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Anime Thread 261.0

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 338
Thread images: 151

File: offline.webm (4MB, 560x314px) Image search: [Google]
4MB, 560x314px
Old Threads
258.0 >>1141855
259.0 >>1150502
260.0 >>1156596
261.0 >>1162720

WebM for Retards

/g/ guide to WebMs


Before asking:

1. Check the metadata (title) with a media player

2. Google a character name

3. Reverse image search a frame from the clip
File: popularity.webm (2MB, 800x450px) Image search: [Google]
2MB, 800x450px
File: Kabaneri NCED.webm (4MB, 480x270px) Image search: [Google]
Kabaneri NCED.webm
4MB, 480x270px
File: Kabaneri NCOP2.webm (4MB, 480x270px) Image search: [Google]
Kabaneri NCOP2.webm
4MB, 480x270px
File: Kabaneri NCOP1.webm (4MB, 480x270px) Image search: [Google]
Kabaneri NCOP1.webm
4MB, 480x270px
What the fuck?
you forgot to add 4chanX
It's been missing for the last few threads.
new opening?
File: Hallow.webm (4MB, 640x360px) Image search: [Google]
4MB, 640x360px
File: exorcists.webm (4MB, 532x300px) Image search: [Google]
4MB, 532x300px
File: D.GrayMan HALLOW OP.webm (4MB, 480x270px) Image search: [Google]
D.GrayMan HALLOW OP.webm
4MB, 480x270px
So I haven't watched this shit since like 2007 or something when I was le edgy teenager. Is it even worth watching? I fainly remember like 3 or so of the characters in this OP but I remember hating that hammer ginger with a passion since he fueled 80% of the fanbase with yaoi shit.
File: D.GrayMan HALLOW ED.webm (4MB, 560x314px) Image search: [Google]
D.GrayMan HALLOW ED.webm
4MB, 560x314px
I wasn't too into it.

I also haven't watched in about 10 years and didn't remember much.

But the tone of the show is the same and for it is made for the same audience it had before.
File: creative staff.webm (4MB, 720x404px) Image search: [Google]
creative staff.webm
4MB, 720x404px
>MC running with bread in mouth
>attacked by girl with magic abilities
>MC can stop magic with unknown power in one of his hands

Bravo JC
File: child foot dreams.webm (424KB, 960x540px) Image search: [Google]
child foot dreams.webm
424KB, 960x540px
File: black balled.webm (2MB, 800x450px) Image search: [Google]
black balled.webm
2MB, 800x450px
this guys hand does more damage than Touma's
This is too stupid for me not to watch it.
File: TabooTattoo OP.webm (4MB, 480x270px) Image search: [Google]
TabooTattoo OP.webm
4MB, 480x270px
A fun but odd series of shorts:
are they actually going to do finish the Mayoi Hell arc?
I'd assume so, the story is in full swing right now, wouldn't make a lot of sense to stop now. But shaft is making zaregoto and kizu is being released so it might take a while until it comes out.
File: 1467661518729.webm (3MB, 800x450px) Image search: [Google]
3MB, 800x450px
File: 1467663019137.webm (3MB, 800x450px) Image search: [Google]
3MB, 800x450px
Then don't you baka baka
File: 1on1.webm (4MB, 560x314px) Image search: [Google]
4MB, 560x314px
What the fuck did I just watch
It's from an episode of Paranoia Agent.
Figures, I never could understand that series.
it is pretty cute.
Purple haired girl is cute.

Does this artstyle remind anyone of Ghibli?
Not in the least.
What the fuck is wrong with Asian Benjamin Franklin?
is that lilypichu?
File: VHDB.webm (3MB, 740x400px) Image search: [Google]
3MB, 740x400px
File: VHDB2.webm (4MB, 740x400px) Image search: [Google]
4MB, 740x400px
File: VHDB3.webm (3MB, 740x400px) Image search: [Google]
3MB, 740x400px
File: VHDB4.webm (4MB, 740x400px) Image search: [Google]
4MB, 740x400px
File: NYANACONDA.webm (4MB, 720x480px) Image search: [Google]
4MB, 720x480px
Loved that fade out. Season 2 when?
I don't know, did the anime even sell well?

Doesn't matter if it sold well or not. The series covered 104 chapters out of 133, so we won't have enough source material for a while.
I don't think anyone expects sequels straight away but if the sales are good then there are chances in a couple of years
>couple of years

It won't happen, and if it did you'll get shit like Decade-Grey Man.
There's usually a couple of years between sequels, stop being such a faggot. Also the fact that d gray men is the only thing you can think of make you smell like a newfag.
Most sequels only gap about 1 season. Look at anything in the past year, anything that got a second season got so after a 1 season gap, not multiple years you fucking moron.

Shit that takes years to get sequels fucking suck, like Berserk and Decade-Grey Man. Because people stop caring. Name an anime that had like a 2 year gap between seasons and WASN'T trash.

An Internet suicide pact meet each other for the first time in attempt to come up with ways to commit suicide but hope to see Lil Slugger. There are three members- Fuyubachi, an old man; 'Zebra', a young man; and a little girl called Kamome-kun. The two men are shocked at her age and try to run away from her. She finds them in a house trying to gas themselves with Carbon Monoxide but the house is suddenly demolished. Then they try to jump in front of an underground train but someone else does it first and that puts them off. *Afterward, Zebra sees the spirit of the man who jumped in front of the train walk away from the accident into the crowd of people on the platform. Finally, the three members try hanging themselves from a tree on a mountainside; but it snaps. The men fall down a slope and get separated from Kamome-kun, but then decide to go back to her because they fear she will get lost in the forest if she's left alone. At a bathhouse, the three try to sleep when they see a silhouette of Lil' Slugger. Delighted, Kamome-kun and Zebra run at him with open arms with Fuyubachi trailing behind, but Lil' Slugger flees the building. At the end of the episode, Fuyubachi notices that the three of them don't have shadows when a man walks between them without noticing it (And indeed, they do not have shadows throughout the episode, although the two men do seem to cast shadows in the very early part of the episode, indicating their very first suicide effort may have been effective). While singing and skipping hand in hand in the last scene, the three members stop behind a group of girls getting their picture taken by another girl with a digital camera. When the girls check to see how their picture turned out, they are shocked and frightened by what they see in the picture (which is not shown to the audience).*
>only gap about 1 season
That's generally called a split cour buddy.

There was 3 years between bakemonogatari and nisemonogatari, 2 years between dtb 1 and 2, 5 years between saki 1 and 2, 5 years between moyashimon 1 and 2, 9 years between mushishi 1 and 2, 2 years between minami ke, ro kyu bu 2 years, rosen maiden 2 years, xxxholic 2 years, durarara 5 years and so on.
Just because you're a newfag and don't know anything other than a couple mainstream shows don't apply the same thing for literally everything.
>Most sequels only gap about 1 season
Those aren't sequels, that's called split-cour. It's one season split into two, nonconsecutive cours. They bill it as season 2 but it's really not because the split-cour was intended from the outset of season 1.

A second season is made by a separate production committee with a new budget, and they are often at least 1 year apart.
Fucking nigger you spoiled it
Did you get into anime just this year or something? Sequels generally take a couple years. You apparently don't know the difference between cours and seasons, or what a splitcour is.
File: happy birthday.webm (4MB, 532x300px) Image search: [Google]
happy birthday.webm
4MB, 532x300px
nice spoiler faggot.

you gonna copy paste the episode details from Wikipedia for every scene posted?
What the hell is up with all the jumpcuts and shit? Are JC that fucking lazy?
Boku no Metadata
Boku no fucking Metadata.
>giving them replies
File: howtometadata.gif (123KB, 646x482px)
123KB, 646x482px
It's really not that hard, you lazy bums.
thanks, this was comfy with a bit of sadness. I'll just have to remember stay away from the threads on /a/.
File: DotS.webm (4MB, 746x420px) Image search: [Google]
4MB, 746x420px
i remember watching this years ago. the ending blow my fucking mind.
File: Kuromuko sword fight.webm (4MB, 1280x720px) Image search: [Google]
Kuromuko sword fight.webm
4MB, 1280x720px
File: Hermes v Gieve-1.webm (4MB, 852x480px) Image search: [Google]
Hermes v Gieve-1.webm
4MB, 852x480px
File: Hermes v Gieve-2.webm (3MB, 852x480px) Image search: [Google]
Hermes v Gieve-2.webm
3MB, 852x480px
It's a shame how much of D is just hinted at or glanced over in both movies. Great series of novels that never really received any prominence outside of Japan, kinda like Guin Saga.
File: Gate.webm (3MB, 500x280px) Image search: [Google]
3MB, 500x280px
File: short leash.webm (3MB, 800x450px) Image search: [Google]
short leash.webm
3MB, 800x450px
File: library.webm (4MB, 800x450px) Image search: [Google]
4MB, 800x450px
File: luge.webm (4MB, 532x300px) Image search: [Google]
4MB, 532x300px

Sauce ? Is that was Serial Experimental Lain ?
Boku no Metadata.
File: Kongou_Dreams.webm (1MB, 1280x720px) Image search: [Google]
1MB, 1280x720px
what a shame it doesn't have the subtitles
Amidst the endless screams and inane babble, I discerned four words 耳わ擽ったいです
source? google & co got nothing
File: Best PLOT of the season.webm (3MB, 640x360px) Image search: [Google]
Best PLOT of the season.webm
3MB, 640x360px
File: this fuckin show.webm (906KB, 640x360px) Image search: [Google]
this fuckin show.webm
906KB, 640x360px
This show is ridiculously lewd.
There are almost no work safe scenes.
or you just check title
what animu anon??
File: Whaaaaat.webm (1MB, 1920x1080px) Image search: [Google]
1MB, 1920x1080px
What in the flying fuck was this shit that i just watched?

>pulling a metadata shit on me
Nigger I'm confused cuz the show looks trash as fuck, not cuz i wanna know the source.
File: Ramiel Transform 1.webm (4MB, 1280x720px) Image search: [Google]
Ramiel Transform 1.webm
4MB, 1280x720px
File: Ramiel Transform 2.webm (4MB, 1280x720px) Image search: [Google]
Ramiel Transform 2.webm
4MB, 1280x720px
File: Ramiel Transform 3.webm (4MB, 1280x720px) Image search: [Google]
Ramiel Transform 3.webm
4MB, 1280x720px
File: Ramiel Transform 4.webm (4MB, 1280x720px) Image search: [Google]
Ramiel Transform 4.webm
4MB, 1280x720px
File: Ramiel vs. Unit 01.webm (4MB, 480x270px) Image search: [Google]
Ramiel vs. Unit 01.webm
4MB, 480x270px
File: Ramiel vs. Unit 00.webm (4MB, 854x480px) Image search: [Google]
Ramiel vs. Unit 00.webm
4MB, 854x480px
You should check the metadata retard.
Is this uncensored or should I just wait for BDs?
why cant any other angel top ramiel?
At least the raw was.
Funi will probably censor its version
Creamed my pants
you had to read that whole thing to be spoiled even though you knew it was a plot summary, rofl what a couple of fucking retards
File: Oreimagica.webm (4MB, 1280x720px) Image search: [Google]
4MB, 1280x720px
So, on a scale of Highschool DxD to Infinite Shit, how bad is this show going to be?
Such a good show. It gave me vibes (correct or not) of 12 Kingdoms when I first watched it.
>that fucking quality animation
>that top tier art style

I love that movie so much.
what is this porno?
that score too

This episode was a very nicely done short story, but spoilers just ruin it.
File: 1464538280266.webm (4MB, 720x540px) Image search: [Google]
4MB, 720x540px
We need more LOGH and Fist of the north star webms

*Sigh* Source?
File: Gohan SSJ2.webm (4MB, 480x270px) Image search: [Google]
Gohan SSJ2.webm
4MB, 480x270px

I'm not often prone to saying this, but what the literal fuck...
*Sigh* Metadata
File: Paranoia Agent OP.webm (4MB, 500x280px) Image search: [Google]
Paranoia Agent OP.webm
4MB, 500x280px
Watch Paranoia Agent. It's really good.
>sudden rush of memories of thirteen-year-old me staying up late to watch this on Adult Swim
Holy shit, I got chills with the first "Raa." This really was a good anime, especially after I rewatched it some years later.
File: Paranoia Agent.webm (4MB, 650x360px) Image search: [Google]
Paranoia Agent.webm
4MB, 650x360px
this scene always brings me to tears its very well written i have to say.
File: 1466734026216.webm (3MB, 640x480px) Image search: [Google]
3MB, 640x480px
Anyone know what the name of the song is?
Are you blind, illiterate, or just retarded?
Jesus fuck i forgot how good this movies art is
Funi isn't airing it, CR is. And CR doesn't censor anything. They only play the version they're given, and it happens they got the censored version for this show. Fortunately there are anons ripping CR's subs and retiming them to the uncensored ATX raws and reuploading them, for those too lazy to do the same for themselves.
File: Valkyries.webm (3MB, 638x328px) Image search: [Google]
3MB, 638x328px
I've got quite a few but I try not to post too often or the same clip too many times.
So sad this wasn't longer.....
File: diss.webm (367KB, 1280x720px) Image search: [Google]
367KB, 1280x720px
We try not to think about it.
File: 1466376917990.webm (4MB, 1280x720px) Image search: [Google]
4MB, 1280x720px
Anyone know what song this is?
File: 1446344525535.webm (4MB, 640x360px) Image search: [Google]
4MB, 640x360px
File: Bread.webm (604KB, 640x360px) Image search: [Google]
604KB, 640x360px
Not enough of this.
File: Koyomimonogatari - NCED.webm (4MB, 480x270px) Image search: [Google]
Koyomimonogatari - NCED.webm
4MB, 480x270px
File: OhMyGooooodSound.webm (2MB, 1920x1080px) Image search: [Google]
2MB, 1920x1080px
>D20 Modern late game
Darude - Sandstorm

Really though it sounds like the Samurai Champloo OST. I'd start there.
why the fuck go the retarded route, having to download the file then open it in a player, instead of just putting shit in the file name
sounds like some remix of one of nujabes's tracks
or download 4chanx
which one of the fucking 10 of them
whichever makes you look less of a sperglord
File: 1467779353824.webm (2MB, 1280x720px) Image search: [Google]
2MB, 1280x720px
File: 1467779552561.webm (2MB, 1280x720px) Image search: [Google]
2MB, 1280x720px
>webm with nothing but someone talking
>no sound
>no subs
it doesn't matter
focus on that fabulous hair
File: hey there.webm (1MB, 472x419px) Image search: [Google]
hey there.webm
1MB, 472x419px
>pronounced わ in modern Japanese
oh you poor fool
>djt cancer on wsg
Please just kill yourself
why would i leave when you fucking up basic grammar is the greatest show on earth :^)
>djt fags yet again proving to be the most autistic manchildren on 4chan
Good job
looks like shinmai
Oh god, yes. I'm absolutely loving that.
ending of latest ep
File: Ramiel death.webm (4MB, 640x360px) Image search: [Google]
Ramiel death.webm
4MB, 640x360px
I'm actually vision impaired. I couldn't really see that much of the description but whatever. Thanks I guess.
File: vs drum.webm (4MB, 576x432px) Image search: [Google]
vs drum.webm
4MB, 576x432px
File: Prisma Illya Drei - OP.webm (4MB, 480x270px) Image search: [Google]
Prisma Illya Drei - OP.webm
4MB, 480x270px
File: whatcouldofbeen.webm (3MB, 560x232px) Image search: [Google]
3MB, 560x232px
Please more
File: alltheboots_3mb.webm (3MB, 640x360px) Image search: [Google]
3MB, 640x360px
File: code.webm (3MB, 853x480px) Image search: [Google]
3MB, 853x480px
File: Monkey Strip.webm (4MB, 532x300px) Image search: [Google]
Monkey Strip.webm
4MB, 532x300px
I want to take a bath with Monkey.
File: crab yoga.webm (4MB, 800x450px) Image search: [Google]
crab yoga.webm
4MB, 800x450px
File: Snake has feet.webm (4MB, 560x314px) Image search: [Google]
Snake has feet.webm
4MB, 560x314px
I do like how they kept the soundtrack from the movies in the new series.
File: BeeHave.webm (3MB, 800x450px) Image search: [Google]
3MB, 800x450px
File: Batgams.webm (3MB, 960x540px) Image search: [Google]
3MB, 960x540px
File: PuddiPuddi.webm (4MB, 960x540px) Image search: [Google]
4MB, 960x540px
Is there a new season of monogatari airing this season?
what in the actual fuck
File: Answer.webm (4MB, 800x450px) Image search: [Google]
4MB, 800x450px
Koyomimonogatari ONAs

bd rips came out a day or two ago, but not subbed yet

the webrips are subbed but they have a big watermark on them

I made these scenes because they don't need subs

I have a couple more of these, not that guy, but my connection won't let me upload at the moment.

There's one where some mass driver rounds bounce around inside an FPA Cruiser, and Panzergrenadiers slaughtering some Terraists.
File: Wet Cat.webm (3MB, 960x540px) Image search: [Google]
Wet Cat.webm
3MB, 960x540px
im sad now thanks
The fan service is literally insulting.
Just made a few Shin vs Neo webms, still trying to figure out this encoding business
File: 144896081331.webm (3MB, 640x360px) Image search: [Google]
3MB, 640x360px
Fuck you the dub is great
That's weird. I had the language set to English for this one.
I meant Japanese

Jesus Christ I'm retarded today.
File: What.webm (3MB, 638x328px) Image search: [Google]
3MB, 638x328px
File: Battle at Regunittsa.webm (4MB, 638x328px) Image search: [Google]
Battle at Regunittsa.webm
4MB, 638x328px
... Where's the rest, then?
was it too hard to not be a nigger and just say Prison School?
>to not be a nigger
So trying to get faggots to stop asking for handouts and take only a few seconds to check for themselves makes one a nigger. Gotcha.
no, just like is not hard to read the OP and find the source by yourself
File: Smug.webm (4MB, 1280x720px) Image search: [Google]
4MB, 1280x720px
Does anyone have any webm's of Megumin? Namely the scene I'm looking for is when she and main guy keep going to the castle to cast explosion once a day.
Fuck monoshitari and every cunt that likes it
File: cards.webm (4MB, 532x300px) Image search: [Google]
4MB, 532x300px
>being this mad that your favourite girl did not end up with Arararagi.
File: Explosion.webm (4MB, 960x540px) Image search: [Google]
4MB, 960x540px
First time making a WebM.
It's "Araragi".
File: Explosion! Ver2.webm (4MB, 960x540px) Image search: [Google]
Explosion! Ver2.webm
4MB, 960x540px
>Last few seconds gets cut off
Messed around with the bitrate this time.
I hope you're baiting, you tongue biting faggot.
The final english line is still one of my favorite lines ever.

I don't know why, but it just feels like a perfect ending to the movie
What episodes are these I don't remember seeing these?
They're from the movies.
Can an anon post the Shirobako webm of Ema doing calisthenics on the roof while counting in three different languages?
Literately just figured that out haha
File: out of context.webm (2MB, 852x480px) Image search: [Google]
out of context.webm
2MB, 852x480px
You are a poopyhead meanie.
Man I miss Arakawa under the bridge. I wish SHAFT concluded it with an OVA or something.
File: 1459062843063.webm (4MB, 640x361px) Image search: [Google]
4MB, 640x361px
Fuck that movie, fuck Demo for showing that movie and fuck you for posting stuff from that movie you cunt.
They were too big.
and that's the first episode?

with that music it looks more like a finale
So fucking good.
Why does that movie make you so angry
A certain little shitstain of a boy near the end. You know the one and I don't want to spoil it here.
Any guesses on what the title might be?
Are my headphones going bad, or is the audio quality on these webms just really bad?
remove the -fs ... that webm4retards generates. it just truncates the file at the end and may lead to lost video

removing the option may cause the file to overshoot the target size, so you'll have to adjust the bitrate instead.
the sfx are really bad.
Japan has been using this shitty stock sound for metallic shit and explosions lately
Post that one webm you know the one.
Source please. She's so badass.
Tomodachi wa Mahou
File: Dolls.webm (4MB, 960x540px) Image search: [Google]
4MB, 960x540px
Thanks for the advice.
Taboo tattoo
File: OOOOOOOOOO.webm (863KB, 1920x1080px) Image search: [Google]
863KB, 1920x1080px
Thanks for that.
I remember watching a few episodes when I was a kid and it was on Adult Swim, but I have zero memories of what it was about. Is it worth rewatching now?
Christ my fucking eyes. If you really gonna use 1080p at least support it with a proper bitrate
But then it would be too big.
The one that was posted only uses 7% of the size limit.
I'm still new to this, man.
File: genocyber.webm (3MB, 720x540px) Image search: [Google]
3MB, 720x540px
who /mixed media/ here
File: JapaneseCG.webm (557KB, 1920x1080px) Image search: [Google]
557KB, 1920x1080px
Nigger your shit isn't even half a damn mb big, the fuck you talking about "big"?
Here, made a version that is only slightly bigger than your's and still looks 10 times better while at it.
Fun fact: Size limit is 4MB and not 0.5
File: genocyber2.webm (2MB, 720x540px) Image search: [Google]
2MB, 720x540px
File: genocyber3.webm (3MB, 720x540px) Image search: [Google]
3MB, 720x540px
File: 190.webm (1MB, 1280x720px) Image search: [Google]
1MB, 1280x720px
the dagger flying sideways is so retarded
File: 1462574150084.webm (3MB, 640x480px) Image search: [Google]
3MB, 640x480px
Talking about overdoing it mate. When i did a webm going b the soruce file's bitrate i ended up with 1mb.
The hell you put into, 7000? That's more than the HS file even got
I used the variable setting to give it the size it needs to be to look good.

As if there was one that could actually make this adaptation look good.

That said, every previous version did look shittier than it needed to, and most people don't have to worry about such file sizes.

Also my 720p version gives an overall bitrate for the episode of around 2000kbps.

But that's an average over the entire episode, which includes the all the shots where hardly anything is moving.

Say what you will about how shitty this scene is, there's a lot of change within its short time frame so the actual bitrate for that segment is a lot higher than average for the episode.
>I used the variable setting
I really wouldn't use that thing over a fixed bitrate because it wastes way too much space for nothing.
Like the source files bitrate only got 3000 to begin with and going over that is only useful to compensate for quality loss from the rendering.

As a basic rule you should simply go by the source file and go down from there to find a fitting bitrate and resolution for the 4MB file limit.
Besides that you should always check "enable high quality mode" if you're using "webm for retards"

As I clarified in my second post, the average bit rate for the episode is a poor indication of the bit rate needed for the complex segments of it.

You should be able to see clearly that there's far less artifacting in mine than the others that were posted, mine looks just like the file I made it from, better than the 1080p versions posted before it despite being lower resolution.

And I know that the variable bit rate setting is almost always useless for making webms for 4chan, but in this particular case the scene in question was short enough that I could easily get away with it so I did.
>the average bit rate for the episode is a poor indication
While that might be true all i can say is that it worked fine for me in the past as a basic number to go by.

In the end all i can do is giving recommendations and hope it somehow works one way or another.

Overblowing a video with a gigantic bitrate will stay a bit silly for me tho personally tho.

All I saw were three low quality versions of the same thing and I wanted to spend 30 seconds making a better one.

It's more effort than it's worth trying to find the sweet spot on bitrate unless it's to make something that wouldn't otherwise fit the limit postable.

Almost all of the webms I make are far too long to use the variable setting but it was convenient here, with internet speeds the way they are now, nothing that fits within the 4MB filesize should cause a problem for anyone.
Fair enough. Everyone their own as per usual as long as it works hehe.
Yes, definitely. I enjoyed it.

Anime logic.
After all those webms of the rabbit getting killed in berserk I expected one of them to actually have the clang
What anime is this it look amazing?
File: My mixtape.webm (4MB, 760x540px) Image search: [Google]
My mixtape.webm
4MB, 760x540px
Spongeboku no Squarepico
if only there were tools that generated a bitrate graph
You should always use CRF if you care about constant quality. That’s what it’s for. You should always use a certain calculated bitrate if you care more about the file size than the quality.
this right here
if you use CRF long enough, your brain will turn any scene you look at into a rough>>1174664
bitrate graph

but its mostly going to be either 'holly fuck never under 4mb' or gg ez when you weigh scene length, details, motion and desired resolution
File: DBZ intro.webm (4MB, 600x338px) Image search: [Google]
DBZ intro.webm
4MB, 600x338px
the best
How do I make longer webms without sacrificing bitrate?
You ignore the 4 MB filesize limit and upload it to any of the pomf mirrors.
You torrent the original video that was created for that purpose.
You weeaboos sure like you some craptastic anime.
File: shaltear solution.webm (4MB, 720x404px) Image search: [Google]
shaltear solution.webm
4MB, 720x404px
Keep resolution low
Use Variable
Enable High Quality mode

After that it depends on the scene.

Scenes that are 1:30+ with little animation will look fine at the low bitrate it takes to fit it into 4mb.

But a 20 flying magic robo fight scene that is 2 minutes is gonna look crappy at that same low bitrate
Shit taste desu
Anyone got scenes from Guts sliding and farnese whip scene from latest berserk?
File: 1.webm (3MB, 852x480px) Image search: [Google]
3MB, 852x480px
use frame decimation. i.e. only encode every 3rd frame.
British Grenadiers march. here you go before asking the unnecessary question.
what -map did you use?
have to make sure you picked the right audio stream
File: O-pantsu.webm (4MB, 640x360px) Image search: [Google]
4MB, 640x360px
is this a yuri show?
Went into the show blind but just based on the first episode, it looks like it might be.
How do I render subtitles onto a webm without having to export and import?
>Be space robots use swords

use fraps or whatever to record it>convert to webm
what is it called?
No idea friend, but you could find out, by either looking at the OP, or draggin the webm into your desired player on your pc.
New game!
>I really wouldn't use that thing over a fixed bitrate
Don't listen to this fucking idiot. Always use variable. It's literally the only way to get even half decent looking .webms when faced with the filesize limit we have here on 4chan.

I want you to know Anon, you're a fucking moron.
I blame JoJo.
i dont remember this scene....
thanks comrade
File: Being Hifumi is suffering.webm (4MB, 640x360px) Image search: [Google]
Being Hifumi is suffering.webm
4MB, 640x360px
File: pikapikapikarin.s.webm (1MB, 1920x1080px) Image search: [Google]
1MB, 1920x1080px
source senpai?
it certainly has nothing to do with game development
File: Zeon rebel assault.webm (4MB, 710x400px) Image search: [Google]
Zeon rebel assault.webm
4MB, 710x400px
File: Kenshin kills Kiyosato.webm (4MB, 480x360px) Image search: [Google]
Kenshin kills Kiyosato.webm
4MB, 480x360px
File: Kenshin meets Tomoe.webm (3MB, 322x240px) Image search: [Google]
Kenshin meets Tomoe.webm
3MB, 322x240px
m-muh spacenoid oppresion
File: Rei.webm (4MB, 640x480px) Image search: [Google]
4MB, 640x480px
underrated show
File: nom.webm (3MB, 960x540px) Image search: [Google]
3MB, 960x540px
File: Never come out of the closet.webm (4MB, 800x450px) Image search: [Google]
Never come out of the closet.webm
4MB, 800x450px
File: TimeTravelShoujo - OP.webm (4MB, 480x270px) Image search: [Google]
TimeTravelShoujo - OP.webm
4MB, 480x270px
File: TimeTravelShoujo - ED.webm (4MB, 480x270px) Image search: [Google]
TimeTravelShoujo - ED.webm
4MB, 480x270px
File: Onee-sama.webm (4MB, 560x314px) Image search: [Google]
4MB, 560x314px
One of those game companies where all the employees are cute girls under 25 y/o
File: Handa-kun OP.webm (4MB, 480x270px) Image search: [Google]
Handa-kun OP.webm
4MB, 480x270px
File: Gugure Kokkuri-san.webm (4MB, 480x270px) Image search: [Google]
Gugure Kokkuri-san.webm
4MB, 480x270px
File: BodyHeat.webm (2MB, 960x540px) Image search: [Google]
2MB, 960x540px
File: HUURRRRRRR.webm (619KB, 800x450px) Image search: [Google]
619KB, 800x450px
File: HWAAAARRRRRRGGGHHH.webm (1MB, 800x450px) Image search: [Google]
1MB, 800x450px
File: Hnnghhhhhhhh.webm (662KB, 960x540px) Image search: [Google]
662KB, 960x540px
berserk deserve to be better treated than this. hope the game will turn out to be better.
New Thread >>1176442
New Thread >>1176442
New Thread >>1176442
New Thread >>1176442
New Thread >>1176442
Is this the new mafia series?
If you don't I'll fight you
I guess its a subtext yuri.
/u/ is doing a great job of yurifying anything that even somewhat looks like a yuri anime.
Prison School

Yeah, fuck you all, I spoon fed him. Sick of you wannabe elitist snobby fuckers playing this "hide the sauce" game.
It's not hidden if anyone who's not retarded can read it.
heel clack
I miss this show.
I see the blurays came out
this show is super gay
id say give it 2-3 more episodes until u should drop it.
Kuromukuro since it wasn't in the metadata
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