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Official Homescreen Thread #93

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 322
Thread images: 143

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Wake up Adrift edition
Need inspiration (or want to steal an old design)? Check out http://homescreens.org

#homescreen @ rizon


Android Ricing: https://wiki.installgentoo.com/index.php/Android_Ricing
Other Guide: http://yttrium-tyclief.github.io/guides/Android/

iDevice Ricing Guide: http://pastebin.com/2pfNDNEE

>Other Info
Recording a WebM: http://pastebin.com/q36gLksx
Framing screenshots: http://pastebin.com/S0pWFvCx
Changing Icon Pack Color: http://pastebin.com/WrVrXiDE
Sidebar Theme: http://pastebin.com/n9HsiA7u
KLWP Guide: https://a.pomf.cat/nvgffi.png

If you like a setup, let that person know. If you see a poor setup, offer them advice and criticism. Giving mere numerical ratings does not help much. Not rating others will highly decrease the chance of your setup being rated.
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Pinku is bestu.webm
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Added date and week day display and showed how I use my apps
Top right displays battery level
Top left if wifi is on, disconnected, or off
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this place is gay (no offense)
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8/10, very nice. I would remove the app drawer and set it to a gesture in Nova, it looks slightly out of place

9/10, nice and simple. What app did you use to create the days of the week at the top?
tf is this supposed to be
and the days of the week is a premade he imported
got a problem with my shitty design, bud?
It's a bulit in komponent when you install klwp
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This looks much better and more vibrant on my actual screen, but doesn't really matter cause this was done to hold me over while finding a good pape. Didn't really try to make it that good. Does anyone else have some good comic ones? I want vibrant colours that aren't vaporwave shit.

Like your days of the week thing, but other than that a bit basic. 7/10

I'm personally biased against anything resembling a standard dock, but other than that it's pleasant. 7/10

White may work against black/grey, but there isn't any in the image itself. Might be best to stick with gold. Also, the things on the side are huge. I would prolly do a golden bar across the screen as the basis for your UI elements, like the blue and pink ones I have on mine. But don't make it shitty, like mine. 5/10.
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Nova + min icon pack
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yes, i know i keep posting the same screen every thread; i just like it and i don't want to change it yet

nice and clean gj
would change day of week color to purple or smth, gray is hard to see
maybe put apps in rows so they aren't so close to the border and look more centered
my dude
otherwise, weird app placement, i would just make the icons white and get rid of box
good animation
kind of stock but has potential, get rid of google search and app titles and arrange apps in a grid
Why you using my homescreen??

Just kidding, I feel honored.
hey dudes, need some help with globals

if i wanted an item to fade away when another item comes up, e.g. having a group for apps disappear when a group for music comes up, how would the animation formulas go and how would the globals work for that kinda situation?
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Taken from an existing preset from the play store and just made some tweaks
This is me, ima rate cuz I'm not a faggot

I'd put the icons in a grid instead of just one row

Good use of color, find a way to color the app drawer too though

Try again, the bars are off-putting.

Well executed, I like the shadows on the icons and the font fits pretty good

Too much going on, remove icon labels as a start

Nice colors and changing wallpaper. You could probably just stick to that theme and switch around the walls and the colors if you want something new
>Taken from an existing preset from the play store and just made some tweaks
Bless your soul for saying this anon, I like what you did with with the music cover putting it in a square instead of covering the whole thing like it originally had also like that you added a reminder and stuff.
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Anyone know any icon packs that might go well with this pape?
Yeah it was lacking my basic needs for a homescreen so I set it up to how I like it

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Not bad actually, the white/empty space isn't an issue and it looks slick

I would change the pic desu and have it adapt hourly or daily

Nice bg scrolling, I'd say use The Punisher or Cyborg 8/10

Good colour scheme 8/10

Drawing icon back or something black filled 5.5/10 for the pape

Thoughts on my rice?
I just made a stock like rice with custom weather icons and an Android N status bar

-LG Transpyre
-Stock rom
-Android 5.1.2
-Nova Launcher
-Supreme icon pack mixed with MaterialOS
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Haven't changed anything yet, not sure where to go from here...

A lot of form, but no function. How do you get to your apps? 7/10

Fucking hell anon, that's beautiful. A lil basic, and personally I'd change the letters to white to better match the style, but objectively its fine, 9/10

Very stock, but its clean. I think the app drawer icon could be changed, and maybe icons that contrast a bit better instead of matching. 5/10

Something is a bit off, but I can't put my finger on it...Honestly I don't think the areas with your apps needs to be so big. Even just making them thinner would help. Also there isn't much of a consistent style between everything, maybe find a way to make the text feel less out of place? 6/10

I like it bro, for what it is. Sounds like you're not really looking for tips, but for a new pape, which I can't really help with rn. 7/10

A little cluttered man, not well balanced, and very basic too. Id say hide the labels, and maybe make your own clock widget that better fits the style. 5/10

Love seeing this one man, I kinda stole your design when I did my first rice. I'm guessing your not looking for tips rn, and honestly I don't have any to give. 10/10

I was gonna ask how you make the music only show up when its playing, but if you just downloaded it guess you wouldn't know. Also the 3 versions of weather on the top is a lil weird, feels like you were just trying to fill space. 8/10 to whoever made it.

Stock af, you should at least attempt some real ricing. As far as icons, I've always had trouble finding ones that go well with drawings or paintings. I honestly think one of the "stamped" ones would go well with this. 4/10

It's close man, but not quite. There is no sense of consistent style, and it's a lil cluttered. I'd choose one style to conform to, whether it be that of the middle bits, the icons, or the clock n top pull down menu.
What do you mean cluttered? Kek, each page has one thing
The style is simple like I said, it's stock base, it's to emulate the pixel layout. The clock is connected to the Android N version statusbar setup.

Your layout is so bland lol, nothing bad but it's just one page with literally zero spacing and presets.
For this pape I would suggest menus that pop out from the side. Make them kinda transparent, but with some colour from the umbrella. Outline them with solid white for rigid contrast, and use white linework icons. You can have the main screen just be the pape, and enable background scrolling, so when you swipe you get a parallax effect between the menus and background. Left menu can be the time/date/weather, and the right be for apps.
Id like to point out that the picture in the OP is my rice, and I didn't make this thread. That's actually only one of the pages, I uploaded the whole thing in the previous thread. I get to my apps on another page
Stock lockscreen?
So even more stock launcher
Yep, cm12 by mokee, zte nubia z5s mini.
Ever think of using different roms? Community based?
I'm rooted but can't get twrp on my phone
I tried miui and flyme, but cm works better as for me. Just replaced stock mokee launcher with nova launcher (v5 beta).
Nova launcher v4.05 indigo looks better to me desu
That's cool, that status bar looks downgraded af to me, think about changing it with Xposed?
Source on the background?
Yeah you're right, cluttered was the wrong word. I just think making your own widgets or some icons that match a little better could go a long way. Maybe instead of just pointing out the flaws in mine, you could offer some constructive criticism. We're all here to get better bro, don't take things personally.
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i'm pretty new at this but i gave it a shot anyways

the M U A buttons all activate a little tray which fades in containing three apps, each of which i frequently use

i posted this in /w/, but i figured it might be nice to post it here for some more criticism.
I understand anon, I'll design my widgets to look material then since pixel is material too

Your rice just looks shapes and pictures

Try looking kn YouTube or google for design ideas and develop one
It's not that hard desu

I can post my drive with three designs I made
Here's mine
Rate others anon
6/10 btw
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gottcha senpai
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Just did this last night. Pretty new to customizing homescreens this much.

On an S7 Edge
your wallpaper looks a bit low res
Had this phone for a week. New to android. Any tips or nice similar looking things I could add?
100% edgy
Can I get a source on those papes?
Huh how did I not notice that. Got the full res one now
shut the fuck up
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Neat theme, I don't like the google bar though. 7/10

Alright. Maybe make the icons more fitting to the colour theme you've got going on. 6.5/10

Seems a bit 2008 to me. 6/10
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Ay caramba!
End your fucking life cuck
nice buzzword

I'm not >>6728453, but seriously lol. You post here to get criticism and you got it.

>You will immediately cease and not continue to access the site if you are under the age of 18.
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1st try with klwp. Please rate and give feedback.
What u think
rate for a rate

rating yours just bc of SOAD.
Try to maybe have the fonts match a bit more. More specifically, the bigass clock is a bit jarring compared to the rest of the homescreen. Other than that, I suppose its a decent first shot.

forgot the likert scale. 7/10
damn this is beautiful. I wish there was a step-by-step guide to this!
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i have osteoporosis.
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I stole this from an anon in a previous thread

Yeah sorry that I have more than one icon and a notification bar on my home screen
6.5/10 bit outdated, but the colors and the consistent design are great
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music cover .webm
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A few updates.
It's clean but that's all really. It's missing something to bring it out and maybe add a different page with a music player or something. >>6727637
Looks good but would make the box bigger to allow more space for the items inside. 9/10
Hate some of the colors it shows for the cover art also decrease your animations it looks slow af 8/10
It's okay but the icons don't match with it, the Google bar just seems very out of place, also the small blur below bothers me. 7/10
Always love to see this one 10/10
Nothing really wrong with this really I just hate the style and colors. 8/10
Bars are ugly and thick would remove and change icons to white. 8/10
That music player looks awful and out of place

The icons are just icons, they're meant to look like the folders in the Pixel Launcher

The google bar is still part of the pixel launcher design

The blur is the to do list, I'm working on giving them a material design
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Here's an update on the one I posted last time. I ended up making most of this on Photoshop using some reddit theme as a base.

I love this one. I'd like to see that slider you mentioned.

I agree with >>6727900 about the picture. Otherwise very nice.

I wish you could find/make a widget similar to the one on top that you can use as shortcuts instead of those icons at the bottom.

The Paper's nice

I really don't like the whole image flipping thing going on with the music player.
I really don't like this one, but damn if it isn't consistent and well laid out 8/10
looks better bb
>That music player looks awful and out of place
pls, you wish yours looked like that
Can I PLEASE get that pape?
I want my spoon back. I'd you want exactly like the presets I'll upload that too.
Kek, like a Minecraft block? Totally
Me right now.
What if you made the ring around the planet into 4 separate, clickable hotspots, one for each of the icons on your screen? That way, you still have your quick launch, but the screen itself looks less cluttered.
Yeah I've thought of doing that, I'm just new to this. Will be posting again though in a few days after I mess with a couple more things.
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Solid set up. Don't not much to say other than that.


Not a fan of the font. Not bad other than that


The things on the sides are too big for just four apps. Not sure what the text at the bottom is all about. maybe make things more minimal if that is what you are into.


solid animations and colors. Nice rice


too many apps on screen maybe folders and action launcher three


great as always


really like the look and feel of this. Good job anon


stock as heck


Don't like the "Powered by soundcloud" text next to the album art. Other than that not bad, but not a fan of the pixel launcher that you are trying to emulate.


what happens when you don't have music playing? what gets displayed then? Good but not for me.


It's good. Keep ricing and showing off


Here's mine too :^)


what is the bar on the first page for?


not sure what is happening here but I love that album that your background is from.




why are you posting if you are gonna be passive aggressive about other anon's preferences?

I completely revamped my rice because i got bored. The window on the default screen changes every five minutes and the battery at the top right changes at different battery levels. Let me know what you guys think.
holy shit this setup is fucking a e s t h e t i c anon, mind sharing the .klwp file?
That's kinda awesome. Way to really dive deep into the theme. I love it!
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Fuck this is tight af

I love this 20/10

I'm starting from scratch
Was >>6727900

This is the music screen atm

Here you go
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Rate me
I'm >>6728481, the bar on the top, underneath the time is battery percentage. the bar on the bottom, above the date, is hours in the day. There is also a bar that shows how far into a song I am, but it's not really visible because the song in the webm was at the very start.
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All I know how to do is downloas nova launcher and change my icons, but it's my first customized home screen, and I like it.
I like mine
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I'm fairly new to android phones and I only started customizing my phone a couple days ago. Pic related is what I have right now, I will admit, I copied it from a post I saw here. Whatever.

My question is, how do I achieve something like this? http://homescreens.org/assets/images/full/0104.png what apps do I need? I love it but don't know enough right now to start figuring out how to do it. Please help.
You're gonna wanna download an app called KLWP. It allows you to customize your wallpaper, plotting clocks, aesthetic pieces, and even interactive buttons and animations onto your homescreen. The free version will work just fine, maybe look up some YouTube tutorials to get started.
Hey >>6729243 I'm >>6727920
It just defaults to what was last playing, even if I kill all the apps. I'm not super happy with it, I threw it together a couple days ago when an anon asked if it was possible to make your home screen color match your album art, n I decided to find out.
how about this? it does look too plain, but im new still finding what a good widget. for some reason i dong have much widget on my nova launcher.
may i ask, how do you get a clock widget like that without rooting?
just wondering, but are you using a note 7?


I trust you will get it eventually, I to am just starting.


Nostalgia. 8.5/10

Wallpaper? 6.5/10

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Cont. 2/3
Last screen. 3/3
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First phone, first root, first riced homescreen. The navigation bar popped up for the picture cus viperone disabled the other screenshot function. I went bare app drawer (nova+zooper) so the functionality and design could grow as I use it and see what my needs are.
Thoughts? :^)
good night white pride and not surprising a fash is appropriating hip hop culture lol
how the fuck does it look like a minecraft block
does anyone have the paid apk?
I do. I'd say it's worth the small price. Such a good app deserves the money, and it allows you to use autosaving restore points, so if you fuck anything up too badly, you can go back to it easily as fuck
Triggered kek
Download ACMARKET or Aptoide for the pro for free
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the shitty repeating pattern, dummy
Wallpaper pls?
I need a design similar to this one in my life. I've noticed not many people ask for a guide (is it against rules?). In particular, the text buttons, border and font.
Here http://www.mediafire.com/file/59z5dag88wg23o9/KLWP-3.18b615717.apk


Thanks for defending my stuff fampai but don't take the insults too hard.

>the shitty repeating pattern, dummy
No, it's a mirror pattern :^)
Not him, but I'm confident you can recreate it with the Ultimate Custom (Clock) Widget. It's just some angled stripes and a clock that spells out the time instead of using numbers.
thanks for the app man i was about to buy it :)
i tried Ultimate Custom Clock but it doesnt really work for me. The app is laggy, the clock doesnt appear at all.
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Eurgh, the screenshot made the pape's quality look compressed af. Obviously not like that irl.
disgusting cuck
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does anyone have a link to a working .apk of the poweramp full version unlocker and could you share it?
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Here you go anon
Thank you, my good man and/or female.
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Rate my shate mate
Wew lad shite/10
Pape needs more aesthetic, but 8/10 for concept.

R8 plox
ffs why is there a grill in that beautiful pape
ruined my day, thanks
I really like this, but how did you get the gray window border around the slideshow? Everytime I add an image, it disappears
>>6729071 here

I don't know how I skipped this one the first time. 10/10

I kinda wish it was in color, even if it was muted colors. I love having the album art behind the mountains though.

I like the red swirl. Artsy lava lamp.

kinda simple, and yet I'd probably get rid of the text on the squares. Either keep it empty or put an image. Also 2 clocks.

Why a side dock? Otherwise it's okay.
First I add an overlap group and name it "slideshow". Inside that I add two images. The first is the windows dialog box, I made this I'm ms paint by the way. Whatever you have around your slideshow make sure it is bigger than the image and make sure the images in your slide show are all the same aspect ratio, for me it is 1:1. The second image one you set to show your slideshow. When you go in to to the image and choose picture click the little box on the right side of bitmap and choose the calculator in the upper right hand corner of your screen. Now instead of having a pick image or edit image prompt it should just be a calculator. Click on that and you can kode the image by scrolling down and selecting the timer utility box at the bottom. In this subforlder you will find an option to display a random. Image every 15 minutes. Click that and then in the quotation marks add the file path to your folder of images you want in the slideshow. You can change the fifteen to whatever number you want, whole numbers represent minutes and that's that. You should have a slideshow. Make sure your box is above the slideshow though because otherwise it will be layered above the slideshow and block it. Hope this helps.
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Okay need your help boys. Just started this, and I think it has potential, but it's a lil off. Halp? I know the music tab is super messy, might just make it thinner and 2 rows...

>>6729812 >>6729764 >>6729477 >>6729364 >>6729282 >>6729323 >>6729334 and >>6729744
I have essentially the same advice for all of you. Get rid of your top bar, choose a better icon pack, and make yourself a nice clock widget that better matches your layout's style. That'll get u started on ur road to ricing.

Messy, icons too big, hide that top bar, hide app labels, and either get rid of the doc or make it prettier. I'll give you credit, this looks like it took a lot of time to design in klwp, but I'm sure why you made look like this...

I like it man. A little too simple for my taste, but its clean. I think you could make the doc and clock widget match a lil better, and I think a noisier background would go a long way. 5/10

Are you the guy who originally made this, or did you just steal it? Either way, adding a top bar and whatever that 8th app is kinda take away from it...7/10

Edgy meme/10

So i really like this, but I feel like the styles are super inconsistent. When doing a lines set up, its important they either match on thickness or contrast well. I'd say just make the two first screens match the third one better. 7/10, also good music taste/10. How'd you get the art behind the mountains? Is it just a png you bitmapped in or did you do some masking shizzle dizzle?

Already answered you here bb >>6729358
I'd say for now hide the top bar and work in the layout. 4/10

I fucking love it. The style is consistent, which is really the most important thing when doing a setup like this. Personally I think the icons that telescope out don't work as well as the ones in the windows, but that's just nitpicking. 8/10

I like it. Personally I'd hide the labels and work on the layout, but that's just me. 6/10
>I love this one. I'd like to see that slider you mentioned.

The sliders slightly overlap when theyre all open, might change it but for now I like it how it is.
This is actually him, and I used built in KLWP stuff. Just had text for the current time, and used the setting to convert numbers to text.
The icons are kinda generic. If they looked sketchy like the letters do, it'd be better. And maybe a touch smaller.
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Thanks for the very elaborate answer, but I realized all I needed was to put all the pics in a folder called "vaporwave". Here's a pape in return for your hard work

What is your widget?
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Just threw this together a few hours ago, trying to replicate the Android 7 look on.
Gotta have my waifu with me at all times, anon.

I just took them off a vector pack. Where can I find more?

I didn't use any? I think? Like i said, I'm new at this. I just used globals and animations.
>>6729764 here. What icon pack would you recommend?
hey anon, mind sharing .klwp of that setup? It looks really good! Also what icons?
Where can I get Widgetlocker without paying for it? There was an apk on the pleb bay, but it's broken.
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Nice pape, faggot.
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WIP rn tell me what to improve used stuff from an older setup not very creative.
>inb4 black and white only I based it off the wallpaper.

Like everything but the apps looks huge compared to the rest 9/10
Does it change color on the album art or what? If it does it's okay if not it's pretty bad. 9/10
Meme magik get you nav icons to match it 10/10
Cool idea not a fan of the colors and mega man 8/10
Not anything wrong with it but kinda bland 9/10
Too many lines imo 9/10
Looks good maybe add a bit more spacing in between apps 9/10
It's shit, but I like it.
Man, you don't want it. Widgetlocker is such a bulky gross app

I understand customizing the lock screen but desu just use AC Display
Yeah it adapts to both muted and vibrant colours of music art
I used to be, and it was the best goddamn phone I've ever had. Handed it in today for the S7 Edge.
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Updated homescreen btw
lmao 2clock
>>6729764 here. Side dock because the ones around the center are folders. I didn't like how they looked when they were on the bottom.
And what preset is this?
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What should I do with this /wg/?

I'm working on this for a new home screen. I have nothing, the clock is from my last setup, just keeping it for convenience.


Dude, I remember this from when the threads were in the 50s or some shit like that. It's good, but aren't you bored?


Fucking choice. This should be the new gold standard for vapes


Very original, I love this


Nice as fuck, very pleasant.


>system of a down
Wut? But for real very nice, we'll done.
U been rocking that ever since I started ricing in like April lol.
I made mine inspired by urs
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Nova + Minimal (home = app drawer)
Yo, mind posting the pape? I like it
How can you even look at that screen?

If you insist on that paper, at least mute the colors a bit, and make the widgets bolder.

Kinda simple, but okay.

Love that paper

Also nice paper
How can I get my dock to act like the notification bar? Aka slide out of view if im not using it.

Im currently using nova to toggle it with gestures but id like for it to toggle off automatically.
I need a better icon pack. Recommend something spooky plz
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hello (。>﹏<。)
nice colors desu (。>﹏<。)
>Gmail xD
Is it summer yet?
Decent, mega link?
srsly, wtf faggot?
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they have some transparent widget for music app?
Not very original but its neat

Probably will be changing the pape for something else dark, any reccomendations?
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Did anyone else grow out of the android and riding phase? I did last year and I don't think I'll ever go back
Ricing not riding ffs
i've always been about the apple devices, they have such a simple OS that does exactly what it needs to do. I tried android and it just wasn't my cup of tea.
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Yeah I loved android and ricing and all that shit but I just got quite bored with it in all honesty. I also love the simplicity of iOS and how well it works and how consistent it is. Although if I could put iOS on an android phone I would probably do that.

I like my iPhone but even with root I can't get anything as nice as some of these themes. Though in the previous thread there was an iPhone that had a nice setup.
if only, hey
I've seen a few iDevices with god tier setups but the way to do them is too complicated/time consuming for my tastes. I'll just stick with simple iOS for now haha
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2MB, 750x1334px

Yeah, this setup on homescreens is pretty good.
If you have the preset ill take it.
That's actually one of the best ones I've seen to be honest
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Pls no bully.
I like it, nice aesthetic.
Eh, nothing really going on here.
I like the dock. Nice trips btw
Too many folders IMO
It's ok.
Very cool, for a moment I couldn't tell if it was iOS or android.
Ah kollection
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Give me guidance, /wg/.
I put a pretty decent amount of time into this, and it pales in comparison to the majority of this thread.

Using Nova Launcher, in am S7 so rooting isn't an option atm.
My contribution.
Mister sarcastic.
>>6730444(nice trips)

Top Tier.
not sure how to do that, anon

new at this etc etc.

as for the pape, (mami and the cityscape), that was a product of my own creation. i can make a pape like it if you want, anon, but i'm a sped and like to keep stuff like that unique. i'll share the klwp though.
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semi-related, but here's the full pape for whoever may want it.
Four corners are also apps.
forgot to rate. whoops.

stock/10 try out a few launchers.
It's nice but plain. could use a music player or something along those lines.
color choice is a little weird, but I dig it senpai.
super busy, but in the best way possible
seems lonely
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Download "Backdrops" from play store
Cant DL unless buy but can still set them
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Vice? Anyone?
Is it possible to make a widget in UCCW that can control my music app and display the album art?

>how can you look at that screen?

OC glitch, I like it a lot.

I hate the widgets, I want to do something with it but I don't know what to do.

I need suggestions for fonts. I may even do visible icons.>>6730255
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These are all really flashy and neat, but I've always preferred things ot be simple. I don't use my phone for a whole lot though, so maybe that's why I'm not really into modifying it much.
I'm the opposite. I'm into modifying it because I don't use it all that much and it gives me something new to do with my phone.

When I got my new phone, I decided I was gonna rice it because why the fuck not. It was my first time trying anything like this, and I have to say, I love playing with settings and making widgets so the phone looks unique. If it wasn't for ricing, I'd probably be so disinterested in my phone right now.
I've tried it before, just didn't have a lot of interest in it for how long it took. I don't have anything saved from it because it fried or something and had to get the one from the pic. Since then I just haven't bothered. I don't need my phone for a whole lot other than messaging and texting, with the occasional phone call or porn. Just didn't think it was worth the time.
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Suggestions? I've been using this for months now

You really put up with that jumbled mess at the top for months?

I don't feel bad for you. Interpret my suggestion, Einstein.
literally creamed
love the colours and the simplicity
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Any tips? I'm new to this, so I'm not really qualified to rate
Post pape?
Hello, im new here.
Kek took my idea
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Pretty lit. I also like pink

Not bad, but I'm not a fan of the icons

Not my style, but still not bad. Too loud for me

I really like that weather

That's hella neat. Like, really

It's not terribly good, but I love the aesthetic. Play with that clock some and i think you'll end up with something nice


I like your colors

I would work on the now playing animation. It's kinda sudden. Looks nice though

Posting an early wip, let me know what you think. Hopefully I'll have it done time for next thread
7/10 The borderless cover art is slightly pulling my leg, due to background color. Other than that it looks pretty damn good.

7.5/10 The retro/intergalactic theme you got going I like (icons, widget, and background) just absolutely fond of it.
Just lacking a little bit of creativity.

Was always a sucker for minimalism, see: >>6729443
But not son fond of the wallpaper, then again "to each their own"
Overall rate: 7.5/10
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Prefer my lock screen
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Been out for a while, but I'm back.
I am one step closer to enlightenment.

Really loving this one, though the top right stuff looks ever-so-slightly out of place.
Nice theme. I'd change the color of the search bar to something that fits the rest better: either a white, or some pink/red/purple directly from the wallpaper.
Simplicity is a good thing, and it makes aesthetics much easier.
The middle is great, but the top is a clusterfuck.
I like the way you made things kind of work in with the wallpaper, but those sideways numbers look hard to read. Do you just get used to it?
>only one folder
>no dock
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That girl looks a lot like Xavier de Rosney don't you think ?
And yeah that rice isn't great, don't mind it
make animations faster, icons more minimalistic
enlightment will come at time

looks pretty nice actually, perhaps some stuff to make better though, details

pape doesn't match with icons
nothing isn't nothing btw, it's a word

ok, clear the page indicator and make something with those icons

i don't like text as icons, and in the drawer you should remove text

pretty good, very oriented style, not at everybody's taste

that's really nice
there is something wrong with the icon arrangement though

That's really good, I wouldn't change anything, because i think it reached the best you can get with that style
but if you wish to add personnal stuff, do

Looks generaly bad, colors don't match, there is no sense into the arrangement of thing

well there is minimalism for that buddy

looks good
i especially like the colors

that clock though

very very nice

rooting is useless, all you can need is klwp actually
but if you're going for minimalism, you should make the elements of the page as small as possible so go can see the pape.

Interresting concept actually
overall style doesn't match though

looks good

looks good, that font and icon though

nice pape
there is to much thing for extreme minimalism, but yet is doesn't seem very practicle
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Couldn't find a better way to present this setup to be honest

Very, very nice setup. I like the smooth animations. 9/10.

Amazing. Not a big fan of anime setups but this one is nice. 9/10.

Minimalism just done right. 8.5/10.

This is mostly just a wallpaper of a hot girl desu. 6/10.
w2c icons?
first time ricing, atm making the music player screen, do you have any good font to recommend? all critics welcome
Thank you!
If you're using iOS then the theme is called Muze
Post pape please
Where'd you find that font
Would anyone want to work on this together or try this out? I want to get feedback on this material weather/google widget i made on klwp
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And here's an alternate version someone on /r/ made. When I have the time I want to make it look better, especially the water.
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Just made today.
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Just got done. Rate me.
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basic as fuck but i like the simplicity of it

Yea, that sucks m8.
very cluttered. try using folder for games. pink circle doesnt match pape.
its good. might want to change fonts. 8
try changin font type(fit/fixed width) and alignment(center)
I like what you did with the rectangle
Relaxing. Inspiring. BEAutiful
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I like the pape.
What the last guy said.
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I tried. Actually wasted a couple of days thinking on this, still not satisfied with what I eventually got. Gonna think of something more interesting with this pape.
Not bad. Recomending fonts is retarded, so just tries different ones untill you'll be glad with it. 6/10
A really bad color job. The widget is just empty and tasteless.
Nice and clean. I like it. 7/10
I'd change the font... and the icon pack... and the pape. And everything, actually.
4/10 for the pape.
This is pretty. Maybe I'd use a texture mask instead of just white color on the widget, but its still very good. 8/10
Дpиcтoпoдoбиe гoвнa.
Those icons are too damn small. 5/10
Basic, but pretty nice. 6/10
Like it, has some soul put into it. 9/10
Take away the dock and page indicator and change the icons to something better or colorize them. The pape is very edgy. 7/10 for potential.
Anime, but a very softly looking one. 8/10
Sweet, clean, simple. I'd take away the dock bar, though. 9/10
Try different colors. Nice pape, also. 6/10
Come on, anon, learn to work with the colors, it all looks out of place. What a mess.. 3/10
pape pls?
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ty sweet anon
Could you post that pape?
>Bad colour job
It's adaptive to music, you cuck
>Empty and tasteless
That's why I said anyone want to work on it to edit it
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Each color is a different app.
Could you post wallpaper?
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Am I doing this right? I feel as if the chanu app is out of place.
Make the notification bar transparent and easy 8/10

Not a fallout fan but nice design, 8.5/10
The app fits perfectly, we're all about cocks either way

Nice aesthetic
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Does anyone have suggestions for a good, customizable lockscreen?

Sony's lockscreen UI is godawful.

I tried snaplock, which looked kinda good but wasn't moddable enough.

Used to use WidgetLocker by the same dudes who made nova launcher, but it is way too old and not updated.
Dodol or slidelock
Even slidejoy since you get paid for unlocking
From my experience they're all kinda buggy and let you occasionally bypass the password screen. You might get diff results with your phone though
In KLWP, how can I change a global depending on what wifi network I'm connected to?
Tried these rwo, dodol seemed better, but was laggy.

I downloaded locker master and got it to look good, so im happy for now. Seems to be stable too

Simple clock/day amd swipe anywhere to unlock.
If it's an on/off switch
Add a new Global Switch
In the auto on set "Formula and Manual"
Set the formula to
$if(nc(ssid) = "insert your WiFi name here", 1,0)$
For auto off
$if(nc(ssid)! = "insert your WiFi name here", 1,0)$
Note the exclamation point
Enjoy anon

Very fucking cool. This is what I'm all about, functional only to yourself.

Worlds was a fantastic album
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Almost perfect. That page indicator is killing me though. I'd (personally) get rid of the notification bar as well, but that's less important.
What's that RSS widget?
trying to settle on a wallpaper still
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isnt it wonderful.png
1MB, 1990x1990px
did i do good

Ohww yeah
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Here ya go
I guess, they feel natural and aesthetic to me.

I felt it could be a bit neater, mainly by removing things.

Removed the text, and changed the font to the neon lights style I had originally hoped for.

Also, I was wondering how to make a notification icon appear on screen, such as an exclamation point if I get a text or email?
Rate please
I riced my phone for the first time today, so it may look a little too simplistic.

PS: On the sidebar pastebin, by wipe, do they mean the default transition?
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get rid of the status bar 6/10
How do I make the color adaptive to the image?
8/10 would change app drawer color to orange or something close to the lights.

6/10 Could be a lot simpler: give the folders icons for example

Almost game me a heart attack, really spooky m8

Rate mine please
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can anyone help me recreate this setup in klwp please? this was from thread #78 if I remember correctly.
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i'm >>6727691
wanted something new, inspired by
>>6727618 >>6727804
not sure if i should keep the changing background

actually really good
love this one
the google rss and win95 clash
not bad, just get rid of notification bar
it's ok for your first time. what is that empty box for? you should blur the box and unblur thr rest and put your clock and shit there or smth. also make apps smaller
pretty good, change icons though
decent, functional
get rid of folders and change icons
this has potential, i think it would really help if you changed your icons and clock to something less stock
8/10 Pretty cool, what font are you using?
cutive mono regular
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Here's your template anon
Get a clock and get rid of that notification bar
Also, you should consider blurring the background, makes the apps easier to see
The circle in the top right changes the wallpaper
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Does it change according to time or sunrise/sunset data?
No, but that's definitely an option. I was gonna do that at first but ultimately decided on the buttons
Can someone reccomend me an icon pack that has a 4chan icon? I know glyphsy but i didn't really like that one.
whicons if you're using clover
much better imo
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Dark theme.jpg
254KB, 1080x960px
Very cool, I love that japan feel, you recreated the same feel of the background in the launcher gui

Love the circle + text thing in empty space. I'm taking inspiration from this

Don't like
The colors look so wrong yet so right..
Fix the shadows, minimalize and align the content, limit the palette aka no dark an light blue, only one blue

How did you put the screenshot in a phone template, photoshop or there is an app for that?
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The widget's colours adapt to music
I fixed the shadows and the alignment

Now I finishef my kustom status bar too
If anyone wants it

The screen app is called screener
Min also has clover
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3MB, 1600x2880px
Does anybody know where I can find that app drawer icon?
I've found this picture on an old thread and I thought it would fit nice on my homescreen
I'm impressed. Does anyone know how can I get the app slider at the bottom?
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3MB, 1600x2880px
My first rice attempt for almost a year. Please be gentle
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Does this even do anything?


I hate it, but it seems functional as fuck

Not into the whole a e s t h e t i c thing but damn son, gotta respect the hustle

Simple, but perfect. I really like this, especially the album art behind the mountains.

Pretty much the stereotypical rice, but still hella clean
Everyone else/10

I really like this, I love the hexagonal layout

So I'm terrible at klwp, and I need somefag to help me keep my music info in a limited space, so it doesn't look like trash. I've only been on this setup for a few hours, so I'm still tweaking it a lot
ey Marquette
Hey dooder, live in mqt too?
Forgive me if this is a dumb question, but I'm relatively new to android. How do some of you guys have notification bars that look like this? Is it an app? Built in KLWP? A different launcher?I don't see any settings in Nova or in regular android settings. The default notification bar looks janky in comparison.
This guy just has
Look and feel> Notification Bar> clear notification bar
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So I finally got this working, the nougut style notification

It opens to any cancelable notification
The image changes to the cancelable icon
The bar even opens straight to the notification

The Bluetooth and wifi toggles now work and it collapses like a notification bar
That could be, I guess. I have the same settings and mine has a different battery icon, different cell signal and wifi icon, and the time is listed military(which I'm sure is easily changed). Just curious.
My notification bar just looks like that. And also >>6733346
Huh. Guess that answers that. What phone do you have?
Stock Oneplus 2.
Why not just use N-ify from xposed?
Custom recovery corrupted my recovery and my phone doesn't have a kdz, as far as I've seen

I jusr wanted to make my own on klwp

I have a android l status bar already though
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Nexus 6p

these are my favorites
10/10 imo

Is it alright to ask for KLWP exports on here?
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I did the overwatch ui. It's something temporary to use until I figure out KLWP
I don't see any problem with asking, but I doubt most people would want to share theirs
Mind sharing that config?
How do I git gud with KLWP?

Is this as hard as it seems?
.klwp files aren't showing up for me to import.
I've tried moving it to the location specified in the FAQ, and just manually finding them with the folder icon, but nothing works. I've tried two seperate .klwp files to no avail.

I'm I retarded or am I missing something?
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Dock is two pages and has all of the apps I'd want quick access too, swipe commands for a few other things
>Too lazy to record
They shouldn't be called .klwp, it should be .zip
Really? The FAQ made it seem like it didn't matter, but I'll give that a try.
That worked for importing, but now when I try to apply them the app crashes
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Creator here. I did it manually, with a normal rectangle as backing, and icons with angled scroll animations reacting to bg scroll. It's a pain to get it right but it's a neat trick.

Unrelated, and also late to this thread, but here's my new setup. Still comics, and this is a lot less loud. Now for the newer ratings:

Stock as fuck, would hide the top bar, get rid of google bar, and rearrange the icons to the center.

Simple, functional, looks good. 9/10.

Good use of tools, but I personally don't like the specifics of what you did with them. There's visual but no functional theme. 6/10 as it is, but i'm excited for what you will do next.

Personally not a fan of hexagons, but you've added enough flair to where it doesn't feel too stocky. 7/10

I like all the components, but there's just too much shit. I would have the clock on the top left, weather similarly left justified, and a pullout bar menu with the apps. 6/10 but lots of potential.

The background has a lot of texture but the widgets don't. Could you make these components a blurred and brightened background? Another 6/10 with potential

Too many icons at the bottom, I would put a bar at the bottom with horizontal scrolling like on my other setup here >>6727673 . 7/10 almost there

Icons in the center like that don't seem very fitting, I would have them right justified. 6/10

Pretty rad, even if there doesn't seem to be too much functionality. 8/10

Sorry giving for lower ratings than most people seem to, I don't consider mine to be perfect either.
Try restarting your phone or force stopping
Tried restarting, no dice.
Guess I'll uninstall what I have and try the pro link someone posted itt.
God I'm retarded.
Yep, that was the problem. Looks like I must've been on an older version.
hey anon can you share that .klwp file please?
don't really want anything special and don't know why I'd want them in the middle when the empty space is for different gesture commands (and moving them away from my bottom bar home buttons that I actually use seems counterintuitive) I consider it a desktop-type style and I'd say I'm okay with the simplicity and ease of access

>also I don't dislike the Google search bar and the top bar only shows when I toggle it on anyways

I guess I should have recorded all the gestures so you'd get it more but who actually cares
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Oh, if it's gesture space then that makes sense. I would still prefer a different organization, but it's more functional than I realized.
New thread
Sage if you reply pls
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Thread posts: 322
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