively in the center) that anyone on the edges of the ship would be goo on a wall.
I saw this episode before I knew what WWE was.

I got the voyager balancing toy from dairy queen.
Thanks to the wonders of Inertial Dampeners™ most lethal G-forces are reduced to a theatrical jump in front of any available cameras!
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This was a pretty based episode.
Isn't this the one where Harry got gud? This and the Hirogen Nazi episode.
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Was anyone else super happy with the voyager-related content in Star Trek Online?
I love scifi but I have trouble watching new shows and instead end rewatching Voyager, it was super comfy.
>I love scifi but I have trouble watching new shows and instead end rewatching Voyager, it was super comfy.

it wasn't the most "Star Trek" of star treks... but I agree, it was super comfy.
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Nevermind that ship just blasted a hoard of Borg cubes into... Much smaller Borg cubes... And somehow Voyager can take a direct hit and be in one piece.

...Or how a species of pure hate that drove every species in its entire liquid universe into extinction, because they were "impure and inferior", just wants to be lovey dovey with humans come the next season.
Tuvoc always was at his best when he was totally out of character
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the noises in that blooper were even better
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>still replying to Star Trek Cunt

These threads will never ie
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Seven of Nine is the sexiest of the Star Trek women hands down.
The Rock was in Star Trek!? Wow. Did he sex up Six of Nine?
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pretty nice
they tend to lose a lot without sound though
oh, my mistake, a lot of these do have sound
very TOS
I don't remember this one but I vaguely remember that guy's face
you could cut a steak with that chin
Cuz someone keeps filling the Star Trek threads with tumblr gifs, as if he couldn't do that on any other board.

Though I suppose it keeps them bumped, despite being among the oldest threads on the board.
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"hoe bitches on decks 6 through 12"
Am I the only one who really liked the Doctor?
I felt he was like a more nuanced attempt at what had been done with Data, and overall I felt he made some of the weaker episodes watchable.
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That can actually be explained. Borg ships don't have shields, they usually attenuate their outer hull's conduits to absorb enemy fire and then regenerate the hull.

At least, Voyager's shields should have been completely wiped though, given the power of 8472's weaponry
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Back when very few people actually smelled what the Rock was cooking.
Tom Paris is by far my least favorite character from any show ever produced.
All he does is complain and yell at his wife.
And he also got somewhat fat over time
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Holographic Doctor is definitely the best character on Voyager.
The episode where he gets sent onto another ship and the only person left alive onboard is another holographic doctor was great.
Keeping every trek thread bumped now.
they only snuggled...
Back before even the Rock knew what the Rock was cooking!
The doctor was pretty fuckin awesome. He also was one of the "comic relief"-characters in Trek that actually worked:
Neelix obviously didn't. DS9's Quark was "meh" at best. When they still tried to make Bashir into a comic relief character on DS9 it was just cringe-inducing. And TNG's Data... ohhh, that's a tough one. I can't say that I despise Data. No, I guess I like Data as much as the next guy. But boy were there some STUPID Data moments in TNG...
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DON'T fuckin modify the phase variance, you cunts!
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Back when the character of 7 of 9 got introduced I was legitimately ENAMOURED of Jeri Ryan. Not Seven, not the costume, but actually the actress.
Looking back at those interviews I find it rather easy to understand why I was so fond of her.
She was just fucking adorable!
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even more so in this segment...
Also note Kate Mulgrew's very astute comment on the 7 of 9 costume at the end...
Kim and Torres caught inside the collective fantasy of hibernating aliens which turned into a sort of eternal nightmare.
That clown guy was pretty sorta like the incarnation of the sleepers' collected fears if I remember correctly. It was a fine episode. "The Thaw" – 2nd season.
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PART OF IT was a good episode. The other part, however, was just another "Watch Harry Kim Suffer"-episode or rather one of the first of that kind.
You know, when DS9 had their periodic "Watch O'Brien Suffer"-episodes it was kinda different, since O'Brien was the most relatable and sympathetic character throughout most of the show's run. '
Kim, on the other hand, was essentially a non-character. That's why I never really liked those episodes.
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[insert assorted beeps and bleeps]
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Just bought the Voyager box sets. Just breezed over the synopsis. This is going to be the best $220 I've ever spent.

>Dat Maquis and Federation tension
>Dat diverse cast of rookies, non-Starfleet members, holograms, Borg and new aliens
>Dat feeling of isolation and desperation of a crew of lost travelers
>Dat potential for character development and varying relationships among the crew
>Dat development on the Borg that is likely to ensue

This is going to be the best ride through a piece of science-fiction ever. I can't fucking wait!
Boy, are you in for a surprise...
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that scene scared the crap out of me back then!
transphasic fistfuck torpedoes are a pretty good way to fuck up one's day.
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Thread posts: 136
Thread images: 91

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