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Phone Thread - Am I doing this right?

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 326
Thread images: 112

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Phone Thread #156

Before asking for a wallpaper, reverse image search it. This function is built into 4chan now. Its not hard to do.

>Resources for Android, iPhone and Windows phone.
http://pastebin.com/JzWPVMGP - General Resources: fonts, wallpapers, color palettes

http://www.mediafire.com/view/bu0e8ordiw0il3y/banner_tutuorial.png - 'Quick and Dirty' Banner Tutorial

>Android Guides:
http://pastebin.com/G3Zde2ga - Basics and terminology to know for android.

http://pastebin.com/KHk9ZuLF - Read this after the basic/terms guide, and before your "first time post"

http://pastebin.com/86gCz85D - Starting place for a customized android notification bar. Outdated

http://pastebin.com/vuXnm1wi - WebMs made easy

>iPhone Guides:
http://pastebin.com/qGHi8GRr - Crude iPhone ricing guide

http://pastebin.com/Zzj7aGzc - Jailbreak/theming guide

http://www.mediafire.com/?xptygbsj9eqos56 - Aiko Nation Theme.

>Windows Guides:
http://pastebin.com/nE6F3zVp - thals's /w/ Guide for Ricing&Hacking Windows Phone 7 and 8

http://i.imgur.com/znGGUeT.jpg - Infograph style guide

>IRC channel

>Old thread
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Post quality has really gone down on /w/ as a whole.
You stole my only job
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Not sure if that's referring to the quality of my OP as well? Someone asked for a new thread in the other one, so I figured I might as well start it lol my bad if it's just copy/paste from the other one.

My bad dude :P
Most people just post on /wg/ phone thread now, even if anime related desu, it's a faster moving board
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>Am I doing this right?
Yes you are. Thank you.
Pic related :^) ?
Mostly empty, I assume the arrow does something... I would put the clock in the top left corner and change the color too.
It's ok.
I think this might look cooler with a thinner dark area on each side with one column of icons in each and the grey area with the clock centered in the middle. Looks pretty nice as is though.
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I was originally only going to use the material color pallette, but none of that worked well with the vector.
Liking the concept but the execution is weak. Clock placement is meh, the font is meh, the arrangement is meh. It's not terrible but it's really empty, if that makes sense. Digging the yuri vibes, though.
This is honestly great. Super minimal but I think it works really well; I especially like how the navbar blends seamlessly. If anything I would say this is one where you could actually show the status bar and it would look really good, or maybe add some other type of status info in the top corners or something like that
Just realized if you were to add stuff up top, you'd probably want to move everything down a bit just to make room
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Any input would be helpful
Well first of all it's the anime wallpaper board, so you might want to post on /wg/ instead, friend.
Second is your home screen is comfy
Third is I'm crying cause this board is dying.
/wg/ ain't exactly known for their quality posts. /w/ has had the better rice consistently. Hell they even stole the op and wrote off some posts from this thread as oc. But that's just trip fag drama.

Also board speed doesn't mean anything.
>/w/ has had the better rice consistently
Not always, it fluctuates a lot more than you would expect. I've flip-flopped between "/w/ is better" and "/wg/ is better" enough times to realise that at the end of the day neither is definitively better at ricing than the other. /wg/ threads historically have had less detailed feedback as they're still relatively new and most peoples instincts are to give meaningless number ratings, a practice /w/e stopped years ago.
What do you guys use for a good custom lockscreen these days? I'd been using locker master since widget locker died but now it's shoving ads in my face and has generally gone to shit.
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What you think? The music player can be hidden
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Err, this is my second attempt at this..
a constructive reply would be really appreciated.
I feel like it is missing something.
Thanks for the feedback. Here's a webm in return. :]

I'd change the font but apart from that it's flawless.

Change the font and add a few more icons or a music player or something.
Make the day/date smaller aswell so it isn't wider than the clock.

We need some more Yui, right?

Too much text imo. I'd find a better wp and move the banner down to the bottom.

Atm there's better rices on /wg/ imo, but there's also more newfags asking to be spoon-fed.
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Always need more Yui and her moron :^)
Technical difficulties. Will return with the webm shortly :)
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Not only would I have to redo the wallpaper, but you'd also have to see the cluttered as fuck HTC Sense notification bar.
What do you recommend? I have it set to Roboto to match the system font I set, but I'm open for suggestions.
Clock widget is Zooper Pro, if that helps.
I've been seeing really dynamic setups like this since I came back. What is this?
Go take a look at Google fonts. I'd go for something thinner than Roboto, maybe cursive as well.

All I used to make mine was klwp and nova launcher. Come join the klwp masterrace :}

Uh, basics and terminology to know for android pastebin is down. Anyone got a copy?
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Including my lock screen with this one. Unfortunately this ROM seems to add a million little JPEG artifacts to any wallpaper I set on it.

Roboto-Light any better?
Found the newfag
Works for me
People these days use KLWP for ricing ya oldfag (It's nice seeing your rice again though).
Yeah, I know. I have it installed, just haven't figured the shit out yet. Just sticking to what I know for now.

Almost forgot my trip.
That is indeed better
The colours you've chosen don't work well, that blue really needs to be changed. Don't let yourself be stifled by 'oh I don't want to use lots of space on my homescreen', if you want to add more icons give yourself more space to place them. If you're happy with that much unused space then fair enough. Final thing, check that the icons are vertically centered within that bar, I think they might be too close to the top edge. Adding a tiny (literally 2px) drop shadow to the bar will smooth the edges and make it look a bit nicer.

Not really anything here to rate, don't let your mnml rice aesthetic get in the way of functionality which is what your phone's homescreen should primarily be for. Put more shit on it so it's easier to get to apps etc, it makes more sense than trying to preserve the nice look because how much time do you actually spend staring at your homescreen?

Too much text and a lot of it isn't centered properly or is too close to other elements and needs more padding (looking at you 64 days left...) I think it would look nicer if you moved it all down so that the horizontal center of the circular picture was at the exact middle of the screen. I think that spacing will look nicer, can't say why.

Change the typerwriter-esque font. The other elements in your rice are fairly thick and rounded (and you app draw uses a sans font) which makes the thin lines of the monospace font stick out like a sore thumb. Use a nice sans font, I'll recommend Open Sans till I die but there are plenty of nice others out there like Segoe-UI and Roboto.

Nice to have you back. The drop shadow is a bit too heavy. Maybe experiment with making the clock font a few pts thicker to match the chunky icons.

Whatever you say, mate.
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I really like the font and the sans fonts I tried looked ugly and didn't fit imo. I get where you're coming from though so I changed the icons to fit more with the font. Sadly I can't change the font in the app drawer otherwise I would.
What's the icon pack and the collapsing dock widget
eleganticons, basic-icons and drawic imported to klwp. And the "widget" is made in klwp
>Not really anything here to rate, don't let your mnml rice aesthetic get in the way of functionality which is what your phone's homescreen should primarily be for. Put more shit on it so it's easier to get to apps etc, it makes more sense than trying to preserve the nice look because how much time do you actually spend staring at your homescreen?

Thanks for the feedback, but I don't use that I just made it to post on here :^)
Yeah that works better than before
>trip fag drama?
Elaborate plz
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Here's my draft ricing. Any suggestion which font and icon pack is gud
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Sort of new here, any advice welcome.
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Had this for a long time. Any suggestions would be great.
fonts.google.com for fonts and I dunno about an icon pack, lines and whicons are pretty good.

Best waifu!
Add another banner at the top and make the one at the bottom smaller or add another row of icons.

Glad to see this one back again. It's a masterpiece!
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New to this, r8.
This is fucking gorgeous
I remember this one! Still looks great, but the only thing that sticks out to me is the weird angling of the icons on the bottom. I feel like you should use an overlap group, rather than a stack group for them. That way you could rotate the whole layer on the y-axis and then stagger the icons so that they are all in line with the wall but pointed upward like they should be. Just a nitpick though lol it's just that everything else is so properly placed in perspective so it sticks out a bit. Other than that it's awesome
I actually made a pretty similar one in one of the past threads which I thought came out pretty cool. A bit less dynamic though lol, but I thought the perspective came out pretty cool
Image source?
Wasn't planning on posting here, but Google wasn't any help.

Are there any guides to accessing root on a galaxy j36 that a anons are aware of?
The place you're looking for is the xda forums.
I did, the closest I got was a bunch of info about galaxy s 2's. I'll go ask on the forums there, it just feels more comfortable asking here. Sorry.
Very nice! What did you use to make this? I've been toying with KLWP, and I don't think it allows shadows of any kind on text objects.
I know for a lot of devices that XDA doesn't cover AndroidForums usually has an "All things Root" section for. Might want to look into that instead
Okay, thanks.
I actually did use KLWP for it; if you put text (or anything for that matter) in an overlap/stack group then it will let you add drop shadows to it. Other than that, the text is all in one group that's rotated on the x-axis and the album art is nested in two groups, one of which is rotated on the x and the other on the y. Everything else is pretty standard I think though haha
the focal point doesn't fit the theme. and its really cheesy, lol
lmao dem ricers
Neato! Thanks, buddy.
What next?
Is Zooper worth getting if my phone can't run KLWP (4.2.2)?

Or is there something better?
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Here's mine. I was obviously heavily inspired by someone else's post.
Damn dude props for sticking to the pixel aesthetic through and through; looks pretty cool! If I would nitpick at anything it would probably just be that there doesn't seem to be much going on on either of the side pages. Transition with the arrows looks cool, but maybe a music section/RSS/News section might be a cool addition. Also, the status bar icons not being pixelated stands out a bit, but it's not really too bad
Thanks! You're right about the emptiness. I'm not sure what to put there. Maybe I'll try a music widget like you suggested!

I'd theme the navbar and other icons if I could, but I don't think my ROM supports it. Maybe another app can do it?
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Pic stolen from the last thread. Was wondering if anyone knows what icon pack this is. Thanks.
What's the best custom lockscreen? Is there a good Xposed module for it?
Haven't posted in months so here's my current, what do you guys think
Min icon pack
Damn that's a lot of tiny icons lol. If I were you I'd paginate that section (like 6 icons per page with three pages and keep the rest of the wallpaper static (assuming you're using KLWP). Other than that it looks pretty decent
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Am I doing good?
I want to keep the home screen as clean as possible so I decided to only put 2 widget and few icons on there
Also any recommendation for the icons? LINES free doesn't have line icon on it
Just a quick question. My LG G3 has a resolution of 1440x2560 (9:16 Aspect Ratio). What wp should I be getting/using? 16:9 ones?
Not him, but judging by the bar, that's a tablet
I loved that manga, good to see it getting some love.
poorfag here. do any of you guys know about a rom compatible with the coolpad rogue? I've done a lot of looking around and con't find one.
Oh yeah that would make a lot more sense lol
What bar? Also what tablet has wifi and a cell signal? I know some tablets you can get a sim card for mobile data but do they have working phone functionality? Who has a phone icon on their tablet home screen?
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Kinda empty.
well, there's some 7 inc tablet that include front firing speaker for phone call. It may looks awkward but at least it works
All of my samsung tabs could call...
P. Much any android with a SIM tray can make calls
I think anons point was tablets, while they can be used as phones rarely do get used as phones. A 7+ inch screen is awkward af to talk on.
Swipe up gives me the drawer.
mind if I request that background senpai
That is this, takeshi's castle?
Add cute anime girl in space suit
Any tips/suggestions?
wow dude this is amazing
care 2 share ur config?
This is honestly pretty dope. Very different from most others that I've seen; good shit! Nav and status bars blend in very nicely as well which is always a plus. Only think I can think of is that the pic is a bit low res, but there's not much you can really do about that. Maybe try to find a higher res version/alternative that works with the design? Other than that it looks awesome!
how is mine :3
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The icons near her foot are redundant and not needed. I really like the layout, it isn't the same setup like half of the posts on the thread these days.
What is with the icons on the bottom row?
Tad minimal for my taste, I'd like to see what the gestures add though! I think OP has instructions for making webm
I beg to differ, seems kind of cluttered. Resize some stuff like fonts and the music player size and it will look more organized.
Gotham icons would look good with that font.
Think you can consolidate some of those icons into folders? Like one is music media, one social media, etc

Here is mine. It is lacking right now, I've lacked inspiration or motivation or really make any widgets or setups in KLWP. I'd change the font for the weather widget if I could, but I can't
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Just thought of this while looking at yours so I mocked it up really quickly in photoshop. For some reason I couldn't get the text to wrap properly, but ideally the artist, song, and album text would wrap around the bottom of the album art in that grey area; I know klwp can get circular text, but photoshop was being lame for some reason lol. Just an idea I thought I'd throw out there for use of that space haha
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My first time ricing a phone, Couldn't find any roms for my model so I did what I could. Constructive criticism is appreciated
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The other screen
Can you post this pic? It looks so nice
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This is ma shit.
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Here's mine. Just finished Dragon's Dogma so playing with the Arisen, although it's said Dragonborn and Ashen One before.

KLWP, Nova launcher. Scrolls vertically.
Is it just me or do the battery and clock and weather widget from uccw take a long ass time to update. Sometimes not at all
Just got an Iphone 6s after being an android user for god knows how long.

Am I fucked in terms of ricing? that Iphone guide in the OP is very dated and doesn't seem to be relevant anymore.
Actually like this. Maybe make the icons a little bigger.

Here's my setup. The info above is from another KLWP setup that I just copied from.
Looks beautiful. Really nice choice on the font, what is it? My only criticism would be equally spacing your elements; the date has a larger margin between it and the clock than the day/time does. Other than that, really pretty.
Really fucking nice
I'd just make everything in the bottom straight but honestly it'd still good
I really like your wallpaper. Mind giving me a copy?
get a legit color scheme
google color schemes
Used to theme my old iphone. Ricing is about the same so long as you're jailbroken. Lots of repos for themeing if you look around.
No jailbreak for my firmware version yet.
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c-can mine be in the next op or is it too meh?
is this the cell phone desktop thread
Needs more k-on
Looks pretty nice. I'd go with Whicons and some Google font personally.
Cute wallpaper.
I like it.
Very bold color scheme. I like it.
Basic, but the wallpaper is cute
Wallpaper and widgets need work. Find a clean render/vector to use, don't upscale in GIMP/PS, use Waifu2x instead, make your widgets follow the same design principle, and maybe try to incorporate your navbar into the design.
Needs more K-On! Always needs more K-On!!
Any good Icon packs you guys can recommend?
Whicon or the small white ones
I keep seeing apk for KLWP pro by using a simple search, but they're all on these shady domains like

Are they legit?
>I keep seeing apk for KLWP pro by using a simple search
Just buy it. $4 isn't a lot of money and it's a reasonable price.
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Thanks a lot for the comments, I didn't say this before but I'm new at KLWP and the D.VA preset is a work in progress.

Now I've changed it to Fareeha.

This klwp consists on 4 layers: Home, Music, Weather and calendar, and each time you change the screen a new wallpaper is shown.

If you guys like it let me know so I can share it with you (and if you can tell me how that'd be great too).

Now look.


That's all guys.

Thanks for all the comments, I'm gonna have them in mind to make this klwp better.
shit, I forgot the capture
I absolutely need the KLWP file for this.
Say happy birthday to Bonny for me.
https://www.dropbox.com /s/3knloqoke97b323/ not_like_them.klwp?dl=0
Hopefully this works for you. Never done this. Let me know if anything is missing.
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Im trying this, but i dont feel its going well, any recs?
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Pretty minimalist me thinks.

I'm going in same direction btw
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Any chance I could grab the config for this? Love the minimalist design. Just need to implement my own w a i f u
Gib porco
What clock is that?
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ok in klwp we have global variables. like swichtes.

when i switch, it turns on (or off) and the action gets executed.

if i want to reverse that action i need to activate the same switch. ( off - > on - > off) get it? good!

so all i want to know is how to turn a switch automatically on (or off) when another switch gets activated.

i don't want my stuff layered on my homescreen and play around until i have managed to bring every switch into an off state.

can you help me?

pic unrelated
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Wallpaper pls
I'll just label everything. Give me an hour or so
Dunno if I understand it completely but I do that by having inverse animation.

For example one menu's animation is scroll and the other object is scroll inverse. Whenever I push the switch the menu scroll up to center and the other object scroll down outside the screen.

I still have to try multiple global switches tho
I know exactly what you mean because I had this same damn problem in another rice I was doing. Unfortunately, all I've found is that you can toggle switches on touch (aka switch to the opposite of whatever their current state is) but there doesn't seem to be a way to just set them on or off directly. It really sucks because you can't even do functions on touch which would allow you to check the state of the switch or something, but yeah you might be screwed. If anyone knows a way around this I'd love to hear it btw lol
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Cute wall but the icons are far too light for that wall (white on white is a no go), and the date/time block is a clusterfuck. I'd go for something a little less complex for the time block (what does 53957PM mean?), having less text elements overlap (helps with readability), and not having so many variant font colors/sizes. The huge play button in the center also kinda stands out like a sore thumb since it's flat, while your icons aren't.
Nice music taste, the icons seem a little spaced out and overall this feels a lot like a few widgets slapped together. I'd keep the fonts consistent between the clock and music player, and maybe have your icons in a more concise format. Really beautiful wall though.
Looks good in my opinion, I'd move the car icon between the play and map (?) icon, since two circles next to each other doesn't look quite as good in my opinion, but that's up to you. The clock bar could have more info in it, like the date, which might help it look/feel fuller. The multiply layer over the art above makes the whole thing feel kinda dark and dingy, too, I'd maybe remove that. It's a pretty nice job so far though, what font are you using for the music player? Looks kinda like Product Sans.
Did you get this from the Ghibli thread on /wg/? Just saw this there! Nice clock element, the two periods next to the month seems kinda weird though, and it feels very empty overall (the battery also is a little out of place, I think). If you're using gestures that's fine but I'd consider adding icons otherwise.
You can use Scrotter to combine multiple screens instead of using four posts to do so. this is a pretty neat theme, really liking the effect of the rectangles. Personally I think this would be hard to use for me (never really got into diagonal rows of icons) but it looks damn nice. I'd just hide the status bar, and maybe the < > arrows on the bottom right. Damn nice job though.
do you know what to do for icons on my chiyo theme?
Anyone knows how to airplane mode in KLWP including icon change
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I posted in the wrong thread mfw
What icon pack did you use? I love this theme, going to try to do something like this later
you did this in two threads you fucking idiot.
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Made a new rice. Started watching Evangelion and wanted to do one on it
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Music player on second page
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Sure, although it isn't really anything and sorry bout the delayed reply.

I'll actually give it another shot eventually and post the thing here again, thanks for the opinion still.

I've tried spacing and whatnot, redone it entirely and tried centering things a little bit better but it didn't turn out that well, I'll give it a real new shot soon.

Anything for Shouko.
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Second attempt at KLWP, please give suggestions; I'm not exactly sure what I should do next.

I like it, although the sudden color change is a bit too visually shocking but that's probably just me. Nice wallpapers and hexagons.
Raise July a bit up, it's getting cut off slightly. Otherwise fine.
Bit cluttered imo but that's fine if you don't need stuff like weather.
Nice! Looks really clean, any animations?
Remove the seconds and if you'd like add AM/PM. I'd change the icon pack to a white minimalistic one but that might be because I'm partial to it :p
Good Pape. I'd personally resize the music widget to be bigger.
I like the fonts, time is a bit cluttered but that might just be personal taste.
This is a bit of a workaround but atm I think it's the only way to do what you want to do.

If you have an icon and you want it to change the gv to 1 but never to 0 then you have to use an invisible box above the icon and have it set to touch>toggleGv. But here comes the magic :). Set an animation to that box which either scales it out or scrolls it out if view when the gv = 1. That way there will be nothing to click on when the gv=1 but when it's 0 there will be.
Hope this was helpful.
>aim for minimalist
>keep changing stuff because ocd
>end up with clutterfuck
Oh boy that text lmao. Other than that though, I think it looks pretty solid. I would just expand the background thing so that it touches the top of the app bar; that way it's not just floating there.
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My ocd's acting up again. Can't stop fucking with it
>stop fucking with it
I know that feeling. Eventually you'll find something just right for you though. Some kind of flow, some kind or rhythm.

>Lewd Hotaru
Is that KLWP or some kind of widget?
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>Is that KLWP or some kind of widget?
It's all KLWP. I'm trying to do random lewd quotes from doujins but to no avail
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1MB, 1080x1920px
Not a fan of #FF000000
Can anyone explain to me how I can have almost like a slideshow thing on my home screen? I want to be able to slide through an album of images by swiping. With KLWP btw. Thanks in advance.
I think theres a video by Brandon Craft on YouTube about that
New to klwp, was wondering if you can create a global switch to turn off all the other switches?

I'd like it if all the rings would close with one button

Also am I doing this right?
After turning down the dim, it really looks better. The font is motiva-sans.
I really like your rice. How do you put the screenshot in the photo of the phone? Good old photoshop?
Awesome rice, really made me want to mess arround with my ipad and see what i can do
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What image should I use for the background?

Any other recommendations?
Comfiest ios rice I've seen
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378KB, 1037x1200px

I think your rice is pretty nice you shouldn't change anything, if you want to change the background, use something like this from the Lain artbook.
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screenshot 27-07-16.png
418KB, 720x1280px
Any suggestions?
do you have the kwlp for that?
Nice music taste also the rice does look nicer without the dim filter on it haha
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Blu Tank II.jpg
74KB, 600x600px
Alright since I didn't get an answer from forums how would you put games from pre-smart phone onto something that's not android or an iphone I.E something like pic-related

would I have to mess with the files on the phone itself or the .jars
>those apps
are you a gril?
I like it.
first time here

Remove the google bar.
Hide the status bar.
Hide that text under icons.
Icons are taking too much space
I tried explaining this here
Even though it might be a little incomprehensible
Oh, missed that post, thank you!

I kinda got it to work, think I'm gonna settle with this.

The new button turns all of the ring gv's to 0, but I can't get it to roll out after I pressed it, so it still activates whatever it deactivated.
Feels comfy, haven't touched it in probably 8 months.
Simple and clean, I like it
What does everyone use to change their lockscreen?
I get rid of it

>open phone
>lockscreen shows clock
>homescreen shows clock
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1008KB, 1080x1920px
good taste
Sorry for the late reply, I can't recommend icon packs since I never use them. Try Glyphs (in another color?) or maybe Scopics.
>Nice! Looks really clean, any animations?
Thanks! Nah, it's only one page.
Ah, I must've asked this before. Thank you for telling me the font anyways, and yeah it really does look better! And thanks!! I used Scrotter to do that.
I fucked up guys, I bought an S7 and now I want to get into this shit
The music player and top icons are slightly off center, but other than that I dig this one.
So install apex and get to work.
I've got nova though I'm not a big fan compared to GNL, but it seems that a lot has to do with custom roms and shit that aren't really around for the S7

I'm trying though, really puts into perspective how good people in these threads are
can you post the wallpaper?
You don't need custom roms. Most of this is easily done with just a launcher and klwp.

No apex. Its the better free choice.
I'll give you that, the free version gives you more, but Nova gives you more for the money compared to Apex.
What's the best color scheme/palette app? I'm so anus about color theory
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Yeah it looks like you're right, learning klwp right now

Seems like the limitation is more that I have no idea of what actually looks good rather than the program itself
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SH4DY setup 2.jpg
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2/2 there are no app pages, i use InstaLauncher so the theme fits perfect
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I love gore but I love Totoro more
What's the icon?
i really like your background image. do you have a source?
in the animations tab of a certain object you can bind it's "animation" to a certain screen (homescreen page)
I love Google Now, but the widget blows, so here's my attempt at ricing GEL. Widget is Zooper custom.
Never been on this thread before, only on /g/'s phone homescreen thread.
Not that anon, but here >>1945833
10/10 comfy

I wish I could find my comfy theme

Read the guide
i dunno lol
Only changed the wallpaper, this was my homescreen a while ago
thank you!
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24KB, 1919x1079px
Anyone has decent iWidgets? I'm looking for one that has snow,And also preferably clean white transparent ones.
what icon pack is that?
why the blank wallpaper anon?
A couple small tweaks from the last one. I think I'm done with this for now.
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1MB, 720x1280px
Changed some stuff around, trying to make the hexagon fit into the circle properly.

Looks perfect. I'd remove the app drawer and make it a swipe gesture (like I did in pic related)
Nothing to *really* say here, except maybe install a white icon pack?
Nice and simple.
Same as >>1952779 although I'd move the icons to the right so that they aren't obscuring the legs.
Decent although it looks cluttered - do you really use that many apps often?
Clean, I like the background color. Btw, what font are you using?
Looks good for an iOS rice (never used iOS so I'm unsure of the capabilities)
Awesome, except the dock is kinda in the way - if you use folders there isn't really any necessity for the dock I think.
Clean lain pape desu
Love the theme going on here.
Jesus Christ that's beautiful

I'll try ditching the dock like you mentioned, what do you think I should do for babby's first KLWP clock? Hate the text I have there now, doesn't fit with my pretty red blur
Is the slute from fate/stay something?
File: Screenshot_20160730-101837.png (2MB, 1080x1920px) Image search: [Google]
2MB, 1080x1920px
Time for my obligatory "First time is this okay?" post, haven't started learning KLWP yet.
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>>1952898 here
Try orange I guess lol. That was my second attempt at KLWP so I'm not exactly an expert on it :/

Remember to keep trying until something "fits" for you. It took me several hours of tinkering around with KLWP to be satisfied with my result.
She's from Canaan.

pic unrelated, just a random wallpaper by the same artist. I'd post the one that I used but that's 10.6 megabytes.
can you link the artist?
Huke is the name.

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Done and done.
Same studio, similar artstyle, different series.

Tempted to Bootloader unlock and root this thing already, but doing so would require wiping the phone entirely...
Not sure if its really worth it or not.
It depends on what you need root for.
6p? I took the plunge and did it
Better sooner than later
Well, as I said, I just changed the wallpaper, >>1952764 is the one that I use now.
About your home screen, looks really nice.
>falling for the gesture meme
>>1952764 Image pls?
File: lazy.png (3MB, 2134x3840px)
3MB, 2134x3840px
Been a lazy shit and haven't fucked with KLWP for a good 8 months now.

There's lots of invisible hotspots for actual functionality, and I'm one of the only people in the world to actually used the Edge function of the S7.
I don't particularly NEED it at the moment, I just like to have it there for when I need to use it.
No, some off contract HTC phone I bought for like $120 because I just needed a new phone. I knew HTC's bootloaders were a pain in the ass to begin with, but I didn't know the full extent of it.
I've used gestures on and off on multiple devices for the last 3, maybe 4 years or so. I don't mind it.
HTC has a nice boot loader policy last I checked. It does wipe the phone unfortunately but they have the steps for it on their website and seem to openly encourage it to a degree.
I use mine all the time. I thought it would be gimmiky but I find myself using very often.
I thought your papes was a wolf from thumbnail.
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2MB, 720x1280px
Updated this a bit. Moved the icons + clock down a bit and added a quote of a day RSS feed.

Doesn't every phone have the wipe thing when unlocking bootloader? I know the Moto G series has it, and I'm using an HTC One M7 in pic related.
Really like the pape on this one, could you upload the image?
Looks good.
Very good even without KLWP or for a first timer. I always like pixel themes.
First time using KWLP, tips appreciated
>Clean, I like the background color. Btw, what font are you using?
Get better fonts & icons. The rounded edge rectangle thingies are overkill. Learn2 kustom icon plugin
would it be possible to have a .gif as your wallpaper and see it move?
Yeah I didn't put a lot of thought into the clock font or the icon choice, thanks for catching it. But the rectangles are kind of a motif to the stripes on Pikachu's back. The layering and colors are there to match the way the Japanese is stylized with the white/black/yellow

9x16 width:>=1080 height:>=1920 phone wallpapers
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1MB, 750x1334px
Just jailbroke my phone.
I think it turned out pretty good.
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530KB, 1000x1000px
Cirno is the cutest.

Do you use any of the third party Edge screens?
I just saw a bunch of new ones got added.
Needs more yui. Also the leafy bg is out of place IMO
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1MB, 1080x1920px
Just because I'm bored
The ones I use are People, Weather, Data, and Apps. I haven't seen any of the new ones quite yet.
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Ended up swapping the app drawer button back on, and switching back to the stock SMS client.

>Cirno is the cutest.
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97KB, 640x1136px
I've started looking into klwp over the weekend, and have a couple of questions.

How would I make an animated app drawer, similar to the one in >>1946796

Making a music player, some of my tracks still have japanese characters, causing the layout to screw up as the text box overflows to both sides even when I use a max character limit. Is there any way to anchor text to one side, or have it scroll instead?
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2MB, 3064x1724px
Tightened the boxes and added some cute stuff
>star rotation isn't centered
please delete this
I've tried. In the KLWP preview it spins perfectly but for some reason when I apply it suddenly grows a limp
Need to work on mine, I've been super lazy to do so
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2MB, 720x1280px
I'm done with this I think. The only changes I made were trying to make the quote of the day into 1 line instead of two (by resizing fonts), and making the album art grayscale.

Decent but stack the time and day of the week together so they're centered.
Kawaii desu.

Use Fonticons that open the selected app when touched once.
Clean although the WP isn't my style.
10/10, have you looked into styling the back, home, recents buttons? I don't know if that would require root though. Mine personally are capacitive. BTW, root was worth getting for me just for YouTube Background Music Xposed. (although my custom ROM was pre-rooted)
Lewd, what do the dashes at the top and bottom of the screen indicate?
IMO use a solid reddish colour that fits the K-ON background instead of the leaves background.
>Lewd, what do the dashes at the top and bottom of the screen indicate?
Top is track current time. Bottom is battery. I'm still trying to find a way to make them more subtle.
do i need something other than nova and uccw to install fonts

sorry i literally got my first smartphone ever from mom for my birthday
I'm pretty sure that installing fonts that aren't included on your phone require a root.

oh ok, I'll read up more on that then

I haven't found much about my phone though, seems Acer Z410 isnt very popular in the US huh...
you have to be at least 18 to use this website

mom and my stepdad's son say I'm pretty mature for my age

No anon, sorry.

I just came to visit mom since I've been working out of state for two months now and hadn't seen her in a while.
If you're looking on information for rooting your device, your best bet is getting information from the XDA forums.

Ah thanks anon, I found it now.

I'm not really into phones, I used the cheapest call-n-text phones you could get for years so I'm still very new to all this.

While I'm at it, is it possible to install Japanese character sets after rooting? My phone doesn't have Japanese in it and I wanna use kanji for my date, time and calendar widgets when I rice them...
Try this:
Put a star in overlap group with those spinning animation of yours, then experiment with image's padding so you can 'tune' the center of rotation.

also KLWP's preview is more of a crude render of what you'll get, so better save and take a look at your homescreen for more details.
shit, I mean >>1953374
>have you looked into styling the back, home, recents buttons?
There's ways to do it either on custom ROMs or with Xposed, neither of which I have at the moment. For now the most I an do is swap the positions of the buttons, and add in a pointless fourth button.
nice color palette. not my taste. but besides that, 10/10
well done
File: 1.webm (962KB, 720x1280px) Image search: [Google]
962KB, 720x1280px
idea from >>1946424

it's not finished yet. tell me guys if you like it and what you would improve.
Does anyone know how to have the wallpaper change when you're connected to WiFi in KLWP? I want to have a different wallpaper when I disconnect as well.
If clause


Cute, echoing the sentiments about the leafy bg. Also, maybe dim Yui's picture a little more, so that the white stands out just a tad more.
Pretty slick but lacks coherency. There is no apparent theme besides "pixel art" which, while a cool theme, isn't enough to tie everything together. Feels like pages for the sake of pages, y'know? I'd keep it limited to one or two wallpapers of the same character with a bg image with a variant (such as the day/night thing you have going on). But I am really digging that pink on that black, and the very first wall of the city at night is especially nice.
/w/, I need some decent UCCW or Zooper widgets to truly top off my phone. Don't want to run KLWP because it's heavy as shit and my phone is a 2014 flagship level phone (SD801 and 2 GB RAM). Anyone have nice ones to pair with dark wallpapers and Flight\clear icons?
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lazy 2.0.png
3MB, 2134x3840px
Removed/changed icons.

Hate to double-post, but some sort of autism wouldn't let me settle with just that original.

Also, does anyone know anything about UCCW getting out of sync with the system clock, and how to fix it?
I guess it improved
Zooper has the same problem on occasion. Usually just manually refreshing the widget somehow fixes it. No permanent solution as far as I'm aware.
Thank you, anon.
You could even have multiple ones for different wifis
Oh? How do you do that?
Not the other guy but you can achieve that through "nesting" if statements like this:

$if(nc(wifi)="CONNECTED","[path_to_first_image]", if(nc(wifi2)="CONNECTED","[path_to_second_image]", if(nc(wifi3)="CONNECTED","[path_to_third_image]")))$

Which basically reads like if ... Else if ... Else if
First time ricing so I hope you don't mind me asking some questions.

1. How do I remove the screen indicator on bottom? The little white dot on top of the app drawer, it's driving me nuts.

2. Would it be possible to have UCCW display the day of the week with kanji instead of the English word?

3. Is there a way to install fonts that doesn't mean replacing the default or another font in the OS? All methods I've seen need you to replace shit.

I'm trying to keep it pretty barebones, thanks for your time anons.
1. If you're using Nova launcher it's in the desktop settings under "Show Page Indicator"

2. Never used UCCW but I assume you could add a font pack or something?

3. I think there are apps specifically for changing fonts if you're rooted which might make it a bit more manageable. CyanogenMod let's you do it through the theme manager which is super easy to use, but I assume you're not running that?
First guy
This guy is dumb
Make a 720×1080 rectangle, slap this in transparency, visibility or an animation
You could even omit 1 and 0 and it should work
>tfw MIUI
Why would you make a rectangle instead of just having code inside the background image picker, with your method there's no way for the wallpaper to scroll, or show up on the lockscreen
Because the klwp file picker is retarded and can't into too many pics at once
Something that needs to dinamically change is better off if loaded from the start

>iPhone wannabe
>haruhi wannabe
Guy who posted the original solution here. I've never had any problems with the way I did it, but then again I stored all of my images in global image variables and referenced them so they may have already been pre-loaded at the start. I will still vouch for my solution just because it's less hacky, allows for a scrollable background (and also works for a static 720x1280 panel), and you don't need multiple large elements if you want to switch between multiple ssid-image combos. In the end, it's whatever works I suppose lol
Your solution doesn't work because apparently you're retarded and can't into formulas
NC don't work that way

Oh shit whoops my bad, I forgot how nc was structured lol. My actual solution was like this:

$if(nc(ssid) = ssid1, gv(img1), if(nc(ssid) = ssid2, gv(img2), if(...)))$
And then you can end it with a regular else part if you just want a non-wifi image for when you're out of the house I guess
Except, at least in my case, function don't nest :^)
Nor does an image global exist :^))))))
Change your system language to Japanese
File: image globals.png (80KB, 978x729px)
image globals.png
80KB, 978x729px
>at least in my case
KLWP doesn't just not work for some people, update it to the latest version and try again. If it doesn't work, that's user error, not an error with the app.
>function does not nest
They very much do, though. Different anon here but I use nested if statements all the time in KLWP. Clearly it works for others. Again, it not working for you is an indication of user error more than anything else.
>nor does an image global exist
I think what they meant was that their method didn't require nesting or using an image global. Whether or not that's actually a positive I guess is up for debate though lol
Ahh. I completely misread that then, whoops. There's loads of ways to do it anyways, no right or wrong way I suppose.

Yeah I'm not a big fan of the way UCCW works after using it for a while...


Thanks anon.

I'm runnning Nova, no CyanogenMod.


It doesn't give me the option to, only English and Spanish.
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3MB, 4000x2600px
please put mine on the next OP
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Any font recommendations? I like thin ones
Begging gets you nowhere. If you want in the op you better hope your rice impressed the trip fag that makes them.
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639KB, 640x1136px
I know, it was a joke. But I wouldn't mind it.
Is there a way to get album art displaying in KLWP without enabling the lockscreen album art option on the music player?
I'm trying to figure this out too. I'm trying every Xpose modules. Still no dice
File: SnowMeiling.webm (686KB, 640x1136px) Image search: [Google]
686KB, 640x1136px
First new device in 5 years. I have no idea what I'm doing, but the lockscreen turned out nice, I think.
So comfy. Just wondering if the animated widget drains your batt much
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Thoughts and opinions?
Kinda boring but you're onto something.
Where did you get the box to hold those apps?
Yeah, but what's worse is that after 20 seconds or so, the snow fucks up and slows way the hell down. Keeping it off until I find a suitable alternative, or find out why the tweak does that shit.

Wall please
I'm old school and just made it part of the wallpaper, and by that I mean it's a single PNG with everything else.
I think >>1954319 sums up my reaction to this. I really dig that whole bottom bar setup, but the rest seems kinda bland. White is just very jarring and white on black especially is pretty bland, to say the least. There's not a lot of variation to draw the eye, either, which doesn't help. But definitely on to something.
I have no idea what I'm doing.
Oh shit, lockscreen? What did you use?
what should i know before selling klwp presets on google playstore?
Hide lewds
Like real deep

I would love the KLWP file for this.
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289KB, 720x1280px
Firts time KLWP, send help.
>top right box bigger than top left
>'time' is a bit offset among the rest
>moonrunes is out of place
>middle 'dock' doesn't give a fuck about the borders
>Music player appears like it came from another homepage
>that fucking cup

Your homopage haywires my OCD
File: Screenshot_20160806-025718.png (225KB, 720x1280px) Image search: [Google]
225KB, 720x1280px
Tried to fix it
Pd: Yes, i know about the Music Player text
Which monochrome icon pack is the most complete?

I tried the ones from the guides and they aren't really good.
This is definitely an improvement, at least
new thread

whats the font for the top text? cute !

i like this a lot, KLWP?

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