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Official Homescreen Thread #80

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 317
Thread images: 115

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Need inspiration (or want to steal an old design)? Check out http://homescreens.org

#homescreen @ rizon

Android Ricing: https://wiki.installgentoo.com/index.php/Android_Ricing
Other Guide: http://yttrium-tyclief.github.io/guides/Android/
Infographic: http://a.pomf.cat/nfbqdm.png

iDevice Ricing Guide: http://pastebin.com/2pfNDNEE

>Windows Phone
WP Infographic: http://i.imgur.com/znGGUeT.jpg

>Other Info
Recording a WebM: http://pastebin.com/q36gLksx
Framing screenshots: http://pastebin.com/S0pWFvCx
Changing Icon Pack Color: http://pastebin.com/WrVrXiDE
Sidebar Theme: http://pastebin.com/n9HsiA7u
KLWP Guide: https://a.pomf.cat/nvgffi.png

If you like a setup, let that person know. If you see a poor setup, offer them advice and criticism. Giving mere numerical ratings does not help much. Not rating others will highly decrease the chance of your setup being rated.
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New rice in the working
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Work in progress. Suggestions?
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Hexagon pattern is cool. 7/10.

I don't like the background scroll or the background, rest is okay but simple. 5/10.

I'd be interested in a webm of how this works, looks neat though.

simple, boring, nothing particularly bad about it, just bland. 4/10.
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It's too avant garde for you familia
Haven't posted in nearly a year..

I like the colors and layout. Not something I've seen before. Not too fond of the "windows" style bars at the top, but that's just me.

Those icons don't fit the idea too well.

This style is always one of my favorites in these threads.
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Is there an app with the smartphone's frames to put my multiple screenshots?
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Were not gonna use the thread that's already out?

You said that months ago desu

Too big and fat for me

Wait isn't this super old

Welcome back

Photoshop :^)
One already hit the bump limit and the other is on page ten so I think it should be fine. Also what does 58:97 mean?
Thanks. I spent a long time just lurking around. Wasn't really motivated to do anything new until a couple days back.
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Hour : minute
Battery percent : temperature
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Looks completely useless, 0/10 for functionality, 4/10 for looks, bland.

6/10 breddy gud

8/10, nice layout, nice animations.

This ones always cool, but webms are better.
Just fucking kill yourself already faggot
Nobody in these threads even likes you leave and never come back
0/10 complete and utter shit
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Can never get a Webm under the size limit

Obvious samefag, one reply is enough you clod stop spamming the thread.

Why not? none of mine go over 1mb with the ffmpeg webm converter from the OP
Kek what is this gay shit
What even
This is fucking ugly why did you bother posting
Idk I think it was because of too many animations going on, but don't use that anymore just have it stored in my Google Drive
You are the cancer of this board
Why did your parents not abort you
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Wew lad
tfw windows phone
lel what a fag.

Only the most cucked people alive would buy one. How could you possibly think that was a good idea.
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Been a while since posted this one
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holy shit almost all of these are amazing. i- i dont think i belong here

waay too bright and cheery for my ass 6/10

color scheme is nice, but not what i would have chosen. 8/10

i feel like you *almost* fell for the vaporwave meme 8/10

for some reason i dont really have an opinion on this. is it good? is it bad? idk.

really digging that text in the middle left of the first screen. 6/10

adrift u a krafty one

this is actually a really nice set up. 8/10 change main pic

i see you actually fell for the vaporwave meme, just pulled it off more tastefully. 7/10

krafty won i sweer
>15 homescreens posted
>out of which only 3 rated
Sure feels like summer.

But anon, all I care about is ME, i want people to give me lots of replies for my amazing and original home screen, I don't have the time to waste rating other peoples!
I rated last threads and got no rates back, it was only fair, Anon.
>op has no memes or obnoxious namefag
Then go to /g/ they like to rate.
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Feel like I'm done with this rice; although I'm still open to suggestions. The only issue I'm having right now is that the QOTD, if too big will form two or more lines or go off the screen. I'm sure I can fix it though. Other changes from my last post are the hexagon album art has been made grayscale, the font has been made nicer (IMO), and I finally made the hexagon fit perfectly in the circle.

I really like the pattern on the hexagon.
An American that uses Celsius, mind = blown
WebM pls <3, really like the window style.
Simple, change the clock fonts at the very least.
10/10 Love the font.
Perfect, I'd make the bar at the bottom on the first screen continuously scroll through RSS (QOTD and/or news), and when touched returns to Weather and Apps. Might be too difficult to pull off tho
Really nice, what do the numbers at the bottom indicate, if you don't mind me asking?
If the album art is big, I'd suggest making it grayscale like I did in pic related.
10/10 gave me inspo
10/10 masterpiece.
10/10, why not just use the online converter? Works perfectly for me with default settings. http://video.online-convert.com/convert-to-webm
This thread always needs more Yui.
Perhaps make the bar below the 31 represent battery life?
IMO remove the battery percentage, and make the bar represent it on second screen (and first if you'd like)
y am i krafty
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Small cosmetic changes since last thread. Smaller and grayer icons. Higher res pape. Any other suggestions?

One of the best I've seen. Tidy.
I like the setup. How does it move?
This meme again
8/10 it has style
cause you got something in the werks, or so you say
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Thanks ~
Pic related. Old setup however.
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Looking for tips. I'm aware of the spinning stars not being centered
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*Lockscreen fuck, here's homescreen
As dark as your soul
Love dark souls
The name dark like my soul is reserved for my homescreen, fampai.
Hey do you mind exporting this? I'm super new to this.
It's Zooper, which I no longer like, but here you go: https://github.com/676339784/zooper/tree/master/Tinynix
10/10 creative af.
8/10 clock should be moved else where.
8/10 clean, but apps look like a pain in the ass to touch lol.

Thank you!
That icon explosion though
This is pretty nice. It looks like your icons are a bit lower than your clock though, so I would either lower the clock or raise the row of icons to make them the same level.

i-is this riced?

The aesthetic here is actually perfect. Everything matches really well and it looks pretty functional as well.
It isn't really my style (I'm not a huge fan of large icons and bold colors), but it works well.

craizinho tier/10

Pretty much perfectly done, with really impressive animations.
That being said, the simple scroll pages for different apps is kind of lackluster in comparison to everything else.

pretty nice. Not really my style but I can't think of any improvements either.
Maybe get rid of that quote on the top of the bar thing.

On your first screen, the clock font rendering looks a bit strange but it might just look like that in the image. It's a bit difficult to see the right two icons also.
Second screen is pretty perfect imo.
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Needs a thin minimalistic font to match icons otherwise it's gud

Is that Lines icon pack?
Yeah I see your point. The problem is that the space just looks empty without it. I was thinking of doing a global variable toggle to bring up RSS news but it looked out of place when I tried it (plus I don't want to obscure the wallpaper image). On the other hand it's always nice to have a new inspirational quote every day.
Always wondered how those quotes work. Do you use wget to get a new quote from some site every day?
Yep, here's what my formula looks like. You can use other sites but I prefer BrainyQuote (honestly solely for the fact that their quotes are short and so can fit on my screen)
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Look for a thinner font to match the icons.
I said this to you last thread, but you've really worked around the pape. Looks very good.
Cool, I assume the top row has music controls, maybe you should put the music info (Artist - Track, album art optional) somewhere too. Above the controls, maybe?


yeah it's riced

8/10 pretty minimal and unique
5/10 again the font really doesn't match
8/10 not really unique but it works
7/10, not super original but I like the whole space minimal look. Also pape sauce?
Yeah I've been thinking the same. Trying to find an elegant way to do that. Maybe a "folder" sliding in or something. Not really sure what fits

Also I'll make clouds only react to cloudy weather, and add sun for clear or lightning for thunderstorms
Hour : minute
Battery : weather (temp)

I love the music player but the rest is a bit empty

Comfier without the date desu
Or just move it somewhere else
Holy riceroni.

All of these home screens are pleasant to look at, but are a nightmare from a UI design perspective. I personally do not like to put aesthetic above accessibility, so adding in extra swipes and taps just to access regular, everyday apps seems dumb to me.
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Adrift might like this he loves thick girls
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Im literally the second post in the thread you fucktard.
so? you could've rated the first post or OP
Hi /wg/
Here. Changed everything. Tired of opening the app drawer just to run an app. I would rate but I'm using my phone.
Such an avant garde take. These threads need ricers, nay, artists like you. 9/10 where's your random picture of an out of focus landscape/trippy album art
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back with some new shit, emphasis on shit. oh, font ideas? this font kinda sucks

what are you doing? rethink color theory


nice paper. i dont dig the vertical date but i can understand why the compromise was made 7/10

r8 first

nice paper, generic though
>2clocks you crazy bastard

boy is that colorful. i like it, maybe get an icon pack too 8/10

i like it but find a different font. 7/10

some goos shit right there 9/10


those icons sould pop up somewhere else though

please tell me femanon
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heard shit was poppin' here
I think I might have fixed it.
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>telling the first post to rate
>first post and OP are literally the same person
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The girl is an 8.5/10
homescreen is a 2/10
What would u recommend? Like theme
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Does anyone ever ask why you have an asian girl as your background?

Nice old Taeyeon pic btw. I want to go for the kpop wall meme but I don't want to look like a sperg in front of people that don't understand. Trying to find a safe and subtle middle ground.

I'm fond of this angry Wheein.
Pic sauce?
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smol ween.png
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wae 4/10

Wheein from 1cm mv
Willing to share your .klwp?
You a funny dude, link me to your homescreen
A new wall, a new icon pack, hide the top bar
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anyone have this or a pic like the background?
Don't listen to >>6653179
He has no idea what he's talking about.

Really, what you need to do is start over. It usually isn't possible to make a good rice with a wp like that. Find an aesthetic wp and then get icons that fit with it.
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Not a single person has asked why I have an Asian girl as my wallpaper. Is it something that people consider strange?
it's pretty fucking weird dude
Didn't expect to see my favorite band here.
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Love the colors.
Cool theme, but really basic.
Is this a white people thing? I've not once heard anyone ever complain about it.
kinda retarded question but how do I add brackets in the homescreen? Do I directly edit the wallpaper or is there some widget for these images?
I made the OP homescreen.
The way I did it was by creating a square and setting the paint to stroke, so it's just an outline. Then I added a gradient to black which cuts off the squares and makes it look like it's a bracket.

Then you just need to set a clipping mask inside brackets so things disappear when they scroll outside them.
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Need klwp help.
Album art isn't displaying when I use $mi(cover)$
I have the music on SD card, using shuttle player. What am I doing wrong?
You need to add an image, and then where it asks you to select an image put in $(mi(cover)$ there.
Yeah I know. When I do, it just displays a blank white shape, not the album art. I think the art isn't being stored in the music_cover bitmap.

My music is stored on an SD card, while my KLWP install is on the phones storage,if that makes a difference.
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nice icon pack but silly font
Yyyya maol 8r zzlp
Shouldn't make a difference.
Why are you trying to make it a bitmap texture though?
Have you tried just creating an image and setting the formula from there? I'll upload a pic of what I mean in a sec.
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Like pic related, try setting it directly as an image instead of a texture.
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The widget is supposed to look like this
Hold on, I don't even have the Bitmap tab when I select the shape.
yeah, don't select shape.
Select image.
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Done, still not showing the album cover. I just think it's because somehow, the cover image isn't being given to the music_cover bitmap.
press save, play a song, then check if an album is being displayed.
I'm not white and people probably wouldn't tell you irl
Huh, I see. Well life is far too short to care about trivial things such as that. I would rather be surrounded by things I enjoy than what others would deem appropriate. Anyone who would judge me for something like that is probably not someone I'd want to be around anyway.

On a side note / question, how often do others actually let someone use their phone? I've let someone see my phone once in the past year. My friends have their own phones.. so this is something I'm not used to in the first place.
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Any suggestions on how to improve this??
Sell it and get an android phone.
I don't think the icons are properly hiding the ones behind them. Also sell it and get an android.
video quality got kind of messed up in some areas because I forgot to turn off the live display thing.
Yeah I deleted my post a bit after making it because I figured it out, but thank you for the response!
Not even a real picture/10
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Still none.
How can you guys live without soft keys? Just curious.
Have you tried setting shuttle as the default player in the KLWP settings?
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I like the colors on this one.
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keeping it simple. any suggestion/rating?

8/10 i like the colors and it's cozy
it's a bit cluttered, 5/10
9/10, i really like this one. mind sharing your setup?
always liked your style, 8/10
not bad, but i feel i'd get bored after one day. 7/10
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Keeping it simple, any suggestions?
I don't think anyone does.
If you don't see soft keys then the phone either had hardware keys, the soft keys fade away like in the OP setup, or they are using pie controls.
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Im newfag in Android used WP before
How do i fancy animations ?
nice colors, wouldn't have the anime chic myself but whatever floats your boat mayun
>Chink runes
come on dude if you're gonna go for aesthetic at least get the right language
love the 80's sci-fi vibe works really well with the "kung-fury" text

Been a while since ive been in one of these theads. People still use nova launcher and zooper pro??
Is this Glyphs?
Download klwp from the play store.
If you need help ask here or hop on the IRC channel and ask someone there.

Yes, he is using glyphs.
Thanks. Would you consider Nova or Lightning to be better to use with klwp?
Lightning is a browser and nova is a launcher, so the two aren't really comparable (unless there's a lightning launcher I am unaware of).
That being said, both nova launcher and lightning browser are good apps.
ah I was referring to Lightning Launcher. It seems to be able to let users to place text on their homescreen as shortcuts to apps and such.
You can place text in klwp and make it open an app also. I can make a recording of you want showing you how.
sure that'd be great. I'm using Nova right now I just didn't want to fuck up what I have so far; it's nothing good, but it's better than the stock look.
You just add whatever text you want and then go over to the 'touch' section and select an app.
thanks a ton.
just wondering, are designs such as >>6652192
>>6653740 capable with klwp?
Yes, both of those are. The first one doesn't have any complicated animations, but it does have a lot of them so it would take some time to recreate.
The second one can easily be made in like 10-15 minutes if you are familiar with klwp.
sounds good i'll get to work and hopefully come back with results
Good luck.
like I said before if you need help with something you can ask on here or on the IRC as well.
I am the first guy you used as an example, and yeah, it's all done with KLWP safe for the status bar which is done through root.
great work! 8.5/10
Thanks. If you have any questions as to how to do something don't be afraid to ask.
anyone got a link to apk's for the kustom widget and klwp apps
jfc just buy it, it's only a couple of dollars and its well worth it
Download Google opinion rewards and after a while you'll have enough money to buy the apps.
If you're rooted install lucky patcher and activate the Xposed module. Then go into the klwp app, press 'upgrade to pro' or whatever, and let lucky patcher handle it for you.
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Any suggestions?
Use a better font for your clock.
You could kill yourself.
Just started out with UCCW
Scrap it and use klwp
switch to KLWP famalam
meme box setup, seconded on switching clock font
low-res wall, meme box
also we generally use KLWP over Zooper now
How is KLWP superior to UCCW?
much more customizable, famalam
it's the preferred tool of the grade-A ricers here
to expand on that, UCCW uses a widget system while KLWP is a live wallpaper. that's the source of the customizability.
Strange, seeing that the ricing wiki itself recommends UCCW on the front page infographic
yeah, we didn't write that guide unfortunately (installgentoo wiki belongs to /g/). it's quite outdated.
It's outdated.
How does KLWP's battery use compare?
I don't think klwp has any noticeable impact on battery life.
Freyja best girl
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After some tipps i got this
Recommandations appreciated
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Are you from the 90s
Awesome but placing icons on the top instead of the bottom should be a sin
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I have my icons memorized so I went with the blank cell icons. Single home screen. I access all apps through the app drawer. Using Nova Launcher prime and Hexaplus icons. The clock is a semi custom one from the Digital Xperia Clock. I'm looking for a very similar wallpaper but with a hexagon. Love black and white and simplicity
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I want a mushroom tip in my butt
Share just the wallpaper please?
deleted it like 5m ago
try Google images
Screener, of something like that.
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here I pulled it out of the system just for you
Thanks Based anon
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Inspired me for this setup
Slide out apps

these are beautiful, whats running here?
Careful with this setup, I've been attacked and called retarded for being to minimal.
Kill yourself :)
Nova launcher and KWGT, I do have KLWP pro so might move what I've done over to that :)

cheers! time to spend a few bucks.
I would like to rice my foobar player on my lockscreen, I'm using lollipop.
Can you help me with this or should I go on /g/ for help?
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r8 m8 dont h8
Nice, what's the name of the icon pack tho?
glyphs by tokem
italy please go
kill yourself normie scum
main wallpaper please?
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here anon
How do you do drag out windows? On KLWP?
This is from the OP, but it's written by adrift so it's shit.
I would do the whole thing in klwp. Just create the window you want to scroll out and set it so it animates on bg scroll.
Nice choice, Wheein is lovely.
serious question guys, I'm totally new to all this, I downloaded nova launcher prime and like one widgets thing but have absolutely no idea what I'm doing. Do you guys write your own code for the actual Design of the interface?? or are 90% of you guys simply making use of pre-made things and just finding excellent combinations? I would love some proper tutoring on this, like a step by step.

Would love to know!

TL;DR I'm envious, please explain how
When you're starting out it can be a bit overwhelming, but it really isn't difficult at all once you get the hang of it.
If there's a specific home screen you really like here just ask how it was made and people will explain it to you, or the creator might even share the file with you so you can look at how it was made.
The IRC is also pretty helpful (depending on who's there).
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first rice.
After hours of learning how stuff works, I finished with this.
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1MB, 720x1280px
Looking for suggestions. Feels functional, but bland, especially the center screen.

7/10, i like the rotating hexagon and overall design. change the font and it would be a solid 8/10.

drew some inspiration from this setup. don't like the pape much, which hurts quite a bit since the setup is minimal. 5/10

like the transitions. you should switch the image area with the interface area. I would make the icons a bit smaller and make the image taller to compensate. 7/10

looks good. no complaints, it works. 9/10
That was a much more sensible and understanding reply than I might have expected! Thanks!
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taste in apps/music/etc

i like how simple/practical it is, even though many people dislike folders

also how do i rice the ui/notification bar on samsung android?
samsung phones do not have the system ui tuner easter egg.
any suggestions?
Anyone running OP3 and can share their setup?
Not until I'm done with it. Spent way too long on it to just give it away
Change icons I would remove the Google bar and change how the folders look.
No problem man.
I've also been recording really simple setups for people, so don't hesitate to ask if you need help with something specific.
how do i change the folders look? using nova launcher
Would I be able to have the pape familia?
/wg/ I need help how do I set my icons with this?
Seen something like this before looks really nice 8/10 also what launcher?
Finally a good vapor wave 10/10
Pretty generic desu maybe try Lines icon pack? 6/10
Not very much room in your set up otherwise 9/10
Kinda generic meme box but looks nice 9/10
Qt chink also nice setup 10/10
Doesn't look very useful and I always thought of brown as an ugly color 6/10
9/10 not much to say
Ayy lmao 8/10
Looks good but too dark for my taste :^) 9/10
Ugly font and not fan of the blue 7/10
Looks nice desu 10/10
Looks dope af but not a fan of the black icons 9/10
Nothing really here desu
Dope for an iPhone but maybe remove icon labels?
Nothing bad here 10/10
Generic 6/10
That clutter but music player and calender look great 8/10
Was thinking about text based icons or Cryten also 2/2
Not a fan of the clock setup
Colors go badly together 7/10
Looks good desu 10/10
A lot better
Wew 2010
Clock doesn't fit imo
Comfy also nice choice of anime grill
Really generic would remove Google bar
Not a fan of the clock but everything else is great.
Nice setup anon colors flow great.
This looks great desu
Would be better with lighter colors imo.
Meme boxes
Looks nice but would get a higher res buttons or making them smaller for the music Controls
Nothing wrong with this solid 10/10
Hold down the folder like you're gonna move it and a edit option should show up
Change your reddit icon.. Doesn't mesh with the fullness of the others
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doesnt work as well for homescreen tbqh

r8 (homescreen)
Go into the nova launcher settings and go to folders.
It lets you customize a lot in that menu.

Would you mind if I recreated it and posted it? :^)
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My first attempt, lads.
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My first try doing something with boxes. I like how the actual background turned out, but i'm having trouble with klwp since I just got it and I need to find a different icon pack/music widget. Suggestions please.

I like the background. Is the grouping of icons on the left like an app drawer/other apps? If so, i'd hide your dock then it's 8/10.

I like the minimalism a lot. 7.5/10

I love this, this is exactly the kind of thing I wanted to do before I bailed and went for boxes instead. 10/10

Nothing wrong with this, I like it. 7/10

Holy fuck I love this. Would I be able to get the pape from you? 10/10

Good job, it's very visually pleasing. 8.5/10

Nice. 7/10

Hooottttt. I love the 80's vibe. 9/10
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First time android
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Z Launcher comfy
You neeed nova launcher to hide the bar.
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293KB, 1920x1080px
Of course, La familia!
More like Z launcher ugly amirite?

This is the most embarrassing part of your home screen.
You could set the icons with klwp or simply dropping them on the page like normal.
How did you make the battery icon?
Create a progress bar and set it to battery.
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Nice meme pape fampai :^)
If you put more than 30 seconds of effort into this and gave the text some depth, you might be lucky to get a 2/10.
Lol thanks :^D
Thx here's wallpaper
I think the slant text (which makes it a headache to read) is really retarded.
I like the idea you were going for but nah.
pretty great. What do you use?
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1MB, 540x960px
Rate me.

Like the bracket-type things in the middle.

I dig the computer window style thing.

Really cool. Looks like a newspaper.

See above.

I like the little animations.

Sell your iPhone.

I like the wallpapers.

Looking pretty good!

Thicker than a snicker.


Root. Or sell and get an Android. A Motorola Moto E is a good choice if you get the 4G version.


Not bad for a first start. Solid 6/10.
There's a lot I'd like 2 change but it's my first proper try.

I'm also looking 4 some other papes 4 it.
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1MB, 720x1280px
first thing in kwlp working on a better one
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Homescreens as an artform
really horrific to put it bluntly
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2MB, 640x960px
Is this more to your taste?
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3MB, 1440x2560px
klwp and nova
vaporwave-y one btw
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My favorites
Nice triple dubs - why's the screen res so low?
Spacing for your music player icons are kinda messed
Nova Launcher
Thanks, that's my old iPod
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Too basic
Ugly widgets
Too basic
Nice vintage feel but too basic
Whattya think?
Question: which lockscreen do you guys use?

Right now I'm using the stock CM13 homescreen but I'd like to customise it a bit by adding a battery and wifi status widget (without the fugly notification bar). I'm already using "Lockscreen Widgets", which is an XPosed module, to hide the bar and move the clock a bit, but that's not enough for me. I can use this module however to add widgets to the lockscreen so if anyone knows of minimalistic widgets that would do this kind of stuff I'd be set.

I used to have Widgetlocker back in the day but it hasn't been updated in two years now so I'm looking for something better.
post that wallpaper?

There really isn't a good kick screen customization app. Lock screen widgets is the closest you'll get to riceable lock screens.
A minor & possibly autistic suggestion. Try not to use duplicate verbs, so instead of using 'Browse' and 'Send' come up with something else.
Other than that, >two clocks. Either get rid of the clock on the status bar (by hiding the bar entirely (Nova has the option) or just the clock through root.
How should I complicate it
Not him, but I have some suggestions.
Find an icon pack that matches your dock icons so everything looks more consistent.
Use klwp to add a clock widget and a calendar widget instead of using the defaults.
I wish I could get rid of my notification bar at the top but when I put that setting on in Nova it glitches out. When I open it from my home screen it won't stay open for more than about 3 seconds. I'll try to find a more consistent icon pack
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im sure there are some improvements to be made, been thinking of changing the font so dont give me shit for it. r8 me boys

i like this, but for ocd sake id drop the 01 down next to the 45. 8/10

holy shit your ipod? for an apple its nice. 6/10

i really dig the whole art deco/rapture thing i just wish it extended to the other pages. 6/10 until you keep trying

notice how im only rating people who rated

i dig the wallpaper. maybe try out some new fonts. 7/10

i love the hex icons.just remove the appdrawer button and page indicators and youd get 8/10 for now with those eye sores, 6/10

i really dig the simplicity. theres an app drawer done right. the pic looks like a vidya screenshot th o. maybe experiment with a few different pics. 9/10

i like the simple tastefulness of it. sorry you live in denver th o 7/10

very basic setup, probably more basic than mine. i love the paper th o 7/10
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2MB, 540x960px
Did another one, trying out a couple of things.
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Clean as fuck. Only thing I don't like is your nav bar. 9/10

no lockscreen.

your status bar is a mess, and your nav bar needs a theme.

lookin fly, my dude

Very interesting concept. You probably smoke newports.
Trying to get this wallpaper to work. The harshness of the line is the problem I think.
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192KB, 711x1365px
How about something like this?
Your icon's alignment is a bit off though, or are they're supposed to be like that?
Fuck, didn't notice actually.

Oh sick, I'm a bit retarded when it comes to image processing. What'd you do to do that.
- Use the colour picker to set the active foreground (FG) and background (BG) colours to what you want the result to have. These are the two overlapping colour boxes in the toolbox area.
- Select the part of the image you're recolouring.
- Use Colors>Desaturate to turn it monochrome.
- Use Colors>Levels to make sure the background is pure white, foreground is pure black (i.e. clip the range a bit, you can also use Colors>Levels for this).
- Bring up the gradient window with Ctrl-G and make sure "FG to BG" is selected.
- Use Colors>Map>Gradient map to switch black and white to the active FG and BG colours (the ones you set earlier)
- Done

(If the colours don't match, go back to the leveling step and use more agressive clipping)

A lot of image editing is basically just trying different filters that sound like what you're trying to do and then figuring out how to use them.

Also, question for you: how did you theme the wifi and cellular logos in your notification bar?
I'm running cyanogenmod, the status bar and nav bar are from a theme called "minimum".

Thanks for the explanation. <3
Alright thanks, shame I'd have to switch themes to get it. Theme modding looks like an option though.
so, how can i steal what you guys have done?
im really bad at this shit and you guys make some awesome home screens
You need to have klwp pro (either pay for this or crack the app with Lucky Patcher).
Then you need someone to share their klwp file with you. Depending on the person they may or may not share it though.
I would still recommend making it yourself though. Once you've played around in klwp and understand the basic concepts it becomes very easy to use.
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I still don't see the point of removing the notif bar.
>have to wonder if vibrate is on
>have to wonder if alarm is set
>hope I have good cell reception
>b-but at least I have a clock and battery!
That's what dragging it down is for.
Your rice is shit anyway, so it's not like hiding the notification bar would've made a difference.
Guys I have 10€ in Google wallet.
Nova prime costs 4.5€.
KLWP & KWGT cost each 3€.
What do?
You don't need kwgt. Everything you would use that app for can be made in klwp.
File: Infinite.webm (3MB, 720x1280px) Image search: [Google]
3MB, 720x1280px
Shit, this is really cool.
Do all those numbers and bars actually mean anything, or are they just there for the aesthetic?
Made last year- the ammo is the date, $ is the time, salts is battery, health is signal, armour is wifi, lockpicks are msgs & vigours are different apps.
How did you make the animations?
What launcher do you guys use? What are you using to make animations on your phone.
Read the OP
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holy shit i can hear /b/ calling from here!
r8 me boys ;P ~
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I'm new to this, how does it look?
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My first attempt r8 pls
Do you like it?
I like it a lot more than the stock homescreen, but I'm not sure if I love it. I'm new to KLWP so I haven't fully experimented with what it can do yet. What do you think?
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^^ I'm the guy who made this homescreen and I felt like I was going to vomit after using it for a day. Messed around with kwlp for the first time and made this.It looks a little tighter than it actually is, there's more space around the box than is shown because I had to squeeze it in for the collage. How'd I do?
Smooth. I like the animations. 9/10

Looks okay. See if you can make the music widget stand out a bit more. 6/10

Feels cluttered into one corner. I'd move the grouping of apps to the center or something. Nice feel though. 6/10

Looks good. 8/10

Orgasmic. I love those papes and the way you have your icons set up. 10/10

I like it, the animations are cool. Not much to say. 8/10

This is really good. Nice and clean. 9/10

Looks weird and doesn't really work well imo. I don't even know how you could improve it, but if you like it, my opinion doesn't really matter. 4/10

Fucking cool. 10/10

Nice rice. :^)

I like the colors and the minimalism a lot. 8.5/10

Really good if it's your first time. I've been fucking around with ricing forever and I still suck ass. 9/10

Hide your status bar and replace those icons that are the stock app icons with ones from the icon pack you're using. Do that and you're 7.5/10
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I need to know everything there is to know about this.
Is there a way to make a klwp theme on my computer and then export it to my phone?

I hate trying to use my phone's keyboard for this kind of stuff.
What is there to be told?
The shapes at the bottom are probably made of angled basic shapes on KLWP.
The FAB is simple circle with a icon. Nothing special.
The Weather Komponent, the time and the date are extremely simple.
What the other guy said, plus a few more suggestions. Get rid of the Google bar unless you absolutely need it, could easily be condensed to one small button. Also I would remove a line of icons and keep them restricted to the app drawer, looks a bit cluttered to me, but I'm a minimalist
How do I get KLWP to stop reducing the quality of my background image?

Doesn't matter how large the image I choose is, KLWP just mangles it.
Don't upscale images
>Doesn't matter how large the image I choose is, KLWP just mangles it.

Did you not read this bit?
Even at the actual homescreen?

Preview sometimes displays it in lower quality
Yeah, at the homescreen.

To the point where I can see the artifacts on my phone's screen itself.

The preview generally looks fine.
Try making it an image instead setting as bg
What do you mean?
It already is an image.
What I mean is image 'object' from the '+' menu
File: klwp1.png (2MB, 2464x1420px) Image search: [Google]
2MB, 2464x1420px
after an hour of goofing with this app i made this.

Need to learn more...

seems like so much work to get the music player to work with spotify. managed to link it up, it paused and played for a while, after it just didnt respond anymore
Looks good however

>weather widget seems too thicc (I'm also trying to find thinner ones)
>Clock and date font seems out of place
>kinda cluttery with the notification bar

How do i hide the notification bar? im using nova launcher and klwp.

Ill have to try other fonts :)
Nova>Look & feel>Show notification bar
Slide to left

Yea, the weather icon is kinda thick.
Alright, guise, here's my attemt at KLWP
How would I go about assigning two different colors to my clock like this?
Try setting the preferred music player to Spotify from Kustom settings.
How do you make a menu like this with klwp? http://homescreens.org/assets/images/webm/0094.webm

I want to be able to click a button and it remove the other buttons on the screen and display new ones. For example, I press a button called games and the screen changes to show me another menu that is a list of games that I have.
Either make the parts separate, or even better use bb code for the colored part [c=#FF0000]colored part[/c].
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Thanks for that tip, man.

Managed to do a pretty decent impersonation of >>6656601
though it still needs a few tweaks.
i did that, but it stopped working after a while. think im gonna keep the normal spotify player
It's on the Google play store called the "AH kollection"
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I dunno what to add/change bois
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was thinking of adding a music player widget ltr
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